Safe and proven neuroscience technology, NuCalm quickly relaxes you without the use of narcotics or controlled substances—helping you naturally:
NuCalm is a next-level cranial electrotherapy stimulation device that uses mild stimulation to help your brain interrupt the adrenaline and cortisol release, by mimicking what naturally occurs in your brain right before you sleep.
NuCalm suspends your mind and body in parasympathetic nervous system dominance –allowing you to recover, heal, and rebuild.
After your NuCalm journey, you can expect to feel calm, relaxed, focused, energized, present, and patient. Since NuCalm is priming your GABAergic system, you can also expect to sleep better at night.
The NuCalm Performance Package includes:
"NuCalm lets me get a 20-minute intense period of relaxation even when I can’t nap. I use it nearly every day, particularly during travel and on airplanes. It includes an app with “music” – which is actually neuroacoustic software that delivers frequencies to your brain which take you down to theta brain wavelength." — Ben
Learn more about NuCalm in these podcast episodes: