Why Some People Drink Camel Urine, The Fascinating History of Nutrition From Camels, 8 Big Reasons I Now Guzzle Camel’s Milk & Much More.

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Biohacking, Body, Diet & Nutrition, Health & Wellness, Longevity & Age Reversal, Podcast, Podcast-new

Prepare for your mind to be blown as you review the following three images. They are, long story short, step-by-step instructions for drinking camel's urine as an immune system tonic and anti-cancer aid. Not kidding. Check it out:

Still not convinced to rush out to your local zoo and collect a few glass mason jars of camel piss?

Then consider the following scientific papers…

…”The inhibitory effect of camel’s urine on mycotoxins and fungal growth“…

…”In vitro Assessment of the Antimicrobial Activity and Biochemical Properties of camel’s urine“…

…and last, but certainly not least…

…”Cytotoxicity of the Urine of Different Camel Breeds on the Proliferation of Lung Cancer Cells”.

And trust me, the stuff tastes freaking delicious. It's right up there with bear drool and tiger semen.

OK, OK, so perhaps you're not still not convinced that urine is a must-have addition to your diet. But in today's article, I do want to share with you a new addition to my diet that is something far tastier and attractive than camel's urine…

…camel's milk.

In today's article, I'm going to share with you the fascinating history of camel's milk consumption, the surprising and unique nutrition profile of camel's milk, eight big reasons me and my twin eight year old boys are now guzzling camel's milk on a regular basis as an alternative to goat's milk and cow's milk, and where I get my camel's milk (spoiler alert: I did not purchase nor do I personally milk an actual camel).

Let's do this, shall we? (insert Aladdin theme song here).

The Fascinating History of Camel's Milk

Since the domestication of camel several millennia ago, bedouins, nomads and pastoral cultures around the world have relished camel milk – so they've been drinking the stuff for a really, really long time. Surprisingly, camels are thought to have originated in North America, but somebody must have left the gate open, because they eventually migrated to Asian and Middle Eastern countries.

For nomads, camels are more than livestock. They’re a physical and spiritual link to nature. Plus, it’s their primary source of income, food and transportation, just as if you bundled your car, house and job on top of a camel and hit the road. Camels are life to nomads, and although their way of life is being threatened due to city growth and loss of roaming land, a growing commercial interest in camel milk can help them keep going.

Herders in many of these Asian and Middle Eastern countries have long said they survive solely on camel milk when taking the camels long distances to graze in desert and arid mountain environments (I'm pretty sure they certainly throw a few dates down their throats too when they get the chance). And the camels? They're like goats. They can thrive on thorns, bushes, a few scant grasses and an occasional bucket of water to make a desert trip.

Camel farming traditionally takes place in desert or mountain conditions, although it is now flourishing in Germany and The Netherlands. You'll now find camel milk is in supermarkets in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kenya and Mauritania, and there’s a new chain of camel milk cafes in Dubai! Camels produce tons of milk – with Pakistani and Afghani camels producing up to 30 liters per day. Because of this, and because camels, with their ability to go 21 days without drinking water and still produce milk even when feeding on low-quality fodder, are a sustainable option for food security in difficult environments.

In India, camel milk has been used desert communities like the “raika” for a very long time, it also finds its presence in the ancient Indian medicinal texts of Ayurveda. The National Research Centre on Camel in Bikaner, Rajasthan, India is a national camel research institute, and has participated in research projects on the therapeutic values of camel milk in autism, diabetes, TB, hepatitis, etc.

In the USA, demand for camel milk  originated from a growing number of people who had leaky gut issues and other irritable bowel complaints, and were looking for a milk the human gut can actually handle. Other people have utilized camel milk to boost their immune system (no camel urine required!) and to build a wider diversity of bacteria in the microbiome, which you'll learn about later in this article.

The Surprising & Unique Nutrition Profile of Camel's Milk

Camel milk is an extremely rich source of proteins, with very high antimicrobial and gut protective activities – since many of these proteins are not found in cow milk, or found only in minor amounts in cow milk. Camel milk has enough nutrients to easily sustain a person through the day as a sole source of food, and in many countries, camel milk is given to babies suffering from malnutrition.

Compared to cow, buffalo and ewe milk fat, camel milk fat contains fewer short-chain fatty acids, but the same number of long-chain fatty acids can be found, and is particularly high in linoleic acid. Some researchers claim that the value of camel milk is to be found in the high concentrations of linoleic acid (among other polyunsaturated fatty acids), which are essential for human nutrition. Camel milk has more fat and more protein than cow's milk, but the amount of cholesterol in camel milk is actually lower than cow or goat milk.

Camel milk also has a very high vitamin, mineral, and immunoglobulin content. It is three times higher in vitamin C than cow's milk and 10 times higher in iron than cow's milk. It is also very high in unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins, lower in lactose than cow's milk, and the levels of potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, sodium and zinc are higher than in cow's milk.

Here's a few other fun facts for you from the Desert Farm Camel's Milk website:

8 Big Reasons I Now Guzzle Camel's Milk

There's a few other very interesting benefits of camel's milk that I've discovered in the past couple months that I've been consuming the stuff: eight big reasons that I now guzzle camel's milk on a near daily basis.

In no particular order of importance, here they are:

1. Colostrum

First, camel's milk is extremely, extremely high in colostrum.

Colostrum, also known as “first milk”, is a mammary secretion produced by cows, camels and other related animals. The results of supplementation with colostrum or consumption of milk high in colostrum are similar to supplementing with whey protein, although colostrum may offer some very unique benefits for both the immune and digestive systems.

For example, the undeveloped intestinal tract of a newborn allows the growth factors present in colostrum to pass freely through the intestinal wall for absorption. But fully-developed adult mammal intestines break down the beneficial compounds in colostrum before they can be absorbed into the blood stream. So although an adult's digestive enzymes prevent colostrum growth factors from significantly affecting muscles, colostrum in adults will still exert a local effect in the gut, which increase intestinal integrity, prevents inflammation (like the kind that can be caused by prolonged, intense exercise, especially in the heat). So supplementing with colostrum or drinking milk high in colostrum will have an effect similar to supplementing whey protein or casein protein, but offer even more of a benefit, especially for leaky gut issues or intense exercise.

The antibodies present in colostrum are also effective at reducing diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli and reducing the risk of HIV infection.

And it turns out that camel milk, compared to other animal milk, is particularly good at providing colostrum. In the study “A comparative study of milk serum proteins in camel (Camelus dromedarius) and bovine colostrum“, you can see that camel milk is chock full of the stuff, and the study “Chemical characterization of the oligosaccharides in Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) milk and colostrum” shows a host of beneficial oligosaccharides unique to camel milk. Finally, the study “Selected vitamins and fatty acid patterns in dromedary milk and colostrum” also shows the colostrum in camel milk to be extremely high.

2. Prebiotic

Camel’s milk provides prebiotics in the form of oligosaccharides.

Prebiotics are food components that are indigestible by humans, but that feed the microbial colonies in the gut. Essentially, prebiotics are soluble fiber like inulin, oligofructose, and oligosaccharides that our gut flora consumes and ferments. When microbial colonies in the gut aren’t getting enough prebiotic foods, the host (you) can suffer from indigestion, increased levels of inflammation, lower immune function, increased risk for weight gain, and an increased risk for various chronic diseases. This is because prebiotics are integral to maintaining the diversity, balance, and growth of intestinal bacteria, specifically increasing the number of the beneficial bacteria bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. By feeding and increasing the number of good bacteria in the gut, the body’s resistance to invading pathogens is increased.

Camel’s milk provides a great deal of oligosaccharides. More and more studies are coming out that show the health benefits of prebiotics. A diet supplemented with Galactooligosaccharides improved symptoms in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Oligosaccharides aid in weight control, glucose regulation in diabetic patients, and influence homeostasis of intestinal cells. Short chain fatty acids, the end-products of prebiotic digestion by bacteria, are a source of energy for epithelial cells in the colon and help inhibit pathogen growth, reduce gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers.

3. Modulation Of Human Microbiome (Restoration & Maintenance Of Healthy Gut)

Many compounds found in camel’s milk benefit the gut.

Moving past the benefits of the prebiotics found in camel’s milk, there are many more factors that influence gut health. Camel milk has anti-diarrheal properties with implications in treating complications with Autism, Crohn’s disease, and other digestive health issues. Vitamin-rich camel milk contains a high proportion of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids that improves carbohydrate metabolism. Camel milk lactoferrin has been found to inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells. Camel milk supplementation in rats exposed to Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli reduced the degree of pathogenicity, preventing damage to liver and kidney function and decreasing oxidative stress induced by the pathogens. It also has an antiulserogenic effect against gastric ulcers in mice. The probiotic lactic acid bacteria in camel milk prevents adhesion of pathogens in the GI tract. Lastly, the prebiotics and probiotics present in camel milk work synergistically to improve gut health and function.

4. Full Of Immune Activating Molecules

Camel milk has unique antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

We’ve already discussed some of the anti-microbial effects of camel milk, but it boasts many more immunity benefits. The lactoferrin present in camel milk directly boosts the immune system by maintaining immune homeostasis through controlling excess inflammatory response and by directly influencing the development of T-helper cells. Camel milk has an abundance of lysozymes, an enzyme that attacks pathogenic bacteria. Camel polyclonal antibodies helps inhibit hepatitis C  and hepatitis B virus infectivity. Camel milk casein hydrolysates have antioxidant and antimicrobial functions. Camel milk may help reduce inflammation associated with obesity. It also contain disease-fighting immunoglobulins that boost the immune system. Additionally, camel milk does not contain the beta-casein and beta-lactoglobulin present in many forms of cow milk that has been linked to autism, autoimmune disease, heart disease, and type 1 diabetes. In a nutshell, camel milk helps boost the immune system and has protective properties against bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

5. Broad Spectrum Of Beneficial Bacteria

Raw camel milk is an excellent source of beneficial probiotics.

Raw camel milk contains over 120 strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that are both beneficial to the gut and have remarkable antimicrobial properties. LAB helps regulate bowel function, fights pathogens, alleviates allergic reactions, and lowers serum cholesterol levels. LAB play a key role in gut bacteria homeostasis and diversity, both necessary for a healthy gut. 

6. Bio-active Molecules (Lactoferrins, Immunoglobulins, Anti-oxidants, Vitamins, Immunostimulant factors)

These molecules provide ample nourishment and are potent disease-fighters.

Camel milk contains a wide range of both water and fat-soluble vitamins, but is most notably a good source of vitamin C and niacin. It also has a satisfactory balance of amino acids and contains some essential fatty acids with a high proportion of polyunsaturated fats that are integral to human health.

The immunoglobulins, lysozymes, lactoferrin, hydrogen peroxide, and lactoperoxidase present in camel milk have profound immune boosting properties. Although the mechanism is unclear, camel milk has a hypocholesterolemic effect, probably due to bioactive peptides. As mentioned previously, the lactoferrin inhibits hepatitis B and C. Because the immunoglobulins found in camel milk are different from those usually consumed and present in humans, they aid in strengthening the host immune system. Camel milk has been used to treat dropsy, jaundice, spleen ailments, asthma, anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, tuberculosis, autoimmune disease, and autism. It is highly effective as a viral inhibitor to human rotavirus. The insulin in camel milk is able to pass through the stomach to be absorbed in the intestines, making it an effective treatment for diabetes regulation and reduces the need for insulin in type 1 diabetics. Lactoferrin is an effective anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer agent. Because lactoferrin snatches up free iron, it helps inhibit iron-catalyzed free radical damage, reduces severity of candida infections because candida does poorly in low-iron environments, and it suppresses the spread of cancer cells by limiting the formation of new blood vessels necessary for tumor growth by limiting available iron. The lysozymes present target invading pathogens and work particularly well against Salmonella

7. High Levels of Selenium, Zinc & Other Minerals

Camel milk provides bioavailable minerals to the body. 

Camel milk is rich in calcium, zinc, iron (10x more than cow's milk), copper and manganese and also contains magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and sodium. We all know about the importance of calcium for strong bones and zinc for immune health, but these minerals are highly bioavailable in camel milk due to its low pH allowing for enhanced absorption from the duodenum.

8. Contains Bio-identical IgF-1

Fight obesity and depression while aiding your brain, heart, and muscles with IgF-1.

Camel milk contains IgF-1, or insulin-like growth factor, which aids in organ development and functions. Supplementation with growth factors are most notably used in treating skin disorders, gut dysfunction, and bone health. IgF-1 is present in other animal milks, but only in camel milk is it able to pass through the stomach and into the intestines to be absorbed. The lactoferrin in camel milk stimulates lean muscle gain in conjunction with IgF-1. Sufficient IgF-1 protects the brain, encourages activity of muscle protein synthesis, suppresses liver glucose production, and can alleviate depression.

I actually mentioned many of these IGF benefits of milk in my article “Should You Use This Controversial Hormone Marketed As A Natural “Fountain Of Youth”?“, in which I fill you in on trendy “fountain of youth” growth hormones and growth hormone precursors, their potential danger, and a trilogy of other natural growth hormone building alternatives you could use should you choose not to take the risk.

In that article, I also described how I swallow a handful of colostrum capsules every morning, I drink raw animal milk such as camel milk and goat milk on most days, and I use the equivalent of around 30 grams of grass-fed whey protein each day in a smoothie (if you’re vegan or if whey protein doesn’t agree with your stomach, you can combine digestive enzymes with a vegan protein such as brown rice protein, pea protein or hemp protein for an effect similar to whey protein, a digestive enzyme biohack I talk about in great detail here).

Here is exactly what I personally use to keep my IGF-1 naturally elevated:

NatureColostrum (4-8 capsules per day)

Grass Fed Whey Protein (20-30g per day)

Camel Milk (4-8 ounces per day – use code BEN20 for 20% off)

So there you have it: nine good reasons to guzzle down just a touch of camel milk every day (or to dump it into your smoothies or shakes, mix it into your coffee, make it into hot chocolate or teas, or do anything else you please with it…absolutely no urine required).


Alright, let's end with perhaps the most important consideration of all…

…how the heck does this stuff actually taste?

The fact that my eight year old kids guzzle it like a frat boy guzzles Bud Light oughtta give you some clue. But in my own opinion, and that of my highly sophisticated palate, the overall flavor of camel milk is light, sweet and surprisingly clean. It's not bitter or face-puckering like raw goat's milk, not thick and chunky like raw cow's milk, and it has a pleasant sweetness at the end that makes it linger in your mouth, and, due to the high mineral content, it's also slightly salty, which I quite like.

So let's finish with this: the brand of camel's milk that I drink is called “Desert Farms Camel Milk“. This is the raw, organic good stuff. There is nothing added and nothing removed, and their farms conduct regular lab testing for bacteria and pathogens before packaging, so you get a very clean, tasty bottle of milk on ice right at your doorstep.

They're giving any of my readers a 20% discount off any order if you simply use code BEN20 on their website. For your viewing pleasure, let's finish with what I consider to be a quite nifty video showcasing my own personal use of the Desert Farm's stuff, which I've now been drinking for the past two months:

Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback about camel's milk, or anything else in this article? Leave your comments below and I'll reply, and in the meantime, I've also included a friggin' slew of scientific references on camel's milk should you decide you want to take the deep, deep dive. Bon appetit, and remember, you can click here and use code BEN20 to save 20% on any and all Desert Farms Camel Milk.

Scientific References

Antimicrobial activity of lysozyme with special relevance to milk

Antimicrobial Effects of Camel Milk against Some Bacterial Pathogens

Are camel milk proteins convenient to the nutrition of cow milk allergic children?

Comparison Of Chemical And Mineral Content Of Milk From Human, Cow, Buffalo, Camel And Goat In Egypt

Properties Diarrheal-Anti Unique its and Milk Camel

Science and camel’s milk production

A comparative study of milk serum proteins in camel (Camelus dromedarius) and bovine colostrum

A Review on Composition, Derived Dairy Product and Therapeutic Value of Dromedary Camel Milk

A review on medicinal properties of Camel milk

A study of the anti-diabetic agents of camel milk

Adenoviral targeting using genetically incorporated camelid single variable domains

Anti-infectivity of camel polyclonal antibodies against hepatitis C virus in Huh7.5 hepatoma

Antibacterial activity of Lactic acid bacteria isolated from Tunisian camel milk

Antibacterial and antiviral activity of camel milk protective proteins

Ascorbic Acid Concentrations in Milk from Sudanese Camels

Behavioral Benefits of Camel Milk in Subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Beta-caesein variants and neurological conditions

Bioactive Components in Milk and Dairy Products

Camel and donkey milk based nutritive powder- A cheaper alternative of human milk

Camel Milk and Autoimmune Diseases- Historical Medicine

Camel Milk as a Potential Therapy as an Antioxidant in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Camel Milk as Adjuvant to Treat Alloxan Diabetes- Effect of Heat Treatment on this Property

Camel milk as an adjunct to insulin therapy improves long-term glycemic control

Camel Milk Beneficial Effects on Treating Gentamicin Induced Alterations in Rats

Camel Milk Is a Safer Choice than Goat Milk for Feeding Children with Cow Milk Allergy

Camel Milk Publications draft

Camel Milk Triggers Apoptotic Signaling Pathways in Human Hepatoma HepG2 and Breast Cancer MCF7 Cell Lines through Transcriptional Mechanism

Changes in Chemical Composition of Camel’s Raw Milk During Storage

Chemical Composition and Medicinal Values of Camel Milk

Effect of camel milk on collagen abnormalities in streptozotocin-diabetic rats

A Study of the Dromedary Milk Casein Micelle and its Changes during Acidification

Anti-rotaviral activity of whey proteins derived from milk of different animal species

Anti-schistosomal activity of colostral and mature camel milk on Schistosoma mansoni infected mice

Anti-viral, immune-modulatory and anti-cancerogenic effects, the role of lactoferrin

Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of camel milk casein hydrolysates and its fractions

Applications of bioprocessed desert camel’s milk  In human neurodegenerative diseases prevention and control

Approaches to studying and manipulating the enteric microbiome to improve autism symptoms

Beef allergy in children with cow's milk allergy; cow's milk allergy in children with beef allergy

Camel milk ameliorates steatohepatitis, insulin resistance and lipid peroxidation in experimental non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Camel milk components inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells

Camel Milk for Food Allergies in Children

Camel milk lactoferrin reduces the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells and exerts antioxidant and DNA damage inhibitory activities

Camel Milk Modulates the Expression of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Regulated Genes, Cyp1a1, Nqo1, and Gsta1, in Murine hepatoma Hepa 1c1c7 Cells

Camel milk new observations

Camel milk protects your children from autism

Camel Milk- A Boon to Mankind

Camel Milk- Disease Control and Dietary Laws

Characterization of a camel milk protein rich in proline identifies a new-3-casein fragment

Characterization of Camel Milk Protein Isolates as Nutraceutical and Functional Ingredients

Chemical characterization of the oligosaccharides in Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) milk and colostrum

Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Camel milk

Composition and medicinal properties of camel milk- A Review

Compositional and Structural Analysis of Camel Milk Proteins with Emphasis on Protective Proteins

Compositional, technological and nutritional aspects of dromedary camel milk

Consumption of camel’s milk by patients intolerant to lactose. A preliminary study

Cross Reactivity between Dromedary Whey Proteins and IgG Anti Bovine α-Lactalbumin and Anti Bovine β-Lactoglobulin

Cytotoxicity of the Urine of Different Camel Breeds on the Proliferation of Lung Cancer Cells, A549

Detection of antimicrobial residues in camel milk – suitability of various commercial microbial inhibitor tests as screening tests

Differential effects of camel Milk on insulin receptor signaling – Toward Understanding the insulin-like Properties of camel Milk

Effect of heat treatment on camel milk proteins with respect to antimicrobial factors- a comparison with cows' and buffalo milk proteins

Ask Ben a Podcast Question

8 thoughts on “Why Some People Drink Camel Urine, The Fascinating History of Nutrition From Camels, 8 Big Reasons I Now Guzzle Camel’s Milk & Much More.

  1. Coper says:

    Hi, Alex
    It’s a best camel milk in USA
    Camel milk has been used for centuries as a source nutrition in the Middle East, Asian and North African cultures. Nomads and Bedouins still rely on camel’s milk nutritional properties, while generations of tribes have lived on camel milk entirely with a few dates for months in the harsh desert climate. Desert Farms has now captured their ancient knowledge and locked camel milk tight in a bottle. Desert Farms’ camels live in small family farms in the USA where the average herd is about 6 camels. All Desert Farms camels are pasture-raised and eat a complex diet of hay, grass and alfalfa pellets.
    Containing only milk from USA-based camels and bottled entirely in America, Desert Farms – Camel Milk is available in several distinct varieties: Raw Camel Milk; Raw Camel Milk (Frozen); Raw Camel Milk Kefir; Pasteurized Camel Milk and Raw Camel Milk Colostrum.
    You can buy camel milk directly from Desert Farms website.

  2. Coper says:

    Hi, Jony
    It’s a best camel milk in USA
    Camel milk has been used for centuries as a source nutrition in the Middle East, Asian and North African cultures. Nomads and Bedouins still rely on camel’s milk nutritional properties, while generations of tribes have lived on camel milk entirely with a few dates for months in the harsh desert climate. Desert Farms has now captured their ancient knowledge and locked camel milk tight in a bottle. Desert Farms’ camels live in small family farms in the USA where the average herd is about 6 camels. All Desert Farms camels are pasture-raised and eat a complex diet of hay, grass and alfalfa pellets.
    Containing only milk from USA-based camels and bottled entirely in America, Desert Farms – Camel Milk is available in several distinct varieties: Raw Camel Milk; Raw Camel Milk (Frozen); Raw Camel Milk Kefir; Pasteurized Camel Milk and Raw Camel Milk Colostrum.
    You can buy camel milk directly from Desert Farms website.

  3. alex says:

    Camel milk has been used for centuries as a source nutrition in the Middle East, Asian and North African cultures. Nomads and Bedouins still rely on camel’s milk nutritional properties, while generations of tribes have lived on camel milk entirely with a few dates for months in the harsh desert climate. Desert Farms has now captured their ancient knowledge and locked camel milk tight in a bottle. Desert Farms’ camels live in small family farms in the USA where the average herd is about 6 camels. All Desert Farms camels are pasture-raised and eat a complex diet of hay, grass and alfalfa pellets.

    Containing only milk from USA-based camels and bottled entirely in America, Desert Farms – Camel Milk is available in several distinct varieties: Raw Camel Milk; Raw Camel Milk (Frozen); Raw Camel Milk Kefir; Pasteurized Camel Milk and Raw Camel Milk Colostrum.

  4. alex says:

    Camel milk has been used for centuries as a source nutrition in the Middle East, Asian and North African cultures. Nomads and Bedouins still rely on camel’s milk nutritional properties, while generations of tribes have lived on camel milk entirely with a few dates for months in the harsh desert climate. Desert Farms has now captured their ancient knowledge and locked camel milk tight in a bottle. Desert Farms’ camels live in small family farms in the USA where the average herd is about 6 camels. All Desert Farms camels are pasture-raised and eat a complex diet of hay, grass and alfalfa pellets.

    Containing only milk from USA-based camels and bottled entirely in America, Desert Farms – Camel Milk is available in several distinct varieties: Raw Camel Milk; Raw Camel Milk (Frozen); Raw Camel Milk Kefir; Pasteurized Camel Milk and Raw Camel Milk Colostrum

  5. Cathy Cooke says:

    Ben, do you think someone that can’t tolerate any dairy would be able to drink this? I can not have cow, goat, sheep, or any diary, raw or otherwise. Nor eggs. Would love to be able to have this!

    1. Yes, that's the exact idea I get into above. ;)

  6. The word urine might sound yucky for a food/drink but surprisingly they can be delicious. If you have heard about “Century Egg”. It’s actually a duck egg aged in horse urine. A chinese delicacy. Taste delicious in soy sauce with rice and doesn’t smell or taste like urine at all! First time I heard of it I was surprised it was made from urine lol…

    I’ll give this camel urine a try and see how it goes hehe…

    1. I own a camel milk gelato brand in Dubai, UAE (whose capital city is Abu Dhabi) and have dealt with camel farms in the country.
      No one drinks urine here. It is actually a banned item. Even in neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia, Oman,…
      The government’s health agencies’ stance is cristal clear.
      But like in every industry, there are unscrupulous, desperate marketers who own camels and want to make the most (money) out of it. They sell urine on the roadside and some tourists fall into the trap of pompous health claims.
      University labs that studied urine were paid by the stakeholders.
      There are many other foods that are delicious and bring a ton of health benefits, like camel milk!

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