How To Get A Free Sex, Drive, Hormone and Adrenal Fatigue Q&A With Ben Greenfield (Leave Your Questions Below The Post)

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In case you missed the big news, my friend Sean Croxton has an upcoming SexyBack Summit. If you are suffering from low drive, have had your sex drive gradually drift away, or are you looking for ways to connect more deeply with your partner, and have a more rewarding and satisfying sex life – then you should definitely go to this free summit.

In just a minute, I'll tell you how you can also get access to a live, free sex, drive and hormone video Q&A with yours truly (in which I'll be wearing my sexiest get-up EVER).

But first, allow me to fill you in on this whole SexyBack Summit thing.

Sean has assembled a group of experts from all arenas of sexual health, including balancing hormones, increasing sex drive, cultivating intimacy and connection with your significant other, optimizing sexuality based nutrition and fitness, and boosting fertility.

For free.

So if you’re not familiar with an online summit format, here’s how it goes:

The summit takes place over six days, beginning on May 19th and finishing on May 26th. Each day features three to four presentations, and when you register here, you can watch those presentations for absolutely FREE during a 24-hour period (9am to 9am Pacific). At 9am each morning, the previous day’s presentations are taken down and the next day’s go up.

And yes, this means you can watch the entire event without paying a dime. Pretty cool, huh?

The SexyBack Summit will consist of 24 video presentations, including talks by Dave Asprey, Dr. Sara Gottfried, Paul Chek, Jane Bennett, Elliot Hulse, Dr. Jen Landa, Chris Kresser, and a host of other health superstars. Here’s just a sampling of other presentations that will be available:

  • Get in the Mood, Stay in the Mood 
  • Low T: Causes, Symptoms and Solutions 
  • How Stress Sabotages Your Sex Drive—And What to Do About It
  • 50 Shades of Better Sex: Secrets of a Harvard Gynecologist 
  • Natural Birth Control Alternatives 
  • Chasing the Big O: Overcoming the Inability to Orgasm 

The SexyBack Summit kicks off with five fantastic free videos that teach you the top 5 ways to supercharge your sex drive (and yes, there are video options for both guys and girls.

But I figured I'd make things even more sexy for you, so I'm throwing a free video Q&A of my own into the pot, this Tuesday, May 14, at 6:30pm Pacific. During this time, you can come ask me all your burning questions about sex, drive and hormones. And even if you can't make it to the live Tuesday night event, you can:

1) Leave your questions right now in the comments section below…

2) Get instant access to the replay right here on this page…

Boom! I hope you're ready for sexy.

–>Sex, Drive and Hormone Q&A With Ben Greenfield, Tuesday, May 14, 6:30pm Pacific<–

And of course, like I mentioned, I promise to wear my sexiest get-up EVER. When the event goes live, you can watch it on the screen below, so bookmark this page, add the event to your calendar, and get ready for some fun (sure, bring your own glass of wine if you'd like).

Questions or comments about the SexyBack Summit, or the free Sex, Drive and Hormone Q&A? Just leave your feedback below, or your sex, drive and hormone questions if you can't make it to the live event!

Ask Ben a Podcast Question

16 thoughts on “How To Get A Free Sex, Drive, Hormone and Adrenal Fatigue Q&A With Ben Greenfield (Leave Your Questions Below The Post)

  1. Binod says:

    Recently , as on 22/04/2016 I got married to a healthy girl. And I am a slim fit 30 yrs old. I am not getting erection in bed..feeling helpless on bed.Sometimes I got erected but while intercourse…its shrinked to small. Now a days I am unable face my wife. Last four days I havenot done any sex with my wife.

    Before marriage , I had no sex experience.

    Plz plz guide me.


    Kadapa AP


    1. Binod – book a consult at and choose 20 or 60 mins and we'll get you scheduled to go over everything.

  2. Will says:

    As men going through mid age situations I’m sure we all appreciate the stories. But? I can only speak for myself. I think when we turn for information we can go without the long stories. We are looking for facts. Resolutions advice & treatment for what we as men are experiencing. It becomes a pain to sit through a a hour long video to hear about a soap opera of things. To hear questions & answers we are searching for in the last 5-10 min. Just like reading the articles. Im really not interested in reading a sales pitch or movie script to get the questions I have answered. I’m not trying to be a jerk. I’m just sharing how frustrating it is to find answers to questions we as men have. All the sales pitch the long boring stories please get away from. We are looking for and want answers. Proven facts information guidence on what we are going through. It’s as simple as that. And you would probably have a much more successful rate of sales for products if it was simple & straight to the point. We as men are busy. We work have things to do. Places we have to be. People depend on men to get things done. We really don’t have time to waste. As the saying goes. Time waits for no man. So why make the information we seek so time consuming.

  3. Guest says:

    I usually enjoy reading your work. But I didn't realize that you were such an unprofessional douchebag. Was really put off when you weren't wearing a shirt, and I turned off the podcast when you started drinking wine.

    1. This one was supposed to be lighthearted and funny – and I let people know about that BEFORE the fact!

    2. mothernurturing says:

      I actually think Ben pulls off that fine line of a little less douche.

  4. Susan says:

    Can you explain the connection between the adrenals, thyroid, liver and gut? Saliva testing revealed I have high levels in the a.m, low levels mid day and very high levels at night. My thryoid levels are slightly low but "normal". My estrogen and testosterone are both high. A urine metabolic profile showed liver wasn't detoxing properly. Finally, I have lots of issues w/belly distention/painful bloating. It's my understanding that they are all interconnected but I'm just not understanding how.

  5. mothernurturing says:

    Is there any credence to abstaining before a big race/game/event?

  6. @bburpee says:

    Do you know of the best time of the day for male and female hormones to both be supercharged? There's bound to be an apex that both partners to maximize their satisfaction. Have you guys cracked the code?

  7. TexasLawyer says:

    For those of us that like to have a few drinks on a date, can you suggest a healthy way to counteract the alcohol's negative effect on sexual performance? Perhaps an exercise, supplement, or just good old fashioned hydration?

    Thanks, looking forward to the Q&A!

  8. Trevor says:

    What advice would you give someone that wants to get off of monthly testosterone treatments and onto more natural remedies to help with low testosterone levels and getting the boom back into the bedroom?

  9. Matt says:

    Are there supplements or diet choices at meal time that can act as an aphrodisiac? aka modern day "Spanish Fly"

    1. OH YEAH, baby. We'll go over that too.

  10. Jason says:

    Is there any way to know whether your testosterone is low without having to take an expensive blood test?

    1. Great question, Jason. I'll answer during call.

      1. wipergreaser says:

        So what is your answer?

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