June 22, 2011
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.
In this June 22, 2011 free audio episode: Are You Getting Scammed By Alkaline Water, Ionized Water, Magnetic Water, Oxygenated Water or Structured Water?, Vitamin B injections, how to choose a foam roller, fatty acid ratios, post-workout recovery shakes, lifting weights before cardio, muscle imbalances, and will fruit make you fat? Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected] And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
Featured Topic: “Are You Getting Scammed By Alkaline Water, Ionized Water, Magnetic Water, Oxygenated Water or Structured Water?”
A burgeoning industry has developed around machines or devices to ionize or alkalinize water, structure water, subject water to magnetic fields, or oxygenate water. In this episode, I interview Dr. Stephen Lower, who has a doctorate in chemistry and runs the Aquascam website. During our discussion, Stephen introduces the chemistry and concept behind many of the popular water health trends, and whether each is based on chemically sound theories. You'll find out things like…
Is Alkaline water safe?
Is it possible to Ionize water?
Can you increase blood oxygen when you drink Oxygenated water?
Can you Structure water, and if so, does it stay that way?
Why would Magnetized water be healthy?
Can you make water healthier by using a Vortex machine?
…And much more!
—————————————————– Special Announcements: -New! Ben Greenfield's Shape21 Lean Body Manual is now on Facebook as an instantly downloadable app. Get access to the first seven days of Shape21 on Facebook for free by clicking here. -Click here to donate $1 to keep this podcast going!
-Injury specialist Rick Kaselj is giving all fans of BenGreenfieldFitness a 52% discount on Shoulder Pain Solved for the next 5 days only. Click here to grab it now and beat that shoulder pain forever.
-Free seminar coming on June 24, Friday at 6pm PST. Elite coach and athlete, Ben Greenfield, will teach us about proper endurance nutrition. This is a great class for anyone preparing for a long distance event; trail runners, triathletes, adventure racers, cyclists, paddlers, and epic hikers…Set yourself up for success by eating smart! Click here to get access now.
-BenGreenfieldFitness Inner Circle is now just $1 for a 14 Day Sneak Peek! Click here to join now. – Get insider VIP tips and discounts from Ben – conveniently delivered directly to your phone! Just complete the information below…
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Listener Q&A: ====================================== [contact-form 3 “AskBen”] ====================================== Paula asks: Back in mid-March, I noticed that my neck suddenly became stiff. It honestly seemed to happen for no obvious reason (I didn't fall or injure myself, etc.). Still, today, I can only turn my head about 45 degrees to both the left and the right, while looking straight forward. When I reach the 45 degree point, my neck is completely tight and painful all the way down each side, from the base of my skull to the top of my shoulders. This makes exercise no fun, particularly swimming. I saw an ART guy who did some very deep work and gave me exercises. I also saw my regular MD who prescribed some pain medication. The pain still persists, and neither seemed too concerned about it. I found anacupuncturist who hasn't been able to give me any relief, but has suggested that I take Vitamin B, preferably in the form of an injection (the one she suggested is called Neurobion and is a series of injections done over 5 days). It is also available in pill form. Why is she suggesting this and what are your thoughts? Pamela asks: I have heard or read you talk about rollers and that you use a rumble roller. Do you suggest the black or blue roller and why? Do you suggest the compact or full length and why? I prefer deep tissue massages when I get one (which is rare) so I'm thinking the black rumble roller may be better. Ben asks: In epsisode 140 KC Craichy stated “So really what you want to look for is 180 or 120 being the first number on the EPA and DHA, that is the number, that is the natural ratio which you find it in nature.” What does the 180 and 120 refer to? Is that mg? Also his stance on converting ALA to EPA seems to be in contrast to the creator of Udo's oil. Where do you come in on this? Ron asks: I have a question regarding a couple products and my timing of using them as Recovery Drinks and Meal Replacement. I normally work out at 5:00 AM (on an empty stomach) for 60 minutes at a high intensity for 5 days a week (on my 6 day I do a LSD run) after 6 hours of sleep. In addition, I do a lunch time tempo run for 30 minutes about 8-10 hours later. Following my AM workout I take a product made by Beachbody called P90X Recovery Formula within 30 minutes of finishing the workout. I then go and walk the dog for about a mile (about 20 minutes) and upon returning, I have a serving of Myoplex Original (in powder packets) mixed with 1/3 cup of Silk Vanilla Almond Milk (no-GMO), 1/3 cup Silk Very Vanilla Soy Milk (non-GMO) & 1/3 cup of Horizon Organic Milk (2%) (with Omega-3 added in). So both are consumed within an hour of my workout. Prior to leaving for work (about an hour after finishing the above drinks) I have my breakfast meal Replacement, a product made by Beachbody called Shakeology. I take this with the same combo of milks above. I also take another P90X Recovery Formula after my lunch time run. My question is twofold: Firstly, could you review these products (I've attached the nutritional information)? Secondly, Is my timing of consuming these supplements ideal or would I better served by taking the Myoplex at night (around 7:00 PM) to put recovery nutrients into my body prior to bed time. Am I overkilling it in the AM? Should I spread it out more? In my response to Ron, I recommend he check out my latest post on 8 post-workout recovery snacks. Elizabeth asks: I'm wondering if you've heard of a product called “Generation UCAN” and what you think of it for use in half to full IM training/racing. Christian asks: Does lifting weights before or after a long cardio session – 20mile run or 100 mile bike provide any protective effect to prevent muscle catabolism? Jen asks: I'd like to start a running program. I consider myself to be in good shape as I've been working out regularly for a year. I've mostly been cycling and weight training and I'd like to switch it up. In the past, every time I start running, even for short periods of time, my achillis tendon swells painfully and hamstring/glute muscles on my right leg ‘injure' instantly. When this happens, I can't train for a week! I don't know if these are ‘weak areas' and what I can do to prevent it. So, how do I begin? In my response to Jen, I recommend this free report: Muscle Imbalances Revealed.
Kathy asks: I have heard you say a few times that you wouldn't recommend eating a lot of fruit if you are aiming to lose weight. Both my husband and I are fairly fit and are training for several triathlons, but we'd like to trim a few pounds. Can you explain more why fruit is not ideal for weight loss, and what carbs to consume instead? I try to limit my gluten intake and already eat sweet potatoes every day (thanks to you!), so does that leave mostly rice and quinoa? Finally, Jack has a call-in comment… ——————————————– Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected] And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback. Brand new – get insider VIP tips and discounts from Ben – conveniently delivered directly to your phone! Just complete the information below…
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Does this unit not contradict what Dr. Stephen Lower was saying about structuring water molecules… and as far as Chlorine… the reasons for Cl being in our water supply as a way of stabalising PH?
I would go here and read about structured water – there is very good technology emerging that you can indeed change the liquid structure of water to change it's health properties: http://www.greenfieldnaturals.com/
Why can I find these on the Ben Greenfield Amazon page (you talked about them in a later podcast): https://greenfieldfitnesssystems.com/product/harmonizer…
You can find most of those here: https://greenfieldfitnesssystems.com/product/harmonizer…
What is ordinary drinking water and what is it’s PH? Should we be worried about the Chlorine and Fluoride?
Yes, you should be worried about Chlorine and Fluoride. Check this out https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2011/03/inner… and https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2013/01/224-w… The normal range for pH of surface water is 6.5 to 8.5, and the pH range for ground water is between 6 to 8.5. Water with a pH less that 6.5 could contain metal ions such as iron, manganese, copper, lead, and zinc.
Concerning your talk about fruit in this podcast, while I have cut back on fruit substantially, I still need some to 'balance out' the tastes of meals. Last night I had chicken ad brussel sprouts, and it has a salty taste to it, so i get a couple of apple slices to balance that out. I know of no other satisfying alternatives!!
Just a note on the rumble roller – I use a black smooth roller and a blue rumble roller. I was unsure if the blue rumble roller would be firm enough for me when I first ordered one, but it is. In fact, I use my smooth roller daily, but my rumble roller only about 3x per week. I'm glad I didn't get the black one because the blue one is definitely hard enough, and I roll on my smooth roller with full body weight with no pain.
where do I find the show notes for this podcast so that I can find the link to the eating for endurance seminar?
These *are* the shownotes. Just scroll up. Eating for endurance link is right there in special announcements.
ok thanks. I did not look carefully enough!!