February 15, 2012
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.
In this Feb 15, 2012 free audio podcast: Are Your Hormones Out Of Whack? Also: which type of coconut milk is best, bike workouts in a hotel, choosing the best (elliptical) chain rings, which fats are the healthiest, is sugar free dark chocolate ok, controlling the urge to snack at work, stress incontinence in female runners, increased heart rate in heat and humidity, correcting an estrogen imbalance, and how much to workout while lowering cortisol levels.
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Special Announcements:
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Curious about what a stool/GI test involves? Ben announced that he recently did this GI Test. Check out his results & explanation of results.
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News Flashes:
- Time to chalk up yet another success for fish oil – maintaining strength as you age.
- Here's why that Snickers bar is so much more tempting and tasty when you're low on sleep.
- 150 minutes of exercise a week is probably NOT enough to prevent diabetes.
- In trained subjects, 2 minute rest periods have allowed for just as much strength development as 4 and 5 minute rest periods.
- I wish studies like this would look at more than just weight loss (i.e. blood glucose, triglycerides, HDL, etc.)
Listener Q&A:
Audio Question from Rick:
What coconut milk brand or type should he buy? Can or carton? Also wondering about Rhabdomyolysis from intense workouts? Side effects?
~ In my response, I mention coconut cream concentrate.
Audio Question from Craig:
Traveling a lot between now and the first race of the season – how should he prepare in a hotel for the bike leg of the tri?
~ In my response, I mention Tabata sets, power intervals and long hard rides.
Audio Question from Joe:
A few questions about choosing the best elliptical chain rings.
~ In my response to Joe, I reference my comprehensive discussion in podcast 159.
Bilal asks:
Someone whose opinion I trust and value forwarded me your recommendations on the food pyramid. I am a bit puzzled by your recommendations for fat, especially items like ghee that are incredibly high in saturated fats. Olive oil makes a lot of sense as a clear alternative. Can you point me to some scientific studies on which your recommendations are based? I may have the complete wrong model in my mind and I'd like to be better educated on such nutritional issues.
Alex asks:
I found a sugar free dark chocolate in the supermarket today and I checked the ingredients, which sounded OK but not sure about a couple of them. It has “70% cocoa solids, 15% polydextrose (soluble dietary fiber), erythritol, soy lecithin (emulsifier), vanilla flavour and stevia”. I know your opinion on soy lecithin from the recent protein powder podcast but I'm not sure about polydextrose and erythritol. My Google searches didn't show them as too bad. Are they?
David wrote:
I'm an active athlete and eat a paleo based diet; however, I work a pretty sedentary and sometimes a pretty boring job, and even though I eat “healthy” foods, when I'm at work I can't seem to stop eating. On my days off I eat minute amounts in comparison. Do you have any tips to help me control my eating while at work?
~ In my response to David, I mention the following resources:
5 ways to suppress your appetite without taking any special pills or capsules
A simple six step system for eliminating food cravings
12 dietary supplements that can massively control your most intense carbohydrate cravings
Lori asks:
Can you talk about stress incontinence in women runners? What is your opinion about bladder sling procedures to ‘fix' the problem. (Assuming it's a skilled surgeon.)
~ In my response, I mention biofeedback, and http://bcia.org for finding a qualified practitioner.
Oyvind wrote:
I am a spinning instructor and I often coach interval training during my classes. I coach my class at which intensity level they should aim for during the session and everybody has a heart rate monitor. With a full house and high intensity, the temperature and the humidity in the room rises. Do you know by how much the heart rate can increase at different intensity levels due to high temperature and high humidity? A “ballpark” figure would be sufficient. And also, as an instructor, I shout out instructions and at the same time I work out myself. Do you have any input as to how much the heart rate can increase due to my shouting? Finally, do you have any experience in using AcidZapper, a supplement for lactic acid buffering? Do they work and are there any research backing this up.
~ In my response, I mention Extreme Endurance.
Rick asks:
I recently tested my hormone levels through a saliva test kit. Results came back with a low progesterone (Pg) to estradiol (E2) ratio being low at 11.49, suggesting I am estrogen dominant. I was subsequently prescribed topical progesterone to correct this imbalance. My question is: what would you do to correct an imbalance of this nature? Would you supplement with the topical cream as recommended or with something else? Are there any side effects you'd be concerned about by taking progesterone cream? I am an active 34 yr old male with no major health conditions… and I know you are not a doctor :-) but advice is very valued!
~ In my response to Rick, I mention an estrogen detox.
Amanda wrote:
I have not had a menstrual cycle for 2 years. I have been seeing a naturopath the last 6 months and we are doing various treatments, like taking Progesterone and other hormones/supplements. This last visit we went over test results and my Cortisol levels are through the roof. To decrease the levels of cortisol she asked that I ONLY do Yoga 7 days a week. Exercise is one of the most important parts of my life and to go from what I have been doing to only Yoga is devastating (I know I need to gain perspective on this). My doctor and I talked through some options and she said it was ok to run 3x week at 10 min/pace for 20 minutes and then Yoga. That is only 2 miles! Ugh! I would love your opinion on “non stressful” exercise to do. I guess I am just looking for guidance on what a week would look like for exercise I can do to feel like I am getting a workout/not losing muscle tone but not hammering my body. My husband and I want to start a family soon so I need to get the no menstrual cycle issue figured out.
~ In my response to Amanda, I recommend she listen to an upcoming podcast episode with Janet Alexander at www.enduranceplanet.com
Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!
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Hey Ben, just listening to Podcast #183 at work, and you mention that buying organic isn't as big a concern for fruit/veggies that have a removable, durable covering. Is the only danger from pesticides etc from external application, or is there any that exists from the leaching of chemicals that would seep into the water that the plant drinks?
yes, there is risk, but not significant. Best case (but spendier) is to simply choose organic…
So you have a parasite according to your GI panel? What's up with that?
Read the results explanation – pretty straightforward – not the type to be too concerned about…
BTW, if one is worried about saturated fat, look here: http://www.ajcn.org/content/early/2010/01/13/ajcn…
I know its a meta-study, but it is done be the best researchers in the business. It's those slices of whole wheat toast and jam, mueseli and orange juice for brekky you might consider, not the bacon and eggs.
This is the best episode ever. Thanks, learned heaps.