May 20, 2011
There are a ton of triathlon training schedules.
Some are good, some are bad, and some are nice to look at when you need to fall asleep quickly and don't have any sleeping pills nearby.
But regardless of which triathlon training schedule you use, there are 10 crucial time-saving elements you need to be looking for, if you don't want to waste time training when you could be kissing up to your boss, wasting time on YouTube, or teaching your kids how to make offensive sounds with their armpits.
So in no particular order of importance (except that the first one is about food, which I find myself thinking about a lot as a self-admitted food junkie), here are your 10 triathlon training schedule time savers:
10. Eat Lunch Fast. Taking 5 minutes to eat your lunch will leave, in most cases, 55 extra minutes in your triathlon training schedule. So what takes a long time to eat? Salads, casseroles, dinner leftovers – and pretty much anything that requires cutlery. Choose these instead: wraps, sandwiches, smoothies and shakes. And yes, I am that guy riding my bicycle down the road as I finish up a turkey-avocado wrap that I've wrapped in aluminum foil and stuffed down my bike jersey.
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
9. Quality Over Quantity. Most triathletes, especially the Ironman ones, swim 140% too much, bike 200% too much and run 170% too much – mostly because there is too little hard fast training and too much long slow training. I personally use a ton of high intensity interval training workouts (HIIT), and that means I get to watch movies with my kids at night. So what's an example of HIIT? Rather than going on a 45 minute run, I'll do 10 treadmill 30-60 second sprints on the highest incline I can possibly manage, and then do my core workout between each sprint.
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
8. Indoor Training. It sounds a bit blah, but if you want to free up time in your triathlon training schedule, you can save many, many minutes by hopping on an indoor trainer or treadmill rather than getting dressed for weather conditions, going outside, and fighting stop signs, stop lights, traffic and Grandma's on rollerblades with their 8 grandchildren and 2 schnozzle dogs. You'll even find me sometimes skipping my swim to do an indoor workout like the one in this FIT10 Indoor Workout video.
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
7. Commute. Ride your bike to work. Put your clothes in a backpack, and pack babywipes or Actionwipes to wipe yourself down. If you're like me, you can even go so far as to wash your hair in the sink. If this doesn't work for your triathlon training schedule you can also: A) run to the grocery store for small items (I run hard there, and then easy back while I'm carrying stuff like bananas); B) do errands on your bike (not recommended for anything that involves your hair looking nice); or C) ride or run to social events, like parties, and then drive home with your friends or family.
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
6. Eat Right. If you're eating calories that don't have high nutritional value, a good part of your triathlon training schedule is going to be spent simply A) trying not to get fat and/or B) fighting against the recovery and fitness reducing effect that “empty calories” have on your body. Anything process, refined or packaged should comprise only a very small part of your diet, and everything else should come from whole, raw, real food. And yes, the local coffeeshop bakery case falls into the latter category, even the cookies with the pink frosting that say “Fat-Free”. I also recommend that just about everybody take the bare minimum supplementation protocol (for reasons I discuss in an nutrition supplements audio you can hear by clicking here ): Vitamin D, Magnesium, Fish Oil and Greens.
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
5. Family Training Tools. As soon as my wife and I found out we were pregnant with twins (actually she was, I just helped, which was the fun part), we equipped our garage with a double bike trailer and a double jogger. The bike trailer always has two little bike helmets and a bunch of books and toys inside (you'd be surprised at how long a Batman action figure will keep a little boy entertained on a long bike ride). My wife uses the jogger to take the kids on little nature field-trips, or to soccer, swimming, and even the gym (speaking of the gym, try to join one that has free kid care, like the YMCA, so you and your spouse can exercise together). Some triathlon training schedule advice is to do “Invisible Training”, which is done early in the morning or late at night when your training is “invisible” to your family, but I encourage you, at least once a week, to set a good example and make family a part of your training.
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
4. Communication. You, your spouse, your family, your friends, your co-workers and your boss should be aware of your triathlon training schedule when you have a 5 hour bike ride planned for the weekend, or you decide to disappear to the gym for an extra hour on Wednesday morning. We keep a big calendar by our front door where we write down workouts, family events, races, and sometimes the ever-present reminder for me to “mow the lawn already”. If you and your spouse are geeks, you could certainly use something Google calendar or the “Remember The Milk” phone app – but we go old-school paper calendar at the Greenfield house. I'm also very open to friends and co-workers when I can't hang out. Don't be embarrassed to wear your triathlon training schedule on your sleeve – most people will respect you for being committed to fitness.
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
3. Friday Night Fuddy-Duddy. Speaking of friends, I don't recommend you engage in heavy drinking or late night social activities on Friday night – primarily because Saturday is such valuable time for getting in your triathlon training scheduled workouts. Save the tom-foolery for Saturday nights or Sunday afternoons, when you've gotten your high quality training out of the way. My wife and I will often stay in on Friday night, grab a movie (the last good one was “Due Date”, but I digress), have a date night, hit the sack by 10pm, and be fresh and ready to get started into workouts or training on Saturday.
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
2. Cross-Train. Lately, many of my social relationships are now formed from playing tennis with a group of guys. For me, that's my social outlet that keeps me from being an isolated triathlon geek who has lost the skill to communicate with the general population and mostly just stares off into space and utters phrases like “Oily Cassette Blurby Blah-Blah”. You're not “wasting time” when you cross-train in your triathlon training schedule – instead, there is often a very good training effect upon your triathlon fitness. While the social sports of golf, softball and baseball may not be the best cardiovascular cross-training activities, look into group activities like soccer, basketball, tennis, or if you are an international reader, cricket (I know nothing about cricket, but I threw that in there to make this a globally relevant article and to appease any Eastern hemisphere readers).
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
1. Non-Triathlon Post-Race Festivities. If you've got a family, the last thing you want is your family to regret you taking them to the big race in your triathlon training schedule. By all means, do not arrive at your race 5-7 days before the race with your family for a “vacation”, spend the entire vacation fretting about racing and tweaking your bicycle, and then fly home the night of the race or the morning after. Instead, go to the race later in the week, like 3 or 4 days early (you're not a professional athlete, for crying out loud, so why skip out on life just to acclimate?) and then stay 2-3 days after the race to engage in non-triathlon post-race festivities
with your family, like theme parks, scenic attractions, wine tasting, or if you'll really up for an adventure, wine tasting at theme parks. I take no responsibility for injuries incurred during that last activity.
If you're trying to prepare for a triathlon without neglecting your friends, family or career, then these time-saving tips should be good additions to your triathlon training schedule. If you want more advice just like this, then you'll want to visit, where I've got more techniques for Half-Ironman and Ironman triathletes to get maximum results with minimum training time. See you there!
Do you have questions, your own spin on these time-saving tips, or a comment? Leave your thoughts at the end of this post!
Thanks Ben, pleased to hear it, I was worried about having to do 6 tri training sessions per week plus 2 basektball sessions! I do cycle to and from work also but its only 15 minutes but I can extend 2 of them to make them my cycling training sessions. Since reading your article i've found a lunch time swimming club also! You are saving me a lot of valuable time thank you! :)
Hi Ben, I am doing my first triathlon this year, Olympic distance and i've done a lot of research on training. This is the most helpful article so far, thank you! I do have a questions, you say to cross train, if I play a basketball game once a week and have basketball training once a week, what can this replace? I'm thinking I have to do 2 sessions in each discipline, one short, one long, so would my basketball replace a short run??
EXACTLY, Jack. Basketball would replace any interval training on the run. It counts for plyometrics too….
Great stuff Ben!!
I work two jobs at 75 hours a week. My day begins at 6:30am at job one until 3:00pm and the off to job two until 11:00pm. The saving grace is I have two full days off from both jobs. This makes training a real challenge.
I’m currently training for my first half ironman this January. I’m going to incorporate more of the time saving ideas from this podcast.
Thanks for your support, enthusiasm and passion for helping others.
Agree on most of this – especially commuting to work which, for me, has made the difference between being able to think of doing an Ironman and not – but the idea of replacing some long slow workouts with high intensity series looks wrong to me. Surely the point of Ironman training is to train your aerobic system, to convert as many of your muscle fibres to slow-twitch and to train your body to burn fat over carbs. As far as I understand it, this is only achieved with long slow runs and rides, at below your maximal aerobic threshold (by which I mean around about 150bpm running and 125bpm cycling – but it depends very much on the individual). I've certainly noticed a big improvement training like this. A high intensity run can actually go against the training effect you are looking for. It's not to say that you should do no high intensity work, but the proportion should be very low I believe and, above all, controlled – not a function of how much time you have to spare.
One suggestion is to train alone most of the time. It's much more boring (but, after all, in the race you are on your own) but you save so much time being able to start and finish your training at the door of your house and not having to wait for others to turn up or fix punctures etc.
Rob: I'd highly recommend you read this:…
Intense training, just like weight training, enhances neuromuscular recruitment of muscle fibers and improves economy and efficiency – which is why a track workout can make you a faster marathoner.
Great point on the "train solo" tip! I almost never do group training, for that reason.
Awesome Ben, Triathlon can be a selfish sport and it gets very difficult to maintain when you run a business and a family especially with young kids! I love the Dominator program and am using it to get ready for Vineman Full this July! Thanks for what you give to the sport!
I think this is a great list and I just wanted to add some to it.
I also think that treating your training like a business, and workouts like meetings.
Remember the 80/20 law and set definite time limits for how long something will take.
I agree about quality over quantity. I think this is important not just for time, but actual performance as well. Since I've cut back on my mileage and increased the intensity, I've become much faster, healthier and more enthusiastic about my training.
Cross training is a must! I almost think of triathlon as a separate thing from exercise, and I love to do things like crossfit, weightlifting and lacrosse.
Post race is the bomb too! It's a great way to meet new friends and find new training partners:)
Thanks man.