January 20, 2022
From podcast: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/qa-439/
[00:00:00] Introduction
[00:01:37] Breakfast Talk
[00:06:24] Japanese Professor Creates Lickable TV Screen You Can Taste
[00:08:55] This new year try walking backwards: It pays
[00:13:47] ‘Fountain of youth' pill shows ability to dramatically increase longevity in mice
[00:16:39] Can you get more fit from the blood infusion of a fit person's plasma?
[00:19:12] Interesting data on hydrogen-enriched water for traumatic brain injury and for cognitive performance
[00:22:42] Human neo40 and human Nitric Oxide Indicator strips
[00:25:12] Hyperbaric Oxygen To The Rescue For Beauty And Skin Health.
[00:29:04] These results suggest that essential amino acids play a novel role in maintaining brain health and protecting against neurodegenerative disorders
[00:32:20] Which chemicals are in your fast food?
[00:33:57] Boundless Retreat
[00:36:40] Podcast Sponsors
[00:42:29] Should You Increase Your Protein Intake As You Age?
[00:46:51] How To Fast Without Feeling Nauseous
[00:51:41] Q: How To Target Lactobacillus Growth
[00:57:28] Featured Review
[00:59:55] Legal Disclaimer
Ben: In this episode of the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast, the benefits of walking backwards, the new fountain of youth pill, biohacking skin health, chemicals in your food, and much more.
Health, performance, nutrition, longevity, ancestral living, biohacking, and much more. My name is Ben Greenfield. Welcome to the show.
Jay, what's going on, man?
Jay: What's up, dude? Now, I'm just enjoying the cold weather that we have here in South Carolina, which is probably the warm spring weather that you have in Spokane.
Ben: Considering that I've had two cars so far in the ditch on my driveway and a giant sheet of ice that extends a quarter mile out from my house, and I've dumped probably about the equivalent of 4 tons of sand all over my property just in the past week alone to soak up all the slipperiness. I think, I probably got you beat, man.
Jay: You definitely do. It's like 40 degrees here, so it's, what, summertime for you?
Ben: Yeah, yeah, pretty much.
Jay: Basically.
Ben: Yeah, yeah. So, anyways though, so gosh usually, we kick off these podcasts with some type of witty banter and we've spent so much time digging through a bunch of tech issues. I don't know if I have any witty banter to present to you, Jay. So, this is always a fun one to kick things off, anything new or interesting for brekkie this morning?
Jay: Yeah.
Ben: What did you have for breakfast question could never get old, in my opinion. People just love it.
Jay: It's always a good one.
Ben: I like talking about breakfast.
Jay: Yeah, me too. But, I mean mine's so boring because my breakfast was my lunch which is as per the usual. And, you have to remember too, I'm three hours ahead of you, so I had lunch about an hour or so ago around 12:30. The way I broke my fast was with leftovers, which is what I normally break my fast with. So, last night we had some–
Ben: Is that like when you're sitting around your house with your friends and stuff and you say, “I'm going to go have breakfast,” do you actually say that? Do you say, “I'm going to go break my fast”? Is that just the way that you talk? Are you one of those people?
Jay: I hold my nose up as high as I can when I say it. Pinky out, especially–
Ben: “Excuse me. Excuse me, may I please go to the bathroom? Thank you.”
Jay: That's a one-to-one replication of exactly how I sound, Ben.
Ben: Well, that's nice. You broke your fast. Okay. Well, that wasn't sexy banter. I–
Jay: It wasn't. So, what did you do?
Ben: People always ask me what I put in my smoothie these days and it always varies, but I'll tell you what my smoothie recipe is these days. These days and it changes every week. And then, I get on this kick and I'll switch the recipes.
Jay: Today.
Ben: Right now, the smoothie recipe is, and I've been using the Nutribullet, I get pretty good consistency with the Nutribullet. I fill it with ice. I always have my frozen raw liver cubes. People think that's gross, but I always have frozen avocado cubes and frozen raw liver cubes in my freezer. Of course, that's redundant, they're frozen in the freezer. The liver cubes. It's a great way to have organ meats and hide them in your smoothie and still have them taste good. And, it's super simple, you just get your liver like I order my liver from US Wellness Meats. I soak it in kefir or in buttermilk or in a pinch. You could use lemon juice for about 24 hours and then just rinse it off and puree it literally in a blender. Pour it into molds, freeze it, put that in a Mason jar or Ziploc bag, keep it in the freezer. And, when I make a smoothie, I just toss my liver cubes into the smoothie. And so, I do ice and liver cubes. And then, I do Omica Organics Vanilla Stevia because it's the best stevia in the world. So, I do a couple of drop or fulls of that for my sweetness. I do a pinch of salt, a pinch of really good salt for the saltiness.
And then, what I have been on a kick on lately, and I'm not just saying this for it to be a shameless plug, this is what I've been doing is a crap ton of colostrum. Meaning the Kion Colostrum I do about eight heaping scoops of that. So, I'm going through two jars a week of colostrum because my gut freaking loves it and gives me this nice creamy consistency. And, I just decided to go lower protein higher superfood in my morning smoothie. So, I've got the colostrum in there. And then, I don't know if you heard my podcast with the guy who runs a company Nurish that make this, they make this liquid curcumin. And, because I'm going through a knee injury right now, I put a huge amount of that liquid curcumin in and then a scoop of the Kion Creatine, and then I blend all of that. And, my topping right now that I use because I always go through different toppings, but right now my topping is this stuff called Nutola granola. It's a grain-free granola made out of prunes and coconuts. And gosh, I forget what all else is in there. Anyways, it's addictively good. It's crunchy good. And, I just sprinkle that on top. So, it's basically colostrum, liver–oh, and the actual liquid that I use to blend it up is goat milk because our goat is just turning out tons of milk right now. My wife is almost gun to my head forcing me to make the goat milk disappear. So, goat milk is the liquid that goes on top of the colostrum, and the ice, and the liver, and the stevia. And, I just feel it's lifeblood. It's an amazing smoothie.
Jay: I feel most people are going to be game for that smoothie, but I'm not sure they're necessarily going to believe that you can hide the flavor of the liver. You totally just said maybe–
Ben: I give it to my–
Jay: Yeah, I know you can–
Ben: My friends, they visit, they love it. And, sometimes I don't even tell them. I'll tell them after like they're, “What?” And then, their face twists if they're not into the whole organ meat thing, but I got them anyway, so ha-ha. Well, what do you think?
Jay: Yeah, yeah.
Ben: Should we jump into the news flashes because I got a good one for people who are already salivating? I got a good one.
Jay: Yeah, let's open it up, man.
Ben: Alright, here we go.
Okay. So, we always like to start off with something fun. Even when I was a kid, I remember, it would be cool if you were watching TV and they made it a more sensual experience. What if you could actually smell the fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies that mom pulls out of the oven on the TV show? Or, maybe you're wearing a haptic suit and obviously, this is real already that's going to vibrate–
Jay: Metaverse.
Ben: —correspondence to the battle scene that's occurring. Anyways though, here's a good one for you, a Japanese professor just developed a prototype lickable TV screen. It's a lickable TV screen that you can use to actually taste the food that is being featured on the television screen which to me especially since we're going through a global pandemic right now, global viral pandemic, it just sounds about the best most practical invention ever, a TV screen that you can live along with your friends, of course. Just think about it.
Jay: Yeah. But ben, you're going to get the question now. If you lick your TV screen, you taste something, did you just break your fast?
Ben: Just break your fast, yup. Exactly. Are you still in ketosis if you're licking your TV? Anyways, it's very interesting. This is the same professor who also helped produce a fork that amplifies taste bud sensations and helps to make food taste more rich. And, this new TV, a commercial version he says is going to cost about $875. And, they're already rolling out some prototypes. So, I'll link to the article for anybody out there who's got $875 burning a hole in your pocket and you want a lickable TV screen. There you have it.
Jay: Dude, the metaverse is real. Are you the one who posted on Twitter? It might have been someone else. About the cooling and heating vest that can be connected to your TV? And, when someone's experiencing changes in climate, say they're out in the beaches of Miami or if they're on top of Everest, it changes so that you actually feel the temperature that the protagonist or character is feeling. I don't know if that was you or somebody else, but I'm like, “Man, all this stuff combined, we're going to just have oculus on our eyes and we're going to be locked in.” It's going to be like that movie WALL-E. Have you seen that one?
Ben: Yeah, yeah, except the very few of us who are actually outside shooting shit and doing their analog adventures. So yeah, if I'm ever that guy with a neckbeard in my mom's basement licking my TV, Jay, please read me the Riot Act and pull me out under the snow.
Jay: I will.
Ben: Okay.
Jay: I'll come get you, man.
Ben: Alright, good. Alright. So, I just released today a podcast episode with Ben Patrick, the KneesOverToes guy. And, I just had a great conversation with him. I started doing his knee rehab protocol for all these cartilage issues I'm having because the doc wants to do a full-on scope to remove loose bodies and flaps and stuff from my knee. And, I thought, you know what, I'm just going to go hardcore into Ben Patrick's program and try it. And, already just a couple of weeks in, the decrease in pain is dramatic. So, listen to that podcast if you're tuning into this show and you have nee issues or you want to kind of bulletproof your knees.
But anyways, one thing that we talk about is walking backwards, walking backwards. And, it's called retro walking. And, I just wanted to visit on this show. And, I'll link to a whole article on it, but the history and the science behind so-called retro walking which you can do literally on a treadmill, you can as Ben Patrick and I talk about you can get an actual weight training sled and pull a sled backwards. You can just walk backwards in your driveway. What I've been doing is every time I walk, I try to take at least a hundred of the steps during the walk backwards. And, pretty much every time the thought comes into my head that I'm in a safe place where I could be walking backwards, I just turn around and walk backwards. And, it turns out that there's this ancient Chinese proverb that goes like this. It says “A hundred steps backward are worth a thousand steps forwards.” And, Chinese people have been practicing this so-called retro walking for centuries to maintain good health and as a cure for certain maladies because they say that it restores the balance of ki, your life energy and your life force. But, when you look at it from a biomechanical standpoint, it actually does strengthen the tibialis muscle and also works your glutes and your hip extensors in a little bit of a different way than forwards walking.
And, they've also found that the heart rate when you walk backwards is about 50% higher than conventional forwards walking, so you get a little bit better cardio–
Jay: It's interesting.
Ben: And, that might just be because you're nervous about getting hit by a car that you can't see because you're walking backwards. I don't know.
Jay: Good point.
Ben: But anyways, they've also done a study on the development of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and tried to see if retro walking would alleviate the knee pain or improve functional mobility of the knees for even chronic osteoarthritis patients. And, they found that as little as four weeks of backwards walking can not only alleviate the knee pain but also seems to have a pretty significant impact due to the hip flexor stretching that occurs when you're walking backwards on your pelvic alignment and the pressure on your spinal discs and the alleviation of back pain. So, it's super interesting.
Jay: Yeah.
Ben: And then, if you get into the proprioceptive sensations and the idea that your mind has to stay a little bit more active, you need better lower body coordination, apparently it stimulates a greater function of the cerebellum which is kind of how your body detects where it's at in space. It's kind of part of your human body's sensory receptor location. It's something that as you age could be a way to maintain balance, to minimize falls related to aging, et cetera. So, a lot are going for it. And, this article that I'll link to in the shownotes, if you go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/439 actually has instructional videos that show you how to walk backwards which to me is just about as silly as my instructional video about how to take a cold shower.
But really in reality, if you're doing backwards walking on treadmill, there is a little bit of a form that you need. And, in my episode with Ben Patrick, which I'll also link to in the shownotes, I have a few videos where he shows kind of the proper backwards walking form on a treadmill because you do want your knees to kind of extend over your toes and you want the speed at one and a half to three or so, so you can really kind of push through with your hip extensors. But yeah, if you're not walking backwards already people, should start. Seems to work.
Jay: Exactly. Dude, I love it. I can't speak highly enough of Ben Patrick's program. That's what I basically utilized to rehab after my meniscal repair surgery. And, the two exercises I would say that I found to be the most helpful and useful would have been the way you warm up which within the ATG program is backwards walking and then doing his split squats, which for me and rehabbing was really difficult initially but now is amazing.
Ben: Yeah. So, I had to take off my hoodie, it's super, super hot in my office right now. His ass-to-grass split squats, yeah.
Jay: Yeah.
Ben: And, what I do actually is because I have this sauna, the Clearlight, on is big enough for me to go in there and do my heat training. And, these stretches at the same time from Ben Patrick's program I've just been doing all in the sauna which works perfectly.
Jay: Yeah.
Ben: Kill two birds with one stone.
Jay: Yeah, perfect.
Ben: Yeah.
So anyways, speaking of longevity and things that you can do to extend your health span or your lifespan. There's a new Fountain of Youth pill, another one.
Jay: There's always a new one every year, man.
Ben: That's right. Okay, so this latest one is actually a flavonoid-based pill. They've been studying it in China. They found that it boosts overall lifespan in elderly rodents by 9%, which is equivalent to more than a decade in humans. And, the way that it works is it seems to flush out these so-called senescent cells or zombie cells in your body. They're your aging cells. They accumulate as you get older and they can release chemicals that cause inflammation. And, shutting them down too early in life, excessive use of things like resveratrol and NAD, et cetera, early in life might not be that great of an idea because senescent cells seem to allow for strengthening of the immune system and even a stronger endocrine system early in life. But then, as you age and these senescent cells accumulate, it seems to be a good idea to start to use these so-called anti-senescent compounds.
And, this one is a very, very similar to one we already know about called resveratrol. But, this is not resveratrol, it's basically a grape seed extract called PCC1. And, considering that resveratrol in combination with NAD or NR, similar to what David Sinclair has done a lot of research on and had pretty good results with, I think that this stuff is probably going to be kind of similar in terms of a really, really good one-two stack with NAD or NR or NMN to halt or slow aging seems super safe. I mean, honestly, it's just literally grape seed extract. So, yeah, there you have it.
Jay: Yeah.
Ben: [00:15:33]_____ you'd probably drink 700 bottles of wine to get the equivalent.
Jay: Right. I know that David Sinclair still utilizes both resveratrol and MNR, but I wonder if adding this as an extra component or as a replacement component would make sense. I guess, that's where we leave it up to the researchers and scientists to tell us and give us more info.
Ben: Well, I mean based on the idea that when you look at the so-called synergistic components of food and the fact that you'll find resveratrol and grape seeds, and you also find this PCC1 in grape seeds, I would imagine that harnessing as many different molecules as you can from a seed that seems to be pretty good for longevity could be a good idea. But obviously, there's not a lot of studies on stacking these compounds versus what they do in isolation. But either way, it's called PCC1. I don't know of any companies that are yet making it. I mean, you could probably do a search on Amazon or whatever and see if there's a grape seed extract supplement that contains. You only look for PCC1 is what it's called. But anyways, so yeah interesting. Yeah, another thing to take to help you live longer.
Jay: Add it on the list.
Ben: Yeah.
Alright. So, another interesting one related to longevity. So, you're no doubt familiar with plasmapheresis like this idea of young blood transfer and transferring blood from a young mouse into an old mouse to help the old mouse take on the characteristics of the young mouse or vice versa. It seems to work in opposite, too, like a transfer of blood from an old mouse into a young mouth seems to induce accelerated aging in the young mouse. But, what they did in this study was they looked into the idea of infusing someone with a fit person's plasma or in this case, a fit, I should say, rodent's plasma.
So, what they did was they took exercise-trained mice and they theorized that if they took the plasma from those exercise-trained mice and transferred that plasma into non-exercising sedentary mice that they might be able to reduce inflammation or reduce risk for Alzheimer's disease. And, it turned out that when they transferred plasma from fit mice into unfit mice, it reduced the expression of these pro-inflammatory genes in the brain. It suppressed brain inflammation and enhanced neurogenesis learning and memory in the recipient mice.
Now again, this has not been looked into in humans but I could see very, very soon some kind of a clinic popping up where you can select your pro athlete of choice who has sold their plasma to that clinic for a billion million dollars and that you can get infused with maybe a little bit of Tom Brady plasma or, I don't know, Nadal, Djokovic plasma or take your pick. So yeah.
Jay: Right.
Ben: So, that's the future of aging. You don't need to go to the gym, you just basically waltz into your local plasma clinic and get infused with the plasma from your favorite athlete, or crossfitter, or maybe your neighbor down the street who's fit. So, there you have it.
Jay: I can't even begin to tell you the amount of people, especially those who could afford it that would do it if they felt they could replace exercise in the time it took to exercise. Because a lot of people whine and complain about exercise which is always so funny to me because it's something that I absolutely love, but they would probably do this in a heartbeat. We joke about it, but I actually think that there are plenty of people who would say this is a great quick fix biohack, done.
Ben: Yup, yeah. So, there you have it. First person who gets in on that, leave a comment and in the shownotes. I'll link to them and I'll link to this article at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/439.
Alright, so another one. Tyler LeBaron of the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation, he's been a previous podcast guest of mine and kind of got me into this whole idea of drinking hydrogen-rich water, sent me over a couple of kind of cool studies. I still take about two or three of those hydrogen tablets from Water and Wellness or I get them too from Quicksilver Scientific. And, I put them in my morning glass of water. Usually, I do a little bit of vitamin C, a little bit of baking soda, and I'll put a couple of drops of these hydrogen tablets in there because of the pretty potent anti-inflammatory effect it can have. But, it's a selective antioxidant. Meaning, it's not going to quell your ability to be able to build new mitochondria after an exercise session or build a muscle after weight training session. But, these two latest studies actually show a pretty significant effect on a couple of important brain parameters.
So, one study showed that if you drink hydrogen-enriched water, it actually can assist with shutting down the inflammation that's related to traumatic brain injury. It acts as what they describe in the study as a neuroprotective medical gas and recommend it for what's called cerebral infarction but also neurodegenerative diseases like TBI. So, if you've had a concussion, if you've had a TBI, some people I know will even keep things like MSM in the glove compartment of their car. You could also make an argument that may be a little bit of hydrogen tablets in the glove compartment of the car. So, if you get an accident, somebody hits their head, you could actually quell brain inflammation as quickly as possible. Having on the sideline of a soccer game or a football game. I think it's probably a pretty good idea based on what I've seen in other studies, but also this most recent study is pretty, pretty significant in terms of the ability of hydrogen-rich water to be able to shut down inflammation in response to TBI.
And then, at the same time another study and Tyler was actually involved in this study looked into the effects on cognitive performance. And, what they found in that study was a significantly improved amount of focus and speed and neuroplasticity, as well as better aerobic performance and better strength training performance all with the consumption of molecular hydrogen. But, I should note that in this case, they combined it with nitric oxide. They literally were drinking canned hydrogen-rich water with nitric oxide added to it. I think the name of the company that makes this stuff is H2Bev, I think they've actually sent me a few cans of it before. But basically, it's hydrogen with nitric oxide. Or, you could do a few of those hydrogen tablets but mix them with beet juice, for example, or maybe pop a Viagra and a couple of hydrogen tablets. There's more than one way to skin the cap. But ultimately, it looks like nitric oxide combined with hydrogen-rich water or hydrogen tablets not only has a really, really cool effect on TBI and concussion in terms of quelling the inflammation related to that but it also has a pretty significant impact on exercise performance and a really, really cool impact on cognition.
Jay: Yeah. It's so intriguing to me because prior to seeing this research, one of the things that I've been doing more recently, I guess you could say within the last six months, I interviewed a guy named Dr. Nathan Bryan who's one of the most pre-employed researchers on nitric oxide. You know who he is.
Ben: Yeah.
Jay: Yeah. I mean, amazing.
Ben: He's been on the show before. He's really cool.
Jay: Oh, nice. That's cool. Yeah. I mean, brilliant dude when it comes to nitric oxide.
And, he created one of the first kind of tablet formulas for significantly increasing nitric oxide which is neo40 and now he has his own brand. And, I had him on to our podcast at Hanu. And, one of the things that he just talked about was combining them with kind of different compounds for increasing nitric oxide. And, I was kind of testing it here and there.
But, the one thing that I did is I always was taking hydrogen tabs, molecular hydrogen tabs from Water and Wellness. And, I started combining that with taking a double dosage of neo40 throughout the day. One in the morning, one in the afternoon.
Ben: Neo40 is his really, really potent nitric oxide supplement.
Jay: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, for sure. And, I noticed immense cognitive benefits, but there wasn't a lot of research on there and he even mentioned on the podcast too that there's not a ton out there but a lot of people report anecdotally that there is a significant increase, so it's great to kind of have this confirming type of research that's been put out there by Tyler LeBaron that indicates that there is a reason why H2 plus nitric oxide increases overall cognition. So, I love it because it just confirms my use of that combo.
Ben: Yeah. Nathan's company is pretty good. They basically super beat soft chews, beat elite and neo40. All of which are really, really great at naturally. All those are natural Viagra for the body.
But then the other cool thing that they make, and I'll hunt this down and link to it in the shownotes is salivary nitrite strips. So, these are little strips you can put in your mouth. My sons and I didn't experiment once where we were just trying out the different things that could increase our nitric oxide levels like arugula, and extra virgin olive oil, and pumpkin seeds. So, we spent a week. So, we like to do these little experiments at home and we all had our little test strips. And, we would test during the day to see how high our nitric oxide levels were and to see who could win. And, the one thing that actually made it higher than anything was we had some of that neo40 and we always took some and your face almost turns beet red. This stuff works so well. Yeah.
Jay: Yeah, it really does. Yeah, I did the same thing. I had the strips as well. And, it was funny because I thought I figured that because of my high-intensity exercise levels and a lot of the things that I took in regards to nutrition, I thought I was going to have a pretty high kind of starting baseline but I didn't, I was fairly depleted. But then, when I started taking neo40, the strip went from that little light pink color to beet red. And, I could just feel it but then I saw it. So, I was like, “Yeah, a little placebo effect maybe.” But, it was it was incredible. So yeah, I'd encourage people to test out and try that stuff.
Ben: Yeah, exactly.
And, most people who use hyperbaric oxygen chambers, which I just absolutely love in terms of the effects on wound repair and recovery and decreased levels of soreness–I still nap in mine almost every day my little soft shell one I keep in my basement downstairs. If I'm going to take a nap like nine times out of ten, I just crawl into that thing. But yeah, I interviewed Scott Scharer who's kind of an expert in hyperbaric therapy and he said, “In most cases, anything that you can consume like that before doing a hyperbaric session is going to increase even more the amount of oxygen delivered to tissues.” And, he actually recommended that if you were recovering from a TBI or concussion not to do that because you could almost flood the brain with too much oxygen and create too many free radicals.
Jay: Oh, interesting.
Ben: But, aside from that case scenario, using any of these things before hyperbaric is really effective as well. And, the reason I bring that up is because another study I wanted to mention today just because I use the hyperbaric so much, I'm always looking at things that allow me to pat myself on the back. And no, it's helping out–
Jay: Confirmation bias.
Ben: So, skin aging, they actually found a significant decrease in what's called fiber fragmentation and in tissue senescent cells in skin biopsies. Meaning that all of the things that would be related to skin breakdown or excessive aging in the face worn down collagen fibers, or elastin fibers, or senescent cells, or broken blood vessels, hyperbaric sessions. And, in this case, they did three months of daily hyperbaric therapy. And, that's actually thing with hyperbaric. That's why it's nice to have your own home unit because most of the studies on it show that repeated use on a daily basis is where you really get the lion's share of the benefits. But, what they found was that there was a significant kind of across the board improvement in all these aging targeted interventions for the skin which is pretty cool because we already know that hyperbaric is really good for things like decreasing the rate at which telomeres shorten or helping to clear out senescent cells or helping with angiogenesis, the health of your blood vessels. But, it turns out that in particular, it has a really, really great effect on the skin. So, anybody out there is kind of interested in all the things we're talking about right now regarding anti-aging and longevity, hyperbaric. Yet another feather in the cap of it for that effect.
Jay: I think that might be my 2022 purchase is a hyperbaric oxygen therapy tank, yeah. I've been kind of delaying pulling the trigger on it just because it takes up a little bit of space. I want to make sure that I trust in the one I get I just do a lot of research.
Ben: I mean, I don't have a very expensive one. It's not like the $40,000 hard shell nice hospital one. I use the one from HBOT USA. The model I use is called a Vitaeris. I mean, it still is a few thousand dollars. Plus, you got to get a clean air compressor next to it that feeds the oxygen in so you're breathing pure oxygen through a mask while you're in there in the chamber. So, all in, you're probably looking at, I think, probably 6 to 8K to have your own hyperbaric setup at home. So, it's obviously not free.
Jay: Yeah.
Ben: But, it's–
Jay: What I mean to go into a clinic that it's probably extremely expensive what may be like $100 a pop. So, I mean, you pay for it over time.
Ben: Plus, it kind of doubles up as a sensory deprivation chamber because you're just cut off to the world and it's my special meditation spot. And, I can do breathwork in there. Dude, you're not supposed to do breathwork in there but I do.
Jay: I can see that, Ben, probably–
Ben: My goodness, I can do six to seven-minute holds on inhalation after I do around a Wim Hof if I'm in the hyperbaric. And, you feel really good doing it too because there's saturated oxygen. So, anyways I guess we just gave them a shameless plug. But anyway, so yeah, if you're not using hyperbaric, I recommend you look into it.
Okay. So, what else?
The next thing is essential amino acids because we're talking about brain health. And, this was another one because I'm trying to do a good job segueing if you didn't notice, Jay, into things that are relevant to whatever I've just been talking about. And, in this case, neurodegenerative disorders and brain health seems to be assisted pretty dramatically by the use of essential amino acids.
And, in this case, what they looked at in a study published in Science Advances was how we could combat a low protein diet. And, a low protein diet contrary to popular belief can actually accelerate brain degeneration in models of Alzheimer's disease. Obviously, too much protein because typically due to excess methionine and excess leucine can accelerate aging. Inadequate protein can also be an issue for accelerating brain degeneration.
So, in this study, they looked at something called amino LP7. And, amino LP7 is based. I don't know if they sponsored the study, they probably did. But, it's just a supplement and it contains all of the essential amino acids. And, what they found was that when they treated mice with progressive brain degeneration with this amino LP7, it suppressed neuronal death and reduced the rate of brain degeneration. So, these mice still had plaques in the brain but it basically put a break on the extent to which the mice were developing continued dementia and Alzheimer's.
And so, again, just because that's another supplement I use a lot is essential amino acids and, of course, shameless plug, Kion, my company makes essential amino acids and that's one of the reasons I perk up when I see a good amino acid study come out. But yeah, I mean, it was just a powder with the seven different amino acids. And, they also did another study in people not in rodents and they found that these same blends of amino acids improve cognitive function. And also, they looked at psychological and social function. It's called psychosocial functioning and also found that improved that. So, I've always said these essential amino acids are a Swiss Army knife of supplementation. But, there's another reason to consider using them is to save off neurodegeneration, improve cognitive function.
Jay: Yeah. You may have missed this. Did you talk about dosage? Did you talk about how much they were intaking?
Ben: Total grams per day?
Jay: Yeah.
Ben: I don't remember what it was. Yeah.
Jay: Yeah. I didn't know and I'm assuming there's this level like the Goldilocks rule here not too much not too little, I just didn't know if they referred to.
Ben: Usually, it's 5 to 10 grams per day in a lot of these studies. With Kion Aminos, I usually take 10 to 20 grams a day. But, I also know a guy and I get a pretty good deal on it kind of colostrum like, “How are you doing two jars of colostrum a week?” That stuff's 40 bucks a jar, but–
Jay: Right. You know a guy, a two or three.
Ben: 80 bucks a week for breakfast. That's not that bad. It means I'm paying, I don't know, I guess it's a little bit. I'm paying probably 10, 12 bucks a morning for my morning smoothie. But, that's not that much, $10 to $12 a morning, come on. I mean, people go to a juice bar spend that much.
Alright. So–
Jay: I go to Starbucks and spend 15 bucks.
Ben: No. Speaking of Starbucks, I got one other one for you. They did a study on potentially harmful industrial chemicals detected in common U.S. fast food. So, they tested all these different fast-food restaurants. I know I'm going to be preaching to the choir. Everybody listening in, I know you're not going to freaking red robin every day for lunch. But, they actually found which food items were the worst, were the very, very worst when it came to chemicals like phthalates and plasticizers and the type of things that would be considered endocrine disruptors.
And so, the worst, worst offenders–actually, you won't know what the best was first?
Jay: Yeah, tell me. I don't even know. I couldn't even guess.
Ben: The best of all fast-food restaurants when it comes to the food you could order that is the lowest of at least the foods they tested in chemicals was cheese pizza.
Jay: Cheese pizza?
Ben: Yup.
Jay: Way to go Pizza Hut.
Ben: Yup. Okay. So, the highest ones, the particularly nasty plasticizer called DEHT, chicken burritos, and cheeseburgers were the very highest in DEHT. And, cheeseburgers across the board just came up repetitively as one of the bigger problematic foods. If you're eating fast food, stay away from the cheeseburgers. Burritos probably aren't that great of an idea as well. Cheese pizza might be in a pinch, a decent pick for you though.
Jay: Cheese pizza and French fries, man, because you didn't mention French fries being that bad so they obviously must be a health food.
Ben: That's right. We know that potatoes are the most satiating food. So, at least you won't eat too many of them. We established that in the previous podcast.
Jay: Exactly.
Alright, folks. This is it. This is absolutely nuts because pinch me now, I'm dreaming. We are putting together an amazing retreat. It's called the Boundless Retreat and it's in Portugal. Yes, you heard me right, Portugal. This is going to be an extraordinary retreat. I've found this amazing luxurious place called Six Senses. And, this March, March 7th through 11th 2022, you're going to get to come hang out with me, disconnect from your busy world, and enjoy three full days of immersive wellness programming where you are going to not only learn about functional exercise and nutrition, and longevity, and the delicate balance between performance and health, and sleep, and hormones, and anti-aging, and parenting, and relationships, and fitness, but you're going to do it while you are immersed in a luxurious environment every day organic vibrant, paleo-inspired meals, all-day access to a signature juice bar, dinners paired with keto-friendly, natural wines, cooking workshops where you'll learn how to do things like ferment your own nut cheese, make yogurt and sourdough bread and paleo crackers and low sugar raw treats, full access to an infrared sauna, to a spa, to a whole bunch of different biohacks including what's called an alchemy bar. You're going to get 360 minutes spa treatments daily morning and afternoon group sessions with me. Full accommodations in what's called their Quinta deluxe room.
Technically the entire experience, you're going to want to schedule about five days to be there but it'll be basically three full days of actual programming. We're even going to record a podcast while in there. We're going to do nighttime sing-along sessions. They even have a vitality suite and indoor pool with chromotherapy and an underwater sound system. And, of course, a fully stocked fitness schedule and a fitness, a gym.
So basically, yeah, pretty amazing. It's called Sixth Senses Douro Valley. And, you can get in now. Here's how. Go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/Portugal. That's BenGreenfieldFitness.com/Portugal. And, you'll get in. You'll get into an organic garden on the property where you get all your aromatic herbs and vegetables. Oh, my goodness, it's going to be amazing. You're going to need to get in this quick though because obviously I get your flights and get in. And so, March 7th through 11th, I'm going to be there. Anybody else who wants to be there along with me, it's going to be pretty amazing. So, check it out, BenGreenfieldFitness.com/Portugal, and I'll see you there.
Alright, if you're listening this, chances are you drink coffee. In fact, coffee is the world's second most consumed beverage after water. Water, that's how my grump used to say it, water. Anyways, I say it water. But anyways the average coffee lover drinks three to four cups daily and over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed globally every single day. That's a lot of freaking coffee. But, the sad truth is 97% of that coffee is commercially grown, sprayed with pesticides, riddled with toxins. Most coffee is what's called a “commodity crop,” grown to maximize yields and profits, not your health. In other words, the beverage most people drink every day multiple times a day is far from an actual health beverage. And, I'll tell you what, there's one thing you can do to make a small improvement in your health that will yield dividends, improve your energy, mental focus and mood is going to be to choose a better coffee.
So, that's why my team at Kion and I crafted what's called Kion Coffee, Kion Clean Coffee. It helps you make one simple change in your daily routine that's going to add up big time to help you feel better. And, it's USDA organic specialty grade, free of mold mycotoxins, yeast, and pesticides. Abso-fricking-lutely delicious. You deserve better than that cheap sludge, my friend. So, treat yourself to a morning brew that you'll feel good about.
And, you get a special discount on Kion coffee for your first-time purchase when you go to getKION.com/BenGreenfield. That's getK-I-O-N.com/BenGreenfield.
Alright, folks. After two months packed with holiday, family fun, and end-of-year work obligations, it's easy to start the new year stressed, worn out, and lacking motivation, isn't it? Well, that's definitely not how you want to start the new year. So, if you feel you need a holiday from the holidays, I've got a solution for you. It's called Magnesium Breakthrough, alright.
Magnesium is really good for you. It's involved in over 300 different enzymatic reactions. It allows for deep restorative sleep. It relaxes things like nighttime cramps and daytime exercise cramps, blah, blah, blah. But, the trick is there's so many different forms of magnesium. So, what magnesium breakthrough did is they just basically said, “Why not use them all?” Seven critical forms of magnesium, it's a shotgun formulation for magnesium so there's no more guesswork. You just get this kind of magnesium is good for your brain, that kind of is good for your muscles. It's just all in one supplement.
And, not only that, not only have they formulated this really great comprehensive magnesium product but they're going to give all my listeners an exclusive 10%, 10% discount that is. So, for that exclusive offer, go to MagBreakthrough.com/Ben and use code BEN10. It's MagBreakthrough.com/Ben. Use code BEN10.
One last thing. You should know it's best in class this Magnesium Breakthrough stuff. There's nothing else like it. And, that's why they're giving you a full refund up to a year after your purchase, no questions asked. You could send the bottle back with one capsule left in it and they'll refund you. That's crazy. Don't do that, but you know what I mean. So, MagBreakthrough.com/Ben and use code BEN10 to save 10%.
This podcast is also brought to you by the sauna. Of course, the sauna I have that I can fit me, and my children, and my wife into for a breathwork session. We can do a four-way family breathwork session in that thing. It's so big. Is the Clearlight Sanctuary yoga sauna. It's their infrared sauna, full-spectrum infrared. They have other saunas too but the one I use is the Sanctuary. And, they shield against EMF exposure. They do near-mid and far-infrared heat. They come with a lifetime warranty and they're going to give you a smoking hot deal if you use my code. It's HealWithHeat.com and then mention my name, and that's how you get your discount. HealWithHeat.com. Call them up. Write them, mention my name and you'll be into the special VIP club. So, those are the Clearlight saunas. Check them out. HealWithHeat.com.
This podcast is also brought to you by HigherDOSE, which contrary to the way it might sound is not a THC or cannabis company. HigherDOSE makes these amazing pieces of biohacking equipment like infrared, and PEMF, and heating, and beauty products. So anyways, they have a portable infrared sauna blanket. I've got one laid out behind me right now on the floor of my office. I can climb inside that and lay in it for a nap or a meditation session. And, unlike most saunas and heating blankets, it's super low in EMF radiation, which is awesome. And, your joints feel good, you get better blood flow, you get better sleep. Just calms you down. It's like crawling, I don't know, inside a nice warm Teddy bear or something.
And, they also have this PEMF mat. My family and I watched a documentary last night. I usually just pull that thing on and flip it on. I'll sit on that and get all my PEMF therapy while I'm on top of that mat which also has negative ion therapy and can heat up too. It's pretty dope. It's got all these purple amethyst crystals in it and mesh fabric tubes that go through the whole mat. They also have a face mask like a red light-producing face mask that when I do my weekly clay mask, I can put it on to get light therapy for my face. So, it stimulates collagen, it activates glowing skin, it reduces fine lines, it regenerates cells. They just make cool stuff at HigherDOSE. You get 15% off any of their shiznat. Go to HigherDOSE.com/Ben and use promo code BEN. They'll get you 15% off right away, HigherDOSE.com/Ben and use promo code BEN.
[00:41:59] Listener Q&A
So, I figure we probably have time for a few questions here and jump into the Q&A and find out what all the good folks on the Clubhouse would like to hear. So, let's see. We'll make sure that we can record this adequately. So, what we do at this point in the show is if you raise your hand on Clubhouse, Sophia will bring you up on stage and we will record your question and there'll be a little bit of a delay as I adjust levels here. But, Sophia do you have somebody you want to bring up?
Ron: Hey, Jay, Ben, Sophia, this is Ron. I'm a New York city-based cosmetic chemist [00:42:33]_____, 56-year-old, lifelong fitness, and wellness enthusiast.
My question is about the debate about protein levels needed as we age. Is it true that we should be increasing our protein intake as we get older? Mind you, I'm a weight trainer lifelong fitness and wellness as well. This is my question.
Ben: Alright. Well, in a Q&A podcast a few weeks ago, I discussed a few of the reasons that people have trouble maintaining or putting on muscle particularly as they age. And, of course, one of the issues that came up in that meta-analysis was inadequate amino acid and inadequate protein intake particularly related to the fact that your digestive enzyme production, your protease production as you age and your hydrochloric acid production tend to decline, thus dictating that you're harnessing fewer amino acids from the protein that you are consuming. When you combine that with the fact that you tend to build muscle less readily as you age, just less satellite cell proliferation, less production of testosterone and other anabolic hormones, you kind of do have a little bit of an uphill battle. That's why frailty and loss of muscle is why many people eventually die. Not to get all dark and depressing, but that's just–this is what it is.
So anyways, yeah, I think that not only making sure that especially as you age that you get that minimum of 0.55 grams per pound of body weight and preferably up to or close to 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight is a good idea. But, I also think that for any meal in which you're consuming an appreciable amount of protein aside from say something very well pre-digested like bone broth, or collagen, or amino acids, you should use some type of supplement that contains hydrochloric acid like Thorne has one called Bio-Gest. That's a pretty decent one that contains ox bile and HCL and things like that. And then, something that contains a good protein-digesting enzyme. That would be like our friends at Bioptimizers, they have one called Masszymes, it's a protease, a protein-digesting enzyme.
But yeah, I think that for aging individuals, I mean honestly, that was what I got my dad for his birthday presents a couple of years ago. He's complaining of digestive issues, he was getting a little skinny and frail. I literally bought him a giant box of protein-digesting enzymes because I'm one of those guys who just, I'm practical sometimes. I buy people very practical things or I buy them experiences. So, I got my dad just a shit ton of digestive enzymes.
So yeah, increased protein intake or at least adequate protein intake as you age combined with the use of protease digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid is, I think, a pretty darn good idea. Total protein intake for the day should be 0.5 grams, actually 0.55 grams per pound, up to 0.8 grams per pound. And, as you age, I think you should go closer to 0.8 grams per pound.
Jay: Yeah, yeah. I was reading a research study. This is probably a couple weeks ago or something. It might have been at the last Q&A podcast we did where it was the formal recommendation was that you should be at the 0.4 grams per kilogram, but I feel that seems a little bit low. So, I like the idea–
Ben: That's very low especially if you're talking about grams per kilogram. Yeah.
Jay: Yeah.
Ben: I'm talking about grams per pound.
Jay: Sorry, that was per meal.
Ben: Okay.
Jay: So, yeah. So, I agree more with you, I just didn't know if people see in research studies like that and get really confused. But yeah, agreed, I think more towards the 0.5.
Ben: Well, most people for the total they can absorb for any given meal, it tops out around 30 to 40 grams of protein per meal. So, if that study you were reading said 0.4 grams per kilogram and someone weighed 80 kilograms, that comes out to around 40 grams-ish just rough math in my head. So, whatever you were reading was kind of ballpark, correct, for any given meal. But then, by the end of the day, 0.55 to 0.8 grams per pound is what you should shoot for. And, for most people, it comes out to about 30 to 40% of your total intake of calories from protein.
Jay: Right.
Ben: Yeah. Alright. Well, let's take another question here.
Female Speaker: I just wanted to see how can I break the fast in a more sort of gentle way, so it's a little easier to do that. I just feel a little nauseous, very nauseous.
Ben: It's not uncommon especially when intermittent fasting to feel nauseous. A lot of times it is low blood sugar upon waking. That's also one of the reasons that a lot of people don't sleep as well when they are fasting and why the use of things like a shot of ketones or amino acids to kind of be in a semi-fasted state before bed can be helpful to kind of stave off some of either the nausea or the sleeplessness that intermittent fasting can call.
And then, some people will wake with poor vagal nerve tone. You can actually track your HRV and Jay knows a lot about this. In many cases, if you get this dawn phenomenon of fasting or after fasting, sometimes it is vagal nerve function as well and chanting, singing, humming, breathwork, cold water, face dunks, et cetera, can actually help with vagal tone and kind of help you feel really good faster when you wake up. That's one of the reasons why morning ayurvedic practices like coconut oil pulling and gargling and some breathwork and some stretching, some type of rebounding or jumping up and down on the trampoline, a cold face dunk, tongue scraping. Yes, those are all cool hygienic practices but they're also really, really great for vagal nerve tone. So, you could think about incorporating a lot of those kind of ayurvedic morning practices.
And, I have a great podcast I did about what an ayurvedic daily routine looks like because I incorporate a lot of those myself. And, I'll link to those at BenGreenfieldFitness.com/439.
Messing around with things like ketones or amino acids before you go to bed so that the drop in blood sugar is not as problematic for you. And then, as far as that classic question, “What do I eat when I break a fast?” obviously liquid foods, pureed foods, smash foods, blended foods, anything that requires less complexity of chewing and a softer texture is always going to be better tolerated. But, this is all coming from a guy who every time I fast, I tend to unappreciable fast. If I fast for a day or whatever or longer, I usually just break it with a giant ass steak. So, I do take some digestive enzymes when I do, but yeah, I'm one of those guys who's just bringing on the food when I'm breaking a fast. But, if you're not one of those type of people, yeah, blend puree, broths, smash, mortar and pestle, what have you, and then pay attention to vagal nerve tone and you may want to even test your blood sugar. And, I'll bet that a low blood glucose is going to kind of correlate to some of those feelings of nausea that you're having.
Jay: The one thing that I'll point out here which is really interesting especially in regards to fasting is that when people are engaging in fasting and more longer term fast, and we'll say anything greater than 14 hours and especially greater than 16 hours is that one of the things that we'll start to really see especially in the morning time is that if sympathetic arousal or sympathetic functioning is a little bit more heightened and we have a little bit more what we refer to as vagal withdrawal, so that's basically a lesser activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, you will see that manifest in a lower HRV. So, that can be a great proxy to look at in comparison to kind of your normalized self-data.
The one thing that I will say which is really interesting in the research is that if we have a more activated sympathetic nervous system and vagal withdrawal that's due to fasting, one of the problems that can occur is that the food that we did consume the night before because of high sympathetic arousal can start to ferment because gut functioning is lowering. Because when we're in a state of fight or flight sympathetic arousal, we know that our digestive system for all intents and purposes is going to lower its level of functioning or at least kind of tone down its level.
Ben: That's why I always use a feeding tube if I'm stressed out.
Jay: Yeah, exactly. So, I mean, that's one thing to consider because if you're having all this food start to ferment, then you're going to become nauseous and you may even have diarrhea if you break the fast in a way that is not how you should. So, I would just be very cautious of that. Again, you can utilize HRV as a great proxy just first thing in the morning prior to caffeine in the bed even, just take a quick reading.
And then, the other thing too kind of as you mentioned is I break my fast almost every single day with avocado. That's just my go-to. It's just a half of an avocado that I eat and chew up and I'm pretty good after that. Then rock and roll with a steak or rock and roll with whatever type of meat. And, I just found that that's typically pretty easy on the gut.
Ben: Sweet. Alright. Well, there you have it. Avocados solving all the world's problems once again.
Alright. Well, let's do one more question.
Billy: Hey, Ben. Hey, Jay. Listen to you guys for a while. I recently got my school tested and my clostridium levels were maxed out. And, I've been pounding on colostrum. So, it looks like that's working. So, thanks, but I had no lactobacillus growth. And, I've been trying to do also or I had been limitless and trying to do all sorts of stuff to encourage good bacteria growth. So, I was wondering if you had any ideas on how to specifically target lactobacillus.
Ben: When you say lactobacillus, I mean, lactobacillus, there can be different forms of it like lactobacillus reuteri, for example, or lactobacillus acidophilus. And typically, you just eating a wide variety of fermented foods is the best way to increase lactobacillus in general. So, kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, et cetera. I am convinced however that the very, very best way too if you're not just going to take a lactobacillus probiotic, if you were I think Seed, company called Seed makes the best one out there just because it survives the acidic nature of the stomach and seems to travel through the gut pretty well.
But, there's a guy named Dr. William Davis. Dr. William Davis in his practice uses yogurt a lot, literally as a way to treat his patients in the same way that a doctor might use pharmaceuticals or supplements. He has a SIBO yogurt recipe. He has an oxytocin chemical-producing yogurt recipe. He has a sleep yogurt recipe. He has just kind of a shotgun you get them all into your stomach yogurt recipe. And, he also has a new book called “Super Gut” in which all of these yogurt recipes are featured. And, it's kind of cool because I have read his book and I have his recipes, and I'll order the probiotics from Amazon like my lactobacillus reuteri, and a little bit of inulin, and a prebiotic fiber and basically order all those to the house, put them in a glass Mason jar, dump a bunch of our goats, goat milk on them, and then just slip them into the food dehydrator for about 24 to 36 hours.
And, the cool thing is I can make a 100 bucks worth of probiotics last me like the whole year by making and growing his yogurt. And, the way that I'll use it is sometimes I'll put a little bit in the smoothie in addition to the goat milk as a base. I will put a few tablespoons on top of a salad for a nighttime dessert. I'll just basically put a few tablespoons in a tiny little mug and sprinkle it with some dark chocolate, or some stevia, or something to kind of sweeten it up a little bit. But, I think top of the totem pole would be a really well-formulated yogurt. And, I would look into Dr. William Davis's book “Super Gut” and also his yogurt recipes. I'm probably going to have him on the podcast at some point soon, but I always have a few glass Mason jars in my refrigerator with his yogurt because it's just so easy to make and really pennies on the dollar once you've bought the supplements like bought the probiotics and the prebiotic fibers on Amazon. They'll last for freaking ever because you're just growing them same way you'd grow a sourdough bread starter or a kombucha mother or SCOBY, or anything like that.
So, what do you think, Jay?
Jay: Yeah. No, no. I like it. What's interesting is that it was probably about two months ago I actually had my gut panel done. It wasn't that there was a lack of lactobacillus production kind of as Billy's indicated for him, but there were some levels that were low kind of just all around just in particular. And, they put me on my functional medicine practitioner, put me on a supplement. I guess, it's a probiotic but it's also helpful for blood glucose regulation as well and really it's more just kind of, “Hey, let's test this out, I didn't really need much for blood glucose because it's pretty stable. I'm pretty metabolically flexible.” But, they put me on one called Pendulum.
Have you ever heard of Pendulum, Ben?
Ben: Yeah.
Jay: Yeah. It's really interesting. It's not the cheapest in the world. I mean, I think it was close to 200 bucks a month. So, it's not the cheapest in the world. But what we found after a three-month period with really not changing anything other than just taking Pendulum was we found, number one, better glucose control which was great. But the other thing was is that I just saw my gut bacteria microbiome start to flourish in ways that I hadn't seen before, just really off of this one change. So, that was going to be my recommendation just to look into Pendulum. I have no affiliation with Pendulum, nothing as far as that goes but interesting supplement.
Ben: Yeah. It harkens to the gut studies in Israel that have been coming out for the past few years that show that the individualized response in blood sugar to say a cookie versus a banana in some people and the fact that it is remarkably high in some people and just stable in others is all related to the microbiome balance. And, it turns out that based on that research, certain bacterial strains have been discovered that do help to lower overall blood glucose and over time, lower what's called hemoglobin A1C, which is a three-month snapshot of your blood glucose levels. And, that Pendulum supplement is an example.
And, I forget what strains they use in it. Sometimes–
Jay: It's Akkermansia.
Ben: Okay, yeah, because sometimes you can look at the label. I'll a lot of times reverse engineer supplements. I'll look at the label and be like, “Oh, here's what's in it and I can get it for a quarter of the cost over here.”
Jay: Right.
Ben: I mean, you always want to be careful about sourcing and everything, but anyway. So yeah, that's a good point too is the microbiome can have a pretty significant impact on blood glucose. So, yeah. And, we'll be sure that we link to all this stuff. I'll hunt down that Pendulum stuff and link to Dr. Davis's books and everything that we talked about. If you go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/439. That's where the shownotes are going to be.
And, we always like to read a review. We're on Spotify. We're on Apple podcasts, wherever podcasts are found. If you leave us a review, it's super-duper helps the show out and just helps us stay alive and keeps people aware that we even exist. And so, if you're listening in, one of the best things you can do karma-wise even if you're just sitting there right now just pull open our podcast wherever you're listening to, leave it a review. But we also go through and we read those reviews. And, if we find one we like and then we read it right now on the show, I literally go up to my upstairs bedroom and put together a gear pack for you and send it to you like a BPA free water bottle and a cool tech t-shirt and either little goodies I want to throw in there and ship you a cool package straight from my casa.
So, if you hear your review red, which you may about to be hearing email [email protected]. [email protected]. Include your t-shirt size and I'll get some out to you.
So, Jay, you want to take it away?
Jay: Yeah, man. Got one from CMO23 who titled this review, “Changed My Life.” And, CMO 23 said, “If you would have told me a year ago that I would be fasting, taking cold showers, and sipping bone broth like baby Yoda, I would have thought I lost my mind. But Ben's health and fitness advice has helped me to lose weight while gaining muscle. You changed my life, Ben.” Alright, sipping bone broth like baby Yoda. That's interesting. I did not know that baby Yoda's go-to was bone broth.
Ben: Is that the thing's name in the new Star Wars, baby Yoda? Doesn't have an actual–
Jay: So, its name is Grogu. And, Grogu is really kind of a ridiculous name. So, baby Yoda is kind of the go-to for me.
Ben: Yeah, I like baby Yoda. Somebody's got to start the babyyodabonebroth.com website.
Jay: Exactly.
Ben: Well, awesome. Alright. Well, great review. Email your T-shirt size or your baby Yoda's t-shirt size to [email protected]. We'll get something off to you. And, for everybody else, leave a review, it's good karma, helps the show out. All the shownotes as usual which we spend a copious amount of time on to make them super helpful for you, alright, BenGreenfieldFitness.com/439.
And, I think that's about it. So, Jay, I'll let you get off to whatever it is you're getting off to. I don't know, testing your HRV. I know you just sit around all day and do that. And, I mean–
Jay: It's kind of funny I do.
Ben: Let me go try not to follow my ass out here in the ice. So, alright, you guys. Thanks for listening in. Love you, everybody. Catch you on the flip side.
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In some cases, I might also be an investor in a company I mentioned. I'm the founder, for example, of Kion LLC, the makers of Kion-branded supplements and products which I talk about quite a bit. Regardless of that relationship, if I post or talk about an affiliate link to a product, it is indeed something I personally use, support, and with full authenticity and transparency recommend in good conscience. I personally vet each and every product that I talk about.
My first priority is providing valuable information and resources to you that help you positively optimize your mind, body, and spirit. And, I'll only ever link to products or resources, affiliate or otherwise that fit within this purpose. So, there's your fancy legal disclaimer.
Have a question you'd like Ben to answer on the podcast?
Click here, or use the ‘contact' button in the free Ben Greenfield Fitness app.
Prior to asking your question, do a search in the upper right-hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!
News Flashes – Follow Ben on Twitter for more…
- Japanese Professor Creates Lickable TV Screen You Can Taste…06:25
- This new year try walking backwards: It pays…12:10
- “A hundred steps backwards is worth a thousand steps forward”
- ‘Fountain of youth’ pill shows ability to dramatically increase longevity in mice…13:47
- Can you get more fit from the blood infusion of a fit person's plasma? Oh gee, here we go…16:38
Interesting data on hydrogen-enriched water for traumatic brain injury and for cognitive performance…19:12
- Hyperbaric oxygen to the rescue for beauty and skin health. I dig it. (I use this one about 5 days of the week for 30-60 min.)
- These results suggest that essential amino acids play a novel role in maintaining brain health and protecting against neurodegenerative disorders…29:06
- Which chemicals are in your fast food? (burritos and burgers are particularly problematic)…32:20
Resources mentioned:
- Ben's smoothie recipe:
- Blend with ice
- Goat milk from the backyard or get it from Amazon here
- Nutribullet
- Soak frozen raw liver cubes in kefir in a mason jar
- Frozen avocado cubes
- Omica Organics Stevia
- Sea salt
- Kion Colostrum (8 heaping scoops)
- nurish.me Liquid Curcumin (use code BEN25 to save 25%)
- Kion Creatine
- Nutola granola topping (use code BEN to save 20%)
- Podcast with Ben Patrick:
- Water and Wellness hydrogen tablets
- Podcast with Tyler LeBaron
- Hanu Health podcast with Nathan Bryan
- HBOT Vitaeris
- HBOT podcast and article:
- A New Treatment For Blasting Tissues With Oxygen, Growing New Blood Vessels, Recovering Faster, Killing Bacteria, Building Stem Cells & Much More!, with Dr.Jason Sonners.
- How To Biohack A Hyperbaric Experience – A Physician Spills His Insider Secrets On How To Use HBOT Properly To Accelerate & Optimize Healing, Performance, and Recovery.
- humanⁿ neo40
- Kion Aminos
Upcoming Events:
- Keep up on Ben's LIVE appearances by following bengreenfieldfitness.com/calendar
Special Announcements…
–The Boundless Cookbook: Optimize your physical and mental performance with nutritious and delicious Greenfield family recipes. This is your roadmap to a culinary journey that includes ancient food and wild game preparation tactics, biohacked smoothies, meat rubs, cocktails, desserts, and beyond—without any restrictive diet, limited ingredients, or tasteless “health foods”! Order yours today here!
Check out Ben on Instagram for epic posts and photos about his morning, day, and evening routines, recipes, and much more!
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Join Ben's Facebook page for conversations with listeners and even more useful information, posts, and support!
Listener Q&A :
Q: Should You Increase Your Protein Intake As You Age?…42:30
In my response, I recommend:
- Q&A 438: Is A Carnivore Diet Bad For You, How To Build More Muscle With Cold, The Best Baby Food, Alcohol Microdosing & Much More!
- Thorne Bio-Gest
- Bioptimizers Masszymes
- Total protein daily intake = 0.55g~0.8g/lb.
Q: How To Fast Without Feeling Nauseous…46:51
In my response, I recommend:
- Not uncommon to feel nauseous when intermittent fasting
- Ketones and Amino acids before bed
- Morning ayurvedic practices that help with poor vagal nerve tone
- The Perfect 11-Minute Morning Routine: How To Make Your Day Better By Using Ancient Ayurvedic Principles To Optimize Your Morning Routine with Dr. Bhaswati Bhattacharya.
Q: How To Target Lactobacillus Growth…51:40
In my response, I recommend:
- Dr. William Davis yogurt recipes
- Super Gut by Dr. William Davis
- Seed Daily Synbiotic
- Ben's yogurt recipe:
- Lactobacillus Reuteri
- Inulin
- Prebiotic fiber
- Goat milk from backyard or get it from Amazon here
- Pendulum Glucose Control
- Go With The Gut: New Israeli Research Probes Microbiome Responses To Personalized Diets
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I’m a newer listener but have listened quit a bit. WHO is Jay on the Q and A? I hear his voice and he seems knowledgeable but I never hear who he is. He’s in another time zone, but where? What is his expertise?