October 20, 2014
A few weeks ago, I published the video “7 Ways To Reduce Electrical Pollution In Your Office“, and a couple weeks ago, the article “Is Your Mattress Killing You?”. Both addressed the concerning topic of what modern electronic signals are doing to our health.
Now i's time to dig even deeper. The following guest post comes from Evan Brand, host of the “Not Just Paleo” podcast. Evan recently recorded a groundbreaking interview entitled “EMF Solutions And How To Mitigate Cell Phone And Home Risks“, and it was so compelling, I asked him if he could expound upon it in this article. This is indeed a controversial topic, so if you have your own thoughts, comments or feedback, them leave them below this post.
Take it away, Evan…
Even if you aren't an avid gossip magazine reader, surely you've heard about some of the extreme measures that celebrities are now taking for their health. Angelina Jolie and her breast removal surgery was the catalyst for me to dig deeper into the lives of celebrities and the things they promote.
Oftentimes, celebrity health issues simply don't make sense. Their “random health problems” just seem so, well…random…and out of the blue to the general public.
But I am here to tell you these random health problems are not really random at all.
In this article, you'll learn about why Lebron James' salivary gland tumor really happened (Lebron recently underwent a 5 hour surgery to remove his tumor). While the consensus that most mouth tumors are benign, that didn't seem to be the case for poor Lebron.
Salivary Gland Tumors Entering the Mainstream
More celebrities than just Lebron James have been dealing with salivary or parotid gland tumors. For examle, John McCain and Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys are two more famous cases of salivary gland tumors. Unfortunately, Adam Yauch lost his life due to his tumor at the age of 47 years old.
So why are these tragedies happening? What is it that politicians, basketball players and musicians have in common?
Just think about it:
They frequently travel and expose themselves to radiation, both in the airport and on planes.
They are in high demand by others which often calls for extremely frequent cell phone use.
They are celebrities – there's simply far less time to turn off and decompress, destress or detoxify.
So is their excessive cell phone use – along with these other damaging life variables – causing their tumors? Although a one study found that short-term use of cell phones did not lead to an increased risk of salivary gland tumors, the authors were unsure of the long-term risks. Another study found no increase in risk for brain tumors after short-term cell phone use, but said they are “waiting for long-term studies to surface”.
Is Cell Phone Danger Just A Conspiracy Theory?
Do these studies sound a bit like the relaxed attitude towards leaded gasoline or cigarettes when they began? Scientist Clair Patterson was living in fear each day due to the mass poisoning that lead was causing in cities with cars and to the health of the ocean. The lead concentration levels in the oceans were rising and were directly correlated from leaded gasoline. The gasoline industry didn't want to hear it. After all, it was big business, and big business is big money.
However, the gasoline companies later hired other scientists to attempt to disprove and convince the public that leaded gasoline was really safe. The full account of this story is shown in Neil Tyson's TV series called Cosmos. In my opinion, it's a must watch episode for every citizen of the planet.
But back to cell phones.
There are scientists, politicians and average everyday people like myself who are concerned about the billions of cell phones that are being produced and used each day on this planet. Why haven't we questioned or paused for a moment to ask how these things may be affecting us on the cellular level? I forgot about the power of money, I suppose. The tech industry is one of the few industries that has boomed in the global recession. It would be catastrophic to the world economy if we were just to abandon the cell phone industry. And besides, we are far too addicted to our tech toys to leave them behind.
If we keep assuming everything is safe until proven dangerous (pesticides, GMO's), we will lead ourselves into human extinction. Scientists have long documented the decline in life expectancy in the 21st century here. It's no surprise to those of us that are aware of the multi-faceted toxic world we live in. Without the ability to detoxify or find nurturing foods, it's no surprise when we look at the statistics. And when you add in cell phone towers every 200 yards throughout the city, along with WiFi centers spreading like some sort of bacteria, you can really begin to grasp the scale of this issue.
Straying Away From Nature
There's a reason you feel more at ease when you are immersed in nature. As someone who spent a lot of time building hiking trails and working in fields in an area with zero cell phone towers, I can tell you that my anxiety and breathing issues are much more relaxed when I'm in those natural environments. When it comes to stress, there are certainly many factors at play, but EMF is a big factore.
As Ben points out in the well-researched article “How To Detox Your Home“, exposure to EMF has been linked to headaches, fatigue, depression, hyperactivity, eye strain, muscle cramps or twitches, poor sleep quality due to reduced melatonin secretion (as stated by the Bioinitiative Report), anxiety, autism, blood-brain barrier permeability, blood sugar dysregulation and heart palpitations.
And this isn't just cell phones we're talking about. I must point out that there is more than just one type of damaging electromagnetic field (EMF), including:
-Radiation frequency, WiFi, cell phone and cell towers coming from your home, public transit, airplane, environment and anywhere where a large group of people with tech gadgets congregate.
-Dirty electricity coming from appliances near your bedroom, fuse boxes, smart meters, hair dryers, televisions, power lines, light fixtures, microwaves and other electronics. You can test anything with your Trifield meter. The safe limit is 1mG.
-Non-native magnetic fields from extension cords, power outlets, some electronics and metal bed frames.
Perhaps you're getting the idea why the massive post-industrial surge in cancer rates is not just limited to mouth cancer. It's affecting every cell in our entire body – above and beyond simply our heads.
But WiFi Is Just So Cool!
Even if you're not personally much of a “cell phone person”, the pervasiveness of WiFi should be concerning to you.
Here in Austin, Texas, the public transit sector has put a huge marketing campaign into promoting their new buses that contain the fastest WiFi. Companies are creating entire businesses based around in-flight WiFi to satisfy our need to conduct “important business” from the airplane.
But has no one realized that buses and airplanes are essentially metal, enclosed microwave boxes? We are simply stuffed inside of them like a TV dinner waiting to explode!
A recent story I overheard at the airport was about the number of tech gadgets each person was carrying. People now have a smartphone, tablet, laptop and usually a few more random electronic “toys”. Take those three gadgets – multiplied by a flight of 150 people who do not follow the “airplane mode” rule – and you have 400+ devices bouncing signals around an airplane cabin.
There should be an immediate requirement and stricter enforcement against devices not put in airplane mode until further studies can disprove the evidence against our health. But I doubt this will happen. Skeptics or people who have no clue about this subject simply want to conduct business and play with their toys – optimizing productivity or being plugged into the world over health. I personally make ever effort possible to travel on airplanes and transit systems that do not have these features available.
Kids Are At Risk Too
When I was in school, cell phones and WiFi wasn't pervasive in the school system. I was safe. But now, 5 year old kids are taking smart phones to school and are sitting in a WiFi bath throughout the enitre day. Almost anyone who has raised a child is aware that a child's skulls is not as dense as an adults, so they have less protection against these invisible forces.
This article quoted The Council of Europe Parliament, who looked at evidence of these technologies and the potential harmful effects on humans and concluded that “immediate action is required to protect the children”.
The Council proposed putting the following measures into place:
Set thresholds for levels of long-term exposure to microwaves of the type emitted by mobile phones;
Introduce clear labeling on products indicating the presence of electromagnetic fields and any health risks associated with use;
Ban all mobile phones and wireless networks in classrooms and schools;
Run information campaigns aimed at children and young adults about the risks to human health;
Step up research on less-dangerous types of antennae and mobile phones.
Dang. Hopefully America catches up soon.
What's Next?
Although the World Health Organization still has a conservative stance on cell phones, cell towers and electromagnetic radiation, they too point to the fact that these 4G advanced technologies have not been around long enough to see the full effect on society. I personally expect their stance to begin to change as the evidence continues to pile up.
On episode 86 of my podcast, I've had one of the most respected EMF experts discuss some of the implications and clinical research on this topic in his career as an M.D. Dr. Samuel Milham also authored the book Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization. I've also talked with Ann Louise Gittleman on episode 87. She is the author of Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution.
What You Can Do
Fortunately, there are action steps you can take right now to ensure you're not swimming in the same EMF filled soup that Lebron James' head has been exposed to for so long. Ben has discussed many of these solutions in detail in his “How To Biohack The Ultimate Healthy Home” e-book, but here's a quick list to get you started:
- Turn off at night or completely remove or disable WiFi from your home and hardwire your computer. I've noticed faster recovery, deeper and more restful sleep accompanied by an increase in dreams and dream recall.
- Use antennasearch.com when you're moving to a new location or planning to build a home. Pick the location with minimal or no towers whenever possible.
- Avoid holding your cell phone right up to your head when talking. Use the speakerphone or hold the phone away from your head while turning up your volume.
- Avoid cell phone use in the car or put it on airplane mode.
- Do not use bluetooth headsets. Only use air-tube headsets (Ben discusses them in this article).
- Turn off the breaker to your bedroom at night if you've got access to the breaker box.
- Use a Trifield meter or even a Lapka device to survey your work area and home for unsafe levels of magnetic fields.
- Use Dirty Electricity Filters if your magnetic level readings are safe and below 1mG using the 0-3 feature.
- Do not bring any electronics into the bedroom.
- Get rid of your metal-containing mattress and bed frame as they act like an antenna. Many people report better sleep by switching to a wood frame and metal and toxin-free mattress.
- Use your laptop hooked up to an external display with wired (not wireless or bluetooth!) keyboard and mouse. My Macbook Air emits over 5mG from the keyboard.
- Keep the head of your bed away from the wall where wires or electrical outlets are present.
- Make an effort to immerse yourself in nature and other places where EMF exposure will be minimized.
- Ground yourself to the earth in a safe manner, such as by frequently getting barefoot outside.
- Drink more spring water, as EMF tends to dehydrate you.
- Don't let children, preferably anyone under age 10, have long exposure to cell phones
- Deny and refuse smart meters at all costs. If your state prevents you from rejecting their installation, attempt to find a safer home and in the meantime, maximize your distance.
- Maintain adequate mineral status – including magnesium – as mineral deficiencies can allow heavy metal toxicity, further creating a “human antenna” effect.
- Engage in love, laughter and joy to maintain a light-hearted attitude and stress response.
- Do your best and take small steps each day to minimize exposure and risk.
Think about what you can do to mitigate some of these risks. Would you actually be able to live without your cell phone? Is this all a conspiracy? Do you think celebrities are destroying themselves with all their cell phone use, plane flights and stress? Leave your thoughts, comments and feedback below this post.
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25276320
- http://notjustpaleo.com/podcast-95-eric-windheim-emf-solutions-mitigate-cell-phone-home-risks/
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/04/adam-mca-yauch-dead-beastie-boys-dies-battling-cancer_n_1477863.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22433632
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17619826
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clair_Cameron_Patterson
- http://www.sjayolshansky.com/sjo/Background_files/NEJM2005final.pdf
- http://www.bioinitiative.org/report/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/sec20_2012_Findings_in_Autism.pdf
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/mobile-phones/8514380/Ban-mobile-phones-and-wireless-networks-in-schools-say-European-leaders.html
- http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs193/en/
- http://notjustpaleo.com/blog/drmilham/
- http://www.notjustpaleo.com/blog/ann-louise-gittleman-copper-toxicity-podcast
- https://greenfieldfitnesssystems.com/product/how-to-biohack-the-ultimate-healthy-home/
- http://www.antennasearch.com/
- https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2013/08/how-to-detox-your-home/
Lebron James is one of the basketball greats of all time. I am bewildered after reading this one.
Hi Ben,
Kudos to you! Thank you helping people “connect the dots!” And thank you for continuing to post the link from the recent National Toxicology Program 10 year, $25 Million study, peer reviewed and overseen by National Institutes of Health. Now our own government is telling us to take precautions:)
For anyone interested in patented safeguards, I have been using products from GIA WELLNESS, go to www.liveGIA.com. They are patented technologies that are convenient to use and are considered the gold standard for EMF protection as evidenced by recent highlight in The Truth About Cancer documentary series (episode7).
The danger of the Pong case technology is that the case deflects radiation, which means that you may be protection yourself and radiating your loved ones. What I love about the GIA Wellness technologies, are that the patented MRET “noise field” technology actually works to not only safeguard the cell phone user, but also to safeguard people nearby. Anyone can watch the excerpts from The Truth About Cancer interviews with the inventor and patent holder. And I have seen amazing results with these products for electro-hypersensitive people and others. Hope this helps! www.LiveGIA.com.
In conclusion, our data add to the evidence against there being an increased risk for parotid gland tumours associated with light-to-moderate use of wireless phones
Hi Ben, Intresting article. I didn’t see any research showing an adverse health effect of cell phones. Do you have that link? Thanks.
start here: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevent…
thanks for this post..
Dude… non tobacco related oral cancers are most likely related to HPV infections. I had a really good look at the subject after my own diagnosis. I hadn't touched a cigarette or a cellphone before then, maybe things I should't have, but certainly not a cellphone. I have just enrolled my (ten year old) biopsy in a little study on such matters.
Nice to see you raising awareness of this hugely important topic Ben. The risks of mouth cancer are real. One of the most important pieces of research on this subject is an Israeli study which analyzed deaths as recorded on the National Cancer Registry over a 36 year period. It found the total number of parotid gland cancers increased 4-fold from whereas other major salivary gland cancers remained stable, see http://journals.lww.com/epidem/Fulltext/2011/0100…
nice article
Ben, I love your podcast. Period. You are doing great work. That said, I have to get something off mey chest. Every time I see the phrase "dirty electricity" your credibility plummets and I have to take a break for a while. (At least I haven't seen the phrase "dirty Electrons" which caused me to drop Dave Aspreys sight all together. The fact that all elections are indistinguishable is deeply rooted in all advances in physics over the past 200 years or so.) Is there any evidence that "clean" electricity (by which I assume you mean a pure 60Hz signal?) is better in anyway than electricity which has picked up some noise? Could it be more a case of the label dirty? Would opinions change if instead we said Concentrated Electricity for that which has all it's energy at the 60 Hz frequency and Softened Electricity for that which has some energy spread out to other frequencies?
When things correlate in time, causation is tricky. Many problems that have gotten worse over the past century or so correlate with increased use of electricity and electromagnetic waves. They also correlate with increased in the use of chemicals, pesticides, extreme obesity, absurd stress levels, the collapse of an outside in nature social life etc… From the evidence I've seen, the latter problems seem much more tightly linked to health issues.
The pacebo effect is powerful, so if you believe this I say leverage it and role with it whether it is true or not, but keep things in perspective for your readers. Give some scale of action. Tell them if they'd be better off planning a good meal or going for a jog out in nature than searching for EMF fields in their house.
In anycase, Thanks and keep up the (otherwise :P) great work!
This is a great question and one that Oram Miller goes into in many of his materials, such as this: http://www.createhealthyhomes.com/EMF_RF_Lecture_…
– lighting can indeed kick off extra dirty electricity, such as 120V light that kicks off 60V in the switch. Check out that pdf.
Great article. A wonderful new product I would love people's opinion on is the "Pong Case." I have been using it for a year. http://www.pongcase.com/technology.html. Thanks Ben for all your amazing information and resources.
I don't know how people can keep on neglecting this problem. They spend money on the best and most pretty phone covers but not a dime on protecting themselves from cell phone radiation, just a few weeks ago I purchased a little card called matrix2 its so thin it fits between any cell phone cover without "pushing" out the phone – it cost me 90 bucks but its a one time investment i gladly paid. heres a link to a few clips on how they actually tested the matrix and how it works – I think its legit but if you have other infos please do share thanks a lot Val