May 20, 2010
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode
sorry, but the video is a bit blurry in the beginning – don't worry, it gets better!
In this May 20 audio episode, I include more details on the Tabata sets (that I mention above) and why you would want to use them along with something called “The GymBoss”. I also answer listener questions about how to run faster, drop fat fast, treat foot pain, use indoor cycling to get faster for bike racing, what to do if you panic in your triathlon wetsuit and getting ready for a century ride on a bike.
Featured Topic: I've been using something called “The GymBoss” to complete my “Tabata” workouts. Just wait until you try it…combining The GymBoss with a Tabata set is a perfect way to get fit fast or squeeze a workout into a very short period of time. If you want to learn more about why Tabata sets work, and where they originated, just read an article on Hubpages that I wrote by clicking here. If you want to try a Tabata set, then do 1 set of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 4 minutes of each of the following, with a 60 second rest between Tabata sets:
-Pushup or Knee Pushup
-Row, Assisted Pull-Up or Pulldown
As you can imagine, “The GymBoss” makes your Tabata sets MUCH easier to manage, because you're not constantly looking at your watch! Watch the video above, then click here to check out more info on “The GymBoss”.
1. The Marathon Dominator launches on May 20 at midnight! This is a complete program designed for the complete beginner who wants to ease themselves into a marathon, all the way up to the advanced marathoner interested in breaking their PR! Click here to learn more, and to find out about all the bonus items Ben Greenfield is including with the Marathon Dominator.
2. Ben Greenfield has joined The Quick & Dirty Tips Network at to produce a new feature called “The Get-Fit Guy”, which is the latest addition to the network's top ranked iTunes podcasts and free online advice column. Go subscribe in iTunes and leave a ranking!
3. Ever wonder if your swimming technique is all it could be? Want to know if your bike is fit properly, or if you have a good pedal stroke? Would you like to know if your running gait is slowing you down or setting you up for injury? Our online video analysis of swim, bike or run is quick way to get professional feedback. Click here to get started now with a swim, bike or run video analysis from Ben Greenfield and the team at Pacific Elite Fitness. Want to see what a video analysis looks like? Check it out by clicking here.
4. Get insider VIP tips and discounts from Ben – conveniently delivered directly to your phone! Just complete the information below…
Listener Q&A
Listener Rick asks: “My mom is going to have surgery in a couple of weeks. Should she be changing her diet in pre-surgery for a faster recovery? Any dietary tips would be appreciated.”
In my response, I mention something called “Recoverease”.
Glen asks: “What to do do improve running speed?”
Listener Cheri asks: “I have 30 days before my first 100 mile run. I'd like to drop some unwanted fat. My work load is high right now so my dietary needs are high, is it still possible to drop some fat?”
Listener JD asks: “Hi Ben—One of my training partners has this nagging pain through the arch in his foot and Achilles/heel area. He indicates it’s mostly tight but bothersome. He recently mentioned he tore his Achilles twenty years ago when he wrestled in high school. So I’ve suggested some yoga poses for stretching, mainly downward dog, and using a golf ball or frozen bottle of water to “massage” the foot. He’s the kind of guy who’s resistant to seeing a doctor but it’s been going on now for a couple of months. In addition to visiting his doctor are there any stretches, exercises or recovery tools that you could suggest?”
In my response to JD, I mention topical magnesium therapy, and the magnesium you can get by clicking here.
Listener Roy asks: “I am a part-time indoor cycling instructor (several classes per week) with another full-time job who adopted our first daughter, age three, over the winter. Because my time at home has now increased exponentially in value, I am focusing in this season's triathlon training on increasing training intensity as a path to helping decrease my training volume while still remaining competitive enough to reach my personal goals. Cycling, as you know, is the most time-consuming of the triathlon disciplines. Recently, while catching up on back episodes of the Indoor Cycling Instructor podcast, I heard you as guest on the show talking about how, as an indoor cycling instructor and a competitive triathlete, you trained using several indoor rides per week combined with (I believe you said “maybe”) one outdoor ride weekly. Would you mind sharing some tips on the protocol you followed to be able to cut back on outdoor riding and still be able to compete on the bike in a race?”
Listener Kathy asks: “I joined your Body Transformation club and am a participant in the Summer Body Challenge. I have been cycling 2 or 3 times a week spending about an hour on the bike, totalling 50 or 60 miles. I registered for a century ride which will take place 6 weeks from now. I figured it will help me stay motivated in the challenge and will help me lean out. I just turned 50 this year and need to step it up! My last big ride was the L.A. fun ride which was 64 miles, before that I ddi the Sea Otter Gran Fondo which was 50 miles. My questions are: 1. If I keep my calorie intake low will I still have the energy to train? 2. How many miles a week should I be in the saddle, or should I focus on hours in the saddle? 3. Should I focus on specific muscle groups while doing my strength training?”
Listener Cheryl asks: “I did my first triathlons in 1993 as a novice and I never had any problems with the swim in fact I did quite well usually finishing in the top 1/3 of the swim. I didn't do anymore until 2006 and have been doing 5-6 every season since. My problem is that I often panic in the swim which when it's bad can completely ruin my entire race. It seems to be worse when I wear my long sleeve wet suit. I always seem to get a little panicky but sometimes it's so bad I have to stop and hold on to the kayaks b/c I feel like I can't breathe, it feels like I'm having an asthma attack and sometimes my chest hurts even after the race is over. Any advice you have for me would be greatly appreciated.”
Congratulations to Cheryl, who was nominated as the top question for this week's podcast! Cheryl will receive a free month of membership to the Body Transformation Club, full access to the Club's secret video page, the life-changing piece of Club mail that I will personally send her each week, and much more. To learn more about the Body Transformation Club, click here.
Do you have a question for Ben? Just click Ask a Podcast Question at the bottom of this page and leave a voicemail, leave a Skype voicemail to username “pacificfit”, or e-mail [email protected]
Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected] And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Justclick here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback. Brand new – get insider VIP tips and discounts from Ben – conveniently delivered directly to your phone! Just complete the information below…
This video shows what I've been up to the past 4 days…keep your eyes posted for future camps at
There is a free podcast at iTunes for Tabata training which works great for those of you that already take an Ipod to the gym. It has audible cues and does the counting for you and the rhythm is just about right. Nothing to program, just hit play. This is only for 20/10 secs x 8, and not programmable, so the GymBoss or other iTunes apps would be better if you want more options.
Re: Ben Greenfield Fitness – New comment requires moderation on: Episode #95: A Very Cool Tool For Timing Your Workouts + Listener Q&A! Approve