March 30, 2011
Do you have a future podcast question for Ben? Scroll down on this post to access the free “Ask Ben” form…
In this March 30, 2011 free audio episode: The last diet you'll ever need, what to do if calves are too big, using power cranks on a bicycle, is flax seed oil bad for you, knee pain from riding a bike indoors vs. outdoors, the bar method of working out.
Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected]. And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
Scroll down to donate anything over $15 to the show, and Ben will send you a t-shirt…you can also conveniently donate any amount with your phone by simply clicking here.
Featured Topic: “The Last Diet You'll Ever Need – Part 1”
Unlike other self-help and dieting books, The Super Health Diet, by best-selling author KC Craichy, compares popular tactics used by Americans such as weight loss centers and mainstream dieting plans, and tackles the topic of prescriptions, pills and procedures.
In The Super Health Diet Craichy provides readers with a wealth of clear, concise information for his Super Health Diet, which is based on his scientifically proven “Four Corners of Superfood Nutrition.” He also covers the dynamic role of proteins in weight loss; anti-aging benefits of eating the Four Corners way; meal frequency, snacks and eating speed; exercise, weight loss and health.It is highly recommended that you listen to a two-part free audio interview below, which Ben Greenfield conducted with KC Craichy.
How do you recognize a fad diet?
Does the type of diet even matter?
There are a multitude of pills, prescriptions and procedures out there. What are some of the more serious dangers and complications of the more popular ones?
What about spas and clinics for weight loss? Do those actually work?
You talk about the thyroid hormones in weight loss. How does hypothyroidism cause someone to gain weight, and what can be done about it?
What about sex hormones, such as testosterone? How can loss of that cause weight gain, and what can be done about it?
Aside from aesthetic reasons, what are some other reasons people might not know about for losing weight?
Click here to get the Super Health Diet book now.
Special Announcements
-Here’s how to win a FREE autographed copy of KC’s new book: “SuperHealth: The Last Diet You’ll Ever Need”. At, send us a video in which you tell us your biggest problem with diets, nutrition, losing weight or staying healthy, and why you think the SuperHealth book could help you! For example:
-Do you have trouble sticking to fad diets and want something that’s finally not a fad diet?
-Do you lose weight, but then put it back again, and want a complete solution to the yo-yo weight issue?
-Do you get sick all the time and want to know how to boost your immune system for life?
Whatever your struggle is, we want to know about it, and why you think the book that we discuss in Episode 139 and 140 at will help YOU. Share your video now, and get a FREE autographed copy of the book. Only 12 copies are available, so act fast! Go to BenGreenfieldFitness on Facebook and post your video today.
-BenGreenfieldFitness Inner Circle is now just $1 for a 14 Day Sneak Peek! Click here to join now.
-Tuesday, April 12 at 6pm PST: Join Ben Greenfield from and Dr. Rick Cohen from Bioletics to learn everything you *didn't* know about Vitamin D and Fish Oil, in the interactive seminar “The Shocking Truth About Vitamin D & Fish Oil”. Click here to RSVP at Vokle and make sure your camera and mic are ready if you want to use them for questions.
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Listener Q&A:
====================================== [contact-form 3 “AskBen”] ======================================
Violet asks: I have always had large calves and no matter how much weight I loose, they don't change. I don't want the muscle any bigger, I just want to loose fat, especially the fat right under my knee. I have done the calf raises on the stairs, but is there anything else I could try? Also, I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I am very hyper-mobile especially in my knees.
Listener Mike has a call-in question about PowerCranks.
Ron asks: Several podcasts had mention of flax seed in a positive vein. My research differs. I stopped taking Flax Seed Oil about a year ago because of its very high Phytoestrogen content. Mens Health had an article on Soy Milk, also high in phytoestrogen, awhile back in which a male was drinking two quarts a day and his breasts were enlarging.
Listener Ranieri has a call-in question about knee pain from riding a bike indoors vs. outdoors.
Listener Mer asks: Have you ever heard of bar method? In Chicago and LA it's taking off like wildfire. Lot of pretty bold claims by this Burr Leonard Woman. Lots of youtube coverage as well. I think I (and my muscles) would get bored with this formulaic type class 3 times per week.
Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected] And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
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Scroll down to donate anything over $15 to the show, and Ben will send you a t-shirt…you can also conveniently donate any amount with your phone by simply clicking here.
I disagree about KC's comment on losing muscle mass. The reason us endurance athletes have skinny upper bodies is not from a lack of a good "flow of PRO into the body", but because we simply do not use the muscle. Look at elite triathletes vs elite runners. Those that use their upper body more have more mass. Endurance athletes have larger leg muscles because we use those muscles more. From what I understand having muscle mass or not is more an issue with using it or losing it, and has less to do with your nutrition intake. From what I understand.
I think it's both. I look at elite endurance athletes and elite sprinters and many sprinters have significant upper body mass comparatively, one could argue that endurance athletes are swinging their arms much more during their race thereby utilizing the muscle more. Or that sprinters lift more to improve their arm pumping during their sprint. It probably has just as much to do with muscle metabolisation during endurance sports.