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Curable: How an Unlikely Group of Radical Innovators is Trying to Transform our Health Care System

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This book introduces how smart metrics, slow thinking, off-label drugs, and a “Moneyball” prescription for fixing modern medicine could be the key to transforming our health care system. It raises the question about whether the solution has been here all along, and we’ve just been too blind to see it. Travis looks at medicine through a magnifying glass and asks an important question: What if the roots of the current US health care crisis are psychological and systemic, perpetuated not just by corporate influence and the powers that be, but by you and me? It is now known that human perception is based on deeply entrenched patterns of irrational thought, which we attach ourselves to religiously. So how does this implicate the very scientific research and data that doctors rely on to successfully treat their patients?

A page-turning inquiry into a “moneyball approach to medicine,” Curable explores the links between revolutionary baseball analytics; Nobel Prize-winning psychological research on confirmation bias; wildly successful maverick economic philosophy; the history of the radical mastectomy and the rise of the clinical trial; cutting edge treatments routinely overlooked by regulatory bodies; and outdated medical models that prioritize profit over prevention. As stark as things are, Travis Christofferson asks us to see health care not as a toppling house of cards, but as a badly organized system that is inherently fixable.

How do we fix it? First we must reframe the conflict between doctors’ intuition and statistical data. Then we must design better systems that can support doctors who are increasingly overwhelmed with the complexity of modern medicine.