November 23, 2011
Do you have a future podcast question for Ben? click Ask a Podcast Question at the bottom of this page, Skype to “pacificfit” or scroll down on this post to access the free “Ask Ben” form…
In this November 23, 2011 free audio episode: The new BenGreenfieldFitness podcast host, are packaged organic foods really healthy, is an off-season necessary?, how hard to train in the winter, is aspirin healthy, what kind of calcium to take, how a gluten free diet affects menstrual cycles, and how to use beet juice for sports performance.
Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected] And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
Special Announcements:
-May 27-June 3: All-Inclusive Kona 2012 Triathlon Camp! Ben Greenfield will be there for a week of swimming, biking and running on the famous Ironman Hawaii course, along with IM Talk host John Newsom and Ironman World Champion Scott Molina. This Epic Camp culminates with the Ironman 70.3 Hawaii race! Space is limited, so act soon – click here to get full info or to register now for the Kona camp.
-The BenGreenfieldFitness gear and clothing store is now LIVE! Click here to get triathlon uniforms, tech pants and coat, hats and more – all emblazoned with Ben Greenfield's “Fire & Water” tattoo!
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-BenGreenfieldFitness Inner Circle is now just $1 for a 14 Day Sneak Peek! Click here to join now.
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Featured Topic: “Living Beyond Organic” – Are Packaged Organic Foods Really Healthy or Just Marketing Hype?

Is organic chocolate actually healthy? We answer this question and much more in today's featured topic with Dr. Josh Axe…
In today's interview, Ben Greenfield and the new podcast host Brock Skywalker Armstrong interview Dr. Josh Axe about the new Beyond Organic foods, including:
–Reign Spring Water & Botanical Infusions
During the interview, Dr. Axe answers questions about product ingredients and how packaged organic food could actually be healthy.
As an additional resource, Dr. Axe recommends learning more about the benefit of organic cattle by reading the book: “The Devil Is In The Milk.”
Full disclosure: Ben Greenfield has joined BeyondOrganic as a member. This means that if you, like Ben, begin using the products above, then Ben will make a 20% commission. And so you make the same commission if you join as a member.
Listener Q&A:
Chuck asks how much time off do you really need to take during the off-season and whether you need to get “unfit to get fit again”.
Nadine asks:If you read the December 2011 Triathlete magazine, they will tell you that you can get fit faster by including more intensity, less volume over the winter. In Velo Magazine for December 2011, the long,slow, zone one/two for the whole “off” season is recommended. Plus you have talked more intensity and less volume but interview Phil Maffetone who says to keep heart rate in zone one for the prep and base periods. So I am confused. What is the deal with intensity?
Craig asks: My doctor says everyone should take a baby aspirin each day. What is your opinion on this?
Melanie asks: First, if you are trying to get your calcium from food rather than supplements, how should you count calcium that has been added to foods? Is that considered a supplement and how useful or absorbable is it? Example, I drink almond milk which boasts 50% DV of calcium, but much of this is added to the milk in the form of calcium carbonate. Is calcium carbonate a good form? If I conclude I'm not getting enough from food, would you recommend hydroxyapatite as the best form? I've previously taken, but not currently taking, Jarrow Bone Up. Also, can you clarify the relationship between magnesium and calcium? I am having some success with my PMS by taking magnesium powder (which you have recommended) and I don't want to interfere with my success by adding in a calcium supplement.
In my response to Melanie, I mention Topical Magnesium and Natural Calm Magnesium.
Kyoko asks:How does a gluten free diet effect the menstrual cycle? What are those effects are how serious are they? What is your advice? I have no period and no PMS, and I actually feel better.
Erin asks: I've heard you talk about the use of beet juice for improved endurance performance a few times on the podcast now. I'm just curious to know if you've ever actually tried drinking 16 oz of beet juice? I tried drinking 8 oz of it once and it very quickly made me extremely nauseous. I had to pull over my car because I thought I was going to toss my cookies. I'm great with other vegetable juices, but I can't do the straight beet juice. I guess I'm just curious to know if other people have had this same problem.
Prior to asking your question, PLEASE be considerate and do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. 90% of the questions we receive have already been asked and answered here at!
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Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected] And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
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I'm a new listener and was a bit disappointed that you spent so much time on "Beyond Organic." Listening to Dr. Axe I couldn't help but think I was listening to a MLM pitch. Reading the "Beyond" website confirmed my suspicions. Also, using the term "Beyond Organic" is often a ploy to appear "Organic" without having to go through the procedures necessary to legally label a product "Organic." I look forward to listening to future podcasts.
I just thought I’d drop a note on a technical issue. The “cyloning” that occurs about 38 minutes into the podcast is something that listeners to TWIT and Net at Night are well aware of. It usually occurs 60 minutes into the podcast. There is also a long standing problem where we suspect that Rogers in Canada may be limiting Skype bandwidth, but it only occurs on long calls. The first thing to try is to have your co-host unplug and re-plug his microphone or USB headset. If that doesn’t work, he’ll have to end the call and reconnect.
thanks for the heads up!
Is there a difference between organic and natural products like peanut butter?
Organic peanut butter can tend to be lower in afflatoxin, a common mold found in peanuts:
Glad to have a Canadian on the podcast!
Glad to be a Canadian on the podcast!
Hey Ben,
Thanks for answering my call in question. However, I know about the "off-season" from where you have addressed it before and in your training plans, but my question was really about just taking 1-2 weeks off after the last race of the year. LIke no workouts, sleeping, relaxing, catching up on life, maybe some light swimming or yoga. Is this ok (and recommended) to do for someone like me or yourself who has a had a serious season of racing long course triathlons? Or do you consecutive days off would be a bad idea? I'm only talking a couple weeks tops.
Thanks man!
Unless you have adrenal exhaustion, I think a total break like that isn't really necessary.