The Weekly Roundup: Your Go-To Guide For Everything You May Have Missed This Week & More! 4/6 – 4/12

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Ben Greenfield Riding a Horse in kentucky
Articles, Weekly Roundup

Welcome to Ben Greenfield's Weekly Roundup and Cool New Discoveries!

Ben Greenfield's discoveries from the latest news from the fronts of fitness, nutrition, health, wellness, biohacking and anti-aging research. I also recap my upcoming events and special announcements so you can keep up with giveaways, discounts and more!

New Discoveries Of The Week: Cool New Things I'm Trying, Books I'm Reading, And More!

– Powerful New Biohack For Powernaps & Stress

NuCalm: The NuCalm is a next-level cranial electrotherapy stimulation device that uses both a cream and mild stimulation to help your brain interrupt the adrenaline and cortisol release by mimicking what naturally occurs in your brain right before you sleep. It includes an app with “music” – which is actually neuroacoustic software that delivers frequencies to your brain which take you down to theta brain wavelength. This thing lets me get a 20-minute intense period of relaxation even when I can’t nap, and I’m now ducking away and using it nearly every day, particularly during travel and on airplanes. It’s spendy, but in my opinion, well worth it. You can get it here and save 65% off the first month of any new monthly subscription.

– Book That Is Inspiring Me As A Father & Husband

Point Man: How A Man Can Lead His Family – A big thanks to my friend James Quandahl, who manages my Christian Gratitude Journal project for recommending this book to me. “Point Man” encourages and equips men to lead their families successfully through hazards and ambushes like divorce, promiscuity, suicide, and drug addiction. I’m getting tons of practical insight on topics such as a father's influence, maintaining purity, and husband-and-wife teamwork. It’s extremely inspiring for any man who wants to live for their family, build a legacy and be a true leader. This is a good one for your spiritual discipline war chest. Get it here.

Podcasts I Recorded This Week:

Why Your Vitamin E Supplement Could Be Harming You (& The “One Plant Wonder” Alternative That Could Be The Single Most Powerful Molecule If You’re Stranded On A Desert Island).

This episode was brought to you by Four Sigmatic,  Harry's Razors, and Kion



The Problem With Sleeping On Your Side, How To Sleep On Your Back, Little-Known Sleep Enhancement Tricks & Much More!

This episode was brought to you by ButcherBox, Pso-Rite, Organifi Gold and Kion


Click here to go Premium and access an entire vault of never-before-seen videos, audios, PDFs, and every past episode of the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast.

Articles Published By Me & Kion This Week:

My full article feed and all past archives of my articles are here if you want to check out past articles.

Special Announcements:

::: Stream Paleo f(x) Keynote Speakers LIVE From Your Living Room…Or Join Me In Person… :::

Mark your calendars! Paleo f(x)™ is around the corner and I'm speaking on Sunday, April 28 at 1:15 PM CST. Can't be there in person? Stream my keynote as well as a dozen other speakers from Chris Kresser to Paul Chek to JJ Virgin and many more. Sign up here for the livestream.

In addition, drop by the Kion booth for a few special surprises, my book signing, or join me outside the convention center on the lawn for a Saturday morning workout at 8 AM sharp. Hope to see you there!

::: Limited Access to the Health Hacker Entrepreneur Mastermind :::

Apply now to join the Health Entrepreneur f(x) business mastermind taking place in Austin, TX on April 25. You should apply to attend Health Entrepreneur f(x)™ if you:

– Are a business owner, blogger, author, or app developer.
– Are looking for new strategies to grow revenue.
– Know how the right connections make all the difference.
– Are ready to up-level your marketing game and want to learn what’s what.

Tap into the power of collaboration and masterminding at this exclusive event! Health Entrepreneur f(x)™ brings together leading health and wellness experts and digital marketers to help you innovate, elevate and generate revenue as you change the world with your products and services. Save 25% on your all-access badge with code: BenHEFX25 when you click here.

Articles & Podcasts I Was Featured In This Week:

– The WHOLE Athlete Podcast By Debbie Potts #211: Live Life to the Fullest with Kion

– Curious with Josh Peck Podcast: Ben Greenfield

– Ben Greenfield on The Align Podcast: Ben Greenfield: Power of Silence, Sight & Sound Effects on Physiology | Ep. 218

Jack Dorsey Only Eats One Meal a Day

Upcoming Events:

– April 12 – 13, 2019: FitCon Summit, Salt Lake City, Utah. FitCon® encourages everyone to Find Their Fit. It does not matter whether it is powerlifting, Crossfit, bodybuilding, roller derby, or even axe throwing. Be sure to visit the Kion booth in the expo! Get your tickets here. Use code: BEN50 to save $50.

– April 26 – 28, 2019: Paleo f(x) Conference, Austin, Texas. Join me, staff from my company, Kion, and the rest of your tribe at Paleo f(x)™ 2019, the largest gathering of Paleo / ancestral health / keto / functional medicine / strength & conditioning experts in the world… see everything you'll get out of this enriching, enlightening event. Besides, April is a wonderful time of year to visit Austin, TX….Get your tickets here.

– May 29 , 2019: Community Talk on Stem Cell Procedure, Charleston, South Carolina. More details to come next week for this exclusive, semi-private event with Dr. Craig Koniver of Koniver Wellness.

– June 6, 2019: An Afternoon of Transformation with Ben Greenfield, Denver, Colorado. A special event hosted by MaxLiving,  which exists to transform lives through chiropractic.

– June 15, 2019: Ultimate Fitness Run, Mt. Spokane, Washington. Join me and my family for a fun, as-competitive-as-you-make-it day outside for an OCR-style challenge. Register here while you still can. This event sells out quickly each year. Save with code: Ben10UFR and register here.

– June 23 – July 7, 2019: European Detox Retreat, Paracelsus al Ronc, Switzerland. At this 2019 liver detox and R&R retreat at the beautiful Swiss Mountain Clinic in the Italian quarter of Switzerland, you'll stay on-site and receive diagnostics and treatments from the best doctors of biological medicine to detox your liver and your soul. Here's the link to more info.

– August 3, 2019: Spartan Sprint at the LA Stadium, Los Angeles, California. It’s Rally Time, Los Angeles. The Big A. Angel Stadium. Whatever you call it, this place is legendary. Now, Spartan is headed to this historic ballpark for an epic Stadion course. Get ready to take on 3 miles and 20 obstacles through nearly every part of the stadium. Sign up here!

– September 27 – 29, 2019: Spartan World Championships, Squaw Valley, California. Right beside Lake Tahoe, this epic venue was once host to the 1960 Olympic Winter Games. Join me there for the greatest obstacle course race in North Tahoe Lake, Olympic Village, CA. Sign up here. Sign up here!

-View Ben's Calendar Here

Featured Product: Kion Clean Energy Bar

As a busy CEO, coach, professional athlete, international speaker, and top 100 podcast host—I needed a bar that would meet the intense demands of my lifestyle, while also satisfying my strict nutrition and purity requirements. I’m happy to say, THIS IS IT.

After years of habitually eating low-quality protein bars, I started having elevated blood sugar, gut rot, energy swings and toxins present in my blood tests. So I wanted to do something better.  I wanted to learn how can a bar provide adequate amino acids for recovery without spiking insulin and glucose, or creating mTor and longevity issues from excess protein intake?

You're about to discover exactly how I did it. Meet the Kion Clean Energy Bar.

*The FDA hasn't evaluated these statements. Kion products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

This Week's Most Popular Instagram Pic:

This Week's Most Popular Tweet:

My Most Popular Facebook Post This Week:

Need Help Fully Optimizing Your Brain & Body? 

Did you know you can consult one-on-one with me so that I can personalize a nutrition or fitness plan for you to reach your goals? Are you training for physical performance? Trying to shed fat or gain lean muscle as fast as possible? Ready to tap into the most cutting-edge health, fitness and longevity protocols? Contact me so I can get you exactly what you need to reach your goals as safely and quickly as possible.

Leave your comments below – and any news or discoveries that you think I missed!



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One thought on “The Weekly Roundup: Your Go-To Guide For Everything You May Have Missed This Week & More! 4/6 – 4/12

  1. Landon says:

    Hey Ben, when are you going to update us on you 8 week MOTS-C and Humanin peptide experiment? Curious if you would recommend it for mitochondrial dysfunction.

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