August 25, 2011
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.
Do you have a future podcast question for Ben? click Ask a Podcast Question at the bottom of this page, Skype to “pacificfit” or scroll down on this post to access the free “Ask Ben” form…
In this August 24, 2011 free audio episode: How to stop carb cravings, dizziness with carb restriction, is instant coffee safe, should you prioritize sleep or training, indoor training on a tri bike vs. road bike, can caffeine give you man-boobs, how many triathlons can you do, compartment syndrome, how many intervals should you do, and can you do long workouts fasted?
Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected] And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
Special Announcements:
–“How To Cook Fresh In 5 Simple Steps”: I wanted to know more about resources for teaching you how to eat as fresh as possible, without necessarily “going vegan”, so I contacted my friend, Chef Todd Mohr – and he actually put together a FREE video cooking webcast entitled: “How To Cook Fresh In 5 Simple Steps”. He promises to answer all your questions about choosing, cooking, and storing farm fresh ingredients, and you can register right away by clicking here.
Chef Todd's free video webcasts can attract a lot of people, so you should claim your spot before this one fills up. I've seen his free webcasts before, and I always come away with information the instantly improves my outlook on food and cooking. He's got a unique approach to teaching that is fun and light, and he's a pretty funny guy too. So here you go (full disclosure: I am an affiliate for Chef Todd's Web Cooking Classes):
-The Low Carbohydrate Diet For Triathletes is now LIVE. You can watch a free video and get the entire guide now for $17 at:
-The BenGreenfieldFitness gear and clothing store is now LIVE! Click here to get triathlon uniforms, tech pants and coat, hats and more – all emblazoned with Ben Greenfield's “Fire & Water” tattoo!
-November 13: Come party with Ben in Jamaica! Jamaica Triathlon has a 20% discount code to register! Use code BGREENJAMTRI when you register at
-BenGreenfieldFitness Inner Circle is now just $1 for a 14 Day Sneak Peek! Click here to join now.
Featured Topic: How To Stop Carbohydrate Cravings In Their Tracks.
Nora Gedgaudas is Board-certified in Holistic Nutrition® through the National Association of Nutritional Professionals (NANP) and is recognized by the Nutritional Therapy Association as a Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT). She has appeared as a guest lecturer on radio and television. She was host of her own top rated radio program on Voice America Radio’s “Health and Wellness” channel and her Primal Body Primal Mind book is a highly recommended read.
She maintains a private practice in Portland, Oregon as both a Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT) and a Board-certified Clinical Neurofeedback Specialist (CNS). During my interview with Nora, we discuss…
Why do some people crave carbohydrates?
What type of methods are most effective for reducing carbohydrate cravings?
How does biofeedback work for carb cravings?
What can someone expect if they were going to try biofeedback for something like a craving, or a lifestyle or diet change?
Is biofeedback something someone would need to continue your entire life?
In my interview with Nora, she mentions her article: The Whacky, Wild and Misleading World Of Neurotransmitter Testing, and also references for finding a neurofeedback practitioner.
Listener Q&A:
Prior to asking your question, PLEASE be considerate and do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. 90% of the questions we receive have already been asked and answered here at!
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Chris asks: I experimented with severe carb restriction a few times (veggies only carb source), and always experience equilibrium loss within a few days until I started eating carbs again. What's the deal with that?
Christine asks: Is instant coffee safe? I try to avoid processed foods and drinks and have often wondered if the process of making instant coffee is safe or not.
Don asks: My real question concerns training versus sleep for older “athletes”. I am a 64 year old truck driver with highly irregular schedule. I've been doing sprint duathlons for about 5 years, and am trying to work up to international distance du's (10k run, 40k bike, 5k run). Currently i'm able to train 4.5hrs average. Would it be better to add training instead of sleep on days when i am physically tired, go the weekend warrior route, or forget the longer events.
Cindy asks: I have a road bike and a tri bike. I ride the tri bike for racing and long rides and the road bike for group rides. Are there any disadvantages to doing all my winter indoor rides on just my road bike and leaving my tri bike until the weather is nice in the spring?
Joe asks: I read somewhere that intense exercise “…produces high levels of adrenal steroid hormones that cause a testosterone deficiency…” Is this true? If it is true, then doesn't a diet high in caffeine, a known adrenal stimulant, cause testosterone deficiency as well? In other words, are hard workouts and my energy drinks both a contributing factor to my “Man-Boobs?”
In my response to Joe, I mentioned ProstElan, and also this video I did on testosterone and other subjects: “Ben Greenfield’s Top 10 Diet & Fitness Breakthroughs Of The Year”.
Matt asks: There's a growing scene here with plenty of sprint/Oly tris, aquathlons, 10k runs and time trial rides and I like to race as many as possible – isn't that where all the fun lies? Is it OK to have a season without an A race (or certainly not one between Sept and March, at least)? If so, how should my programme reflect this lack of one single peak?
Angie asks: I notice that after a couple of miles of running, both my feet go completely numb. I have tried loosening my laces, changing my running shoes, stretching, rolling my calves and none of it seemed to help significantly. I have had an ultrasound done following 30 mins of running and have subsequently been diagnosed with chronic exertional compartment syndrome in both deep posterior compartments. I am not too keen on the idea of going down the surgery route, and just wondered if you were familiar with this and whether you can suggest any ideas before i give up on running altogether!?
John has a call-in question: First, you recommended high intensity intervals. 30 seconds to 1 minute at maximum effort and then full recovery, I think? How may should I be doing? And, I think you said do this workout in afternoon every other day?
Second, I ride with a group on the weekend. For now, we are doing 2 hour bike rides. I have been doing the rides “fasted”. I eat a Gu Roctane at 1 hour and then at 1:30, and drink water otherwise. I have felt pretty good doing this and feel like I'm doing the right thing, guess I just need some reassurance.
I need some help
Hi Ben,
I think there’s good reason to be very suspicious of Angie’s diagnosis. The key phrase that makes me say that is that BOTH feet go numb at the same time. Any time someone has the same nerve or vascular (blood vessel) symptom happen in both legs or arms, a central cause should be suspected. Each calf and lower leg functions individually so it would be quite a coincidence for her to have the exact same set of symptoms on both sides. Rather, it is more likely that some central cause is making the nerves or blood vessels vulnerable to being compromised resulting in symptoms. If we trace the nerves back to where both sides could be affected we get to the lumbar spine and pelvic region. I would highly recommend she see a sports chiropractor preferably trained in muscle work such as Active Release Techniques who can determine if joint dysfunction and resulting inflammation in the lumbar spine or SI joints may be aggravating nerves controlling sensation in the feet. From a muscle perspective I’d be checking closely for pirifirmis tightness on both sides in the buttocks. If you look up piriformis syndrome which can create symptoms like hers. I’d also suspect psoas/hip flexor tightness which can cause low back and hip region aggravation with activity. Google “psoas low back pain” to read a number of articles explaining how the psoas is often the cause of low back dysfunction and nerve symptoms into the legs.
As far as “central” vascular causes of this condition, diabetes should be ruled out with thorough blood work as both sided foot numbness is commonly caused by diabetes. Also, I’d generally recommend my patients dealing with numbess or tingling take a Super B Complex multivitamin to support nerve and vascular function.
Is there a time for Chef Todd's webinar? I can't see it anywhere on the site. I live in Hong Kong so time of day is critical. Thanks a lot!