[Transcript] – Kiss Gas & Bloating Goodbye With Dr. Matt Cook: The Complete Done-For-You Guide To Eliminating SIBO Once & For All (Along With Sex, Trauma, PTSD, Ozone Dialysis & More!).

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From podcast: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/digestion-podcasts/how-to-treat-sibo-naturally/

[00:00:00] Introduction

[00:02:01] Podcast Sponsor

[00:04:13] Morning Before the Recording

[00:06:48] The Epic Morning Smoothie

[00:10:25] Guest Introduction and Podcast History

[00:12:18] Supposedly An Icon of Health

[00:15:07] Approach To Treating A Health Icon's Health Issues

[00:24:42] How To Treat SIBO Naturally

[00:34:55] Dr. Cook's Parasite Reset Protocol

[00:42:26] Podcast Sponsors

[00:45:56] cont. Dr. Cook's Parasite Reset Protocol

[00:52:12] The GI Reset And Cellular Detox Protocols

[00:56:31] Energy Reset Protocol

[01:03:43] Mineral And Sleep Reset

[01:06:41] How To Go About Getting These Protocols Done

[01:10:56] Helping Men With ED And Sexual Dysfunction

[01:20:15] Ozone Dialysis

[01:30:54] PTSD And Trauma

[01:39:07] Rocky Roots to Close the Podcast

[01:42:47] End of Podcast

Ben:  On this episode of the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast.

Matt:  It's okay to give a little bit of sugar right before you do that because it's kind of like chumming the water. And so, you're going to bring them out, and then we're going to just kill them. I'd rather get the whole functional medicine and it gets your cells working, gets your cells detoxing, and then now you begin to see there's a comprehensive approach to approaching all of your biochemistry. This is the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my life. I went to a conference and I get in the Uber and the guy goes–

Ben:  Health, performance, nutrition, longevity, ancestral living, biohacking, and much more. My name is Ben Greenfield. Welcome to the show.

Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo, he's back, the great Dr. Matt Cook joins us again today. The episode you were about to hear, we actually recorded at my house, and we recorded some time ago. We actually, before this whole coronavirus pandemic or anything, Dr. Matt Cook, who's been on my show like five times, one of my favorite functional medicine docs in existence, he flew up to my house. Yes, he does occasionally. And as we are prone to do, we did our cold pool and our sauna and hot tub and geeked out with all manner of body optimization, and then we sat down. We stuffed our face with microphones and talked to you guys for a while about gut health, everything you need to know about small intestine, bacterial overgrowth and fungus, and how to fix your gut. I think you'll really dig today's show. And at the time that we recorded it, I was actually having gut issues that Matt was working with me on and I have seen a profound improvement ever since implementing the system that he's developed for healing the gut. So, I think you're going to really dig today's show.

Speaking of the gut, one of our most popular products at my company Kion are our essential amino acids. And actually, when I interviewed Dr. David Minkoff, we had a very interesting discussion about how nourishing these are to the gut, kind of like a collagen or glutamine or bone broth, and they're kind of a Swiss Army knife for performance and for recovery. But a lot of people don't know that in addition to staving off appetite cravings and staving off muscle catabolism and improving the function of your neurotransmitters, they're also wonderful for the gut. So, these Kion Aminos, if you haven't made them a staple in your program yet, you're missing out on what a lot of people are getting a lot of benefit from. So, they're 10% off right now if you use the code that all my listeners get. So, the code is BEN10. That's BEN10 and you just go to getkion.com, getK-I-O-N.com and use code BEN10 to save you 10%.

If you like chocolate, you'll also want to keep listening because our other sponsor for today's show has taken a whole bunch of medicinal plants that would normally taste like ass, and they have cracked the code on turning them into this dark, velvety, rich chocolate flavor that is absolutely mind-blowingly fantastic. So, it's called Organifi Gold Chocolate. So, they took their super popular–what do you call it when you go to the coffee shop and you get like a golden milk latte? They took that and they made it really healthy. They had a turkey tail and reishi, and ginger, and turmeric, but then they decided to make it in a chocolate flavor, which I think is even better than their original flavor. But I also love anything that tastes like chocolate. It is just chock-full of a bunch of immune system support, too. So, Organifi is giving you 20% off, organifi.com/ben. That's Organifi with an “I” dot com/ben. I'm curious to know what you think of this stuff. I really like it. It's a great evening healthy indulgence.

Alright, let's go talk to the great Dr. Matt Cook.

Welcome to the show, everybody. I'm sitting at my kitchen table here with the wonderful Matt Cook. You don't have any smoothie on your face. How's my face look?

Matt:  You look great.

Ben:  Is it clean?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Did you like the smoothie?

Matt:  You look like the face of God and the voice of God.

Ben:  The voice of God, the deep–we used to have like possibly male booming voice. Matt and I have been geeking out all morning. What have we done so far this morning? Before I tell people the smoothie recipe, we got up, we did a vibration foam roller and the five Tibetan longevity exercises, and a bunch of body work.

Matt:  Yup.

Ben:  And then we both did the full-body Joovv light. But to get our circadian rhythms going, we did the–what were those? The recharger–the re-timer glasses

Matt:  Uh-huh, the er things.

Ben: –and the HumanCharger. So, we got the circadian rhythms going because it's kind of grey here in Spokane, a rainy day. So, we wanted to get a blast of both near-infrared and red light, but then also the regular sunlight exposure. And then Matt did some pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on his back.

Matt:  Which was amazing.

Ben:  Did you like that move?

Matt:  That was awesome.

Ben:  Yeah, this opener that I have. And if you guys are listening, I have this one on YouTube. You lay on this pulsed electromagnetic field pad and you kind of like move your hips back and forth, then flip over and do the same thing on the front side, just releases all the low back and the hip muscles and the psoas.

Matt:  It's amazing because when you do the PEMF, when you roll over under your side, you feel it hit the psoas and the iliopsoas as you're rolling and it was crazy how intense that is.

Ben:  Yeah. It's a really great move for the hips. And Matt's pouring himself a little French press. Then we did a nature walk where we worked on vagus nerve activation by keeping our eyes really wide open and using the peripheral vision as we walk through the forest, and did a lot of deep breathing in through the nose to waken the senses and kept the ears open, and then we walked in silence for a while through the snow, which is a really great way to just connect to nature in the morning. We're talking about when I'm at home, I always do typically the sauna with cold pool or go on a walk just because I like to ease myself parasympathetically into the day, and then go crush the gym later on in the day. And so, we've done all that, and then we had a smoothie.

Matt:  And we had a hot tub.

Ben:  Oh, and then we jumped in a hot tub, yeah.

Matt:  Which was amazing. What's in the smoothie?

Ben:  So, we had plans on starting this, to record this podcast for you in the wee hours of the morning. It's already noon, just getting started. What was in the smoothie? Well, let's see. The base–so there's always like a base, right? Sometimes it's bone broth, sometimes it's coconut milk, but lately, what I've been using is I have camel's milk. I order camel's milk from the–I think it's just called The Camel's Milk Company down in California. So, it doesn't have the inflammatory A1 protein that cow's milk has. It's all A2 protein. And what I do is I've got these kefir grains and I ferment the kefir grains in camel's milk for about 24 to 36 hours. I just give it a taste as it goes. When it gets mildly sour, that's a good sign that the kefir grains have digested any lactose sugars, and basically, fermented to create this wonderful probiotic-rich compound that's got L. reuteri in it, it's got–and actually, I found this out recently. It specifically causes the production of collagen peptides when you consume kefir. And so, you're actually producing your own peptides in the gut when you create this kefir.

Matt:  That's awesome.

Ben:  So, that was the base we used, but I mixed the kefir up with a bunch of colostrum. So, I put a bunch of colostrum from these grass-fed goats into the camel's milk kefir, and that was the base of the smoothie. And then to that, we added some organic raw cacao powder from Addictive Wellness to give it that, those theobromines and dopamines, added a few scoops of the Organifi Super Greens powder. We put some creatine in there, not only because we're trying to get swole, but also for the little nootropic effect that creatine can give you. We put a really potent antioxidant in there called C60. That's C60 in olive oil. Yeah. For those of you who don't know what C60 is, go and listen to my podcast with Ian Mitchell. And I'll link to all this stuff I'm talking about if you guys go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/gireset because our whole podcast, or a lot of our podcast today is going to be about the gut. So, BenGreenfieldFitness.com/gireset.

Matt:  I love him, by the way. He's like super great.

Ben:  Ian Mitchell, yeah. So, we had C60 in there with the camel's milk and the greens and the cacao powder. And then I put a little bit of Ceylon cinnamon in there to stabilize the blood sugar, a little bit of organic stevia. I get this wonderful stevia from Omica Organics to give it a little bit of sweetness. We put a little bit of this nut butter in there. That's a blend of flaxseed, chia seed, almond, and pumpkin. So, we had this nut butter in there. And then before blending, was there anything else I threw in there? I think those were the biggies. And then after blending, you add a bunch of ice, right, to get–so I get like this thick ice-creamy texture you can eat with a spoon. Oh, I remember the last thing I put in there for texture, organic pumpkin mash, which is wonderful. It's like a secondary base for a smoothie. So, we've got those 9, 10 different ingredients in there, then we blend it all up and we topped it with organic dark chocolate chunks and unsweetened coconut flakes for a little bit of texture and that was it, that was breakfast.

Matt:  That's a manna of heaven.

Ben:  We would have had to have paid like 50 bucks for that at a coffee shop.

Matt:  Yup.

Ben:  Yeah, but it's fun to make these things. I love making my morning smoothie. And it's also —

Matt:  I think I love watching you make it more than you love making it.

Ben:  Yeah, yeah. It's a ton of fun. So, anyways though, to give you guys some background on this podcast, first of all, Dr. Matt Cook, my guest on today's show, this officially, once this episode is released, we'll make him the most–what would you call it? The most frequent guest on the Ben Greenfield Fitness Show of all time.

Matt:  Nice.

Ben:  Yeah, because this will be your fifth podcast you've done with me. And we have covered in the past everything from ketamine to vagus nerve resets, to ozone therapy, to placental matrix and peptides, like, Matt and I have covered a ton of stuff in previous episodes. And I'm going to link to all of our previous episodes if you guys just want to geek out if you go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/gireset. On about a quarterly basis, I actually fly down to San Jose and I go see Matt at his clinic and he geeks out on me for like two to three days with all these new protocols. He occasionally comes to my house, too, and right now, he's got a suitcase full of–was that ultrasound imaging?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  So, we're going to do like an ultrasound imaging and nerve hydrodissection on the go later on this afternoon. So, we might shoot some —

Matt:  Right on kitchen table —

Ben: –some videos for you guys. But Matt is the founder of BioReset Medical. And it's a whole regenerative medical clinic just doing a ton of things that you've probably never before seen in a facility, but he combines that with functional medicine and self-quantification, and even some things to treat PTSD and trauma like ketamine. And so, he's got all these different things going on at his facility. And he also advises a bunch of different medical companies, he does physician training programs, he works with sexual performance optimization as well, which we're going to touch on today for those of you who have no interest in the gut whatsoever.

But I was down in San Jose about five months ago and I had what's really a difficult conversation for me because you guys–for those of you listening in, just so you know, it's sometimes hard for me being a person that people look up to as a guy who's supposed to be the icon of health, who's supposed to present this perfect picture of himself to the world to admit that he's having health problems. And for the past two years, I have increasingly, and I spelled this out to Matt about six months ago, I have increasingly been dealing with gut issues, like bloating and gas in the afternoons, and even like low back and hip pain that seems to be related to some type of inflammation going on in the gut and just a change in my bowel movement patterns. And it's been kind of humbling for me because I'm supposed to have everything figured out, right? Like, I'm supposed to be the perfect icon of health.

And I talked to Matt and I was just like, “Dude, can we look at this and see if maybe you can identify what's going on?” And, A, we found some really interesting things that a lot of other people deal with too, which is why we wanted to record this podcast for you. B, Matt came up with some very unique protocols that he's turning into this entire system for resetting and rebooting the gut that I thought you all would be really interested in. And I really think those are the two main things, A and B, those are the two things we came up with.

And so, what you're going to learn today in addition to some of the discussions Matt and I will have later on about what he's doing for sexual performance optimization and for PTSD, and some of these more cutting-edge protocols he's doing like ozone dialysis, which is absolutely amazing. What you guys are going to learn is how to figure out what's going on in your gut when you have these type of issues related to things like mold, mycotoxins, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, biofilm. That's just a preview of all the shit literally that's going out of my gut right now. And you're going to learn how to kiss that goodbye with a specific protocol that Matt has designed to be able to go after some of this stuff.

So, did I set us up pretty well, Matt —

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben: –to dig in?

Matt:  You couldn't have done any better.

Ben:  Okay. Alright, so that's where we're at, folks. So, A, Ben is having health issues. B, a lot of people are struggling with these same issues and Matt's seeing this over and over again in his clinic. And C, we're going to talk about not only what to do about it, what you can do about it, but also some other really cool advanced health concepts that Matt's working at.

So, to begin, Matt, a guy like me comes to you, “Dude, Doc, stuff's going on the gut. What do you do? What do you look at? How do you quantify?

Matt:  This is so awesome that you're sort of talking like this because I think that what is happening with you is probably one of the most common presentations that's an antecedent to all big problems. And so, where people start to have problems in their intestines, that's where your entire immune system is, and then that creates immune system dysfunction, and then that creates inflammation and stress throughout the body that can begin to start to affect other organ systems. And based on what I found, it's kind of surprising how amazing, it's amazing that you have the voice of God and the face of God.

Ben:  I think the way you put it to me was that the fact that I'm still put together based on what's going on my gut, the fact that I'm even like getting out of bed in the morning and traveling all over the world and doing what I'm doing, it's probably just all these biohacks and stuff that I'm doing.

Matt:  But you're totally down in down street.

Ben:  Right.

Matt:  And so, then I'll dig in. And I thought, “Oh, this is going to be super easy because he's super healthy.” And so, I have to admit, I took it only semi-seriously, but then what we did is we did some very advanced stool testing. And we did stool testing and the first thing that I do is I do stool testing with multiple different companies because often, one company may miss something and they use different techniques to look at it. And then I also have someone who looks at your stool with a microscope. And then they go in and they look for thrombocytes, and they look for cysts, and they look for parasites particularly under the microscope.

Ben:  And which test was that?

Matt:  That was the stool test.

Ben:  That was the Genova Diagnostics?

Matt:  No, that was the EKO University stool test.

Ben:  Okay. It's called an EKO University stool test.

Matt:  And that's kind of a boutique one that we actually just mail it to this doctor, Dr. Ibrahim, who's a famous parasitologist. But then what we found is is that you had a roundworm.

Ben:  Everybody, brace yourself. This is everything we found in my gut. And remember, like for the past 20 years, I've been doing everything from swimming in sewage-filled water, in triathlons in Thailand to walking barefoot through the streets of Bangkok, all sorts of crazy stuff. So, this was incredibly surprising to me, but go ahead and dig in, Matt.

Matt:  So, you had two roundworms, and then you had an amoeba. So, you had three parasites, and I had seen Giardia in you in the past. So, you had four parasites. And this is almost like an occupational hazard of your lifestyle, so you were probably always going to pick those up. And what those tend to do is they tend to burrow into the wall of your intestine and your small intestine.

Ben:  Mm-hmm.

Matt:  And then they tend to create a biofilm around them. And so, then now, they're just living there, and food's being washed down, but they create this biofilm that looks kind of like pond scum that protects them from being washed away. And then they have lifecycles, two-week lifecycles where sometimes they're in a cyst form, sometimes they're active. And so, it's hard to kill them because if you kill them today, some of the cyst forms are isolated and protected, and then they come back out.

Ben:  This is like something out of the movie Aliens.

Matt:  It's kind of like it, yeah. And honestly, if it goes long enough, they'd start to burrow all the way through the intestines and cause mass problems.

Ben:  Wow.

Matt:  And so, then you had four parasites and —

Ben:  And for me, considering this has been going on for like about two years, these things have had a lot of time to do some damage.

Matt:  Right. And so, then when I see that much stuff going on, and when I hear people having symptoms, I begin to think, “Oh, it is mold involved in this,” because whether it's Lyme, whether it's GI things, if somebody has mold illness, mold illness plus Lyme or mold illness plus parasites presents differently. And so, then it takes us down a different sort of algorithm. And so, I did a test where I looked to see if you had mycotoxins in your urine, which you had a lot of, and I did a test —

Ben:  And which test is the —

Matt:  That was the Great Plains.

Ben:  That's the Great Plains urine test.

Matt:  Great Plains mold urine test.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  And then I did a test that Andrew Campbell, who's one of the, I think the smartest mold guy in the country. And you should have him on your podcast. And we did the MyMyco. And the MyMyco looks to see if your immune system —

Ben:  That's a blood test.

Matt:  Exactly. It's a test of antibodies to see if your immune system is making antibodies to mold toxins. And mycotoxins are basically a byproduct that mold makes when it divides. And so, you had incredibly high levels of mycotoxins or mycotoxin antibodies —

Ben:  For these antibodies.

Matt: –[00:20:38] _____ under your bloodstream.

Ben:  You sent me over the results and it was lit up like a Christmas tree.

Matt:  Yeah, yeah. A moldy Christmas tree.

Ben:  A moldy Christmas tree.

Matt:  Yeah. And then the final thing that you had is–a couple things. You had low Bifidobacterium, which is an important part of your immune system in terms of the microbiome analysis, and then you had Candida. And what happens is is when there are parasites and immune dysregulation, and the immune dysregulation and the gut comes from the combination of the parasites and then that mold, because what happens with the mold is that your immune system is looking for the mycotoxins, but it can't get all the way into the intestine where the mold actually is living in that biofilm. And so, then the immune system ends up being really stressed. And so, then what happens is you get Candida, and Candida is yeast, and that only shows up as an opportunistic infection when other things are going on.

Ben:  Okay. Alright, so we're talking about roundworms, huge levels of mold and mycotoxins, probably a biofilm, Candida albicans, and there was one other thing–oh, it showed high levels of GI inflammation, which is no surprise, and then low levels of the Bifidobacterium, low levels of the lactobacillus. So, just essentially like a storm in the gut.

Matt:  And one gram-negative bacteria.

Ben:  One gram-negative bacteria. And usually, something like this would start with, for example, a parasite, or start with mold and mycotoxin, or is it one or the other that this typically starts with for people?

Matt:  The way that I think–so if you step back, usually there's one thing that happened. And in your case, I predict you've been running around and being adventurous. And as a result, I think you picked up the parasites, that led to the biofilm, and then you got exposed to a little bit of mold. Some people will have a mold damage building. And so, then they're breathing it in, and then that was their initial thing. If they also had a parasite, then they'll have a respiratory effect from breathing it in, as well as the GI. But if they don't, they may not have any effect on their GI. Other people may be eating a lot of mycotoxins and mold, and they could get it in that way. But I think you probably picked it up somehow, but the mold probably came after the parasites, and then the combination of those two things created basically stress for your immune system, and then you just haven't been able to get past that.

Ben:  Right. Okay. So, once you've established that, so just to summarize for people, we did a MyMyco blood test, which looks at antibodies that would be produced if you'd been exposed to mold and mycotoxins, a Great Plains Laboratory MycoTOX urine test. And that one looked at again what?

Matt:  That looks at that mycotoxins.

Ben:  At the actual mycotoxins themselves.

Matt:  And how to think about that is if you've seen a piece of bread and you see the green, that's the mold.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  And then what happens is mold releases these little toxins that are neurotoxins and have a whole bunch of negative effects in general and on our immune system and create inflammation. And those are nanoparticles that the mold releases, but they're not actual mold. And so, then if you have mold living in you and it's secreting those mycotoxins, what your body is reacting to is the mycotoxin, but it's not actually reacting to the mold, although the mold in the biofilm can be having an inflammatory effect as well.

Ben:  Right. And that's what the urine test is showing. Then finally, the stool analysis, which looked at like the yeast, parasites, fungus, things like that.

Matt:  And bacteria.

Ben:  And bacteria. Okay.

Matt:  Basically, everything you could have you had. So, you had the happy meal.

Ben:  Right. Which is crazy. I had the happy meal, right for me. Alright, yay. Alright, so once you gather this data and you find this stuff out about what's going on in the gut–and I realized that we'll rabbit hole a little bit as we go through this. And again, for those of you who are trying to keep up, I'm going to be spelling all this out too at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/gireset. Once you find all this stuff out, then what's the protocol? Where do you go from there?

Matt:  So, then the most important thing is to try to get a sense then of who's the person. And so, I'll have two people show up in my office–and this is sort of awesome to kind of wrap your head around with these same things. I'll have one person who can barely get out of bed, and as sick as a dog, and has like 45 things going on. And that's because they didn't do any of the biohacking stuff that you do, and their detox pathways aren't working, nothing else is working, and they have this.

Ben:  Right. And they also possibly do not live in as clean an environment as I tend to spend a lot of my time in here at our pristine compound, but then at the same time, who knows how many condos, Airbnbs, hotel rooms, apartments. And the other half of my life, I live throughout the world getting this stuff aggravated by.

Matt:  Right. So, then the other one is you. And so, then the goal is to start to onboard a series of things that I put in the category of GI detox. And so, in broad terms, I need to do something that's an antimicrobial that's going to kill things. And in broad terms, I have to do something that is going to break down that biofilm. And then in broad terms, I have to start to restore and reset your microbiome, the balance of the good and bad bacteria. You have to go back to the beginning, where did this all start, and I think this all started with the parasites. And so, we need to fix that because that is what's causing you these symptoms in the afternoon.

Ben:  Okay. Got it. Meaning like the increasing amount of gas, bloating, et cetera, that builds up throughout the day with really for me personally, having messed around with everything from a carnivore diet to a low FODMAP diet to all sorts of different protocols to see if I could control this, the only thing that eliminates the gas and bloating is pure straight-up water fasting, which of course is not sustainable for life, especially for a very active guy like myself.

Matt:  Right. And so, then before we walk through treatment, let's chat a little bit about SIBO —

Ben:  Okay.

Matt: –because I think that's super useful in the perspective of this.

Ben:  Because this is very common.

Matt:  This is super common.

Ben:  Especially even if people don't have, say, roundworm or Candida, the SIBO thing is quite common. So, spell that out for people.

Matt:  So, SIBO stands for S-I-B-O, which is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  And so, then in big terms, and just trying to think about this, the food goes from your stomach into the small intestine, and the small intestine is the size of my pinky, but it's 30 feet long.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  Divided into three parts.

Ben:  Meaning, it is the diameter.

Matt:  The diameter. So, it's tiny.

Ben:  Yeah. Right.

Matt:  And then —

Ben:  That's smaller than I think a lot of people think. I think some people think it's more like a garden hose, but it's about the diameter of the pinky.

Matt:  The inside is kind of like the diameter of the pinky because it's so small. And then the colon is the size of your biceps, [00:28:31] ____.

Ben:  Yeah. It's a good size colon.

Matt:  It's good size colon.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  And so, then what happened —

Ben:  So, are you saying that people's poop should be as big as their biceps?

Matt:  They should be about —

Ben:  Because in which case, I'd have some pretty damn big shit, just saying, because I got me some guns.

Matt:  When I'm done with you, you're going to.

Ben:  Okay. Wonderful.

Matt:  So, then what happens is is the small intestine sterile. So, there's not supposed to be any bacteria, yeast, fungi, parasites, nothing in there. However, things can attach and start living in there. So, you can have a parasite that can start to live there. The other thing that can happen is some bacteria could go on a road trip from the colon and come up and start to live there. They're trying to get ahead in the food line.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  And so, if there's bacteria living in there, we call that small intestinal bacterial growth or overgrowth. And so, now, yeast can also be living in there. Now, what happens if you feed sugar to bacteria or yeast?

Ben:  It's going to multiply. That's their food.

Matt:  Yeah, but the way they eat it is they ferment it.

Ben:  Right.

Matt:  And so, then if bacteria or yeast ferment sugar in your small intestine, which is the size of my pinky, what that does is that creates gas and bloating.

Ben:  Right. And I don't want to derail you here from the explanation of SIBO, but I think a lot of people, and I realized this after I did some digging, don't realize that meat can ferment to a certain extent.

Matt:  Yup.

Ben:  And so, this is not something where you can just switch to like a carnivore diet and necessarily get rid of the potential for bacterial fermentation, especially by some of the sulfur- producing bacteria.

Matt:  Right. And how I think about–I'm kind of liking how I'm thinking about this too lately, is is that just like there's a spectrum of autism and Asperger's, or there's all of these different spectrums of health conditions, I think there's a little bit of a spectrum in terms of SIBO. So, some people can have a little bit of overgrowth, some people have a ton of overgrowth of bacteria or yeast. Now, if I've got this thing that's the diameter of my pinky and I've got bacteria making gas in there, then that gas starts to distend the wall. And then if it distends the wall, it creates leaky gut. And if it creates leaky gut, all of the sudden, little bits of undigested food or other things that are in the biofilms in there start to get into the bloodstream, and now your immune system sees undigested gluten or undigested corn and goes, “Oh, my god, I'm being attacked,” because it doesn't know the difference because it's not used to having undigested proteins in the blood. And then that creates immune dysregulation with food allergies, and that's like a whole another thing.

Ben:  So, you're saying that in “Austin Powers,” Fat Bastard, who says, “I've got pieces of corn in the [00:31:31] ____ than you.” Basically, somebody with distension and SIBO has pieces of corn in their blood.

Matt:  Yup. Fat Bastard had SIBO.

Ben:  Yeah, Fat Bastard had SIBO. Okay.

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Good.

Matt:  So, then now, what I would say is is that you've had a couple SIBO breath tests that were very mildly positive. And because in your lifestyle, you eat a very small amount of sugar and you eat a relative carnivore diet, and you're doing everything to minimize the amount of sugars that come in and having a pretty low glycemic diet, you have some bacteria that are kind of glide into the house party that's going on in the biofilm that you have that has parasites and mold, but it's not overwhelming. And so, your symptoms are not as bad as they could be. If you ate sugar and went to McDonald's every day, you would have horrible SIBO. And so, that's useful.

Ben:  Right. And that's backed up by the fact that if I do include fermentable foods in my diet–and this can just be a self-test for people with probably the two biggest fermentable foods in a FODMAP type of protocol being onions and garlic, right? The very, very worst that I have felt in the past six months was when I took my kids to Dubai where we were eating tahini and garlic and onions, and all these fermentable foods on these Mediterranean plates, and I literally have a balloon in my stomach every afternoon.

And so, if that describes you and you're listening in, especially if you do garlic and onions–and it's funny because when this first started a couple years ago, one of my favorite things to do at the Whole Foods salad bar was get the roasted garlic. And I would get a rotisserie chicken and some sweet, but I'd always put like a giant few tablespoons, probably like 12 garlic cloves in along with the potatoes, and I would just be a balloon afterwards. And so, if you eat garlic and onions and get this kind of bloating, it's a pretty good sign that you probably struggle with some type of a small intestine bacterial overgrowth.

Matt:  Right. And so, then the thing that you can do that's almost like a homerun for this is to go on to a low FODMAP diet. And one of them is called specific-carbohydrate diet, one of them is called the GAPS diet. There's a bunch of different sort of just dietary approaches. And what I like to say is if you imagine that biofilm is like a castle, we got to starve them out to some extent. And so, in general, a good strategy is to avoid those fermentable things, avoid vegetables that are high in sugar, and avoid all fruits while you're going through this. And to the extent that you do that, often that starves them.

The only caveat that I'll say is sometimes if you are going to–and we'll work our way through this, if I'm giving you things that are going to start to kill the bacteria and the parasites and the SIBO, then it's okay to give them a little bit of sugar right before you do that because it's kind of like chumming the water. And so, you're going to bring them out and then we're going to just kill them.

Ben:  Okay. Alright. So, that's what SIBO is for those of you who want the brief overview of SIBO. Now, let's get into what this systematic protocol is that you use because there's a lot of little pieces of it and I think it's important that people understand because this information is out there. I know that you can't just do something like, whatever, a tincture of oil of oregano in the morning, in the evening, or just go low FODMAP, or perhaps just take some kind of anti-parasitic medication. There's this entire step-by-step protocol that you've created and I want to hear more about what that is if you can walk people through this.

Matt:  Okay. So, then first, we're going to have to look at this and get a sense of the severity. And the first point to make is that when I see something this complex and this many parasites, I made a decision that we're going to go for drugs to kill the parasites in addition to my protocol.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  And so, I'm doubling down on fixing this, but generally and most of the time, I go with herbal and natural approaches, and I start with two or three things at a time, or if people are sick, I'll start with one at a time and I'll onboard them to that and then work my way through. And so, then the first thing that I'll start with is an immunoglobulin protect, which is–it's bovine immunoglobulins, and these are immunoglobulins from cows, and these are basically like antibodies. And they bind onto gram-negative bacteria, which you have. They'll bind onto parasites and it's like a very rarefied version of colostrum, and then —

Ben:  Yeah, because that's what colostrum has and it's a lot of those immunoglobulins.

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  But you'd rather use that than colostrum.

Matt:  Well, so for the sickest, almost nobody who's sick will react to that. Even some people will react to colostrum. And so, that's like my 1.0. Colostrum is an amazing 2.0 to add on. And so, then I'll work my way through that part of the program.

Ben:  Obviously, because your skin is just glowing from the tablespoons and tablespoons you just had of that —

Matt:  I know.

Ben: –in your smoothie, yeah.

Matt:  Yeah. If you're the face of God, I'll be the face of Jesus.

Ben:  There we go.

Matt:  So, then the next thing is is to start to break down those biofilms, and I will start to add in biofilm busters. Now, the issue is as I'm trying to break down these biofilms, I've got five or six different strategies and different products and different companies that I use. And sometimes when you start to give people biofilm busters, they will start to have detox reactions because you're killing, and then the bacteria or the yeast that are living in there or parasites will start to activate and grow and try to recreate it. But so then digestive enzymes, which I've been having you take, which really haven't been that helpful, but I got you going on the protocol, and the two that I like the most is Serrapeptase and Baluoke.

Ben:  Okay. And what are these ends? Because most people will think of digestive enzymes as something you'd use to digest fats or proteins or carbohydrates depending on the specific enzyme prior to a meal, but they can also be used therapeutically to break down biofilms?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  When taken on an empty stomach or do you take them with a meal?

Matt:  Well, you're going to take them on an empty stomach if you wanted to break down the biofilm.

Ben:  So, from the biofilm, not in the foods. That's important for people to know they can't just continue their digestive enzyme protocol taking it right before a meal. You'd instead, because I've been doing this on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening, beginning to use enzymes.

Matt:  Right. And so, those enzymes are important parts of so many different protocols for different organ systems and people will use for cancer. But when those digestive enzymes go down through the stomach and then they go into the small intestine where that biofilm is, they start to break up that biofilm just like they would break up food. So, they're going to break up the collagen and the biofilm. And so, we've got those two. There's the next one that is the Lauricidin, which has Monolaurin in it. And Monolaurin is a fantastic biofilm buster that does not cause much flare.

Ben:  Now, Lauricidin, is that related to the lauric acid that you'd find in something like coconut oil?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Because some people will use as like an antiviral or antibacterial?

Matt:  Yeah. This is very —

Ben:  So, this is an extract of that that you could use without, for example, the calorie punch of just like consuming a bunch of coconut oil?

Matt:  Exactly. And so, you get a little bit of an antimicrobial effect from that, but then you're also getting a biofilm busting component to that. The stevia that you put in our drink has some biofilm busting effects too, by the way.

Ben:  I knew that when I put it in there.

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  I said sweetness, but I really just put —

Matt:  [00:40:13] _____ and you are just quietly in your mind.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  And so–

Ben:  I'm smarter than you think.

Matt:  I would like to say I knew that, but I didn't. I can't have known that because you're smarter than I thought.

Ben:  Yeah, exactly.

Matt:  So, that's hilarious. And what I'll do and I kind of did this with you because I started you on the protocol and you didn't get worse, which is awesome because then that means now, the protocol–so I'm going to layer in the Monolaurin. And then I have another biofilm buster that I use that has EDTA in it. And that will start to chelate out any minerals that are in the biofilm, and that further starts to break down the home where these things are. And then what happens is I have to put you on some herbal approaches that are going to be killing both the parasites, yeast, and bacteria in the small intestine. So, we're going to be hitting those and I got three different ones. So, we're doing Artemisinin, and then we're doing GI-Synergy, which has a nice synergistic approach to killing. And they have a parasite, a bacteria, and a yeast within that.

Ben:  So, you're hitting all three. By the way, the Artemisinin, because I do so much like plant foraging in the wilderness, I love to learn about natural ways to get some of this stuff, but that's essentially wormwood, isn't it?

Matt:  Mm-hmm.

Ben:  Yeah, which grows like weeds outside. So, if it was spring or summer, we could have just had a wormwood smoothie this morning.

Matt:  Yeah. And then you would have been cured.

Ben:  [00:42:01] _____, yeah.

Matt:  So, then now, and then in parallel to that, I'll give liposomal glutathione, which will help restore basically the antioxidant and health of the intestines as we're doing this. And then I'm going to stagger you with a series of different probiotics, and that series of probiotics that starts to restore and reset the balance.

Ben:  Hey, I want to interrupt today's show to tell you about muscle stimulation. You know how you can sit in the couch and watch movies and get a six-pack? Yeah, that actually works. No, I'm just kidding, it doesn't work that well. Six-pack abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. But this idea of electrical muscle stimulation to trigger muscles when you're not able to move or, yeah, even when you're watching a movie, or when you're rehabbing a joint, or you want to introduce more blood flow to an area, or you just got to work on your quads bro or your guns while you're driving in your car, which I think is probably illegal, but I'm sure some people use electrical muscle stimulation in their cars. Lord knows we do all sorts of other illegal things in our cars, like glance at our phones.

So, anyways, this company called PowerDot developed this teeny-tiny electrical muscle stimulation device, but I almost threw out when I first got it because I thought it was just going to be this cheap-ass little tingly sensation, and I was sore after I used it. It actually works. So, it's called a PowerDot. You put the little electrodes wherever you want to target a muscle and grow a muscle or rehab a muscle and it delivers a shockingly, pun intended, potent electrical muscle stimulation effect. And so, a lot of athletes I found out later are using this, the NFL, the NBA, the MLB, the NHL, the MLS, Tour de France cyclists, bunch of CrossFit athletes are using this now.

So, it's called the PowerDot I have it in my bag upstairs by the kitchen table, and I'll just whip that thing out and use it whenever I want to trigger muscles when I'm just sitting around because why not. So, powerdot.com/ben. That sounds weird, powerdot.com, but that's what it is, powerdot.com/ben and use code BEN at checkout for 20% off. They're giving you a 30-day at-home trial and 20% off. So, powerdot.com/ben. Activate your life today. They made me say that. They said I had to say that, activate your life today with the world's first smart muscle stimulator, powerdot.com/ben.

This podcast is also brought to you by something you can use to eat giant loaves of bread without painting the back of the toilet seat in the next morning. That's right. You can have your gluten and eat it, too. I'm not kidding. I actually have a couple bottles of this stuff when I travel anywhere where I know I'm going to punish the bread bowl even if I have ultimate self-control. You know when that bread bowl comes. You're going to take a little bit of that and you're going to dip it in some of that lavender-infused butter and chop away as you wait for your entree to arrive because you're bored or because the bread's so good, or maybe you just like to occasionally have some, I don't know, pasta or spaghetti or whatever.

An enzyme called dipeptidyl peptidase will break down the gluten for you. It breaks down the exterior coating of gluten protein. And yeah, I'm not saying that there's not still glyphosate and stuff like that in wheat that could be damaging to you, but if you occasionally just want to splurge on a glutinous item and not get the same type of gut dysfunction that you might get in the absence of dipeptidyl peptidase, you got to try this stuff. It's called Gluten Guardian. Pop a couple, have a slice of bread, slice of pizza. It offers you some protection for that rare glutinous delicacy that you might indulge in. So, you go to glutenguardian.com/ben. They're giving all my listeners 10% off. The code is BEN10 at glutenguardian.com/ben.

Now, question, because I know people are going to ask this. It's going to save us some work in the comments section of this show. When you're taking the probiotics, but you're also taking these things that kill bacteria in the small intestine, aren't the probiotics also being killed?

Matt:  Right. So, you're trying to separate them a little bit, and so I'm taking probiotics generally at night.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  And then I'm just spritzing them through at slightly different times than when you take everything else. Another thing that you can do is you can take probiotics, and then you can mix them up with saline, and then you can put them in the enema.

Ben:  Interesting.

Matt:  So, then you're getting them straight into the colon.

Ben:  Yeah, and that's actually what I was going to ask you about glutathione as well because that fellow we've been talking to, Dr. John Lieurance down in Sarasota, who knocked us both flat on our asses the other day —

Matt:  Oh, my god. Just call him “The Sandman.”

Ben:  He's The Sandman. So, you guys, I've already talked about John. He's actually going to fly up here next–I think in two months and we're going to record a podcast. But amongst other things with this doc in Florida is doing is he's making suppositories. He's got like glutathione suppositories, probiotic suppositories. But for sleep, he has this travel hacking kit, and it's essentially intranasal glutathione spray, and then a high, high dose like 100-milligram melatonin suppository and a 300 milligram CBD suppository. And last time I was in San Jose, I gave one of each to Matt and he used them, and it was really funny because we were going to get up and go to the gym the next morning, like 7:00 a.m. I'm texting Matt at like 8:30 with no reply. I didn't want to go upstairs and wake him up because I was just crashing on the floor of his living room. And he woke up I think at like 8:30, 9:00, and we finally headed to the gym. And I think you were literally like falling asleep in the locker room at the gym still.

Matt:  Oh, yeah. I woke up that day at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  But I mean, I sleep like a baby with no melatonin. So, it's like two milligrams melatonin is amazing for me. And you know what's interesting? This is an interesting thing in life. As you handed it to me, I looked and I saw that it said The Sandman, and then I thought, “I wonder what that means.” And then I thought, “Oh, it's from Ben. I'm sure I was going to be fine.”

Ben:  Of course.

Matt:  But that should have tempted me to ask another question.

Ben:  And by the way, I wouldn't necessarily endorse using something like that every night, but I'm actually looking–because I just discovered this [00:48:40] _____. I'm going to India in a couple weeks, so I'm going to take this on long-haul travel to kind of reset my circadian rhythm when I get to where I'm going. So, anyways, yeah, it's called The Travel Hacking–I'll find the link and put it in the shownotes for you guys. I think it's called The Travel Hacking Kit. So, anyways, you've got–you're talking about how you wanted to do liposomal glutathione or–and then the probiotics.

Matt:  The probiotics, yeah.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  So, now basically, we're breaking down biofilms. We're doing herbal approaches to killing, and then I'm hooking up with glutathione, and then we're restoring your microbiome through a diversity of different things.

Ben:  Mm-hmm, okay. Alright. So, we've got that whole stack and that would be considered the parasite reset component.

Matt:  Exactly, except for the fact that you're going to do albendazole, and you're going to do a course of three antiparasitics, and it's only going to be a total of 12 days of treatment.

Ben:  And these would be the pharmaceuticals?

Matt:  These are the pharmaceuticals. And so, what that's going to do is that's going to, by a drug mechanism, start to kill those. And what I found is people do way better because that biofilm exists. And what will happen a lot of the times is I'll see people, and when they come in and see me, they said, “Oh, I saw somebody I got treated and then it came back, and then I got treated and came back.” And then I'll sit and try to figure out when this happened, and I'll typically hear, like in your case, it's been like two years. I talk to people all the time and it's like, “No. Yeah, I've had this problem for 8 years, 10 years, 15 years.” And so, it's super important to do with this comprehensive approach where you're restoring the microbiome, you're breaking down that biofilm, and you're really comprehensively doing something. And I started saying this to everybody. I said, “We're going to spend six months to a year and you're going to go on a healthier diet, and it's going to be fun, and it's going to be amazing, and it's going to be awesome.”

Ben:  Not necessarily a healthier–because my dad was already healthy, but more like a diet that eliminates some of the fermentable compounds that while healthy, such as the wonderful kimchi and sauerkraut we have in there in the refrigerator or such as things like apples or onions or garlic, like we're not vilifying those as being unhealthy, but saying that in the case where you have these type of issues going on, those are giving the bacteria highly fermentable compounds that they can use to multiply and grow.

Matt:  Right. And then if they grow, then they're starting to release toxins, they can have all kinds of side effects. Lipopolysaccharide, it creates brain fog. And so, we see people with crazy things. And so, I approach it as this isn't the rest of your life. Next year, you're going to be able to go out and have a great time. And then even in the short-term, let's say in the short-term, we decide to go back to the Middle East because I would super like to go there, then when we are eating that stuff, then we're going to be prepared to be because if we're chum in the water with that garlic, then what we're going to do is we're going to layer in a bunch of anti-microbials to kill what we brought out.

Ben:  We can also just do lamb, roast chicken, and tzatziki, and still have a pretty good time.

Matt:  I'll be fine with that.

Ben:  Yeah. Okay. So, that's the parasite reset component, but then there are a couple of other things that you throw in there for, what I believe you call your GI reset, and then like this cellular detox type of protocol.

Matt:  Right. So, what happens is so many people are–they're toxic not just at the level of the gut, but they're toxic at the level of the cells. And so, we're trying to help people basically detox at a cellular level. And so, I have a protocol that uses the same glutathione, but then we're using a zeolite and it's a really small form of zeolite that helps shuttle toxins including mycotoxins, but then also including metals. And metals can be a big situation for a lot of people. And so, then now you start to shuttle and move toxins and metals out of the cell, and then it moves down a concentration gradient, and then it moves to the liver, and then it gets pushed into the gut. And then once it gets pushed into the gut, then we give a binder, and that binder, and we use four different binders in our binder, binds onto all of those biological toxins. And one of the other things that it does is it binds onto those mold toxins.

So, now, this is a real important part of this parasite thing, and this I think is going to really make sense to you because the mold that is living in you was making these mycotoxins. Some of the mycotoxins are just staying in the intestine, and then some of the mycotoxins are getting into your bloodstream, and we found them in your urine. Okay? Now, the situation with that is is if I give you a binder, that binds onto that and mops all of that up. And if I do that, then it's just going to get pooped out in that poop that's the size of your biceps. Once I take that away, then your immune system isn't facing those mycotoxins all the time. And so, then your immune system is going to stop making antibodies to mycotoxins.

Ben:  Gotcha.

Matt:  Now, so a binder is real important. Now, there's a bunch of different binders. So, some that just use bamboo. That I like and it tends to be clean, but it's not very powerful. Some people like cholestyramine. That's a resin. The problem with cholestyramine is this cause a lot of constipation. And so, I've got this clean binder, clean cell detox. So, we're starting to shuttle things out and then grab all those mycotoxins and pull them out. While in parallel, we're breaking down biofilms, killing everything in there, and then resetting and repopulating your microbiome.

Ben:  Amazing. I've got a thing for pandas, by the way. So, it would have preferred the bamboo approach, but I get your logic.

Matt:  Okay. I like pandas.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  “Kung Fu Panda.” Is “Kung Fu Panda” the greatest animation movie of all time?

Ben:  It's pretty good, but not as good as the old-school panda joke where the panda walks into the bar and he saunters up to the bartender and he says, “Have a shot of tequila, bartender.” And so, the bartender, getting hands over, slides across the counter the tequila and the panda throws back the tequila and then he whips out a revolver and he starts blasting around the room. People are ducking right and left and he's shooting up the bar and shooting the bottles and shit's breaking all over the place. And then he stands up, saunters back out of the bar, and the bartender comes up from behind the counter, and he looks down at the guy who's down the other end of the bar who's sitting there watching the whole thing and he says, “What the hell just happened?” And the guy down at the other end of the bar, he says, “You ever look up a panda in the Encyclopedia?” The bartender says, “No.” And the guy says, “Panda eats, shoots, and leaves.”

Anyhow, so you got the cell detox, yeah.

Matt:  That's amazing.

Ben:  It's a good joke. So, you got the cell detox.

Matt:  I love that, I love that. So, then the next thing is energy reset.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  Now —

Ben:  Energy reset. So, so far, we've got parasite reset, we have cellular detox, we have GI reset, and now we get to energy reset.

Matt:  And this may be like the biggest thing that people come to me for because so many people come with low energy fatigue, and they're coming because they're interested in NAD, and they're interested in trying to figure out ways to improve their energy. And a lot of people have heard about NAD. And so, what we have is a product called NAD Fuel. And what NAD Fuel does is it has something that drives the salvage cycle that allows you to reuse NAD in your body, and that's combined with trimethylglycine. And trimethylglycine, it has to do with methylation. So, if you want to dig into this, we can a little bit, but what–

Ben:  I've actually discussed this on other podcast episodes before, and essentially in short, when you're using NAD or supplementing with NAD or getting an NAD IV or injection or anything like that, you're upregulating these methylation pathways pretty dramatically. And so, consuming a methyl donor like trimethylglycine or betaine or S-adenosylmethionine or something like that when you're using NAD will amplify the benefits of the NAD.

Matt:  Exactly, exactly. Now —

Ben:  So, you get paid attention in class.

Matt:  That's really, really good. Now, do you want to digress on that for a second? Because —

Ben:  Go for it.

Matt: –it's amazing. There's a guy named Mansoor Mohammed, who I'm working with.

Ben:  Yeah. He's been on the podcast before. He does DNA evaluation. I just finally convinced my dad to test his because my dad was adopted. I've always wondered on my dad's side, like, what's going on genetically? I want to see. I want to know. I finally connected my dad with Mansoor and they're doing a–I think they did a genetic test last week.

Matt:  Okay. Perfect.

Ben:  Yeah. What's it called, The DNA Company? It's his company?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Yeah. Okay. I'll link to my podcast with him too for those of you who want to listen.

Matt:  So, this one's nuanced and interesting because when you drive NAD, then what happens is it turns self-signaling on, and then it does like 50 different things. And in the process of doing all those things, you need to use a lot of methyl groups. And so, it uses up a lot of our methyl groups. And so, TMG, trimethylglycine, has the least side effects that is the easiest one to onboard people with. Now, what Mansoor discovered is is that, and this goes into one of the things that I'm really thinking about within trauma and PTSD in the brain, which we'll get into later, is is that he can look at how dopamine works in your brain, and then he can look and see how you metabolize dopamine. Does it hang out for a long time or a short time? Do you have a lot of dopamine receptors or a small amount of dopamine receptors?

And then he can look at how methyl donors can affect dopamine and it'll totally affect you differently depending on how long dopamine hangs out. For example, when you give SAMe. So, some people can tolerate SAMe super well, like I feel amazing. And so, that's an amazing methyl donor for me. Whereas some people get real anxious and fidgety because of their genetics. And so, then the whole genetic interplay is an interesting thing, but what we discovered is we said we're going to put NMN, which is I think the best NAD driver, which is why we call it NAD Fuel, and we combined that with TMG. And then we combined that with cell reset, and what that is is that has resveratrol and it has a whole bunch of sirtuin activators and a whole bunch of mitochondrial activators, and that is basically the fuel to drive mitochondrial biogenesis i.e. making more mitochondria, and then also helping your mitochondria stay healthy. And then while we do that, the higher levels of NAD are going to have an effect on the nucleus, they're going to have an effect on sirtuins, they're going to have an effect on DNA repair, and they're going to have an effect on all of your detox pathways.

The other thing that NAD does, and I wanted to talk to you about this, NAD–everybody hears about NAD, but let me tell you this. This is amazing. NAD is in a cycle and it's constantly being converted into NADH. So, the oxidized form is NAD, and the reduced form is NADH. So, then in our free pool, we want about a 700 to 1 ratio because if we have a —

Ben:  Of NAD to NADH?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  And so, if we have a high amount of NAD, we can drive oxidation. And then what that does is that keeps us to have a high charge on our membrane, which allows us to get a lot of stuff done, and that's either on the membrane in the cell or in the membrane in the mitochondria where our electron transport chain exists. So, that's part one. Part two is we have NADPH. We'd like to have that in the reduced form because it drives antioxidants. And so, then you begin to see that in our body, we're constantly driving oxidation to keep our batteries super strong and to drive signaling, but then we're also driving antioxidant pathways. It's kind of like a yin and yang thing, and we're driving them in parallel together.

And then as that happens, then the NAD drives our ability to oxidize sugar and turn that into energy in the electron transport chain. And so, in our cell reset, we also put in CoQ10 because that's the final electron acceptor and it allows you to do that. Now, then what I do is I have all kinds of people who come to see me and I put them on IV NAD. And IV NAD, if you haven't had, is probably one of the most transformative things in terms of resetting cognition and life in general. But what I found is is when I start to put people on these protocols before, I start to reset their pathways. And then when people come in to see me, I give them this stack and it helps their body utilize NAD better. And so, then they have a more functional experience when they go through the process.

Ben:  Okay. Got it. So, that's the cell reset component is you combine the NAD Fuel with the cell with–what's it called?

Matt:  Cell reset.

Ben:  Cell reset. Okay. And then you also have two other things that you throw into this mix. So, now I've got energy reset, GI reset, cell detox and parasite reset. And then you also have?

Matt:  Mineral reset.

Ben:  Mineral and sleep as the last two.

Matt:  Yeah. The mineral reset is easy. And I use the Quinton sea minerals.

Ben:  Right. I've talked a lot about those before this.

Matt:  They're amazing.

Ben:  Oh my gosh.

Matt:  And so, we just do the hypertonic, which —

Ben:  Although I pronounce it Quinton, but it's Q-U-I-N-T-O-N, for those of you looking for it.

Matt:  How do you say it?

Ben:  Quinton.

Matt:  How did I say it?

Ben:  Quinton, I think.

Matt:  Quinton.

Ben:  Quinton.

Matt:  Yeah. You know what, we're from Montana and Idaho, so probably everybody else is more right than us. But you're probably more right than me.

Ben:  Yeah. Well, I've progressed from my Rocky Mountain accent to more of a French Flair, so I'm going to go with Quinton.

Matt:  Nice. Okay. I'm going to take that.

Ben:  Sophisticated.

Matt:  I'm going to take that. The French I love–I went to France and I love being in France, but I kept accidentally speaking in Spanish and I got in more trouble with that.

Ben:  It's the Latin root. It's close.

Matt:  And the reason I'm doing the minerals is people seem to be real depleted in minerals. And then if you end up getting in a situation like what we're talking about with you, I'm going to have you taking some binders because I want you to bind onto those toxins, but the binders can bind onto minerals as well. And so, if I replace those with minerals, that's real helpful.

Ben:  Okay. Gotcha. So, people aren't getting mineral-depleted when they're on —

Matt:  While they're going through this protocol, yeah.

Ben:  Yeah. That makes sense. Okay.

Matt:  And so, then that's a super easy one. And then if you said what's the most common complaint that people have when they come in, other than brain fog and low energy, I would say that it's sleep. We got two products. One that helps you go to sleep that has a little melatonin and CBD and GABA, and then one that helps you stay asleep. And the idea is that you keep that by your bed. And so, if you wake up in the middle of the night, you don't want to take an extra melatonin and CBD because you may be a little bit hungover in the morning.

Ben:  Right.

Matt:  And so, then what you do is you just have —

Ben:  Which you experienced.

Matt:  Which I have experienced. So, then you just take a little bit of the GABA, and that will help you stay asleep. If you took CBD and you were a little bit too sleepy in the morning, then one thing that can relieve that right away is lemon. I'll squeeze half a lemon.

Ben:  Yeah, so limonene. You can also use lemon essential oil if you want more concentrated sources of limonene.

Matt:  Oh, nice.

Ben:  Yeah, yeah.

Matt:  Yeah. I'll [01:06:40] _____.

Ben:  So, that's the sleep reset. You're essentially using CBD with like a GABA, like inhibitory neurotransmitter. And the inhibitory neurotransmitter or something you could also take if you wake up during the night.

Matt:  Right.

Ben:  Okay. That is a pretty comprehensive protocol. There are probably some docs listening in who were also taking notes, but I know there are also all these self-quantifying biohackers out there listening in who are going to be trying to, whatever, order this stuff off Amazon, find it–kind of piece together their own protocol. I would imagine–is some of this stuff things that you would only get through your physician or through–obviously, the pharmaceuticals, unless folks are using some kind of an online overseas pharmacy, which is quite dangerous, but I know people do stuff like that. Like, how important is it to have this stuff overseen and how much emphasis do you place on retesting as you go? And finally, sorry for all the questions, but how many docs know this, like, how many docs are going to do stuff like this?

Matt:  So, I think the most important thing is to start low and go slow. So, we started casually, just you called me at like 11 o'clock at night. And so, then we're just chatting. And so, then I started with some simple GI stuff, and then we're building in the protocol. And the key thing is is not to try to do all of it right away at the same time because if you do that, and sometimes you get a big detox reaction, it's too much and it's kind of overwhelming.

My goal of putting this together and putting out a framework of understanding the prebiotic components, the biofilm busting components, the killing components, and being able to wrap all of that out into a structure that you can think about is going to allow people to start to biohack themselves a little bit. And so, all of these supplements are going to be things that you're going to be able to get yourself. And one thing you could do is you could do all of this and you'd be fine as 1.0. If that doesn't work, then you can start to go onto the–like, taking anti-microbials and stuff like that.

Ben:  Right.

Matt:  But I think it's important to have, if you don't have any experience with this, to have somebody coach you because often, somebody could be thinking they're doing amazing and they're doing all of this stuff, but they're eating onions all day just because somebody told them to eat onions, they didn't know that one thing. And so, having a comprehensive protocol around it. And interestingly, the synergy of this stuff is, for example, if you get your energy working and your NAD levels up, that really drives the ability of your immune system to start to work better. And so, as you put the different pieces of this together, everything helps everything else. If you're sleeping better, your immune system starts to work better. And you've been doing almost all of this, but once we get it dialed in, we're going to heal your gut, and then now we've taken away your number one Achilles heel. And so, then my confidence that you're going to do amazing is super high.

Ben:  Amazing, amazing. Alright, you guys, so I'm going to take a brief pause here and summarize for you that in addition to everything that we've just gone through, what I'd like to do, if you're game, Matt, is–or would you be willing to take like a PDF of this or something like that? Could we put it in the shownotes so people can see this?

Matt:  Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ben:  Like the same PDF you sent to me. We could do something like post that?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Okay. So, we'll put a PDF of this for those of you who want to review, or maybe even show it to your doctor, if you go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/gireset.

Matt:  The other thing if you're a doc, and we teach people how to do this, is it works a million times better for me if I have a PDF like this, so it's super organized, and I give it to people, and then they know exactly what they're supposed to do. And the knowledge is power and the better you communicate this, the better the outcome is going to be.

Ben:  Okay. Got it. So, I want to ask you about some other things while I have you as a captive audience at my kitchen table because there are some other cool things that you're doing. Probably the three that I think would be the highest priority for us to outline for people on the podcast is, A, you had an amazing story you shared with me about how you've helped men who have erectile dysfunction and sexual performance issues and kind of like how you're approaching that now. So, I'd love to hear about that. I'd love to hear about any updates on what you're doing with PTSD and trauma. We've talked about ketamine and things like that in previous episodes, but I want to hear a little update on that. And then finally, I want to fill folks on ozone dialysis.

Matt:  Oh, cool.

Ben:  Are you game to go into those three?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Okay. So, walk me through the sexual performance piece and what you're doing now for that.

Matt:  So, the 1.0 is–you heard about GAINSWave and you heard about the P-Shot. I like to break down, if you think about sexual performance, I break it down into five categories. So, category one is people have no problem. They're working great. Category two is there's a small problem, but if you do something, all of a sudden, it's working. So, it's a small problem, but if you take Viagra, the erection is perfect. Category three is that if your hard-on is not good, and if you take Viagra, it's a little bit better but it's still not fully hard. Category four is that no matter what you take in terms of phosphodiesterase type of drugs, nothing happens. Okay? Now, then within category four, what urologists will do is they'll start to give people things that they can inject into their penis. And so, the first one that they inject is —

Ben:  You do realize I'm known as the penis guy now on the internets because I've done these injections, and I have yet to live down the idea of me gallivanting around the globe injecting stem cells into my dick.

Matt:  Uh-huh.

Ben:  Yeah. So, you're going to make —

Matt:  There's not [01:13:01] _____.

Ben:  [01:13:02] _____ a lot better by being a certified physician on the podcast episode now actually saying that this stuff is okay.

Matt:  Yeah, it is okay.

Ben:  Alright.

Matt:  So, then category four, what happens is a lot of times, the urologist will give something called BiMix. That's an injectable that will help guys get a hard-on. People will do that, and then that will stop to work, and then they'll be in category five, and then they'll be doing something called Trimix, which is even more powerful, but it creates a lot of scarring and hardness in the penis.

Ben:  Okay.

Matt:  And then I guess you could say category six is they took BiMix, Trimix, Viagra, and nothing worked and they don't have any hard-on and they're at the end of the road.

Ben:  Mm-hmm.

Matt:  And so–

Ben:  I realize guys were going through all of that.

Matt:  All of that.

Ben:  So, they're doing everything from injections to Viagra to different pharmaceuticals on and on and you are still seeing people who have erectile dysfunction and sexual performance issues even after all that?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Wow.

Matt:  So, a dear friend of mine who's a doctor, who's engaged to a lovely woman who's 30 years younger than him, comes in and he's in category six. And so, did all of this stuff and was doing the BiMix. BiMix and Viagra had worked for a while, and then eventually, that stops working. And so, then he finally Trimix, and then that stops working. So, he came in and he said, “I just came in to say hi because I just wanted to have a conversation with you, but I just wanted to see who I should go get my penile implant from because I'm –“

Ben:  Penile implant.

Matt:  Implant. That's the end of the road.

Ben:  It's like the end of the road, yeah.

Matt:  And basically, what they do is they tunnel a pump in and it's plastic, and then they put something that's inflatable in the penis, and then you pump it up and it gets hard, or they can put a silicone one in. But interestingly, I've never seen a–it's very common whenever you put implants into the body for them to be contaminated. And Andrew Campbell will talk a lot about this with breast implant on this where if people have mycotoxins and a lot of chronic infections, a lot of times, those mycotoxins will start to affect implants. So, this guy didn't really want to get an implant, but he was at the end of the road.

And so, then it's kind of amazing. So, I started to do shockwave therapy and then I started to do the P-Shot. And interestingly, one thing that I figured out is–and if people want to come and learn how to do this, I'll show them. I started using ultrasound when I do my P-Shot. And then I can look into —

Ben:  [01:16:00] _____ plasma shot into the penis using ultrasound guided imaging.

Matt:  Yeah, because there's a little tiny artery in the penis, and what I do is I look and when I put my needle in, I avoid sticking my needle into that artery.

Ben:  Good.

Matt:  That's good thinking?

Ben:  Good, good thinking.

Matt:  And what happened right off the bat is when I first started treating him–and I've got a whole bunch of people, a ton of people in this category of guys in their 70s and 80s. When I first saw his penis looked like it was 100 years old, it was gray and super hard because there wasn't much blood flow and it was all scarred up from all the Trimix.

Ben:  He had Yoda dick.

Matt:  Yoda dick.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  That's trademark.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  But you know what we need to do? We are in the process of turning that from Yoda dick into?

Ben:  Skywalker dick?

Matt:  Baby Yoda dick.

Ben:  Oh, Baby Yoda dick.

Matt:  I think Baby Yoda may be like the greatest character of the last 12 months. But anyways, so then it started to look better, but it still wasn't working, which is kind of interesting. And so, then what I started doing is I started doing something super amazing called hydrodissection where I would use my ultrasound and I would look at the penile nerves that are on the top of the penis, and then I would go in with my needle, and I surrounded those nerves with peptides. And so, I surrounded the nerves on the top of the penis with BPC-157 and thymosin beta-4. Now, those peptides are the same peptides that you've used obviously for systemic treatment, but I found out they work —

Ben:  For joints, for inflammation, et cetera.

Matt:  They work great. And I use them in hydrodissection and other areas in protocols with [01:17:56] _____ ­­­­ and exosomes and stem cells. But I started Hydra dissecting the penile nerves. And then when I did that, all of a sudden, he started getting hard once again. So, he started getting spontaneous hard-ons. And I've done this with other people and that's been working. Then what I said is in addition to doing some exosome P-Shots, I said, “Let's start doing some peptides that have a sexual effect.” And one of them is PT-141. And so, this is the injectable peptide that you can give yourself that will help with erectile function. Interestingly, it really helps women for sexual performance as well.

And so, I have a lot of couples who come who both want to do something. And so, then what I'll do is I'll do similar therapies for both of them, and then I'll give them both the peptides. It's not perfect, but each time I treat him, it's lasting longer and longer and longer, and he's having–like the other day, I said like, “How's it going?” He's, “Oh, it's not perfect.” And I was like, “Well, how long is your hard-on?” He's like, “It's a sprint.” I go, “How long is the sprint?” He goes, “Half hour.” So, I'm taking that as a win.

Ben:  That's not bad.

Matt:  And I think that I'm getting another 10% better at this every couple of weeks because we're starting to stack these protocols. But what it begins to show you is is that through targeted use of regenerative medicine and synergistically thinking about peptides, exosomes, and different things. And then just like whether we're talking about a joint or a penis, you want to address the nerves. Addressing the nerves is just as important as addressing everything else. So, I'm excited about–

Ben:  Yeah. The nerve hydrodissection, it's absolutely amazing. I mean, I've been down there in the clinic with you and seen people with like severe elbow pain and hand pain and issues completely related to simply moving a nerve around a little bit and then doing, like you do with the placental matrix and the exosomes, literally walk out of there completely pain-free. It's nice.

Matt:  That's amazing.

Ben:  Yeah. I can't believe how much of that protocol in of itself flies under the radar. But then there's another one that you do that I had done the last time I was at your clinic that absolutely blew my socks off, and that was ozone dialysis. Can you tell people what that is?

Matt:  Right. So, ozone dialysis is a form of ozone. And so, there's a variety of ways to do ozone. The traditional way that most people may have heard about is something called major autohemotherapy where about 200 ccs of blood is taken out of the body and some ozone is mixed with it, and then the ozone mixes with the blood, and then it goes back in.

Ben:  Mm-hmm. That would be like a 10-pass ozone.

Matt:  That would be like a one-pass.

Ben:  It could be a one-pass, okay.

Matt:  If you do that 10 times, that's called the 10-pass. Now, then there's the next evolution of this is that you can take blood out and then you run it through a dialysis filter, which pulls out a lot of toxins, and so it's a huge detox.

Ben:  Same thing as you use for like a kidney dialysis, for example.

Matt:  Yeah. But then at the same time as you do that, you mix ozone in, and ozone then ozonates the blood and we have suction coming off. So, it pulls off and it's an incredible detox, but it creates a process where about half the blood in your body gets ozonated. And interestingly, ozone's antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasite, and antifungal. And then the other thing that ozone does is ozone forms lipid peroxides with fats in your blood. And then those lipid peroxides then dissolve into the cell, and then those lipid peroxides drive oxidation-reduction reactions.

Now, what else drives oxidation-reduction reactions? NAD. And so, the concept is is that ozone can convert NADH back into NAD. And so, it begins to optimize NAD levels while helping you fight infections. Now, I like the big, sexy, procedurally based stuff, and that's fundamentally where I came to medicine from. But what I found is I fundamentally think that that's not the solution. The solution is functional medicine because if I don't have all of that dialed in, then the big, sexy reboot is not going to last. And so, when you came and did it, you felt like a million bucks because what that did is —

Ben:  You were sleeping in the locker room on your melatonin suppository and I was out crushing the AirDyne.

Matt:  You're crushing it.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  Because what was happening is I had killed a whole bunch of the bacteria that were part of your biofilm and I'd reset your intestine. And so, then, as a result, you weren't dealing with that, and that's how you should be 100% of the time. And if I had that protocol, I would treat you a bunch of times and you would do great, but that protocol is not going to heal your GI stuff. And so, then if I step back and I have a full comprehensive functional medicine approach to healing the gut, then what's going to happen is you're going to do five times more amazing with ozone dialysis.

Ben:  Yeah, like the icing on the cake. Are there many doctors right now doing ozone dialysis that you were?

Matt:  No, there's not that many of us, but I'm the worldwide trainer for it. So, I'm going to be training a lot of people.

Ben:  So, if a doc's listening in, they want to learn more about it, they could go to your website and contact you —

Matt:  And we're going to teach them.

Ben: –on how to do it. Or if somebody wants their doctor to learn how to do it, they could connect their doctor to you?

Matt:  Yeah, yeah. Surprisingly, that happens to me now all the time, a lot of people come with their doctor.

Ben:  Mm-hmm. So, they literally fly out to your clinic in San Jose and they bring their doctor with them?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Wow.

Matt:  That was amazing. And what happens is they always didn't know 10 things that I don't know. And so, they're like, “Do you know this?” And I'll be like, “No.” And so, then —

Ben:  So, you're learning at the same time?

Matt:  I learn as much. I feel like I almost learned as much as–anytime somebody comes, I learn the same amount that they do.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  Which is why we're getting a little bit better every week.

Ben:  Right. That's the way I feel about my life, by the way, is–like the conversation that we're having, I have two of these every week for the past 12 years, and I just get to sit here and learn from amazing people. I just feel incredibly blessed because half–sure, I read a lot of books and I've done a lot of university coursework, but a big part of what I learned is just sitting here and chatting with the cats like you on this show. It's crazy. Yeah.

Matt:  That'd be a good name for a podcast, Cats Like You.

Ben:  Cats Like You, or a song.

Matt:  Or a song, but–

Ben:  We'll tackle that later.

Matt:  So, then now I can do that either through a dialysis filter or through a plasmapheresis filter. Plasmapheresis creates more separation of the plasma component of the blood, and that's where all the antibodies are. But I also get a lot of–it seems to really reset antibody levels. And remember, you were super mold toxic with a whole bunch of mold antibodies. So, now, as I start to run your blood through a filter and I start to pull out those antibodies, now that is an immune reset.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  So, then I've got that going on. Now, that's 1.0. So, I've got those two ways to sort of reset your plasma. The other way that I have to reset your plasma is that I can do traditional plasma exchange where we take–and we actually pull a large amount of plasma off, which has all the antibodies, and when we replace that with albumin. And so, there are protocols where I start to do a series of either ozone dialysis, I was on plasmapheresis, or traditional plasma exchange. And we're doing all of these and studying that, and what I'm finding is ozone dialysis is so incredibly anti-infectious and it's just a safe, super easy, almost nobody detox is.

So, for example, I had a whole bunch of people who had Lyme, who were not working and came in and they started to do the 10-pass or an 8-pass plus all my other IVs of NAD that I give them. And I had a whole bunch of people who were coming once a week. And if they came once a week and got my IV, they could work. But if they didn't come once a week, they were at home in bed. Then I started doing ozone dialysis for all those people and they all laugh and rip me when they come in and they go, “Guess what, I only come here like every other month now,” or “I only come every six weeks,” because ozone dialysis last about five or six times longer than a regular ozone. And that's because I'm detoxing and pulling a bunch of things out at the same time that I'm doing ozone. And the ozone seems to be in contact so I get a better amount of ozone mixing and I'm able to do it at lower ozone levels than with the 10-pass.

So, we love the 10-pass. And when we start people, we'll start with high-dose ozone therapy, but we'll start with a one-pass, go to a two-pass, go to a three-pass, and very gently work up just like our approach to GI reset. And then once that whole thing is working, then we'll do ozone dialysis, and then we'll move on to plasma exchange.

Ben:  With plasma exchange, pretty much being the closest you could get to replicating something kind of like parabiosis or like a young blood transfer, like you're achieving something a little bit similar with that, yeah.

Matt:  Well, not really, but plasma exchange is just pulling off all of the toxicity that's in the plasma and then replacing that with albumin. Now, the interesting thing about that is is that albumin is a scavenge, and so then if I'm replacing with albumin, that's going to bind down to a bunch of toxins. And then if I do another one, I'm going to pull that out.

Ben:  Right.

Matt:  So, then the parabiosis thing is the concept of taking either young i.e. like 18-year-old plasma or —

Ben:  From an actual donor, yeah.

Matt:  From an actual donor, or umbilical cord plasma. And so, that's the parabiosis thing. I've done that to myself and it's sort of insanely amazing. But we're not doing that right now, but we're setting up overseas to be able to do that component of it. What I can tell you is —

Ben:  In France?

Matt:  In France.

Ben:  Perfect.

Matt:  In France, like the French government. It's like who are you.

Ben:  It's okay. Speak Spanish. It's all good.

Matt:  I'll speak Spanish and they won't know what I'm saying.

Ben:  Yeah.

Matt:  But the super interesting thing about this is is that if I detox you really, really well, that's the best time to put a good input in. And so, if I do ozone dialysis, if I do ozone plasmapheresis, or if I do plasma exchange or plasmapheresis, then right when we're done with that, I've really taken all the toxicity out, rest your antibodies. And so, that's an amazing time to do something that has a systemic regenerative effect on the body, whether that'd be a peptide, whether that'd be exosome, whether that'd be young blood, young plasma, or umbilical plasma. But even then, still, I'd rather get the whole functional medicine and get your cells working, get your cells detoxing. And then now you begin to see there's a comprehensive approach to approaching all of your biochemistry.

Ben:  Got it. By the way, I get the equivalent of a young blood transfer almost every day because I hang out with two 11-year-old boys.

Matt:  Yes.

Ben:  That keeps you young, too.

Matt:  That's great.

Ben:  Something to be said for hanging out with children for keeping you young. Okay. I've got two more pretty important topics. A, what you're doing with PTSD and trauma. I know we've been going for a while now, but I just want to hear if there's any updates because we've talked already in the past, and I'll link to these other episodes about how you reset the vagus nerve and how you use things like ketamine. But is there anything new that you're doing for PTSD, for trauma?

Matt:  Yeah. So, we'll use ketamine. We'll do the vagus nerve hydrodissection or the stellate ganglion block. And I'm basically turning the fight-or-flight nervous system off and then resetting it or using ketamine. But I'm sitting and talking to people and having a conversation like this. And what I started doing was talking people through my feeling of how the fight-or-flight or the rest and relax nervous system relate to the limbic system. And so, what I like to say is if you're in fight-or-flight, then the dominant emotions that you use in that situation are either fear or anger, which are amazing because if the house is on fire, then those are some good emotions that we can use to help get everybody out of the house.

Ben:  Right.

Matt:  If we're not in fight-or-flight and we're in rest and relax, then what we have is the entire limbic system. And so, we have the entire nuance of all of our emotions to be able to modulate and handle things. And so, then what I'll do is I'll talk people through what it's like to be in that state and I'll channel how I feel when I'm in rest and relax. And typically, how I feel is like just super resilient and safe, and calm, and comfortable. And so, then I'll talk through and I'll say like, I was laid–because, whatever, we're running late today. And so, if you were upset about that, I'm totally fine. Like, I'm sorry if something was wrong.

No matter how uncomfortable it would be, if I'm in a rest and relax, I can totally receive that feedback. And so, then I'll explain that to them, and then I'll just hang out and start to talk people through their trauma in the rest and relax state. And I've just found, and then in parallel to that, then what I'll do is I'll give them NAD. NAD is starting to turn their brain on. And so, we're talking and having this conversation. And I've done the cell reset stuff, and so we're giving–their methyl systems are working, their NAD systems are working. And so, all of a sudden, as that happens, people will start to turn on their limbic system. And so, I'll just sit and talk, and I'll be like–and what I noticed is as I do this, then they go into that state. And then while I'm doing it, I'm telling them stories and I'm playing music. And so, we're like singing songs that's ridiculous.

Ben:  Yeah. That's what I love about your clinic is you show up and there's like country music and they're singing. What I like about this too is it's kind of like talk therapy combined with tweaking the biochemistry using things like NAD or ketamine or things like this. You're essentially making someone almost be completely parasympathetically activated at the same time increasing energy levels and focus so people can talk through a lot of these issues while they're at your clinic.

Matt:  Right. And I like to talk about whatever happens in the last week. And so, I had my favorite couple that I've met in a while come in. They walked in and they're better dressed than me. I was like, “This is a great sign.” And I had a sense there's no problem, everything's going to be perfect. And they were like, “You know, we just wanted to talk a little tiny bit about PTSD,” and we were fully in this amazing state. And so, then it got to be hurt her and she starts telling me about this unbelievable sexual abuse that started at age three.

Ben:  Wow.

Matt:  And it was so amazing because what I wanted to do was start crying when I heard the story, but then I just kept talking and I was explaining the rest and relax thing. And then what I do is I start talking about boundaries and having your own boundaries. And I do all this play-acting where I pretend like I have a little bubble around me and they have a bubble around them. And it's the best too because her husband's there, right? And what happens is, guess what they were here for, was the whole to do all these sexual injections and stuff like that for healing. And so, then what happens is by being in that rest and relax state–and then what I did is I gave them ketamine, but in an extremely low dose.

And so, it has the psycholytic effect, where next thing you know we're kind of talking and I start to say, “Oh, how does –” we start to practice what it feels like to be safe and have boundaries and stuff. And so, then at the end, she goes, “You know, I felt only a tiny bit. I'm not sure what happened.” And then the next day, she comes in and she goes, “I had a dream and I forgave everyone in my family.” And she goes, “I just hope that this could help someone else.” And I go, “You know what, I'm going on Ben Greenfield's podcast. I'm going to tell him about this because what I feel like is all of the stuff that we're talking about, you can get into this rest and relax state where you can receive and be in a calm state. You can be with your partner and be in that state together and support each other and support healthy boundaries. And then you can do all of this stuff so you can turn your NAD on, you can turn these pathways on.”

And then what I tell people is I tell people that–and I've been doing this too on the PTSD stuff, which works like amazing. As I say, I'm kind of like your Martin Scorsese. I'm producing this thing, but I'm not too attached to whatever happens. And I know it's going to be entertaining and I'm going to support you. And that's my boundary because I'm not going to be too worried if it doesn't work. As I say, if it doesn't work this time, it's going to work for sure next time. And then that mindset, what I'm seeing is everybody with PTSD is getting better now. And so, what happens is–and I just want people who were out there to feel a sense of hope. Did I tell you about the guy, my Uber driver?

Ben:  Hmm.

Matt:  This is the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my life. I went to a conference where I was teaching and I get in the Uber and the guy goes, “Who are you?” I go, “I'm just a doctor and I'm going to this meeting.” He goes, “What do you do?” And I told him I do hydrodissection. He goes, “Are you Dr. Cook?” I go, “Yeah.” He goes, “I've been listening to your podcast because I have PTSD and I know that I'm going to get better.” And I go, “And so, then I've been saving money to come see you.” And so, then I gave him a super–

Ben:  But he heard you on my podcast?

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Oh, okay. I got you.

Matt:  And so, he was just saving money to come here.

Ben:  Yeah. Wow.

Matt:  And so, then I said, “Come in,” and I gave him a super discount and gave him a stellate ganglion block and ketamine and everything. But I'm probably more passionate about that than anything in my life because I feel like it's going to heal the world. And people have the ability to heal themselves more than they realize.

Ben:  Wow. So, many cool things that you're doing.

Matt:  Amazing.

Ben:  It's amazing. You guys who are listening in, you now know why Dr. Cook is one of my favorite physicians. I just love the blend of the science and the wisdom. And one other thing that we would be remiss not to mention, because by the time this podcast comes out–

Matt:  Oh, my god.

Ben: –it's probably going to be ready to hit the streets.

Matt:  Oh my god, the most–you buried the lead. You absolutely buried the lead.

Ben:  I don't know what you mean.

Matt:  I think you're going to talk about the band.

Ben:  I'm going to talk about the band.

Matt:  The idea is if you bury the lead, we should have led with that, but we have it all the way at the end.

Ben:  Yeah. We have it all the way at the end. So, Matt and I have formed a band together. So, Matt loves to sing country music, I love to sing country music, we love old-school Willie Nelson, and Johnny Cash, and Waylon Jennings, and all these folks who Matt's singing in his clinic and I dink around with on my guitar. So, we actually recorded an album for you guys. We recorded a three-song set down in L.A. in this amazing recording studio. And I think the music's ready for you guys for free, for absolutely free. You can listen to Matt and I sing old-school favorites like “Cowboys Like Us” and “Ring of Fire” and–is it Rocky–well —

Matt:  Rocky Roots.

Ben:  Well, Rocky Roots is the name of our band. Matt's from Montana, I'm from Idaho. So, we both got roots in the Rocky Mountains, but we have a URL, don't we? I think we got one.

Matt:  Yeah.

Ben:  Do you remember what it is?

Matt:  No, but I really hope it's rockyroots.com.

Ben:  I think it's rockyroots.com. I'm not sure. So, anyways, here's the deal, you guys. I'm going to link to our album, assuming it's ready in time, and I think it is going to be out by the time this podcast is released. Any of you who want to download our songs and listen to Matt and I singing together and making sweet, sweet country music together down in L.A., you can go to the shownotes for this episode at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/gireset. And if you took nothing away from this, from SIBO to sex optimization, to ozone dialysis, to trauma recess, to anything else, you can at least entertain yourself with Matt and I singing and playing to you. Just go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/gireset and we're going to put our whole album up there for you guys. And you can share that with your friends, listen to it, and —

Matt:  And you'll have to know that like my dad, every time I talk to him, I told you this last night, he goes, “Matt –” he's real serious, he's, “Matt, that Ben Greenfield can sing.”

Ben:  Thanks, dad.

Matt:  It's awesome.

Ben:  Alright. Well, folks, wild ride once again with Dr. Cook. And I just really, really hope that this is going to be helpful for any of you who deal with gas, bloating, who are interested in some of these more cutting-edge regenerative medical concepts. If you enjoyed the discussion, I'll link to all my other episodes, four other episodes with Dr. Cook if you go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/gireset. Matt and I have a wonderful day plan. We'll probably go for a hike or a walk in the rain. We're going to go hit a little farm-to-table restaurant in downtown Spokane. We're going to mess around with his ultrasound-guided imaging equipment he brought up and maybe we'll shoot some videos for you on Instagram too if you go to instagram.com/bengreenfieldfitness. There's always some crazy stuff there for you as well.

Matt:  And then we're going to sing your kids to sleep.

Ben:  And we sing your kids to sleep every night, every night. So, Matt, thanks for doing this, man.

Matt:  Oh, thank you so much.

Ben:  Alright, folks, thanks for listening in and have an amazing, amazing week.

Well, thanks for listening to today's show. You can grab all the shownotes, the resources, pretty much everything that I mentioned over at BenGreenfieldFitness.com, along with plenty of other goodies from me, including the highly helpful “Ben Recommends” page, which is a list of pretty much everything that I've ever recommended for hormone, sleep, digestion, fat loss, performance, and plenty more. Please, also, know that all the links, all the promo codes, that I mentioned during this and every episode, helped to make this podcast happen and to generate income that enables me to keep bringing you this content every single week. When you listen in, be sure to use the links in the shownotes, use the promo codes that I generate, because that helps to float this thing and keep it coming to you each and every week.



Dr. Matthew Cook, of Bioreset Medical, is not only my partner in crime in the country music band “Rocky Roots,” but is also a deep, deep well of knowledge on all things regenerative medicine (and is now even doing telemedicine “Ketamine Resets” – use code BENDEAL for a $250 discount). Whether you need to fix Lyme, mold, or mycotoxin issues, completely repair a knee or back issue without surgery, learn how to treat SIBO naturally, or get the most advanced anti-aging and longevity treatments that currently exist, he's your man.

Dr. Cook founded BioReset Medical Corporation and, as acting president, operates a regenerative and pain medicine practice that offers leading-edge non-surgical solutions in orthopedic medicine, sports medicine, regenerative pain medicine, and stem cell medicine.

He is a board-certified anesthesiologist with over 20 years of experience in medical practice. Currently, Dr. Cook is president of California Anesthesia and medical director of the National Surgery Center, Los Gatos, CA.

Dr. Cook’s early career as an anesthesiologist and medical director of an outpatient surgery center that specializes in sports medicine and orthopedic procedures provided invaluable training in the skills that are needed to become a leader in the emerging fields of musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging, nerve hydrodissection, and stem cell medicine.

I previously interviewed Dr. Cook in the following episodes:

During this discussion, you'll discover:

-Ben and Dr. Matt Cook review the morning's activities before the recording session…4:45

-The epic morning smoothie Ben and Dr. Cook enjoyed before recording the podcast…6:54

-Dr. Cook's approach to treating a health icon's health issues…15:08

  • Ben confides he's had gut issues for the better part of two years
  • This is one of the most common issues men have according to Dr. Cook
  • Problems begin in the intestines, which is where the immune system is
  • Immune system dysfunction creates stress throughout the body and affecting other organ systems
  • EKO University Stool Test
  • Ben's stool test results:
    • Four parasites
    • Burrow into the wall of small intestine, create a biofilm around them
  • Great Plains mold urine test
  • Andrew Campbell MyMycoLab blood test
  • Ben had high levels of antibodies
  • Low bifidobacterium
  • Candida
  • High levels of GI inflammation
  • Cook believes the parasites are a result of traveling, competing, etc. then got exposed to a bit of mold along the way
  • This created stress for the immune system that was difficult to overcome

-How to treat SIBO naturally…24:47

  • Food goes into small intestine (tiny in diameter, but very long)
  • Small intestine is supposed to be sterile
  • Bacteria and yeast end up in the small intestine
  • These ferment and multiply when in contact with sugars
  • Creates gas and bloating
  • Gas distends the wall, creates leaky gut
  • Ben was able to do what he does with this condition because of his diet, lifestyle, biohacks, etc.
  • Go on a low FODMAP diet

-Dr. Cook's parasite reset protocol…35:03

-The GI reset and cellular detox protocols…52:12

  • Toxic at the cellular level, not just at the gut
  • Same glutathione, but using a zeolite (shuttles mycotoxins and metals out of the cell)
  • Pushed into the gut, then give a binder to bind to all the mold toxins
  • Immune system stops making antibodies to mycotoxins
  • Different binders:
    • Bamboo
    • Cholestyramine

-Energy reset protocol…56:33

-Mineral and sleep reset…1:03:52

-How to go about getting these protocols done…1:06:40

  • “Start low and go slow”
  • Most supplements you can get yourself
  • If supplements don't work, seek out a doctor knowledgeable with these protocols
  • NAD and sleep drive immune system's ability to work

-How Dr. Cook is helping men with ED and sexual dysfunction…1:10:56

  • Viagra, BiMix and Trimix are common treatments for ED and SD
  • Penile implants are a last resort; problems with infections and disease are common
  • Matt tried shock wave and P-shot therapy along with ultrasound
  • Hydra dissection in the penis; surround nerves with peptides (BPC-157 and Thymosin beta 4)
  • PT 141 peptide
  • Addressing the nerves is as important as everything else

-Ozone dialysis…1:20:20

  • Most common ozone treatment is to withdraw blood, add ozone, reinsert the blood into the body (1 pass ozone)
  • Take blood out, run through a dialysis filter; mix ozone in
  • Ozone forms lipid peroxides; drive oxidation-reduction reactions (as does NAD)
  • Ozone can convert NADH back into NAD
  • Cook is the worldwide trainer in ozone dialysis
  • Traditional plasma exchange: Pull plasma off, replace with albumin
  • Incredibly anti-infectious
  • Ozone dialysis lasts 5-6x longer than a weekly one pass treatment

-What Dr. Cook is doing about PTSD and trauma…1:30:54

  • Ketamine (via Dr. Matt Cook's Ketamine Resets– use code BENDEAL for a $250 discount)
  • Vagus nerve hydra dissection
  • Understand how the fight/flight vs. rest/relax responses are related to the limbic system

-How you can listen to the hottest new country band in the land for free…1:39:16

-And much more

Resources from this episode:

– Podcasts:

– Gear:

– Food and Supplements:

– Ozone treatment

– Bioreset Network

– Rocky Roots

Episode sponsors:

Kion Mixed Berry Aminos: Building blocks for muscle recovery, reduced cravings, better cognition, immunity, and more. Get 10% off your order of Kion Aminos, and everything at the Kion site when you use discount code BEN10.

Organifi Gold Chocolate: This superfood hot chocolate is loaded with herbs, medicinal mushrooms & healing ingredients to help the body fight disease during sleep. Receive a 20% discount on your entire order when you use discount code BENG20.

Powerdot: Relieve your pain, Recover faster from workouts, build muscle and endurance to help you accelerate past those training plateaus and feel great doing it.

Gluten Guardian: Are you ready for upgraded digestion? Take your body to the ultimate edge of human potential and become biologically optimized with Gluten Guardian. Save an additional 10% off your entire order when you use discount code BEN10.


Ask Ben a Podcast Question

5 thoughts on “[Transcript] – Kiss Gas & Bloating Goodbye With Dr. Matt Cook: The Complete Done-For-You Guide To Eliminating SIBO Once & For All (Along With Sex, Trauma, PTSD, Ozone Dialysis & More!).

  1. Carl Willers says:

    Hi Ben,

    Amazing podcast. I’m a bit confused on the PDF section though. Does ‘updates’ mean how long you take the specific supplement for? In the podcast Matt says that the protocol should be split up into separate parts that are incremental, but the PDF doesn’t give any mention to that.

  2. Nicole says:

    Anywhere to find pdf you talked about .

  3. April says:

    Hey Ben, (subject line- PDF PLEASE 😇)

    Dr. Matt Cook is one of my favorite guests on your podcast as well! Thank you for sharing all these resources and wisdom with us every single week . It is totally mind blowing that I can just ‘push play’ and gain SO much knowledge. You said on this last podcast GI Reset that you would have Dr. Cook contruct a pdf for his GI protocol. I do not see it? did I miss it? or did DR.Cook change his mind about offering the pdf resource to your listeners?

    I would like to start saving up so I can get some of these tests and then give this pdf to my practitioner to order any tests that need to be ordered from a doctor. I have been suffering with gut issues my e n t i r e life ( I’m 49 now) and I WANT To KICK THE INVADERS OUT FOR GOOD but have never trusted any tests would give me what I needed to do that; until I heard this Podcast…

    Please use this email if you can help in any way. Also, the EKO stool analysis that you used in the show notes is not an actual link. When I google,

    it doesn’t offer me a resource only the Dr.’s education and training info.


    Aprilbellino@ Gmail.com

    1. April says:

      Thank you for the info. that you sent.
      Can you please also provide where to access the EKO stool analysis that Dr.Cook used for you to see what protocols were necessary.
      Again thank you!!

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