December 28, 2013
Podcast from:
[00:00] Introduction
[02:38] Common Household Objects That Are Barriers To Health
[07:23] Dealing with a WiFi Router
[13:52] Setting Up a Proper Water Scenario at Home
[19:18] Best Lighting Options for a House
[22:58] Exercise
[28:22] The Perfect Recovery Scenario
[41:29] Massages
[44:39] End of Podcast
Ben: Hey, folks. It's Ben Greenfield. And on the call with me today is one of our favorite podcast guests, a repeat guest who I featured several times at, and his name is Dr. Jack Kruse. Jack is a neurosurgeon, he is the CEO of a health and wellness company called Optimized Life, which is basically dedicated to helping patients avoid the healthcare burdens that they typically encounter as they age. But his information goes way beyond just anti-aging. On previous podcast, we've talked about ketosis, we've talked about fat loss, we've talked about sleep. And in today's podcast, we're going to talk about how to create a healthy home. In other words, all of the little things that might be surrounding you in your house that detract from your health, detract from your performance, and detract from your sleep. We're going to attack some of those and figure out how we can biohack our home to lead to better performance, recovery, and health. So, Dr. Kruse, thanks so much for coming on the call today.
Dr. Kruse: No problem, Ben. Anytime! And Merry Christmas to you!
Ben: Hey, thanks! Merry Christmas to you too! If you're listening to this podcast over the holidays, we're about four days out from Christmas right now. So Jack, let's just jump right in, man. Homes are obviously a place where we spend a lot of our time and there are a lot of potentially health, dangerous items at people's homes today, things that might threaten our health. And obviously there's a ton of different things we could choose from, but in your opinion, what do you think are some of the biggest barriers to health, or sleep, or performance that are just common household objects that you see in most people's homes?
Dr. Kruse: The number one thing, I would say, prioritized top to bottom, and obviously when you take a 24-hour day, sleep is clearly the most important. The reason it's the most important because that's the time we regenerate. So I would tell everybody, if you're looking to get your shit together, so to speak, focus on where you sleep first. And you want to make the sleeping environment absolutely pristine and ideal, as best you can. It really obviously depends on your sensory surroundings. And the way that I like to tell my patients, 'cause I look at sleep and I look at performance and optimization on a three tier stand. The first one is the analog level, and the analog level is really with the receptor mediated response. Those are like the five senses, or the six senses, however you want to look at it. The second level would be the digital level, which is the nervous level. Then the third level, which is kind of where I'm bringing most of the people on my blog, is the quantum coherent level.
And what we're finding out in research is that's actually the most important part. And as you well know, probably from reading much of my blog, is that that level's the hardest one for people to understand because many of the basic foundational principles are counter-intuitive, but the practical applications for sleep are not very difficult to understand. Most people know about sleep hygiene, turning the lights off, paying attention to light and dark cycles. But when it comes to EMF, the single most important thing in my view is probably turning off the electrical panel to the area where you sleep. And that's what I do.
Ben: So do you actually go out to the breaker box and turn it off there?
Dr. Kruse: Well, when I started out eight years ago, yes. But now, I actually have a button that's right by the side of my bed that kills the bedroom. And anybody who's an electrician can help you do that.
Ben: That's basically, that's the kill switch?
Dr. Kruse: And it's not hard to do. The other thing is I also do not have anything plugged in in my room at all. And the reason for that should be intuitive. If you don't kill the electric current in your bedroom, this is where some of the physics comes in, an electrified circuit still has an electric and a magnetic field. You don't want that when you sleep. So that's the reason why you really want to turn it off at the circuit box where you sleep. Now if you leave it on and you have things plugged into the outlet, remember, anything plugged into the outlet, through its wires, through any kind of extension cord you have, that also generates an electric and magnetic field. And if you're a tool like I am and you test all this, you're going to find out that anything that has an electrical cord, or an extension, or like the worst offender is when you have your computer tower are all plugged in and it's in your bedroom or a TV, you will believe the amount of electromagnetic radiation that you're delivering when you sleep, and these are the things that hurt your sleep. These are the things that demolish them. And they're really easy to apply, because the only one I guess that's tough is if you live in a city, it's kind of hard to turn it off 'cause you still have fuse boxes, you could actually pull the fuse out and do it that way, you're not really saving yourself because all the other people around you likely in the building are also electrifying and magnetizing you as well. So that's another issue completely. But if that's the problem, the simplest way for you to focus in on your home is focus in on the area where you sleep.
Ben: Now in terms of something affecting the area where you sleep, and I think that's an awesome suggestion, to get an electrician to put a kill switch in the bedroom, just because that makes it easy, rather than unplugging everything per se. But another thing that's not in the bedroom that I've heard you talk about before is the WiFi radio signal from the WiFi router in your home, or unfortunately even your neighbor's home, if your neighbor's house is close enough to you. But what do you do about that? What do you about a WiFi router?
Dr. Kruse: I just turn it off. I mean that's as simple as that. There's no reason for it to be on at night. In fact, with my kill switch, everything goes off. We've got it wired, so anything that can generate a WiFi signal, I'll give you just a personal example. We found that one of the many refrigerators in our new house had a smart meter in it and I made sure that the electrician wired it on the circuit that was with the kill switch that got turned off at night as well. Most people don't even realize it. New washers, dryers, anything that uses remote, and I hate to tell everybody this, but just about anything out there now, everything's going to microwave technology. That's not good news for our biology. So you need to probably sit down with your lifestyle and see kind of how you live, see what you use. For example, many people use propane fireplaces. Well, those propane fireplaces almost all use RFID or microwave technology. So if you've got a remote, you've got a problem. If you've got direct TV or a dish, or even some cable TV, Almost all of them are going to microwave technology. So if you use that or you have that stuff in your bedroom, that's something else for you to think. I tell everybody to take all that crap out of their bedroom just from a sleep hygiene perspective, 'cause the last thing you need is this blue light when you're sleeping.
Ben: Right. Yeah. Now do you, during the day, as far as the WiFi router goes, do you keep it on during the day? Or do you try, when you're, 'cause I know you do a lot of blogging and work on the computer, do you keep the radio signal on the WiFi router turned off and just hardwire into it? Or do you just kind of like turn it off when you sleep and have it on when you're awake?
Dr. Kruse: The interesting thing is usually I'm at work, and I'm getting my ass kicked at a hospital, which is a far bigger risk. My wife's at home, and my wife is not a computer person. So we actually turn it off. I very rarely leave the WiFi on because the way I blog and the way I do things, my blogs, I usually write on a program called Scrivener, and it's very simple. I don't need WiFi I to do it. I just type it in and save it directly on the computer, and then I upload it into WordPress when I'm getting ready to do it. Like for example, I'll have a blog post after I get back from Paris in a couple of weeks that'll be ready to go, but I tend to really limit my WiFi exposure. We've gone back to a lot of hardwired stuff. We'll hardwire the computer that we used. My real risk, Ben, to be quite honest with you, my n=1 are really from my job. And my house has been pretty much EMF proofed, and I learned that lesson seven, eight years ago when I was in Nashville because my house, I built an amazing man cave. I mean most men came to see my place where I had my wine cellar, and my football, and all that, and they were just floored. And then when we tested it, I was floored. And after spending all this money in this place, I very rarely went in there.
Ben: You know, if we get a chance, later on, I want to talk to you about how a healthy man might be able to build kind of like the ideal recovery man cave, man or woman. But you actually mentioned something a few minutes ago about microwaves. Now as far as the actual microwave oven itself, is there any issue with having a microwave oven in the kitchen? Like if you've purchased a house and the microwave oven is there in the kitchen…
Dr. Kruse: Take it out. Take it out.
Ben: You should take it out? And why is that?
Dr. Kruse: I just bought a brand-new house eight months ago and the first thing I took out, literally the first thing I told the realtor, “Do not show me any houses with a smart meter from the utility company. Number two, I want to make sure that the electricity coming into the house is at least a full acre away from my front door. I also want to make sure that the transformer from the street is at least 150 feet from the house.” And obviously, this limited…
Ben: Is that because the microwave is releasing a microwave signal even when it's not in use?
Dr. Kruse: Remember, I told you before, anything that's plugged in. So if it's plugged in to a circuit, it's a problem. Now you can put a kill switch on the microwave if you want, but I have another problem with microwaves that I was just getting ready to tell you about. Most people don't know this, but within six months of you buying a microwave, if you look at your door, it has a seal, and that seal almost always becomes ill-fitting within six months. And when you put the microwave on and test it with a trimeter, you will be absolutely shocked at how the trimeter spikes when the microwave oven's on. And if you happen to be one of the people that likes to watch your food cook, like most people are, like most kids do, you are absolutely radiating your upper torso when this happens.
Ben: Wow. That's scary. So toss the microwave out if you've got a house, and I guess just put a nice piece of artwork in that hole in the kitchen where the microwave was, right?
Dr. Kruse: I mean, I can tell you what's in mine now is actually believe it or not, a dummy bread warmer. We don't eat bread, and it's not electrified, so it just looks like a stainless-steel drawer.
Ben: Oh, there you go. Nice. Another thing you talk about quite a bit is water. And, of course, you have some very comprehensive blog posts over at about the importance of water in the human body. But when it comes to the practical aspects of setting up kind of like the perfect water scenario in your home, do you have suggestions for folks as far as like the proper way to filter water, or structure water, or the way that we should set up our water scenario?
Dr. Kruse: Yeah. Well, on my site I did, a big EMF Bootcamp for people, and this was a big, big topic 'cause it's very, very confusing for people. ‘Cause again, it depends how you live your life. For example, if you live in a rural area versus in a farm, the things that you need to think about are far different. So I'll give you just some, I'll take it from the ideal state to, different things for you to think about. The ideal state is to build a house like Frank Lloyd Wright did, called Falling Water, and have your own waterfall within the house. The best way to structure water naturally is to let the Earth use its normal electromagnetic field on the water, collect it, then purify it utilizing charcoal. That's absolutely the best way to do it.
The second best way, like if you're a modern human, is probably to have a well, that's what I have at my house. And of course, I tested the soil to make sure there was no crap in the well, but I have a well. And the reason why a well is good, you could probably figure out, is because you're basically in the native electromagnetic field of the Earth at 7.83 Hertz. So that structures the water normally. The only thing that you have to do to unstructure it is basically pull it out of the ground through the pipe system. And remember, the way water becomes unstructured through piping is any time there's branch points that are 90 degree angles, you lose some of that ability. But here's the beautiful thing: if you have enough much money, you can buy a Magnetico Sleep Mattress, and this is what I started doing a long time ago, we pull our water out for drinking, coffee, things like that, and we would just sit on top of the Magnetico like when we're at work all day and let it stay on it, and then just put it in the fridge when we needed it. If you happen to be an apartment dweller, a lot of people, especially where I grew up in New York City, have basements. I tell people to go get five gallon non-BPA containers either at Home Depot or Lowe's and put in the basement and just let their water sit there and use it as they see fit. It really screws you when you're dealing with showers and things like that…
Ben: That's what I was going to ask you was if you do anything about the issue with showers and water absorbing through your skin.
Dr. Kruse: Yeah. Again, I'm a little bit of a particular kind of cat, Ben. When I built my place where all the docs live, I don't live. They live in a subdivision that's got fluoridated water where you can see the wife next door taking a shower. It's just not my bag of tea. I live out in the country. My next door neighbor has 2500 acres. So my water is non-fluoridated, it's well water. Even my grass that I walk on barefoot is irrigated by well water.
Ben: But do you worry at all about structuring the water that you shower in or bathe in, or is it primarily your drinking water that you would use, for example, like put on in a pitcher and put on the Magnetico Sleep Mattress?
Dr. Kruse: The only water that I really worry about, I don't worry too much about showering water where I live. Now if you live in a city, that's a different ballgame. But I don't. The water that I worry the most about where I live is actually my swimming pool. And when I built the house and I put the well down, I made sure that I had big enough pipe that I could pull out high volume water to fill it up. But ironically, since I've only been there for a year, I've decided not to empty my pool in the winter because I live down on the Gulf Coast, so I don't really have to. In fact, I was in the pool last night. It was 80 degrees here.
Ben: Wow. And do you use, that's exactly what I was going to ask you. What do you use to filter your pool?
Dr. Kruse: I have a salt water pool. But I don't want anybody to think that salt water absolves you of chlorine, bromine factor because even salt water pools still use halogens. So even though you think you're doing well by yourself, there's still a detriment. But compared to, say, a chlorinated pool, that's an issue, I had an ozonator on my pool, that really worked well. But the problem was it kept breaking, and it was a real issue. When I first built the pool, the ozonator was on it for the first six months, and then it wound up costing me several thousand dollars going through the ozonators. So I've gone straight to salt water, and the amount of chlorine that I'm dealing with is not very bad at all.
Ben: Yeah. Interesting. So that's kind of the water scenario. I like it. And by the way, as Jack and I are talking, I'm taking some notes for the podcast show notes for those who want to go check out some of this stuff, like the sleep mattress he talks about, or that EMF Bootcamp that he mentioned. I'll put all the links over at
Now, Jack, how about lighting? I've heard you talk a little bit about lighting, like lighting systems and light bulbs. Do you have specific light bulbs that you think are best for a house?
Dr. Kruse: You're going to like my answer here. No light bulbs. How's that? In my house, if you come over at nighttime…
Ben: Just torches, baby?
Dr. Kruse: Yeah. I have fireplaces. And I'll tell you, Ben, even when I was in Nashville, I used a real wood burning fireplace. And my favorite light, anybody who was just at my recent Christmas party will attest to this, I save all of my old wine bottles and I put lantern kerosene in there, and I have something called VinoGlo, and that's what I use all over my house. And literally, I have probably 50 or 60 of them in different places.
Ben: That is awesome. I'm writing down this idea for myself. Even though I don't have that many wine bottles.
Dr. Kruse: When I do use light at night, it tends to be red amber bulbs. Better choice is LED versus anything else just because it lowers the amount of disruption of melatonin. In the past, like when I used to read at night, quite a bit, like out of a book, it was hard to see, I would use, I think from the Bass outlet store, that was like a head light that a miner would use. That was a red light. It was low. And after about five or six minutes, your eyes adapt and you can read perfectly well with it. Right now, I can read with a VinoGlo very easily with no problem. And I mean literally, I use them everywhere. I have 'em everywhere in my house. We just had a whole bunch of people over, and one of my new friends that I just met who is a big rock climber, he goes all over the world to do it, he made the comment, he goes, “This is absolutely amazing. How many of these wine bottles do you have all over?” And when you light them up, the house was really well lit.
Ben: So tell me how you do this? How'd you take a wine bottle and make this into a light?
Dr. Kruse: It's the simplest thing in the world. Hopefully you drink good wine, you save the wine bottle, then you go to Wal-Mart, or Kmart, or Target, and you look for a lantern fueling source. They usually cost about four bucks for 32 ounces. Get a funnel, pour it into the wine bottle, and then there's this wick that connects to a ceramic attachment that has a heating piece of glass that goes right over the neck of the wine bottle, and it's called a VinoGlo. And you spell it with V-I-N-O-dash-G-L-O, and I think there's a website called I literally have 50 of them everywhere in my house, and you basically wait until the wick gets soaked with the camping fluid, and put it on, and you will just rock your house. Plus, when people come over, they just think it's the coolest thing ever.
Ben: That is awesome. I'm definitely writing down this idea. I'll put a link to that in the show notes too for those of you who want to check out VinoGlo. I'll find it and put a link for you. So that's how you light your home. We've talked about water, a little bit about lighting, a little bit about sleep. Now I wanted to touch on exercise, Jack. Do you have a home gym, or do you have kind of like preferences as far as like home workout equipment, or setting up your home as a place to exercise?
Dr. Kruse: Yeah. Everybody has a home gym, Ben, they just don't know it. It's called the environment. It's called nature. It's called the forest. It's called rocks. It's called moving naturally. It's called embracing your inner animal. See, the problem is guys who have gym, and I will tell you that up until a couple years ago, I had a very exquisite home gym. And when I moved, I literally sold every last bit of it because I stopped using it. I started actually going out and climbing on trees. And what people don't realize, when you start doing this, these trees are connected to the ground, that means you're actually getting grounding effect. And it doesn't matter, rain, shine, or any time, go out and do it. Climbing on rocks, one of the places I grew up in when I was a little kid, never realized that I was doing this until recently when I met my new friend, Jeremy Thomley, who's a huge rock climber. All those big, huge granite formations in Central Park, I used to climb on them all the time, Ben. And when I got a little bit older, like seven, eight, nine years old, instead we went to a park and climbed on a monkey bars and things like that, and we became zoo animals. And that's not what we're designed to do. We are designed to be creatures of movement.
You know that I'm a neurosurgeon, but I will tell people that you need to understand our movements, our sensory perceptions, and our receptors are wired directly into our motor cortex. And this is why just about every single neurodegenerative disease shows that exercise improves cognitive function. So, the way we move naturally is built into our evolutionary design. So, if you tell me you're going to bike, you're going to lift weights, you're going to pick up kettlebells in a snap, that's all well and good, but that's not my idea of what the ideal exercise is. The ideal exercise is outside of everybody's house. I want you to start looking at trees, and rocks, and hills, and different things in your own environment differently. That should be your natural obstacle course, and those should be the things you do. Build your kids a tree house. A tree house is a great way for you not only to help your own kids, but also to help yourself do something outdoors, tie into nature, tie into that tree that's been in your house for 120 years. It's just amazing to me how disconnected we've gotten from our natural environment, and it's really something that's just happened a lot in 120 years.
Ben: Yeah. I hadn't really thought about that too much, how climbing a granite rock formation or climbing a tree was actually at the same time kind of enhancing the grounding or earthing effect as well. That's pretty cool. I love that concept.
Dr. Kruse: It's a huge effect. And one of my new friends that I just met, he actually came to my Christmas party I mentioned earlier, his name's Jeremy Thomley, and he's got a website you should check out sometime 'cause you and him are kind of [0:26:16] ______ , it's called And he's a cat with cystic fibrosis who was told he was going to die at six years old, he's now 31 years old, and this guy goes in climbs with no shoes, no hands all over the world. And when I met him, I told him, I said, “Jeremy, part of the reason why you live so long is because you don't realize you live in existence and you do exercise that completely keeps you grounded to the Earth while you're also in the photoelectric effect of the sun.” And he just looked at me because he doesn't understand the science. He goes, “Are you kidding me?” I said, “No, I'm not.” And he sat down with me the last six months and I would explain all this to him, and he's just absolutely floored about how much better he feels when he does certain things. And I try to explain to him this is the reason why. I said, “Do you know the reason why that you gravitated to rock climbing is because your disease mandates it. Your disease requires you to do this, and you don't even know. You're not even aware of it on a conscious level. But subconsciously, your central nervous system is directing you to do this.”
Ben: Yeah. I went over to his website. I'm looking at him right now. The dude's a beast. I'll definitely link to this for folks who want to go check out Jeremy Thomley's blog in the show notes and this Mohawk Steel Co. This looks way cool. I'm going to have explore this now. Okay, cool. So we've talked about exercise and the home gym. And by the way, folks, I would definitely listen to the podcast that I did with Darrell Edwards, the fitness explorer, if you want to look into kind of like using the outdoors for fitness a little bit more.
Let's talk about recovery, Jack. If you could biohack kind of like a perfect, and this return what I was mentioning about a man cave, like the perfect recovery type of scenario, like if you were going to have a float tank, or an infrared sauna, or one of these things in your home that could help you to recover a combination of any of them, what would be your ultimate perfect recovery scenario?
Dr. Kruse: Well, I got to tell you, Ben, I laughed when you sent the questions to Haley for me to look at. Because in my new house, Jeremy was over there, he remarked about my bathroom. He goes, “I've never seen a bathroom like this in my life,” because that's what I've built. I've built a recovery room for when I'm in the operating room. It's got a fireplace in it, it's got a special cooler tub that has infrared light, specifically only red light.
Ben: A tub that has infrared lights in it? And what, just for people who are listening in, what do those infrared lights do for them?
Dr. Kruse: What people don't understand, and this is maybe where we'll have to get into a little bit of physics, what I want people to understand is every cell in our body has a cell membrane. The resting membrane potential of everybody, including all life, is big time negative. Like when you really look at it, it's amazing how negative it is. And that negative charge sets up the redox potential in your body. Now, when you have inflammation, like say from exercise or a triathlon like you do, that generates a positive charge. What people don't really understand is the electromagnetic force, which is the strongest force in nature, only acts on charged particles. So, you may begin to understand that the background of how life has to act is on a negatively charged film. The things that we do in the environment create a positive charge, and the brain senses that positive and negative. That positive and negative creates spatial maps, and that's actually what determines how recover.
Now if you're understanding all this, remember that light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. And blue light is very oxidizing, meaning it's very positive, and red light happens to be very negative. In other words, it brings us back to our resting membrane potential. That's also the reason why red light happens to stimulate sleep and it increases melatonin levels. So if you are interested in recovery, I tell people, and I've told you just before, that I don't look at food as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, I look at food as protons and electrons. And that's what really makes me different. Maybe you're beginning to understand why I do, because the whole film of what life acts on is negative and positively charged particles. So, the goal when I see food is I think about the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is how sunlight is codified in foods.
Well, let's take it to light for recovery. We want as much red light around us as possible, since humans and basically all life forms are designed to eat sunlight. And I mean it literally and figuratively when I say it, because that's what we're doing when we eat food. But with recovery, you should be eating red light. Now, infrared also helps. But that effect is a little bit different, but red light can be delivered underneath your tongue, intranasally, through your eyes, even through your skin. So in my tub, I have, I think it's nine lights around me, and I can set the frequency exactly how I want it. Say for a day when I'm in the operating room, putting pedical screws and working around x-rays, which are very ionizing radiation, I mean that's the day that I'm going to need a lot of CT and I'm going to need a lot of red light. So, those are things that I do in my bathroom that I have set up. I usually will make a fire, that will be the only light that I'll have, and I'll be in this huge tub, and I fit both me and my wife in this tub, and the tub overflows into another tub.
Ben: Nice. By the way, just to interrupt you real quick, are you talking about infrared light bulbs that you can just get like off of Amazon, or from Home Depot, or whatever?
Dr. Kruse: Yeah! They're very easy to buy these days. I mean, probably seven, eight, nine years ago, they were tough to find. But when I went out and specifically looked for this tub, I made sure that I dealt with the manufacturer where these bulbs are easily interchangeable and coaler just like that. But it's not limited to coal. There are several other options. It was just for my bathroom design that this 10-foot by 4-foot wide tub was perfect for what I was looking to build. And I put it in, and it's got all these red lights in it, and I activate it. It also, believe it or not, has an ozonator on it, so I can alter that effect. It used to have a vibrating thing in there, and I told them, “Take that crap out 'cause that would make too much EMF.” So, I switched that out for an ozonator.
Ben: When you say an ozonator, you're just talking about those ozone generator, are they air purifiers, or water purifiers, or both?
Dr. Kruse: Yeah. They are, and they're made, I'm trying to think of a name, I think it's called Zern? Zern make them. I think that's who mine is, mine's made by his Zern. And they also do the water system in my house. And the reason I use them is because the entire system is, where all the electric crap is, is far away from where our living space is. And they were able to do that. And it also generates both hot and cold water immediately, which obviously with my CT protocol is a big deal for me. So, that's kind of how I do it. I also have music in there if I want to use it to sooth me. I actually also use ultrasound waves like if I'm really having a bad day. But the one major effect that we haven't talked about that you may find very interesting is I will do something that I talked about in my hot tub probably to my people on my site, but I now can do it in my bedroom, I should say in my bathroom. I use a Fournier's effect where I can actually heat the water up. You use infrared light in the water, and then on my torso, I'll place cooling strips all over to do CT. And what I'm looking to do is I'm looking to get a temperature differential of about 40 to 50 degrees from my lower half to my upper half, and that's called a Fournier's effect. And I've told my people on my site during my webinars why I do it, because it increases the chronic flow on our semiconductors in our body, and it's very, very helpful for regeneration. And it's something that you probably should look into, especially considering some of the things that you put your body through because it's a huge effect.
Ben: Did you call that the Fournier effect?
Dr. Kruse: Yeah, Fournier effect. You spell it F-O-U-R-N-I-E-R-apostrophe-S, and it's a physics effect. It's very, very difficult mathematics. But the take home is basically what you're looking to do, it's basically using thermal coupling where you use high and low temperature. One of the effects that most people do know about, if you take you to dissimilar metals and put them together, it's called [0:36:07] ______ triangle. That's actually how you can actually generate cold from an electric current from two dissimilar metals. Well, you can do the same thing utilizing water of two different temperatures.
Ben: Are using actual cold water? Or you mentioned cooling strips. You're using these cooling strips that are like the chemical cooling strips you'd use for like a headache or something like that?
Dr. Kruse: I use a lot of different things, Ben. Like I told you, I'm a tool. If I'm working around a lot of x-rays and surgery, like putting a lot of hardware in, I will actually use metal strips. And do I have to indicate that to people? No, because you can get a lot of trouble if you don't know what you're doing. Because metal really transmits cold very quickly, and that's what plastic surgeons use when they do cold sculpting. I don't recommend that to anybody, unless they know what they're doing. And I did a webinar two years ago about deep CT, and we talked about how I use that stuff there. But most people are going to use ice, they're going to use cooling strips like gel pads, they're going to use the rice cakes where you can freeze them. I even have some of my members use frozen peas in a bag.
Ben: Yeah. Ever since I started using cold thermogenesis protocols, my wife gets just annoyed as hell because our freezer is always full of these different kinds of cooling packs in varying sizes, and everything from the cool fat burning vest huge frozen pack, to these tiny little frozen peas packs that I put in different spots. Yeah, it's pretty amazing, the variety of different ways you can alter your body's temperature. But I was just curious if you we're…
Dr. Kruse: You can! You just have to be creative!
Ben: Now you're keeping one section of your body cold while you're keeping the other section warm? So, you're doing lower body, warm, and then cooling on the upper body when you're using this infrared pool. Are you using anything like Epsom salts, or magnesium salts, or anything like that in there to kind of get a float tank effect?
Dr. Kruse: Yeah. I always use Epsom salts. I mean again, I know you and I probably haven't talked about it, but my members know that. I tell everybody, as soon as you get into a tub, no matter what you're doing, you need to use Epsom salts.
Ben: Have you used magnesium bath flakes with the magnesium?
Dr. Kruse: Mhmm. Yup!
Ben: I know those are more expensive than the Epsom salts. That's what I use.
Dr. Kruse: Yeah. They are. But they actually work good, and usually you can get pretty good deals if you buy them in bulk. I've used that. Those are steps that I'll go to when my risk levels are up. Certain days where I'm not in the operating room, I don't have to do this stuff. But the days that I'm in the operating room, like for example, I told you I'm down in New Orleans right now, I had a pretty restful day yesterday. But, believe it or not, last night I was doing deep CT in the pool in New Orleans. It happened to be really nice, it was 80 degrees out, but the pool was 57 degrees, and I got the heating effect by running from the hot tub to the pool consistently. A couple of my friends were there, looking at me like, “Dude, I don't know how you do this.” But I try to explain to them all the moving, all the lifting, all the stuff that we were doing, I was trying to recover so I would feel good today so I could get up, I had to get up early this morning go the Apple store to get my computer fixed. So I knew I was not going to have a lot of sleep, I was only going to have about six hours of sleep. So, I think about my life. A lot of people are probably going, “I don't know if I plan that far in advance.” But I know what you do and I'm sure that you think about these things as well. And I don't think people need to do this like I'm doing it, but I live a lifestyle that puts me at risk like you do, and I just want people to understand there's a lot of things that we all can do if you just think about things and then apply what you need to based on how you live your life.
Ben: Yeah. That's a great point. And again, I know that some people are probably chuckling at some of these concepts, like building up a room with a tub that has infrared light bulbs and an ozonator, and sound waves, and magnesium bath flakes, and all this stuff, but some of this stuff is super-duper practical too, like unplugging your WiFi router.
Dr. Kruse: Let me just answer your question for a minute. People are chuckling at this, I have no problem going out spending 30 or 40 thousand dollars on the outside kitchen with TVs and Bose speakers, it's the same thing. And in the crazy thing is that stuff will get you sick, this stuff will keep you well. So, you may think it's crazy until you really understand the science behind it. And if you're interested in being well and healthy, and not decrepit when you're 60 or 70 years old, I think your attitude will change.
Ben: Yeah. Absolutely. Jack, this is awesome information. Is there anything that we haven't talked about that you wanted to touch on as far as like biohacking a healthy home, or making your home a healthier place to live?
Dr. Kruse: Yeah. There was one other thing that I think people can do that's really cheap, especially if you are married or you just have a cool roommate, I think massage is another one. In fact, tonight at 6:30, I'm going to have an hour and a half massage. It's something that I do a lot. I tend to do at least once a week. I actually massage my wife just about every night. It's something that she's come to really enjoy. It started off a little bit quirky, but I think it's something that we can do with each other. And not only that, it's another way for you to actually share electrons with each other. It's one of those things where it doesn't cost anything, except maybe some of the time for you to think to do it. And you don't have to do it for 90 minutes. You can rub each other or give each other a foot massage while you're watching TV or whatever you're doing for five or 10 minutes. And I think that makes a difference.
Ben: Yeah. That's a really good point. There's a pretty big effect on neurotransmitters as well. I always make it a point when I'm down near Sacramento to go visit a fascial therapist down there are named Herb Akers, who I've had on the podcast before, and he does a lot of research on fascia and neurotransmitter production, and it's pretty amazing how much it can change some of the stuff we already talked about, like sleep and recovery. I personally use a lot of home soft tissue therapy devices, like a lacrosse ball, and I've got a foam roller with little ridges that stick out of it. But you definitely don't get that personal touch and that electron sharing effect that you mentioned when you're doing massage. So, yeah. I love it. Well, cool.
We've covered a ton of stuff, Jack. And for those of you listening in, I'll be sure to put links to all this stuff in the show notes. I know that Jack also has this EMF Bootcamp where he delves into a lot more of the electromagnetic field stuff. I think we just scratched the surface on that. So, I'd definitely check that out. And I'll also link to the other podcasts that we've had with Jack where we talk about ketosis, cold thermogenesis, nutrition. And I'll also link over to his website, which is one of the blogs that I personally follow on a religious basis in terms of reading the materials that he produces over there. Really, really cool stuff. So, Jack, thank you so much for coming on the call today.
Dr. Kruse: Anytime, Ben!
In today's podcast episode with the world famous neurosurgeon, biohacker and health expert Dr. Jack Kruse, you're going to discover how to build a healthy home, how to take your existing home and make it healthier, and how to ensure that the environment in your home is optimizing your sleep, your performance and your recovery.
This audio is jam-packed with practical tips and cutting-edge advice, including:
-Shocking information about television, TV networking and cable…
-Why your microwave is extremely dangerous even if you're not using it…
-What kind of water filtration system is ideal…
-The best way to filter and clean a swimming pool…
-Why the lightbulbs in your house may be slowly killing you…
-A healthy home hack for leftover wine bottles…
-What the ultimate, healthy home gym should look like…
-How climbing rocks and trees is one of the best ways to heal your body…
-And my personal favorite: how to create the ultimate healthy man-cave (or woman-cave)…
Resources Jack and I discuss during this episode:
–Jack's free Biohacking 101 course
–LowBlueLight website for red amber bulbs or LED lights
–Wine bottle based lanterns from
–Jeremy Thomley and Mohawk Steel Co.
–Building A Healthy House (free .pdf) (we don't talk about this one, but it's a great resource for chemicals, clean air, mold and toxins – which Jack and I didn't get a chance to discuss in this episode)
About Dr. Jack Kruse:
Dr. Jack Kruse has a free Biohacking 101 course and is a respected neurosurgeon and CEO of Optimized Life, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping patients avoid the healthcare burdens we typically encounter as we age. He is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the Congress of Neurologic Surgeons, and Age Management Medicine Group.
–Jack Kruse Tells You How To Live Like A Polar Bear And Eat Like A Great White Shark (previous podcast with Jack)
–How You Can Use Cold Thermogenesis To Perform Like Lance Armstrong And Michael Phelps (previous podcast with Jack)