June 16, 2018
Podcast from: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/how-building-biology-works/
[00:00] Introduction/KionU/Christian Gratitude Journal/Detox Retreat
[09:00] Ancestral Health Movement
[11:00] Equipment Used to Examine Ben’s Home
[18:30] Why We Should Avoid Exposure to Both Dirty and Clean Electricity
[18:30] Inside Ben’s Gym and Sauna
[41:00] Inside Ben’s Office
[1:01:00] Inside Ben’s Bedroom
[1:27:00] Love My Tummy/HealthIQ
[1:32:00] Biggest Problems and Easiest Fixes
[1:39:00] Brian’s Concerns with the Intellibed
[1:53:30] Using Faraday Paint to Optimize Shielding from Electric Currents
[2:07:00] Dirty Electricity Filters
[2:14:32] End of Podcast
Ben: Hey, what’s up? It’s Ben Greenfield. I had a strange man enter my home a few weeks ago. His name is Brian Hoyer. He’s a building biologist and he did a building biological analysis of my home. I had a microphone. I walked around with him. I recorded the whole thing. This is a little unorthodox when it comes to the way I typically conduct a podcast but it was very interesting, and don’t worry, no video is required. I kind of imagined that you, the listener, were blind and couldn’t see while I was recording everything this guy did and I was trying to do a good job describing it to you. He had all sorts of gadgets and this amazing body of knowledge when it comes to dirty electricity and electrical pollution, and geothermal stressors, and after he did the whole analysis, I kind of did a part 2 with him. I didn’t kind of do it; I did it. I got him on Skype and we did a follow up where he just… he took a deep dive into what he found and what I and you can do to fix some of the biological assailants that exist in our home. So, this one ought to be a doozy. It’s kind of long. So…
A couple other things: first of all, you should know, if you haven’t heard yet that I just launched KionU, as in Kion University. So, my goal here was to address a big problem with a lot of certification programs out there that certify health coaches and physicians and nutritionists and personal trainers, but that don’t really cover everything- the broad spectrum of mind, brain, neurotransmitters, HPA-axis, cognitive performance, exercise, fitness, strength, power, speed, balance, mobility, and even the spiritual aspects of happiness, gratitude, and love. So, I decided to create and all-inclusive University that is basically a collection of everything that I’ve amassed in terms of knowledge for the past couple of decades. So, I’ve spent, gosh, it’s been, like, almost two years, that we’ve been putting this course together. I’ve worked with a whole bunch of professionals who really know how to create a solid educational program and we’ve created this world class coaching certification program for health professionals. So, if you’re a personal trainer, nutritionist, physician, chiropractic doc, physical therapist, anybody who want to learn anything there is to know about how to optimize the human machine and to run a successful health and fitness and nutrition business while doing so, that’s what KionU is designed for, that’s who Kion U is designed for. So, if you want to learn more about it and you want to learn directly from me, it’s very simple. You go to GetKion.com/Coach. GetKion.com/Coach and that will fill you in on everything that you need to know to become one of the very small number of folks who we’re letting into the first graduating class of Kion University.
This podcast is also brought to you by the Christian Gratitude Journal. What is the Christian Gratitude Journal? Well, for years, I did a morning gratitude practice in which I would write down what I was grateful for and I would write down my daily affirmation me, me, me, I-I-I am good, I am great, I am wonderful, and gosh darn it, people like me. However, about two years ago, I started to make my daily practice more others facing, meaning I write down what I am grateful for, but then I also write (a) a truth that I’ve discovered that day and that means that for me, because I always start off the day reading something spiritual or devotional or woo-woo, as many people call it, if I read with intention and I know that afterwards I’m going to be writing down one truth that I’ve discovered, I read with a lot more intention rather than just, like, squinting through my eye boogers. The third thing, is who can I pray for or help or serve that day. So my entire day becomes others facing. I’m more empathetic. I go out of my way to help someone 365 days a year and my children do this along with me, my wife does it, we gather around the dinner table, we share our gratitude journals and what we wrote and I now have printed this journal and made it available to anybody else who wants to do the same. You can get it at christiangratitude.com. You don’t have to be a Christian to use it. I call it the Christian Gratitude Journal though because it has, like, bible verses at the top of each page that you can read some inspirational passages, things like that. So, it’s the Christian Gratitude Journal and you get it at christiangratitude.com.
Finally, I should let you know that the big retreat in Switzerland that I’m putting on next summer, 2019, it’s half-way full. It’s half-way full. So, half the rooms are sold out. We are going to do this at the beautiful Paracelsus Clinic in the Italian quarter of Switzerland. It’s a complete detox retreat. We’re going to be engaging in some of the most advanced forms of European medicine you can get. We’ll be doing liver hyperthermia, darkfield live blood analysis, colon hydrotherapy, nutrient IV infusions, acupuncture, fully body massages, autonomic nervous system analysis, it’s pretty much like the Cadillac of detox retreats. I’m going to be there and I’m bringing in a few other health professionals. It’s a two week stay that you’re at this retreat for a complete full-body reset doing a lot of things that we can’t do over here in the US and you’ll be in the Swiss Alps. We’ll literally be just like, hiking in Italy and having amazing workouts together and detoxing our entire bodies. You’ll come back feeling like a new person. So, to get in on that, it’s… you might want to write this down. It’s not a short URL. It’s greensmoothiegirl.com, because I’ve partnered up with my friend, Robyn Openshaw, in this who is known as the “Green Smoothie Girl,” greensmoothiegirl.com/bengreenfield. That’s greensmoothiegirl.com/bengreenfield.
All right, let’s go meet with this building biologist.
[Music Plays]
Ben: All right, well this is a pretty exciting day because a gentleman named Brian Hoyer just pulled up in my driveway with three giant briefcases full of crazy looking electronic equipment and he is going to audit, analyze, and tear to pieces the entire Greenfield compound and fit out if it really is a stupid home as I’ve claimed that it is as opposed to a smart home chockful of dirty electricity and electrical pollution and we’re also going to see what a lot of these crazy devices that you hear me talk about in podcast actually do when it comes to the actual amount of dirty electricity that they produce meaning everything from the infrared sauna to the pulsed electromagnetic field table to the cluster of wires underneath my standing desk to all of these things that may have a biological effect. So Brian, you pretty stoked to tear this thing apart?
Brian: Yeah, I’m excited. You know we got all the equipment here and we’re ready to go.
Ben: Now, Brian, when it comes to what you’re about to do, is this something you’ve been doing since you were 10 years old? Walking around with a microscope in your parents’ house or how did you actually get in to all of this?
Brian: No, I was actually a nutritional therapy practitioner when I was working with my clients on, you know, nutrition and doing all these nutritional protocols for them.
Ben: Oh, yeah, no kidding?
Brian: And then I took some training with Dr. Klinghardt and realized how bad the EMF situation is and how that important is to healing.
Ben: Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt? Yes, he’s considered to be kind of like one of the godfathers of this whole kind of… What would you call this movement? I know some refer to it as the quantum health movement, some, the electronic invisible movement, some, the woo-woo movement. What do you actually call this?
Brian: Well, you know, I kind of see it as piggybacking off the whole ancestral movement, really, because for our health, our nutrition, our lifestyle we’re always trying to get back to the way of our ancestors. But, what we’ve missed the last decade or so within the ancestral health movement is that we also have to get back to the environment of our ancestors and these electronics definitely weren’t something that our ancestors were exposed to.
Ben: Yeah, so essentially, and this is what I’ve kind of described on the podcast that we’re trying to hack our modern post-industrial environment to better simulate what our ancestors would have experienced even if we’re not out gardening and gathering and hunting and having the privilege to be outside all day, we can at least try and adjust our internal environment so that they’re as close to that as possible.
Brian: Yeah, yeah. That’s exactly right. And, it’s kind of one of those things where you have all these modern stressors that we were never were exposed to before and if we reduce those, we kind of wake up these dormant healing responses that are within us and it’s this ancestral healing response that happens once we remove those modern stressors.
Ben: Where’d you learn how to do this?
Brian: I learned from GeoVital Academy. They’re a naturopathic clinic over in Austria. They’ve been doing this for about 35 years since the early 80s. They just have all this clinical experience from their experience with over 200,000 patients over the years and protocols that they’ve put in place. And what they found was that, their patients stopped getting better once they started introducing all this wireless technology and then once they started coming up with solutions for this, and they built a protocol for the bedroom, the same protocols that they used to use started working again.
Ben: So, you’ve got a lot of equipment. Can you walk me through just the basic… and I realize a lot of this stuff people aren’t going to rush out to buy, it’s not stuff you can find on Amazon, but what’s the basic equipment you’re going to be using as we go through this today and as you’re spitting out values to people and as they’re hearing exactly what kind of electricity my own home is producing.
Brian: Well, the thing is, that a lot of people need to understand that there’s different types of meters for different types of electromagnetic radiation. There’s a lot of companies out there that claim to have one solution to all your EMF problems. It doesn’t really work like that. That’s not the way that physics works. So, there has to be a different meter for each type of electromagnetic frequency that we’re trying to detect. So, I have basically three different things that I’m detecting here today, four if you count dirty electricity, we have a Goss Meter, I have the Gigahertz Solutions NFA 30M, and it’s a triple axis Goss Meter…
Ben: I’m going to slow you down a little bit. It’s a Gigahertz Solutions, made in Germany, NFA 30M. It’s this big yellow thing.
Brian: Right, and so this is measuring magnetic fields and this comes from overhead powerlines and it comes from if there’s a wiring error in the home. You can have magnetic fields if there’s… if you’re on city water, then there can be magnetic fields in your pipes and then also anything that has a motor in it or current flowing through it has a magnetic field. So… That’s one meter…
Ben: Okay. Okay. So that’s what that’s measuring. By the way, I grew up in Lewiston, Idaho and my parents built a home and they built a home under high voltage powerlines. My brothers and I were able to walk around the house and touch each other and shock each other by touching each other because of the amount of voltage that was over our house. That was the environment I grew up in. I’m hoping this is not…
Brian: Yeah, I don’t see any powerlines around here and so far, on our meter, we’ve got it going on right now, it looks like they’re pretty good levels here on the property.
Ben: Okay, okay. Alright, so promising so far, although right now we’re standing out in my front porch. We’ll see what happens when we get into the office with all the crazy photobiomodulation and electrical devices and so called biohacks. Okay, so we’re got the NFA 30M and the exact type of electricity that’s measuring once again is…
Brian: It’s the magnetic portion of the… you know, there’s electromagnetic. So, it’s measuring just the magnetic part.
Ben: The magnetic part. Okay got it. And then you’ve got three devices, basically. What’s the second device?
Brian: The second device is the HF Digit Meter by Geovital. It’s their HF field probe and this actually measure the body for radio frequency radiation.
Ben: This measures people?
Brian: Yes.
Ben: Interesting.
Brian: And so, it’s just as if when you were a kid you had the little bunny ears on your TV antenna?
Ben: Uh huh.
Brian: And your reception gets better when you hold it and then you kind of change the way that you’re body’s shaped so that the reception is better? That’s basically kind of like how this meter works. It treats your body as an antenna and it shows what you’re being exposed to from all the wireless radiation from the cellphone towers, radio towers, television towers, everything.
Ben: Interesting. So, let me ask you this about that meter, is it true that when your cellphone has one bar and you hold it and your coverage gets better it’s because it’s using your body as an antenna? Someone once told me that and I wasn’t sure if it was true but I’m wondering if you’ve measured that before with a device like this.
Brian: I haven’t measured that in particular, but I could see how that would happen, you know, from the type of measurements that I’ve taken with people before.
Ben: Have you ever, for example, placed the measurement device on your fingertip with your phone in airplane mode and then made a phone call to see what would happen while holding your phone?
Brian: Oh yeah, it’s insane what happens.
Ben: It goes up?
Brian: Yeah, we can do that later. [laughs]
Ben: Okay. Interesting. That’s kind of what I figured, it’d go up. So, it is using your body as an antenna or at least, increasing the voltage that your body is exposed to significantly.
Brian: Yeah, and your body is constantly an antenna because it’s conductive, you know. So, there’s all kinds of things that we’ll see with this meter. We’ll walk around and see if there’s any hot spots in the house where there’s different… They have directional antennas that kind of point toward… that kind of beam in toward a certain area of the house sometimes and you’ll see it higher in one area in the house than in other areas. And then… This also measures the wireless signals coming from inside the house, but it’s not quite as accurate in measuring those. So, I use this other meter.
Ben: So this one that we just got done with is the Geovital HF Digit Meter- the probe. It’s actually a little bit intimidating. It doesn’t actually… It actually has a probe coming out of it. So, it’s like an alien probe.
Brian: Do you know…
Ben: Okay, so this third device, what is this third device?
Brian: This third device kind of breaks down the wireless that you’re being exposed to and so it has different categories, listed on here and it tells you basically that there’s CDMA, GSM, 900-GSM, 18-1900, 3G deck, WiFi, Bluetooth, WiMAX, and it tells you, like, what type of frequency that we’re currently being exposed to. So, I can take this around, it’s actually meant to detect, like, bugs and tracers, I got it from a spy website.
Ben: So, we’re going to find out if the Russians are bugging the home.
Brian: Or the US Government.
Ben: Good, good. By the way, I realized that I just totally stereotyped and I love you, all my Russian listeners. I just… I don’t know about Putin. Putin if you’re listening in, we’re going to find out if you’ve got bugs in the Greenfield home. Okay, so this one’s called what?
Brian: This one is called the Protect 1207-I.
Ben: Protect 1-2-0-7-I. I’m going to take a photograph of each of these and I’ll put these photographs in the show notes for you guys so that you can see what they actually look like. But, one’s kind of the size of a very, very old-school telephone, this NFA 30M, the Digit Meter is a little bit smaller than that, and this other one that we just talked about, the Russian sky device, this is about the size of a cellphone.
Brian: Right.
Ben: So the move here is we go through the house with each of these and analyze the areas that we want to analyze. And what do we do with the one that measures the body?
Brian: I usually take that one and we measure all the common areas, same thing with the magnetic field reader, and we kind of do that at the same time and then we’ll measure… take measurements in the bedroom because the bedroom is really where we want to focus in on because that’s when your body is resting and repairing and rejuvenating, your lymphatic system and your brain is detoxing and then all the lymphatic system throughout your organs is detoxing at night, you know. I think it’s according to that Chinese clock, really.
Ben: Mhmm, yeah.
Brian: It has all the lymphatics.
Ben: Circadian biology. Yeah, yeah and for those of you who want more than just Eastern woo-woo Chinese clock advice, Dr. Satchin Panda, I mean, he’s got some really compelling research on this that shows that it’s not just Eastern mysticism when you wake up at night and you’ve got your liver clock and your pineal clock and your melatonin clock, it’s interesting research on his site. We’ll link to that on the show notes as well. Dr. Satchin Panda is a great resource for the circadian biology stuff.
Just a couple other questions before we begin. I have solar panels on my roof and I’ve been informed that the inversion that takes place, or the conversion I suppose it would be of I think the AC to DC…
Brian: It would be DC to AC.
Ben: Or DC to AC as the energy travels from the solar panels up here, down through the conduit, into the garage, that that can create a lot of dirty electricity. So, are we going to be able to look at that with these devices?
Brian: Yeah, we’ll look at it, there’s actually another device that I’ll use for that. And, I kind of have a different philosophy on that than a lot of other building biologists that are out there that are trained through another organization because, I see it, you know… There’s a lot of talk about dirty electricity and dirty electricity is bad. It’s detrimental for your health; there’s no question about that, but so is normal clean electricity because we’re not supposed to be exposed to that anyway. So, what I say is, instead of worrying about filtering it so much, why don’t we just block the electric fields from reaching the body all together? That’s the most optimal way to…
Ben: Is that the Faraday cage suit that you’re wearing right now?
Brian: It’s the Faraday cage grounded suit.
Ben: Okay. All right.
Brian: No, I’m not really wearing a suit.
Ben: Although our mutual friend, Dr. Mercola, I believe, and my apologies to him if he’s listening and I’m in err, I think he has a Faraday… like a sleeping cage or sleeping chamber or sleeping bag or something like that that actually protects his body while he’s asleep.
Brian: He actually just got done shielding his room, and so he has both a canopy and a… I think he has a sleeping bag that he takes away with him when he travels.
Ben: And what you wouldn’t want to do in a room like that would be to make phone calls, though, right? Because you’re essentially bouncing signal back at yourself.
Brian: Yeah, well you wouldn’t want to because whenever you make a phone call in an area where you’re roaming or your signal is worse, your phone pushes out more power and so it’s actually even worse for you than if you’re right next to a tower.
Ben: So the worst thing on the planet is when the airplane is landing and everybody, even though they’re not supposed to, switches their cellphone on when there’s about one bar and you’re, whatever, 8,000 feet up to check their cellphones with the weak bar signal inside this giant metal tube?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Yeah, that’s always freaked me a little bit.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Even though I will admit that I have done that… possibly. Okay, so what I’m going to do is I’m going to snap a photo of each of these devices for you guys. I’ll put them in the show notes and we’re going to start. I figured we can just go toe to head- start downstairs and work our way up through the house.
Brian: Sounds good.
Ben: Okay. Here we go.
So, we’re inside now and Brian just unveiled a fourth device… a fourth device. It’s also a Geovital device, but what is this one?
Brian: This one is the NFEM Digit Meter Field Probe. So it actually measures electric fields and magnetic fields.
Ben: Now, the other one was called HF Field Probe. This one’s called the NFEM Field Probe. What’s the difference?
Brian: So, the HF stands for high frequency. The NF or LF is low frequency. So, it’s measuring electric and magnetic fields. That’s why it’s EM- electric and magnetic.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: So, it has a little antenna that you can stick in here that measures the electric fields. There’s another one that I don’t have with me, that you can put in there to measure the magnetic fields just like the NF30M measures that. But, I like this NFEM 30M better for the magnetic fields because I don’t have to do any math to calculate the triple axis thing which is a bunch of science to that.
Ben: Yeah, I’m pretty good at triple axis math. So, if you need it, let me know. Okay, cool. So, again, I’ll put all this information and the photographs of each of these in the show notes which are going to be over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology. That’s BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology.
All right. So is it time to go measure?
Brian: Yup.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: Let’s do this.
Ben: All right. So, we’ve wandered down to the basement, and by the way, as we were coming downstairs to the gym where we’re going to start the measurements, Brian informed me that we mentioned Dr. Mercola has the Faraday System set up in his bedroom but it’s actual… actual paint. It’s a shielding paint. And what’s the name of that paint if people wanted to use something like that in their homes?
Brian: The one that I recommended for him was the T98 Alpha Paint by Geovital and it’s the highest attenuating non-toxic shielding paint that’s out in the market right now.
Ben: Okay, awesome. I’ll hunt that down for those of you who didn’t rapidly write down T-9-8-A-B-C-D-E-F-G and put that over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology. Okay. So, where do we start? We’re standing here in my gym. We’ve got a sauna, we’ve got medicine balls which I don’t think produce electricity, last time I checked. We’ve got a PeakFitPro which is like a force plate and that one does plug into the wall, because it has a Bluetooth signal that talks to the phone while you’re working out to tell you how much force you’re producing. So, where do we start?
Brian: Okay, well, we’re just going to use the magnetic field meter and just kind of go around here and see if there’s any wiring errors. So, if there’s anything, we kind of go closer to the wall and see if there’s anything that goes up higher than… Actually I want to measure this in nanotesla because we’re looking for…
Ben: So, you’re just holding it up against a wall right now.
Brian: Yes. There’s nothing that’s screaming that there’s a big issue here. Now, if we turn on the sauna with this, we’ll see this go up would be my guess.
Ben: Okay. So, I would imagine if we turn on anything, we’ll see it go up. But, what we’re looking for are concerning values or values that are at a certain threshold?
Brian: Right. The concerning values that we would see here for the magnetic fields would be 50 nanotesla or .5 milligauss.
Ben: .5 milligauss or higher is what we would want to be careful with?
Brian: Right.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: In the sleeping area, you want it actually to be lower than that, like .3 or 30 nanotesla.
Ben: Okay. So, .5 general areas of the house. Where you’re spending a third of your life falling asleep trying to engage in lymphatic drainage and repair of the nervous system, .3 or lower for milligauss.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay. So, want to step into the sauna with me and we’ll measure that first?
Brian: Sure.
Ben: Okay. So we’re going to step into the sauna, you guys. I’m going to step over the battle rope, trying to open the door here. My gym is a somewhat cluttered gym, but it’s well-used. Okay. I just hit power on the sauna. Okay, sauna’s on.
We’re standing inside my sauna right now and I’m snapping plenty of photos for you guys as we go so you can kind of see what we’re doing here. So, what Brian is doing is he’s holding the NFA 30M which is measuring milligauss and he’s kind of going around each corner of my sauna. And this is a low-EMF sauna meaning that, I believe, Clearlight and Sunlighten is one other company… They do what are supposed to be the sauna that don’t microwave your body or have lower EMF. Now, I’m watching these numbers jump around as you’re going, Brian. We’ve got .4, .3, .6…
Brian: Basically when I stay still, that’s what we want to…
Ben: Okay. So, it’s kind of like on the edge. It’s close to .5.
Brian: Yeah. These are good numbers. I mean, this is kind of a larger sauna. A lot of the smaller saunas, you’re actually up closer to the heaters, you know. So, if you’re going to get a larger model, I think that might actually help. If I go right up against…
Ben: Right, because this is such a big sauna, I’m not scrunched up against the walls when I’m in it and what I’m noticing as you’re walking around my sauna, the closer you’re getting to the heaters and the closer you’re getting to the walls, the higher the values become. But, you’re getting pretty close before those values get super high.
Brian: Yes.
Ben: With the highest ones being right next to the actual heaters themselves.
Brian: Right. Yeah, so, I’m about… what, a foot and a half away here and it’s up nearly at one.
Ben: It’s actually, it’s close to one. We want to be .5 or lower.
Brian: Yeah, and so where your body is, that’s what matters with the magnetic fields.
Ben: So when I’m in my sauna, I would want to ensure that I’m keeping, if I can, like a couple feet from those heaters.
Brian: Yeah. That would be ideal.
Ben: Now, what about if someone were at the gym in, say just like a dry sauna, would the main goal be to steer clear of the coils with the rocks on them? Have you measured that before?
Brian: I haven’t measured that in a health spa or anything like that, but I’ve measured probably, you know, 20 or so saunas last year.
Ben: All infrared or…?
Brian: Different types. Everyone has different types.
Ben: What do those dry saunas run at?
Brian: The far infrared, you know, it’s different for everyone. Some people just get the off-brand ones that don’t claim to be low EMF, those ones are typically really high. The low EMF ones are better, but even some of the ones that I’ve measured that are low EMF are not adequate in my opinion.
Ben: Interesting. Hold that probe back up to these heaters. I want to shoot a quick video of the numbers that we’re seeing generated. So, 1.4 as you get close to the heaters. Interesting. Now, come away from the heaters, like close to where I’d be kind of- and we drop to… Okay, yeah. So, it’s a little more acceptable away from the heaters, but we know you are getting some milligauss, as we would expect when you step into a sauna, and it looks to me kind of like the takeaway message would be try not to get too close to the heaters and to the very, very edges of the walls.
Brian: Right, and this is pretty much background. This isn’t anything special. If the sauna wasn’t here and we’re just standing in this room, I think this is about what it would be.
Ben: Okay. So, this is acceptable.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Assuming I’m not making out with the heater.
Brian: Right.
Ben: All right. Cool. Now, in addition to measuring the milligauss, we’re also going to use this Digit Meter which is the one that measures our actual bodies?
Brian: Yes.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: So, basically we want to… in order… detoxification is a parasympathetic process. So, we want to get in as deep of a parasympathetic process as possible while we’re inside of the sauna. So, you want to measure pretty much everything.
Ben: So, this would be a measurement of the body’s stress while we’re in the sauna.
Brian: Yeah. Now, this is going to vary because the sauna itself is not producing high frequency.
Ben: Right.
Brian: Unless you have Bluetooth-enabled or some fancy thing like that.
Ben: No. In this particular sauna, I’ve disable the WiFi; the Bluetooth is off. What’s that? It’s picking up a radio?
Brian: Yup. You hear that?
Ben: Wait. Here it’s using your body as an antenna to pick up a radio?
Brian: Yes.
Ben: So, Brian’s holding the probe and it’s literally using your body as an antenna. Does that worry you?
Brian: It worries me, yeah.
Ben: Okay. Now is that only because you’re holding that device or is this sauna actually picking up a radio signal? Like, why is it doing that?
Brian: It’s because it’s using my body as an antenna for the radio station.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: So, when you’re using this meter, you have to kind of orient it in a different direction. Right now, I’m holding the meter upside down, I’ve kind of got it over my head.
Ben: Uh huh.
Brian: And so, your body is being exposed to that where I’m standing right now. So, if I walk around…
Ben: So as we walk around the freakin’ planet in our homes and everything, radio signals bouncing around from radio tower to radio tower are going through us and using our bodies as an antenna?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Is that dangerous?
Brian: There are a lot of studies that show that there’s different biological effects that happen with these types of exposures… chronic exposures and everything. And so, when we’re doing this, my goal is always to get back to the environment of our ancestors and when we have these kinds of frequencies out here like this, it’s definitely not something that our ancestors were exposed to.
Ben: We’re out in the middle of the forest and we’re getting hit with radio signals. Pardon the expression, but what the… [beep sound]. You know what though, at least we don’t have measles and polio. I mean, there’s a trade-off, right? This is concerning to me that I’m sitting in my sauna right now, which I just found out has a relatively low milligauss, so as long as I’m not near the heaters, but I’ve still got radio frequencies out here in the middle of the forest coming through my head while I’m sitting in the sauna.
[Radio Plays]
These are going straight through Brian’s body right now. That’s nuts!
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Wow. It’s like, if I go and put you next to my TV and have you hold that, would you get cable?
Brian: I wish.
Ben: Free?
Brian: Free cable?
Ben: Wow. So, as far as practical action, what is this telling us, aside from the fact that there’s freakin’ radio signals out in the middle of nowhere going through our bodies?
Brian: Well, basically, what it’s telling us, you know, the placement of your sauna, of your healing equipment, any healing device that you have is vitally important to getting into that parasympathetic state. Because usually any type of health product, that’s kind of what you want to get into unless it’s some kind of exercise thing or stimulating you in some different way… stimulating the sympathetic side of the nervous system. But, most things like detox, regeneration, all those sorts of metabolic process that you’re trying to activate are parasympathetic processes where your body’s not supposed to be stressed out. You’re not supposed to be in the sympathetic fight-or-flight response. You’re supposed to be in a response of your body where your nervous system is relaxed and it’s okay for the [32:55] ______ intelligence to heal.
Ben: So, what you’re saying is in an ideal scenario, I would use that device that you were just holding up. I would go through; I would find a place where there wasn’t radio signals and I would put the most relaxing, restorative sanctuary-meditation-parasympathetic activating part of my routine in that cleanest area?
Brian: Yeah, exactly, and so if you have this sauna, you know… Every single person’s situation is going to be different and so if you have the sauna in the middle of New York City, these levels would probably be off the chart, you know.
Ben: Yeah.
Brian: I’ve taken measurements over there and it goes above 10,000.
Ben: So, it’s all relative.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: All right. Interesting. I still find this fascinating that I’m getting radio signals through my body inside of my sauna. This is nuts. And it’s not the sauna’s fault, this is the actual radio towers.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: It’s just my sauna’s placement in this particular that are of planet Earth.
Brian: Right.
Ben: Wow. Dude, I’m such a dummy.
So, there’s one more thing that we’re going to measure in the sauna before we venture into my office and that is the actual electric fields being generated. So this is different from the radio fields or the milligauss. What is it that we’re measuring now, Brian?
Brian: This is actually voltage. So, we want to measure voltage in the body when we’re in the sauna because, if you think about the way electricity impacts the body, we have electrodes that we put on your muscles and sends voltage into your muscles, it causes contraction. You know, the way we restart hearts is we have the defibrillator and you shock someone’s heart back into rhythm. The heart is a muscle and so it has a strong contraction and that restarts the heart. So, when we’re trying to be in this parasympathetic state, this healing state, and we have all this voltage around us constantly contracting our muscles, that will raise your cortisol and take you out of that parasympathetic state.
Ben: Okay, so what we’re going to do is we’re going back into the sauna and we measure the actual muscle contractions being generated?
Brian: Yeah, we’ll measure the actual body voltage.
Ben: Okay, so you’re going to attach this to yourself or to me and measure that?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay. So, we’re going back into the sauna. Do I flip the sauna on?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay, we’re going to flip the sauna back on. Okay. Here we go. Flipping the sauna back on. All right. Now, you’re holding this wire.
Brian: Yup.
Ben: And this is the Geovital… this is the other Geovital, the… what’s this one called? The NFEM?
Brian: NFEM Digit Meter Field Probe.
Ben: NFEM Digit Meter Field Probe, okay. So what have we found from this one?
Brian: So, we’re just going to measure the walls.
Ben: He’s holding it up to each wall here in the sauna. And what kind of numbers are you looking for, Brian?
Brian: Well, we want zero on all the walls.
Ben: Okay. Like, zero zero? Oh, whoa. It’s the roof right there. What does that indicate because it’s like…
Brian: There’s a high frequency there.
Ben: Okay. So, different places where it’s wired through the roof, we’ve got high voltage. Interesting.
Brian: Okay, and the real kicker that we want to do is measure your body. So, if you just stick your arm out there, Ben…
Ben: Okay, sticking my arm out.
Brian: It’s through the roof!
Ben: My body’s through the roof. Now, what if we took me out of the sauna and then did this? Or what if I flipped the sauna off and you measured that?
Brian: Yeah, let’s try that.
Ben: I’m going to push power and we’re already seeing values out there.
Brian: We’re seeing at 420.
Ben: 400-ish volt meters? Is that the VM?
Brian: Yeah, volts per meter.
Ben: Okay. Sauna’s off. Same thing. It’s even higher now.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: What’s that mean? I’m just, like, an electrical machine here?
Brian: That requires more investigation here.
Ben: Very interesting! I’m producing a ton… Now, I’m holding the phone, but the phone is in airplane mode. I’m just using it for photos. What if I put the phone down? Now try it.
Brian: Same.
Ben: Still pretty high. Okay. And what if I put the other phone down that I’m recording this on? I’ll set this phone that I’m recording on the ground. Okay, now go. Still through the roof!
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Interesting. So what’s that mean? That my body is producing that much energy?
Brian: Just means… What’s going on here is that the voltage actually went down in the walls when you turned the sauna on.
Ben: That’s kind of cool. So the sauna has the ability to decrease the voltage in the walls when turned on, but my body’s voltage is through the roof.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: I think that just means that I’m superhuman. I think I’m just producing a lot of voltage. Yeah, when you measure yourself, same thing though.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: That’s interesting. So, do you have any hypothesis as to why that would be?
Brian: Well, I need to double check the grounding, here in the… where I’m grounded at.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: We’ll have the meter grounded and then it also could be there’s voltage, you know, because… This Clearlight sauna does have shielded conduit in it, there could be some kind of phenomena where when you have actual voltage going through that shielded conduit back to the ground… Basically that’s what shielded conduit is, it’s grounded conduit.
Ben: What if we stepped outside of the sauna and do this?
Brian: Let’s do it.
Ben: Okay, here we go. We’re going to step outside of the sauna now onto just the regular rubber flooring of my gym. Still kind of high, but like, a lot lower.
Brian: Yeah. You know, I know what it is now!
Ben: What is it?
Brian: What’s going on is when we’re in the sauna, the shielded conduit is activated and so… you know. I don’t know.
Ben: Alright, we’re going to figure this out. We’ll dig into it and report back to you guys. Careful with that heater, by the way, it’s hot. I had the cover off of it. You don’t want to burn yourself.
All right, cool. So, what we’re going to do next, now that we’ve measured the volt meters here in the gym, is we’re going to see what’s going on in the office. So, we figured out that when the sauna is turned on, that the voltage is rushing in towards the sauna and that’s why we’re actually seeing this high amount of voltage when we’re inside the sauna?
Brian: Yeah, so when we… When I put the meter on the wall, it’s about430 volts per meter on this EM Field Probe and then when you turn on the sauna, it goes down to about 120. So, what’s happening, I believe, is there’s voltage that’s going right to the sauna from the circuit breaker that it’s on and it’s putting all of its juice towards the sauna and then a lot of that is being basically routed in that direction instead of going through the walls like it normally would. The voltage is always flowing when the circuit breaker is on and so the wall is always charged.
Ben: In the room that my sauna is in, the best thing to do about that would be to use something like the Faraday paint on the wall?
Brian: Yeah, yeah, the T98.
Ben: Interesting. So I could just paint my gym or whichever area in the house that someone’s sauna is in, you would paint that with the Faraday cage paint and then just make sure that room is not a room you’re making a lot of phone calls or something like that.
Brian: Right.
Ben: Interesting. This is fascinating. Okay, I got to go buy me some paint now. Get out my painters cap and my brush. Is it pretty easy to put on? This paint?
Brian: Yeah, yeah.
Ben: All right. Cool. And what’s the paint called again?
Brian: T98 Alpha.
Ben: T98 Alpha. I love it. Sound pretty macho. All right. Shall we do the office?
Brian: Yup, let’s go do the office.
Ben: Okay, we’re not in my office where I podcast. I’ll put a photo over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology of all the different wires and things, granted I’ve got everything plugged into dirty electricity filters. I have a so called low-EMF Belkin power strip, but we’ve got a lot of stuff in here. We’ve got, like, Joovv lights. We’ve got a mixer for the podcast. There’s about 20 wires coming out of the wall. So, we’re going to find out what’s going on when I’m working during the day. This is very interesting to me because this is a place where I spend a lot of my life is here at the desk. So, let’s see what I got. What are we going to measure first, Brian?
Brian: Well, we’ll just measure the AM/PM radio frequencies coming in, the same thing when we were hearing that radio station. So, we’ll see if we can pick up that same frequency here in your office.
Ben: It doesn’t seem to be picking much up. Yeah, that’s about where I stand while I’m working.
Brian: Okay. So we’ve got quite a bit there.
Ben: But it’s not picking up a radio station, it’s just a high volt meter?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Or, no, no. This one’s milligauss?
Brian: No, this one is the microvolts.
Ben: Okay, microvolts.
Brian: So, it’s over 400. I never got the radio station.
Ben: So, right smackdab where I’m working during the day, you’re picking up a radio station and you have a high amount of voltage.
Brian: Yeah. This is a combination of picking up anything from essentially zero to 8 gigahertz and so, I looked on here before… I looked on a website before I came over to your house and you’re actually surrounded by three or four towers that are broadcasting a 3.65 gigahertz cellphone signal.
Ben: Oh, wow.
Brian: And then, there’s one about three miles away from the same company that’s got about… Let’s see. 27 signals in one antenna and they range from 11-gigahertz to 17-gigahertz.
Ben: Wow. Is that a lot?
Brian: That’s a lot.
Ben: Okay. So, out here in the middle of nowhere, I’m kind of in this cluster of radio towers.
Brian: Yeah, and the one… the big one that has that 27 signals of 11 to 17 gigahertz, those are, more than likely, directional antennas, but my concern is, because you’re surrounded by three or four of these other 3.6 gigahertz antennas is that they’re communicating with that other tower by the same company.
Ben: So besides moving to Nepal, what can you do about that?
Brian: That’s where that shielding paint comes in handy.
Ben: If I put shielding paint in my office, then I can’t make phone calls from my office, right?
Brian: Well, you have… all you need to do is keep the window open.
Ben: Okay. Which could work aside from when it gets to like -3 out here and I’m spending a lot of money on heat?
Brian: Yeah, just by having it near the window…
Ben: Oh, really? If I make my phone calls near the window and I don’t paint the window, that would be the trick for the office?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Well, that’s doable.
Brian: And for the windows, we’d typically use this fabric called the Nova Fabric and it shields really well up to 8 gigahertz.
Ben: And can that fabric be rolled up for when you would make a phone call, for example?
Brian: Yeah, yeah. You just put it in there like a curtain. It’s like a sheer, white fabric.
Ben: It’s like wrapping your whole home in tinfoil basically.
Brain: Except it looks beautiful.
Ben: Wow. So, what will happen… So, in terms of things that I would have one while I’m working, what if I turn on, for example, these two Joovv lights- the one in front of me and the one behind me while I’m at the office? Is that like… would you measure that with the Digit Meter or something else?
Brian: We’d measure that with an electric field meter.
Ben: Okay. So, we measure with these other two meters before we turn on these lights.
Brian: We’ll measure with the body voltage and we’ll also measure the flicker rate of the lights.
Ben: Okay. All right. Let’s do it.
Brian: Okay.
Ben: Okay, you brought in a few new little pieces of equipment here because we’re going to be doing some lighting measurements for these Joovv photobiome modulation lights I use for collagen and testosterone and I flip them on at night, instead of the main lights in my office, to give me a little bit of red light while I’m working. So, we’re going to see what happens when I turn on all this stuff. And, what else are we measuring here, Brian?
Brian: We’re going to be measuring the flicker rate of the flights and also the electric field body voltage and the magnetic fields coming off here. So, we want this work space to be as clean as possible and we want these healing devices to be as effective as possible. So, in order to do that, there’s few suggestions I can make to clean up the area, but we got to find out what we’re working against here first.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: Okay.
Ben: So as you’re going, just walk me… You can talk while you’re doing it and feel people in on what you’re measuring here. So you’ve got a big red device, this is a new one. We didn’t talk about this device.
Brian: Yeah, this is just a multimeter that I’ve got hooked up to the ground and set on a voltage setting.
Ben: And you’re holding it in your hand and you’re measuring your body’s voltage?
Brian: Yeah, I’m measuring my body’s voltage. So this is an alternative way to measure body voltage than the NF Digit meter, the EMF Field Probe.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: This is one… This is the way most building biologists would measure and right now I’m getting about 1800 millivolts.
Ben: Is that a lot?
Brian: It’s a lot. We want it to be around 15 millivolts.
Ben: What in here would be generating that?
Brian: All the electricity in the walls, the wires that are plugged… anything that is plugged into the walls is bringing voltage onto the body.
Ben: All right, so 1.8 [46:58] ______ you’d like to see that?
Brian: I’d like to see it, in a work space, I’d like to see it at 20 or lower. In the bedtime areas…
Ben: Wait, but mine is 1-something.
Brian: Yours is 1900 and yeah…
Ben: Oh, 1000? Oh. Now, what happens if I unplug, just like, the entire power bar feeding everything?
Brian: Yup, it brought it down to 400.
Ben: It caught it in half! Holy cow! Wow, so just the simple act of having all this crap plugged in while I’m working is creating a huge amount of voltage, even though it’s all plugged into a dirty electricity filter and it’s like a low EMF power bar, I’m still getting a ton.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: How much in the average office are people getting? Like, am I still okay or…? Is this still a lot?
Brian: Well, it’s still a lot. I mean, there’s people who can anything from, you know, 1,500 to maybe even 40,000.
Ben: Wow.
Brian: Depending on what they have plugged in.
Ben: Now, why are you saying 20 is what you want?
Brian: That’s what we… Ideally, you want around 10 or below when you’re sleeping. And now, when you’re awake, your body is in a more sympathetic state and your shields are up, so to speak, so…
Ben: It just dropped all the way down. Why’d it drop down?
Brian: Well, it’s still up, I just changed it because when it goes up too high, you have to switch it to a different measurement.
Ben: Oh, I see. Holy cow! Is this concerning? What can I do about this?
Brian: So this is where you would use grounding technology to help you out. Not something where you, you know… I recommend using grounding technology very different from the way a lot of these companies sell you on.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: So, you should use grounding technology as a barrier between you and the electric fields. You shouldn’t use it as a place where you’re measuring your body voltage and you’re actually standing on a grounding mat.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: Because that can actually draw voltage through you.
Ben: So, it’s not as simple as using a grounding mat that I stand on while I’m working during the day?
Brian: No.
Ben: What kind of grounding technology are you talking about?
Brian: I’m talking about making sure all your wires are shielded or grounding all of your electronics properly so that there’s not electric fields leaking off of them and onto your body.
Ben: Now, aren’t they grounded if they’re plugged into the wall using that third prong?
Brian: The device itself is grounded, but it’s not shielded.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: It’s not using that grounding as a barrier.
Ben: So, how would you shield it?
Brian: Shield it? You can ground, like it’s got metal on it, you can ground the metal on the device.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: Some devices are grounded with the metal and we’ll test the Joovv and some of these other things here and just see where the bulk of the voltage is coming from.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: But in the future, maybe 20-30 years from now, my hope would be this catches on and every single electronic device comes with a shielded cord and the whole device is shielded from electronics so there’s no electronics… like, voltage that’s leaking out of any device.
Ben: How easy is it to take something like a giant external monitor like this and just ground it and shield it?
Brian: It depends, you know. That’s where you have to do a lot of prototyping, a lot of testing, and…
Ben: So, it’s not as easy as some little gadget that you buy to ground it and shield it?
Brian: No. And I’m working on some products that do that with a colleague of mine and we’re going to be coming out with that probably in the next…
Ben: You’re scaring the hell out of me, man. Well, what else do we measure? What’s next?
Brian: Well, we’ve got the electric field meter here. The next thing we can measure is the magnetic fields. I’m seeing if there’s anything concerning here.
Ben: Okay, so this is a big, yellow device, the NFA 30M, that measures the magnetic fields; a different type of field.
Brian: It’s looking pretty good here without any [50:52] ______ on.
Ben: That’s good. About time something went right. So, there’s not a lot of magnetic fields in my office, but there are a lot of…
Brian: Electric fields.
Ben: Electric fields in my office, okay.
Brian: The magnetic fields are just something you want to keep distance from them and as long as you’re outside of the field, just like a little magnetic, you take two little magnets, you put them together, you can feel where the field is. You want to stay out of that field.
Ben: Now what’s that device?
Brian: Now this is the flicker meter. So, I’m actually detecting…
Ben: That’ll detect the flicker from certain lights?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay, and what do you want that device to be at?
Brian: You want it to not… Basically, this device is based on sound. You don’t want to hear that type of sound. You want to hear… Like, let’s step outside real quick. I’ll show you what the sun sounds like.
Ben: All right. Okay. So we’re going to step out the doors of my office outside, because we’ve got this big buzz. Now, I do have the lights on in my office. I’ve got these lighting science biological LED bulbs. But, let’s step out in the sunshine. Okay. We’re out in the sun now and we’ve got… I’m holding the microphone up to the speaker. Now, let’s walk back into the office. There was pretty much nothing out in the sun.
Brian: Yeah. Just a hissing sound.
Ben: Okay. All right. So, when we walk back into the office here, automatically [buzzing sound]. Now, what if I flip off the lights? When I flip off the lights, this is what it sounds like: almost nothing. So these lights are producing what? A lot of flicker?
Brian: They’re producing a lot of flicker. Yeah.
Ben: Okay. Like more than the average light would?
Brian: That’s a lot!
Ben: That’s a lot?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay. So, these lighting science awake-and-alert bulbs, these so called biological LED bulbs, they still produce a lot of flicker.
Brian: Yeah, they produce a lot of flicker and the sun doesn’t flicker, so if you’re looking to imitate your ancestors, you really want a device that doesn’t have that flicker.
Ben: What would be a bulb that doesn’t have that flicker?
Brian: Any incandescent bulb.
Ben: Incandescent bulb. Do you get more electrical pollution from an incandescent bulb versus a biological LED bulb? Like, is there a trade off?
Brian: Actually, no, you actually get less.
Ben: So, an incandescent bulb would be the type of bulb I’d want to get?
Brian: Yeah. Incandescent bulbs are based off of heat and light, just like the sun is heat and light.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: And so, you get that in that combination and we’re on AC electricity which means alternating currents. So, there’s 60 cycles per second.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: 120 per second that are going. So, that’s basically flickering 120 times because LED goes on and off, but because an incandescent bulb doesn’t go just on and off, it’s actually based off of heat, so it’s glowing with this heat, it doesn’t have the chance to die off all the way.
Ben: Will my office become a giant sauna if I put a bunch of incandescent bulbs in here?
Brian: No, I don’t think so.
Ben: Interesting. Now, what about these Joovv lights? Do we measure the flicker on these too or do we know that they’re going to flicker?
Brian: Yeah. We should measure…
Ben: I just want to find out. Should I turn off these other lights then turn on the Joovv lights?
Brian: Yeah, let’s do that.
Ben: Okay. All right. So, my normal lights are off. Now, I’m going to flip off the Joovv lights. [buzzing] A little less flicker, but still flickering, huh?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Now why would people care about flicker?
Brian: Flickering… It simulates that sympathetic response.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: And so, people that have neurological issues, tendency towards epilepsy, you know, flashing lights and everything… they can cause some neurological episodes.
Ben: So my office is like a giant video game, basically.
Brian: Like a disco.
Ben: Yeah, like a giant disco video game. I don’t know, man. Maybe being sympathetic is keeping me, keeping me active. Keeping me awake and alert during the day. All right, I’ll flip these guys off. Boom. Now what do we measure next?
Brian: Let’s check out the electric field voltage that you have. The…
Ben: Okay, see what happens to my electric field voltage when I flip these Joovvs on.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay, here we go. One’s on behind you, one’s on in front of you.
Brian: Okay, so there’s not much change with that.
Ben: Okay. So they’re not producing a lot of electric field voltage, just a lot of flicker?
Brian: Yeah. The electric field voltage you’re being exposed to is coming from other sources that are around you which you can mitigate.
Ben: Okay. By the way, what if I’m not staring at the lights? Like, I’ve got these lights overhead, but what if I’m not looking at the? Is it as much of an issue compared to, like, a computer monitor screen, for example?
Brian: Well, because you have light receptors in your skin…
Ben: Oh yeah.
Brian: You know, I would…
Ben: Yeah, photoreceptors all over your whole body.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Damn you, Brian. Okay. All right. So we know the Joovvs aren’t producing a lot of voltage, at least. That’s good.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Anything else we should measure in here? There’s a lot of stuff I realized. So, this is where we find if the Russians are spying on me?
Brian: Yes!
Ben: Okay. So, now we’ve got the spy meter. It looks for bugs. Wouldn’t it be crazy if we found a bug in my office that somebody is spying on me? Maybe I’ve got, like, competitors in the health podcasting industry who want to know all my podcasting secrets.
Brian: I’m not getting anything in here.
Ben: Now, what’s this one? I mean, seriously, we’re not looking for bugs, right. What are we looking for?
Brian: We’re just seeing if there’s anything that’s Bluetooth activated that you weren’t aware of.
Ben: Oh, yeah. Right. Okay.
Brian: There are so many houses I go in and people aren’t even aware that something is giving off a signal.
Ben: Right, like Alexa and smart appliances and stuff.
Brian: Yeah, Apple TV. Yeah, all kinds of stuff.
Ben: Yeah, we don’t have a lot of that stuff. The server really isn’t picking up any of the Bluetooth signals because I don’t think anything in here has Bluetooth… or WiFi. Will that pick up WiFi also?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: So, there’s no hidden WiFi or Bluetooth generators in the office.
Brian: No, none that we’re detecting.
Ben: That’s good to know. Good. I’m such a good boy. I did something right. All right. Well, that makes me feel good. So, so far I need to paint my entire office with Geovital paint. I need to replace my bulbs with incandescent bulbs. I need to paint the gym with a special magical paint. Now what are you holding up now?
Brian: Well, I’m using that spy meter with an attachment that actually measures the body. So you can kind of see how, before, when I’m not using my body as an antenna, I wasn’t picking up anything. But then when I used my body as an antenna, I’m getting a signal in the 850 megahertz range here.
Ben: Is that a lot?
Brian: And the GSM900 range. I’m basically detecting what’s out there and I don’t think it’s anything that’s in the office. There’s something coming from outside.
Ben: There’s something outside. There’s something in the home somewhere that’s generating a Bluetooth signal?
Brian: Yeah, it’s…
Ben: Which is not a surprise, I mean like, I know in my office there’s not a lot, but I know, for example, I mentioned in the gym, there’s that force plate and that has… I don’t remember if I turned that off today or not, but that would generate a Bluetooth signal. That would be one thing.
Brian: Yeah, this one isn’t in the Bluetooth category.
Ben: Yeah, it’s pretty low.
Brian: It’s in the CDMA 850 megahertz category.
Ben: What the heck is that?
Brian: It’s a type of cellphone frequency.
Ben: Oh, well I’ve got two cellphones right here and my assistant upstairs in the kitchen, even though mine are on airplane mode, she’s got hers up there. Hers might be turned on.
Brian: Okay. That could be it.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: Or it could be a tower, you know.
Ben: Oh yeah. Cellphone tower? Okay.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Interesting, very interesting. We are going to go to the bedroom soon, but first, Brian is measuring the actual amount of dirty electricity using what’s called a Stetzerizer Micro Search meter. So, what’s the consensus as far as the amount of dirty electricity in my office?
Brian: Well, it looks like it’s pretty low. We’re around 27 GS units, Graham Stetzer units, and we want to be around 25 or less. So, it’s…
Ben: So, considering all the stuff that’s in here, it’s pretty low?
Brian: Yeah, yeah. I’m used to seeing this either maxed out or at least be over 2 or 300.
Ben: Well, we’re standing in the most electrified part of my house I think. Like, this is the room in my house where I have the most devices.
Brian: Right, and you said you had a meter there. Is that a Greenwave?
Ben: Yes, these are Greenwave dirty electricity filters that are plugged into my walls here in my office.
Brian: Okay. So we can take those out and see if it makes this go up.
Ben: Okay, let’s do it. So when you unplug the dirty electricity filter, it goes up a little bit?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay, unplug that one. So we got two of them unplugged now. Oh wow, that went up so… So these dirty electricity filters, they’re actually doing a pretty good job.
Brian: Yeah, they’re working!
Ben: That makes me feel good. Okay. Good because I have a whole bunch more upstairs and there are certain things in my house that aren’t plugged into these. So these dirty electricity filters, these Greenwave dirty electricity filters actually work?
Brian: Yeah, they’re doing what they’re supposed to do, you know.
Ben: Okay. That’s good, I didn’t get scammed.
Brian: It’s blocking the dirty electricity or filtering out the dirty electricity, but it’s still not blocking the voltage.
Ben: Right.
Brian: So it’s like half the problem.
Ben: Right.
Brian: So, if you considered dirty electricity…
Ben: Whereas blocking the voltage would be more like using the paint.
Brian: Yeah, using the paint, using the grounded technology as a barrier between you, your body, and the electric fields.
Ben: Right. Okay. Got it. So, what do you think? Bedroom?
Brain: Yup, bedroom!
Ben: All right. Here we go up to the bedroom, baby. Hopefully my wife cleaned it and made the bed because I’m horrible at that. This could be embarrassing photos over on the website. By the way, again, you guys go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology, plenty of links, photos, videos I’m going to have up over there.
Okay, we are now in the bedroom. The bed is not made. It looks like we just got out of bed and went surging downstairs and make our Saturday morning waffles.
Brian: Gluten-free waffles.
Ben: Gluten-free waffles, baby! Actually all I’ve had today was a cup of coffee. No waffles for me yet. I’m going to have to paint my waffles with Faraday paint the way this things going. All right, so what are we going to measure first here, Brian?
Brian: We’re going to measure the electric fields. I’m actually going to put everything out there.
Ben: We’re just going to measure everything. He’s literally just like setting it up as though I’m lying in bed. He’s got the NFA 30M milligauss meter there. He’s got the one that measures the body voltage. He’s got all of the devices just sitting on my bed, exactly where I would be sleeping for a third of my life.
Brian: We’re actually going to have you get in the bed.
Ben: Oh, really?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay. Alright, so I’m going to lie in bed here. Alright, that’s comfortable. Oh boy.
Brian: Okay, so magnetic fields, they look good.
Ben: Alright, so I’m not getting exposed to a lot of magnetic fields while I’m in bed. That’s good. I’m going to take a selfie here for you guys. Uh oh, I’m hearing noises. Okay?
Brian: Alright.
Ben: Now you’re getting some noise there. What’s that?
Brian: This is the electric fields.
Ben: So this is the electric fields in my bed?
Brian: That’s high, dude.
Ben: Well, actually, you know what. I don’t sleep with that switch over there on. That’s always off when I’m sleeping. So, why don’t you flip that off just so we’re simulating exactly what’s going on here. Oh, you switched it off and it didn’t go down at all.
Brian: Nope.
Ben: That bothers me.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: Let’s test your body.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: Just like we did in the sauna here.
Ben: It’s really high. What’s going on, dude? You’re freaking me out.
Brian: So, you’ve got voltage on the wall. You’ve got voltage in all these things that are plugged in next to you here and all that is coming up to the…
Ben: And if I unplug this, what happens?
Brian: It goes down a little bit.
Ben: Okay. So, I just unplugged everything, like the essential oil diffuser, and what else, the chilly pad. Now let me plug it back in. Definitely goes up.
Brian: Yeah, let’s keep it unplugged and actually test the body.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: So we unplugged everything there.
Ben: Okay. So, everything is unplugged. There’s like nothing with everything unplugged. Except my body. But, my body was producing voltage when we were downstairs too.
Brian: But we shouldn’t be.
Ben: Really?
Brian: Yeah. It should be zero. Like if I measure you when we’re grounded outside with this, you’ll be zero.
Ben: Yeah? You think so? We’ll find out. You’ve got to remember to do that.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: So, what’s going on while I’m lying here in bed? What would be a cause of my body voltage to be so high?
Brian: The electricity in the walls.
Ben: Actually, I’m going to drop my phone. Okay. Go ahead. Measure me now. [Beeping continues] Damn it! Okay.
Brian: We’ll just find out where it’s coming from.
Ben: Okay. So, now we’re just wandering in my bedroom like a detective. He’s measuring everything. He’s seeing where this is coming from. He’s kind of like holding it up against all the walls. So there’s some kind of voltage. It’s like passing through the walls here in the bedroom. You think it’s those lighting fixtures? So, now we’re measuring my actual voltage meters. I’m lying in bed. It’s pretty high. What’s this indicate?
Brian: Yeah, this indicates there’s radio, television, cellphone towers around that are basically using your body as an antenna. So they’re all blasting in here and your body is being exposed to this.
Ben: So this would also be an issue where I would need to paint the bedroom, as well, to keep a lot of these issues from coming through and then have, like… if I were sleeping at night, I would theoretically want these special curtains for the windows?
Brian: So, you need to paint the bedroom and basically, two layers of the shielded paint with a grounding tape smashed between the two layers of paint.
Ben: What color is this paint? I mean, can you get it in the same color that our bedroom is right now?
Brian: What you do is you’d paint the walls first and then you would do whatever color you want over it because the paint is actually black.
Ben: Okay. This is a big project. Wow.
Brian: It’s a black shielding paint. It’s made of carbon and graphite.
Ben: Hey, Jessa. Do you want our whole room to be black? Yeah. She’s cool with that. Sounds sexy. Wow. Amazing. So, even lying in bed, everything off in the bedroom, I’m still picking up these crazy signals?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Wow. This is scary. Alright, so, now we’re going to… We’ve come down from the bedroom and we’re going to measure something called geopathic stressors. Is that the correct term- geopathic stressors?
Brian: Yes.
Ben: Okay. Alright. So, what’s this one going to do?
Brian: So, geopathic stress is essentially radiation that is coming up from the Earth.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: And so, the earth has a magnetic field, has a North Pole and a South Pole, and then that has magnetic field lines. And they come out. And there are two different doctors that discovered there’s these gridlines that correspond with the magnetic field of the Earth, Dr. Hartmann and Dr. Curry. And these lines are about every 12 to 15 feet all around the earth and the Hartmann lines go north-south-east-west every 12 to 15 feet. The Curry lines go northwest to southeast and southwest to northeast and they’re about every 12 to 15 feet apart too. So, they’re stacked on top of one another all over the Earth.
Ben: Wow.
Brian: And then, there’s that’s just…
Ben: And they’re natural?
Brian: They’re natural, they’re everywhere, but what they found over in Europe was that, wherever these lines cross, if they’re over the bed and you’re sleeping over one of these crossing points, there’s a high correlation with cancer. And so…
Ben: Mmm. No kidding.
Brian: What I’ve found, you know, there’s different studies that they’ve done and they’re showing that different animals seek that radiation and other animals avoid it. And so, dogs avoid it, whereas cats seek it.
Ben: Holy cow! I know people are going to want… I see you have a manual here. Is this information… Is there, like, some studies or some kind of literature people could read related to geopathic stressors in certain animals, getting cancers in certain animals not?
Brian: Yeah, there’s different studies you can look up online if you just search for geopathic stress.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: There’s some credible sources and there’s some that aren’t as credible. The place that I get my information is from Geovital Academy and they’re that naturopathic clinic in Austria.
Ben: What’s the name of this manual you’re holding?
Brian: This is actually one of the training manuals that they use for their…
Ben: Let me see the title. “Introduction to the Basics of Building Geobiology”, got it. Okay.
Brian: Yeah, so we have these gridlines all over the Earth and then we also have other types of energy from geologic activity that come up from the Earth. So, there’s water veins. There’s underground water currents that go under the ground and that causes, you know, when that water is under extreme pressure, it creates this battery-like effect where there’s this energy that’s coming up from the earth and it’s more intense in some areas. Same thing when there’s a fault line or there’s this phenomena called ground mixing when the earth is kind of curling up on itself and different layers of metals and minerals are mixing together.
Ben: So, how do we measure this?
Brian: So, it can be measured with a geo-magnetometer.
Ben: Okay. Let me guess, you have one of those?
Brian: I don’t have one of those. They’re like a $10-20,000 instrument.
Ben: Wow. Slacker.
Brian: Yeah. And I don’t have it as part of my arsenal yet.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: But, you can measure it and then it spits out this graph that basically shows the higher geopathic stress areas. So, traditionally, the way that Geovital has taught to measure this is with these copper rods and these… you actually use your body as an instrument. So, you have to get plain, old copper rods. These aren’t…
Ben: These almost look like dowsing rods like the person used when they came up here and found where my well water was supposed to be.
Brian: Yeah. Yeah. It’s a similar type of way to detect water. Some of the dowsing rods have the little cylinder on them and it creates an insulator between your body…
Ben: Okay.
Brian: You actually want the type that have the wire, just a straight wire that’s like an L-shape because that way it’s got more contact with your body and it’s more sensitive to the different types of geopathic stressors that you’re around.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: So, whenever I go over one of the geopathic stress lines, either a fault line, a water… underground water line, or a Hartmann or Curry line, one of those gridlines, then the polarity in my hands changes from positive to negative and these wires will either attract to one another or they’ll go apart from one another.
Ben: This is exactly how my well, they call a well dowser, that’s exactly it.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: And it was cool. They found exactly where I was supposed to dig my well based on this.
Brian: That’s cool. So basically, you just hold them here. I’m not thumbing it, I’m not influencing these rods at all.
Ben: Mhmm. They’re just moving around all on their own.
Brian: And I just walk…
Ben: That’s crazy. So, you’re walking around my house. This is pretty cool. I’m going to get a photo of this so people can see what this looks like. Again, you guys go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology. I’m going to put a photo of Brian walking around my house with these freaking little rods. So, you’re finding geopathic stressors in my actual house.
Brian: Yup.
Ben: Okay. So when they get closer to each other, that means it’s geopathic stress?
Brian: Yeah, it means I’m walking over an area that has geopathic stress there. So I don’t know what it is at this point.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: I just know that it’s there. Okay. And then we have this mat that you use. So, Geovital designed these mats that have these rings in them that actually deflect the geopathic stress.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: You put this down, this is a Daytime Mat, it covers a 40 foot circumference.
Ben: Okay. This would be like something someone would use as a flooring in their house or on their bed?
Brian: You just put it down, as long as it doesn’t have any metal above it, then it will shield and block out the effect that geopathic stress has on the body.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: So, my body won’t be able to detect it anymore with that down. So, I hold them the same way…
Ben: Now, as soon as you hit a geopathic stress, those things are going to get closer together.
Brian: Yeah, but with the mat down, I’m not detecting any.
Ben: But the mat’s not… So, this single mat… This is crazy. So, everywhere you’re walking in my house where those things are getting closer together, with this single tiny mat, like the size of a couple of shoes on the ground, it’s actually blocking all of this geopathic stress?
Brian: Right.
Ben: So, you’d just drop this on the corner of a room?
Brian: Because it covers a 40-foot circumference. So, you’re looking for a place in the daytime area. This will let through a little bit of geopathic stress because you need some stimulation during the day. Our ancestors used to walk through these line when they’re hunting, they’re running and so, the faster you run through the gridlines, the more stimulated your nervous system is and so, it’s like one more way our body is in tune with the Earth.
Ben: Wow.
Brian: When we’re walking slower, as we get tired, we go through these less. We’re less stimulated and then we land in a place where there’s, hopefully, no geopathic stress.
Ben: So, this would be when people refer to certain areas of the planet having more energy or being more spiritually charged or being more, in some cases, sacred? They would probably be areas where we have a higher amount of this geopathic radiation.
Brian: That very well can be.
Ben: Interesting.
Brian: One thing that I’ve heard is that, I don’t know if this is verified or not, I haven’t tested it myself, but I’ve heard that places where they’ve built temples are actually high geopathic stress areas like over in Greece or the Roman Empire.
Ben: Interesting. I’m open-minded to this stuff! I’m really wanting to look at some of this research on this Geovital stuff. Interesting. So you can send that to me; I could put that in the show notes for people to check out.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Sweet. Okay. Cool. Okay, so we’re back up in the bedroom now. You’ve got a compass on my bed.
Brian: Yup. Okay, so, I use the compass for multiple reasons. First, I have to find north and south to find out which direction these lines are going for the geopathic stress lines. But also, when you put a compass on a bed, often it will shift if there’s metal in the mattress. No, I don’t think this is a metal…
Ben: No, there’s no springs or anything in the mattress. This one’s… This is an Intellibed it’s called.
Brian: Okay.
Ben: Uses like a gel matrix. Pretty neat.
Brian: So, let’s…
Ben: Firm and soft at the same time.
Brian: Let’s check that and see if there is any metal.
Ben: So, that’s just like a metal detector that you’re scraping over the bed.
Brian: We’ve got a metal detector over here.
Ben: Okay. That’s good. No false advertising. [Beep] Oh! Something was metal right there. Is there something metal, like, underneath the sheet? Kind of weird.
Brian: Let’s see.
Ben: Maybe it’s picking up the compass? Does the compass have any metal on it?
Brian: It does not.
Ben: Hmm. That’s kind of weird. You know what it could be, sometimes things fall through the crack on this because there’s cracks on the mattress.
Brian: Oh, yeah.
Ben: So, it’s possible that underneath there, there’s some metal. Well, it’s picking up metal on the actual mattress, huh?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: What would that be? Like a lining?
Brian: Actually, I think that the Intellibed has some springs in it.
Ben: Yeah, maybe it does have. Oh, okay. You know what, it might. The Intellibed, I’m sorry, yeah. I’m mistaken. The Intellibed does have springs in it.
Brian: Okay. Yeah.
Ben: That’s what it’s picking up. Okay.
Brian: Let’s just see if there’s any…
Ben: I’ve got to get my bed straight. Got so many mattresses in my house.
Brian: Okay. So, we do have an issue here.
Ben: What’s the issue?
Brian: So, when I push down into the springs, see how that shifts?
Ben: Uh huh. Yeah. The compass shifts.
Brian: The compass shifts.
Ben: What does that mean?
Brian: That means that the springs are actually magnetized.
Ben: Okay. Are all springs magnetized?
Brian: No.
Ben: But these springs are magnetized.
Brian: These ones are magnetized.
Ben: Interesting. Do you think that’s why you’re picking up a high frequency on my body when I was lying in the bed?
Brian: That probably isn’t the reason.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: But it could’ve amplified the high frequency.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: There’s actually a pretty large magnetic field coming off the bed right now.
Ben: Is that always damaging or is that just a magnetic field because the earth produces a magnetic field, right?
Brian: Right, but it’s a certain frequency whereas these are kind of in innocuous random frequency. Sometimes they use magnets for healing purposes, like the static magnets that you get, like bracelets and things like that. So, that would be the same type as this, but those are made to be a certain way whereas these springs are just random.
Ben: Right.
Brian: And so the magnetic field on the bed is really kind of random.
Ben: Wow. Interesting. So, like, right where my head is, there’s a bunch of magnetic fields being produced by the springs in the mattress is basically what you’re saying.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: And you’re saying that would be damaging to my body and there’s proof that could be damaging to the body?
Brian: Yeah, that’s one of the markers that Geovital talks about in their training is that you can’t be sleeping on any material that has metal in it. There’s three reasons: because for this reason that the springs could be magnetized, but also, the springs are a conduit for voltage to come up to the body. You know, metal, electricity goes easy through the metal, right up to the body. Then also, the metal springs connect as an antenna for the high frequency radiation. So, if I took my high frequency meter and put it right up to the metal springs and contacted them, there would be high frequency radiation on those springs that’s resonating from it.
Ben: And there’s not kind of a topper I can put on top of my mattress to mitigate this effect?
Brian: You could wrap it in a Faraday cage so there’s nothing resonating with it.
Ben: Oh, easy!
Brian: But, if you’re in a shielded room…
Ben: And then I would still get the comfort of the mattress and I would still be able to block that.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay. Interesting. What were you saying before I interrupted you?
Brian: Oh, I was going to say that the issue is that if you have a shielded room, then you don’t have the high frequency phenomena anymore, you don’t have the electric field phenomena anymore, but you’d still have the magnetized springs. And also, the geopathic stress solution is these mats that you put under the bed and those can’t have any metal above them for them to work properly.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: So, you can’t have any metal whatsoever in the mattress for those geopathic stress mats too.
Ben: Wow, you’re blowing my mind, dude. Okay. What else do we measure here in the bedroom or is that kind of the main Geovital measurement that we do on the bed?
Brian: We’re going to map out the lines…
Ben: Oh, we’ve got to map out the actual lines?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay, so what are you doing now here with all these crazy devices you have laid out on the bed, just like a bunch of rulers?
Brian: Basically, I’m going around the bed and I’m detecting where the different geopathic stress lines are, if there’s any water that’s flowing underground creating energy that’s coming up right where you’re sleeping. And so, we map this out and we find out if there’s any health correlations with any certain part of your body, any ailments or complaints that you have or even sleeping problems. And then, we basically measure the strength of that and then correlated that to any issues that you’re having with your sleep.
Ben: Okay. Interesting. Never heard of this stuff before. Okay, geopathic analysis of the bedroom. You’ve got all of these crazy rules laid out on my bed, you’re been walking around with this little dowsing technique, what did you find here?
Brian: So, what I found was, we have some of the gridlines that are on the bed here, but the main concern here is there’s a big underground water current that’s going right diagonally through the bed and it’s got kind of a high…
Ben: You mean, in the ground underneath the bed, underneath the home?
Brian: Right. Yeah, yeah. So, there’s an underground water current that’s flowing and it’s creating an energy that’s coming up right underneath where the bed is and so, that goes up very, very high into the earth’s atmosphere. So, even if you’re up on like a really high-storey building…
Ben: Right, we’re on the third floor of my home.
Brian: Right. Yeah, right now we’re on the third floor. Even if you’re up in a high-rise building in the middle of the city, that geopathic stress still goes up that high. Probably slightly less, the further out you get, but not by a significant amount.
Ben: So, what are the implications of having that water current underneath my home in the area where my bed’s at?
Brian: Well, in Geovital’s experience at their clinic, they’ve being going this since the early 80s, and putting in solutions for geopathic stress, they’ve had correlations to different types of cancers and they’ve gotten better once you put in solutions and insomnia, leg cramping, tinnitus, different things like that. A lot of the same…
Ben: Would that be like the mat you showed me downstairs? You put one of those in the bedroom?
Brian: Yeah. They have special ones for the bed. They can’t have any metal above them for them to work and the ones that go under the bed, you need one for each person for each side of the bed.
Ben: So, I’d have to have a spring-less mattress and then a mat underneath bed on each side.
Brian: Right. Yeah.
Ben: Wow. Interesting.
Brian: So, we’ve got the water vein there and then we’ve also got these crossing lines. So, there’s the Hartmann lines, which are the green rulers, and where the lines are, it’s what we call 700 stimulation factor, and that’s just some arbitrary system that they came up with to make these measurements. And then, where the lines cross, it’s 1400. And those over in Europe where the cross are known as Cancer Crossings because of the high correlation they’ve had with different types of cancers when they measured this and compared it to the data in their clinic over there. So, we’ve got one crossing on the left side of the bed and then one crossing down here at the foot of the bed and then we’ve got lines going through the middle of the bed here.
Ben: And what do you do about that?
Brian: That’s what the mats are for. The mats basically block the radiation out.
Ben: So you don’t have to move the bed or anything and mess up the feng shui of the room. I just need to basically get the mats in here and then get the metal out of the bed.
Brian: Yeah, sometimes when I’m doing an assessment, I’ll do a room and we’ll map it out and we’ll see, oh there’s a spot in the room that we could actually move the bed to and you don’t need a mat.
Ben: Mhmm. Interesting. Wow.
Brian: But, for most people, like…
Ben: My wife’s not going to let me move the bed, dude. Yeah. It’s a whole thought out pattern she has in here. Trust me.
Brian: I don’t think we… there’s a place in here we could move it to and that could be good anyway.
Ben: Wow. This is crazy. So, I’m going to put… again, I’ll put a photo up at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology of all these crazy rulers that Brian has set out and, man, this is so fascinating. You’re freaking me out, you’re scaring me, and at the same time, I’m intrigued by this stuff.
Brian: Well, there’s a solution. There are solutions to all these issues. So, that’s the good news.
Ben: Yeah. Right. Yeah, yup. Okay. Cool. So, we’re going to be doing a lot more. I’ll be kind of putting a lot of reports in the show notes because there’s some stuff Brian’s going to do that we won’t have a chance to record, but I believe the solar panel is where he is going to be venturing into next. Have you ever done a solar panel before like, a solar panel set up?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay. Alright. Here we got… Alright. So, Brian has just emerged from the dark, deep corners of my garage where the solar panels live. What did you find, dude?
Brian: So, the solar panels are creating dirty electricity, but not in the areas where you have those filters, you know. So, on this side of the house where there aren’t any of those Greenwave filters…
Ben: The Greenwave dirty electricity filters.
Brian: Right.
Ben: Interesting.
Brian: And then, when the solar panels are off, they’re not producing dirty electricity. So, at night, you’re not exposed to dirty electricity.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: But you’re still exposed to electricity because there are active breakers on the…
Ben: So, the whole conversion of the DC to the AC is not an issue for the solar panels?
Brian: Well, no, it’s creating dirty electricity in the house during daytime, but if you have those filters on throughout the house, that’ll mitigate that problem.
Ben: Okay. Gotcha.
Brian: But, my whole point about this whole dirty electricity thing is that if yes, dirty electricity is bad, but so is being exposed to voltage and having a voltage and having normal electricity.
Ben: Yeah.
Brian: So, why not just fix the whole issue from the get go and not be exposed to any electricity. Then, whatever is behind the walls, whether it’s dirty or clean, it’s behind the walls and your body’s not being exposed to it.
Ben: And when you say “not being exposed to it at all” what do you mean?
Brian: Like, if your body voltage is zero and there’s dirty electricity behind the walls and you have a shielded wall, then you’re not being exposed to any of that dirty electricity.
Ben: Right. So, it comes down to dirty electricity filters. It comes down to things like the shielding paint. It comes down to things like that Geovital mat underneath areas of geopathic stress, like the bedroom.
Brian: Right.
Ben: Those are the types of things you would do rather than just saying I’m going to turn off all the electricity.
Brian: Right, and what I found is even if you turn off the main breaker, in about 1 out of 3 homes, maybe 2 out of 3, it’s actually getting higher and higher percentage, but even if you turn off the main breakers, there’s still voltage on the person’s body when they’re sleeping even if their main breaker’s turned off.
Ben: And there’s also these geopathic stressors as well.
Brian: Right. Yeah.
Ben: Okay. So, here’s what you guys got to expect next. Brian is going to do a few of the things to the house. He’s got his clipboard that he’s writing down numbers on. We’re going to be doing, like, a summary audio for you that you’ll get to tune into in a second and over in the show notes at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology. I’m going to put all of the resources you guys need, the dirty filters, Brian’s website, all these Geovital resources, some of the meters that he uses if you want to take a deep dive and get all this stuff yourself and find out if the Russians are spying on you, everything. By the way, are the Russians spying in my garage?
Brian: Not that I could tell.
Ben: Okay. Alright. Stay out of my garage, Putin. You heard me. Alright. More coming in a second, you guys.
Oh, hey! I didn’t see you there. I want to interrupt today’s podcast, completely interrupt it, to tell you about bloating and gas, because who doesn’t want to talk about that while you’re learning about building biology. I’ve personally had, probably the Bane on my side, has been issues with what’s called small intestine bacterial overgrowth. A lot of people get this. A lot of people get leaky gut too. And, all of this is caused, to a great deal or aggravated into a great extent, by methane-producing archaea bacteria. And, the way that you can actually disable this bacteria, put handcuffs on it, is with a polyphenol blend that addresses the bloating, sops up the bloating, but also gets rid of the bacterial issues that causes the gas and the bloating in the first place, because the gas and the bloating leads to constipation. It’s a viscous cycle. You can’t eat a lot of these foods that you want to eat especially fiber containing foods, or carbohydrate-rich foods. So, what this doctor named Dr. Ken Brown has done, and I’ll get him on the podcast too so you can learn a little bit more about this, is he’s created this polyphenol blend called Atrantil. Atrantil. And, what it does is it kills off these methane-producing archaea bacteria, pushes them out of the small bowel, stops the methane, and they use these three different herbs that I’ll fill you in on when I do the podcast with him, but ultimately this stuff is very simple to use. You take two or three of them before you eat any meal that would normally cause you gas and bloating. And, I do this now and it completely goes away. It’s crazy. They back it with a 100% money back guarantee, which you don’t get with any other prescription or remedy, and you also get a 15% discount, very simple: you go to lovemytummy.com/ben. Don’t you love that URL? Lovemytummy.com/ben and this stuff is called Atrantil.
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Alright you guys, it’s Ben here with Brian. Brian has since departed my home. It is a few weeks later after the assessment that you just heard Brian walking through at my home and now we have all of the results in. The smoke has cleared. Brian has sent me my complete assessment PDF and he’s going to walk through this in terms of what the biggest things that are affecting the health of my home and my family, the biggest things affecting my sleep are, and what can be done about it, what’s some of the low-hanging fruit is, what’s some of the big ticket items are, what kind of expenses are associated with these things. And, like I mentioned, I believe a little bit earlier, I’m going to put links to everything Brian and I talk about over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology and I’m even going to upload this PDF that Brian created that kind of walks me through everything I can do to my home.
So, Brian, now we are virtual. We’re Skyping dude.
Brian: Alright, yeah. Let’s do this.
Ben: Alright. So, I’ve got my home EMF inspection report from you. When we walked through my house, we obviously found a few things in terms of my sauna where my body was getting exposed to some cell tower transmissions and radio waves and kind of being an antenna in there, and what we might be able to do about that. We went into the master bedroom area where you kind of highlighted that it was located over a geothermal stress area and there were also pretty hefty amounts of radio and cellphone tower signals pouring in through the bedroom walls. We talked about my kids’ bedroom and how, with their pet dragon lizard lighting and elaborate Christmas tree lights around their bed, their EMF is a little bit high. We talked about the air filter that you disabled in my office. The home security system, the microwave dish that I have on the side of my house for targeted WiFi, and then some of the cellphone towers around my house. So, you then sent me this summary. So, where’s the best place to dive in with the EMF assessment that you sent me?
Brian: Well, a lot of the easy stuff that you can look at or just things, like, that we could disable. So, there was the molecule air filter that you have. I have the same one and it’s WiFi enabled. It comes WiFi enabled. So, there’s a way, if you look at the instructions to the machine… to the device, you can actually just disable by following the instructions in the molecule manual and you just disable it because there really is no reason for there to be WiFi on there. I’m actually not sure why they put WiFi on that particularly.
Ben: Yeah. I don’t understand sometimes. A lot of times, I think, maybe companies kind of do it in hope that the internet of things might be something it could eventually talk to or maybe there would be a cellphone app that you can control your molecule with. But, yeah. Those bastards! They sneak those stuff into everything.
So, we figured out that these air filters have WiFi and disabled that. That’s easy though. That’s not something that I need to buy Faraday paint for or do any drastic feng shui adjustments such as moving the bed, my wife I don’t think is going to get behind for. But anyway, what are a few of the other things?
Brian: Yeah, so just looking at your report here, some of the things that were going on was there was a security system that was anytime you opened a door, it was sending out a ping signal like, 12 pinged WiFi signals, like, “cha cha cha cha cha cha. And then, after it closes, it goes “cha cha cha cha cha.” So, that’s something that you can’t really do much about either, but you can look for a security system that doesn’t have WiFi capabilities. There’s still some wired systems that are out there…
Ben: You would have to literally hardwire your entire security system into the wall though, right?
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Like, this would be something you do if you’re going to build a house or if you didn’t care that you had a bunch of wires hanging around.
Brian: Right. And, yours really wasn’t that bad. There’s some people that have motion sensors in their homes and so, those ones sound a lot like a smart meter on the radio frequency meters that I use. There’s one house I did in Seattle and this woman had cats upstairs and I was doing an assessment downstairs and apparently they were, like, running around, setting off the motion detectors and it was creating this signal, and I was like “where the heck is that coming from?” I couldn’t figure it out until I started moving in that room and every time I moved, the meter would make this buzzing sound.
Ben: Yeah, I mean I talked to the security folks who installed the security system at my house. I told them we wanted one that was relatively low WiFi, it does have motion sensors, but those are only activated when I’m out of the house, when I’m gone, because obviously if we go to bed and there’s motion sensors on and the dog decides to get up and walk around, it’s going to set off the alarm.
Brian: Right.
Ben: So, ultimately, even though it’s relatively low EMF security system, it’s still every single time we open the freaking door releasing a signal, huh?
Brian: Yeah, and you know it wouldn’t be releasing a signal when you’re sleeping unless there’s a burglar, which it could release that signal and maybe that would wake somebody who’s very sensitive up, you know, if that goes off.
Ben: No, you’ve got bigger issues if there’s a burglar.
Brian: Yeah.
Ben: Okay, so the security system that we currently use, is one that I will link to in the show notes if you go over to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology. You can check out basically some of the things that I’ve do in my house in building it to mitigate EMF, but then again, we’re trying to go from good to great here. Okay, so security system would be one that I would just need to get a wired security system for, make sure I leave the motion sensors off, but ultimately that’s… it doesn’t sound to me like if that’s only happening when we open and close the front door that’s a huge issue.
Brian: Yeah, it’s not that big of an issue and that’s really the things we’re going to get to here real soon is what I think everybody can pretty much take steps to start transitioning out of these things. So, we’ll kind of move to the bedroom. That’s where we like to really concentrate and focus in on because that’s when you’re sleeping and you should be in this parasympathetic state where your brain is detoxing. Actually, when you’re asleep, your brain shrinks by about 40 to 60% and makes all this intercellular space for all these melatonin and these antioxidants to flood the brain and basically pick up all the garbage and sweep it out the cerebral spinal fluid and then it goes into the lymphatics and then sweeps everything out of all your glymphatics through the lymphatic drainage system.
Ben: Right and that’s where a lot of the glymphatic drainage occurs too. Yeah, relatively newly researched phenomenon but ultimately, if you’ve got a lot of wireless in the area where you’re sleeping or a lot of dirty electricity in the area where you’re sleeping, I mean, when I’m in my office, when I’m in other places of the house, I’m moving, I’m shaking, I’m all over the place. My body is kind of draining and lymph fluid is moving as it is and that is not my repair and recovery stay before the lymph drainage, repair, recovery and the fact that I’m rooted to one spot when I sleep, as you’ve already kind of alluded to, the bedroom is pretty important. So, what are some of the major takeaways from the bedroom as far as recommendations for the bedroom?
Brian: Well, with the bedroom, you want to make sure you’re not sleeping on anything metal. Our ancestors never slept on anything conductive with metal or anything like that and so metal does for this that are detrimental. If it’s a spring core, I found that 60 to 80% of the mattresses that have springs in them actually have… are magnetized. So, they have a magnetic field that’s detectible and all you do to detect that is just take a compass and just slide it over your mattress every which way and if that compass moves by more than five degrees, then you know you have an issue. So, that’s one thing and it’s not really… some magnets are actually used therapeutically, but these ones, these magnetic fields tend to be really random, noxious magnetic fields that are just made from the machinery as the springs go through the machinery of the factory where they were manufactured. So, it’s not a healthy magnetic field, it’s something that…
Ben: Now, I use an Intellibed and it’s kind of interesting because when I got that particular mattress, I reached out to them because I was aware that it had springs and they sent me a couple of videos showing that with EMF testing, the metal inter-spring part of it did not attract or accumulate EMFs and then a couple of my friends who are bloggers, like, Katie the Wellness Mom, was one, she did an article on it, how she was comfortable with the springs in there, again, due to EMF testing. What did you do differently that would’ve made you concerned about the EMFs in that particular mattress?
Brian: Well, I’m always checking for various things and when they say EMF, usually everybody is using this blanket term and they’re just testing one type of thing. They do that with saunas, they do that when they’re testing EMF on your phone, or your bed, or whatever they say these different industries say they’re testing EMF for, and basically, they’re only testing magnetic fields and alternating current magnetic fields when they talk about EMF. So, yeah, the other reason you don’t want to use metal in your springs is because it actually acts as an antenna for the wireless radiating and I actually have a way to measure that now that I don’t think anybody really knows about yet. So, I just discovered it a few weeks ago since I did your assessment. So I can actually lay on the bed and I have a specific type of meter that I lay down on the bed and it shows the current going through my body when I lay down on a bed with springs on it and it’s higher when I’m laying down on the springs than when I’m up off of the springs.
Ben: Interesting. So, can you take a mattress with springs in it like that and put some kind of a cage around it or some kind of a bedding or something that would keep the springs from being an issue like some kind of like a Faraday mattress or a Faraday sheet?
Brian: There, it’s possible that you could do that. It’s something that I would have to test and we’d need to prototype and come up with some kind of product that could do that and it would have to be grounded because the other issue with the metal in there is it actually acts as an amplifier or an easy path for the electricity in the walls and the floor to come up to your body and that creates a high body voltage when you’re sleeping. And so, that electric field, that voltage, gets on your body and you think about the way that voltage and electricity impacts the body. It contracts out muscles you have those little electrodes you can put on your muscles and it will involuntarily contract them. The heart’s a muscle so, we shock a heart into rhythm and it contracts in order to restart a heart. So, really, all night long, with this voltage coming under your body, you’re contracting these muscles, you’re raising your cortisol, it’s lowering your melatonin by default, and that’s causing issues with your sleep. And it’s really a lot the same as what blue light does to your melatonin.
Many in the biohacker community and ancestral health community are fully onboard with using the blue blockers at night after the sun goes down and everything, but we still haven’t gotten to the point where we’re reducing the WiFi and the electromagnetic radiation when the sun goes does. Because your body is really wanting to start to rest and gradually go into this restful state where you can repair and restore and if we just all of a sudden cut everything off, and we have this EMF we’re not being exposed to anymore, I’d like it to be a more gradual process rather than just shielding the bedroom is definitely where were want to start, but there needs to be this gradual thing. Nothing in nature was ever just so abrupt, the sun goes up slowly and it goes down slowly. The magnetic field of the moon intensifies over the day and then it goes back down as it gets further away. And, everything is kind of rotating and the earth’s relationship with the sun and the moon is causing these gradual differences in the natural magnetic fields and the magnetism that we’re exposed to.
So, we have so much abrupt things in our environment today that it’s causing the nervous system to have this stress response and not only our bodies are perceiving it, but the pathogens and the bugs and the microbiome inside of us are perceiving these stressors too. So, like Dr. Klinghardt, I did some training with him and he talks about how the Lyme, and the pathogens, the yeast, the fungus, the mold, all of these organisms that perceive EMF as a stressor, so, when you have that blasting you at night, these organisms go into this stress response, this survival mode, and they start multiplying like crazy in order to survive.
Ben: What if you don’t have a lot of wireless in your bedroom? Why would the springs be an issue if you’ve got kill switches in the bedroom and there’s not stuff bouncing around there anyways?
Brian: Well, most people also have the cellphone towers, and radio towers, and television towers and a lot of the building biologists out there believe that most of the radiation is coming from inside your home. I completely disagree with that. I think, and I’ve measured, that most of the radiation is coming from outside of the home from these towers and if you think about it, it actually makes a whole lot of sense because a lot of people take their wireless device, their mobile phone, their iPad, and they’re living in a hotel or apartment building and they look at all the wireless networks and it’s like a list of 40 or 50, and they’re all like, wow, look at all these wireless I’m being exposed to. It’s crazy. Well, what if we actually had a device that showed all of the radio stations and all of the television stations and the cellphone towers that were penetrating the room? I think that list would be like 10 times longer.
Ben: Yeah, so, my mattress is so freakin’ comfortable dude. I get an amazing night of sleep on it. Couldn’t I just do your recommendation? This kind of leads to the next thing I want to talk to you about anyways in the bedroom to just paint with this Faraday paint and then put the curtains in the bedroom that are, like, Faraday curtains and then if I wanted to make a phone call in my bedroom, I could open the curtains so the signal could get out, but otherwise just have my bedroom be a Faraday cage and the springs wouldn’t be an issue, right?
Brian: Yeah, that would take care of most of the issues.
Ben: Which I’m thinking about doing anyways since it sounds like there’s cellphone and radio towers bombarding the room anyways.
Brian: Yeah. Yeah, that’s what we found when we were there. So, but it would still… that removes two issues, but the two remaining issues are the remaining magnetic fields from the springs themselves and then also, that the solution for geopathic stress that’s coming up from the Earth in high intensity over some parts of the bed, the mats that we place underneath the bed can’t have any metal above them for them to work properly. It disrupts the way they’re deflecting the energy from below.
Ben: Okay, before I ask you about these geothermal stressors, because this is something I hadn’t run into before and it kind of intrigued me what you’re talking about when it came to geothermal stressors. The springs the mattress you say that those are conducting a harmful signal, but couldn’t you just say the same thing about any metal at all in the whole bedroom?
Brian: Yeah, you could. Anything that’s exposed to those frequencies can be measured with the same microvoltage meter that I used to measure the body as an antenna and so, the difference though is that you’re putting your body in very close proximity to this metal and so, I’ve measured with this other meter that I have that shows that there’s a rise in the reading when you are closer… like, close enough. If you’re about three inches away and you’re insulated from it, then there’s not an issue. But, if you’re right up against, like in most mattresses, and it’s pushing down and touching those springs, then it becomes and issues and you get a raise in the read.
Ben: The way that this mattress is built, the springs are pretty far underneath me. I’m still not convinced I need to replace my amazing mattress.
Brian: Yeah, you might not need to, you know. I’ve tested and I’ve done this test only a few weeks and there’s some places where a standard AirBnB or whatever and the frequencies weren’t high enough to register on the meter.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: So, but places where people are really high intensity and they know it like, in the middle of the intercity in a high rise apartment or condo, I would definitely try to switch out those springs… the springs in your mattress for sure.
Ben: Okay. Got it. Now what about this geothermal stress area?
Brian: Yeah, so in the master bedroom we had some underground water currents going across the bed and so we measured that…
Ben: Like in the ground three floors down in the, literally, the Earth underneath my home.
Brian: Right. So, when there’s water going through the different layers of the earth’s crust, sometimes it goes through stone and there are different metals and minerals that can mix together and compress with extreme pressure and what that does is that it creates this magnetic energy that comes up in higher intensity in those areas. And so, our ancestors, they used to avoid these things. You know, the Chinese have this tradition of feng shui and that was rooted in geopathic stress aversion. And then, the ancient Greeks and Romans used to avoid this and they would try not to build on areas of high geopathic stress.
Ben: Really?
Brian: Yeah. They would have their herds of sheep graze on land for a year and at the end of that year, they would dissect the herd, look at their organs, and if their organs were healthy, then they would go ahead and build a house on that land. If they weren’t, they would choose a different spot.
Ben: So, this is not like a hormetic stressors like going out in the sunshine or jumping in cold water or even being barefoot outside and being subjected to the earth’s natural radiation. You’re saying the earth can actually have radiation that it produces that’s harmful based on the way that water interacts with rocks?
Brian: Water interacting with rocks. Rocks interacting with rocks. Different, you know, fault lines are an issue. If there’s other geologic stress in the area from hundreds and thousands of years of rocks falling and compressing on top of each other, that’s an issue too and that can create the same type of energy. And then, all over the earth, there’s gridlines where these lines, every 12 to 15 feet, there’s more intense lines and the crossing points are double the intensity of where the lines are. So, over in Europe they know those as cancer crossings, where the lines cross, and they’ve been correlated with cancer over there for a couple hundred years.
Ben: Okay, I need you to send me some links to this geothermal stress information if you have it that I could put in the show notes over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology because I want to read up on this a little bit more. My wife’s feng shui, by the way, is probably going to kick the a** of the Chinese feng shui and that bed is not going to move. So, if she’s not going to move the bed because the whole bedroom was designed around, like, the location of the bed, what is another solution?
Brian: So, another solution is something that Geovital found, that’s a naturopathic clinic that I trained with from Austria, and they’ve been doing this for 35 years, since the early 80s, doing the geopathic stress and the electric field remediation. And, they’re also the developers of that shielding paint we’ve been alluding to. But, what they found is over the years, they actually discovered that when they designed these mats with these rings in them that will actually deflect this energy out and kind of create a bubble around the bed. And, you can’t have any metal above those for them to work properly. But, what they found was that when you use two of their standard strength mats, underneath one bed, and a high strength mat within 20-feet of that, they actually work together to clear out a whole 80-foot circumference and they verified this with the equipment that they use to measure it. So, there’s some phenomenon that happens where it actually will flush out an entire area. So, they call that level shielding and so you can actually shield a whole level and if you have that in place, then you don’t necessarily need those mats right under the bed.
Ben: But that would only work if I didn’t have the springs in the mattress?
Brian: Well, you could put them in another area where there’s no metal above them and it would flush out the whole area and then you could still have your nice, comfortable bed.
Ben: So, that’s a big mass, just like sitting on the floor and you trip over them?
Brian: Yeah, they’re pretty big. So, you know…
Ben: Jeez. You couldn’t just put them on the ceiling or something?
Brian: No, they have to be on the floor because they need to deflect the energy that’s coming up from the ground. So you could just make a little…
Ben: So, there’s no other solution aside from putting these things on the floor?
Brian: That’s the best solution that’s out there. There’s other things that people have done historically, like put stakes on the ground at certain spots and it kind of does divert the energy elsewhere, but the problem with that is that when it rains, the water moves. And so, you have the move the stake every time it rains. And so, this solution is one where you can just keep the mats in the same location that you’re protecting, and no matter what’s going on, you’re going to be protected as long as you do the regular maintenance which is just cleaning them once every three months.
Ben: Okay. I can get onboard with the Faraday cage. I might be able to figure out the mats. Will you send me a link to the mats and everything so I could put those in the show notes and kind of, look into it myself as far as the size of them and see if I can actually fit them in the bedroom?
Brian: Yeah, totally.
Ben: Okay. Alright.
Brian: You know, one thing I’ve done with people in the past was they’ll have an area where they might do yoga or something and so, they’ve actually hired a carpenter to make like a little platform and you just put the mats underneath there.
Ben: Oh yeah. Interesting.
Brian: And then there’s no metal…
Ben: That could work so you’ve got a raised area of the bedroom you kind of, we’ve got a wood floor in our bedroom, we would put the wood over that and that could be just like a little raised area, like a little yoga spot.
Brian: Yeah. Yup.
Ben: Okay. Wow. Alright so, the Faraday cage, turning your bedroom into, like, a Faraday cage or you mentioned how the cellphones and the radio towers are crossing into the gym where I spend time in the sauna where obviously my body is hot and those cellphones and radio towers could cause a little damage. My kids’ bedroom… if I just wanted to do a select few areas of the house, how does it work? How does the painting and the curtains work?
Brian: Yeah, so basically when you’re thinking about what areas do you want to shield, you’re thinking about okay, what areas are the areas where my body is required to be in a parasympathetic rest-and-digest state? And so, ideally, you have the bulk of your time, 8-hours every night, you can have this ancestral healing therapy if you recreate an ancestral environment in your bedroom. So, with the paint, that’s where the paint comes in with these bedrooms is, we recommend doing two layers of the T98 Alpha Shielding Paint, that’s Geovital’s shielding paint, and I researched a lot of different shielding paints and that was the only one that I believe is 5G-proof which means it can block the higher frequencies and the lower frequencies in combination together. And it’s also non-toxic, so it’s actually a zero VOC paint but which you want to do, is you want to do two layers and then sandwich between those two layers of paint is a grounding tape. And the grounding tape goes all the way around the perimeter of the room on every wall as a panel and then you do it on the ceiling across one length of the ceiling and then it’s tied into the ground of the house. And what that does is it stops the voltage from coming through the walls so there’s not as much voltage coming onto your body when you’re sleeping. And then underneath the bed, we usually have some kind of grounding mesh or grounding pad or mat. If someone already has a grounding mat, I’ll just have them put it upside down, underneath the mattress, instead of being in direct contact with it because the grounding system is connected to the ground wires in your house and your whole house acts as an antenna for this wireless. So, if you’re touching the grounding sheet, then you have an issue because you’re being exposed to this wireless frequencies when you’re grounding and you’re connected to the ground in your house.
Ben: Okay.
Brian: But as long as you’re not touching it, you’re fine.
Ben: How much does it cost to do the painting and the curtains approximately for say, like, a bedroom?
Brian: Oh, usually a 12 by 12 bedroom usually takes about 10 liters. Everything is in liters because it comes from Europe. But, 5 liters is essentially 1.33 gallons and so, when you get an assessment, you get a discount on the paint. They allow us to charge less if you have a wholesale account with Geovital, they allow you to charge less. If you have an assessment, it’s anywhere like a typical 12 by 12 room would be anywhere from $1,500-2000 for just the paint. And then the curtains just kind of depend on how big your windows are. But, that could be another $800-1,500.
Ben: And who does the painting?
Brian: I’m working on getting some crews together around the country. But, right now we have do-it-yourself videos and then when I do an assessment for anybody, I allow them to contact me or their painter or electrician and I kind of guide them through the process.
Ben: Okay. So this is something that I would do like gym, bedroom, kids’ bedroom and the overall cost, I mean we’re looking at a few thousand dollars to do this, but then it could be painted over with the normal colors of my home as it is right now and still work?
Brian: Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Ben: Okay. Alright. Got it. So, we’ve got the mattress, we have the geothermal pads, we have the painting of some of the bedrooms with the curtains that go along with those, what else? What are the other major takeaways? I know that you mentioned, for example, the corner of the home where I have this little parabolic microwave antenna to give me internet and I’m doing that instead of satellite because for conversation like we’re having right now, there’s not lag time, right…
Brian: Right.
Ben: And then it’s hardwired from there throughout the rest of the house. So, there’s no WiFi, it’s all hardwired after it hits that microwave. But, how big of an issue is that corner of the house where that microwave feeds in? And, if it is an issue, what are your recommendations for that?
Brian: Yeah, well, for people who are highly sensitive, that may be, like, a big issue. For people who are really just trying to optimize their health, I would definitely focus in on those areas that we’ve already talked about. And then, if you want to kind of do the full optimization, for that corner area we could use shielding paint on that corner wall or talk to the company about moving the satellite out a little further and then running cables through the house. So, the more distance you get from those emissions, the better off you are and the less that your body is going to be reacting to it. But it’s either get distance or shield against it and then retest and see how you’re doing.
Ben: Okay. Got it. Okay, how about lighting?
Brian: Lighting, yeah. I think one of the things we tested at your house was the LED lights and…
Ben: My biological LED. I have blue light producing devices in the gym and in the office I have low blue light lights in the bedrooms and you measured those.
Brian: Yeah, so I have this really cool flicker meter, it’s called the OFC-1, and it measures the rate of flickering of any light. And, just like what we were talking about earlier how, like, everything in nature is kind of gradual. There’s no kind of abrupt changes, that’s exactly the opposite of the LED light technology and the CFL, the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. So those rely on… The reason that they’re energy efficient is because they’re not on all the time like an incandescent is. They’re turning on and off and so they’re on less time than what an incandescent is. So, this flickering effect has been shown in many studies to cause like, neurological problems, and hormones secretions that shouldn’t be happening, and just this neurologic stress that we really don’t want when we’re trying to just live our lives in this more parasympathetic state. So, because it’s on alternating current, it’s alternating that current on and off and so it’s kind of like a strobe light effect. That’s why a lot of people don’t feel very good when they’re in their office, they’re in this office building with fluorescent lighting isn’t only the blue light, it’s also this light that’s flickering like crazy all the time and stimulating the nervous system in that way. So, the incandescent technology actually uses that filament and it warms up the filament just like a fire, and even though it’s on alternating current, the filament never cools down enough to go completely off. It kind of just glows more intense and then de-intensifies and then gets more intense. So, it’s this more gradual change and the really hot incandescent bulbs don’t flicker at all because they never get cooled off enough.
Ben: So, you recommend incandescent bulb then to replace the bulbs in pretty much area of the house where I have these LED bulbs?
Brian: Yeah, now one thing I found that’s an exception to the rule is if you have a really high ceiling and you have lots of windows that are in the house, especially during the daytime, because this light actually comes in, this natural light, and it will flush out the flicker effect of those bulbs. So, they can actually add in sunlight and if their high enough, your body is not responding to it as much because the further you get away from those, kind of similar to EMF really, the further you get away, the less you get this flickering effect and this physical response from the body.
Ben: Yeah. Okay. Gotcha. I’ve got some areas in my home that are really high ceilings because it’s kind of like a barn home and we’ve even got some pictures of some of these areas that Brian did this analysis on if you go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology. On the EMF assessment there’s some pictures. That makes sense with the lighting. So, incandescent lighting, that’s another kind of low hanging fruit for replacement.
What are some of the other big issues that you think should be addressed based on this EMF assessment?
Brian: We haven’t talked fully about the sauna yet. One of the ways that we want to be in a parasympathetic state is when we’re detoxing because detoxification is a parasympathetic process and so, if we can clear out any of the external EMF from impacting and infiltrating your sauna, then you’re going to get into this deeper detoxification state when you’re in there and your sauna therapy will be much more effective that way. So, we had several things going on in your sauna. I think we had some electric fields and some radio frequency, but your sauna was big enough that the magnetic fields you were able to kind of get away from those by being in the middle. So, that was good.
Ben: Okay. But, didn’t we talk about the fix for that being simply painting the gym, it’s the gym and the bedroom, using the same painting and Faraday curtains in the gym.
Brian: Yeah, exactly. And, with these daytime areas, I’d say you don’t have to do the full thing unless you want to do the two layers. But, one layer should suffice for daytime areas and daytime exposure especially in your house because it was kind of in the basement and you’re lower. So, the higher you get if your bedrooms are upstairs, you’re actually more exposed to the frequencies because the towers are usually hitting you more often and so if you have a basement or a bottom floor, you’re usually going to have a lot lower readings from the radio frequencies.
Ben: Okay. Alright. Got it. So most of this seems pretty straightforward. If you were to do one thing, I would imagine that the recommendation would be to go after the bedroom, right?
Brian: Yeah, definitely go after the bedroom. That’s where you get the most bang for your buck and that’s where… anyone who’s done this for any amount of time, you see results when people just shield their bedroom. That’s why I decided to name my business Shielded Healing is because it’s the default time when your body is trying to heal. When we get sick, we get tired, and we go to sleep. That’s the body crying out for I need a rest, I need a repair, I’ve got some work to do, some maintenance, and some rejuvenating to be had. And so, the bedroom, if you just focus on that, every clinicians out there that’s been doing this for a long time knows that they see the best results when someone shields their room, the bedroom, then they can kind of handle a lot more of this EMF stress during the day. And some people who are very sensitive, they’ll also need to be looking at things during the day time. There’s just little things that are very customized solutions that you need to have for the daytime areas like I actually took a picture of your office desk when I was there and I was like, I’ve got to make Ben some recommendations for that because it’s a very customized thing. You’ve got all these awesome biohacking tools and everything, but it’s also a lot of electric fields that are around you while you’re working. And so, there are some ways that I think we can clean that up and I’ll have to…
Ben: Like what?
Brian: Well, a lot of it, we need to put a grounded barrier between you and the electrical cords. That’ll stop the electricity, the voltage from coming onto your body.
Ben: What’s a grounded barrier?
Brian: So, there’s grounding fabric you can get. There’s grounded mesh you can put and just set your electronics on and that basically, essentially, sucks in all the voltage and prevents it from going on to your body while you’re working and that would be something that would drastically reduce your body voltage if you’re not being exposed to all of these things that are plugged in the wall.
Ben: Did you include that in the EMF assessment that you sent over?
Brian: Let me see.
Ben: I didn’t see that in there, but definitely send that link over if it’s not in there so we can include that in the show notes for people.
Brian: Yeah, I did include some of this stuff. It’s number five, daytime areas: Ben’s office…
Ben: Okay, let me see. Daytime areas, Ben’s office, what page of that EMF assessment is that? I’m looking through here… Bad podcasting people, sorry. Scrolling through this PDF and this same PDF that Brian and I are looking at is over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology. But, yeah. Any of those kind of recommendations, send over because I know a lot of people who listen to this show, they also have a lot of things plugged in and on to their desk they’re doing these biohacks. And so, send that one over- this shielding you can get for things that are on the floor. But then also, you mentioned that the dirty electricity filters, you actually recommend those as well.
Brian: Yeah, and actually I got the pleasure of meeting Dave Stetzer who was the original designer of the Stetzer filters and the dirty electricity technology and he kind of convinced me even more that those are a good idea, especially for the daytime areas. So, once you tackle the nighttime areas, I think the dirty electricity filters are something that you’d want to include as part of your attack in creating a cleaner EMF environment, especially during the daytime, right.
Ben: I’ve always wondered if those things really worked and based on your testing, they actually… you know, to me as low hanging fridge. Just plug these little filters in each outlet of the house, right.
Brian: Yeah, yeah. You have to get a meter to measure and see how low you can get it and there’s this combination, this protocol, that you can use to optimize that so you don’t need as many of the filters as if you just plug them into every single place. Sometimes you don’t need that many. So, if you plug them close in to where the electrical box is, you put like three of them in there, and then it’ll drastically reduce things coming into the rest of the house. And then, you can just take the little meter, plug it in, and try to get it below 20 and that’s… then you’re good to go. But, yeah, the interesting thing with the dirty electricity, the study that I saw was one that Dave Stetzer and Sam Milham did. Sam Milham is the author of “Dirty Electricity” and what they found was that dairy cows who were exposed to dirty electricity produced much less milk. Their production went way down compared to cows that were not exposed, they had the filters in or they had this special Faraday cage lighting system on the lights that were in the dairy area.
Ben: Interesting. This is just mind blowing. How many things that I can do to my own home, which is in the middle of the freaking forest, I just can’t imagine all of the things that would go on in an urban setting. It’s pretty scary. You almost have to move to a pristine Himalayan mountaintop if you really want to optimize your entire biology, not even optimize, but not get brain fog and not get toxic from all this stuff that we’ve got littered around our homes now. So, it’s an uphill battle, man. It kind of makes me want to just have a bunch of cushions and fire place and no internet and a landline, honestly. And, maybe I can just sit home and write books with a pen and a piece of paper.
Brian: Yeah, I know. But one thing I always try to communicate to people is they get easily overwhelmed by all the stuff and there’s a bunch of crap out there for EMF remediation, and so, I kind of have this idea that as technology advances, I love technology and obviously you do too. We love all this biohacking stuff and ways that we can optimize our bodies and performance and everything, but let’s do it smart, in an intelligent way, and no matter how bad this technology gets, I think that the people that are on our side, the health and biohacking side, we can combat it with healthy technology that we can be installing in people’s homes. And, we can kind of fight against that as we become more aware, more enlightened and understand it better, but we have to test it first in order to really understand it and know exactly what to do. And every single assessment I do, I find something different and new and I’m always coming up with solutions, but we have a pretty specific protocol that has a track record of doing really well with people. Just get that ancestral healing space in the bedroom pinned down and sealed up and people are healing from things like a leaky gut that they’ve never been able to heal from. They can finally get off their restore and gut healing protocols and their adrenal fatigue is becoming a thing of the past. One of the things of Geovital, their big claim to fame is that 70% of people that are on CPAT machines get off of them after installing these solutions.
Ben: Wow. I’m very interested. It’s obviously an investment. This is something that I would plan a year out from now to actually do all the painting, wait until we’re out of town for a while to get all of that filed in, and get the building or the home modification load to get all this stuff fixed, but honestly, it’s something that I’m very much wanting to do if I’m going to be living in this home until I die just makes sense. And honestly, there’s a lot here for you guys. I don’t expect everybody to put a tinfoil hat and install the mats underneath their mattress and do anything and everything you heard about in this episode but I’m definitely going to be making some changes to my home. And, I’ll also be posting all of this, along with a link to Brian’s website where you can contact him, you can work with him, we’ll put a link to all of the different things from the dirty electricity filters to the mats and the pads and the lights and everything in the show notes for those of you who just want to go snatch all this stuff up and modify your home. And, that’ll be all over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology and again, I hired Brian and paid him to do this. You can hire him and pay him to come out to your place and do this. There are other building biologists that kind of scattered around the planet earth. Is there a good directory of building biologists, Brian?
Brian: There’s a few different strains, a few different flavors I would say, and I’m definitely biased to my own flavor, but there’s building biology… Geovital is kind of the new kid on the block over here in America and there’s only under 10 of us here in the United States. And I’m building a team of consultants that I’m kind of nicknaming the Ancestral Avengers and we’re going to be going around and putting in all the most optimal solutions for everybody and we’re all health practitioners so we kind of come at it from that perspective instead of the electrical engineering perspective.
Ben: Alright, man. You’ve given me a lot to think about and I bet you’ve given everybody listening in a lot to think about. So, thank you very much, I think. If my wife wants to kick my a** for messing up the feng shui, I’m going to blame you and point at you. So, anyway, for those of you listening in, all the show notes are over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/BuildingBiology. And Brian, thanks for doing all this stuff and sharing all your knowledge with us, man.
Brian: Yeah. Thanks, Ben.
I recently hired certified building biologist Brian Hoyer to do a full day “dirty electricity” and biological health analysis of my entire “biohacked home” in Spokane, WA (the same home I write about in this book), and he found some pretty shocking and surprising issues.
For example…
…when I'm inside my low EMF infrared sauna (which we tested and found was indeed low EMF), my body is getting exposed to cell tower transmissions and radio waves and being “as an antenna” to propagate those waves (we discuss solutions in the episode)…
…the master bedroom of my house is actually located over a geothermal stressor area (which causes large amounts of magnetic field exposure) and the mattress itself is propagating and magnifying this electromagnetic signal, and there are hefty amounts of radio and cell phone tower signals pouring in through the bedroom walls…
…my twin boys are being exposed to nearly twice this amount of electrical stress in their bedroom due in part to their pet dragon lizard lighting and elaborate “Christmas tree” lighting they've decorated their room with…
…my office is mostly protected – thanks in part to the dirty electricity filters I have spread throughout the office – but my so-called “biologically friendly” LED lighting is producing a heavy amount of flicker that is nothing like that of the sun…
…my Molekule air filter had an intense WiFi/Bluetooth signal emitting from it even in sleep mode. Brian disabled it. He actually owns one of these filters too and didn't realize I had one until he investigated and located the WiFi/Bluetooth source with his RF meter.
…my home security system gives off 12 RF/WiFi pulses every time the doors shut or open…
…the dish on the east side of my house is broadcasting WiFi (despite my home not having a WiFi router enabled), leading Brian to recommend putting the dish further from the house and running the cable underground and up through the wall at the same location, or mounting a metal box around it to block the signal from coming toward your home…
…there are four cell phone antennas located within a mile from me…
-Ptera antenna 1 3.650 GHZ
-Ptera antenna 2 3.650 GHZ
-Ptera antenna 3 3.650 GHZ
-Ptera antenna 4 3.650 GHZ
…and another four with higher frequencies within three miles from me…
-Ptera 18 antennas transmitting at 11 GHZ to 19 GHZ
-Ptera 29 antennas transmitting at 11 GHZ to 18 GHZ
-T-mobile 8 antennas at 21.8 GHZ and 1 at 19 GHZ
-T-mobile 10 antennas at 19 GHZ
…and there are hundreds more transmitting all around my “isolated” home in the forest. Just imagine what it's like in a city or more urban area!
Brian's meter only detects up to 8 GHZ, and he doesn't know for sure where those higher frequency cell phone signals are aimed. 5G technology is going to use frequencies up to 100 GHZ, which sounds horrible but, in reality, after about 30 GHZ the waves have a much hard time penetrating solid objects. Up to 30 GHZ, however, can penetrate if there is enough power behind it, and cell phone companies have to ramp up the power going up to 30 GHZ in order to push through solid objects. This is why 5G networks will have to use the higher frequencies in conjunction with the lower ones. When it comes to shielding effectiveness against these issues, Brian highly recommended this article.
In the podcast, Brian also speaks about another 5G test study. See, the Telecom industry has done many tests to see what the barriers are to the networks working well that they plan to install. These are perfect to look at because technically you'd want to build or outfit your home from these materials. It also gives a good idea on how well the shielding paint will hold up against the higher 5G frequencies. Brian is convinced that the layers of T98 shield paint we discuss in this show will 5G proof my home since the third party test reports on the paint show this – as do the Telecom industry's own studies on materials that attenuate the higher 5G transmissions.
During our discussion, you'll discover:
–The background behind the ancestral health movement and how it inspired Brian's work… 9:00
-The equipment Brian is using to examine my house… 11:00
- Goss Meter. Gigahertz Solutions NFA 30M.
- HF Digit Meter by Geovital
- Protect 1207-I
- NFEM Digit Meter Field Probe
-Why we should avoid exposure to both dirty and clean electricity… 18:30
-Inside my gym, mostly the sauna… 22:00
- Measuring radio frequencies. My body was being used as a radio antenna!!!
- Measuring electric fields being generated.
-My Office…41:00
- Measuring the magnetic fields with a NFA 30M
- Lights are producing a lot of “flicker.” Incandescent bulbs don't have “flicker.”
- Looking for devices with Bluetooth capabilities and wifi (spy meter).
- Stetzerizer Micro Search meter is measuring “dirty electricity” in my office.
–The Bedroom… 1:01:00
- Electricity is very high on my bed.
- Measuring “geopathic stressors.” Radiation that's coming up from the earth. Often associated with “sacred places” around the world.
- We realize that the springs in my bed are magnetized.
- Mapping out the lines on the bed.
–Solar Panels… 1:23:45
Episode Sponsors:
–KionU Ready to take your health business to the next level? KionU is a world-class personalized coaching certification in mind, body, and spirit optimization. This unique, comprehensive program is full of cutting-edge, research-based solutions that incorporate both ancestral wisdom and modern science. Find out more!
-Christian Gratitude Journal
–Swiss Mountain Retreat with Robyn Openshaw
-Relieve gas and bloating with Atrantil. Get a 15% discount with our special link!
-Call Health IQ Life Insurance and let them find the best rate for health conscious clients.
A few weeks after Brian inspected my home, we caught up on a Skype call to discuss his results and how I can do a better job of minimizing our exposure to electrical and magnetic currents in our home.
What were the biggest problems, and some of the easiest fixes we can do right now?…1:32:00
What were Brian's concerns with the mattress I use?… 1:39:00
Can I use the special faraday paint in my bedroom and eliminate the effects of the magnetic forces in my mattress?…1:45:00
What rooms in my house should I use the faraday paint to shield from electric currents, and what rooms should I not worry about?… 1:53:30
Brian discusses one possibly problematic area of my home with a parabolic microwave antenna to give us internet… 1:58:00
The dirty electricity filter Brian recommends… 2:07:00
Brian's advice for those who get overwhelmed with the information and disinformation related to building biology… 2:09:30
Resources from this episode:
-Brian Hoyer, NTP, Geovital Geobiologist, Shielded Healing LLC
–The non-spring, low EMF mattress Brian recommends
-The incandescent, low EMF bulbs that Brian recommends – ChromaLux 100 watt – 150-watt incandescent bulbs or Aerotech Incandescent 100-150 Watts
-The Satellite Daytime Mats which can be used for the office
–The Greenwave dirty electricity filters Ben uses
–Dr. Satchin Panda, expert in circadian biology
-T98A Paint by Geovital (used by Dr. Mercola to shield your home from electricity.)
A list of products recommended by Brian Hoyer:
-HF Digitmeter Probe by Geovital
-EM Field Probe by Geovital
-NOVA shielding fabric for curtains and canopies
-Satellite Daytime geopathic stress mat
-T98 Alpha Shielding Paint
-Pre EMF home and health consult
Hi Ben,
Would you mind putting the date of the podcast in the transcripts?
This one is from June 16, 2018.
Hey Ben,
Thank you for all the thought provoking and health producing data you put forth, I find myself acting upon many of your ideas!
I have a question please; (I’m afraid to even ask this question…)
I have a sauna.
The wood does look very pure and untreated.
On the company’s website it states “All our infrared saunas has passed ETL certification meaning that it cause human no harm while being used. In other words, our infrared saunas are very safe to use”
When I use the sauna I’m as far away from the infrared panels as possible and I use an earthing mat while inside.
Do you think it’s possible that I’m doing more harm than good sitting inside for an hour?
Your opinion is very much appreciated!
Best regards,