October 27, 2015
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Here is the extremely entertaining bio from the website of today's guest, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella (written by Bill Katovsky)
“In the beginning there was darkness, and runners seemed lost, confused, chronically injured, always experimenting with “bigger is better” footwear as a potential remedy. Then a new “less is more” approach emerged, a radical way of thinking led by a handful of scientists, athletes, coaches, and charismatic best-selling author. They looked backward to the past for inspiration. Soon, a healer and educator came forth. Collectively, they would become the shepherds to a flock of broken-down, often-sidelined runners accustomed to wearing conventional running shoes.
As it were, this health-conscious individual lived in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, the oldest town in the state and just up the road (and river) from Harpers Ferry. His name is Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, a family physician and an elite runner, who, in his early 40s, can still reel off sub 2:40s at the Boston Marathon. Mark had a singular vision regarding the need to spread the gospel of natural and minimalist running to the masses. In early summer 2010, he opened the first minimalist running store in the nation. He called it Two Rivers Treads because culturally and historically vibrant Shepherdstown is located near the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers.
Mark and his tiny store became a fixture in the natural running community. Coaches, athletes, trainers, physical therapists, bloggers, and runners from near and far became connected to one another through Two Rivers Treads…”
As a professor of family medicine at West Virginia University, Lt Col in the US Air Force Reserves, and Chief Medical Consultant for the Air Force Marathon, Dr. Mark describes popular run training, eating and recovery methods as “mind-draining dogma and reckless bias”, and is trying to spark a new “re-evolution” in running.
During our discussion, you'll discover:
-The #1 blood marker to track if you want to make sure you're not one of those “healthy on the outside, dying on the inside” exercise enthusiast…
-How to effectively transition from built-up footwear to a minimalist running shoe approach…
-The most cutting-edge technology that currently exists to analyze your symmetries and gait patterns during and after running…
-Why Dr. Mark finishes every workout with what he calls an “alactic sprint”…
-Why you must earn the right to do intervals and sprints…
-Dr. Mark's personal method of tapering for a marathon, and why one of the top weapons in his running arsenal is a hot tub…
-Why Mark doesn't use most other popular running methods…
-And much more!
Resources from this episode:
–Optogait biomechanical analysis
–Natural spa enzymes as an alternative to chlorine
Do you have questions, comments or feedback about Dr. Mark's barefoot, minimalist running approach? Your own thoughts to add? Pipe in below and one of us will reply.
Looked at the doctor's website…does he know the BMJ posted a rejection to Nina Teicholz' article on high SFA diets, noting she misrepresented the research cited in her "article"?
Now we have to pay for premium to listen to your Podcast or just Special Podcasts?