November 23, 2017
Podcast from:
[00:00] Introduction/Molekule/Organifi/Four Sigmatic
[04:54] About Michael Tyrrell
[11:10] Ben’s Healing Session with Porangui
[18:00] How Sound Affects the Body and Cells
[24:45] Why Michael Tunes His Instruments at the Frequency He Does
[35:31] Onnit/Molekule
[42:20] Why Michael Almost Fell Asleep Recording “Life, Love, and Lullabies”
[47:16] What is a Split Frequency According to Michael
[50:55] The Six Pieces in “Life, Love, and Lullabies” and Their Differences
[55:25] The Best Way to Listen to Michael’s Tracks
[1:01:28] Michael’s Sound Frequency for Pets
[1:10:26] End of Podcast
Ben: Hey, Ben Greenfield here. Today’s shows is brought to you by Molekule. For 75 bucks off your first order visit; that’s with a “k”, Molekule with a “k”, and at checkout enter promo code BEN.
My guest on today’s podcast is a return guest and we’re going to talk about sound healing and music and you’re going to love it; you have to. How can you not love music and all the cool things that it does to cells which you’re gonna learn about on today’s show.
But before we jump in, speaking of doing things to your cells, how do you like that for a segue, there is this new stuff called red juice. It’s a blend of a bunch of different adaptogenic herbs but they’ve also added a bunch of blood building compounds, things like beet and pomegranate and everything that is, you guessed it, red to actually help you out with everything from nitric oxide production, to flushing free radicals from your system, to giving you a nootropic smart drug-like effect without the drugs and it’s got a bunch of anti-aging nutrients in it as well, and did I mention that it tastes amazing. Perfect for smoothies, perfect for drinks, perfect for something you can take before you go out on the town or lift weights or get busy in the bedroom or whenever you need more blood flow.
You get 20% off this stuff, this red juice stuff. You just go to; that’s with an “I”. and use coupon code REDBEN, as in R-E-D-Ben to get 20% off of your red juice. This podcast is also brought to you by Four Sigmatic. Now you may have heard about Four Sigmatic before coz everybody’s talking about them and their amazing mushroom extracts that you can add to smoothies, coffees, teas, you name it, but they have something that I think flies under the radar but that I absolutely love, it’s called green coffee with chaga and maitake.
Now a lot of people don’t realize this but green coffee, especially their mycotoxin-free 100% arabica green coffee has very high in antioxidants. You don’t get this much of a jitter from green coffee, helps support the metabolism in a much different way than coffee does in terms of its blood sugar leveling and glycemic balancing effects and they blend this with maitake mushrooms which also helps to support your blood sugar and get all the antioxidants and the immune boosting properties of the chaga. You put all this together, it tastes amazing, you probably won’t ever drink coffee again if you try this; I’m just warning you it’s going to ruin coffee for you. But it’s amazing, it’s a spray dried extract powder so it doesn’t have any sugars or fillers or carriers or anything like it like you get from most instant coffees. So you can check this out and any of the amazing mushroom blends from Four Sigmatic by going to, that’s F-O-U-R-S-I-G-M-A-T-I-C, and use coupon code BENGREENFIELD to save 15% off. Alright, on to today’s show.
In this episode of the Ben Greenfield Fitness show:
“And I tell people this because I’m not gonna sell somebody something they already have; there has to be integrity in everything you or everything you do has no integrity.” “Frequency as a whole basically has that same innate ability to be able to create things or destroy things, and so in my whole search of finding optimum frequency the first thing I had to do was figure out why there was something about music that bothered me.” “There is nothing that comes in dynamically that would awaken or cause anybody to tap their beat.”
Ben: Hey folks. Composer named Michael Tyrrell first appeared on this show on an episode called “Unleashing The Phenomenon Of Using Sound & Music For Performance, Recovery, Healing & More” and in that episode I described how at a health summit, somebody handed me a book called “The Sound of Healing” written by Michael, along with a handful of CDs that he had recorded. The CDs were called “Wholetones” and they were described on the CD cover as music that heals, repairs, and protects against disease. I was sceptical and I was also curious so I sat down and I read the entire book, “Sound of Healing” by Michael and then start listening to these CDs while I was driving, getting a massage, pumping them out in the surround sound speakers in my sauna and every time I finish one of the tracks I had this really cool feeling of elation and satisfaction and relaxation so, I haven’t got to the point where, based off of Michael’s advice in his “Sound of Healing” book, I used a digital tuner to retune my guitar and retune my ukulele to the actual frequencies that Michael describes in the book which sounds kind of woo-woo but it actually made a big difference in the ability of the music I was playing to make me feel more uplifted and full of positive energy.
So, I did that podcast with Michael and we talked about a ton of things like, why the music and the sound you listen to everyday is not tuned the right way and could actually be destroying your cellular function and how sound frequencies affect the body and water and plants, how to retune your own musical instruments if you're a musician. And the best way to use things like sounds and sound therapy to heal your body and Michael really does know a lot about this stuff, he’s not only the founder of this company called Wholetones but he travels around the world to speak about music and sound therapy and of course he’s a composer himself; he puts out these amazing tracks that me and my kids and my wife love to listen to whenever you need like relaxation or some kind of music therapy. I even take two speakers and put them on either side of a massage table if I massage, like a massage therapist comes to my house a couple of times a month and gives me a massage and I just blast myself with Michael’s Wholetones, or more lately, Michael’s new track called “Life, Love and Lullabies” which is six really beautiful songs, each one is about 30 minutes long and these are specifically designed to help relax you or to help you fall asleep or to stay asleep, and so I’ve been playing it with my kids and also for relaxing evenings in the infrared sauna and I decided I wanted to get Michael back on the show not only to talk about how music affects sleep and how sound affects sleep but also to revisit some of the science and the research on sound in the human body and sound healing in general. So Michael, welcome back to the show man.
Michael: It’s an honor my friend; love spending time with you and with your guests, that’s for sure.
Ben: Yeah, I wasn’t actually sure I was going to be able to get a hold of you because you’re in Florida just got hit by hurricane, the “I”, it’s not Irene, was it Irene?
Michael: Irma.
Ben: Irma that’s right. Irene was an old one. How are you doing?
Michael: Well, we’re doing great. It’s amazing how all that PTHD: Post Traumatic Hurricane Disorder, everybody kind of walks around in a stupor after that because this time it was both kind of the end of anxiety and disbelief and because we were supposed to be in another zip code. I mean this thing is supposed to come in a 4 or 5 and miraculously in our area we got probably about a 2. It’d probably take them 5 months to pick up all the debris and yeah, there was a lot of stuff to, I mean ultimately my birdhouse was still on the tree when I woke in the morning. I don’t want to downplay the storm coz I’m a guy and you would have done the same thing; I walked outside coz I wanted to feel the power and I got pushed 5 feet just across the yard.
Ben: That’s what guys do. (laughs)
Michael: We always have every… My wife, I didn’t even tell her because she’ll go “what are you doing? Get in the house” and so, but it was just a sheer power of a 92 mile an hour sustained wind; you walk out and it’s just like if you jumped out of a car at 90 it’s just you’re there, you’re gone, you’re blown across the yard but with all that being said, the wonder of God loving the little things like there was still a little sparrow’s nest in one of my trees and my birdhouse that was not nailed to the tree was sitting in the branches after all of this and yet the neighbor’s roof might be gone but there’s a birdhouse in the tree and I think the take away from it bro, was that you can live in a neighborhood but when you have disaster there's an opportunity for community. All of us got to know each other after the storm; I helped the guy next door cut down a tree with a chainsaw, people made coffee for other neighbors. You were forced, because we had no power, no internet, no phones, to actually meet the people you live next to and get to know them.
Ben: Yeah, that’s a really good point. That and the fact that you don’t actually need to nail down your birdhouse with 8-12” wood screws when you live in Florida, because God doesn’t wanna blow away the birdhouses.
Michael: (laughs)
Ben: Hey, by the way I grew up in Lewiston, Idaho out on a hilltop where we get 70-90 mile per hour gusts which aren’t quite as much as you’d get from a hurricane but my brothers and I, on the basketball court, used to hold a giant sheet and put on roller skates…
Michael: (laughs)
Ben: And when the wind came we’d roller skate around the basketball court, getting blown with our giant sails; it was our idea of fun. We didn’t have Wii or Oculus Rift back then, just sheets and roller skates. I was actually just down in Sedona, Michael, and I thought of you because Sedona is known as like a “mecca” of sound therapy and sound healers and bodywork practitioners.
Michael: Yeah.
Ben: And I literally just got back from there a couple of days ago and I did a sound healing session; first time I’ve ever done a full-on sound healing session with a guy named Porangui. By the way for those of you listening in, I’ll link to everything I talk about, including this Porangui guy I met. If you go to, that’s where you can find the show notes for the discussion Michael and I have today; that’s Anyways, he had a massage table that vibrated and made sound from tracks that he was playing in the room and he combined body work, deep tissue body work, with the didgeridoo and gongs and crystal bowls and all these different instruments that he was using to basically just blast me with sound frequencies as worked on my body. Have you ever done something like that?
Michael: Well, similar, and let me explain because most of your listeners may not be aware of this, but it’s really funny, Ben, that someone that was known primarily as a mathematician actually was the grandfather of everything that you’ve just spoken of and everything that I do; his name was Pythagoras. And people don’t realize that his main forte was music and so he combined and converted everything in the same fashion I did. I didn’t realize this ‘til after Wholetones, with arithmetic, geometry, music, and harmony, and astronomy. And he created an instrument called the monochord which I am working with right now and you will be hearing it on a Wholetones album and hopefully you and me will get together and you’ll be experiencing it in a way you just experienced something.
That monochord basically is an unbelievable stringed instrument that has almost consonant-sounding string vibrations but the cool part is that it flips on a cantilever, and one side is a bed. And so while you would be laying on that bed, for example if you come to my house, I would be playing the strings underneath you and the whole entire bed vibrates at a particular frequency. And so to answer your question with a question, yes and yes I’m working on that with the monochord now myself, even though people will experience that both with Wholetones chroma also coz you have the light component there in your living room if you’re watching it by DVD or Blu-ray, but in the same way, we can resonate in several different modalities like the singing balls, blow a shofar right at my gut; and the bottom line is that we’re all being crossed through and crossed into by frequency and right now with you and I conversing and your listeners hearing the sounds of our voices, we operate on two different frequencies ourselves. And so even while they’re listening, they’re getting touched by whatever it is that we are broadcasting organically from ourselves. So yeah, I do believe there’s a lot of benefit in doing that; I’ve never had that many things at one time so I imagine it was pretty awesome, however I do, at the house, I have a few machines here, like I said I’m working with the monochord now…
Ben: It’s called a monochord. Can people actually see a photo of this online?
Michael: Yes! If you google “Pythagoras monochord”…
Ben: Okay. Oh I see; there’s a video on YouTube about it. Okay, cool, I’ll link to this in the show notes for people. So you could lay down on this and actually get a massage on it too, huh?
Michael: Oh yeah, they have chairs and beds and there’s even a place for your head, both ways whether you use the chair one or that one, and all of this came from the Pythagoreans and here’s another interesting note: Plato was a Pythagorean, so people are always saying “what do you think about this” and he’s like “this is kind of as old as it gets as far as just”… But he actually believed, this is what I love, he actually believed in and used it on all of the disciples, the Pythagoreans. If they had any emotional, physical, spiritual imbalances and what he said was most of it was dealing with the soul of man, which is absolute truth; thought and emotions. He would use this monochord and these guys, they’d get of that thing, go on to their bed and sleep eight or nine hours and then just be completely healed when they woke up.
But his thing was “arithmetic was number in itself, geometry was number in space, music and harmonies was numbers in time, and astronomy was numbers in space and time.” And this guy was able to determine, pretty quickly, that everything what Nikola Tesla said about if you could understand the magnificence of the 3, the 6 and the 9, you would understand the creation of the universe. With that he said he realized that everything was a balanced arithmetic equation that would also equate itself with the alignment of the stars and vibration. So if you look at all the Wholetones frequencies, Ben, I aligned them that same way, they all have the same harmonic component and the denominator of each of those frequencies is either a 3, a 6, or a 9.
Ben: Yeah, I actually wanna ask you a little bit more about why the music that we listen to most of the time these days doesn’t really fall into that healing modality that a guy like Pythagoras actually discovered. It’s kinda sad, like, a lot of the Pythagoreans who really were the forefathers of modern music as a medicine or modern sound healing, a lot of them got pretty brutally murdered, I believe, kinda like wiped out by the government. I think this would have been, where were they living, was it Egypt, I think that the Pythagoreans were primarily based out of? I could be wrong; Greece, maybe?
Michael: I believe it was Greece.
Ben: Yeah, Greece. Pythagoras actually decided to stop eating after that, went on a fast and then on day 30 or 40 or something like that, just basically died of starvation. It’s kind of a sad ending to the Pythagoras era, but it’s very interesting how this guy was the father of modern healing, modern sound therapy.
Michael: Absolutely.
Ben: It’s a really interesting story and what I wanted to ask you, especially for people who aren’t really even aware of how sound and how music can affect the body, is there any actual science or research out there on the effects of sound frequencies on something like a cell or the body or tissue or an organ?
Michael: Yep. I’m glad you brought this up too because, as you can imagine, as you said very succinctly and you look historically over time, this drama has played itself out with everyone from Joseph… well, let’s use even a better example, let’s use Tesla for example and what happened to him with GE, and every Royal Rife, every single person that you can think of that’s been an innovator or kind of a gatekeeper of something new that the government couldn’t get control of, they always are being persecuted. And in the same way, people who kept telling me “you can’t say what you’re saying; it’s unsubstantiated” so I went about the daunting task of spending a month substantiating this very ideal and claim. And at the end of the day when I submitted 1200 pages to the government, the government said “it’s unconclusive”; so yes and no. Are there studies? You can google it too, you can see what scientists say about 528 hertz and its ability to alter the DNA chain, but you know what…
Ben: 528 hertz?
Michael: Yes, sir, 528; on the album, it’s called “Transformation”.
Ben: Is that the hertz frequency associated with the emotion of love?
Michael: That is. Actually there’s even a book entitled “528 Love” and it’s by Leonard Horowitz and it’s a fabulous read and I think he’s way ahead of his time. But yes, people do say that, and they reason they say that, Ben, is because if you think of the color green it immediately makes you think of the plant kingdom and chlorophyll and life in itself and so you think about that as far as the nurturing capabilities of plants and their ability to give us oxygen when we give them nothing but carbon dioxide (laughs) in return.
So ultimately its main purpose, though, is transformative. In other words, what scientists have said is that it can actually alter the DNA chain or diseased DNA can actually restore a lot of that. We also can remember, we had this little conversation, you and I, off the grid last time but there’s a Canadian scientist that used 528 hertz to clear one cubic square mile of water that was damaged years ago by the Valdez spill; there was oil and oil balls all over the water and he used sound to clean the water in one cubic mile.
Ben: That’s very, very interesting. I have two things well, three things, that I use. First of all, certain essential oils vibrate at a frequency that is, and I realize there’s a lot of people who are like “I’m gonna stop listening to this, this is complete woo-woo” but I mean look this stuff up. For example if you look at, I think its blue spruce oil; it’s either blue spruce or lavender. I wanna say it’s blue spruce though, which by the way increases testosterone when consumed orally, it also, and something I’ll diffuse in an essential oil diffuser and also sprinkle in my sauna when I go in my sauna, or I also play your 528 hertz frequency so I kinda get a doubling up effect with both the smell and the sound, but that vibrates at around 528 cycles per second to affect physiological function in a positive manner.
The other couple of things I use is around my neck, I actually own and wear this thing called a Love Tuner, and it’s a very, very small, it’s basically a tiny, tiny flute that you blow into and I blow into this for my kids at night for example, or when I want a little bit of an uplifting sound to listen to, and it’s just one single tone that I can blow into that vibrates at 528 hertz. And then, most interestingly, this is a very expensive device but it’s sitting next to me right now; it’s a device called the Nano-V and what this does is it exposes water to about a 528 hertz frequency because of what… there’s actually some very interesting studies at UC Berkley that show that when you bathe water in a specific frequency, very similar to homeopathic medicine, can hold that frequency, like create clusters based on that frequency. And when you breathe that water in, it actually affects DNA in a positive manner, specifically repairing DNA which is very interesting considering that DNA is kinda like a computer program; it’s a mathematical model.
So it’s really interesting stuff, obviously a lot of this flies under the radar but there are studies like the effects of soundwave on the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein that have shown that genes can be switched on or off under the influence of sound simulations and frequencies. And like I mentioned there’s a lot of other studies that I’m aware of at UC Berkley and also what’s called the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York that goes into this stuff, so it’s super fascinating that there’s actual real science behind this idea of using sound or frequencies at a specific rate to heal the body.
Michael: And what’s funny Ben though, like I said, I gathered 1200 pages and I didn’t grab 1200 pages from alternate universe or some of what you would call, or the guests would call, woo-woo information or pseudoscience; I gathered them from the New England Nurses Society and major colleges and John Hopkins and they still said it’s inconclusive. So, at that point you realize what you’re dealing with, it’s the same thing when you’re doing clinical trials. So you spend the money, you do a clinical trial and whatever, a consumable or something you use for example, or something that I do that’s audio or visual, and then at the end of the day you spend all this money and you know what they want when you’re done? More trials! Because there’s money to be made in doing the trials, it’s not that we don’t want to substantiate but there’s a point where people won’t receive substantiation when it’s staring them right in the face.
Ben: Now what about the deleterious effects of sound frequencies on the body? Obviously some frequencies would be damaging; there’s a book by Dr. David Hawkins who I’ve talked about before on the show. He has multiple books but in one book, I think it’s the one called “Healing and Recovery”, he talks about how certain frequencies are associated with love and peace and joy, love like the 528 hertz that we talked about; and then some are associated with fear and shame and suffering, like when you get down below 100 hertz or so.
Talk to me about modern music and the music that we listen to nowadays and how it is that the frequency’s different and what happened to make that so? I know it’s kind of an involved story but could you kinda lay it out for people?
Michael: That’s okay. I also wanna include HAARP while we’re at it, Alaska HAARP. There is a middle frequency, so there is what we would call more of a wicked, if you want to go that far, or negative use of frequencies just as much as there is, on the other side, people that really desire to see spontaneous healing in people’s lives beyond the optimum and use the positive side of frequency. Of course if we were talking about the Bible, there’s one simple verse says “the power of life and death is in the tongue” and the tongue is nothing more than a vibratory member of your body that we use to communicate as we are doing now and that vibration is what actually causes us to be able to form the words that have intent.
And so, you can speak life or death, you can say things to wanna hurt someone’s feelings, Ben, and it could hit them; you know what I’m talking about, I’m sure you’ve been ridiculed and some time it got through the grid, and you felt it in your gut, you just went “oh my God.” Well, that’s a negative vibration and they’re powerful if they’re focused and if people are receptive to them. So with that being said, frequency as a whole basically has that same innate ability to be able to create things or destroy things. And so in my whole search of finding optimum frequency, the first thing I had to do was figure out why there was something about music that bothered me; I mean I’m talking about as a child. As beautiful as music is and I play several instruments and I’ve been an engineer, producer, creator, composer for years but I knew that there was something innately wrong with what I was hearing in our country as far as music. So after that long process, over 18 years before I even came close to releasing Wholetones, one of the big rabbit’s hole discoveries was that our country and Canada tune differently than the other countries. I was under the assumption as a young person that music had this universal tuning; that the note A equaled 440 hertz or beats or vibrations per second for the listener.
Ben: Right, which would mean that, for example when I was a kid and I took violin lessons for about 13 years, when I walk into my violin teacher’s house she would have a tuning fork for the A, and she would strike it and I would tune my A to that chord. And for people not familiar with music, basically, universally an A is an A, a G is a G, an E is an E and they all vibrate at specific frequencies. And you’re saying that frequency is, for example, A = 440?
Michael: That’s correct. It’s interesting too, a lot of people do a lot of work like you spoke, like craniosacral work and stuff using tuning forks. Thankfully they discovered that using a different tuning is more beneficial which is where I’m going with this. And so my first question was, and it was a good one that nobody could answer it. It was at a music store; I asked a guy and said “so why are these tuners calibrated to A = 440 hertz” and it was “I don’t have a clue”, “I dunno bro”, “beats me”. And I kept asking that question as much as I could and I never got an answer.
And so I kept looking and looking and looking and looking and looking ‘til I found militarization of music and it was a kind of a blog about Joseph Goebbels. And what I read, for those of you who don’t know, Joseph Goebbels was more or less the right-hand man to Adolf Hitler in charge of mind control and basically propaganda; setting up any type of leaflets or whatever to basically make the people believe they were always winning the war and that same type of thing. Mind control and how to affect the human psyche and the natural electrical impulses which adhere us to gravity, he tried to find ways of disrupting the circadian rhythm and the pulse and other things in order to be able to control. So with that being said, I suddenly found out that this 440 hertz or 440 cycles was also nicknamed the “German radio beat” and it was derived from Joseph Goebbels for mind control.
Ben: (chuckles)
Michael: And I’m like “wait a minute, that’s the same frequency I tune my guitar and the piano; where did it come from?” So this is happening, the whole world is being assaulted by frequencies that could actually interrupt your sleep and make you an insomniac and mess with your wiring. So I realized that only two countries in the entire world had adhered to Joseph Goebbels’ attempt during war time, which I found fascinating, Ben; I would have thought there was more important things for him to channel his energy into than trying to convince the whole world to tune A = 440 hertz but nonetheless that was his mission, his campaign which failed miserably, thank goodness. But the two countries that went along with it were the U.S and Canada (laughs) and so that’s where our tuning comes from and if you don’t believe me, the easiest way to do would be to pack up your guitar and your tuner and go to Venezuela and have their band tune to their tuner and you tune to your and then try to play in tune together and you suddenly have this revelation: “oh my gosh, people in every country tune their instruments differently; there is no standard tuning” and it was a mesmerism. And so, all that to say that music in its own right that we listen to a lot, and even a lot on our playlist is recorded in A = 440, had its origin in a nefarious activity created by Joseph Goebbels to interfere with the human wiring.
Ben: Interesting, interesting. So based on that, when we are listening to say the radio and different bands from whatever, Ed Sheeran to the Avett Brothers to Nine Inch Nails or whatever, what you’re saying is most of them have tuned their As to 440 hertz and thus the music that we’re listening to is not necessarily as uplifting or healing as it could be especially if we’re already injured, sick, bombarded by WiFi, Bluetooth, et cetera; it’s not doing us any favors in that department.
Michael: You just knocked it out of the park; that’s primarily what I’m saying.
Ben: Is it causing damage to listen to those frequencies or is it just not as healing as it would be if it were tuned to a different frequency?
Michael: Well let me answer that question this way: I recently met Dr. Oz and spent a few days in New York there, and he made a statement that blew me away and it’s so simple but so profound. We were talking about Wholetones, the new one actually, “Life, Love, and Lullabies” and he said “I think this is going to really be something important” and I said “why is that?” and he goes “it doesn’t matter what supplements you’re taking, it doesn’t matter what exercise regimen you have, if you don’t sleep, Michael, you can’t heal; it’s impossible.” And that was it, I realized that Goebbels did that; if you can’t sleep, you can’t heal. So is it doing permanent damage? Probably not, but cumulative damage, absolutely, because you know what it’s like to go a few nights without sleep. You feel like garbage and that’s gotta be negative to your hormones and everything else in your body and throwing you kind of into a state of chaos, so what I would tell the listeners is, more than anything else, I think that listening to music in the wrong frequency, the music itself has this appearance of beauty, but in the end it’s more like a gnat that have to keep swatting away from your head. It actually really is irritating and causing a bit of inflammation in the body; it’s interesting.
Ben: Yeah, it is interesting especially when you consider, and we went over this in pretty good detail in our last show.
Michael: Oh yeah.
Ben: And again I’ll put a link to that show if you go to, that’s You talked about the important role that vibration plays in nature and the fact that every organ has its own frequency that it vibrates at just like kind of a tuning fork, different sets of tuning forks will vibrate at specific frequencies like D or A or E or whatever, but bacteria and viruses and parasites and fungi and all of these have their own frequencies as well.
And so, for example, when an organ becomes damaged or sick or contains a disease, the lungs will often resonate for example, at like 72 hertz and if the lungs develop an infection and you measure that hertz frequency, then typically it would drop several hertz. And so the idea is that ideally, to allow something like the lungs to heal you would expose them to a hertz frequency that would bring it back up to its normal healthy frequency. I think you even talked last time about special medical devices they have now that literally treat people with frequencies, not just like a gong or a didgeridoo but actual medical devices. I think the one you talked about last time, what was it called, a DETA? Are you familiar with this one, the D-E-T-A?
Michael: I don’t think I mentioned that. What I mentioned was the rife machine, I mentioned the laser probes. I have a whole frequency manual myself, it has thousands of frequencies and it coincides with everything from candidiasis to a myriad of different diseases, fungal infections, whatever, and why that whole idea, why that works. It’s really not rocket science but the AMA are virulent against this type; they call it pseudoscience. All I can tell you is that the biggest thing about frequency is that it will have an impact on your body on a cellular level without a hypodermic needle and that is paramount. Secondly, if you can find out the atomic weight of anything, whether it be your heart or liver; if you can properly vibrate that with the appropriate frequency, the body was created by God to spontaneously heal, period.
Ben: Yeah.
[Music Plays]
Ben: Hey, I wanna interrupt today’s show to tell you about the Quad Mace. The Quad Mace is developed from mace training which is something they used to in ancient Persia as a way to condition their hardcore athletes for competition and their warriors for battle. And what this Quad Mace is is it’s one of the most beautiful fitness implements you’re ever gonna find. It’s got ash wood for the handle, a hand-sculpted cast iron head, this splendid bronze locking cap on it. But even more important than that is it’s functionalities. So it’s perfectly balanced, it’s been durability tested to withstand a 100,000 mace swings and it is one of the best ways to train your core, to train your shoulders and your arms, to train your hips and your glutes. And the good folks at Onnit, they’re always on the cutting edge when it comes to developing beautiful, functional fitness gear. They’ve got this Quad Mace, they have a ton of other fitness gear from Ironman kettlebells to Spiderman battle ropes to Death Star slam balls, you name it along with foods, supplements, everything that you need to look and feel amazing. You save 10% off of anything at Onnit, including that Quad Mace that I just mentioned; great little conversation piece for your coffee table. Go to, that’s and that will instantly save you 10%.
This podcast is also brought to you by this really cool thing that’s actually sitting behind me in my office right now. It’s called a Molekule; I’m talking about Molekule with a “k”. M-O-L-E-K-U-L-E. So here’s what this is: it replaces 50 year old, antiquated technology. So imagine if your phone was the same as it was in the 40’s, right? The exact same technology that it was in the 40’s. So you got this giant cowboy hat-sized phone that you hold up to your ears to talk. Well, the technology currently used to clean rooms and purify air in buildings, et cetera, that all is based off technology that’s over 50 years old; that’s what’s cleaning the air in your home or in your office or in your gym. Now what Molekule is, this is a special kind of filter, not a HEPA filter; it is capable of destroying air pollutants on a molecular level. An extremely smart physician turned me on to this thing and I wound up getting a Molekule in my office and it goes way beyond HEPA filtration to destroy a full spectrum of indoor air pollutants like a thousand times smaller than what a HEPA filter can catch.
So when it comes to asthma, allergy, fungus, mold, breathing clean air really easily, nothing beats this. It’s got extensive third-party testing; it is backed by a whole host of science including the EPA and the idea behind it is not only does it do a much better job, literally a thousand times better than a HEPA filter, but it looks like freaking Apple or Tesla designed your air filter. It’s got this sleek, solid, aluminum shell; it looks amazing. You need to go the website to see what this things looks like; it’s an art piece. It’s called a Molekule, with a “k”, so check it out. M-O-L-E-K-U-L-E, it even measures the size of the room that you put it in to know exactly how to best filter the room. So M-O-L-E-K-U-L-E, Now when you go that URL, with a “k”, and you enter promo code BEN, that gives you $75 off, 75 bucks off your beautiful, beautiful Molekule. Alright, on to today’s show.
[Music Plays]
Ben: Actually, that surprised me when you talked about the AMA, for those of you listening it’s the American Medical Association, because there actually is some pretty good research for example, I know the FDA has actually approved some energy treatments for patients as an alternative to chemotherapy.
Michael: Yes!
Ben: Like there’s a non-invasive treatment for tumors called Novocure, and that literally treats cancer as it grows. I think they use this one for recurrent glioblastoma or brain tumors, and it delivers electric fields to a patient using a portable, wearable device and it’s literally just producing a sound frequency that slows or reduces tumor growth by, what it inhibits is what’s called mitosis, which is how cancer cells divide and replicate. And there’s been a few studies on electromagnetic fields and frequencies, very similar to that rife machine you talked about, in cancer.
Michael: Yes.
Ben: And the ability to actually halt the growth of cancer cells and I know that there’s one in the British Journal of Cancer, and I’ll try and link to some of this in the show notes for you guys, that the growth of breast cancer cells was significantly reduced by exposing that cancer to specific frequencies associated with breast cancer. And so, yeah, the sciences out there are just a lot of people want the needle, they want the supplement, they want the pill, they want the chemo, when in fact you can get into the body just like ultrasound, right? You use ultrasound for soft tissue injury; you get the same thing in sound frequency. So it’s really quite interesting and it just shocks me that so many people are resistant to the concept of sound healing. And for me, fresh on my mind getting off that table in Sedona and feeling like a million bucks driving back to the airport, I tell you, it works.
Michael: Yeah.
Ben: But you just recorded this “Life, Love, and Lullabies”, Michael.
Michael: Yes!
Ben: And from what I understand, you actually did that specifically for sleep which you already mentioned once but talk to me about how the specific frequencies or the way that you composed/designed “Life, Love, and Lullabies”, how that actually affects sleep and when you describe that, if you could, kinda describe how you’re actually making these tracks for people; if you’re in a studio, if you’re using a synthesizer, how it actually works?
Michael: Absolutely. Well the first thing is funny and all of us could use a little laugh and so I’ll tell you before I get into the guts of it, after recording “Life, Love, and Lullabies” and after the musicians left is was only me and the other engineer that works with me on this stuff when we go to Dallas to record in. So, Brad and I, it was the middle of the day, and when I tell you that I was falling asleep, bro, I was absolutely almost unconscious and I only drink two cups of coffee, they already had four cups of coffee, and a cold brewed coffee, and we’re falling apart at mixing down these songs. And I looked at him and he goes “dude I just can’t stay awake” and then all of a sudden the lightbulb came on and I said “we’re mixing lullabies, this stuff really works” and every single person, it’s almost criminally funny; I would have listening parties for people to be able to listen to the music and I turn it on and looked and they’re all, their heads are back and their mouths are open catching flies and everybody’s out in five minutes. And I was like, uhhh, I’ll be really honest with you I wasn’t, like Wholetones, I wasn’t 100% cognizant that I was creating a sleep project. It wasn’t like I sat there in the studio and said “alright guys, we’re gonna do something to knock people out”. I just recorded what I felt in my spirit was relevant for this next season. I never look anything with a focused focus, per se; I created what I felt was necessary and what was a little different about this one is we’ve introduced some new frequencies, Ben.
Ben: Interesting. So what did you do that was different? What’s the frequency associated with sleep? Coz I know a lot of people that listen to binaural beats, or there’s a new program I’ve talked about before on the show called that plays specific beats for sleep, but what exactly was it that you guys were doing to cause the music or the frequencies to, well it sounds like down-regulate, or I suppose it’d be up-regulate something like delta or theta brain waves?
Michael: Well, again, all I knew in this, and it was really hard because I love Dustin, the drummer. I called Dustin before I even started working on this and I said “there’s not supposed to be any drums or percussion on rhythm on this next project”, and he goes “oh, that’s okay; can I come hang out in the studio anyway?” coz that’s the kind of guy he is. So the very first thing I can say is there is no rhythm, and when I say rhythm, Ben, I’m talking about cadence or there’s no particular time signatures and/or beat, drum, or anything like that in this. And that’s probably the most talked about thing about this is that most people say “well, I’m trying to sleep with Wholetones on but then 852 comes on and these drums come in” and I say “well that wasn’t the sleep project; I didn’t create that.” I’m happy you can sleep to any of it but I didn’t create Wholetones for sleep, and I didn’t create “Life, Love and Lullabies” for sleep, I just knew that I wasn’t supposed to have any drums on it. So first and foremost there is nothing that comes in dynamically that would awaken or cause anybody to tap their feet and get into a rhythm or not; it was basically more like a river, more like this really slow moving river.
When I listen to this music I feel like I can lay on top of it and just be taken down the river. So the first thing was not having drums, the second thing was there wasn’t any other dynamic instruments on this project either. Most of them are very sine wave; this is the first time a harp, a real harp, a bell harp, actually shows up on a Wholetones album. It’s pretty amazing, I had a guy come in with a real harp and play on one of the songs and so I think that just from an ambient standpoint, the instruments chosen, in their own right, are elementally very peaceful themselves. I didn’t even have my electric guitar on there or anything that had a transient that might awaken someone, so that’s the first part.
The second part also is just that adding frequencies or doing certain things with the underlayment of the music has a profound effect i.e. like 396, people were sleeping to that all the time but you still have those transient points where the drums all of a sudden kick in really heavy or disappear, and like you had mentioned when I read your email, that kind of stuff wakes people up. If you have a straight beat then all of a sudden the drummer drops out then starts up again, that wakes people up. There’s really nothing to wake anyone up in this, and the new frequencies for your listeners that did not appear, there are several who’ll go “well that’s in the first Wholetones”. The frequencies are but the music’s vastly different. But there’s one that I think you’ll find profound which is called “Angels All Around” and what I thought was hysterical is that that was over and above the most popular of these six pieces, and I wrote it, which I thought, I never heard a lullaby before but everybody’s crazy about this. But one of the reasons perhaps is it’s the first time that I’ve split frequencies on any piece that I’ve ever done.
Ben: What does that mean, split frequencies?
Michael: I’m glad you asked. In other words, remember this: whenever we’re talking about harmonics, whenever we’re talking about musical notation, if I take something up to the next octave, it’s the same note but it has a different hue just like in colors. If a lime green is a particular hertz, if we add the next octave of colors, it’s gonna be a different color of green; same thing with the music. So, I was, as I always am, thinking “man, I would really love to go a little higher than 852” which is, on the last one, and do a 963, which was basically the perfect harmonic; if you think about it, it’s the 9, the 6 and the 3. I would really love to do that, here’s the cool thing; once I had that frequency and I was listening to it, it sounded hauntingly familiar but much higher than what I was thinking of. So when I scanned down I also realized that it’s the same as 120 hertz, same key. So I’m thinking 120 hertz is like Royal Rife’s tonic frequency that he gave credit to healing just about anything that was wrong, and so I combined those two frequencies: so on the top we have 963 hertz and on the bottom of the tone, you’ll hear the 120 hertz; an unbelievably healing track.
And then we have Brahms lullaby at 174 hertz and Gabriella which is the second of the four, I wrote two and the other one’s Gabriella that was named after my niece who came into the world listening to Wholetones. And just an added note, when we were in the pedriatric ward when she was coming in to the world, Wholetones was blasting in the delivery room and so we also had a Wholetones To Go playing in the room where she was gonna be, so we all went in there and when I saw the baby, I freaked out anyway just because she’s amazing. But here’s the take away, so as soon as we got there, all the doctors and nurses were all crowded into her room, and they had a whole wing to deal with and they won’t leave the room and finally one of the nurses “I don’t wanna leave this room because what I’m feeling in here in this music, it’s the most peaceful I’ve ever felt” and so…
Ben: Yeah, knocks my kids out like a light.
Michael: So the one lady says to the nurse “well the guy that wrote it is standing next to you” and she said “young man, I believe that this Wholetones is the soundtrack for the entrance and the exit of every human life.” And when she said that, man, my hair stood up; I said “can I coin that phrase? So, what are you saying?” and she said “I’m saying from entrance to exit; from hospital to hospice” and I was like, that’s the most profound thing anyone’s said. So anyway I wrote that one, that’s 333 hertz for Gabriella because she always, and you have kids and you know, there’re some times when they’re too young to know better, like when they’re just itty-bitty little sprouts and you’re looking at them, they make eye contact then they look over your shoulder and they start giggling hysterically and pointing. What are they seeing, are they seeing what we used to know that we forgot? What are they seeing, they’re seeing something. And she kept doing that all the time and 333, they call it the angelic frequency, and I wrote this about my little niece for her, and she absolutely went nuts when I played this piece; she doesn’t know, she probably doesn’t know her name’s Gabriella. But she knows this music; she knows it really well.
Ben: Yeah, my kids like the Brahms lullaby; that’s the one that they really dig.
Michael: Do they?
Ben: Yeah.
Michael: Oh, I’m so glad. I am so glad, coz I love that one too, and that was the thing for your listeners too. There are six pieces but four of them are traditional lullabies and two of them I wrote. And what’s so amazing is at first, Wholetones we couldn’t keep it in stock but when “Life, Love, and Lullabies” came out a lot of people weren’t really engaging in it at first and was like “this is crazy amazing”. People thought it was just for babies, Ben.
Ben: Yeah.
Michael: So it was a hard brand but I didn’t wanna rebrand it because it was so beautiful. So I’m working on another video now that explained to listeners and customers that this is for the child in all of us, this is for a night of sleep that you haven’t had in a long, long time. Eight straight, when you wake up and think “oh, I’m not sick after all.” It was just sleep!
Ben: It’s really amazing, I actually wanna get speaker on either side of my bed coz right now I use headphones, and I wanted to ask you about this. I know in our last talk you said that you kinda wish in either word that you could record these things on vinyl to really get that true analog sound where the sound is delivered, I believe the difference is analog is almost little packets of sound, isn’t it, versus the digital delivery?
Michael: No, technically the way it really unpacks is binary; digital is soundwaves or waveforms converted into numbers: 0, 1, and 2, okay? And so, there is a very close representation but there’s peaks and valleys that are inevitably missing. Analog is like, if I sit in front of you and played my guitar in your room, hanging out with you, and we record it on tape, that’s what it sounds like. When we convert that soundwave into digital information, numbers can tend to clip and truncate a little bit, not to mention mp3 streaming or whatever, so here’s the thing though: people get hung up on that, I wrote an article about it to tell people, oh and a chapter in the book to explain to people the difference, however, people immediately go too far and say “wait a minute, so digital’s no good?” No, that’s not what I’m saying; I’m saying that analog is a little bit of a bigger signal and when that comes into play as if someone has a trained ear and they’re musicologists or audiologist or audiophiles and they have to listen to their music at a certain place because their ability to hear is so precise from 20 hertz even up to 20,000 hertz or 20K hertz.
If people can hear that, then they’re looking for all of these little peaks and valleys that I speak of but for the common person, we found that a lot of people went on and listened to the sample mp3’s which is probably not even close to what you’re hearing on Wholetones anyway and getting miraculously healed and having incredible… one lady said “I’m embarrassed to tell you that as a nurse in Tampa I was healed from rheumatoid arthritis that has no cure by listening to the samples; I never bought your music” like I would be offended. I’m so happy that she’s free and who cares, but the point is that digital and analog will absolutely work with frequency. You can’t find a laser probe that’s not being generated by a frequency analyzer that is digital, right? But, there is something warm and wonderful about analog, and so just so your listeners know, when I create these in the studio, I always do what I call an analog wash and I’ll explain that to you.
I record everything with a digital format only in that it takes memory and virtual tracking. Thus I don’t have to use tape and if I make a mistake, cut the tape and do it over again. I can fragment stuff and I can fix things without having to re-record them; that’s the beauty of it. The other side of it is that I run it through a mixing board that is analog, which is a Neve board that has all these luscious analog channels and so you begin your digital signal washing through them and then, in the mastering process, it goes through a myriad of old tube amplifiers, filters and EQs before, so basically what I have is the ease of recording with a digital format but the warmth and the sound of an analog recording, so it’s really the best of both worlds.
Ben: So when you’re sleeping, what would be best, to have speakers on either side of the bed to play these or some type of headphones plugged in to say a CD player or what I did was I took some of the tracks and converted them and put them onto my iPhone.
Michael: Yes.
Ben: But if you weren’t someone choosy, what’d be the best way to use these to sleep if you wanted to get all the benefits?
Michael: Great question. For me, personally, it’s really difficult for me to keep plugs in my ears or phones on my head while I’m sleeping; I’m not one of those blessed people that lays down and they’re out, they wake up in the same position. So with that being said, I found that speakers work much better. And with that being said, we have a new Wholetones to sleep, that is all of these “Life, Love, and Lullabies” elements on a speaker that sit right by your bed that has no lights on it; and it works like a charm. I recommend that, I also recommend people that if they have anything from a Bose wave radio to some of the higher end audiophile stuff, then they can also put something that’s effective and in the right size by the side of their bed and listen to it; then they’re free from worrying about what side they’re sleeping on or whatever.
Headphones, for me, the biggest component for headphones are people that deal with TBIs, PSD, people that deal with tinnitus for example or have injuries to the head and/or have an audio issue of some kind with their ears; those are the people I tend to say “hey, you might wanna use an in-ear noise cancelling bud or a full over-the-ear headset because it tends to isolate that area much better, and seems to work even better. But as far as sleep, if it was me, I’d probably use my new powered speaker, coz it has a super good battery in it. I would do that or I would get a great little system…
Ben: What’d you say, a powered speaker?
Michael: Yeah, the one that I have now. If you remember Wholetones To Go, we have a new one and it’s just for sleep, and it’s called Wholetones To Sleep. The old one had a blinking light that drove people crazy, but that was because we weren’t thinking people were gonna try to go to sleep with it on; it was a charging light.
Ben: You actually make a speaker?
Michael: Oh yeah!
Ben: I didn’t even know that.
Michael: Oh my gosh, I gotta send you this stuff. Yeah, I have two: I have a Wholetones To Go, which is the first album on a self-powered speaker that sits right by your bed or can hang off of a hospital bed, it’s got a wrist strap on it, wherever you go, Wholetones goes with you. But now I have Wholetones To Sleep, which is a self-powered speaker that has all of these “Life, Love, and Lullabies” on it and you turn it on and go to bed.
Ben: Oh my gosh, okay I’m gonna put a link to these in the show notes; I gotta get these.
Michael: That’s so cool, I’ll get ‘em for you.
Ben: I had no clue, coz I’d been thinking about adding speakers to my bed to play your tunes and dude, I had no clue that you actually made speakers. Okay, cool. We gotta talk afterwards, I’ll order some.
Michael: Just connect me with your address; I’ll make sure I get one in the mail.
Ben: That’s great, and I’ll put a link to these in the show notes too for people to grab them; that’s super convenient. You know I was gonna ask you if you’d heard before of these things called sleep phones, have you ever heard of sleep phones?
Michael: Is that the one that is like a combination, like it looks like a headband/sleep mask and has the ear things in there that holds them in or is it something else?
Ben: Yeah, it’s basically like a headband. It’s for people who are side-sleepers who wanna have a very soft way to listen to music when they’re asleep; they work pretty well, they sell on Amazon, for example.
Michael: Oh, cool. I haven’t tried them yet.
Ben: Yeah, yeah, they’re interesting. A couple of other questions for you: when the sound turns off, obviously you mentioned that there’s no drums or anything that would get introduced to wake you up, what about when the sound stops? Coz I’ll use binaural beats, I’ll use white noise sometimes but if it turns off, I wake up.
Michael: Great question.
Ben: Coz I know that there’s six tracks at 30 minutes, you do the math that’s three hours. What happens for the other five hours if you want an eight hours sleep night?
Michael: Well the good news is you can loop it, and you can loop the Wholetones to sleep device just to play all night. And it just keeps going over seamlessly, but you bring up a fantastic question and I would have to say that some of that depends on the individual of course, but I use white noise for years and if we had a power failure, the minute that white noise stops, I’m up. I’ll be like sit up in bed like “what’s going on?” I’ve never had that with “Life, Love, and Lullabies”, in fact one of the bylines of one of the guys wrote because it affected him so much in our company was “the only song you’ll never hear the end to” so I have never woken up when it does go off, or sometimes even the charger on my speaker unit. I will have used it during the day and forgot to recharge it, when it goes off I still keep sleeping, so I would say that’s a question that would depend on the user, but I noticed the quantum difference between using the speaker versus my white noise band machine.
Ben: Okay, that’s all that’s left to try then, the speaker. Cool, very cool.
Michael: Yeah.
Ben: Okay, so the other thing that I wanted to ask you, a couple of things. First of all, tell me about the pet’s CD that you make. I just noticed that you actually have a Wholetones for animals, which is really interesting. My animals love some of the things I have at the house. We have a biomat; I have one, my kids have one. It’s like a mat with infrared amethyst and tourmaline crystals that vibrate at a specific frequency. In many cases, you can get a massage on this or take a nap on it. Well, my kids have one and the dog sleeps on it and absolutely loves it, especially on the winter; sleeping on it, cuddling up with it with a warm blanket. And the dog also loves to hang out when we’re listening to “life, Love, and Lullabies” in the sauna and he’ll come sit at the sauna and curl up at the door of the sauna and bathe in some of the frequencies. Tell me about the one that you designed for pets and how that works.
Michael: Sure. Well, what’s really funny is that I don’t think I’ve ever been inundated with emails, people calling even during the hurricane because their dogs are freaking out, the first frequency, and I tell people this because I’m not gonna sell somebody something they already have; there has to be integrity in everything you do or everything you do has no integrity.
So the first Wholetones, I’m sure you remember the very first disc is called the open door, 396 hertz. So, by subtraction I found out that our rescue dog, who just walked into the office, Zeva, she was afraid of thunder, fireworks, lightning, any kind of storms and in Florida that’s an inevitability and she would shake violently and then try to go between the chairs and the wall. So one day I was playing 396 during a pretty heavy storm and I noticed she went over to her bed and curled like a ball and went to sleep. So, I kept doing it and it worked every time. So then one of the sons of the publisher took a recording of the same frequency to the local SPCA; usually when you open the front door it’s like this cacophony of dogs coming apart, barking, whatever and so we opened the door and that’s exactly what happened.
So then it just happened that the regional director of the SPCA happened to be there, as fate would have it, and he came out and then he turned the Wholetones 396 on and opened the same door with it on, there wasn’t a peep out of the dogs; not a peep. And so we started realizing there’s a real behavioral component for dogs that have anxiety, separation anxiety, fear of thunder, lightning, storms, fireworks on the 4th. So sure enough, 396 works with I’d have to say a high percentage, in the 90%, of dogs and we can’t keep it in stock. But I let customers know that if you buy the Wholetones or if you already have all seven of those frequencies, it’s the first one We just made it available as a one-off disc for pet owners so they wouldn’t have to buy the whole seven set if that was their only goal; was to pacify their dogs or cats, hamsters, guinea pigs in the house during storms or if they wanted them to be peaceful while they were gone, they leave it on in the house and come back to a refreshed dog. That’s 396 hertz.
Ben: Interesting. Okay so 396 is for animals and I’m actually gonna look into getting one of those for our dog Comet and see what he thinks of that. And I dunno, I’ll blast it for him while he’s, I dunno; I’ll sneak up on him, take him by surprise, blast him with some of your sound frequencies.
Michael: Oh, if you look on the Wholetones Facebook site and scroll back a bit, you’ll actually see I was on a show and they pulled a fast one on me, Ben, and they brought a really flipped out pit bull onto the stage and they said “we’ll see if this really works” and they put it to the test and the dog’s running around licking the host’s face, licked his make-up off or whatever, and they all of a sudden put Wholetones, and the dog stand and sits, he looks up to the speaker, starts to drool and fall asleep; right on TV, right on camera.
Ben: Wow, that’s pretty cool; I like it. So cool, we got the pets, and the other thing I wanted to ask you about which I actually really enjoy and the we also blast through our house during the holidays which are about the time this comes out, going to be quickly approaching or will be in the midst of them, you have the Wholetones for Christmas, tell me about those.
Michael: Happily. That was the joy of my life when I recorded this project, I actually recorded it in 2015 and I have all these favorite songs but what’s funny about when people get familiar with Wholetones is you can’t just arbitrarily say “I want to put this song to this frequency” Ben, because from a melodic content, it might not fit; it might be in or out of that particular key. And one thing I didn’t mention is that since frequencies are so absolutely spot-on the money, you can’t mess around with melody, you can go outside of the key or whatever, it has to be a constant.
So I had all of these frequencies and I wrote down a list of all my favorite Christmas songs, right? (laughs) Every one of the ones that I picked perfectly went along with one of the seven frequencies, so we have the Little Drummer Boy, I Saw Three Ships, Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel, Carol of the Bells, Angels We’ve Heard on High, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and Joy to the World. And what we found out that was so awesome, again not expecting it, is because of the behavioral component in the piece, a lot of times, unfortunately during the holidays, all of our relatives show up, even the ones that don’t believe like we or have different political persuasions and there tends to be a lot of tension and sometimes arguments during the holidays; and I got more emails saying “even Uncle Herb that always starts something on Christmas was peaceful and happy the whole time.” That’s what the whole point was, is that this was supposed to be the greatest season of the world, where we celebrate the greatest birth that we ever saw and I wanted to create something that brought so much peace and joy during the holidays, and this one, even when we were in the studio, Ben, the peace that was in the studio when we recorded this, everything was like a first taker. It was no work at all, it was just so natural. So that’s Christmas volume one.
Ben: Wow. Cool, cool. I like it, man; I like all of your tracks, these are amazing. So if you’re listening in, get them all, get the Wholetones; if you have a pet, get the Wholetones for Dogs. And then also, and I’ll put a link to all these in the show notes, you can go to, coz it’s not like CDs are expensive, these are definitely gonna make your life better. Get the “Life, Love, and Lullabies” CDs for sleep and then I also recommend you get his whole Wholetones set of CDs which aren’t necessarily for sleep but just for feeling these amazing emotions of love and peace and joy while you’re at work or while you’re at home or while you’re meditating or while you’re getting a massage or whenever you wanna listen to what we call the woo-woo music.
Michael: (laughs)
Ben: And then, I’ll also link to some of the other things that we talked about in the show like that Love Tuner that I wear and the Wholetones Christmas albums and some of the things that we talked about in the previous episode as well for those of you who want to take a deeper dive into the science and the history of all of this, Michael’s book “The Sound of Healing”. So that all being said, I’ll put all that at, that’s so you can go knock yourself out and get this stuff but Michael, first of all I’m glad that you didn’t blow away, and your birdhouse didn’t blow away and you were able to make on to the show.
Michael: Yup. (laughs) Great to be here.
Ben: Also, thanks for coming on, man.
Michael: Alright, man. Anytime, I love spending time with you. And I forgot to tell you, coz you’ll get in charge out of this, when they go to see the “Life, Love, and Lullabies”, we now offer a tourmaline-enhanced sleep mask, so it’s really cool; it’s a true-energy sleep mask and it’s full of tourmaline and it really does make a difference in your sleep, that’s brand-new.
Ben: No way.
Michael: Ah-huh.
Ben: Dude, just telling me all this new stuff I gotta try. Okay, alright, cool; I’ll check that out too. I’ll let you guys know how that goes, and in the meantime if you have questions or comments for Michael or myself, just go to and you can leave them over there. Michael, I’ll catch you later, dude.
Michael: Alright, blessings friend. Great to hear your voice.
Ben: Alright folks until next time, I’m Ben Greenfield along with Michael Tyrrell signing out from, have a healthy week.
Composer Michael Tyrrell first appeared on my website in the podcast episode “Unleashing The Phenomenon Of Using Sound & Music For Performance, Recovery, Healing & More.“
In that episode, I describe how, at a health summit, someone handed me a book called “The Sound Of Healing”, written by Michael – along with a handful of CD’s that Michael had recorded. These CD’s, called “Wholetones” were described on the cover as music that “heals, repairs, and protects against disease.”
So, skeptical but curious, I sat down and read the entire Sound Of Healing book, and I began occasionally listening to the CD’s while driving, while getting a massage, while sitting in my sauna, etc. Every time I finished a CD, I had such a unique feeling of elation and satisfaction after listening, I downloaded a digital tuning app and retuned my guitar and my ukelele to the “frequencies” Michael described in the book. This may all seem a bit “woo-woo”, but it made a huge difference in the ability of a song to make me feel uplifted and full of positive energy as I played it.
During that episode with Michael, we discussed why the music and sound you listen to every day is not tuned the right way and can actually be destroying organ function, how sound frequencies affect the human body, water, plants and more, how to “re-tune” music and sound to heal organs and provide therapy to the body, how to combine light and sound to de-stress your body, why digital sound from CD’s and mp3’s are not as good as analog sound from things like vinyl albums (and what you can do about it if you don’t want to buy a vinyl record turntable), the best way to use the sound to heal your body and to target specific organ systems, what Michael thinks about the use of tuning forks as vibrational sound therapy, and how a musician can “re-tune” their instrument to the correct frequency.
So who is this guy?
Michael is the founder and president of Wholetones, Inc., a healing frequency music project that helps aid health, creativity, productivity and wellbeing. After recording seven songs at different frequency levels, Michael released his album, Wholetones, accompanied by his book titled “Wholetones: The Sound of Healing” in 2014. Passionate about musical healing, Michael travels nationally and internationally as a key-note and motivational speaker on the power of musical therapy. Always connected to music, Michael bought his first guitar at the age of 10, which later lead him to study classical guitar with Joseph Lazarro, a protégée of the “grandfather of the classical guitar,”Andre Segovia.
In recent years, Michael has traveled and ministered withChristian singer-songwriter, Jason Upton, and toured and recorded with Rick Pino and Fire Rain ministries. In 1987, Michael worked with Gospel Hall of Famer, Mylon Lefevre, and his band Mylon and Broken Heart, earning him a GMA Dove Award as well as a Grammy award. Michael has been in full time ministry for the last 26 years and has toured and played with many well-known Christian and secular bands. His experience as a youth pastor, worship leader, accomplished musician, producer and itinerant speaker has allowed his personal music frequency project to transcend international borders. Michael currently resides with his wife, Lillian, in Margate, Florida.
He just released a brand new set of Wholetones music called “Life, Love & Lullabies“. Life, Love & Lullabies is comprised of six beautiful songs, each approximately 30 minutes in length designed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. I’ve been playing it for my kids and also for relaxing evenings in my infrared sauna.
During today’s discussion with Michael, you’ll discover:
-My sound healing session with a guy named Porungai in Sedona, who had a vibrating sound table and played didgeridoo, gongs, crystal bowls, etc. combined with bodywork…[11:10]
-How sound effects the human body and human cells, and what kind of science or research is out there on the effect of sound frequencies on the human body…[18:00]
-Why Michael tunes his instruments to the frequency that he does, and why some music is actually damaging to the human body…[24:45]
-Why Michael almost fell asleep in the studio while recording “Life, Love & Lullabies”, and how it is supposed to affect sleep…[42:20]
-The details behind the six pieces in Life, Love & Lullabies, and how each is different…[50:55]
-The best way to listen to Michael’s tracks (bedside speakers vs. headphones vs. CD player, etc.)…[55:25]
-Why Michael designed a specific sound frequency for pets…[61:28]
-And much more…
Resources from this episode:
-WholeTones Tru Energy Sleep Mask
–Porungai sound healer in Sedona
–WholeTones Calming & Healing Music For Dogs
–The LoveTuner Ben wears around his neck
–Dr. David Hawkins books on Amazon
–The WholeTones Christmas albums
-DETA electromagnetic bioresonance devices
–Research on sound frequencies and healing
-Tuning the Human Biofield book (tuning fork therapy)
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