March 31, 2010
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode
If you thought the video above was interesting, you're going to want to check out this entire post!
In this March 31st free audio episode: what is living fuel?, what to do if you're a female with too much muscle mass, bodybugg vs. hr monitors, where to ride your bike when you don't have room to train, is too much exercise a bad thing, how to use electrolytes, compression socks vs. compression tights, the Egoscue method of pain management, do smoothies destroy your food?, the best protein for women, do expand-a-lungs work?, and a good substitute for hamburger patties.
Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected]. And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
Featured Topic:
In my interview with KC Craichy (the guy in the video at the top of this post), he answers my questions about living fuel, which you can learn more about or get by clicking here.
What is a superfood?
What are the primary ingredients in the SuperGreens?
What makes the Living Fuel SuperGreens unique?
In what type of situations would someone use SuperGreens? (i.e. Fat loss, sports performance, recovery, etc.)
What is in the CocoChia bar?
When would someone want to eat it?
Would you consider these superfoods OK for kids?
Special Announcements:
1. Ben's Body Transformation Club has officially launched and is open to anyone, anywhere in the United States! Prepare to re-invent your body and discover how to eat and exercise in the most effective way possible. Ben's Body Transformation Club is now open and has already mailed the first exercise and nutrition instructions for March, straight to your home! Want to get on board? What the heck is Ben's Body Transformation Club? You'll need to click here to find out!
2. The 2010 Ironman CDA Triathlon Camp is being taught by Ben Greenfield from Sunday, May 16- Wednesday May 19, 2010, and is specifically designed to completely prepare you for the race course, race day tactics and nutrition and pacing strategies for Ironman Coeur D' Alene! Click here for more information and to register.
3. Ever wonder if your swimming technique is all it could be? Want to know if your bike is fit properly, or if you have a good pedal stroke? Would you like to know if your running gait is slowing you down or setting you up for injury? Our online video analysis of swim, bike or run is quick way to get professional feedback, inexpensively. Click here to get started now with a swim, bike or run video analysis from Ben Greenfield and the team at Pacific Elite Fitness.
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Listener Q&A
Do you have a question for Ben? Just click Ask a Podcast Question at the bottom of this page and leave a voicemail, leave a Skype voicemail to username “pacificfit”, or e-mail [email protected].
Listener Julia asks: “I have a question that you probably have not been asked before. I am a top age-group female, age 56, triathlete who has been competing for 21 years. I’ve done 11 Ironmans including 4 Hawaiian Ironmans. I’m very strong on the swim and the bike but my running is slow due to my (I think excessive) muscle mass and a knee issue. My body fat varies between 18-19%. How can I lose muscle mass? They say at around 35 years of age you start losing muscle mass…..I’m still waiting! How can I lose muscle mass besides starving; because then I would not be able to train for the 8-10 triathlons I do a season? I do not eat excessive protein or take anything that would “beef me up”. People constantly comment on my muscles and I do not lift weights.”
Listener Patricia asks: “I need your help, I am so confused! I am a female, 5'7, 160lbs. I am trying hard to lose weight but I am really struggling in this department. I have been focused since Nov, and even though I have run three marathons in three months, bike long rides every weekend, run, swim and weight train during the week, and eat moderately well, I have not lost a single lb. I have gotten a local personal trainer to help me with muscle gain to aid towards this goal and recently she lent me a bodybugg device. My Polar HR has been indicating I burn approx. 10 cal/min during moderate to intense exercise. Well, I wore the BodyBugg for a 70mi bike ride (windy and hilly) and while I did not hammer it (working on base building) I was working pretty hard. Well, that took approx 4 hours and the BodyBugg says I only burned 1200 calories! According to my HR monitor, I burned 2400 calories. That's a BIG difference! No wonder I can't accomplish any progress. My trainer says ‘welcome to the reality of calorie burn' that BodyBuggs are much more accurate because they use body heat. My question is, what's your input on the difference between the two and what should I trust? Also I cycled for 2:20 min. Body Bugg shows calorie burn of 565 vs HR Monitor (Polar) of 833. I ran for 45 min. Body Bugg shows calorie burn of 404 vs. HR Monitor of 450. Hopelessly confused and quite frustrated.”
Listener John asks: “While it is fresh in my mind, I was wondering if some point you could give us an idea on training in a city that is not friendly to bikes. This weekend we had a car hit someone riding in a large group of cyclists while obeying traffic laws. In Tennessee, we have passed cycling laws but they don't seem to be getting through to motorists. What are your ideas on how to train when it's not safe to ride all over town? Some of my thoughts, much more training on a trainer or roller, or finding a short loop in a park? I want to improve my skills on my bike but want to be safe also.”
Listener Mandy asks: “My husband is reluctant to get into endurance sports because he read an interview with Dr. Ken Cooper that said that the free radicals produced by heavy endurance training cause all sorts of diseases from heart disease to cancer to virtually everything else. What is your take on that?”
Listener Chad asks: “I was wondering what your recommendations are for taking salt tablets while racing? I have read where you can just take them orally and your body will know when to spit them out. How does this affect your overall health long term? I fall flat after about 3 to 3.5 hours of training or racing, no matter what or how much I ingest for fuel, all of the symptoms that are said to come from low sodium I feel at that point. So I know I need it, but really would like to know the healthiest way to get it. Love all your podcasts, and recommend them almost daily to people.”
In my response to Chad, I talk about the Millennium Sports Athlytes.
Listener Chuck asks: “You've talked about the benefits and science of wearing compression socks: would wearing compression tight have a similar effect, or are these socks designed differently? I have some Under Armor tights and I'm curious if I would get benefit out of wearing these or not.”
Listener John asks: “In an interview on “goat vs cow’s milk”, the guest speaker mentioned that homogenization of milk destroys the fat globules and releases free radicals. We have reduced our dairy consumption, but still consume low fat plain yogurt, some cheese, whey protein and occasionally raw farm fresh milk. I like to make fruit smoothies that usually include yogurt, whey protein and sometimes milk. Is the blending of these ingredients homogenizing the globules and releasing free radicals?”
Listener Grace asks: “1. What is your take on Peter Egoscue's pain management methods? I have just started reading this as a way to relieve SI pain and IT band pain. 2. What protein supplements should women take? I have heard so much about whey protein that is not positive, now I am stuck. My training involves running 4 times a week, about 5 miles each and strength training for 1/2 hour each of those days.”
In my response to Grace, I recommend she check out and , and also to check out the Mt. Capra Double Bonded whey protein and the Living Fuel LivingProtein.
Listener Jim asks: “Do expand a lungs work?”
Listener Lorenzo writes: “Dude, my wife stumbled on a new recipe. Our dog is 4 years old today (Chihuahua – Gomez), so obviously we had a party and my wife made him a cake. She took 1/2 cooked quinoa and 1/2 cooked kidney beans (smashed) and “enough” almond butter to keep everything together. she made a “cake” out of it. Well I watched my dog eating his cake and wondered “can I have that cake and eat it too?” So I tried it…it is very good and stayed together extremely well. Probably would be suited best as a meat substitute in hamburger patty applications, use at will but if you get rich off of my wife's invention I will need some kickback.”
Finally, listener Chuck has a call-in comment about the Triathlon Dominator package.
Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected].And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
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It’s true, the increasing popularity of agave syrup has really taken it from being a natural sweetener (like organic maple syrup) to a chemically processed compound that has pretty much the same effect on your body as fructose…
…meaning the liver converts it into conveniently packaged fat very easily.
There’s a lot more to be said about the chemicals and physiological issues with the agave syrup in everything from crappy health food to energy bars from companies who are truly trying to supply healthy food (like KC Craichy).
Here’s what it comes down to: energy bars are fake food. They just ARE. And when do we eat fake food? While we’re EXERCISING when we have to or right after we exercise when we can’t get our hands on a REAL MEAL.
As far as the nectar vs. syrup, and the other parts of your question, I’ll address on the next podcast!
Ben, what is your true take on Agave Syrup? I heard from your interview with Nancy Appleton that it is about the worst thing to ingest (close to HFCS, I believe). Yet, it is in many things these days, including HammerBars and the CocoChia bar that you and KC Craichy discuss this week!
We’ve been making our own energy bars lately, and have been using Agave Syrup and Nectar in them. However, we also add a sucrose/glucose source like honey or sucanat to the mixture as I understand that a glucose/fructose mixture is a better combo for digestion.
Can you weigh in on this agave syrup debate? Should it be avoided like the plaque, or used in moderation? With respect to the nectar vs. the syrup, is one better than the other? I am correct in thinking that mixing agave syrup with another sugar source is the way to go?
Thanks Ben!