April 18, 2020
From Podcast: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/nutrition-podcasts/baruka-nuts/
[00:00:00] Introduction
[00:01:59] Podcast Sponsors
[00:04:43] Guest Introduction
[00:08:34] Darin's Personal Self-Care Routine
[00:22:28] The Work Of Totimed
[00:30:20] Podcast Sponsors
[00:34:30] cont. The Work Of Totimed
[00:35:46] Phases Of Totipotent Stem Cells
[00:40:34] A Primer On Baruka Nuts
[00:49:23] Benefits And Precautions In Eating Baruka Nuts
[01:07:56] The One Non-Negotiable Thing Darin Does For A Good Night's Sleep
[01:09:09] Closing the Podcast
[01:10:06] End of Podcast
Ben: On this episode of the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast.
Darin: And if you don't have enough information for the broad perspective, then you just align and adapt to the benefits that you want to believe is the truth. And that releasing is coming from at least the one thing that we know is the AFA, is the blue-green algae. But the problem is, and here's the warning, so they're seeing no value-producing, stripping this land, and what we saw was, number one, tear-jerking.
Ben: Health, performance, nutrition, longevity, ancestral living, biohacking, and much more. My name is Ben Greenfield. Welcome to the show.
Well, this show is a fun one. I got my superfood hunter friend, Darin Olien, back on the show, and we're going to talk nuts. Since I interviewed him, by the way, you'll hear us talking about how to make your own cheesecake out of nut butter and how to make your own chocolate cinnamon vanilla stevia or monk fruit flavored nut butter. I've been putting all of my recipes on my Instagram channel from what I've been creating from the nuts that we talk about in today's show. So, if you go to instagram.com/bengreenfieldfitness and scroll through my feed, I've got my cheesecake recipe up there, I've got my nut butter recipe up there.
Towards the end of the show, he also tells me about the fruit that the nut comes out of and he sent me some of those. And as he outlines in the show, and as you'll find out, that fruit is just next-level [censored]. You combine it with the nuts, so they send it out in a trail mix. Oh my goodness, barukas.com/ben, and use code BEN to get 15% off of any of the nuts that we talk about towards the end of today's show because they're so good. They're my favorite nut. They're like peanut butter without all the nastiness of peanuts.
This podcast, by the way, is brought to you by Kion. So, Kion has been crushing it lately. People have been coming out of the woodwork because they're figuring out that our supplements actually work. We test everything. We've got research, human research behind all of our products. We just launched our Flex a few months ago. You take three of those on an empty stomach after a tough workout day or when you're injured or beat up or sore and it just nukes it. I mean, it's like magic. So, three of those in the evening. The Kion Flex is really good.
We just launched the Creatine, super-pure, creapure-based creatine, the purest creatine out there. Five grams of that in the morning stirred into your smoothie or some hot water or tea, big shot in the arm. Creatine is a nootropic. A lot of people don't realize it. You get a big brain boost from it, as well as the strength, the power, the staving off of muscle loss, for you guys out there, a little bump up in testosterone. We, of course, have our clean energy bar. We have our pure antioxidant-rich coffee. Everything over there is super high-quality, the dopest of dope. So, if you want 10% off of anything from Kion, here's your code, BEN10. So, you go to getkion.com, getK-I-O-N.com and use code BEN10.
This podcast is also brought to you by our friends at Organifi. They have the most wonderful green and red and gold powders that allow you to make the equivalent of a superfood juice that would normally cost you like 15 bucks at a juicery for a little over a dollar in your own home. I like to take a Nalgene bottle, mix it up super cold ice-cold water, and then shake it, keep it in the fridge, and just use that during the day to get a little bit of superfood into your body. Their Organifi Green Juice, in particular, actually can help with your immune system. So, they got turmeric, matcha green tea, chlorella, Moringa, ashwagandha. But the cool thing is it's all in a powder. So, you don't have to chop all your ashwagandha, or grind all your turmeric, or make a big mess on the counter with your matcha green tea. Instead, you take one or two, or if you're me, three scoops of this stuff, drop it in some icy cold water or put it in a smoothie, and you basically have the entire equivalent of a few salads with just a couple scoops. So, it's called the Organifi Green. All their juices are amazing, but the Organifi Green is basically, like I mentioned, like having yourself a giant-ass green smoothie or a salad, but in a teeny, teeny-tiny scoop. So, you go to organifi.com/ben to get 20% off of this stuff. That's Organifi with an “I”, organifi.com/ben. It gets you 20% off of anything from the wonderful folks at Organifi.
Alright, you guys. When I first met my guest on today's podcast, it was actually inside a steaming hot sauna at my friend Laird Hamilton's and Gabby Reece's underwater pool workout, the famous Malibu underwater pool workout. I think it was on a Saturday morning. And this dude was in there just like launching knowledge bombs right and left on these advanced stem cell boosting tactics and superfood molecules and chemistry, and it turns out that his job, and this is pretty sexy, is he gets to just travel around the world finding amazing superfoods, and then formulate them into supplements, package them into palatable ingredients that the rest of us can enjoy. And he actually goes by the moniker, the Indiana Jones of superfoods, as if that weren't badass enough. He actually joined me for a podcast like two years ago. If you guys did not hear that one, I'm going to link to it in today's shownotes. So, today's shownotes are going to be at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/superfoodhunter.
Now, in that original podcast episode, we covered a ton of stuff, this guy's entire back story. And so even though we won't go through his whole sexy story on this show, I'll give you a chance to get to know him a little bit. And he's been up to a lot since we last chatted, including finding some pretty cool new ingredients. And in particular, one that I have a bag full of up in my pantry right now that I really have some questions about today. So, we're going to jam on that. And his name is Darin Olien. He wrote a book called “SuperLife,” which is amazing that you guys should read, and I'm going to link to that in the shownotes as well.
And he's also the nutritional director for Totimed. And Totimed is actually studying up on how stem cells can be utilized, but in particular, non-embryonic stem cells known as totipotent or pluripotent stem cells for a bunch of different medical conditions and diseases. He's got his fingers in a lot of other pots when it comes to delivering superfoods to the universe. And what I really like about him is his entire company has run through really good sustainable business practices that support the biome. He's not running around in the Amazon with a chainsaw. He's actually helping to build the environment while at the same time harvesting some pretty amazing ingredients from it.
So, Darin, welcome back to the show, man.
Darin: Hey, thanks, Ben. It's been a journey since we talked last, but totally stoked to catch up with you and nerd out a little bit.
Ben: We're actually talking on a Saturday morning, which is normally I think when Laird and Gabby would be doing their underwater pool workout. Did you go up there today, or are they kind of on shutdown with the whole coronavirus thing?
Darin: Yeah, a little bit of shutdown. We ended up a bunch of the crew members just went to the beach and did a bunch of plyometrics, and sprints, and TRX, and bodyweight stuff. So, we got it in.
Ben: I dig it. I'm going to be headed to the forest after this. I've got a park about a mile from my house. It's got an 18-hole Frisbee golf course that goes up and down through the mountains. And I throw down a weekend workout sometimes where I drop and do 30 burpees on each concrete pad before I throw, run, play the hole, and then drop for burpees and play the next hole, and it's kind of a fun little outdoor routine that keeps me out of the gym where all the viral particles are living, apparently.
Darin: Exactly, exactly. Nice little social distance right there for sure.
Ben: Exactly, yeah. So, before we delve into some of these cool superfood adventures that you've been up to lately, I think it would be really interesting to hear a little bit more about your own personal self-care routine, and some of the rituals, the hacks, the things that you've been up to lately that you think might fly under the radar that you find are just like non-negotiables for you.
Darin: These things evolve over time and you adapt to circumstances, too. So, there's certainly something I've been doing lately, which is just a great practice, especially in any sort of flu activity is that once I wake up, I drink my hydrogenated water.
Ben: So, by the way, and I might interrupt you and rabbit-hole a little bit as we go through, when you're drinking hydrogen-rich water, which I also do every morning, big mason glass jar of vitamin C baking soda, hydrogen-rich water and some minerals, are you using tablets or do you have one of these hydrogen water generating machines?
Darin: Yeah, on-demand hydrogen machine. It's a company that I've really tried to help get in the world, but they still haven't really gotten them in the world. So, I just have this personalized on-demand hydrogen machine that I'd love to share to the world, but sometimes these guys, these crazy inventors don't have a good understanding of business. So, yeah, I hit that, got my Himalayan salt in there so it's nice and alkalinized. I actually use this flask called Flaska, which I met. It's actually programmed, structuring science programmed information into the actual crystalline glass, and I found it at the water conference that Dr. Gerald Pollack did in Bulgaria last year, and I attended the top water scientists on the planet, and I saw this guy who had this amazing science-based flask that programmed frequencies into the crystal. So, I put it in that water and let it sit for a few minutes. It programs and structures the water.
Ben: Is it like a—because some of these bottles, it's a disc at the bottom, and then others, they line either the inside of the water bottle or the bottom of the water bottle with minerals. Do you know what they're using?
Darin: Yeah. So, this is actually programmed into the making of the glass.
Ben: Oh, cool.
Darin: And you can actually see the imprint of it. Again, it's Flaska with an “A”. I don't know if these guys—I think they shipped to the U.S., but the very cool—and listen, you can do all kinds of structuring stuff. Very simple, you can shake your water and make it a little more active and oxygenate it a little bit, you can put it in a nice glass with love on the side. And there's a lot of ways to help influence it from its deadened quality from coming out of the faucets or the filter systems.
Ben: Yeah. With probably the simplest being—and although something like a water structuring device or actually imprinting the water with energy, which I know for some people listening in, they might be head-scratching or submitting this podcast immediately to quackwatch.org, but there's actually some interesting research behind the ability of water to actually carry frequencies or carry information. You can just put salt in it and put it out in the sunlight to get some of that effect, but you can also use some of these water restructuring bottles, which I'm actually a fan of with the one caveat and the one warning that we give to people who may not realize this. Anything that's been programmed, whether it's like a disc you'd put on a bracelet or on your body to carry information, or whether it's a water bottle or anything like that, you actually have to keep it away from non-native EMF like your Wi-Fi router or anything like that because it Fs up the entire signal.
Darin: Yeah, for sure. I mean, we do know—and listen, if anyone wants to check out Dr. Gerald Pollack's work or the water conference information, they have plenty of information on that. I mean, we could talk for a week on water, Ben. I mean, it's a blank card drive that's influenced by all the energies on the planet. So, it doesn't have a point of view. So, if you put it next to your router, it will take on those frequencies. If you put it out in the sun, it will take on those frequencies. I also love blue bottles, the glass blue bottles. So, putting that out in the light and the frequency of the blue cobalt and the sunlight coming through. It's a great other bottle that I have around.
So, there's a lot to there, but we're just at the water part of my routine. But it's funny, when you and I start talking, you don't realize, I don't realize sometimes all of these things I've already programmed. So, I don't think about them, right? There are things that I have in my habitual repertoire ready. So, really then I move to a salt or a saline flush certainly through flu season, or you think you're getting something, just great to do through the winter months. And sometimes I'll add a little angstrom colloidal silver in there, colloidal silver, something like that, and I'll flush my nasal with a nice salt sole. And so I'm always flushing that.
Ben: What are you using to flush with? Are you using like a neti pot, or just sucking it into your nasal cavity?
Darin: It's a bottle that you can actually get a little more pressure. And instead of just the slow roll of a neti pot, which is that's the theory, it's a little more pressure. You just plug it right up to your nose, it plugs up the one and you push it and it flushes out a little more, goes further into the nasal cavity and is very, very effective. And even if you have a sinus issue and that you're plugged up, it's a great thing to do to create warm liquid, a sole to get up there and get whatever the infection or disturbance you have.
Ben: Yeah. It's great for like biofilm, mold, mycotoxin, et cetera. I have a similar approach as you, but I use a mask nebulizer. I've actually got it right here on my desk while I'm talking to you. It's a mask you put on, you drop a few drops of—actually, I have right next to right now the sovereign silver, colloidal silver, and then I also use the GlutaStat stuff, which is glutathione and N-acetylcysteine that I get from Dr. John Lieurance down in Florida. And of course right now during the coronavirus, I've been hitting it every day because the respiratory tract doesn't actually have its own built-in antioxidant system. So, I've just been nebulizing this stuff straight into my respiratory tract. But even for just general immunity on a daily basis, yeah, nebulizing or neti pots or some kind of way to huff some of these compounds, it's a pretty cool strategy.
Darin: Totally. And I love the nebulizer, too. I'm sitting with one with the colloidal silver in it and it's such a great moist way to bring in silver. A silver is such a powerful immune destroyer of bacteria and virus and great to have around. It's very cheap, a couple of batteries. You can just turn it on, have it next to you.
Ben: You're making me thirsty. I'm taking a drop or four right now, dude, just [00:16:00] _____.
Darin: Exactly. So, that's a great little routine. And then I'll usually just go into—I'll make some sort of adaptogenic herb elixir. I mean, I think this morning I used schisandra, chaga, ashwagandha, astragalus, cacao. Cacao is such a great one that people don't realize, such a good phenylethylamine booster to the serotonin feel-good molecules. I use 100% cacao from Peru.
Ben: I love that. That's funny. That's exactly—actually, since the coronavirus hit, I switched from coffee to the—I think it's Peruvian, the MiCacao organic cacao nibs and shells, and I just make a giant pot of that. I had a bunch of Sri Lankan cinnamon and cayenne, and then I pour that over about four packets of the Four Sigmatic chaga. So, it's just chaga and cacao up the wazoo. I don't actually do an animal with it. I drink it. Yeah. I mean, those elixirs are amazing in the morning, especially if you're kind of like doing the intermittent fasting thing, but wants some good nutrients and a good pick-me-up in your system, it's a cool strategy. So, you're using—what did you say again?
Darin: Schisandra, chaga, ashwagandha, astragalus, and ginseng, such a powerful—rhodiola, such a great one right now, it's very good for the brain. Again, if we can deal with—all of these, without going down the rabbit hole in all of these, but they're such a systemic way to deal with the added stress of the body and keep and modulate the immune system, the endocrine system, the hormonal system. And then I'll usually just dash a little bit of luo han guo, or people, from the common name called monk fruit, which is a great traditional Chinese medicine, actually super sweet, super, super sweet, and it's great. At this point, people can—it's widely available, so people can do that. It doesn't affect the blood sugar.
Ben: Great alternative to stevia, better than stevia, in my opinion.
Darin: Yeah, stevia. Stevia can get gnarly if you don't have the right source of it through its processing challenges. So, then I'll sit on an infrared pad. I'll just go into my meditation, and my meditations just shift depending on the place I want to go, or what I'm working on, or whatever, but just silence the mind and get into that zone. And then I'll usually come out of that and do a stream of consciousness writing, and then that will move me naturally into my to-do list of—for me, I really have to get clear on, especially now more than ever, what am I doing, where is my focus, what am I creating, what am I contributing to, and how am I going to get there. And if I literally start my day, that's my greatest elixir ever to keep, especially now with all the distractions, to align with the passion, to align with the contribution, and to align with how I'm going to perform living in today's world in a sense of a day to day.
Ben: Yeah. Its enormously important. I mean, for me, that's Sunday night that I sit down and do that for the entire week, and then just review it each morning. But to backpedal just very quickly, your stream of consciousness writing after you meditate, I'm just curious logistically, how long are you spending writing?
Darin: It could be something that just blurts out. It could be 10 minutes, it could be 30, just depending on clarity or lack of clarity or being a vessel for what needs to come through or not. Or it just shifts from literally two minutes of a gratitude, and then it goes right into like, “Oh, I'm so passionate about what I need to do next that's already aligned, so then it can shift.” I don't really get hardwired on the exact time, but I have to acknowledge all those steps. That's my anchor. And if I'm off, I'm just not mentally or physically or spiritually in a good place. So, this is just my normal protocol. I am an 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. sleeper. I'm up at 4:00, and that to me is like—for me, the thing that actually wakes me up is the excitement for the morning because that's space. I don't go anywhere. I don't talk to anyone for at least three hours.
Ben: Well, I can tell you. I cannot wait, this sounds rude, I cannot wait 'til my kids are 17, 18 and move out or take care of themselves at night because our biggest family time goes from like 7:30 to 9:30 at night, and I love the 4:00 a.m., the 5:00 a.m., but I just can't get the kids their quality time at night, get them to bed, and then get to bed myself and time to do it. So, I imagine from the time I'm about probably 42 would be about when they're done and out on for the rest of my life. I'll probably be on about the same timeframe as you, the 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. because I love to crush the morning, but just can't right now without needing to nap from like noon to 2:00 if I do that.
Darin: Yeah, exactly. So, then after that, it's usually now I'm ready to roll, so I'll meet the boys and do some sort of functional, crazy, hold the breath kind of workout, and that's how you and I have bumped shoulders doing some of that crazy shit, so we don't have to get it to all that, but that's the morning. I mean, that sets me up every day and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Ben: I love it. Cool. Well, that's just the taste of what this guy is like for everybody listening in. Quick question before I ask you about some of these newer things you've been discovering lately, and particularly the one I have up in my pantry right now. That's a recent find of yours. This whole idea with Totimed, that was originally I think the very first conversation that I had about you was totipotent stem cells, and we actually discussed them in the last podcast. We actually talked about coffee berry extract as being one pretty easy to find berry that helps to support the mobilization of the totipotent cells, but in terms of this Totimed, which I think is totimedgroupinternational.com, and I'll link to that in the shownotes. What exactly are you doing with these non-embryonic stem cells?
Darin: Yeah. I mean, that project has slowed a bit because it was based on Department of Health contract. Who knows what's going to happen now, but we were deemed to work with about 20 to 40,000 veterans to help healing of all different sorts. So, Dr. Henry Young was the founder of what's called the totipotent stem cell. And by definition, the totipotent is the grandfather, it can create—and I think you even mentioned it in the book because it's the only one that can turn itself into any tissue or any organ, even the zygote, even the most primitive of all cells. And what Dr. Young discovered was it was a different looking cell than what anyone else had and everyone thought it didn't really exist.
And so what we found was there's definitely lifestyle things that you can do to turn on your natural ability for these particular stem cells to proliferate, and also release themselves into the vasculature. There's a couple of things you can do, and then there's also some plant compounds that will support those structures. And then the whole other research that he's doing is he can isolate them and we're way beyond. This isn't mesenchymal, this is above pluripotent. But really, he also deals with pluripotent, which does most of everything except can proliferate the zygote in the beginning of those cell differentiations.
So, Dr. Young's research really got it to a point where he could take the blood and the only person on the planet that could find the totipotent circulating already in the blood of any individual. And then he could make millions, billions, and even trillions and put them back into the body of the same person that he got it from, and the body would turn into a bioreactor of healing. That would be phenomenal. So, literally, joints, knee replacements, hip replacements, that is a day that is gone. It literally regenerates within—can regenerate a knee within six to nine months. We're talking cartilage and things like that.
Essentially, these are bold statements, but certainly, he was seeing evidence of ending of heart disease just by turning on. So, there's several things and you have to realize that as you know, everything comes down to lifestyle. So, you either created a scenario where you're cutting off, shutting off your body's ability to turn on these stem cells, and that's largely lifestyle, 99% of it, and also then turning to other things that you can do in your lifestyle to turn on those stem cells. Some things I'll give your listeners.
Ben: Yeah. I was going to say give us a few little teasers about other lifestyle or nutrition tactics that you guys have found.
Darin: Well, number one is alcohol, we absolutely know, destroys totipotent stem cells. So, this is from Dr. Young's research. Number two —
Ben: Are we talking, because I know we'll get some pushback and then we can come back to number two, are we talking like in vivo exposure of cultured cells to ethanol, which is what a lot of these studies look at? Because that always makes me scratch my head when you look at some of the Blue Zone data and having like a good one to two drinks of like a nice organic or bitter-rich cocktail on a daily basis. Are you saying that that would pretty severely interrupt the formation or the activity of totipotent stem cells?
Darin: This is endogenous. So, one of his many patents that he has and only has is he can tag those totipotents and see where they go and monitor what's happening. And so in his research, and part of our research was to finish the next wave of substantiation, but in his study of them in the last 35 years, it was alcohol for sure destroys stem cells, totipotents. And anything over 100 milligrams a day of caffeine disrupt and destroy totipotent stem cells.
Ben: Wait, how many milligrams of caffeine did you say?
Darin: A hundred milligrams.
Ben: Wow. More than a cup of coffee. Now, one part of me thinks of the whole hormetic deal where we know that there's a hormetic effect of alcohol, plant-based compounds, herbs, bitters, caffeine, et cetera, and I'm just wondering when you look at the potential life-extending hormetic benefits of these compounds versus any damage to totipotency where you would actually draw the line, and also just the life enjoyment.
Darin: A hundred percent, dude. It's some of my same questions too because—listen, if you just follow those guidelines, you back off and some of the—stop drinking alcohol. There's really not a great benefit for it. Yeah, you can look at any—dude, you can look at any research and find, “Well, it's got antioxidants. It helps open up the bronchial passages.” Whatever it is, you can find anything, but you have to look at it from the broad perspective. And if you don't have enough information for the broad perspective, then you just align and adapt to the benefits that you want to believe is the truth.
So, this is just new information that's coming in from a guy that studied this his entire life. But at the same time, we know that the active compounds in matcha green tea, the ECGCs and all of the stuff, we know that that turns on also totipotents, pluripotents, mesenchymals. So, we do know that, but at a certain point, if you're taking in too much of the caffeine, I don't know. These are questions we don't know yet. And then the other two things that people can do right now today is a cup, and this is from his research, a cup of blueberries every day for 30 days will turn your totipotent stem cells on by six to ten times. It will allow your body to proliferate. That means make more of them.
Ben: Hey, I want to interrupt today's show to tell you about this extremely unique probiotic. So, the problem with a lot of probiotics is they get broken down by the acidic environment in your gut, they don't make it farther down into your digestive tract, they don't seed your gut, and that's a big issue because when you look at the lower parts of the GI tract, that's where you want to maintain bacterial balance. But unfortunately, most probiotics are a waste of money because they're all dead by the time they get there.
Now, I interviewed a couple of years back the folks who own this company called Seed. So, what Seed did was they used something called a SHIME test, which is the closest system developed to model the most harsh conditions in the gastrointestinal tract. And then what they did was they figure out how to safeguard their probiotic with their prebiotic outer capsule. If you order this stuff and try to like open the capsule, it's really cool because I just experimented with and broke open some capsules to try and reverse engineer what they've done, and it's got like this seaweed coating on it, it's got pomegranate seed extract to feed the bacteria and keep it alive. And because they covered it with all these different prebiotics, what they call the postbiotics, which is what the bacteria make after they get metabolized like urolithin A, for example, one of the best anti-aging compounds that you can find, the probiotics make this when you consume them and they stay alive.
The folks who run Seed, the scientists over there, they're some of the smartest cats I know when it comes to your biome. And so I'm super happy endorsing them, and they are going to give all of my listeners a 15% discount on what they call their Daily Synbiotic. You pop three of these. It could be an empty stomach. I like to do it in the afternoon on an empty stomach. It could be a full stomach. It's literally like you're eating a wide variety of fermented foods because it's got the prebiotics in there along with it and they're super committed to planetary health. So, all their packaging is biodegradable. It's made out of mushrooms. So, their packaging just decomposes in dirt in like 30 days. All their shipping materials are made out of edible corn foam. I wouldn't eat it, but it dissolves in water right off the bat. And they're just a wonderful, wonderful company to work with. So, 15% off. You go to seed.com/ben, S-E-E-D.com/ben, 15% discount code is BEN15. That's BEN15.
And then finally, for those of you stuck at home or those of you who want a little hack to get a workout in more quickly, there is research that shows that you can get the equivalent of a 30 to 40-minute endurance training session with just a couple of all-out 20-second bouts. So, what this company did, this company is called CAR.O.L, they developed a bike that has an artificial intelligence engine in it that walks you through the exact training protocol that mimics, again 30 to 40 minutes of endurance exercise in under 9 minutes with just 40 seconds of actual hard work. There's this cool voice that walks you through the whole thing. You get on the bike. You don't have to shower afterwards. You don't have to sweat.
And sure, I'm a fan of long hikes and long bike rides out in the countryside, but if you just have like a quick nine minutes to duck away during the day and you want twice the post-exercise oxygen consumption and metabolic boost than you get from endurance exercise, meaning, you burn fat for twice as long post-exercise, this bike is going to be right up your alley. And you could slap one in your office, your basement, your home, your garage, wherever, and it literally does it all for you in terms of just walking through the exact research-based protocol. It's the world's only AI-powered exercise bike.
So, they're going to give everybody listening in a limited time offer. They're going to give you $200 off the bike and ship it to your house for free and give you a free one-year subscription to all their workouts. So, it's very simple to do this. You just go to shop.carolfitai.com, CAR.O.L Fit AI, like artificial intelligence, shop.carolfitai.com. And the code for the 200 bucks off, free shipping, one-year subscription is GREENFIELD200, GREENFIELD200 at shop.carolfit.ai. You are welcome. Enjoy that bicycle.
That is one component of my anti-aging smoothie that—actually, some of the ingredients were inspired by you, including the coffee berry powder that's in that is really, really good, dense, organic, blueberry powder. I actually have a whole Amazon shopping list that I send my team to. It's just BenGreenfieldFitness.com/antiagingsmoothie, and it's got cacao nibs, it's got blueberry powder, it's got coffee berry fruit, it's got strawberry powder. Yeah. For me, it's just super easy for me to just drop the blueberry powder straight into my smoothie.
Darin: Yeah, yeah. And if you've worked out the math of the equivalency of a cup of blueberries, then you're at least on the same trajectory. And now at the same time, be aware of the things that might fort some of that proliferation. That being said, eating well and taking care of yourself and creating good stressors and all of that stuff for sure, we are going to find benefits on that front, but we just don't know enough on—is jumping in the ice bath, sauna, is that affecting totipotents? Well, who the hell knows? I'm sure it is, but I couldn't even guess at this point.
And then the other thing that people can—I mean, this is a slippery one, and then we can move on from this because this is just such a huge topic, but the blue-green algae, AFAs in particular, allow for the release of that which was proliferated. So, there's three cycles, three categories, three phases of totipotents. One is the proliferation, making more of them, the body, the bioreaction that it's having inside endogenously in the body. Number two is the release of them. So, the body from the vasculature releasing them into the circulation, so they're now available for the body to use. And that releasing is coming from, at least the one thing that we know is the AFA, is the blue-green algae. But the problem is, and here's the warning, it's a big warning, a very big warning, there's a lot of mycotoxins, there's a lot of heavy metals in the particular form of AFAs that actually do this because most of it's coming from Klamath Lake. I've talked to researchers. There are ways to chelate it, but no one's doing it at scale.
Ben: So, are you saying the blue-green algae that most manufacturers are putting into their supplement that's coming from Klamath Lake is not going to have those effects?
Darin: It will have those effects, but you're going to be receiving neurotoxin potential on top of it. Thank God I don't sell this stuff at this particular problem because my number one thing was until we had to stop the work—and I'm not doing anything with them at the moment because there's a lot of work that needs to be done to clean up that side of it. So, I wouldn't at this point suggest people go out, and that's the problem. And this speaks to some of the bigger topics we can talk about as it relates to the other superfoods I found because it's supply chain. It's where we all need to be more conscious of because everyone can market you anything and you'll run into some major, major problems almost in every freaking category of supplementation unless you got your ass to the facilities around the world where they're manufacturing.
Ben: Have you looked at marine phytoplankton at all as an alternative?
Darin: Oh my gosh, I have, absolutely.
Ben: What do you think of that?
Darin: I think it's at the core of all green matter on the planet, it's one of the best, and yeah, I've known British Columbia dear friends of mine 20 years ago.
Ben: Is that Ian with the activation products?
Darin: No. It was—what were they called? I don't even know if they're in existence called UMAC, Tiffany [00:38:53] _____. Her father was dying of cancer and he was working—one of the first phytoplanktons on the planet. These guys were doing it. More phytoplankton was being readmitted into the ocean than what they actually brought in to make more of them. So, they were doing it really well. Again, I don't even know if they're in existence anymore, but I love phytoplankton. I love it, love it, love it.
Ben: Yeah. I've been using Ian Clark stuff, the activation products droppers of marine phytoplankton and it's amazing, especially when I travel and need to just add that to the morning glass of water when I don't have everything else on hand.
Darin: I would love to—yes, shoot me that information. I'd love to dig into that. I'd love to know who's doing what with that.
Ben: Yeah. I'll send you a link to his stuff and I'll put it in the shownotes, too. Everything we talk about, you guys, I'll put at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/superfoodhunter. So, that all being said, Darin, in our last podcast, we talked about the nitty-gritty specifics of these famed pool workouts. We talked about your entire back story and how you became a superfood hunter, which is why, for those of you listening in, we're not getting into all that today because it's already out there. It's in our previous podcast, which I'll link to. We talked about the first two superfoods that you discovered in the Amazon, which was the sacha inchi, that protein source with the really, really high omega-3, 6s, and now as far as a plant-based protein source, one of the best ones out there, I still think. We talked about the coffee berry fruit extract and a little bit more about these totipotent stem cells. And we talked about Moringa, too, your so-called vitamin pill plant.
And then at the very end of that podcast, you briefly mentioned something new that you were just starting to research, something that I got a few bags of last week that I have been absolutely punishing on top of my salads right now, and that is this baruka nut. So, fill me in on the baruka and how you found out about this thing.
Darin: Yeah, the Dipteryx alata Vog., which is this beautiful, beautiful nut from the Baruzeiro tree in the Cerrado of Brazil, the savannah, one the second largest savannah on the planet. So, how my career has worked is usually I'm looking over here at something else, and of course the gold—I find not looking for it. So, the same thing happened with the barukas is that I was actually in the eastern side of Brazil. A Brazilian saw that I was there. They reached out to me. They said, “Hey, do you know of this nut from the Baruzeiro tree, almond, Chiquitania, it's Castanea? It's given all these names.” And I was like, “Oh my god, I have no idea what that is, and what's the Cerrado.” Right?
Ben: Yeah.
Darin: So, he sent me a bunch of research. Of course, I started gobbling that up and there was a lot of very interesting aspects to what is considered a nut, technically speaking, but we'll just keep calling it a nut. Technically speaking, it's a seed. So, he sent me the research, it got my attention, and I can unpack that a little bit as what that was.
Ben: Yeah, absolutely.
Darin: And so I looked at it and I was like, “Wait a minute, flavonoids, tannins, anthocyanins, high antioxidants, what's going on?” I'm reading this going, “Oh my god, this thing's going to be another superfood that tastes like shit. And then I got to figure out how to formulate with it so that people can be exposed and have access to this beautiful, what seems to be beautiful food. And then it had all this protein, all the amino acids, super high in fiber, kind of destroyed other nuts and fiber and antioxidants and complete protein. And so I was like, “Wow.” And so he sent me a sample and I tasted it, and I'm like, “How is this possible?”
Ben: It tastes like peanut butter.
Darin: I know. It's crazy. So, it literally was an epiphany because I don't normally taste something that's so high in nutrients, and antioxidants, and flavonoids, and polyphenols, and all of this stuff, and it tastes good. How is that possible? So, it tastes like something that you're almost familiar with because it's got that peanutty kind of flavor. So, I tasted it and I was like, “Holy shit, this is crazy.” But then my first questions, Ben, was, “Okay. I know that 90% of what I've always wanted to bring out in the world has not been brought out in the world yet because there's huge supply chain problems, and infrastructure, and resources, and timing, and access to, and all of this stuff. It's very difficult.” So, I jumped on a plane, I met those guys out there, we traveled around, and we realized that of course being on the ground, you learn more than anywhere else being in front of the people and then seeing the Cerrado. And the Cerrado is a very interesting place. No one knows about it. Essentially, it's 200 million hectares of land in Brazil. That's 500 million acres that is —
Ben: Geez.
Darin: —that is in Brazil.
Ben: And is this like acres of rainforest, or is it like a plane, or what exactly is it?
Darin: Yes. So, it's a savannah. So, this savannah is—so if you look at it, people have a visual of the Amazon, where you have this very biodiverse, but very in-your-face vegetation, right? So, that's got canopies. It's got all of the vegetation, and medicinal plants, and fruits, and everything else there. Whereas the Cerrado is kind of this, in some places, deserty feeling, and the biomass is comparable to that of the Amazon, but you just can't see it. It's below ground. So, yes, you're getting trees and cactus and 4,400 active powerful plants in this savannah, but it's largely just a different landscape. So, that's a bit of a setup for it's also easier to clear. So, this savannah is being destroyed faster than any landmass on the planet as of today.
Ben: And it's being destroyed primarily for the trees?
Darin: It's being destroyed for the freaking agro unsustainable meat production, and soy and corn for the meat production.
Ben: Okay.
Darin: So, they're seeing no value and they're just factory producing, stripping this land. And so what we saw was, number one, tear-jerking, 100%. So, thousands of kilometers were traveling through these areas, were meeting the villagers, were seeing the Baruzeiro tree, were seeing of course areas where it's thriving and then you're seeing this incredible destruction in your face going, “Holy shit, no one knows about this.” And it's got a very poor PR agency because we are aware of the Amazon and it's being destroyed, but we're not aware of a landmass that's intimately connected to the stability of not only Amazon, but also the planet. But comparable, the amount of biomass and CO2 sequestering is, some people say, as comparable to the Amazon, but it's largely just that biomass that's rooted.
And so the Baruzeiro tree is a very, very special tree because it develops this very deep taproot, it's a [00:47:25] _____ tree it's called, it's kind of a bush tree kind of thing, but you look at it and the normal version would say that's a tree. And so it develops this very deep taproot because in the savannah, you go through seven, eight, nine months without rain, without anything. So, the Baruzeiro tree taps the aquifer below, and it also is a nitrogen fixer. So, it's pulling the bounty of nitrogen out of the air, it's helping to convert that in the soil, in the microbiome in the soil, and then gifting it not only to itself, but its neighboring plants. So, it's a very, very special tree to the health of the savannah.
And so this nut develops every nine months, every year, once a year. And so all of the stress that it's under—there's a theme here that I'm sure many of your listeners are aware of, when plants are under stress, they develop some incredible compounds that we get to synergize with and utilize and act as our medicines, which is a beautiful thing. It develops this incredible fruit. So, we call it, like the whole bulb of this thing is fruit. It's got a thin fruit layer, it's got a very hard shell, and it's got one nut inside. So, this is developing. You can't pick it early. You can't go out and—let's say the market blows up, you can't go out and just grab it, it has to fall. So, it's a wild food, and I know your listeners are going to love this shit because it's very, very, very rare in a day like we have today to be able to scale and eat the truly wild food.
Ben: Now, do you get concerned at all based on what you've described as far as the antioxidant content because I know this is one of the first things many of my listeners are going to think of, especially the paleo carnivore crowd, are any plant defense mechanisms at this thing, if so rare and hardy, would have developed that may actually wind up creating excessive—I mean, we talked about hormesis, but then you can go beyond hormesis and actually cause gut damage or autoimmune issues. Have you looked into that at all with the baruka nut?
Darin: A hundred percent great, great question. So, absolutely, it has defended itself extremely well. So, the phytic acids, the dihydrogen phosphates, the protease inhibitors, all of these things, oxalates, lectins. So, on its own, if you grab it after it's fallen and eat it, you can't eat it raw. It's so loaded with defense mechanism so it's impossible to eat. You put it in your mouth and you spit it out. It won't allow you to eat it, but indigenously, the thing—and we've looked into sprouting, we've looked into all this stuff. And so indigenously again, the only way you can really learn this is being there after hundreds of interviews from chiefs to elders, to scientists, to universities, to guys who've done their PhD, all in Brazil. They come to realize we follow nature, better yet we follow how the indigenous people used to eat this.
So, what they did was they would take it after it has fallen, they would put it around a fire in the morning, it would lightly toast the nut inside, it would deactivate all of these inhibitors, and it would also start to release all of these bioactive minerals and compounds. And so of course you're like, “Okay. But it only matters if it's tested.” So, yes, for me, you know this by now that of course you look at the research, but you got to do this yourself. So, we tested it. From everything we've looked at, hard to get some of these tests done. From every way we've built at, no lectins, no oxalates, no phytic acids, no protease inhibitors, and it's one of those things where we can't make this claim.
Ben: Yeah. When you say protease inhibitors, by the way, for people wondering, that would be primarily trypsin, the serine protease that you'd normally find. Normally, if you're going to inhibit that, it would decrease the amount of protein that you would actually be able to get from the nut, and induce some amount of nutrient malabsorption and toxicity.
Darin: Exactly. And interfere with essentially what you need is that protein digestion.
Ben: Right. Yeah, that trypsin is what cleaves the peptide chain.
Darin: Exactly. So, that's one of the beautiful things. And so in this instance, then we went back to—my first question when I was—maybe not my first, one of my first, was asking all these guys that we have worked with down there, worked with it for 10, 15 years, like, “Have you tried sprouting?” “Yes, yes, yes. It doesn't work. It released all of these inhibitors, but roasting does.” And so then again, we tested it. All of the testing of our antioxidants, of our minerals, of our compounds are all after roasting. And a little trick that everyone and your listeners should be aware of is sometimes people will use and pass around nutritional information that is not in the state to which the supplement or food is actually being consumed.
And people were doing this actually with Moringa all the time. So, they were sending out all of this information about how powerful Moringa was, but they were doing it from a fresh state and no one knew that. But until you actually tested most of the schwag on the market, you realize like those numbers aren't even close. So, you have to be aware that any company that you're supporting or that you're showing information, those are the company's tested results, right? So, all of these things came by way of us backing up and following our own testing. And so what we found was, number one, we have all this protein available. So, you're talking 20% protein availability with all the amino acids. You're talking 20% to 25% total fiber in a nut, which is, as you know, fiber is so extremely important, right? And then the antioxidants. And so just to give without boring people with the 21,000 ORAC score that it came back as the nut, it's 350% more antioxidants than a bloody almond for God's sakes.
Ben: That story, by the way, about roasting and about seeing how the locals treat it reminds me of cassava, which is another one that gets thrown under the bus a lot because of its cyanogen, which is highly toxic. But if you look at how indigenous tribes would actually prepare it, they crush it, they sun-dry the cassava roots, and we have cassava root flower wraps up in our refrigerator right now that I'm totally comfortable that my kids are probably literally upstairs right now making sandwiches with those, but that removes pretty much all the cyanogens. Even like soaking, sun-drying, soaking, fermenting, roasting, that removes close to the same amount, and you cannot simply take a plant from nature, point out its nutrient inhibitors or its toxicity, and then say, “Therefore, it should not be eaten.” It's the same logic of saying you shouldn't jump on the back of a giant elk and sink your teeth into its back hide. It's like of course you should ethically harvest it, shoot it, and then prepare it properly via field dressing and the right cooking methods to ensure that you actually survive when you eat it. And the same can be said of plants.
Darin: Exactly.
Ben: Yeah.
Darin: Exactly. And one of our funny moments was this became Dr. Gundry's favorite nut, too.
Ben: Well, that's saying something as Steven Gundry will eat this nut.
Darin: Yeah, and we did a great podcast and talked all about it, and that's his go-to. And so he did his own research and test on it. So, we were like, “Hey, that's a cool moment when the doctor of oxalates comes on and says, ‘That's my nut.'” It's pretty cool. So, for us, from a nutrient standpoint, it just almost in every category blows most nuts away.
Ben: What about the skin? It's got like an outer skin layer. Can you eat the skin?
Darin: Absolutely.
Ben: Okay.
Darin: A lot of antioxidants in that skin, and additional fiber as well. So, that's one thing. That's a great question people always have, “Do I take this off? Do I leave it on?” It's a great kind of popcorny kind of addition to the peanutty side, plus you're getting more antioxidants. So, from that perspective and from a micronutrient perspective, we just saw that the huge potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, manganese, zinc, it's just one of those things that if you look at the poor peanut and the poor almond how it's been, and many of the other ones, you can't compare it to a wild food, you can't compare it to the stressors and the strain and the nutrient value that these things go under. And then vitamin E as well.
So, for us, from a nutrient standpoint, this hit me as someone who cares about this stuff and has hunted a bunch of plants around the world. There's many boxes that this has checked, Ben. And for me, every spoke of the wheel of the superfood wheel is important. And those spokes are, it blows away every nut and almost any category. So, from nutrient standpoint, we're superior. From a taste perspective, we believe it's the most nutrient-dense nut and deliciously tasting nut, which you can add in soups and salads and the butters, I'm playing with right now. I'm playing with some formulations that just the butters just —
Ben: Oh, yeah. I made pesto with it with—I harvest wild nettle, and then I used rosemary thyme, I did half baruka nut and half walnut, extra virgin olive oil, some salt, some pepper, and that was amazing. And then the other thing, just because I love to blend nuts up, was I tried your nut butter recipe and put it in the food processor for about five minutes, and then added a bunch of coconut oil, about a quarter cup of coconut oil, and then some vanilla and cinnamon, and oh my gosh, it's like freaking cocaine. It's amazing.
Darin: Yeah. It's pretty crazy. So, I'll add another bomb for you. So, not only the nut, the fruit layer on the outside, I looked at when we harvested and found some of the fresh ones that had fallen. We're in Brazil. One of our partners reached out of a storage bin and pulled one out that was five years old. And I looked at the outside of this thing. So, we're talking fruit layer. The nut hadn't been cracked open yet. And I'm looking at the fruit layer, I saw no difference. I'm like, “How was a fruit layer hasn't broken down in five years? How is that possible?” So, I'm like, “Well, there has to be –“
Ben: Sounds like a Big Mac.
Darin: Yeah, exactly, exactly. But this is the nature's chemistry. So, then I took out a knife, and in the bumpy car ride going back to our hotel from the Cerrado, I shaved off the fruit layer, put it in the bag, brought it back to the states, had it tested, and of course the antioxidants exploded. There's stability from the antioxidants. The fiber was through the roof. And here's a very interesting thing. We tested because in the back of my mind, I'm like, “Let's expand the fiber test.” So, I tested for fructooligosaccharide, FOS, the prebiotic, very strong, beautiful, powerful, prebiotic, sure enough off the chart.
So, now this thing that tastes when we dry it tastes like a crunchier graham cracker with low sugar, pre and pro—prebiotics, high antioxidants, micronutrients. You can add it, which we did, we added it with the nut, and now we've got this synergy, the symphony of this perfect trail mix that has this light sweetness with more antioxidants, more micronutrients, and this delicious combination. So, again, nature just blows my mind when you're able to see what it has and then get to consume it. So, now, we've created this trail mix where we have the fruit with the nut, and we're also reaching out to some functional food companies and buyers to figure out where we can distribute more of this functional food that we have a lot of.
Ben: That's amazing. You can distribute to my house right now.
Darin: Yeah.
Ben: I'll punish the hell out of that. That sounds amazing. So, it's got the actual fruit and the nut?
Darin: Yes, exactly.
Ben: Oh my gosh. Dude, I got to try it. And is that for sale on your website as well?
Darin: Absolutely. It's the trail mix.
Ben: Okay. I'm going to link to that in the shownotes. I think you guys also have—for those of you who don't want to make your own nut butter like I do, you guys have the baruka nut butter on your website too, right?
Darin: Yes. We combine that because you have to add a little more fat to it to make a good butter. So, we added a wild cashew from the Cerrado, but I'm also working—I've made some ridiculous formulas with the baruka nuts, the fruit crunch, and then coconut oil and monk fruit, and it blows your freaking mind.
Ben: Okay. I'm writing this down. So, you use—because I could do this with the trail mix. So, right, I could do the trail mix, which already has the fruit and the nut. And then what else did you put in there?
Darin: Coconut oil.
Ben: Coconut oil.
Darin: Just blend it up first before you add the coconut oil—
Ben: Yeah, that's what I did when I did it with just the nuts.
Darin: Yup. And then if you want to crank up that sweetness with no caloric issues or sugar, just add a little luo han guo or a monk fruit to it. Be careful not to blow it out because you don't need very much at all. And then a little dash of Himalayan crystal salt, which Himalayan crystal salt, salt and sugar have an interesting—just in little bit can draw out some of the sugar, not physically, but just from organoleptic point of view when you're eating it. So, just a dash of Himalayan salt. That's a wicked combination.
Ben: Oh my gosh, dude. Alright. Well, I think people are probably pretty sold on this baruka nut. And I can tell you guys right now, it is at the top of the totem pole. It's even beat out macadamia nuts for me, which says a lot because I'm a fiend for macadamia nuts. This stuff, like Darin mentioned, is a little bit difficult to source, but they're managing to do it sustainably. I know that you guys are leaving a percentage of the fruits out in the wild to feed the local wildlife. I know that you're providing shade to sequester carbon and fix nitrogen and create oxygen for that savannah that was getting so beat up that you talked about. And then you're implementing your all fair trade practices in harvesting, which is amazing.
Darin: Exactly. And the one big thing that we're doing is for every five pounds that we sell, we created nurseries and we're planting a tree. For every five pounds, we've planted tree in the wild and give it back to the indigenous people. So, our goal is to plant 20 million trees.
Ben: Dude, that's amazing. My boys and I were just down in Kona and we planted a bunch of the koa trees when we were on a hike down there. We went on a hike with the local and brought some mini koa trees with us and put those at the base of the volcano down there. Yeah, planting trees, not only shopping at companies that are doing it like you guys are, but also yesterday, at the time we're talking, it was National Plant a Seed Day and we also did that. It's one of the best things human beings can do is to plant seeds, and it is so incredibly simple. And it always shocks me how few people actually put back into the earth nutrients.
Darin: Totally.
Ben: Good on you, man. I love it.
Darin: Yeah. We're really dedicated to this conscious consumerism. We don't do it because it's novel, we do it because it's what we should do. And so it just checks all these boxes for us to—one of the greatest joys in my life is still delivering food to people that was nutrient-dense so that people can thrive. And number two, I know that the indigenous people are being paid fairly, so they're thriving. Number three, the consumer itself is winning because they get to enjoy these things. And then number four, the environment is going to be better than before we got there, and we need to move the needle, all of us in all companies, and always, and all [01:06:38] _____, and your listeners. Your listeners are ass-kickers. You want to have people like your listeners who care about what's going in their body, the care that it's being taken care of fairly with the indigenous people, and also doing something with our company that's bettering the environment by planting trees. And that to me, we don't need to get every customer on the planet, we just need those great customers like your listeners that care about where the money goes and cares to support companies that really care about this stuff.
Ben: Well, I dig it, man. And I know that you're generously giving everybody listening in 15% off on their baruka nuts, or their baruka trail mix, or they're baruka nut butter. And that's all, if you guys go to barukas.com/ben and use promo code BEN, that gets you 15% off. Or if you just want to surf through the shownotes for everything we talked about from my previous podcast with Darin to his book “SuperLife,” to the water bottles, to other podcasts I've done that are related to this, to some of the things that we're putting into our morning tonics and on and on, all of that's going to be at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/superfoodhunter.
I got one last question for you, Darin, because your morning was so intriguing. What's one thing you're going to do tonight that's a non-negotiable for you to get a stellar night of sleep?
Darin: Oh, I always walk my dog out on the land when the sun is going down and turn around right before it goes beyond the mountain. I sun gaze, locking in my circadian rhythm, and then starting to drip my melatonin, so I fall asleep like a baby for sure.
Ben: Red light at night for circadian rhythm enhancement. It's underemphasized, but it's absolutely amazing. And it goes beyond just switching your phone into red light mode, actually getting out into the full spectrum of sunlight. There was actually a study called “The Influence of Red Light Exposure at Night On Circadian Rhythm.” And I'll link to it in the shownotes. And you actually do get better sleep if you can see the sunset somehow at night or, I suppose, biohack it with one of these infrared light producing devices. But either way, it's not just the absence of blue light, it's the presence of red light that helps you sleep. So, that's a great tip. And again, everything we talked about I'll put over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/superfoodhunter. And Darin, as usual, it's incredible to talk to you. You're a wealth of knowledge, man.
Darin: Dude, I love it.
Ben: And you're very inspiring, too. I would love to be just as curious and active and information-packed as you are as I progress on my own journey. So, keep doing what you're doing, man.
Darin: Dude, thank you. You're doing pretty good yourself, brother. So, it's always a pleasure. I feel like we could talk forever. So, it's fun to bat the ball back and forth with you. I love it.
Ben: Word. Alright, folks. Well, until next time. I'm Ben Greenfield along with Darin Olien of the baruka nuts, the famous amazingly addictive baruka nuts signing out from BenGreenfieldFitness.com. And remember, you can go to barukas.com/ben and use promo code BEN and get 15% off. Thanks for listening. Darin, I'll talk to you later, man.
Darin: Thanks, brother.
Ben: Well, thanks for listening to today's show. You can grab all the shownotes, the resources, pretty much everything that I mentioned over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com, along with plenty of other goodies from me, including the highly helpful “Ben Recommends” page, which is a list of pretty much everything that I've ever recommended for hormone, sleep, digestion, fat loss, performance, and plenty more. Please, also, know that all the links, all the promo codes, that I mentioned during this and every episode, helped to make this podcast happen and to generate income that enables me to keep bringing you this content every single week. When you listen in, be sure to use the links in the shownotes, use the promo codes that I generate, because that helps to float this thing and keep it coming to you each and every week.
When I first met today's podcast guest, we were sitting in a sauna at Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece's pool. He was sitting across from me and filled me in on some of the most advanced stem cell boosting tactics that I'd ever heard—including talking about little-known superfoods I'd never heard anyone expound upon with such knowledge.
Turns out this guy, whose name is Darin Olien, is actually called the “Indiana Jones of superfoods.” Since 2005 he has successfully sourced more than 300 foods and ingredients from around the world as an exotic superfoods hunter, supplement formulator, and environmental activist. Today, he is a renowned authority on nutrition, hydration, and the health potential of foods and herbs; and he’s on a mission to help everyone learn about them and use them to feel their best.
So a few years ago, I interviewed Darin in the episode The Indiana Jones Of Superfoods: Stem Cells, Air-To-Water Machines, Coffeefruit & More With Darin Olien, and today he's back to talk Baruka nuts, stem cells, fitness, and more.
He is the formulator of the superfood-packed Shakeology® and a full plant-based detoxification program. His book SuperLife: The 5 Simple Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome offers resources for easy lifestyle changes to create optimal health in your body and live your best life possible. In this groundbreaking health and lifestyle guide, the superfoods expert and nutritionist provides the key to understanding and utilizing the five life forces—the sole factors that determine whether or not we will be healthy, fit, and free of illness.
In SuperLife, Darin provides us with an entirely new way of thinking about health and well-being by identifying what he calls the life forces: Quality Nutrition, Hydration, Detoxification, Oxygenation, and Alkalization. He demonstrates in great detail how to maintain these processes, thereby allowing our bodies to do the rest. He tells us how we can maintain a healthy weight, prevent even the most serious of diseases, and feel great. He explains that all of this is possible without any of the restrictive or gimmicky diet plans that never work in the long term.
Darin has traveled the world, exploring the health properties of foods that have sustained indigenous cultures for centuries. Putting his research into practice, he has created a unique and proven formula for maximizing our bodies’ potential. He also includes a “how-to-eat” user’s guide with a shopping list, advice on “what to throw away,” a guide to creating a healthy, balanced diet plan, and advice on how to use supplements effectively.
Written in Darin's engaging conversational style, Superlife is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive look at dieting and nutrition, a timeless and essential guide to maintaining the human body and maximizing its potential. He is also one of the founders of Barukas (promo code is BEN for 15% on your first order), a super nut from the Savannah “Cerrado” of Brazil. Through sustainable business practices, the company is committed to supporting this important biome by planting 20 million Baruzeita trees. He is also an advisor on SAVEarth, an organizational business started by Chris Blair and James Cameron to invest in and support companies in food and environmental space for the health of the planet.
As if that's not enough, Darin is the Nutritional Director for Totimed. Totimed is changing how stem cells will be utilized by offering the world’s only source of non-embryonic stem cells known as totipotent and pluripotent stems cells for noninvasive treatment of a myriad of medical conditions and diseases discovered by the research of Dr. Henry Young, PhD and the medical advancement with Dr. Neil Speight. Darin is also the director of strategic alliances and the global health ambassador for APPICS, a revolutionary new social media platform monetizing passion and content through cryptocurrency and blockchain. Darin holds a bachelor of arts degree in exercise physiology/nutrition and a master's in psychology.
During this discussion, you'll discover:
-Darin's personal self-care routine…8:40
- Begin the day with hydrogen-rich water(use GREENFIELD for a 10% discount)
- Flaska bottle
- Imprinting water with energy
- Gerald Pollack
- Salt/saline flush
- Blue Bottle Portable Water Structuring device
- Sovereign Silver Colloidal Silver
- Mask nebulizer for nebulizing
- Glutastatfrom Dr. John Lieurance (for nebulizing)
- Adaptogenic herb elixir
- Ben's morning coffee substitute:
- Peruvian MiCacaonibs and shells
- Sri Lankan cinnamonand cayenne
- 4 packets of Four Sigmatic chaga
- Sit on infrared pad
- Meditation
- Stream of consciousness writing, moves into the to-do list
- Breathworkouts
-The work of Totimed…22:45
- Discussed in BGF Q&A Podcast 410
- Lifestyle adjustments to turn on specific stem cells to proliferate and release themselves into the vasculature
- Henry Young
- Turn body into a bioreactor of healing
- Knee/hip replacements will be a thing of the past
- Lifestyle and nutrition tactics:
- Alcohol destroys totipotent stem cells
- Over 100 mg of caffeine is deleterious
- Matcha green teaturns on totipotent, pluripotent, mesenchymal stem cells
- A cup of blueberriesevery day for 30 days will turn on totipotent stem cells 6-10x
- Blue green algae(AFA)
- Ben's anti-aging smoothie ingredients
-Phases of totipotent stem cells…36:06
- Proliferation in the body
- Release by the vasculature into the body
- Released by AFA blue green algae
- Beware of toxins and heavy metals in the AFAs
- The supply chain is important
- Ian Clark marine phytoplankton products
-A primer on baruka nuts…40:35
- Come from Baruzeiro trees in the Cerrado (pronounced sa-ha-doo), a diverse savannah in Brazil
- Darin was introduced to them by a local in Eastern Brazil
- Previously unknown qualities of nuts:
- It's technically a seed
- Flavonoids
- Anthocyanins
- Tannins
- High antioxidants
- Protein
- Amino acids
- High in fiber
- Exceptionally good taste for a potential “superfood”
- Obstacles to overcome: supply chain, infrastructure, resources, timing, etc.
- The Cerrado:
- Over 500 million acres; 3x the size of Texas
- Biomass is comparable to Amazon rainforest, but not as visible
- It is being destroyed faster than any land mass on the planet currently
- Baruzeiro trees:
- Develops a very deep taproot
- Pulls nitrogen out of the air; helps the microbiome of the soil
- Plants under duress produce compounds which we use as medicines
- The tree produces fruit, in which the baruka nutcan be found
- The nut must fall to the ground; cannot be picked
-Benefits and precautions in eating baruka nuts…49:30
- You cannot eat it raw due to the defense mechanisms it's developed over time
- Indigenous peoples would roast it, deactivating inhibitors, releasing bioactive minerals and compounds
- Testing for market consumption occurred after roasting
- Tests for supplements and superfoods often occur in a different state from which it is consumed
- Results of the testing:
- Baruka nutsare high in protein
- 20-25% total fiber
- 350% more antioxidants than almonds
- Steven Gundryis a big fan of baruka nuts
- Lots of antioxidants in the skin of the nut
- Ben's pesto with baruka nuts:
- Wild nettle
- Rosemary
- Thyme
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Saltand pepper
- Baruka nuts
- Walnuts
- Coconut oil
- Vanillaand cinnamon
- Fruit layer of the nut contains high fiber, antioxidants
- High fructooligosaccharide (FOS) prebiotic content
- Baruka trail mix and nut butter
- Add to trail mix:
-The one non-negotiable thing Darin does for a good night's sleep…1:08:00
-And much more…
Resources from this episode:
– Baruka nuts (use code BEN a for 15% discount on your first order)
– SuperLife: The 5 Simple Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome
– My podcast with Sayer Ji on plant-based exosomes/RNA
– Hydrogen rich water (use GREENFIELD for a 10% discount)
– Blue Bottle Portable Water Structuring device
– Sovereign Silver Colloidal Silver
– Glutastat from Dr. John Lieurance (for nebulizing)
– MiCacao
– Four Sigmatic Chaga
– Ben's article on alcohol-free cocktails
– Ben's anti-aging smoothie list
– Ocean's Alive Marine Phytoplankton
– The Influence of Red Light Exposure at Night on Circadian Metabolism and Physiology
Episode sponsors:
–Kion: My personal playground for new supplement formulations, Kion blends ancestral wisdom with modern science. Ben Greenfield Fitness listeners, receive a 10% discount off your entire order when you use discount code: BEN10.
–Organifi Green Juice: Now you can get all your healthy superfoods in one glass…with No Shopping, No Blending, No Juicing, and No Cleanup. Get a 20% discount on your entire order when you use discount code: BENG20
–Seed Daily Synbiotic: A formulation of 24 unique strains, each of which included at their clinically verified dose, to deliver systemic benefits in the body. Save 15% off your order when you use discount code: BEN15
–CAR.O.L: Clinically proven to give you the same cardio benefits of a 45-minute jog in under 9 minutes, with only 40 seconds of hard work. Receive a $200 discount off your CAR.O.L bike and a yearlong subscription to their workouts when you use discount code: GREENFIELD200
Hi Ben,
Any chance you could do a guided tour of your home, to show all the euqiptment you have and use?
I want to set-up a house and would be really nice to see all the stuff you have to copy
Check this one out: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=1632865279…