August 14, 2013
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.
Aug 14, 2013 Podcast: How to get fit for “The Survivor”, white rice vs. brown rice, what causes dry mouth, The best ways to test your gut, do you have lyme disease, and what women can do about a thick waist.
Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right, use the Contact button on the app, click Ask a Podcast Question at the bottom of this page, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form… but be prepared to wait – we prioritize audio questions over text questions.
News Flashes:
You can get these News Flashes hot off the presses if you follow Ben on, and Google+.
- Another nail in the coffin of Blood Type diets.
- If you're going to eat a high fat diet and don't want to “blow up” your liver, include fish oil.
- Want to do “Biggest Loser” style weight loss? Prepare for a drop in your metabolism of nearly 30%!
Special Announcements:
ONE slot remaining – November 21 to December 4, 2013 Thailand Triathlon Adventure with Ben Greenfield – details at Now including the pre-camp: It's a “high end” triathlon training resort. Brand new facilities – check 'em out! We're going to do coached sessions every day. It won't be hardcore training as much as a focus on learning about nutrition, training, fitness, and how to “get the edge” in endurance, life and health!
August 14 to 17: Ketogenic Diets and Exercise Performance. Ben Greenfield, M.S., CSCS, C-ISSN, Jamie Scott, PGDipNutMed, PGDipSportExMed, Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, B.S., Jimmy Moore. Ben Greenfield are on the Ketogenic Diet for Athlete Performance panel at the Ancestral Health Symposium in August. Visit for details.
August 23, Friday noon Pacific – Ironman Canada at Whistler Meet-up: All BenGreenfieldFitness fans and athletes are invited to hang out for a lunch hour on Friday before the big race! Come ask your last-minute questions, chill, plan post-race parties and meet other athletes who will be racing. This event will be a Mogul's coffeehouse and you can RSVP on the BenGreenfieldFitness Facebook page.
September 10 to 12, 2013: The Global Business Triathlon Conference is featuring Ben Greenfield as a speaker. Hilton London Metropole, London, UK – Join us for the premier global gathering of leaders of the triathlon business community. Enjoy three days of learning, networking and fun at the newly renovated Hilton London Metropole, conveniently located near the ITU World Championship activities in Hyde Park. Here is a link to the Facebook page for the London meetup with Ben Greenfield.
February 6 to March 6, 2014: Want to get into the Perfect Health Diet retreat in Austin, Texas? Click here for all details. Ben Greenfield will be presenting at the Feb 6-Mar 6 retreat.
If you're looking for a topic we covered in the past – we have released the Ben Greenfield Fitness Top Hits, Vol. 1. Including:
1. The Benefits of Fish vs. Fish Oil
2. The Best Ways to Stop Hair Loss
3. Increase Your Hematocrit & Oxygen Levels
4. Strengthen Your Immune System & Shorten the Duration of a Cold
5. Top 10 Ways to Boost Drive
6. Get Rid of Migraines Naturally
7. Become a Curvaceous, Lean, Ripped Female Athlete Without Destroying Your Health
8. Stop Side Stitches as Fast as Possible
9. Is It Possible for a Vegan to Be a Healthy Endurance Athlete
10. How Much Water Do You Really Need to Drink Each Day
And of course, this week's top iTunes review gets a care package straight from Ben – leave your review for a chance to win one:
Listener Q&A:
As compiled, edited and sometimes read by Brock, the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast “sidekick”.
Testimonial from Bree
She uses your low-carb triathlete protocol for training and racing and has hit all her markers in training and rocked her 70.3 a few weeks ago. She used UCAN, NatureAminos and PR'ed by more than 10 minutes on a hard course while only taking in about 600 calories.
How To Get Fit For “The Survivor”
Shane says @ 00:18:53
He is going to be on the TV show Survivor South Africa. He is wondering what sort of training and diet he should get himself on to prepare for it. He is pretty fit right now – running and exercising about 2 hour a day. Any direction would be appreciated.
~ Resources I recommend to Shane:
- Link to some of the more difficult Survivor challenges.
- My obstacle course race workout article.
- The Race Day Domination program.
- The Steel Mace Workout and the Steel Mace from Onnit.
- The Brainscape App
- Detox and Gut Healing Pack
White rice vs. Brown Rice
Ben says @ 00:36:18
He is looking for a healthy carbohydrate to put next to his steamed veggies and grass fed butter. He has heard that white rice is the best source but has also heard that there are issues with reheating rice. Should he buy frozen rice in a bag or make it himself? Is brown rice better? What is the best way for him to get about 30g of carbs?
What causes dry mouth
Bruce says @ 00:42:29
About 6 months ago he started getting extreme dry mouth to the point where he has to get up in the night to drink water. He eats a good mixture of healthy foods each day and gets a good amount of exercise but he is a heavy sweater. When he drinks too much water during the day he has to get up in the night to pee. He recently turned 50 – could that be part of the issue?
The best ways to test your gut
Simon says @ 00:48:18
He read the chapter from your book on “How to Fix Your Gut“, which he feels is very comprehensive. He would appreciate a more simple and concise list of things that you recommend people test themselves for in order to get an overall picture of their health.
~ In my reply, I reference:
- GI Effects Kit from Metametrix (same as a comprehensive stool analysis)
- Quintron Breath Test at
- Comprehensive Parasitology Test
Do You Have Lyme Disease?
Allie says @ 00:57:05
She had Lyme's Disease a few years ago and every summer she gets a few bites and some swelling in one of her knees. She uses a Lyme Nosodes Spray and is wondering what your thoughts are on that spray and anything else about Lyme's Disease.
~ In my reply, I reference:
- The Lyme Disease Solution Book
- This Lyme Disease Podcast With Chris Kresser
- Autoimmune Protocol on TrainingPeaks
- Autoimmune Paleo Book
What Women Can Do About A Thick Waist
Jim says @ 01:05:53
He was watching the Cross-Fit Game and noticed that a lot of the athletes (especially the women) have that “blocky midsection” look and is wondering which exercises cause that?
— And don't forget to go to! —
Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!
Podcast music from 80s Fitness (Reso Remix) by KOAN Sound.
Thanks guys! Rice-rice-baby!
Ben…thanks for answering my question … too funny on the lips smacking together … luckily my training and nutrition keep me very young looking and feeling (at least I think so and so do my friends) … any way thanks again .. I will definitely kick in here soon to help with the show or an upcoming event … keep it going man … love the show!! Bruce (swim – bike – run)