September 17, 2010
In case you missed my previous article on the Top 5 Criteria for Healthy Men's Underwear, then I would highly recommend that you check it out now. In that article, I tell you exactly what to look for in men's underwear, and settle upon the final answer for a healthy brand of men's underwear: Slix.
Anyways, good news for guys and for girls who buy for their guys: I've just scored another huge victory for men everywhere who need healthy underwear.
For the next week only, from Friday the 17th to Friday the 24, you can get FREE underwear from Slix. Here's how it works:
-Buy any 3 pairs of Slix Underwear (including the cool Slix t-shirts), get any 1 FREE
-Buy any 5 pairs of Slix Underwear, get any 2 FREE
-Buy any 7 pairs of Slix Underwear, get any 3 FREE
Knowing how quickly active guys go through their underwear, this deal ensures you're never running low. Simply use Promo Code: BEN357 at checkout when you click here to order, and after you order, send [email protected] an email of the FREE item(s) you want.
Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you have Slix underwear and you like them.
And what about that top move for a nicer body? Here it is: it's called a Squat To Overhead Press, and it literally works 99% of the muscles in your body. If you're on a time-crunch, whether you're a guy or a girl, 5 sets of 15 reps going H-E-A-V-Y on this single exercise will net you massive benefits. In between sets, recover with jumping jacks, hops, or some other form of cardio.
Don't order SLIX, terrible customer service. Enough said.
Todd, we pride ourselves on excellent customer service and I'm sorry that you have not received good service from my company. Please contact me directly so that we can understand what went wrong, attempt to correct it and improve our service going forward.
Best regards,
Greg Hall
Slix Founder
[email protected].
This is a good one. How H-E-A-V-Y should one go (how much are you pushing in the video)? Try it while standing on a Bosu Ball. Wowie-zowie!
those are a couple 40 pounders I have in the video. If you're going for 15 reps, and you can do 18 or more, go heavier. If you can't get up to 12, go lighter.