Ben Greenfield’s “Top 10 Fat Loss Secrets Seminar” – Downloadable Video & Audio

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Articles, Fat Loss, Podcast

Last weekend, in Coeur D' Alene, Idaho, at Pilgrim's Health Education Center, I gave a 1 hour presentation of my top 10 fat loss secrets, including practical nutrition, fat loss and lifestyle tips to turn the body into a calorie-burning machine.

There is a ton of information in this seminar that you're not going to hear anywhere else – but the information is easy to understand and everything is instantly accessible for you to begin doing right away, with no expensive machines or costly personal trainers involved.

The video was released LIVE via an iPhone broadcast to the BenGreenfieldFitness Facebook page, which you can visit by clicking here. Since the video was filmed with an iPhone, it isn't best quality on the planet (and the real tips don't start until about 8 minutes in), so I also isolated and touched up the audio so that you can click here to download and listen with your .mp3 player or computer.

Finally, for all members of the BenGreenfieldFitness Inner Circle or Ben's Body Transformation Club, the full .pdf powerpoint of this seminar is available inside the member areas.

Do you have questions of your own about the information in the video? Leave them below!

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One thought on “Ben Greenfield’s “Top 10 Fat Loss Secrets Seminar” – Downloadable Video & Audio

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