But do you even look like you work out? Are you spending disproportionate amounts of hours exercising and wasting your time? Many fitness “experts” defend weights and cardio like they are infallible. But where are the results? Why does almost nobody look even marginally athletic?
A device that creates muscle gains 3x faster than traditional training.
The X3 Bar was invited by Dr. John Jaquish when his mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. The device not only fixed his mother's bone density but that of tens of thousands of others.
In his trialed research, Dr. Jaquish made another big discovery. He identified that when people are in impact-ready positions, they are seven times stronger than what weights allow at the gym. In other words, when you lift weights you are overloading joints while under-loading muscle. And this is exactly why you fail to see results.
The X3 Bar is a complete home gym system that provides faster, better exercise benefits than conventional weight machines, squat racks, and home gyms. It includes:
“On a recent trip to Florida, I shoved the entire X3 Bar system, along with all the included elastic bands, into my bag for a portable gym.
Based on the concept of variable resistance training, it allows me to generate hundreds of pounds of force under extremely tight tension. Designed by medical engineer John Jaquish (who I'll be releasing a podcast with soon), it's about the closest you can get to putting an entire squat rack in your travel bag, and still being able to slip something into the overhead compartment on the airplane.
Not sure whether to thank or hate John for the ensuing sweaty sufferfest in my hotel room, but what can I say? This portable device packs a punch." – Ben
Learn more about the X3 Bar Elite in the following resources:
X3 Bar Workout: