July 23, 2014
Podcast #289 from https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2014/07/289-drinking-water-for-fat-loss-3-ways-to-keep-injuries-from-piling-up-is-deli-meat-health/
Introduction: Episode #289 of Ben Greenfield Fitness: 3 Ways To Keep Injuries From Piling Up, Is Deli Meat Healthy, How To Defat Bone Broth, Is Powdered Peanut Butter Healthy, How To Maximize Performance in Fire Gear, and Where To Find Beyond Training Audio book.
Welcome to the bengreenfieldfitness.com podcast. We provide you with free exercise, nutrition, weight loss, triathlon, and wellness advice from the top fitness experts in the nation. So whether you’re an Ironman triathlete, or you’re just trying to shed a few pounds, get ready for non-run-of-the-mill, cutting edge content from bengreenfieldfitness.com.
Brock: So you’re running a little late today. Hey, Ben!
Ben: I’m running like an hour late dude. I’ve been at the doctor all morning. All morning.
Brock: Is something wrong?
Ben: Actually, I wasn’t seeing a doctor. There are actually no physicians there. It’s just a lab where they take your blood.
Brock: Yeah. You’re giving more blood, are yah?
Ben: Giving blood. No benefits of being able to meet with a physician. They just take my blood and send me packing. I went in there to do the performance panel that I do four times a year which is where I get my cholesterol and my cholesterol particles size, my inflammation measured, thyroid, glucose, vitamin D, magnesium, testosterone, pretty much everything because I wanna see what kind of state my body is in and so as usual once the results from that come out, I will do a little screen shot video over at bengreenfieldfitness.com and walk people through the results and everything that is wrong with yours truly.
Brock: Now, is that – you said it was the performance panel. Is that still through wellnessfx?
Ben: Yeah, it will So here’s the deal We have the new website greenfieldfitnesssystems at greenfieldfitnesssystems.com and I’ve listed there the main panels that myself and most of my clients get every year you know to multiple times a year.Some people get this blood test and this performance panel even though I call it the wellness fx, it’s technically owned by – all wellness fx are owned by thorne fx now.
Brock: Oh, I see so they actually bought?
Ben: Yeah, if you order this test at greenfieldfitnesssystems, it’s called like the – the – I should know, right? The complete…
Brock: Yeah, it’s got a different name now.
Ben: It’s like the complete wellness instead of performance panels called the complete wellness. Yeah! So there you go, go find out everything that is wrong with your body and bleed into 8 billion tubes.
News Flashes:
Brock: If you enjoy social media, why don’t you learn something from it and follow twitter.com/bengreenfield.
Ben: What are you talking about dude, you could learn stuff on facebook. All about how great your friends’ lives are.
Brock: Exactly or how crazy your friends are. Sometimes I worry about some of my friends I supposed.
Ben: I think the way that it was described me once was this whole concept of facebook envy. Stems from the fact that pretty much 99% of what people posts on facebook are the good things that happened to them and the most beautiful pictures of themselves and so if you follow your news feed you constantly seeing how great everybody’s life is. Not that that’s a bad thing, you know, yeah, we don’t wanna be pessimistic or anything like that but yeah…
Brock: It’s unrealistic.
Ben: Facebook can be unrealistic and I have to say like I am not posting any photos of myself if I have a crappy workout and decide to walk home from a run …
Brock: That never happens.
Ben: … or if I instead of making a fabulous breakfast that’s look like it will took 30 minutes to pour over and ferment and soak and sprout, I instead like eat a banana when I’m running out the door. You don’t post that on facebook. Here’s my banana. (laughs) What do you have for breakfast?
Brock: There’s been nothing on facebook since I got home from my vacation. It’s like – on vacation, it’s like, “check this out look at where I am. This is amazing!” Now it’s like, “is Brock alive?”
Ben: That’s right. It’s all boring in comparison dude. twitter.com/bengreenfield. What I tweeted out this week, one was a really interesting study about the effects of water intake on weight loss and this was on the journal of Natural Science and looked at the effects of simply drinking plenty of water and what happens to body fat and drop in weight when this is done in overweight people. So pretty much all they had the folks in this study do was to drink about an extra – came out to an extra 40 -50 ounces. About 1.5 liters of water over and above the usual intake.
Brock: That’s a lot of water.
Ben: It’s not that much, dude. That’s like 2 water bottles maybe?
Brock: I guess that depends on how much water you’re already drinking.
Ben: Yeah! But it’s like 2 bike size water bottles, right? Which are…
Brock: Yeah, I guess it’s usually 750.
Ben: Yeah, those range 20-24 ounces somewhere running there. So yeah, 1.5 liters of water and what they found was a significant decrease in weight, body fat, and appetite suppression in the overweight – in this case it was female participants in the study and all they did for 8 consecutive weeks was drink more water. And so what I tweeted was fat loss pills, more cross-fit, intermitted fasting, try drinking more water first.
Brock: That’s plain, that’s one of those I’ve been seeing like Shadow Lane Magazine or Mademoiselle or something like that but now there’s actual science behind it.
Ben: Of course the problem here is that a lot of water has fluoride and chlorine and it’s not – I don’t know what they give to people in the study. I don’t think it’s like magical structured water or anything like that but I think that if you’re listening in and you wanna use this as an appetite control or a weight loss strategy, pick the right water. I’ve got some good ones for you here, Brock. Some of my favorite bottled water brands. Are you ready?
Brock: Alright.
Ben: So of one the better ones is a Voss. Now Voss is a spendy stuff but it’s from Southern Norway and it is advertised as naturally unfiltered and they’ve got still varieties, they’ve got sparkling varieties. I don’t know if you had this stuff. You can get it in gourmet food stores but it taste good. It’s called Voss – V-o-s-s. Voss artesian water, so and anytime you live a water is artesian. It just taste better period.
Brock: Yes of course!
Ben: I give you a few more. St. Geron – that’s g-e-r-o-n, have you seen this one?
Brock: No. I don’t think I’ve ever paid attention to the bottles water I buy or drink.
Ben: Okay, so one of the things you can do is you can test water for nitrates. We’ll talk about nitrates later on and I’ve been testing things all over my home for nitrates because I’ve got this new probe – that’s called the lapka and you can literally stick it into bananas and tomatoes and cucumbers and anything else and you can measure the nitrate levels which are directly correlated how much fertilizers that piece of produce has been exposed to. So…
Brock: So do you want them to be high or low?
Ben: You want them to be low ideally even though – we’ll talk later about how it’s not as important in fruits and vegetables for nitrates to be low as much as it is in like meat for example. But when it comes to all these fruits and vegetables, it’s really interesting like I go out to my backyard garden and pop this probe into like the cucumber, I’ve got almost none existent levels of nitrates but if I pop into like an organic tomato from the grocery store, it shows that it’s organic compared to the amount of nitrates in the normal tomato which is kinda cool to know that the tomatoes I’m buying that are organic are indeed organic. Then for example, I am not going to get the organic carrots that I buy anymore because I prove those and which is legal in the state of Washington by the way, proving carrots.
Brock: Proving carrots just not in public.
Ben: Just not in public. In the privacy of your own kitchen. My carrots nitrate levels are through the roof and they’re advertise as an organic carrots so somewhere along the line they’ve been exposed to either fertilizer or pesticides or herbicides or something. I’m getting the people who invented this device which also measures like humidity, temperature. I’ve been measuring electromagnetic radiation in every room in my house and what happens when I unplug and plug certain things back in. Really cool device. Just plugs into your iPhone, it’s called a lapka. So, total segue.
Brock: Is that the thing you dropped in to the garbage just before we started the podcast?
Ben: Yeah, it was sitting on the edge of my desk.
Brock: Oh, okay.
Ben: I accidentally drop in the garbage.
Brock: Anyway, so back to water. So you test the water to see if it got nitrates?
Ben: Yeah, and this St. Geron stuff, super duper low in bacteria and nitrates and it goes to this third party testing and everything and this is another one you can find most that’s high amount like the fancier grocery stores like – you can find that in 7-11 but they are in glass bottles which is great compared to plastic. So, St. Geron is another one. I’ve got a few more that you probably are familiar with, that are good brands that are high in minerals, that are pretty hygienic waters that are filtered and how little bits of mineral and sand in them which is actually good. Things like silica and sand and mineral deposits in your water is good. You want that? It adds flavor and it also allows you to get some of the minerals that are responsible for cellular metabolism and enzyme function and all that stuff. Evian is really good. We joke about Evian being overpriced and everything but it’s actually really good French water and it’s got a really good mineral content. Fiji is another one and yes, I know that – I think they’re own by coca-cola but that is one form of coca-cola that I would definitely approve of. If you’re gonna use this whole drink more water for fat loss thing and Fiji’s a good one.
Brock: It’s just that and the Mexican coke.
Ben: Yeah, that and the Mexican coke. This stuff with the real sugar instead of the high fructose corn syrup. There’s no big difference between these two by the way. Good article this week over at examine.com about that incidentally. I’ll give you a few more. Perrier, perrier… how do you pronounce it up there in Canada?
Brock: Periei.
Ben: Periei. Yeah, periei is really good, all their flavors have really good mineral content and it’s a nice clean water and of course that one also you can generally get in glass. And then the last one I have to give a shout out to – actually I’ll give you two more. The Gerald Steiner just because I know a lot of stores have that. That’s pretty good too. It’s got minerals, it’s got carbonic acid, it’s got bicarbonate. That’s one is actually great one for athletes just because you got a little bit of buffering properties in that. So, really good for like alkalinity and things of that nature. And then the last one, and I’m picking this one just because of the super sexy name – volvic natural spring water.
Brock: Sexy to people who like medical terms.
Ben: That’s right. So, volvic is from a …
Brock: Think about your partner’s body in medical terms.
Ben: It’s actually because it’s from a volcano region but it comes from this town that it’s near an area that has a bunch of gray volcanic rock and it’s really good stuff too. There’s some waters for you that you can pick up from the grocery store if you’ll gonna add more water and you don’t trust your own municipal water. That would actually be good for you and turns up help with fat loss too.
Brock: So all that stuff is – does not base on taste test and stuff. These are actually scientific studies of the water.
Ben: Yeah, but generally like the higher the mineral content – and to some extent the better it’s gonna taste. There are some cases where high minerals are not good like – I dug a well last year on my land and it’s really, really good, rich water like mineral rich water but the iron levels are pretty through the roof on it and hemochromatosis or iron overload can be very stressful on your heart. So, I will have to add an iron filter to that water but in most cases these amount of minerals are good thing.
Brock: Yeah. The reason why I ask is there is that awesome Penn and Teller video where they went into this high-end restaurant and got this concierge like water – water similier to the end of the tables and like offer all these different kinds of water and they were actually getting all the same water out of a hose in the back of the restaurant and people are like, “Oh, you can really taste the difference between this one.” Like $7 glasses of water, $12 glasses of water and at the end, they revealed that it was all coming out of the same hose. People were dumbfounded but they stood by their claim that it actually tasted better.
Ben: No other but the placebo effect. So, you got that.
Brock: Yeah. So, but we’re not talking about that here. This is real.
Ben: Let’s throw one other news flash. He’s a video freak who has spent a long time on that one so, I throw one other news flash out of you. And this one appeared on The Sweat Science Blog which was about the unsung benefits of flexible blood vessels. It was really an interesting article that went into a study just published in a Journal of Applied Physiology that points out this growing pile of evidence that your vessel function in particular the flexibility of your blood vessels is very important for things like heart rate variability which we’ve talked about on the show before as being the really good indicator of interplay between your nervous system and your cardiovascular function and it’s also really, really important for avoiding arrhythmias which a lot of our listeners being like cyclists, triathletes, marathoners, weight lifters, want to make sure that they’re careful to pay attention to. So vessel function is really important and one of the things that this study points out is that as we would all expect, exercise is an extremely powerful way of preserving your vessel function and your vessel flexibility as you age in particular how well that inner lining of your blood vessels are able to like be elastic like have these elastic properties that are able to respond to dilation and contraction. The idea here is that there are specific forms of exercise that increase vessel flexibility better than others and it turns out and, Brock I’ll ask you this and see what you think about resistance training, weight training. What do you think does that for vessel flexibility?
Brock: Ah, I bet it increases it. The extra blood flow.
Ben: Actually it doesn’t do whole lot compared to – so the order of vessel flexibility… so weight training is the least important and then aerobic training is the next least important but the thing that really enhances vessel flexibility is a combination of weight training with resistance or weight training with cardio. So for example, rowers have extremely good vessel flexibility because they are doing resistance training and cardio simultaneously.
Another example of this would be not traditional resistant training but something more like super slow and controlled resistance training. Like the efficient exercise protocol, all that Keith Norris from Paleo FX does or the Body by Science protocol from Doug Mcduff or you’re doing just like 5 exercises, really slow and controlled to complete failure – that is the way to train cardiovascular capacity while at the same time getting stronger. Another final example be just do burps training. You know, which is a style of training that you and I are doing right now Brock. Both of us are training for obstacle races.
Brock: So many burpees.
Ben: Yeah! You’ll like be it on the run but then you’re stopping and then you’re lifting a log or a rock, doing burpees, doing some poles, you know, continuing on through the forest chase by wolves, carrying your spear in one hand, and a heavy rock in another, yeah, and a baby wolf to get the wolves really pissed off just to chase you harder. Yeah, it’s hard core. So yeah, blood vessel flexibility, resistance training and aerobic exercise combine together are really good. We will link to that and oh, so much more over at bengreenfieldfitness.com/289 if you wanna check out this week’s news flashes.
Special Announcements:
Brock: So you’re going to Hollywood?
Ben: Hollywood! Yeah, I’m quitting the podcast and becoming an actor in Hollywood.
Brock: Nice!
Ben: My brother tried that for a while by the way. He moved to Hollywood and became like a – my brother who I got all jacked up. I put him on a – this low carb, high fat diet and we did an article on him. His name is Zach and he got just like all jacked and then moved to Hollywood and was gonna be an actor and wind up on all this underwear websites and everything and – now he’s moving back home and he got…
Brock: Wait, legitimate underwear websites or like sketchy ones?
Ben: Ah yeahh…
Brock: A little bit of both?
Ben: Yeah. (laughs) More along the lines of sketchy. If you google Zach Greenfield and click images, you’ll see what I mean. Warning: especially guys, you may not want to do that. Ladies, you’ll probably pleasantly surprise. Anyways though, the deal here is that – I have completely segued, I forgot what I was talking about.
Brock: Segued!
Ben: Oh Hollywood. That’s right.
Brock: Segued!
Ben: Segued. Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Biohacking Conference which you can check out at bulletproofconference.com. Good luck spelling that by the way. I think most people don’t know how to spell bullet or conference or bulletproof conference but it’s – we’ll put a link in the show notes anyways. It’s bulletproofconference.com – Sept. 26th through the 28th and Dave Asprey has got like entrepreneurs, Olympic athletes, nutritionists, biohackers, and he’s bringing in all these goodie you can just play with like really expensive biohacking gear. I went last year and it was pretty fun. You hook up electricity to your head and you do like the 20 years of Zen meditation all shoved into 10 minutes and pretty good food, and of course good coffee and it’s gonna be cool. I’ll be speaking there by the way, so you can come hang out and have some dinners and stuff with me and chill and…
Brock: Steven Kotler that you just interviewed. He’s gonna be there too, right?
Ben: Yup, he’s the flow guy.
Brock: Yeah, so if anybody wants to know about flow…
Ben: Uhmm, uhmm. Flow here, what we are referring to is the alpha brain wave state flow not to be confused of what ladies talked about when they’re out of dinner. So, (laughs)…
Brock: That’s not polite, dude. Did a conversation… what kind of ladies do hang out.
Ben: Sorry, sorry girls. I’m offending you right now. So anyways, yeah the bulletproof, biohacking conference, check it out. It is at bulletproofconference.com Sept. 26th to the 28th. I think you’ve got like from the time this podcast comes out like 5 days to get in with their whole early bird discount deal. I don’t really plug a lot of conferences but this one is a good one and so there you go.
Brock: Maybe we can figure out some kind of race to do. I don’t usually like bench with that far from my home. LA’s is quite away from Toronto but maybe we can figure out some obstacle race or something.
Ben: I’m actually doing – I’m doing Vermont world championship for Spartan on Sept. 21st then speaking over in Vermont at something called the 401 Project. You can check out 401project.com and then speaking at another conference in Vermont and then flying out a red eye over to LA to go to this bulletproof biohacking conference so, I don’t think I’ll be doing any racing on – down there in Pasadena but knock yourself out if you want.
Voiceover: Did you know that Ben Greenfield personally mentors trainers, coaches, physicians, and nutritionist from around the globe? From business building tips to advance team and performance and health concepts. It’s all part of a private mastermind called the Superhuman Coach Network. When you join you get instant access to monthly workshops with Ben, a Q and A forum, over forty hours of cutting edge audio and video education and much more. Check it out today and become one of the world’s leading health and fitness experts at superhumancoach.com/podcast. That’s superhumancoach.com/podcast.
Listener Q & A:
Liz: Hi Ben and Brock, this is Liz. I’m an avid long course triathlete and just a couple of weeks before my A-race, my last race of the season I was diagnosed with a partial tear in my plantar fascia so no longer doing that race but my podiatrist says that I can still swim and bike and I’m going to start going to physical therapy but I’m going to need to wear a movable walking boot for 3 months to keep my toes from flexing back in order to allow the tear and the fascia to scar together and heal. And of course I can’t run during this time. So, I’d love your advice on 3 things all related: first, what can I do to promote the healing of the fascia itself? Second, what can I do to keep the awkward gait of my walking boot from causing problems elsewhere on my body? And lastly, what exercises can I do during these 3 months to expedite my return to running once I get clearance to ditch the boot. Thanks so much. Love the podcast.
Brock: Yeah, I think it’s so cool that they actually have those robo boots now that you can put on and you can walk on broken bones ‘cause man back in the day have this huge plaster things on and they were just ridiculous. You couldn’t get them wet, you couldn’t step on ‘em, you get to change all the time ‘cause they got stingy…
Ben: I wear robo boots just for fun. So, Liz don’t feel bad I actually just wear my movable walking boots just to basically pull little hair on my chest. So…
Brock: Just didn’t make you walk like the Frankenstein’s monster?
Ben: Yeah, but this is the issue – is that folks who are active get injured and they get into some kind of gear to help them recover whether that be an arm brace or knee brace or boot like this. You keep exercising and you develop muscle imbalances or gait imbalances because you’re moving while trying to accommodate the piece of gear that you are tied to. So you know like Liz, she has – she’s concerned about the awkward gait of this walking boot causing problems elsewhere on her body and it’s a legit issue. I’ve even had something as simple as an ankle sprain, put me in a high ankle brace and gone running with that high ankle brace and then develop tendonitis on the underside of my foot because I was using different little foot tendons and foot ligaments and foot muscles because I was wearing that little brace that wrap around the bottom of my foot. So, and you know, and then you get this vicious cycle. This happens to athletes all the time. I got IT band friction syndrome so I started to wear this brace on my knee, I change with my hips move and then I got hip tendonitis and then throw my back because of that and my shoulders got all funky and it’s definitely one of these things where injuries pile up. So, you have to nip it in the bottom figure out how to stay fit when you’re injured, how to continually move with your injury so that as you’re moving you’re able to avoid a lot of these gait imbalances that would threaten to develop. So, I have 3 tips that I want to give to Liz. The first tip is the whole concept of the unilateral or what’s called the contra-lateral effect and we’ve talked about this on the podcast before.
Brock: This is where you curl, do bicep curls with your left arm but it’s actually is building your right arm as well.
Ben: Exactly. You do a contra-lateral training effect and so you want to make sure that rather than avoiding doing exercises when the opposite side is injured because you think that that might somehow avoid you creating an imbalance. You should do just the opposite and actually train the side that isn’t injured because you will get a contra-lateral training effect. And interestingly they did a study in the past couple of years in which they had folks not just do strengthening for the unaffected, uninjured side but they had them do stretching and what they found was that there’s also a contra-lateral flexibility and range of motion effect where – meaning that, and this still blows my mind how this works. I suspect that it’s because our fascia is relatively interconnected and kinda covers our entire body. Folks would stretch their left calf for example and experience greater range of motion in the right ankle. So the idea here is that you should be working the opposite side specifically in this case. You know, if you’re in the boot, let’s say on your right leg, you’d want to be doing left leg calf stretches, left leg, single leg, press single leg, calf raises, single leg squat if you can pull them off. Things that really work that opposite side.
So that’s one way to make sure that injuries don’t pile up is to continue to train and not be afraid you’ll gonna create imbalances to that continued training not just strengthening but also stretching for the opposite side.
Brock: And would you continue to train like would you actually go harder than you normally would or just stick with the same auto reps and weights that you would do on any normal time?
Ben: Stick with the same programming that you’re accustomed to with the…
Brock: It’s like eating for two and training for…
Ben: Yeah, with the exception that are obviously you know, your single leg squats gonna be a lot different volume and intensity than a double leg squat. But yeah, ultimately you’re still training at a relatively tough intensity. So, that will be number 1. Number 2 would be one of my favorite modes of exercise that I really geek out on if I’m injured because it provides a great deal of both cardiovascular and also muscular resistance. Meaning, what I’m referring to here is water running and water exercise but you specifically get this hydrostatic pressure of the water against your blood vessels so you’re having to work a little bit harder from a cardiovascular standpoint but you also are engaged in what’s called an isokinetic contraction meaning that the harder you push against the water, the heart rate pushes back against you so you get this nice strengthening effects too. Whenever I’m injured, I tend to be spending a lot of time either on a pool or a deep body of water like a lake or river doing everything from treading to aqua jogging to wearing the – they make like resistance training gloves that increase the resistance of your hands, they make water running shoes with special belt and fins that increase the resistance of your foot against the water, water running belts. There’s all sorts of ways that you can get a good workout on the water. An underwater mp3 player is essential for this because you’ll get bored to death running in the water. I’m a huge fan of water resistance. All the athletes that I coached if they get injured, one of the first thing we end up doing is aqua jogging sprint, aqua jogging drills, leg swings, arm swings, even some forms of water aerobics, gradually working up to water plyometrics. There are a ton of things that you can do in the water. So in addition to train the opposite side, get in the water, make it your friend and when I’m injured – because you’ve bounced back so quickly from it ‘cause there’s no muscle fiber tearing and curling only in the water up to everyday when I’m injured to maintain fitness.
Brock: I actually give my athletes water running brocoats as part of a taper.
Ben: Yeah, exactly. It’s really good for tapering and if you’re getting ready for big race and you don’t want a lot of joint impact, really good studies on how water running specifically can help maintain your maximum rate of oxygen utilization or your VO2 max. So, I will put a link, I’ve got a whole water running section now over at greenfieldfitnesssystems.com or I’ve just listed some of my favorite stuff like: my underwater mp3 player, water running shoes, water running belt, kinda some of the main things that you’d need. You can even add in if you wanna do like hypoxic training at the same time like one of these front manage snorkels with the cardio cap airflow restrictor on it, like you can make water running pretty dang hard, pretty macho, pretty…
Brock: Put a weight vest on.
Ben: Arnold Schwarzenegger asks – yeah, I don’t try the weight vest yet. I don’t know if I’d recommend that.
Brock: It seems like a terrible idea. What did I say? Okay, what’s number 3?
Ben: Be able to work ______ [0:28:28.7] early quickly. Okay so, number 3 would be something that I’ve already mentioned when I was talking about vessel flexibility and that this whole – I think it’s about 12-18 minutes but it’s the protocol laid out by Doug McGuff in the book Body by Science with the idea being that if you’re doing high intensity interval training like cardio to get yourself up to maximum energy expenditure to really exhaust yourself, you are going to suffer in terms of form, biomechanics, increase risk of injury, and all sort of things when you’re using that as a sole means to build up tons of lactic acid or to train yourself anaerobically. If you put yourself on a series of say like five different basic exercises, and in Doug’s book for example: chest press, seated row, lat pull down, leg press, there’s one another that I’m blanking on right now. It’s five exercises and you do those exercises extremely slow and controlled to complete failure. You’re building up massive amounts of lactic acids so you’re training your lactic acid buffering capacity, you’re increasing vessel flexibility, you’re increasing strength, you’re increasing venous blood flow return to the heart and specifically what’s called peripheral resistance in a lot of your blood vessels which also helps you to create more nitric oxide and you get all these downstream training effects in a very safe exercise environment. So, for example if I have an athlete who has injured their lower body but still wants to maintain their
cardiovascular status, I’ll not only have them do upper arm ergometer exercises like those weird, like spin resistance with your arms thing at the gym but I also have them do super slow and controlled chest press. Super slow and controlled seated row, super slow and controlled lat pull down and you have to go really hard. You have to check out your pride at the gym door because you might do 3 reps just super slow and it might take you 2 minutes to do 3 reps and you’re completely exhausted and that’s the only 3 reps that you do for that one machine but that works really well especially when you’re injured. You need to get a lot of work and you need to do it in a safe format. So that’s the last thing I’d recommend. Grab the book Body by Science and start into the protocol that’s laid down in that book and you can do that 2-3 times a week. If you’re going hard enough with that particular workout, you shouldn’t be able to do it more than 3 times a week. If you can handle that workout more than 3 times a week, you’re not working hard enough on it. Those would be my recommendations for Liz to keep injuries from piling up: super slow training, using the Body by Science approach, some water running then that contra-lateral training and stretching.
Brock: She also asked in her question about some hints and stuff to heal her fascia a little bit quicker and we’ve covered that before in another podcast. So Liz just go and do a search on bengreenfieldfitness.com for like healing quickly, recovering from injuries quickly, that kinda thing and you’ll find tons of stuff.
Ben: Yes. That’s Brock polite way of saying, “Let me google that for you.”
Brock: Exactly.
Donald: Hey Ben and Brock! This is Donald calling Louisiana. I have a quick question about those big circular press together deli meat that you find in Deli’s Walmart stores like that. That can’t be naturally made and I’m just wondering if that will help your choice. It seems like a quick way to go and grab a couple of meat to make you a quick sandwich or something before or after the gym, it seems a little too convenient and too good to be true. So, I’m wondering what are the health benefit if any that those big, pressed together cut of ham, turkey, and chicken meats? What are the benefits of those or should I stay away from? Thanks, guys!
Brock: Hmm, circular breast to the other turkey.
Ben: Hmm, turkey! So yeah, this returns to what we’re talking about before when it comes to…
Brock: All the nitrites.
Ben: …nitrites and nitrates. So these are compounds that have been linked to cancer in lab animals and also in humans and you find lots of nitrates and nitrites in cured meats like ham, and bacon, and hotdogs, and sausages, and of course these wonderful big old cold cuts that you see there in the deli case at most grocery stores. Now the deal is that nitrates and nitrites are not necessarily unnatural. They’re both naturally-occurring substances that you find in food, and like we mentioned earlier you find them in water, and they’re actually produced by your body’s own cells. And they’re – they’re important in many chemical reactions within your body. But they can also when present in high amounts or when not opposed with natural nutrients that help them to be metabolized properly can do things like increase your risk of cancer. And these reactions in terms of nitrites and nitrates being more likely to cause things like reactive oxygen species and what are called advanced glycation end-products or compounds that essentially cause you to age faster and build up plaques in the brain and increased risk of cancer and all these other stuff, these reactions are more likely to occur in the presence of protein and meat that you’d find in a cold cut is of course mostly protein. Now if look at nitrites for example, nitrites get a lot less likely to be converted into harmful chemicals when they’re consumed in the presence of vitamin C and other antioxidants. So, in most studies that find a link between cured meats like we’re talking about these cold cuts and cancer, this link is only observed in people who eat the most amount of cured meat along with the least amount of vitamin C. And vegetables contain naturally high amount of vitamin C, as do fruits. Which means that the low levels of naturally-occurring nitrites and nitrates in vegetables and fruits are naturally controlled by the amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants in those vegetables and fruits. And so, it’s not a concern the nitrites and the nitrates in that type of environment. Now if you’re eating cured meat, and I’ll talk about some of the healthier varieties, they’re still gonna have nitrites and nitrates in them. But what you’d wanna do is make sure that you’re either treating that meat in such a way that you’re not releasing a lot of what are called nitrosamines or that you’re combining them with high amounts of vitamin C and natural antioxidants. So…
Brock: Throw them on top of a huge salad.
Ben: Exactly! This is where things like lemon juice salads, greens, fresh fruits, things of that nature should always be consumed along with cured meats when you can and when you can, you should also look for the nitrite-free versions if you’re able to find those but at least get in vitamin C and antioxidants along with cured meats. Basically, eat your vegetables is what I’m trying to say. High amounts of antioxidants in vegetables can inhibit the conversion of nitrites into harmful compounds. That would be one thing to bear in mind. Another thing is that not all cold cuts are created equal. So, there are some cuts that are cooked. So if you think about pastrami and roasted turkey and roast beef and ham, those cold cuts are cooked lunch meat options and they’re generally derived from real animals and don’t have a lot of things like high fructose corn syrup and preservatives and you can usually find nitrite and nitrate-free versions. And those aren’t too bad compared to the relatively fake versions of those you’re gonna find in Oscar Meyer’s bologna and stuff like that. So the real meats that are cured and that often don’t see incredibly high heat as well are fine. And you can find the more natural versions. Some of the better ones that fall into that category if you’re looking at specific brands of good deli meats would be Applegate Farms, is a pretty good one and for turkey, there’s one called –I don’t know how you pronounce it, I think it’s Koaches? Koch’s? K-o-c-h? K-o-c-h.
Brock: Koch.
Ben: Boars. Boars is not too bad. There’s another one called Dietz and Watson. That’s D-i-e-t-z- and Watson. And then Hormel’s is also really good. And if any of those you can find them, buy that brand name or the nitrite or nitrate versions or nitrite or nitrate-free versions of the others, that’s gonna be pretty good. Of course any time you can find organic, vegetarian-fed, grass-fed, no growth hormones, no antibiotics, those type of meats that’s gonna be a little bit better. And frankly, if you can’t find those versions and you’re at a pinch, choose the leaner ones with leaner cuts just because less of the toxins, less of the omega-6 fatty acids are gonna get stored just because a lot of that stuff tends to get stored in the fats so that would be a case where you’d wanna choose the leaner versions when you can. So, I’m a big fan of artisanal meats like cold cuts with some aged cheese and some freshly-made sour dough bread and that type of thing. But when we’re talking about the average cut at the grocery store, you just need to be careful. You need to make sure that you consume it with vegetables or fruits, or some other form of vitamin C and antioxidants. Use one of those brands that I just talked about and if possible, look for the nitrite or the nitrate-free versions.
Brock: Or just buy yourself a proper ham or pork roast or something to make it at home, put it in the fridge, slice it up really thinly and voila! You have your own deli meat!
Ben: That’s right! And any of these meats if you cook them, or whatever saute them, mix them, anything like that, they produce a ton of nitrosamines. So if you were gonna reheat these, you need to do it really, really gently. Not like this guy who I knew who like, his go-to meal is he’d take the turkey or the deli meat and put it in the microwave with cheese piled on top of it. And when you just mix it at high temperatures, the meat naturally curls around the cheese if you leave it in there for a few minutes and then you just take it out and eat it, full of nitrosamine, cheesy goodness.
Dave: Hey, Ben! This is Dave from Aurora, Indiana. I just made my first batch of bone broth and it’s super delicious. The question I have is when I put it in the refrigerator, it looks like there’s a quarter inch of pure fat on the top, and I’ve just been heating it up and drinking it whole. My question is should I remove that fat or should I not? Thanks! Enjoy the show! Talk to you later. Bye!
Brock: Crusties!
Ben: Hmm! Bone broth crusties! I love them! We make our own bone broth here in the Greenfield household and anybody who has made their own bone broth knows that you get this fat on the top of it. And it just kinda collects there on the top, and there’s some gelatin in there, there’s some fatty acids. You can get rid of that if you don’t like chunky bone broth, especially if you’re gonna move on and use your bone broth for other recipes, and you don’t want those other recipes to have a bunch of coagulated junk in them, or you want it to be of a certain texture, removing the fat is really simple.
I will put a video in the show notes over at bengreenfieldfitness.com/289 but all you need is a spatula, and you use this thin flat spatula and you slide it across the broth and you can basically remove the fat really easily. You can put it into a separate mason jar or any other storage container and then you can use that as a cooking fat. It works really, really great as a cooking fat that you can…
Brock: I make candles out of mine.
Ben: Or you could do as Brock does and buy yourself some wicks and stay up late at night next to the fire-making candles. Because Brock has nothing better to do with his time than to skim fat off bone broth and make candles with it. Poor things!
Brock: Seriously!
Ben: Do you really make candles with your bone broth fat?
Brock: No, I don’t. I actually stir it back in. I was gonna ask you, with the technique I know it’s in the video but the technique with the spatula, do you do that before you put it in the fridge while it’s still on the stove cooling down?
Ben: No. No. You do it once it’s basically settled. Because it’s gonna take a little while once you put it in the fridge to separate. And it makes this gel. So then you can use that for – particularly for high-heat cooking. It’s very, very high smoke point, very stable at high temperatures. So that’s what I would personally use it for. Interestingly, you can also simply keep that on top of the bone broth until which time you plan on using the bone broth because it’s just like cellophane. It acts to protect the bone broth and keep it from degrading and keep all those rich and nourishing nutrients wrapped up inside the bone broth. So you can do it that way, too. So…
Brock: I’ve had a couple of disasters where I’m stabbing at the layer of fat with a knife or something to try and get to the good stuff underneath and it just splashes everywhere. It can be quite solid.
Ben: Related to what I was talking about earlier about choosing lean meats if you don’t think that the animal that the meat is from was organic or grass-fed or something like that, same goes for that fat. If you’re cooking some kind of a chicken or making bone broth out of a whole chicken let’s say, if you have no clue where that chicken came from – the farm, toxins in there or anything like that, then you probably would wanna skim that away and not use it. So, that’s a case where you just have to kinda decide based off the situation that you’re in. So…
Elyse: Hey, Ben! What do you think about the dehydrated peanut butters that take away all the fat before they’re packaged and resold?
Brock: You crazy Americans! I’ve never seen…
Ben: You guys don’t have dehydrated peanut butter up there?
Brock: I’ve never even heard of dehydrated peanut butter!
Ben: Oh, even several years ago when I was body building people were into dehydrated peanut butter just because it’s like a way to get all the peanut butter goodness that a lot of people frankly especially in exercise are freaking addicted to and get it without feeling guilty about all of the hydrogenated fats and trans-fatty acid, and everything else that we hear about is in regular peanut butter. And there’s actually a brand called PB2 that’s powdered peanut butter. It’s really popular here in the States, again especially among exercise enthusiasts and especially fat-phobic exercise enthusiasts because it’s a powder that they make by squeezing the oils out of the peanut then dehydrating what’s left over and you get this powder where there’s 90% of the fat removed from the peanut source, and it’s just basically de-fatted peanut powder. And you still…
Brock: And what the heck do you do with it?
Ben: Well, you use it as flavor ‘cause you’re not getting any of the monounsaturated or the polyunsaturated fats or the vitamin E or pretty much any of the nutritional content of the peanuts. But what you are getting is concentrated powder flavored peanut goodness that you can add to smoothies and shakes and stuff like that.
Brock: So is the protein still there?
Ben: Yes, some of the protein’s there. The PB2 the stuff that’s the most popular brand of a powdered peanut butter, it’s not organic and conventional peanuts are some of the most heavily sprayed crops that exist. So you get a ton of toxic pesticides on this stuff. Most of the brands they’ve added refined sugar to to make it taste even better. And there’s a risk that we talked about in the show before in the peanuts because unless they’re grown and dried in arid climate which the peanuts that are used to make this PB2 stuff are not, then you also have a relatively high risk of aflatoxins. So I’m not a huge fan of powdered peanut butter. I don’t think it’s gonna be that healthy for you unless you’re still kinda – let’s put it this way, if I had to choose between Jiffy and powdered peanut butter, I would go with powdered peanut butter just because I’m at least not putting that strain on my arteries and getting a lot of – a lot more of the free radicals that are gonna be found the type of fat that’s in Jiff. But I mean if you have the convenience and the luxury of being able to choose, I mean go with, go with an almond butter. Raw nut butter is the way to go.
Raw almond butter, raw cashew butter that is much, much better.
Brock: Macadamia butter.
Ben: Macadamia butter.
Brock: So expensive but it’s so good.
Ben: Yeah! I mean the – I guess the one saving grace of powdered peanut butter is that it’s not dry heated or spray heated. So you don’t have that going for you with powdered eggs for example. But I may go thumbs down on powdered peanut butter.
Jin: Hi, Ben! Great podcast! I love listening to both of them. I was just hired in the Fire Department and want to maximize my performance. Right now I’m in training and working hard all day wearing the protective clothing that keeps the heat in and causes me to sweat more than I ever have before. While working, we’re also wearing around 80 lbs of gear. Some days I can feel my legs are about to cramp up and other parts of my body as well. I’d like to know what I can do to maximize my performance in this specific situation. Also to that, I will be working night shifts when I finish training. Do you have any recommendations for me so that when I work my night shifts, it doesn’t affect me as much? Thanks, Ben!
Ben: My brother’s a fire fighter that I was talking about earlier, he moved back off. I didn’t finish that story. Yeah, he moved back off from Hollywood. Now he’s a fire – well, he’s a fire fighter and paramedic and he’s one of the guys that flies on a helicopter.
Brock: Cool! I wanna job where I go on a helicopter someday.
Ben: Me, too! Actually no, I don’t want a job where I go on a helicopter. I want a job that lets me buy a helicopter that I can park in my backyard and just go on anytime I want.
Brock: And land on your roof.
Ben: That’s right! So, if you go to bengreenfieldfitness.com and donate $5 to the podcast, it will go into the Ben Greenfield helicopter fund.
Brock: The helipad on your – on the roof of your new house. Anyways…
Ben: By the way, for those of you who want a good laugh, and I can’t talk about it too much on the show ‘cause we’d have to market as explicit, but Google Larry the Cable Guy helicopter. You heard that comedy part of Larry the Cable Guy?
Brock: No.
Ben: Helicopter! Helicopter! Helicopter! You’ll laugh if you go Google it. I can’t talk too much about it though right now, ‘cause…Anyways though, maximizing performance in fire gear. First of all, just this week I found a video about stress inoculation that rocks. I watched the whole thing during lunch one day just like spellbound and the video is about neural based learning for fire fighters. And I think anybody who’s military personnel, CO, police, cross fit, anything where you’re putting your body into extreme states of stress, and also at the same time either whether lifting a barbell over your head or putting an axe through a wall, or pointing a gun or something like that, you want to have good peripheral vision under stress. You want to be able to move more fluidly. You want to be able to visualize and handle pressure both in with your eyes open and your eyes closed. You wanna be able to learn how to stress-breathe properly. And you wanna be able to learn how to react to and learn from your mistakes as quickly as possible preferably in a situation where you’re making mistakes and having to learn from them very quickly. So this video goes into all of that. I will link to it in the show notes. Just like this free video online, I found it over on the biohacks blog website at biohacksblog.com and they even talk about nerve gliding in that video. Have you hear do nerve gliding before, Brock?
Brock: No. No I haven’t.
Ben: So nerve gliding is where you actually will take a nerve – and this is one way a lot of people don’t realize, this over at carpal tunnel and go get carpal tunnel surgery or just be plagued by carpal tunnel for months – and there’s what’s called the median nerve glide and an ulnar nerve glide that basically involves putting your arm out to the side. And you just put your arm out to the side, I’m doing it right now, open your wrist, you move your wrist in a giant circle, and then you bring your arm back to the starting position, and what that does is it causes the nerve to actually glide or slide inside its protective sleeve. You increase range of motion in a nerve and you can actually use this to both improve your movement capability but also to decrease nerve inflammation or nerve immobility. Nerve glides are really cool. And this kinda goes into that in the video, too. But I would definitely watch that video. I saw this question come through and I’m like this guy needs to see this video or…
Brock: Cool!
Ben: …anybody who’s trying to maximize performance in high levels of stress. But that doesn’t really address Jim’s question specifically like the thing with the heat. First of all, let’s talk about what you can do if you do get a cramp. We’ve talked multiple times in the show before about how cramps are not caused by dehydration or electrolyte depletion in most cases unless it’s really, really severe dehydration and electrolyte depletion.
In most cases, cramps are caused by either fascial adhesions meaning lack of connective tissue integrity ‘cause you haven’t been foam rolling or doing deep tissue working off but you haven’t been tearing up your muscle fibers with weight training and stuff like that. So that’s one thing that can cause cramping which is not hopping on the foam roller enough, or getting a massage often enough. Another thing that can cause cramping is asking your muscles to do something under performance that you haven’t asked them to do in training. They go into protective spasm to keep themselves from tearing. And that’s a very, very common reason for cramp as well. And then another thing that can cause cramping is just basic stress like physiological stress combined with physical stress causes the muscle to go into that same protective spasm. And that will be more of a neural feedback bio feedback approach of being able to visualize yourself in that stressful situation and gradually teach yourself to become relaxed in that situation, basically be mentally ready for it. But let’s say that you cramp, let’s say you haven’t done any of those things that we’ve talked about before in the show, you’re in performance, whatever, you’re half way through the run in Ironman triathlon, or you’re in your fire gear, going up the stairs and you cramp, what happens is that the taste is something extremely salty. It can inhibit what’s called the alpha motor neuron reflex that causes a cramp. So it doesn’t fix the cramp by giving you salts and electrolytes because frankly the taste of something salty works so fast to reverse a cramp that there’s no physiological way that it is the salt being absorbed by a muscle that actually reverses the cramp. It‘s just the taste and the motor neuron response to that taste. So pickle juice is actually something that’s been proven in studies to be able to reverse a cramp. So that’s one thing that you can do, you can buy pickle juice off of Amazon, you can get pickle juice but you can also go the old fashioned way and you know when you go the grocery store and you buy pickles, Brock?
Brock: Uh-hm.
Ben: You know the juice that’s in the jar?
Brock: Uh-hm.
Ben: That’s pickle juice. So…
Brock: (Laughs) Really?!
Ben: Amazing why there are people selling pickle juice though. Like has pickle juice shots like on Amazon and stuff. Anyways though, so yeah, pickle juice you just taste that. You can even carry a whole glass container just in case and taste that. The other thing that you can do is these electrolyte capsules, anything from salt sticks to hammer e-caps, to alph life, to any of these really salty electrolyte capsules, if you carry those in the little Ziplock bag or a tiny little plastic film container and you break it open and dump it under your tongue, it tastes nasty but it’s incredibly salty and can also reverse your cramp. So if you cramp up, just pickle juice, or open up one of those electrolyte capsules and put underneath your tongue and that can help out tremendously. I would also of course not play around with just waiting for the cramp to happen and fix it, I would instead train in specific ways that help your body to handle the heat, and help your body to handle what it’s going to be asked to handle while wearing that fire gear. So one of the things- weighted vest. Get a 40-50lb weighted vest. I like the ones with a Velcro strap across the mid section. If you go water running in it, as Brock and I noted, you might drown. But rockin’ that thing, spend your day in that thing, get used to that gear and get your body to experience the rigors of training in that gear. I was talking with Spartan champion and all around Obstacle racing badass Hoby Cow and one of his go-to workouts is he’ll run 1.5 miles on treadmill and he does a 60-seconds hard, 20-seconds easy and he just wears a weighted vest. And that’s his go-to workout. The dude only runs 10 miles a week, period. But his hardest workout of the week, the one that keeps him up awake at night before he goes and does the workout is this weighted vest 1.5 mile run on a treadmill. So, there you have that.
Brock: Did you say his name is Holy Cow?
Ben: Hoby Cow. Baby probably call him Holy Cow. So that would be one thing. And related to that, they also make weighted compression shirts. So there’s this one – there’s this brand new company, it’s pretty cool, actually. I want to get one. It’s called Titan Force. And it’s the world’s only weighted compression shirt. So it’s this weighted shirt that has a zipper inside with 14 different pockets that you can put 8 lbs of hydrogel inserts into. And you can wear it hot. You can wear it cold. You can wear it when you’re on the treadmill. You can wear it when you’re working out. But it compresses heat or compresses cold up against your skin while at the same time providing resistance. So you’re getting this combination of compression, heat training/cold training which ever you’d choose and then you’re working against a greater amount of weight as well.
Brock: So the little things that make the shirt weighted you can throw in the fridge or in some hot water or something?
Ben: Yeah, but it just fits you like a glove versus a weighted vest that kinda bounces around.
Brock: I want one of those.
Ben: It’s pretty sexy.
Yeah, I probably gonna get one. I’ll put a link in the show notes. I think you can get them on Amazon. Yeah, they’re called Titin Tech Shirts. That’s an option to a weighted vest as well, Jim. And then if you just wanna make things even harder if you’re getting in the sauna and doing some long sauna sessions getting your body able to get rid of heat more efficiently, produce more heat shock proteins and get all the advantages that we talked about in the podcast episode with Dr. Rhonda Patrick which is a great episode about how to use heat to increase your resilience to stress. Sweet Sweat is this other thing that you can smear on your skin before you get in the sauna. And it’s wax, pomegranate, coconut oil, I think there’s some cayenne or some kind of a hot pepper type of extract in there to help bring blood flow to the surface, aloe vera extract. And you sweat like a freakin’ horse when you put this stuff on and you go into a sauna or any other hot environment and just jacks up the sauna experience on steroids ‘cause you swear way more. So you could use this as well just to get yourself used to being extremely uncomfortable in those hot situations, and I mean if I were in your situation and I knew that other people’s lives are on the line when I was hot in the heat and everything, I would go out and I would do rock sessions with the weighted vest on in the heat in the middle of the afternoon. And if you can’t do that, you get a little heater, you sit it next to a treadmill in your garage and you just rock, basically heat plus weight plus activity, as simple as that sounds. Number one thing I find people cramp is they just have not prepared their bodies adequately for what their bodies are gonna experience in that stressful situation.
Brock: For the people out there who don’t speak American, rock equals hike.
Ben: Yeah! Just a fancy word for hiking, walking. Whatever!
Brock: It’s sort of a hillbilly word for hiking.
Ben: Yeah! I’ve been rocking every Sunday to get ready for SealFit. And actually it was so hot this past Sunday and there was so much smoke in the air from all the forest fires around here that I was kinda scared. I wasn’t sure what was gonna happen to my body with this combination of heat and smoke and everything, speaking of fire fighting. So I went to this hill by my house. It’s like this super steep. It’s about an eighth of a mile long or so and just went up and down the hill. Did 26 repeats up and down the hill, swearing my way. It was the most boring workout. I was listening to the podcast and just going up and down, up and down, up and down.
Charles: Hi, Ben! I was wondering, I just recently buy your book, your audio book, or rather your Kindle version of book, and I was wondering exactly where its alluded audio book was. I called Audible and they say it doesn’t exist. So, kind of interested in finding out. Thanks!
Brock: Well, Charles!
Ben: Wow! Funny you should ask!
Brock: Funny you should ask!
Ben: Funny Brock should decide to play this question the very week! No, I actually – so I’ve been recording- here’s the story, here’s the story…
Brock: Yeah! Start from the beginning.
Ben: …from the beginning. I’ve been recording the Beyond Training audio book and I was…
Brock: For three years.
Ben: It just kinda opened a kimono here. I didn’t make much money on the Beyond Training book. I didn’t get an advanced. I got zero dollars for that book. I pretty much just wrote it and I get a little bit of royalty income. But trust me, when you write a New York Times bestseller, that does not mean you make much money off of it.
Brock: Yeah, it doesn’t equal millionaire, it just equals success.
Ben: But I know I have a lot of podcast listeners, like eighty to ninety thousand people who download one of these episodes over the year that the podcast comes out. So I was like – well, I know people are gonna listen to my book so when I negotiated the contract for my books, I don’t have an agent or anything, I just kinda made things up as I went. I told them I want full audio rights. I wanna be able to record the audio this book and do whatever I want with it. And so my publisher was like ‘Okay, you can do that.” And so I had all these grand aspirations, too, within a few weeks after the book was out. I have already (inaudible). After spending about 30 hours in front of the microphone, I’m up to chapter nine, just finished chapter 9.
Brock: And there’s 24 chapters.
Ben: Yes! You do the math.
Brock: And they get progressively longer as the book goes on.
Ben: It is taking forever to record this book. So finally, and Brock kinda talked about this this week. We’re like, let’s just start putting out these chapters as soon as I record them. And that is what we’re doing right now. So for those of you who may not know about this, there is a secret hidden channel of the bengreenfieldfitness podcast episode where about every month we put out 2-3 bonus podcasts, insider interviews, interviews we didn’t release on the main feed ‘cause we had too many interviews for that month or we had something that was a little bit more top secret or controversial, we put it all on the bengreenfieldfitness premium channel over at bengreenfieldfitness.com/premium.
Or if you use our free app any of the episodes that you see there on the app that have the lock bottom next to them, you can unlock those if you’re premium and it’s $10 a year. Actually, it’s just $9.99 a year, a year to have access anywhere in the world, like US, international, anywhere you can have premium access. Anyways, we’re gonna start doing and beginning with the 9 chapters…
Brock: We’ve already started doing that.
Ben: We’ve already started. If you own the app which is free, or you’re part of the premium channel you don’t have to own the app for that, you may have noticed that the book chapters of Beyond Training are now appearing one by one, magically, at the premium channel.
Brock: For the curious people, they’ll notice that we accidentally released the introduction before the preface.
Ben: There you go! So all of that is there – the introduction, preface, wrong order, Brock’s fault.
Brock: I’ll rectify that next week.
Ben: bengreenfieldfitness.com/premium, Charles and everybody else, who’s wanting the audio version and eventually be available on Audible, but now you can just go and get access to it. Kinda like as it comes out. Step by step.
Brock: Sort of like when Charles Dickson used to really sold his books one chapter at a time in the newspaper.
Ben: Did you just call him Charles Dickson?
Brock: I think I did!
Ben: It’s Charles Dickens! Just like that!
Brock: Charles Dickens! Morals Chickens!
Ben: So speaking of weird names, we have an interesting iTunes review this weekend.
Brock: Oh, yeah! I almost forgot about the whole iTunes review thing.
Ben: And if you hear us read your iTunes review on the show and you email us to tell us, we will email, not email you, we will send you using regular mail the little post office guy will send you a Ben Greenfield Fitness gear pack, a sweet Ben Greenfield Fitness beanie, a BPA-free water bottle that you can drink your Evian or your Gerald Steiner…
Brock: Perrier.
Ben: …or your Volvic water from, and also a Ben Greenfield Fitness workout shirt that’s awesome, that isn’t like a big cotton tent, but actually cool sexy shirt.
Brock: Doesn’t get smelly the first time you wear it either.
Ben: You can buy all that gear and support the show at bengreenfieldfitness.com/gear or you can leave us a review and it looks like ProFitmom left us a review.
Brock: Nice! And we have to read the title of the review ‘cause it sort of ties in Ben Googlefield podcast.
Ben: All the ladies call me Googlefield.
Brock: So it goes like this –“Yes! That’s Ben Googlefield, since asking Ben is better and easier than searching on Google. He does great research…
Ben: I don’t know about the easier part.
Brock: Yeah, you have to wait weeks, perhaps months sometimes to get your answer, but anyway – “He does great research and is on top of the latest news and products. I’ve learned so much over the past few years that I have been listening to the podcast plus he has inspired me to go back to school to get my masters in Integrative Health and Nutrition, too. Thanks!”
Ben: Hmm. Masters in Integrative Health and Nutrition. You know what, Brock?
Brock: What?
Ben: I can Google that for you.
Brock: (Laughs) Have you used that website the “Let me Google that for you?”
Ben: I have used let me Google that for you.
Brock: I use that for my Dad all the time ‘cause he asks me all these questions and I just send him the letmegooglethatforyou site.
Ben: What’s the url? It’s not letmegoogleitforyou. It’s l-m-g-i-f-y, right? L-m-g-i-f-y.
Brock: If you just google, Let me google it for you, you’ll find it.
Ben: l-m-g-i-f-y That’s right! There it is! Cool!
Brock: Isn’t that great Passive or passive aggressive thing to do.
Ben: Check that out and by the way, stay tuned this weekend for another killer insider interview. I will surprise you and let you wait with baited breath to see what that is all about. Until then, happy googling! And have a healthy week!
Brock: Thanks, Mr.Googlefield!
Ben: Thank you, Googlefield! Googly, googly, googlefield!
Visit bengreenfieldfitness.com for even more fitness, nutrition and performance advice.
[1:04:46.0] END
July 23, 2014 Podcast: 3 Ways To Keep Injuries From Piling Up, Is Deli Meat Healthy, How To Defat Bone Broth, Is Powdered Peanut Butter Healthy, How To Maximize Performance in Fire Gear, and Where To Find Beyond Training Audiobook.
Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right, use the Contact button on the app, click Ask a Podcast Question at the bottom of this page, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form…but be prepared to wait – we prioritize audio questions over text questions.
News Flashes:
You can get these News Flashes hot off the presses if you follow Ben on Twitter.com/BenGreenfield, Facebook.com/BGFitness and Google+.
- Fat loss pills? More Crossfit? Intermittent fasting? Try drinking more water first.
- This is pretty cool. High, high performance under stress…
- Increasing your heart rate variability and decrease heart rate arrhythmias – it all comes down to FLEXIBILITY.
- Find out all about the device Ben is testing his carrots, plugs and microwave with by becoming a Premium Subscriber at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/Premium
Special Announcements:
Ben Greenfield will be speaking at 2014 Bulletproof Biohacking Conference in Pasadena September, 26-28 – Dave Asprey is stacking this year’s event with an all-star speaker lineup of bestselling authors… entrepreneurs… Olympic athletes… nutritionists… world-class biohackers… and more… Plus, an interactive expo of the latest biohacking ‘tech’ – including cutting-edge gear designed to get you into hyper-productive “flow” state, courtesy of the Flow Genome Project. And YES, that means Dave is making sure all the best ‘toys’ are on display in one place – and you get to play with them… click here to get in now.
The Rock Star Triathlete Academy has relaunched with a lifestyle membership card! Click here for all details.
Check out the Ironman Sports Medicine conference in October during Ironman Hawaii. Ben will be speaking on nutrition myths and alternative methods of fueling Ironman (and Brock will *hopefully* be there too)
Go ask your burning Obstacle Racing questions at http://www.ObstacleDominator.com for the brand new Obstacle Dominator podcast.
Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle.
And of course, this week’s top iTunes review – gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben – leave your review for a chance to win some!
Listener Q&A:
As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja.
3 Ways To Keep Injuries From Piling Up
Liz asks: She is an avid long course triathlete that was diagnosed with a partial tear in her plantar fascia just two weeks before her A-Race. She can still swim and bike but she has to wear a moveable walking boot for 3 months in order to keep her toes from bending back and to let fascia heal. What can she do to stop the awkward gait of the walking boot from causing problems elsewhere on her body?
In my response I recommend:
–Body By Science book
–Water Running
Is Deli Meat Healthy?
Donald asks: He is wondering how healthy (or unhealthy) are those big circular, pressed together, deli ham, turkey and other meats that you see at Walmart and stores like that. Could that be a quick way to get some meat before or after the gym? They seem a little too good to be true.
How To Defat Bone Broth
Dave asks: He just made his first batch of bone broth and it is super delicious. He has noticed that when he puts it in the fridge it gets a quarter inch of what looks like pure fat on the top of it. He has been heating it up and mixing the fat back in and eating it. Is that the right thing to do?
In my response I recommend:
–how to defat bone broth video
Is Powdered Peanut Butter Healthy?
Elyse asks: What do you think about dehydrated peanut butters that have all the fat removed before they are packaged? Is this better or worse than regular peanut butter?
How To Maximize Performance in Fire Gear
Jim asks: He was just hired by the fire department. He is currently in training all day, wearing the protective gear. It really keeps the heat in and causes him to sweat more than he ever has before. It also weighs about 80lbs and most days he can feel his legs (and other parts of his body) start to cramp up. What can he do to maximize his performance in this situation?
In my response I recommend:
–This neural based learning video
–Weighted Vest
–Titin Tech shirt
Where To Find Beyond Training Audiobook
Charles asks: He purchased the Kindle version of Beyond Training and is wondering where the alluded to “audio version” of the book is? He has called Audible a couple times and they say that it does not exist. Where can he find it?
In my response I recommend:
–Premium channel of BenGreenfieldFitness