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Ben Greenfield’s Top Recommended Life-Changing Books

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See Ben's Recommended Life-Changing Books
I'm often asked if I have a mentor. Not really, I suppose. Unless you count the thousands upon thousands of *literary* mentors found upon the bookshelves crowded tightly throughout my house, or digitally lurking within my Kindle, Audible player, and electronic devices.

As a matter of fact, I would estimate – especially because I was homeschooled with a relatively “free-learning” style approach – that approximately 80% of what I know about business, health, personal productivity, adventuring, investing, education, parenting, fitness and the like – has been derived from simply reading books. Every day. For most of my life, or at least since I was around four years old.

But there is ONE shelf in my office and ONE saved library on my Kindle for books I want to come back to over and over again, usually to read in full. These are books with folded-over, tattered pages, heavily underlined sections, and oodles of highlights because I often read them each year.

These are books that have changed my life.

These are books that have shaped who I am.

These are books I will gift to my sons.

These are books you need to read, and not simply read a summary of.

So I now introduce to you…

…my mentors: the top 25 books I think everyone should read before they die.