March 26, 2013
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.
March 27, 2013 free podcast: What's wrong with the China Study? Also: is greek yogurt healthier than regular yoghurt, what can you do about nervous system failure, the best natural supplements to control pain, what is EvoAthelete, and does marijuana increase exercise performance? This is a big one, folks… (that's what she said!)
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- YES. I've been saying for years they need to do “pre-workout” carb studies in NON-fasted athletes & they finally have.
- Could Bikram yoga increase your deadlift? Perhaps.
- Results of this cycling cadence study surprised me. 60rpm turns out to be quite efficient for triathletes.
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Listener Q&A:
As compiled, edited and sometimes read by Brock, the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast “sidekick”.
Kamil says @ 00:24:55
He read The China Study and is confused about whether he should stop eating meat or not.
~ In my response I mention this Raw Food SOS article.
Bill asks @ 00:37:22
Why is Greek yogurt better than regular yogurt? Is it made with different milk? If not, wouldn't it cause the same intestinal leakage, gastric distress and inflammation?
~ In my response, I mention Episode #212 What Kind Of Yogurt Is Best?
Steve asks @ 00:47:34
He drummed for 121 hour straight (breaking a Guinness World Record) to raise money for cancer research. During the session he subluxated 4 ribs and had a seizure (around hour 116) when his core temp plummeted. It is a year later and he still has fatigue and strange symptoms (he can't get his heart rate over 120 on the bike), can you help him figure out why and what he should do about it?
~ In my response, I recommend Tian Chi and trace minerals.
JD says @ 01:00:00
During a recent surgery, while making an incision in his back, his right lower thoracic nerve was cut. He is now in a great deal of pain everyday. He'd like to know if there is any other treatment for it, other than the neurontinhe has been prescribed.
~ In my recommendation for pain management to JD, I recommend: A whole food antioxidant that includes vitamin B, D, E and wild plant derivatives, such as LifeShotz. High omega 3 fatty acids and GLA intake, including borage oil, Natural painkillers from something like phenocane, High magnesium intake, A zinc supplement, and Glutathione.
Kyle asks @ 01:10:08
He listened to the podcast with Jay Schroeder of EvoAthlete and got confused. He would like you to explain how some of Jay's techniques could be incorporated into training.
~ In my response to Kyle, I reference my current training protocol at
Anonymous asks @ 01:23:41
Wonders what your thoughts are on smoking marijuana and its effects on endurance sports (he is primarily a marathon runner).
Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!
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Just read this about Greek yogurt. I have never heard Ben mention this. Ben, is this true and is it an issue?…
Yes, read this:…
You forgot to mention the effects of marijuana on testosterone
You can read the research or you can hang around some male potheads and you can see that their tesosterone levels are very low.
Good podcast
nice, I'll have to check this out! Good to know!
If Marijuant lowers testosterone, what do you reccomend when I’m working out to lose weight, but am so uptight because of work and life, that at night, I either drink to shut down and that is calories…or if I smoke, I risk a lower T count, which would hurt my progress.
Regarding that caffeine near the end of your daily 12-hour fast, would it be detrimental to fat burning to have that combined with some almond milk? (Half cup plain, unsweetened almond milk with 1.5 cups green tea.)
Have you heard of guayusa tea? Same amount of caffeine as coffee, and twice the antioxidants of green tea, and L-theanine for positive emotional state.
Yes, almond milk has sugars in it. If anything a little bit of coconut milk would not be bad.Thanks for the heads up on Guayusa. I'll check it out!
I'm a little late to the party but thank you for your information about the China Study. I read it some time back and was on the vegan bandwagon for almost a year. I have since drifted from it since it was difficult to live with a divided kitchen and such. Since then I have swung over to the Paleo camp since it really seems to make much more sense to me. I really appreciate all of the balanced information that you bring on a weekly basis. You really work hard at it.
For Greek Yogurts … Nancy's Organic Probiotic Greek, plain flavor, fabulous. Nice tart flavor, and extremely thick. High in protein, fairly low in carbs. This one is also mentioned in the book -Rich Food, Poor Food.
Nancy's is out of Eugene, OR, so not sure how far their distribution goes.
Re: Greek Yogurt, what do you think about the Fage brand?
Fage is not too bad, Zach!
Lots of good stuff on this website (Plant Positive) – and one or two videos dedicated to examining the Minger attempts to make an argument refuting The China Study.
I also would like to commend Brock for admitting that two guys were faster than him in a road race. He didn't have to do that! Honest guy!!!
Kevin…I'm not familiar with this site, but I'll check it out!
Denise is very gentle to Campbell whilst dismantling his "China Study". Matt Lalonde (on your mate Abel James' "Fat Burning Man" show) was not so kind to him.
That said, I raise cattle for environmental reasons, as disclaimer. We are sequestering carbon as we speak, as well as supplying incredibly tasty protein from cattle raised on the best pasture species we can grow, with their help, of couse. We also like to think cattle can (should) be raised (and killed) with the the same animal welfare standards we accord them.
In the interest of full disclosure I found out about Plant Positive on the Doctor McDougall site – Vegan guy famous for writing The Starch Solution. However, I've found the videos on Plant Positive to be well put together. He's got a range of videos that provide an argument against people such as Taubes, Minger, and folks that like to trot out Eskimos as an example of a people that eats healthy.…
I found your discussion on the China study really interesting. I'm a vegetarian for environmental reasons but I found the Forks Over Knives movie pretty compelling. I thought it might be helpful to point out that chlorophyll and chlorophillin have been shown to prevent mutagenesis and in particular they have been shown to be able to bind to pro-carcinogens such as aflatoxin. I wonder if T. Cambell controlled for chlorophyll in the soy and wheat protein that he fed the rats he studied. I wouldn't expect there to be much judging from my experience with tofu and seitan. I thought this might be a useful perspective to add to the discussion.…
Interesting Cameron. I will check out this link ASAP.
Forks Over Knives is a documentary film joined later by a companion book and cookbook. The film explains the research of Dr. Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, as well as following various patients, including the filmmaker himself. Dr. Campbell did not write either book or film, although he is profiled extensively in both. He does have a new book coming out later this year.
Thanks Lance!