#261: Hidden Sources of Gluten, Crunching In Your Knees, Is Vitamin D Toxic, & Much More!

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Oct 23, 2013 Podcast: Hidden sources of gluten, what to do about crunching in your knees, Jessa Greenfield's top natural eczema cures, is vitamin D toxic, how to know if a supplement is illegal, and natural remedies for sports hernia.

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Special Announcements:

-Oct 31-Nov 7, 2013: Ben Greenfield will be in LA, Malibu, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara.

-December 11-14, 2013: “Achieve Ultimate Human Performance” three day online class with Ben Greenfield. Want to achieve “ultimate human performance”? Check out Ben's brand new CreativeLIVE course by clicking here. 

-Ben's new book has been released. Order it now and get entered into a raffle for over $5000 in swag! Just visit BeyondTrainingBook.com.

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-If you want to grab Vinnie Tortorich's new audiobook Fitness Confidential: you can get it on Audible by clicking here, get it on iTunes by clicking here, or get it on Amazon by clicking here. And by the way, AudiblePodcast.com/Ben is the place to go to get an audiobook of your choice, free, with a 30-day trial.

-February 6 to March 6, 2014: Want to get into the Perfect Health Diet retreat in Austin, Texas? Click here for all details. Ben Greenfield will be presenting at the Feb 6-Mar 6 retreat.

-If you're looking for a topic we covered in the past – we have released the Ben Greenfield Fitness Top Hits, Vol. 1 on iTunes.

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Listener Q&A:

As compiled, edited and sometimes read by Brock, the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast “sidekick”.

Lanny Testimonial:
He's a kinesiologist and trainer. He started running in Dec 2008 and has done Ironman 3 times now. The “Top 12 Resistance Training Routines” book has been a huge help and he considers it a must for triathletes. Being a kinesiologist himself, he loves the ease of use, the subject of periodization and is happy to add it to his repertoire for himself and his clients – great stuff!

Hidden Sources of Gluten

Gluten says:
Is it possible to be gluten intolerant or sensitive to it and not know it or show symptoms?

In my response I mention:
-The book “Why Isn't My Brain Working
DDP IV enzymes for gluten
Brush Border enzymes
-Flavonoids (AKA Lifeshotz)

What To Do About Crunching In Your Knees

Tim says:
His knees have recently stated making a “crunchy” noise in a squat, while walking up stairs or  doing a lunge. Not much pain but he has noticed some swelling, stiffness and instability in his knees. Are there some supplements, exercises or therapies he should take? He runs, lifts weights and plays hockey (goalie) which means his knees are very important to him.

In my response I mention:
-VMO Exercises like this
The “Foundation” Exercises
Capraflex joint formula

Jessa Greenfield's top natural eczema cures

Jenny says:
She has reoccurring instances of eczema around her eyes. She gets dryness and then it creates wrinkles – not good. She has gone to a dermatologist and tried creams and even low-dose cortisone (oral) and it goes away and comes back again and again. Is there something else she can try?

In my response I mention:
Autoimmune protocol
-Apple Cider Vinegar
-Lotion from beeswax and coconut oil (AKA Burt's Beeswax)
Probiotics-Omega 3 fatty acids (AKA fish oil) that include borage or primrose extract

Is Vitamin D Toxic?

Chrissy says:
She called in to the podcast about a year ago about her muscle twitches and “bubbles” in her calves. After trying to get pregnant she found out that her Vitamin D levels were low, so she started taking 50,000 IUs twice a week. Before she started taking it she was cramping, weak in the legs and stumbling during and after a race. Since she started the Vit D she feels much better, is running awesome and doesn't get any more legs cramps. Does this makes any sense?

How To Know if a Supplement is Illegal

Maria says:
She is interested in the TianChi product but is an elite athlete and is tested by WADA and USADA. She knows the ingredients aren't banned by WADA but could there be cross-contamination? Is this something she needs to worry about?

In my response I mention:

Natural remedies for sports hernia

Edward says:
He has a sports hernia (Athletic Pubalgia) and doesn't want to have surgery. He has had some success rehabbing himself (feels like he is back to 70%) but would like some guidance on using a combination of physical therapy, modality and exercise. Do you have any suggestions?

In my response I mention:
Run With No Pain book


— And don't forget to go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/love!

Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!

Podcast music from 80s Fitness (Reso Remix) by KOAN Sound. Buy this track now!


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12 thoughts on “#261: Hidden Sources of Gluten, Crunching In Your Knees, Is Vitamin D Toxic, & Much More!

  1. Mary Esquivel says:

    Ben, Thanks so much for the Nutritional Adjuncts to Fat Soluble Vitamins article. It gave me lots of things to think about. I really enjoyed it. I couldn’t listen to the banana guy podcast because I prefer to not listen to that kind of language, but other than that I really enjoy your podcasts. Mary

  2. hemming01 says:

    Hi Ben,

    I accidentally posted this question in the question for your podcast section. Never mind that.

    Is this the resistance training mask you recommend http://www.amazon.co.uk/Training-Mask-MK-Attitude… ?

    1. Yes! This is a good one, for sure – https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/TrainingMask. I’ve been scaring all the neighborhood kids with mine :)

      1. hemming01 says:

        Haha, thanks Ben. I was kind of hoping for the same effect :)

        Do you know if the tissue O2 content will be raised after use of it?

        1. I've seen no studies that show increased arterial or tissue oxygenation with used, and I do it for diaphragmatic muscle and inspiratory/expiratory muscle training. Would need "true" altitude to significantly affect tissue ox, me thinks.

  3. Alden Tyrell says:

    Man, can’t take Vinnie serious after that durianrider youtube clip.

  4. Buddy says:

    Brock Baby,

    0.7 Litres isn't 7 ml.

    It isn't 70 ml.

    It's 700 ml!

    Come on, get a grip! Make that sort of mistake when ingesting your methamphetamine-laced nutrition supplements and you'll know the difference :-)

    1. Brock says:

      Ha ha! Good thing I'm purdy… *sigh*

  5. Ammae86 says:

    Good morning,
    am I just not seeing it or is there no way to download the file? :)

    1. Yeah, we have made some changes! If you click on the date in the episode description, you can download the mp3 file.

  6. Oddwell / Jim Newell says:

    Hey Everyone,
    Quick Tip: For a funny way to get tools for self-myofascial release, all you have to do is head to your local pet store. There will be a wide variety of dog toys in various densities and sizes. Many of them work just as well as the niche products in the fitness marketplace, which, to me, are often way overpriced. Ben and the folks at Mobility Wod have some great ideas as well that don't cost much.
    As always, thanks for the great podcasts,

    1. Ha ha! Great tip. I've always wanted a bone shaped calf roller :)

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