358: Muscle Cramping, Calorie & Carb Cycling, Gene Splicing, Fixing Altitude Sickness & More!

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August 10, 2016 Podcast: 358: Muscle Cramping, Calorie & Carb Cycling, Gene Splicing, Fixing Altitude Sickness & More!

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Nov 17-18, 2016: Ben is speaking at the Biohacker's Summit in Helsinki, Finland. Discover the latest in wearables, internet of things, digital health, and mobile apps to increase performance, be healthier, stay fit, and get more done. Learn about taking food, preparation, cooking, and eating to the next level with the latest science and kitchen chemistry. Even delve into implanted chips, gene therapy, bionic arms, biometric shirts, robotic assistants, and virtual reality. Two days with an amazing crowd and a closing party with upgraded DJs to talk about. Click here to get in now at a 40% discount.

Nov 11-14, 2016: Ben is speaking at this year's Wise Traditions on real food to enhance physical and mental performance. If you're an athlete, this is the talk for you! Click here to sign up.

Did you miss the weekend podcast episode with Dr Chutkan? It was a must-listen – titled “The Gut Super Special: Eating Camel Poop, Weird Constipation Causes, Pig Whipworms & More: How to Banish Bloat, Fix Your Microbiome & Reboot Your Gut”. Click here to listen now or download for later!

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Listener Q&A:

As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Rachel Browne, the Podcast Sidekick.

Natural Remedies For Altitude Sickness

Jenny says: She's from Indiana. She's a fit and active 52 year old woman that lives 500ft above sea level. Her husband and her are planning a backpacking trip to Yellowstone this fall and she'll be hiking at 6000ft – 8000. Her concern is elevation sickness. She's snow skied out west before and she's experienced that horrible that headache and nausea feeling that comes with it and she's wondering if you have any tips for how to avoid altitude sickness and get used to working out?

Everything You Need To Know About Muscle Cramping

Rachel says: She's from Sydney and she loves the podcast and thanks for everything you do. Her question relates to muscle cramps. Her husband gets terrible cramps and they can occur at any time, like during runs over 12K and during the day, but they mostly occur at night.  He takes magnesium and camp bark formula two times per day and magnesium forte. They've tried so many things but nothing seems to work. He rolls, stretches, doesn't relax etc, his mum had this issue and they both have blue feet. She may well have missed something you've already written about it but she can't find it.

In my response, I recommend:
This podcast on muscle cramping

How To Cycle Your Calories & Carbs

Jeff says: Question about fat burn and calories deficit. He generally stays in fat burn and eats pretty healthy. He's wondering if he works out everyday and he's anywhere between 500-1000 cal deficit is that safe and OK to do, how long of a time period can he go that way? He only has 5-10 pounds to lose but he's really working on endurance, muscle strength and so forth.

In my response, I recommend:

The 5 Best Books For Power & Strength

Jason says: He's a police officer in Albury and he's looking to start reading books on function strength for policing, he's looking to gain power and strength. What books would you recommend for that?

In my response, I recommend:
Starting Strength
Mass Made Simple
Naked Warrior
MILO Strength


Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!

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7 thoughts on “358: Muscle Cramping, Calorie & Carb Cycling, Gene Splicing, Fixing Altitude Sickness & More!

  1. Jason says:

    Hey Ben! Love your podcast and everything you do! I spent some time in Peru in 2013 and I stayed in the jungle for about 6 weeks in a region called Madre de dios, where I stayed at Robins place a non-profit called Camino Verde. During my stay I drank Ayahuasca several times and a lot of coca tea. You can purchase coca leaves steep them in hot water and drink the tea, for me when I drank the tea like this I didn’t notice too much. I then was introduced to a powder form with which the coca leaves are ground up into a fine rich green powder. Drinking this upon waking from the sun in the morning was amazing, I felt a nice clean energy boost and it seemed to do a lot for digestion and mental clarity. Definitely worth trying! The best combination I found was mixing the tea with a little jungle honey delicious!

  2. oscar says:

    growing up in Bolivia , in La Paz they says we have three lungs , basically you have to eat a lot because your heart rate and metabolism is going at a higher rate , so if you don’t eat good breakfast you’ll pass out at dinner time , so the less Oxigen outside the higher number of red cells you need , that is why people look red on the face , but about coca leaves , when you chew on them basically make a bundle on your mouth and suck on the juice that comes out for a couple hours then you spit it out , I don’t know how what it does but it numbs your mouth , you lose your hunger and the tiredness . but it wears off the fatigue in a natural way . great show today.. thanks

  3. ben says:

    Yes link to AHS presentation please Ben

    Many thanks

  4. Bill Tatum says:


    Thank you for the great info on cramping! I’ve always subscribed to the typical train of thought about hydration and electrolyte imbalance while trying to be cognizant of water intoxication and taking too many electrolytes. During the 20X at your place I was doing well until the grass games at the school when my calves locked up during the tug-of-war and I was pretty much useless. I drank more water and took more electrolytes, but I still had issues the rest of the way back to your place. Now, I think the culprit was a little premature fatigue, not enough tapering prior to and a little age related muscle/soft tissue adhesions from previous injuries. I’ve incorporated the foam roller, backed off on the electrolytes and have used the mustard trick. The results have been incredible! Thanks again Ben!


  5. Kazik Anthony Lewandowski says:

    Chachacoma worked wonders for me! I was 14,000 feet above sea level (Tatio geyser northern Chile) and started to feel very queasy. I was given a Chachacoma tea and it immediately alleviated my symptoms. It is not as common as coca but I had great results with it for altitude sickness.

  6. Jeff says:

    Hi guys,

    Where’s the link for Ben’s presentation from AHS?


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