Episode #179: What Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Want You To Know About Statins

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In this January 18, 2012 free audio episode: What Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know About Statins. Plus: light therapy, what are super-carbs, how to cycle calories, milk for lactose intolerance, clear fluids before colonscopy, o-lifting, P90X and running, staying warm during a swim, and the effects of too much calcium.

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Listener Q&A:A donate button that reads - keep the podcasts coming

Audio Question from Craig:
Asks about light therapy for more than just treatment of depression.

~ In my response to Craig, I mention these Gunnar glasses.

Audio Question from Keith:
Wants to know about “Super” Carbs (from an article in UltraRunning by Sunny Blende).

~ In my response, I mention this podcast episode on forefoot running with Danny Abshire.

Matt asks:
I run anywhere from 50 to 75 miles a week and weigh around 200lbs I would like to lose about 25lbs. what is the best way to do that while continuing my current training schedule? Is there a calorie deficit I should try to hit daily that will allow me to lose weight without sacrificing a lot of performance?

Todd asks:
I have been lactose intolerant all my life. I started triathlon recently and thought taking after-workout protein shakes would be a good idea. One problem, most seem to be dairy based. I get a massive headache and GI issues after drinking them. Same issues with fruit juice and now soy milk. Any ideas or suggestions for managing this and incorporating post recovery drinks into my routine?

~ In my response to Todd, I reference this podcast and also recommend probiotics, digestive enzymes, and the new DEEP30 protein or LivingProtein.

Jeff asks:
I am scheduled to have a colonoscopy and in part of preparation the colon must be cleared. So… the day before and the day of the procedure, I am allowed nothing but clear fluids. From a nutritional standpoint, are there specific fluids that would be of greater benefit to me? I am a hard training triathlete and nutritional effects on training are a concern to me. The procedure is on a Wed. I plan Monday to get a solid brick and moderate swim in and then do nothing Tuesday (start clear fluid diet), Wednesday (procedure) and Thursday. Any thoughts on type of fluid intake or preparation prior to and post procedure from a nutritional and exercise perspective.

Bob asks:
My question is on taking up O-lifting at the tender age of 45. Background: have a pretty demanding day job, so will be able to devote 2-3 sessions a week max to it. Am 6'4″ tall & flexibility is a challenge. Am reasonably well versed in 3 of the 4 classic power lifts (Bench of 275 lbs. & good form; Standing Press of 140 lbs. & won't kill myself form; Deadlift of 370 & fair form; squat of only 235 lbs. with very shakey form when going to full depth). I would be very interested in both your general recommendations for making progress on both the snatch and clean & jerk, as well as your specific recommendations on the mobility work for O-lifting I should focus on for the necessary flexibility.

~ In my response to Bob, I recommend this video with Dan John.

Al asks:
I am a marathon runner and I am looking forward to trying your marathon dominator program in 2012. I am currently in my off season and I have been doing a combination of strength training using your 12 strength training routines for triathletes guide and doing cardio with mixing swimming, elipitical and bike interval routines. I just started P90X and I wanted to get your thoughts on the program and how it relates to my off-season running training. It does have a lot of volume with about 1 hour per day spent on focused training.

~ In my response to Al I mention www.marathondominator.com

PowerFr0g asks:
I've been swimming a lot in open water lately in preparation for a few Olympic Distance triathlons. After about 30-40 min spent in the water, my fingers and feet get numb and it takes about 30 minutes for the blood to go back into my limbs after I get out of the water and even when going straight on a bike ride or a run. I live in Australia, where it's currently summer. The water is about 18C /64F degrees, which is cool but not freezing cold. I haven't swam in my Tri suit yet but I want to get used to swimming without much buoyancy and want to train in open water as opposed to a pool (by the way, I haven't got this problem when swimming in the pool). I searched your site on how to improve blood circulation. In Episode #103, you mention the greyhound juice website. It seems the site no longer exists. Any other tips to stay warm after a swim or some tricks on how to get the blood rushing back into fingers/feet straight after a swim?

~ In my response, I mention this Ozone muscle-warming cream.

Gordon asks:
Under what circumstances would you recommend coming off doctor-prescribed statins? I have been taking statins for most of the last ten years and have come to believe that it is affecting my athletic performance, perhaps progressively. My high cholesterol appears to be hereditary – at least, higher levels persist even though I have an excellent diet and exercise regimen. Recently, I have begun to notice increased aching and loss of power during longer cycle rides (over 25 miles or so), longer delays in recovery, and a general stagnation in performance. I have noticed that during 2009, when I took a break from statins for about a year, my performance was higher/faster that year (by about 8%). Since going back on statins in 2010, I have not been able to ride as fast, and overall feel under-powered, especially during longer rides, with aching primarily in the larger upper leg and thigh muscles. When not taking statins, my overall cholesterol shoots quickly up in to the high 200s and my doctor has insisted that I stay on them (even though I have no other risk factors and am otherwise in great shape for 46). Based on my own experience, documented performance records, and some research into how statins affect athletes, I am considering coming off statins against my doctor's wishes. Do you have any thoughts or recommendations that might help me make this decision?

~ In my response, I recommend the website www.trackyourplaque.com.

Kem asks:
Calcium scores got me thinking. Could a healthy (as in lots and good) dairy consumption lead to artery in-elasticity and cause one's blood pressure to rise?

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12 thoughts on “Episode #179: What Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Want You To Know About Statins

  1. David L. says:

    Great info on statins, Ben. For years I've been a believer in Dean Ornish, and have been following a low-fat diet. Realize that it is a gross oversimplification to say that fats are bad. Am just now starting to tune into "good" fats and bad "fats," and am making a lot of changes in my diet. The more I read it seems like the more the science backs you up (and I like that you look at studies, and how well they were done, before making recommendations). The idea of simplifying is attractive, but it's easy to oversimplify too much when it comes to nutrition, and as a result I see why the public is getting a lot of erroneously oversimplified (or simply wrong) health and nutritional info. I've also been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for many years. I was a vegetarian for many reason, including health. I'm seeing that it's possible to have a very healthy diet eating meat. I'm not going to give up being a vegetarian. I'm just not going to do it for health reason, anymore. Realize you're not a vegetarian, but would be nice to occasionally get from you tips for how to have a healthier lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. Keep up the good work.

  2. Carlos says:

    Hey Ben do you know if the yellowish Gunnars also have the same effect?

    Also, check this out… http://fitdesk.net/ I think some readers will be really interested

    1. yellow gunnars do have similar effect…

  3. jeff Hoening says:

    Great show, Ben. Intrigued by the question from a listener that is running 50-75 miles per week and is trying to lose weight (thought I heard this right). How is it possible for someone to run this much and not lose weight? If they are not running, they must be eating. 50 miles per week was my peak marathon training mileage and I couldn't keep weight on. Thanks. jeff

    1. With ultrarunners or marathoners, it is typically too high of carbohydrate intake combined with overtraining causing cortisol release and fluid retention, and also compensatory eating (running and then eating way too much the rest of the day)…

  4. @tahoerob says:

    As a physician who has started the triathlete pathway this last 2 years, I totally agree that most statins are unnecessary, cause many new problems & does not solve the problem of too many CARBS!
    Solution: low carb, gluten free!

    1. kem says:

      It's nice to have a good panel to keep the gp off your case.

  5. kem says:

    Speaking of feedback, how does an ante-diluvian manage to make a comment in I tunes… doesn't seem to be an obvious button

    1. In iTunes store, under customer review, choose "Write A Review".

  6. kem says:

    Thanks for the podcast. And special thanks for thinking about calcium. I'm, turning 60 in a couple of months so I have started thinking about such things. I consume a fair bit of dairy, all grass fed here in NZ and raw milk, cream and cheese when we can. I only consume about 20% of my calories as carbs so maybe that's good.

    I think you are reading and hearing the same information on statins as I have for the last few years… and you seem to the same website I point folks to for the triglyceride/HDL ratio. I'm not sure if you can even get those particle size / number tests here. Having a .6 gives one a bit of confidence, anyway. The gp wouldn't do my lipids this year, he didn't reckon they would have changed much fromlast year and it would only cost the system money. And he was a bit envious of my numbers. We gave him "Why We Get Fat" a few months ago.

    There was a referrence to a study on Dr Briffa some time back that showed that women after menopause are aon the whole actually protected from early mortality with higher total chloresterol… up to I think, in US numbers, 300 or 9mmol/L here.

    1. Great feedback, Kem!

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