Inner Circle Podcast #7: The Fluoride Deception

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Lifestyle, Podcast

In Inner Circle Podcast #6, which you can visit by clicking here, Jessa and I released an extremely controversial podcast about fluoride health concerns. We received some very intelligent comments, especially from an individual in the dental community, and decided to research the matter a bit more.

After consulting with several physicians who have appeared on this show before and listening to their recommendations for an interview guest on the topic of fluoride controversy, I decided to reach out to Paul Connett, PhD, Executive Director of Fluoride Alert.

The result is this audio interview with Paul that you must click here and listen to if you want to know the shocking truth about fluoride.

In addition, below is a list of resources that Paul talks about during our interview, along with the 3 part video series “The Fluoride Deception”. This is obviously a very controversial topic. If you'd like to share your thoughts, comments, or questions on fluoride health, please join the discussion below!

The Case Against Fluoride (Book)

The Fluoride Deception (Book)

Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation (DVD)

The Fluoride Deception, Part 1:

The Fluoride Deception, Part 2:

The Fluoride Deception, Part 3:

You will also find the ADA Flouridation Factsheet below:
This is obviously a very controversial topic. If you'd like to share your thoughts, comments, or questions on fluoride health, please join the discussion below!

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9 thoughts on “Inner Circle Podcast #7: The Fluoride Deception

  1. Tomas says:

    Hey Ben – you mention “The result is this audio interview with Paul that you must click here and listen to if you want to know the shocking truth about fluoride.” but it’s not a hyperlink. Do you have the link to that audio? Thanks!

  2. bdlivenews says:

    I am impressed with the content of the article..hey really awesome post thanks for that really you show awesome good interest about that point . your discussion is also very
    interesting thanks for that . this is full of awesomeness.thanks for that post…

  3. Holly says:

    I've been following along with your podcasts all year and when I went to the dentist today and they threatened either pulling my wisdom teeth or promoting remineralization with different products containing a crapload of fluoride and xylitol. I couldn't help but to blurt that "fluoride is bad for you." They couldn't provide literature about the products so I could research. Irritated, I've just started diving into your website for insight on the topic. Can you direct me to anything that speaks directly on the "remineralization" process or any posts that address what to do to improve dental health. I'll keep investigating–but thanks for making me more aware.

  4. bdlivenews says:

    You can get connected fast with a provider you can trust

  5. Emily says:

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks so much for following up with the first fluoride podcast. This interview definitely piqued my interest in further investigating current fluoridation practices. I'll watch the video and read the book once I have more spare time from my schoolwork.

    At least this interview gave credence to the positive effects of topical fluoride, such as the fluoride available in toothpaste, mouthrinses, and tray or varnish treatments in the dental clinic. I still feel comfortable and confident recommending the use of these topical agents, but I would never want to harm a patient or recommend faulty or dangerous treatments, so I will continue to research fluoridated water. Thanks again for these podcasts and your other comments!

    Take care ~Emily

  6. Caleb says:

    Hi Ben,

    My brother and I enjoy your podcast!

    My family gets all of our water from a well thankfully, but I do have an anecdotal story about fluoride for teeth.

    I am 21years old. I have 4 younger siblings ranging from 19 to 11. We all use non-fluoride toothpaste. And, my mom has made sure that we never have had fluoride applied when at the dentist.

    Between all five of us there has only been ONE cavity! I got a very small cavity after traveling abroad with the US youth fly fishing team one summer (I ate really bad, and didn't brush consistently).

    Our dentist is always amazed that we never have any cavities.


  7. I had no idea this was such a major issue. Thanks.

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