December 8, 2014
Now that I'm doing a lot of obstacle racing (see photo above, in which I'm clambering over a wall in my last Spartan race), I'm getting a fair share of scrapes, bruises, sprains, and strains – more than I experienced when racing Ironman triathlon.
These bone, muscle, and joint injuries aren't happening because I'm weak or unprepared, but are rather just natural consequences from shoving the human body to its limits. Living life to its full extent.
Dying empty.
Whatever you want to call it.
And while my 26 Top Ways To Recover From Workouts and Injuries with Lightning Speed is a really comprehensive primer for accelerating recovery and managing injuries, I'll readily that admit some of the things I talk about in that article can seem excessive, inconvenient or expensive. Let's face it – it can be tough to drive to the acupuncturist every week, fly to Europe for stem cell therapy, or hunt down a good therapist with a decent cold lasering device. Instead, I'm often asked about the more practical stuff and nitty-gritty details of the easy-to-implement things that I personally do on a daily basis when I need a bit of fast fixing up, accelerated recovery, or when the athletes I coach write me for quick and easy-to-implement solutions after they've tweaked an ankle, knee or hip.
So rather than giving you a big, intimidating list of a few dozen things to do when you're injured, here instead are four simple, practical and natural ways I fix my joints, bones and injuries fast (without drugs and surgery). And if you want to know why you absolutely shouldn't be using drugs like ibuprofen and other NSAIDs and more alternatives to these, check out my post 7 Natural Alternatives to NSAIDs (& My “Nutrient Shotgun Approach” To Tackling Exercise-Induced Soreness & Aggravation).
1. Hot-Cold Contrast
OK, quick confession: I actually now have an endless swimming pool called an “AquaFitness” pool at my house. I keep it next to a hot tub. Both are non-chlorinated and are instead kept clean with an ozone filter and ClearChoice Enzymes.
I keep the pool at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and the hot tub at 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
Once per week, no matter what, I do a hot-cold contrast session in which I swim, tread or move in the cold water for 8 minutes, soak in the hot tub for 2 minutes, then repeat for a total of 30 minutes. To enhance blood flow and decrease inflammation, I'll do this protocol as often as every day if I'm injured or if I'm tapering for a race.
This is just one example of what is called a “hot-cold contrast session”. This therapy has several physiological effects that can enhance recovery, including reflexive vasoconstriction to cold followed by vasodilation from heat (blood vessel “pumping”), slowing of nerve conduction velocity (which decreases pain and muscle spasming/guarding), decreased firing of the muscle spindles (which can reduce the stiffness that occurs when injured) and increased flow of inflammatory byproducts out of muscle tissue, which is especially useful in acute inflammation stages in which swelling can cause pain and discomfort.
What are some other examples of hot-cold contrast that you can implement?
-Take a 5 minute shower with 20 seconds cold, 10 seconds hot, 10 times through.
-Go to the gym and sit in the sauna for 5-10 minutes, then jump into a cold shower for 2 minutes, and do rounds for 20-30 minutes.
-Take a 20 minute hot magnesium salts bath, then follow it up with a 5 minute icy cold shower.
Want something slightly more complex? Here's one that I assigned to one of my athletes last week. He called it the “Killer Cold Pool Protocol”, and it involves 10 minutes of cold pool immersion (use an underwater .mp3 player if you get bored) and then a transition into a hot sauna for 10 minutes of yoga “sun salutations”, followed by going back into cold pool for 10 minutes, and so on, with a goal of completing 3 rounds for a total of 60 minutes.
Afterwards, he said: “Wasn't as bad as I thought, after the first 60 secs or so. By the 3rd “set”, I waded right in and was no issue. Amazing how much of this is psychological. Felt like a fu&%#*g beast afterward. Haven't felt like that in a long time.”
2. Deep Tissue Work
So here's the deal: I've written many times before about the benefits of foam rolling and deep tissue work, and extolled the virtues of books like “Becoming A Supple Leopard” and “Ready To Run” as the best resources to learn how to do deep tissue work the right way.
But once again, this particular article you're reading now is about the practical application of deep tissue work, and exactly what I do in my own program, so here you go:
-Every Tuesday and every Friday I do a full body foam rolling session that takes about 20 minutes, starting with my low back and progressing to upper shoulders, neck, under armpits, chest, hips, hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, IT band (outside of thighs) and adductors (inside of thighs). By the time I finish, I am usually dripping with sweat, and I count this rolling session as “workout time”. I use something called a Rumble Roller, which has ridges in it that help dig into muscle tissue. See, the #1 problem I observe in the athletes I advise is that they initially think foam rolling involves about 2 minutes of messing around with a foam roller. This doesn't count. It's just foreplay. Instead, you need dedicated, scheduled and planned sessions of rolling around on the floor and making sweet love to your foam roller as you grunt, twist and grind.
-Every day before breakfast, I use a tiny little ball with ridges in it (called a “Beastie Ball” and made by the same folks who make the Rumble Roller). I roll each foot for about one minute, and then roll the outside of each hip for about one minute. Why these sections? I know from experience that the bottom of my feet and the outside of my hips are the two areas of my body that get the tightest when I'm in training, so I prioritize hitting those every day, and it makes a night and day difference.
-Once per month, I do a 60-90 minute full body massage or full body foam rolling session. Make it deep, make it hard, make it hurt so good.
If you can just start doing those three pieces of deep tissue work, you're going notice your body change in – drumroll please – 9-12 months. Yep, you heard me right. Get committed. Just like muscle gain, fat loss, getting to the extreme edge of cardiovascular fitness, and any other beneficial positive change, it takes patience to change your body, and it takes that long for your fascia, ligaments and tendons to begin to adapt and become more mobile.
3. Topical Treatments
Truth be told, about once a week some beauty or healthcare product company sends me some fancy bottle of some new magical potion or lotion that is supposed to instantly make soreness and injuries vanish.
As I've discussed in a previous podcast, not only do many of these creams, lotions, and topical treatments contain unhealthy active ingredients, but most of them simply don't really seem to work for me at all.
So when it comes to topical treatments for muscle soreness and injuries, what does actually work?
-Every day, post-workout, I step out of my cold shower, completely dry my body, and then apply transdermal magnesium lotion (not spray) to any major muscles I've worked. I rub it in for about 30 seconds. Compared to magnesium spray, magnesium lotion absorbs much better and doesn't leave me with a dry, scratchy or itchy feeling, or any white residue. The magnesium relaxes muscles and creates “tissue saturation”, which allows the mineral to travel to the body’s tissues and cells at a high dose without losses through the gastrointestinal tract.
-If I have a muscle that has been strained, sprained or seems to be in a constant state of spasm or guarding, or a sore joint, I apply topical frankincense oil. Yes, frankincense, just like they brought little baby Jesus. The stuff works.
Incidentally, if you really need to amplify delivery of magnesium or frankincense into your muscle tissue, here's a tip I learned last month from Dr. Jeff Spencer as I was interviewing him for my REV conference: if you happen to have an electrostimulation device (listen to my podcast with MarcPro to learn more about these) you can slap it on over whatever topical treatment you've just applied, wrap an ace bandage around it if that helps the electrodes to stick better, and the electrical stimulation effectively drives the topical treatment deeper into the tissue.
I think that's a pretty cool biohack, especially considering it comes straight from the guy who is responsible for ensuring Tour De France cyclists bounce back as quickly as possible between grueling stages.
4. Nutrients
Finally, we get to nutrients.
If you're into health, you've probably read about everything from glucosamine chondroitin to ginger to turmeric to tart cherry juice to proteolytic enzymes for easing joint pain, healing muscles faster, or decreasing inflammation. Heck, just head down the supplements aisle of your local health food store and pharmacy or do a search for “natural anti-inflammatories” on the internet and you'll find all these and many more often recommended.
Just like I've done with smart drugs, sleep aids, and everything else I do as a human guinea pig health blogger, I've tried them all. I've ground up ginger root by hand, I've ordered shockingly sour bottles of tart cherry extract and lemon bioflavonoids, I've scooped powdered glucosamine and chondroitin into smoothies, and I've even sent my wife back to the grocery store three times in a single month to stock our kitchen back up on turmeric…
…and most of this stuff works. A little bit here, a little bit there, and you notice some significant changes in the way your muscles feel the day after a hard workout, or how “lubed up” your joints feel after a tough season of racing.
But it also gets exhausting to throw everything and the kitchen sink into your body and to try to keep track of everything you're supposed to be taking if you're injured, you're sore or you've really beat up your body.
It'd be nice if all this stuff was somehow compressed into a single capsule.
It turns out that all this stuff now does actually exist in just ONE bone and joint supporting supplement. So now I just use that single supplement for recovery. I don't take it every day, but when I'm injured, I've finished a race, or I'm really sore, I use 3 capsules in the morning or evening on an empty stomach. The supplement is called “Kion Flex“, and it contains three different components:
Turmacin® – You’ve heard of curcumin, but what about turmerosaccharides? Turmacin is the first water-soluble extract of turmeric to contain turmerosaccharides, which support a balanced inflammatory response to physical activity and have unique benefits for joints.
- AyuFlex® – AyuFlex is a non-GMO, organic extract of the Ayurvedic superfruit, Haritaki. It has unique joint health benefits that can support whole-body joint function and help you move more freely.
- Proteolytic Enzymes – Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in the body. When taken at the effective dose, certain blends of enzymes can facilitate the recovery process and help you bounce back faster from your daily activities.
So yes, it's basically a shotgun approach.
So that's it. Those are my staples.
If you have questions, comments or feedback about hot-cold contrast, deep tissue work, topical treatments or nutrients, then leave your thoughts below.
Also, if you have your own fast recovery tricks that you've found to be particularly potent, I'd love to hear about them, so feel free to share those below too. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy living life at a slightly faster pace than the rest of the general population.
Amazing in-depth article you can also use CBD oil for pain relief this also has no side effect. I am also selling online 100% natural CBD products in UK. We are also giving awesome deals on each product you can checkout our website:-
Another method that works to heal injuries faster is water fasting. No calories at all, only water.
Not loving that you make money from the products you’re recommending here – ie the link to buy the oils shows that you’re getting credit from the purchase towards your MLM account. Just doesn’t smell right. I checked out the several of Dr Sarah’s links to research articles and they all seemed to basically say “inconclusive”. I’d truly love to have natural products cure my woes, I’m just not seeing the science. Only seeing a sales pitch so far.
Marc, as a scientist, biochemist, who is also a folk healer, I assure you the moneyed establishment makes sure the findings come back inconclusive. I haven’t needed a doctor since 1978, after they failed for seven years to even make a conclusive diagnosis, much less do a damn thing to help me, they still charged me!
In desperation, as my health was failing, I went to see a traditional Cherokee healer who charged nothing. He diagnosed my problem in about a minute and gave me a simple regimen to follow which reversed my disease and made me healthier than I’d ever been! I studied with the man for one year and now I help people all over the world, including doctors who are on staff at Mass General Hospital and the faculty of Harvard Medical School. My experiences have made it clear to me exactly why, and how, they suppress effective treatments and therapies by false statements about traditional and alternative practices and practitioners. They stand to lose a hell of a lot if the truth ever gets out.
I totally agree with what Byron Jordan says about the moneyed establishment making sure the results come back inconclusive. If I had followed everything the doctors told me to do, I would have continued to take 2400 mg of ibuprofen every single day. I would still be on pills and sick as a dog and getting worse every day. Big pharma doesn’t like natural remedies because natural remedies can work wonders and cut a big chunk out of their fat, nasty, blood-stained wallets. It’s all about the money. They don’t care if you live or die. Not to say there aren’t western medical doctors who genuinely care and want to help their patients. I had a great physical therapist and I followed the exercises he gave me and they worked. What I will say is that western medical doctors are brainwashed by their big pharma education. If all the bigpharma-suppressed truth got out, they would either have to adapt and very quickly become an entirely different entity that has abandoned a lot of its current practices and products, or they would cease to exist. Be not deceived-its all about the money. Could this guy be promoting bogus products to make commissions? Maybe, but not entirely inclined to believe it.
What about high-dose vitamin C, or Cissus quadrangularis? I think I’ve had good results with them, but it’s hard to say how fast I would have recovered without them. N=1 experiments are just hard to do for injury recovery because of that issue, but have you tried either?
Massage such as deep tissue would be a good help to recover from injury. Recovering from injury doesn’t need to deal with drugs and surgery when you can have it without them.
Thanks for this! it really helps
What specific supplementation would you say would be best to repair bone and my achilles after having a Haglund’s deformity removed. It is scoring the back of my Achilles tendon and want to nourish it the best way that I can before and after the surgery to strengthen the tendon and to repair the scoring after surgery. Thanx :)
I thought it was helpful how you mentioned that using a foam roller can help you recover from injuries. I have been having some foot problems that have kept me from running. I might try rolling my feet on a massager to see if I start to see some improvement in my pain.
Hi Ben!
A few weeks ago I had a hip arthroscopy surgery, and right now I am doing kinesiology. Do you have any suggestions for a faster recovery?
Had a bad crash yesterday on mtb ride, besides sore back and neck my left shoulder is the worst, I can not really lift my arm or move it in any way without pain, seeing a doctor is out of the question being uninsured and a citizen of the USA. I believe I have had this same injury a few times before and some how got through it without medical help, The stuff I read about shoulder injuries on the internet are discouraging to say the least.I am a self employed plumber and probably will go to work tomorrow and just try to push through it like I always do.I guess Im hoping to feel a lot better by morning to be able to even drive my stick shift truck with gimp left arm, My question to you is do you think just pushing through it and hoping to be back riding hard in a few days to a week is realistic? I seem to get through everything, many injuries including broken and fractured bones just out of being stubborn and refusing to deal with doctors ant the threat of surgery, I have no tome for surgery being self employed and addicted to riding bikes hard and fast in the woods just to retain sanity in this mixed up world.I am reading that shoulder injuries and torn cuffs take several months to get better, I cant do that, Im sure none of my previous shoulder injuries have got totally better but have gotten better enough on their own to keep on keeping on, Whats your thoughts on my warped way of looking at this?
I think you know your own body better than anyone else, and I can't really advise you on this as I'm not a doctor and have no idea what the extent of your injuries are.
Hey Ben. I have 8 protruding discs in my back due to a car accident 4 months ago. Do you have any extra tips for healing those discs up??
i liek your tip to do a hot cold contrast once a week. That way you can deal with inflammation and pain. Pain medication can help with inflammation as well.
Hello Ben :)
I just came off an ACl revision stage 1 surgery 6 days ago.
Using cold compression unit on the joints 4-5 times plus electrostimulator on the quads once/twice a day. Apart from rehab.
Swelling plus fever in the joint still persists.
I just started two scoops of living fuel super greens a day. Planning to add couple of scoops of living fuel protein as well morning and evening.
Thorne Vitamin D morning & evening 2000 units.
Any other supplements you would recommend that would boost recovery? Would you recommend natureflex ? If so can you please recommend the dosage?
Appreciate you taking the time to go through this and for your advise. Thanks for everything you are doing.
Hi Surya, I recommend Kion Flex –
Also do a search on my site for recovery – these are a great place to start:……
Beyond Training is also very resourceful for your situation:…
And you can always book a one on one consult with me or one of my coaches here:…
Hi. Facinating article. Thank you! Just wondering if you might have any links to research based articles pertaining to the use of Frankincense? Have a type 2 sprain that is taking it’s merry time to heal and reduce in pain. Had begun applying topical magnesium and when researching to see if there was any research based evidence for this being a productive approach I stumbled upon your great website. I am now really keen to read more about the impact of Frankincense oil before outlaying any money to try it out – that is presuming I can locate it locally. Thanks! :)
Great site Ben. Discovered you searching for guidance on healing an upper rib contusion(crack?) from taking a hard shoulder to the ribs in an overly competitive adult league basketball game collision. The impact was upper left chest just above and right of my heart. Really painful to breath deeply (laugh or cough), move torso, or use left arm. The doctor just gave me Naprosyn and said “take it easy, not much you can do about ribs”. I’m guessing it’s lots of torn cartilidge and connective tissue and inflammation? The acute pain in the chest also causes compensatory cramping in my back muscles and shoulders. They are tight, sore, at times spasmy. My left arm is very weak now.
I had this injury before and it took 8 weeks to get back to b-ball or lifting weights. Any thoughts on a routine or supplement that could help accelerate the process?
Thanks so much,
Typical western medical doctor. Take some drugs and call me in the morning
Hello Ben
I was surfing the web to see how to heal and recovery fast course i’m on a injury streak out of hell. I found your site, and you seem like you know what your talking about, so i would like some advice.
Now it’s a pretty long story, so i’ll try to shorten it up much as i can
2.5 years ago i tore my right achilles tendon a bit, while running sprints, like 10% no idea how much really, but it didn’t tear completely. I thought it was nothing and i kept on running skipping, sparring, i train thaiboxing and i had a fight coming, so i was commit.
Right, after the fight i took a lot of time of to recover, and after some time it got worse, i got a HVI injection, it’s like 95% salt water and 5% adrenocortical hormone, then i was ordered strength training, buy the physicist, slowly. And it worked, after a few months with this, i slowly started running, it was good. Then i toke break, doing nothing at all for some months, and the injury came back with a vengeance, and it been here ever since, had 100% adrenocortical hormone injection, and i was told to relax and start strength training again, and i did. It did not work, maybe course i did sand bag boxing on the side, it requires semi stress on the achilles, i did it slow and light thou. My right tendon is still sore all the time and i get a small lump on it from time to time, i can massage it away and treat it with cold/hot and various type of creams. But its still weak and sore.
Well it gets worse. course of my problems with the right achilles tendon, i overloaded my left i think, and it snapped over 100% while kicking the bag, it sprung over when i sat my foot down. I’m now sitting at home after a surgery and can’t move.
I would like your advice for both problems, then on going problem with the right, and how to heal and recovery fast with my left, after my cast gets off.
I love sport, and i want to continue, at any lvl, for fun, semi pro, or pro. The later to be prefered
Best regards Asbjørn Andersen
(to the forum moderator, wrong post got deleted)
I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.
This is really complex… you can start with:………
Book a consult with Ben: For more, I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.
Hello Ben
I was surfing the web to see how to heal and recovery fast course i’m on a injury streak out of hell. I found your site, and you seem like you know what your talking about, so i would like some advice.
Now its a pretty long story, so i’ll try to shorten it up much as i can
2.5 years ago i tore my right achilles tendon a bit, while running sprints, like 10% no idea how much really, but it didn’t tear completely. I thought it was nothing and i kept on running skipping, sparring, i train thaiboxing and i had a fight coming, so i was commit.
Right, after the fight i took a lot of time of to recover, and after some time it got worse, i got a HVI injection, it’s like 95% salt water and 5% adrenocortical hormone, then i was ordered strength training, buy the physicist, slowly. And it worked, after a few months with this, i slowly started running, it was good. Then i toke break, doing nothing at all for some months, and the injury came back with a vengeance, and it been here ever since, had 100% adrenocortical hormone injection, and i was told to relax and start strength training again, and i did. It did not work, maybe course i did sand bag boxing on the side, it requires semi stress on the achilles, i did it slow and light thou. My right tendon is still sore all the time and i get a small lump on it from time to time, i can massage it away and treat it with cold/hot and various type of creams. But its still weak and sore.
Well it gets worse. course of my problems with the right achilles tendon, i overloaded my left i think, and it snapped over 100% while kicking the bag, it sprung over when i sat my foot down. I’m now sitting at home after a surgery and can’t move.
I would like your advice for both problems, then on going problem with the right, and how to heal and recovery fast with my left, after my cast gets off.
I love sport, and i want to continue, at any lvl, for fun, semi pro, or pro. The later to be prefered
Best regards Asbjørn Andersen
DMSO, Ben what is your experience if any with using this for injuries and also driving topical applications further into the skin/muscle.
On a few occasions I had severe shoulder inflammation to where I couldn’t even lift my arm. After applying liquid naproxen and dmso not only did it feel great I was able to pitch that day. I suppose my question is why isn’t it talked about more being that it’s so effective?
DMSO is not too bad, but I am a huge fan of this as source of MSM and sulfur based antioxidants:… A ton more you can do. For details, I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.
Hey Ben,
Maybe you have additional ideas.
I have struggled with some kind of shoulder injuries for a while. Finally went to see a doctor friend who specializes in rehab of pro ball players. He said it wasn’t torn and he says it is a tendinitis in biceps where it crosses the shoulder. (Personally I think its a bit more than that). He recommended a laser treatment 2x for a couple weeks, then decreasing to 1x for a couple weeks….combined with deep tissue (trigger point) massage. Massage seems to have helped a bit.
One thing that seems to have helped is beginning to work on rings and parallel bars and stopping weight training. Right now I am keeping it pretty light and working in range without pain. I am also on clean diet with good amount of protein. The relevant supplements I use are magnesium (for tendonitis), meriva tumeric, collagen with vit c, Thorne multi elite, quality fish oils. Also have done spectracell test and addressed deficiencies in Vit D and B12 and copper. Also thyroid and testosterone balanced. Healing quickly in general.
Injury pain also responds well to heat and especially infrared sauna.
I am considering going to Wing Chun Sifu accupuncture doc I know but hesitated to drop into alternative paradigm…
I dropped 35 lbs in the last year and gained about 13 years of youth back (at age 56) I feel great but keep struggling with shoulder pain and it is holding me back. It isn’t bad during the day but wakes me up early (not all bad). I am generally now sleeping on my back and with a good neck support pillow per massage therapist suggestions.
Pain is not that bad … nagging sometimes but not hard to bear. BUT what bothers me is that I need to hold back on training and further progress.
Might you have anything to add? Or any questions to clarify.
While you are on the line: THANKS for your work!
A ton you can do here. I'd start with this internal rotation fix and also – then from there I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.
My chiro does dry needling in addition to all this stuff! i’m 52 with myriad of issues but it is almost miraculous. It’s deeper than accupuntcure and also the K lazer So going to 2 different chiros who do those modalities.
Article is good, but with video explanation would have been much better
Should I take Natureflex with TB-500?
Yep you can totally do this! Check them out here:
And here:…
I fractured my pubic sympysis snowboarding one month ago. Im doing physio and taking most of the supps you recommend. Any advice on recovery on this type of injury and how long should I take theses supps?
Thank you,
A lot that you can do. Definitely use 6 NatureFlex morning and 6 evening:
Definitely switch to non-weight bearing cardio. Definitely use infrared. There's a ton more. I'd be happy to help you via a consult to take a deep dive. Just go to… and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.
Hi Ben, love the sound of the NatureFlex but I don’t do dairy or meat (fish and seafood are ok). Have you come across anything similar that doesn’t have whey or chicken derivatives? Thanks!!
The NatureAminos –… – combined with Curcumin –… – would be the next best thing.
Can you explain what this means and why it is important? ” …while at the same time keeping calcium dissolved in solution, preventing the calcium from depositing in your arteries and joints (this is damn important if you’re using anything that has calcium in it). ” I thought it was good to increase calcium to help heal joints; is that incorrect?
Hey Ben,
More a curiosity-driven question than anything else but how is the turmeric in the NatureFlex uploaded absent any black pepper and fat in the product?
It works fine, but you can also take it with food, spoonful of coconut oil, etc. to increase absorption…
Thanks, Ben. Wasn’t sure if consuming a food with it would divert the enzymes
if a lot of protein yes.
Ow f_$# I just injured my foot ( kicked the ground) wish I could do all that
Hey, I’ve been recovering from a broken toe, which started as a stress fracture but broke as I kept running on it (diagnosed as sesmoiditis). I stopped running on it in the beginning of November. It is now April, and it getting close to being fully healed. I sometimes have days where it does not bother me at all, but I have reached my limit when cross training on the bike, as it starts to bother me if I push any harder. I was wondering if there was anything I would be able to do, such as walking, to start getting back into running without causing further injury. I am hoping to be back before states in track, which is coming up in about a month and a half. Thank you!
Thanks for the article Ben. I’m going to try the deep tissue work. My supervisor from work calls us industrial athletes. I’m noware built like you but still deal with the occasional strains and muscle soreness.
As far as nutrition I Take Thrive by a company called le-vel. I not exhausted when the weekend gets here. I can actually do stuff with the kids instead of feeling like I have to sleep part for the weekend away just to be ready for the work week. It supposedly fill in nutritional gaps.
But any way thanks again
Do you do any stretching or mobility work while in the hot tub part of the hot cold therapy? Possibly after?
I made the plunge today. 60 degree pool and 104 degree hot tub. Legit.
Yes – Nowadays I do it all in the sauna though, not the hot tub.
I was in an auto accident 2 weeks ago trying to regain my range of motion to my left shoulder. Will the Nature Flex completely heal my ac joint separation. I want to have the pain be completely gone and start working out again.
I am not a doctor and nothing I say should be taken as medical advice. . I can't guarantee it will completely heal a joint separation but it will definitely help with the pain management. The also helpful soft tissue healing.
Hi Ben, thanks for the awesome content, have listened to all of your podcasts. My mother-in-law is struggling to heal a broken ankle and the docs are threatening to put a pin in it soon if it doesn’t heal naturally (she’s had a cast in it for over three months!). She’s not the healthiest person: overweight diabetic on a bunch of different meds. Is Natureflex the. Eat thing to help heal the bone or is there something else you would recommend.
I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever. But yes, NatureFlex can definitely be good for this. I'd also do everything in the article above!
Hey Ben, just found your site. Your information is so full of knowledge. I use to be in Marathon shape. over the years I have developed too many issues to mention all of them. the main ones are Bone Spurs, Fasciacitis, with hx of chronic Fatigue and inflammation.
1. I have bone spurs on top my feet and some days can bearly walk. I understand they are from the body not absorbing the calcium. Although I have tried different sources, your suggestion sounds very complete. I am going to try it.
2. With lack of exercise & probably not too healthy of nutrition I have and am losing lots of fascia, Because it is so important, I do need to build it back and quick as I can. Where can I begin and continue?
Hi Helen, for something as particular and complex as this I suggest you book a consult at and choose 20 or 60 minutes and we'll get you scheduled to go over everything there. There are too many factors involved to go over it here! Hope that helps.
I have a cut on my ankle that is hurting , my bone around my ankle is the only thing that is sore right now. I’m lipping but I want to walk normal. What should I do?
Follow all the recommendations in the article above!
Any advise for someone who has developed Osteoporosis, had three spinal fractures, plus has thyroid and acid reflux. All the doctors want to do is give a shot of bone medicine which has sides effects. At present I am working with a doctor of physical Thrp and doing well.
without knowing your diet and health history really tough to say. I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.
I tore my quad; had surgery and am now on the range of motion phase of rehab. Any suggestions on supplementation and exercise to get my knee bending?
A ton. Start here:… – for a personal recovery program, I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.
I am 60yr female.. It’s 3 wks since I’ve had rotator cuff complete tear op… Can I use natures flex for healing
Absolutely! If it were me I would be taking four tablets, three times per day, without food.
I bent my toes backwards when tripping on the staircase while ascending upstairs and wearing flip flops. Now I have 2nd toe capsulitis. It happened over a month ago. I tape it and ice and rest and elevate it but it is still painful and swollen. I’ve been to 2 podiatrist and 1orthopedist. 1st pod laughed at my foot, 2nd referred me to ortho who dx me. Any suggestions for healing.
My suggestions are included in this article and you'll find more here:…
Hi Ben,
Do you have any information that would lead you to believe that the above recommended magnesium bath salts, magnesium lotion and/or Nature Flex, Flex Blend (or other) would help with chronic myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), chronic muscle tension (or similar)? As of late, my workouts have been extremely limited due to trap and neck soreness and inflammation that causes head pain. Thanks in advance!
They are DEFINITELY worth trying and although I'm not a doc, I'd do it if I were in your shoes Sheri.
Hi Ben,
I've been taking the NatureFlex for a few weeks, 2-3 in the morning and 2-3 at night, to help heal my AC joint separation that looks like turned into osteolysis of the distal clavicle. Couple questions:
1) Why is it important to take the NatureFlex on an empty stomach?
2) Should I increase my dosage, and if so, how many should I take?
Thanks for your help Ben!
1) If you take with a meal, the proteolytic enzymes in it will work on the food rather than on the inflammatory fibrinogens.
2) I can tell you that when I am injured, I take 4 capsules, 3x/day. I'm 180lbs, if that helps!
What about high-dose vitamin C, or cissus quadrangularis? I think I’ve had good results with them, but it’s hard to say how fast I would have recovered without them. N=1 experiments are just hard to do for injury recovery because of that issue, but have you tried either?
Yes, both of those can be effective and I've used both. MORE of the high dose Vitamin C but the trick is to use a very absorbable, low sugar form, like this:
I’ve found a good way to injest significant amounts of tumeric is to make “Golden Milk”. This is an Indian yoga type drink where you make a tumeric paste with tumeric powder, milk and a bit of black black pepper. Then you can just scoop out a teaspoon full to add to warm milk, or almond milk to drink.
That sounds great! Have you seen this?
Great article – nice to see that I'm already doing several of your suggested treatment. This may be a bit nit-picky but as a swimming pool and spa contractor, I need to point out that you need a disinfectant in your spa and there are only three approved by the EPA that kill pathogens quickly enough: chlorine, bromine and Baquacil/biguanide/PHMB. Ozone has a limited life as a water purifier. It is effective for only a few seconds after coming into contact with water. Therefore, water purification will mostly only take place when the ozonator is working. Ozone is not effective against algae. Enzymes alone are not disinfectants and will not prevent the growth of bacteria nor the infection from a virus or protozoan oocyst.
Have you heard of Clear Choice? I'm using that now. Any opinion on it?
I do know of it but it’s not used professionally because it lacks EPA certification. It may kill bacteria over time but not quickly enough to prevent bather to bather transmission of infection. In their promotional material they they use, they claim their product uses the same process that keeps lakes and rivers crystal clear. Well, if you’ve ever hike in the back country, you know that drinking from those crystal clear mountain streams can expose you to Giardia, pseudomonas and other serious waterborne pathogens. CC can be used in conjunction with an approved sanitizer but it’s kind of a waste of money as the sanitizers also oxidize, which is what CC’s enzymes do.
Hey, is that a yellow "LiveStrong" bracelet you are wearing in the photo? Maybe there's someone else that doesn't believe that Lance is the AntiChrist just for doing what all his peers did?
Sorry to disappoint. That's my racing chip bracelet. ;)
Heh, heh, heh. Just wondering. Great job with the site.
I know this doesn't have anything to do with this article but I was wondering if you have ever thought about a podcast on training for shorter endurance races like the mile. I'm a high school track athlete and don't plan on moving to longer distance races till after college.
This is a great question Nick, you should call this in at:  <a href="http:// ;” target=”_blank”> <a href="http://;” target=”_blank”>; and have it answered on the podcast.
I am that someone else. Live Strong, Lance!
Doing what all his peers did sure, but perhaps read a little about the peoples’ lives he tried to ruin while he went about doing it.
Great Article Ben. Do you think this protocol and supplements would help with a shoulder injury? Have been waiting months for my rear shoulder to heal so i can continue to bench and shoulder press. Doing very light weight and calisthenics in the mean time.
Yes, absolutely it would help. Just focus on shoulder soft tissue work especially.
Excellent read! Thank you for the awesome constant content