November 4, 2009
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode
In this free November 3, 2009 audio episode, I interview Dr. Roby Mitchell about the swine flu, and answer multiple listener questions about Ice Baths, Carbonated Water, Anorexia, Triathlons, Muscle Spasms and much more!
Featured Topic:
Dr. Roby Mitchell consults world wide with physicians interested in transitioning their patients onto regimens that take them off drugs and on to healthful regimens using nutrition, exercise, bio-identical hormone replacement, and targeted supplements. and takes a very unique stand on the swine flu “epidemic”. In our interview, Dr. Mitchell includes the following topics:
-Who needs to be vaccinated against the swine flu, and why…
-The potential dangers of vaccination if you don't actually need it…
-The exact supplements you should be taking to protect yourself from the swine flu…
-How to protect your body before you get on planes, trains and the subway…(including “Oil of Oregano”)
-What you should do about your children and the swine flu…
-How hormone and steroid levels drastically affect your potential immunity to the swine flu…
-And much, much more!
Be sure to check out Dr. Mitchell's website by clicking here.
Listener Q&A:
Listener Patrick asks: “I'd be interested in knowing the latest info on ice baths:
– Are they helpful or full of hype?
– What's the ideal temperature range and immersion time?
– Should it be done before or after a warm post-workout shower?
– What to do about the grunts/screams/explicatives on initial immersion?”
Listener Mark asks: “In an effort to give up soda, i have started to drink carbonated water (Wegmans brand) which is naturally flavored. I drink roughly 36 ounces per day. Are there any health risks associated with drinking carbonated water? I have recently heard that the carbonation depletes your body of calcium….is this true?”
Listener Chantelle asks: “I don't know if you have ever addressed this one before, but one of my near and dear friends is addicted to laxatives and then exercises almost to the point of anorexia. But she doesn't know how to get off the laxatives because then she becomes constipated and that, of course, makes her feel fat. She eats a lot of high fiber foods, but even just a bit of salt or bread makes her constipated. Would this be something that you would ever address as far as what she should eat, how to quit, etc?”
Listener David asks: “I started listening to your podcasts and really enjoy the informative topics and am slowly making my way through the archived podcasts. Great stuff by the way. I am a triathlete with 3 IMs under my belt, and as we enter the off-season I am presented with a fork in the road decision. Last off-season I subscribed to a training regimen counter to the conventional mainstream in which a training season begins training one’s base and performing long, slow distance workouts at relative mild intensities. Last year my off-season consisted of short duration (hour or less), small volume, but high intensity bike and run workouts to build pure speed. I got significantly faster by several minutes in 10K runs and increased my functional threshold power (watts) on the bike by about 15% during the off-season time. Then as the real training season began, volume and longer duration workouts were put on top of the new speed — in other words… speed first then build distance on top of that speed. This was quite successful for me last year as I had several breakthrough performances and PRs in several olympic and half-iron distance triathlons. This training philosophy is almost opposite the mainstream —- build base (ie. long distance, mild intensity), then race specific speed as one nears a race event.
My fork decision currently is the two training philosophies above. Many friends insist my prior year speed first approach is crazy, a crash-n-burn approach and adhere to the mainstream approach and that I was just lucky last year. I am curious on your opinion on these two different training approaches, and possibly if other approaches may also be worth considering as a new off-season and soon to be training season begins? Thank you.”
Listener Eric asks: “I have a few swimming questions that I would like to hear you answer.
1. I am training for open water triathlons where I wear a wet suit but swimming in the pool without one. I have heard some people say that I should use a pull buoy when I train to simulate the wetsuit buoyancy but read an article that says stay away from toys. Does the pull buoy help and if so, what frequency should it be used when training?
2. Swimming is something that I never really did until about a year ago when I decided to start doing triathlons. One thing that I never learned how to do when I was growing up was the flip turn or any other turn method for that matter. When I reach the wall at the other end, I usually stand up for a second or two and turn around. I'm sure that is probably cheating, but should I spend time learning to do some other type of turn when my competition will be open water, which has no turns?
3. I read the article that says to use no toys, but I travel alot and many of my swim training days are either replaced with extra runs or done in a hotel pool while I am on the road. I saw a bun-gee cord that you can strap to your legs and swim in place, which is ideal since most hotel pools are not big enough to get a good workout in. My question is are there negative side effects to something like this or is that a good investment for when I travel?”
Listener John asks: “How can someone train for am ironman for 8 months and cross the finish line with saddle bags. I mean, all that endurance training, and the body responds with smooth no definition. I can;t figure out if it is diet, not enough weight training, or to much endurance training, that does not allow the body to get cut up and muscluar, not like a body builder, but like maybe a cross between a bodybuilder and an athlete.”
Listener Eric asks: “I took many of your supplements last year and will continue to do so this race season. In putting together my supplement plan I have a question.
1) On the Enerprime Superfood Multi-Vitamin what is better to have or use? The powder or capsule? or is it better alternate both for different uses – powder to mix w/ drinks and smoothies? Would there be a need to take in more than the recommended dosage of 6 capsules?
2) Is there any benefit to the auto-ship, i.e. no back order delays, and/or continued discounts.
3) Have you ever given it any thought to do a podcast on electric stimulation devices. Are they actually good for recovery, strength training, Pros & Cons, and any side effects.
4) I'm looking for new ways to help offset some of the costs of this sport. This past year I helped bring in a few sponsors to a new bike club that started in our area. The money from the sponsors, and memberships was to help offset the cost for race fees, and Tri/Cycling gear. The ring-leader had a scattered brain approach, and mismanaged the money so the only thing we benefited from was a small discount on some high end LG gear.
This year I'm looking to possibly break off on my own for sponsorships, and maybe expanding it to products that I actively use during a race and training. I'm no pro, but can the average Joe get GU for example to sponsor/donate/discount their products?
My training partner (who qualified for KONA this year) and I have been asked to race for a local charity team to help bring awareness and raise money for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Maybe it would be easier to bring in sponsors this route? What are your thoughts? If you don't mind, at your convenience maybe we could discuss your experiences? or give any advise?”
Listener Erin asks: “Hi Ben, I have been reading you e-health handbook. Thank you for all the helpful information! I have a question for you that has no easy answer, but I thought it worth giving it a try. Whenever I participate in an excercise program, my trapezius muscles seize. I have trigger points that react the second there is any stress on the area. I have slight scoliosis at the base of the neck which forces my head slightly forward. I avoid any exercises that might aggravate them, but I still end up in pain that ends up in a migraine from the compression on the base of my skull. I have been to the doctor, the osteopath, the physio, and trainers, but other than new stretches, which I do religiously, it has not helped. I am trying to work on my core muscles to support them, but even doing those I have to be very careful. I know some people suggest exercising the muscles themselves to increase blood flow, but that would cause them to seize so quickly that I would be nauseous within minutes. I need to find a way to exercise that won't end up with me incapacitated from pain. Even cardio using the arms can do it. I do what yoga stretches I can to support my posture. Is there any way to really isolate those muscles during a work out to avoid using them? I am already very careful with my head and don't do anything that may stress the neck. Anything could be helpful, thanks in advance.”
Do you have a question? Remember, you can now ask your questions via *audio* to me via the free Skype software by simply “Skyping” me at username “pacificfit“. You can also call toll free to 1-877-209-9439 and leave a voicemail for Ben Greenfield.
Special Announcements:
1) Ben Greenfield now has a pre-written holistic Ironman nutrition plan that is specifically designed for TrainingPeaks. Whether you have no clue what TrainingPeaks is or you already have a TrainingPeaks account and want to import the meal plan to your training calendar, you can check everything out by clicking here.
2) The new BenGreenfieldFitness cycling shorts and jerseys were released this week to a select group of triathletes and cyclists! If you are interested in getting in on the next order, which will be triathlon shorts with a triathlon top (pictured at right) simply e-mail [email protected] to be added to the next order, which will be placed by November 15. Here's what some athletes have had to say so far:
Stephen says: “These Kits are sweet! Comfortable, light weight with and the shorts have high quality pad. Out of all my gear these kits are by far the most comfortable.”
Scott says: “Ben, Just got my Pacific Elite Fitness cycling jersey and shorts. Let me just say, I am an extremely picky shopper when it comes to cycling gear. Out of all the dozens of jerseys and shorts sitting in my closet, I have a new favorite that I will undoubtedly wear every time I go riding. It is true to its size, fits greats and is the most comfortable jersey I own. Plus, it looks awesome! Thanks again!”
Ken says: Hi Ben, Thanks for the cycling jerseys and shorts. Very cool! All we need now is a full tri-kit with arm, leg warmers,hat, vest, jacket and tri-suit! Thanks!
3) Ben Greenfield is just 6 weeks into his supplementation with Bioletics, based on the interviews about the six key performance factors in podcasts #53 and #62 (which you can find by clicking here). If you're ready to get started, just click here to go to the Bioletics website to begin your six key performance factor testing.
4) The Triathlon Dominator Package is officially live and available with exclusive web-only pricing. You can learn more about exactly how to successfully train for Ironman without neglecting your family, career, hobbies and social life by clicking here, or by clicking on the video below:
5)Click here to get the full scoop on the brand new Pacific Elite Fitness Triathlon Training Camp in Austin, Texas – including registration details, itinerary, food, training, activities and much more! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a fantastic deal on a camp because the Endurance Ranch in Austin has just opened and is offering Pacific Elite Fitness special promotional pricing. Click on the logo below to learn more, or simply e-mail [email protected] to add your name to the list.
6) And finally…the bonus video – Ben Greenfield's Jamaican Triathlon Adventures!
That's all for this week! Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected]. And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback. Upcoming episodes include expert interviews on Hormone Fluctuations in Male & Female Athletes, and Optimizing Biomechanical Movement Patterns During Exercise.
Finally, remember all the time put into producing this podcast for you, and consider donating to our show, we’ll throw in a free T-shirt or your choice of any of the BenGreenfieldFitness active singlets, hoodies and hat pictured below and available in our new store.
Hey Ben,
Thanks very much for overcoming your computer crash to get this podcast out. It is very timely even a couple of days later than planned. I was most intereted to hear Dr. Mitchell’s take on the history of H1N1, and the reasons for the global ‘panic’. As I have 2 young sons, I was especially interested in hearing about naturally protecting kids. I had 2 questions is about kids’ supplements – what Vitamin D, Green Food, or Multivitamin do you suggest or use in your family to ensure your kids levels are optimal? Our kids have a pretty clean diet, but we all know that getting kids to eat their vegetables can be a tough endeavor. Any suggestions you have would be great, as we are trying to avoid giving H1N1 shots to our kids despite enormous public pressure.
nice speedo ben!!!