Use the following discount codes and links to get significant savings:
Actionwipes: “BGF”
10% discount on ActionWipes sport cleaning wipes
Ben's recommendation: “Keep spray or wipes in your gym bag for those busy days when you can't shower, to freshen up after a swim, or to get a de-stressed I-just-went-to-the-spa feeling.”
CherryPharm: “BGCHERRY”
5% discount on any case of CherryPharm health and performance cherry juice
Ben's recommendation: “Drink an 8oz bottle immediately after exercise (combined with protein) to enhance recovery and decrease inflammation.”
Greyhound Juice: “BGF”
5% discount on Greyhound Juice muscle warming rub
Ben's recommendation: “Use prior to cold water swims, or anytime when you don't anticipate having a chance to thoroughly warm-up the muscles.”