July 10, 2013
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.
July 10, 2013 Podcast: Can You Still Exercise When Recovering From Overtraining, How To Push Yourself While Racing, What Is The Best Blood Test, How To Fix Exercise Induced Anemia, Natural Remedies for Tonsil Stones, Are Prohormone Supplements Dangerous and 3 Good Testosterone Supplements.
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News Flashes:
You can get these News Flashes hot off the presses if you follow Ben on Twitter.com/BenGreenfield, Facebook.com/BGFitness and Google+.
- Top 5 ways to get your health-promoting, endurance-boosting nitrates: Arugula, Rhubarb, Beet, Celery & Swiss Chard.
- Your intramuscular triglycerides (i.e. your MCT's) are a HUGE SOURCE of fuel during endurance. On a related note: What fuel is used when endurance trained males exercise in a fasted state? Find out here.
- Think you're gluten intolerant? Think again. It may actually be “FODMAPS”, not gluten. Here is a chart with foods suitable on a low FODMAP diet.
Special Announcements:
This Month’s InnerCircle webinar – is on Friday, July 12, 6:30pm Pacific time and is entitled: “Be Your Own Diet Sleuth“. You’ll get the in’s and out’s of analyzing and interpreting your own nutrition and food intake – and the best resources and tools to track your diet.
The Ben Greenfield Fitness phone app – is your portal to all of Ben's best fitness shows, special episodes, and videos in one convenient spot – including exclusive bonus content you won't get anywhere else except inside this app!
2013 Thailand Triathlon Adventure with Ben Greenfield – details at pacificfit.net. Now including the pre-camp: It's a “high end” triathlon training resort. Brand new facilities – check 'em out! We're going to do coached sessions every day. It won't be hardcore training as much as a focus on learning about nutrition, training, fitness, and how to “get the edge” in endurance, life and health!
If you're looking for a topic we covered in the past – we have released the Ben Greenfield Fitness Top Hits, Vol. 1. Including:
1. The Benefits of Fish vs. Fish Oil
2. The Best Ways to Stop Hair Loss
3. Increase Your Hematocrit & Oxygen Levels
4. Strengthen Your Immune System & Shorten the Duration of a Cold
5. Top 10 Ways to Boost Drive
6. Get Rid of Migraines Naturally
7. Become a Curvaceous, Lean, Ripped Female Athlete Without Destroying Your Health
8. Stop Side Stitches as Fast as Possible
9. Is It Possible for a Vegan to Be a Healthy Endurance Athlete
10. How Much Water Do You Really Need to Drink Each Day
Listener Q&A:
As compiled, edited and sometimes read by Brock, the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast “sidekick”.
Testimonial from Chris Hughes @ 00:23:14
He's loving his custom training plan from Ben and can't wait to race Ironman Canada.
Can You Still Exercise When Recovering From Overtraining? – Mark says @ 00:27:46
He has been diagnosed with early stage over-training syndrome and was prescribed 1 month to 1.5 months of rest and recovery (he has been training for 7 years straight). He is wondering what he can do to speed his recovery along (supplements, stretching, mobility exercises, resistance training).
~ In my response to Mark, I recommend this article on overtraining recovery.
How To Push Yourself While Racing – Brett says @ 00:39:32
She is wondering if you have any tips on how to go harder in the beginning and middle or races and workouts? She feels like she is “saving herself” for the last push of a race or workout.
~ In my response to Brett, I mention how Andy Potts breathes before a race.
What Is The Best Blood Test? – Julia says @ 00:48:58
She usually takes 3 to 4 days after running or a spin class (5 days after resistance work) to feel like working out again. Could this be a diet or nutrition issue that is causing her to recover so slowly?
~ In my response to Julia, I recommend a micronutrient analysis – specifically the ION Profile w/40 Amino Acids-METAMETRIX KIT. I also recommend the Longevity test and my article on how to recover quickly from workouts.
How To Fix Exercise Induced Anemia – Ken says @ 00:57:01
At a recent checkup at the doctor he found out that although his hematocrit and hemoglobin levels are normal, his red blood cell size is on the low side of normal (mean carpuscular volume) and his ferritin is about 50% of normal. He is not yet anemic but he is headed that direction. He has some mild hemorrhoids but they do not bleed. He had a colonoscopy that was normal. No ulcers. He is an avid triathlete and is wondering if the sport may have caused this issue.
~ In my response to Ken, I recommend he listen to “Legally Increase Your Hematocrit & Oxygen Levels“. I also recommend he introduce a lactoferrin supplement and Floradix.
Natural Remedies for Tonsil Stones – Zach says @ 01:07:28
Wants to know more about Tonsil Cheese and how to get rid of it.
~ In my response to Zach, I recommend Oil of Oregano.
Are Prohormone Supplements Dangerous and 3 Good Testosterone Supplements – Chas says @ 01:13:11
He has been using prohormones supplements. In the past 18 months he has done 4 different long cycles with 3 months between cycles. He focuses on dialing in his pericycling and postcycle supplementation and gets plenty of sleep and stays hydrated even though he is training hard. He wants to build size and strength but he really likes to get the strength boost that leads to better size gains. What are you thoughts on prohormones and do you have any tips other than postcycle therapy to restore endogenous hormones?
~ In my response to Chas, we discuss these prohormone supplements. I recommend this Muscle Gain Pack and a good herbal testosterone blend like RenewMale or Aggressive Strength or Onnit T Plus.
— And don't forget to go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/love! —
Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!
Podcast music from 80s Fitness (Reso Remix) by KOAN Sound. Buy this track now!
Great episode! Hey, why not just eat fresh coconut or eat coconut oil instead of the MCT oil.
BIG differences in terms of purity. Much much higher levels of useable triglycerides in MCT oil. Plus it's more concentrated so less to "carry" while racing.