April 24, 2013
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.
April 24, 2013 Podcast: Electronic cigarette health, the best sleeping position, how to recover from pneumonia, exercising in pollution, how to make bulletproof coffee, when to use olive oil and when to use coconut oil, and supplements for beta cells.
Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right side of this page, click Ask a Podcast Question at the bottom of this page, Skype “pacificfit” or (if you hate the sound of your own voice) scroll down to the “Ask Ben” form. Please don't forget to give the podcast a comment/ranking in iTunes – it only takes a minute and it helps grow our healthy and fit community!
News Flashes:
To get these and a few other illuminating news flashes each and every week, follow Ben on Twitter.com/BenGreenfield, Facebook.com/BGFitness and Google+.
- Another good reason NOT to static stretch before your workout.
- If you have the choice to run in sand vs. running in grass, sand is better for getting fitter.
- Of note to those concerned about low carb diets/glycogen stores, protein does indeed replace glycogen stores.
Special Announcements:
If you're looking for a topic we covered in the past – we have released the Ben Greenfield Fitness Top Hits, Vol. 1. Including:
1. The Benefits of Fish vs. Fish Oil
2. The Best Ways to Stop Hair Loss
3. Increase Your Hematocrit & Oxygen Levels
4. Strengthen Your Immune System & Shorten the Duration of a Cold
5. Top 10 Ways to Boost Drive
6. Get Rid of Migraines Naturally
7. Become a Curvaceous, Lean, Ripped Female Athlete Without Destroying Your Health
8. Stop Side Stitches as Fast as Possible
9. Is It Possible for a Vegan to Be a Healthy Endurance Athlete
10. How Much Water Do You Really Need to Drink Each Day
2013 Thailand Triathlon Adventure with Ben Greenfield – details at pacificfit.net.
Ask Ben Anything About Minimalist Triathlon Training – Saturday April 27, 6pm PDT. Go to BenGreenfieldFitness.com/innercircle to get your Spreecast access.
Essentials of Triathlon Workshop with Ben Greenfield – Saturday, May 18, 2013 in Fairfield, Connecticut. In this private clinic you’ll discover everything you need to know about how to maximize your triathlon success, including Ben’s top secrets, tips and tricks to save time, get the most bang-for-your-training buck, and ensure your body, health and hormones are optimized for endurance. Location: Fairfield, Connecticut.
– Hour 1: Essentials of Triathlon Fueling + Nutrition Q&A
– Hour 2: Essentials of Triathlon Training + Workout Q&A
Registration: Early bird (by May 1): $40, May 1-17: $50, At-Door Registration: $60. Reserve your spot now. Space is limited!
Listener Q&A:
As compiled, edited and sometimes read by Brock, the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast “sidekick”.
Anne asks @ 00:22:56
She is wondering if there could be any negative effects associated with second hand “smoke” from electronic cigarettes? Her boss smokes them around her all the time in enclosed areas.
Anonymous asks @ 00:28:17
Which sleeping position – back, side or stomach – is the best for rest and recovery for athletes?
~ In my response I mention Esther Gokhale's book: 8 Steps To A Pain-Free Back, this study and a previous podcast we did on the best mattress.
James says @ 00:36:04
Recently came down with pneumonia which has killed his race season and has been warned to take it easy and give himself time to heal. He has finished a course of on antibiotics and then immediately started taking probiotics, oil of oregano and fish oil. His biggest issue right now is his lung capacity and shortness of breath. He wants to know what he can do to get healthy as quickly as possible.
~ This question is answered in part by a track from the iTunes album Ben Greenfield Fitness Top Hits, Vol. 1.
Julius asks @ 00:50:23
His nephew recently moved from Indiana to Beijing. Can you recommend what to do when you are an outdoor runner who lives in a highly polluted city like Beijing or Hong Kong?
~ In my response, I recommend Dr. Todd's antioxidants talk at Superhuman Live event, the podcast episode How Your Cells Talk To Each Other, and LifeShotz.
David asks @ 01:04:34
He recently switched from Olive Oil to Coconut Oil for most of his cooking and is wondering how much he should be consuming. He is mixing about a tablespoon into his morning cappuccino – is that too much? He is also wondering about the smoke point. He has read that Olive and Coconut Oil have about the same smoke point. Is that true?
~ In my response, I reference this smoke point chart, Nutive extra virgin coconut oil, and also KION coffee.
Jim asks @ 01:16:56
Ben talks about using supplements to maintain low blood sugar and promote liver health but are there any supplements that support the pancreas and help maintain healthy beta cells.
~ In my response to Jim, I recommend MPX100 and Thermofactor.
Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!
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Hey Guys,
I really love your show. You always have interesting and in depth information for me to digest. On the topic of MCT and Coconut oil, I wanted to ask a question sort of related (but I don’t have a microphone on this machine so hopefully you see this).
For about 9 months now I’ve been on a ketogenic diet. I have a Freesytle optium glucose / ketone meter and test regularly and I know that probably about 85% of the time I’m above .5 mmol. I am 31, 6’5 96kg, 11-13 % fat go to the gym twice a week and I have never honestly never felt better. I find my lifestyle pretty easy to maintain, my endurance has increased alot and general health too. However recently ( and this is so stupidly minor I’m not complaining) I have noticed i get blisters on my hands and feet if i do a long run, or go digging with a shovel etc..
Yeh I know, call the whaambulance…I’ve never ever ever had blisters before in my life so I was wondering if there was some nutrient that I’m missing as a result of my diet which could cause the blisters ?
I take a once a day multivitamin along with magnesium and zinc and fish oil tablets. I live in Adelaide, Australia so it’s pretty easy to get good quality fresh food. I can’t for the life of me figure out what I would be lacking in.
Possibly vitamin C ? Try eating some berries maybe ?
A base level of carbs is necessary for mucin and connective tissue formation, so that could possibly be eat. The two other things that come to mind are amino acids, and Vitamin C. Both of those are crucial to connective tissue healing and formation…I think we have any upcoming podcast about this…so stay tuned…
Great podcast today! I was so bummed to hear that I need to omit the cream from my bulletproof coffee in order to get the full effects of it. Until I tried it…. Oh my goodness, I was so surprised and delighted to discover how delicious it is, even without the cream! Thanks for clarifying this issue. Love that I can still enjoy it and consume a few less calories.
glad it still tastes OK, Meg. ;)
Similar question here too — I have been using the Nutiva Coconut butter— Which is lots of the Coconut meat– is that less desirable than extra virgin oil?
Yes, but considering it's not heated and transported across blood brain barrier with coffee, not as big of a deal if you're not blending it with bulletproof coffee.
Great podcast! I have a couple questions about coconut/MCT oil (more the latter.) I was talking with my RD about it and she was saying that she’s not a fan of MCT oil due to how the body processes it. I can’t recall the exact details, but she was saying it skips processing in the pancreas which isn’t a good thing?
Also, I appreciated what you said about extra virgin coconut oil. What are your thoughts on coconut butter or “coconut cream concentrate”? I use the Tropical Traditions coconut cream concentrate (http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/coconut_cream_concentrate.htm). And I guess since we’re talking about, where does coconut milk fall on your approved list?
Would love to hear your thoughts–maybe you could even discuss in the next podcast?
Thanks man! See you at Wildflower?
Your nutritionist is kind of wrong. MCT's do indeed result in no or minimal insulin release from pancreas but there are no "negatives" to that.
Coconut milk, coconut cream, etc is all going to have MORE issues with the source of the flesh, and choosing organic is better for any of those. We dont' do the cream concentrate, but do Native Forest Organic BPA free coconut milk.
See you at WF!