March 18, 2015
Podcast #312 from
Introduction: In this episode of the Ben Greenfield fitness podcast: How To Increase Testosterone and Decrease Estrogen, Is Xylitol Healthy, How Long Can Fat Last You In A Race, Does Subliminal Music For Weight Loss Work, How To Make A Wart Disappear Fast, and much more.
Welcome to the bengreenfieldfitness podcast. We provide you with everything you need to know for total performance , fat loss, recovery, digestion, sleep, brain, and hormone optimization. So whether you’re an ironman tri athlete, or you’re just wanna shed a few pounds, get ready for non-run-of-the-mill, cutting edge content from
Brock: I have done nothing this morning except for work, work, work. How about you?
Ben: Hmmm, I’ve been shooting weapons indoors this morning.
Brock: Wait, what?
Ben: It’s raining cats and dogs here in Spokane and I’m trying to work on my bow hunting skills so, I set up my target…
Brock: So, you’re doing it indoors.
Ben: In my gym. And if I open the door of my gym just right and walk down the hall on my basement, I can see the target on the floor gym, and I can shoot from the base of my stairs, and get about a 20 yards shot or so…
Brock: Wow!
Ben: I just have to – I keep my fingers crossed that the dog doesn’t walk in front of…
Brock: Or worse yet, a small child.
Ben: The children are out of the house. The only thing that I really have to worry about is the dry wall if the air goes to the target or if I, God forbid, miss. Good enough now where I’m not actually missing the target but…
Brock: Not the entire target.
Ben: Yeah, I’ve had an exciting morning of shooting in the basement. And it’s been a while since we’ve recorded an episode, I think it’s been a couple of weeks. I was down at this Spartan cruise, so hello to all of our listeners who were on that cruise. Thanks for coming up and saying ‘hello’. And…
Brock: Sounds like that was pretty fun. I listened to the Obstacle Dominator podcast you guys recorded on there and that sounded like a non-stop party in the background.
Ben: It was weird. There was a bunch of folks who were relatively obsessed with fitness and healthy eating stuck on a cruise ship. So I think that was the least action. The least action is the elevator on the cruise ship has ever seen. And then I was down in Malibu the past few days. Speaking at an event put on by Neil Straus. You know who Neil Straus is?
Brock: I’ve heard the name but I don’t know why.
Ben: He’s an author. He wrote a book called ‘The Game’.
Brock: Ah, of course. Yeah.
Ben: From what I understand is about pick-up artistry which I am not an expert and I know very little about it. But I was there speaking on health and fitness, and then also the other book that he wrote I think is about survival and it’s actually sound quite interesting – more specifically about urban survival. And he had some pretty cool stories about urban survival adventures that he’d been on, where they try and kidnap you and you have to evade people who were chasing you. I think that actually sounds quite exciting. We need to get someone on the podcast to talk about what that is and how it works just for when the zombie apocalypse arrives.
Brock: For the zombie apocalypse time. If anybody thinks that Ben’s being self-deprecating when he says that he is not into pick-up artistry, I can attest to that. I’ve seen him try to talk to girls in a bar. It’s embarrassing.
Ben: You ask.
News Flashes:
Brock: Even though you’re off in crazy lands on boats and in Miami and the other weird places, you still manage to tweet out all kinds of awesome news flashes over at some of which were a little sensitive apparently with some people.
Ben: You been by gluten?
Brock: Mm-mm. Have you ever say gluten or vaccine? People freak out!
Ben: Well before we jump into the gluten one, let’s start with something a little lighter and digest it, if you will.
Brock: Nice.
Ben: I tweeted, “What do you think is best for injuries? Eccentric exercise, nitroglycerin patches, dry needling, cortisone, or platelet-rich plasma also known as PRP.” And this was a link over to…
Brock: Hmm, I hope it’s not nitroglycerin ‘cause that stuff – I’ve had that stuff before and it gave me the worst headache for like two weeks. Maybe not two weeks, but a really long time.
Ben: Well, I was always under the impression that nitroglycerin was simply used to relax blood vessels in cases of angina…
Brock: Yeah.
Ben: …or heart issues. But it turns out that because that nitric oxide is also associated with tendon repair, those patches can be used and have been used and been shown to be about 30% better than rehabilitation exercise alone when you put a nitroglycerin patch over an area of tendon pain.
So, this article that I’ll link to over the show notes as we link to everything over at A few things in addition to nitroglycerin patches for example, eccentric exercise. This is when…
Brock: That’s when you’re not pulling the weight towards you, you’re letting it go away from you?
Ben: It’s just in a case where muscles are lengthening. So it depends on…
Brock: That’s the way to explain it.
Ben: Yeah, but for example one very popular exercise to rehabilitate Achilles tendon injury is to stand on the edge of a box or a step, and to slowly lower yourself so your heels are dropping like a negative calf raise. And they found that this type of eccentric exercises can actually help several different chronic tendon injuries and are most beneficial for Achilles tendinitis but eccentric strengthening was one thing that was mentioned in this article. The nitroglycerin patch like I said which actually turned out when combined with the eccentric exercising had a pretty good effect. Another one was dry needling which just sounds so pleasant.
Brock: Sounds like something you do to your little sister.
Ben: Well, it used for things like bone spurs or tendons and you stick a fine needle into the tendon or into the bone spur area to initiate healing – initiate a little bit of an inflammatory response and influx of cytokines and pain killers to help healing there. So that’s not a very interesting thing although the article noted that there have been some reports of tendon raptures from dry needling. So be little careful with that one.
Brock: yeah.
Ben: As I would be careful with another one that talks about cortisone. Because cortisone, and I’ve had to get a cortisone injection at the last minute before the Ironman triathlon for example and knew at that time that it was playing with fire because those injections leave the tendon more fragile. And so, you may after the tendon has healed, push the tendon too hard and just like that dry needling, risk a tendon rapture. And then the last thing that they talked about in the article is platelet-rich plasma. And you know, there are few different forms of rehabilitation where you’ll actually take your own blood, you’ll spin that in a centrifuge, it will go through a treatment and then you’ll re-inject it. Now, one form is known as regenokine that’s relatively a new one. One that is a little more established is the platelet-rich plasma injections, and this is something where you take out the blood, you spin it in a centrifuge and then you re-inject just the growth factors that kinda settle to the bottom of the tube. And that’s also a really, really good treatment for a specifically chronic areas of pain because it reinitiates the inflammation process. It restarts the injury just like it would have been when you first injured it. And so if you get a PRP injection then you treat it like you should’ve like rest, ice, compression, elevation, being careful with the ice that you don’t completely shut down the inflammatory response. You can get a muscle heal. So, it’s a really interesting article – the ultimate take away from it was that really it depends on the injury. It’s frustrating is that may be for our injured listeners to heal, it depends on the injury and the most intelligent thing to do is research the history of that modality on your specific injury, right? So if you got tennis elbow, research whether or not a nitroglycerin patches ever been turned in research to be effect in tennis elbow versus a knee injury versus low back pain, etcetera so.
Brock: It’s interesting how a few of those anyway were reintroducing the inflammation response. Some was like re-breaking a bone instead of setting it back to where it was when you first injured it.
Ben: Uh-hmm. Yeah, that’s the way that a lot of these things work. Exactly. So I guess now we can jump into the elephant in the room that we mentioned earlier: the gluten study and this has been all over the internet o’sphere lately. The title of the study was “Small Amounts of Gluten in Subjects with Suspected Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity” and in this study they, well, I guess I can go through this in a little bit detail because it’s gonna take a small amount of explaining, but kinda stay with me on this. So celiac disease – it’s the autoimmune disorder that’s caused by a cross immune reaction to the gliadin protein. So gliadin protein is something you’re gonna find in wheat and barley and rye and it’s known to have an instance of about 1%. So it’s a relatively common autoimmune disorder and at best, celiac disease patients are gonna get like minor GI problems but at worse they’ll get like anemia and stunted growth and you know, really horrible bowel pain and a lot of kinda big issues. So the…
what this study was looking into it not whether celiac disease exist but whether there can be a nonceliac based in tolerance to wheat proteins. The people who experienced symptoms like the gastric discomfort in response to eating wheat, but don’t show any other signs of celiac disease, like the severe irritable bowel syndrome issues. So that’s what this study was looking into. Now what they did is they took 61 patients from celiac treatment centers in Italy, and they recruited them on the basis that there was no actual evidence of them having celiac disease, but they still reported a strong intolerance to gluten containing foods. So they wanted people who said that gluten kinda made them feel funky but they didn’t actually have full blown celiac disease or anything like that. And what they had all these folks do is they follow a strict gluten-free diet for at least two months prior to the start of the study. And the study was a cross-over design. So what that mean is that the participants in the study received matched tablets of either gluten – literally a gluten tablet, just like the South Park episode.
Brock: Yeah.
Ben: Yeah. I’ll let folks watch the episode, we’ll keep this one squeaky clean. So they hit the gluten or they ate a placebo and the placebo in this case was rice starch which is very easy to digest and has no gluten, it’s got no fermentable carbohydrates or anything like that. And then they did a wash out period for a week where they neither group had a pill and then they switch to the other group for an additional week. So, both groups got exposed to, you know, gluten pills versus the placebo pill.
Brock: Cool, I like that. Seems very thorough.
Ben: Yeah. So, what they found was that about a third, so two patients dropped out, about fifty nine of them completed. About a third of them had higher symptoms during the placebo week than the gluten week. And most of the patients, 44 of them out of 59 didn’t experienced a total symptoms score over 90 which the researchers identified as a low level of over-all symptoms. So it ultimately three individuals in the group were identified as gluten sensitive, meaning that even though they didn’t have celiac disease, they did have a response to that gluten pill that they were being given. And the gluten group showed symptoms scores like abdominal bloating and abdominal pain, and foggy mind, and depression, and mouth sores, and some other things that you would expect to see in someone who had a nonceliac related gluten intolerance. But like I mentioned when I tweeted, there were some issues with this study. So first of all, when they compared the scores of everyone in the study and for you stat heads out there, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. They use what’s called an ANOVA analysis to analyze the scores called analysis of variation and ANOVAs are typically used when you’re analyzing data that’s normally distributed like Becker data. But if you’re asking a group of people for a just a symptom score, right? You’re not measuring the level of something, you’re measuring like the presence or the absence of something. You usually don’t use an ANOVA analysis, that’s kind of unheard of in this type of research, you would instead use what’s called a non-parametric test in which you compare ranks rather than scores.
Brock: So if it’s subjective rather than objective or measurable.
Ben: Right. Exactly. So, I mean, if everybody who’s listening in right now rated themselves on one of the symptoms from the study, like abdominal bloating from zero to ten, you could say, well, some people don’t have any bloating and a lot of people don’t walk around bloating so a lot of people would have a symptom score of zero. And some people will have just have eaten and have a symptom score of like two to four, and some of them have eaten a lot or have gas, some of the symptom score of five to eight, and some may have a lot of bloating so you’ll get more or less like a rating where you’ve got a certain number of people and you’ve got a certain rating that each of those people actually gave to their symptom scores. And it’s not a bell curve, it’s basically just a graph and most folks are gonna show low symptom scores. So they use the basically the wrong statistical analysis. I don’t wanna make smoke come out of too many people’s heads because I know this is already kinda getting a little bit advanced when it comes to statistical analysis. But the other problem is that they use what are called multiple comparisons, meaning they use twenty eight different symptoms. They are measuring in a test but only five were determined to be significant.
So what that means is they ask them a ton of different questions, and there’s actually a good write up about this is in Alan Aragon’s research review and the example that they used was: “let’s split all the population who reads into two groups.” And we’ll say one group is everyone with the first name starting with A through L and then everyone else has a first name starting with M through Z. And we ask them a series of questions and there’s just like totally random questions like, “Do you own a yellow shirt?” and “Did you stab your toe today?” and “Do you like Beatles music?” and you know, “Do you like Jeff Bridges or Alec Baldwin as an actor better?” And these are all kind of ridiculous questions.
Brock: Yes, yes, yes, and yes!
Ben: Yeah. But eventually if you ask enough of these type of random questions, you’re gonna find a questions that’s answered significantly differently between the two groups just by chance. So when we return to gluten and if you ask this big series of questions, you know, like “Are you bloated?”, “Did you have mouth full of sores?” you know, “Did you have diarrhea?”, “Were you constipated?” You’re going to inevitably when you’re asking that many questions actually have a point where there’s a ton of chance coming in in terms of which group are going to answer those questions positively or negatively.
Brock: Just so because of regular life. Just ‘cause of day to day activity.
Ben: Yeah, exactly. So I mean think about this way. This study found that the gluten group had more intestinal bloating than the rice group but they found no difference for burping, stomach rumbling, gastric pain, diarrhea, constipation and so on. And if they had found the difference it would be reported in the results with all the others but basically the problem is that there were just like a huge number of comparisons in symptoms that they were looking at here. So and of course, the most serious problem is the one that you heard earlier – that only three of the study participants showed symptoms of intestinal issues after gluten consumption out of the fifty six. So and what that means is that that statistic could be driven just by the symptoms scores of those patients. So you’ve got a tiny group of people with very low scores for rice and very high scores for gluten and that can artificially raise the average of the entire group in unequal to fifty six that is small. So basically what it comes out to is that this is a little bit of a speed bump study. It’s not this huge shocker of a finding and ultimately the statistical analysis were quite weak, however, I do want to point out and I’ll put a link to this in a show note, that as Chris Kresser recently wrote about, there are a lot of issues when it comes to gluten intolerance that go above and beyond just the primarily the gut symptoms that this study looked at. And the majority of people who have neurological manifestations of gluten sensitivity meaning inflammation in the brain from eating gluten. They have no GI symptoms whatsoever, but it still affects them and their nervous systems so I think that ultimately you know gold standard is take yourself as an N equals one; go get like the gold standard gluten test which is in my opinion is from the company called Cyrex Laboratories. You get a Cyrex Lab test, you go find a doc who can order that from you, or you find a website like a, the or you can just buy it from a physician who’s selling a test like that online. And do that because it’s kinda like the gold standard test to look at gluten antibodies and all of the different components of gliadin protein ‘cause there’s like a beta component, a gamma component, an omega component. There’s deamidated gliadin, there’s WGA, there’s gluten and so there’s a lot of different proteins that you need to measure for. So I think that its test was a little flawed, I know that that was a very long explanation but ultimately the take away is that you need to take yourself as an N = 1, and that a lot of people can eat gluten just fine with no GI upset whatsoever.
Brock: Just a lot of brain fog.
Ben: That’s right. So, the other thing – and oh, and by the way with the brain fog issue, a lot of times you can have neurological inflammation without experiencing brain fog, and it can just be long term inflammation that eventually presents in something like Alzheimer’s for example.
Brock: Ah, yeah.
Ben: The brain fog actually is typically accompanied by a gut inflammation because of the gut brain connection.
Brock: Ah, interesting.
Ben: But in many cases neurological symptoms don’t necessarily or aren’t necessarily accompanied by brain fog, interestingly. So, speaking of brain fog, I wanna jump into one other thing that I tweeted ‘cause I found this is really interesting and actually something that I talked with someone about at that conference with Neil Straus that I was at. And that is this study that I’ll link to in the show notes that transcendental meditation may actually decrease sleep need. And in this study, they took a bunch of novice meditators and they sleep deprived them and they had some doing transcendental meditation for about twenty minutes a day, and another group not.
And the group that did the meditation did not experienced the drop in psychomotor vigilance and cognitive performance task that the other group that wasn’t meditating did experience. So it was almost as if the meditation mitigated the effects of sleep deprivation. And it was actually an interesting study because it was almost like a two-fold study. They also looked at this group of yogis and they took just seven yogis and they noted that the yogis that were engaging in, these guys were actually up, these guys were doing like one to three hours of meditation. The average with no signs of deleterious cognitive or no signs of a drop in cognitive performance, they were sleeping four to six hours per twenty four hours cycle which is really not that much.
Brock: No, that’s not enough at all.
Ben: Yeah, most folks are recommend to sleep seven to nine. So, I actually experimented with this because on the first day of the conference, this came up. So the next two days I used a special kind of phone app that drives you into kind of a combination of delta and theta brainwaves. And depending on the type of meditation that you do, you’re gonna produce either alpha brainwaves, which are like focused relaxation, delta brainwaves which are you know, slightly deep for almost like lucid dreaming and then theta which would be like deep sleep. And I use the combination of delta and theta and I just set it up for twenty minutes, and I would go up to my bed and put my head on the pillow, I put my feet on the pillow, lay there for twenty minutes with the beats playing in both ears and then get up and go about my day. Rather than taking my traditional forty to sixty minute nap and sleeping seven to nine hours a night. At this conference I was sleeping about six hours a night and doing at least twenty minutes of binaural beats – and where very, very similar to transcendental meditation. And found that, my cognitive performance and my mental function seemed to operate just fine although I still did feel a little flat during my workouts. Now I was using something called the Pzizz – the p-z-i-z-z app for this. I’ll put a link to it in the show notes for people who are interested in trying something like this out. But the reason I mentioned this is two-fold. The first, for folks who are sleep deprived, know that you can use some of these apps, some of this binaural beats or transcendental meditation apps and setting that app up for anything from like ten to thirty minutes sleeping away and doing that can help you get through a period of sleep deprivation. Even though, I still don’t endorse sleep deprivation in a long term for variety of health reasons. And then the other thing is that if anyone is listening in and they know of a really solid app that is specifically a transcendental meditation app, because that is the type of the meditation that was used in the study, I’d be curious about that because that’s TM is something I’m interested in learning. I don’t necessarily have the time right now to go visit with the TM instructor but it’ll be interesting for people in the comment section for this episode to leave a note if you’ve actually found an app that you found that work well, kinda like the Pzizz app that I’ve been using as a way to temporarily decrease the need for sleep.
Special Announcements:
Brock: I’ve been trying to figure out if I can make it to Vegas for the Podcast Awards, but I just don’t think I’m gonna make it.
Ben: That’s okay, I’m sure that as I’m thrust upon the shoulders of show girls as they danced me around…
Brock: That’s exactly what I’m envisioning!
Ben: Podcast Awards and you know, giant tigers everywhere it’ll be crazy.
Brock: You’d better shout out my name.
Ben: If you’re listening in and you haven’t yet voted for the Ben Greenfield Fitness show in the health and fitness category at What the heck are you waiting for?
Brock: Come on!
Ben: And vote! Another quick thing, tonight if you happen to be listening to this podcast on the day that it comes out. Tonight, Wednesday, March 18th at 6p.m. I’m actually doing a live online productivity conference about automation, and nutrition, and exercises, and scheduling, and outsourcing, and email with Joe Polish, Dave Asprey, Dean Jackson and Ari Meisel. All kind of a bunch of hyper productivity nerds like myself. So I’ll put a link in the show notes but this is totally free event that you can attend. We’re just gonna talk about some hacks and some secrets and some tools and it’s all as a precursor to Ari Meisel’s Less Doing Event.
Brock: Ah.
Ben: So you should check that over at Everyone on that call is going to be also be speaking tonight. So if you happen to download this podcast in a nick of time, you can go check that out.
A few other things, the New Media Expo where the world’s top bloggers and podcasters and content creators come together. If you blog, if you podcast, if you make videos, if you wanna start to make money online – that type of thing, New Media Expo would be a good conference to go to. I’m speaking there and better yet, there is a Spartan Race in Las Vegas the day after this event end so you can go at the one-two combo. And you can register over at the New Media Expo at and the code that you can use to get 20% off, 20 %!
Brock: 20%!
Ben: b greenfield 2-0, “bgreenfield20”. And then finally, I wanted to mention our sponsor for this episode. And it’s Natural Force. So have you used this stuff before, Brock?
Brock: No, I’ve been wanting to try that and the iskiate.
Ben: Yeah, Iskiate is really interesting. So the chia fresca is also called iskiate. And that’s the beverage that was used by the Tarahumara super athlete tribe, like the Indian tribe from the Born to Run book. And iskiate is traditionally made from chia seeds and then a little bit of sweetener and some lime juice. And chia seeds are really, really interesting. I mean once they’re actually soaked and once they reached your gut, you get this slow release of amino acids and fatty acids and your non-sugar spiking base energy. And what Natural Force did is they added bee pollen and royal jelly for this added nutrients supporting this slow build of endurance. It’s a powder, you’d mix it in a water bottle when you’re heading out for a bike ride or you’re heading out for a run and it just burns super-duper clean. So, what I like is like for example, Gatorade spit and curse.
Brock: I thought you’re gonna say you’re mixing it with Gatorade and I’m like, “what?!”
Ben: You know how Gatorade has that system like they’ve got their pre-workout gel and then the bottle of Gatorade that you drink during the workout in the post-workout recovery, except it’s all chemicals and artificial sweeteners.
Brock: And crazy colors!
Ben: Natural Force has the same thing, so they have a pre-workout but their pre-workout is the stuff called Raw Tea and its fifteen different herbs and superfoods. And it’s all like – it’s, I don’t even know you could do certified paleo, but its certified paleo. So apparently you can get certifies having all paleo ingredients made by a caveman. Non-GMO and organic and then they got this Iskiate which is you’d use during and then afterwards they have what’s called Recovery Nectar. And its organic freeze-dried coconut water and organic hemp that’s actually really tasty. So you put all this three together and in just basically like this pack and it is expensive. And the reason for that…
Brock: Just being honest here.
Ben: Yeah, the reason for that, is that it is super-duper clean stuff. I mean like this is the real deal in terms of all herbs and whole foods like no vitamin powders, no artificial flavorings, nothing like that. So I know that all our listeners are – you guys are ballers, right? You can afford this stuff. So…
Brock: We understand that you get what you pay for.
Ben: Yeah so is where you get this stuff, 10% discount code is BEN10. If you’re in Australia, there’s a different website you can go to ‘cause you can’t get this if you’re in Australia and I don’t wanna leave that all Australian listeners.
Brock: That’s nice, right?
Ben: That was noise. So, I’ll put a link in the show notes to the Australian website at Anyways though, Natural Force – I started using when I was training a seal fit last year. Burns clean, really impressive stuff, so check them out at
Listener Q & A:
Chris: Hello Ben and Brock! I’m seeking advice on what to do about a wart on the tip on one of my small toes. I’ve tried salicylic acid, freezing and cutting but these methods proven ineffective and painful. Got any suggestions on how I can rid myself of this nuisance forever? Thanks guys and keep up the great work. I really enjoyed your podcast. It’s really, it’s awesome. Thanks, bye.
Brock: I haven’t had a wart in a really, really long time but man I used to get them when I was a kid.
Ben: Uhmm, yeah. On my toes.
Brock: Yeah.
Ben: The plant. The plant.
Brock: That says I stayed too much of my day at the pool T think when I was a kid.
Ben: My kids have got them on their feet and like there’s all sorts of like articles and you know the internet is chock full of wart advice. Home remedies for anything kind of abound on the internet.
Ben: You know, and for warts you’ve got like fresh garlic and a poultice of crushed up aspirin and an apple cider. Apple cider vinegar foot bath, which is nice.
Brock: That makes your feet smell more like feet!
Ben: I like doing apple cider vinegar full bath. I just dump bottle after bottle of the Bragg’s apple cider vi – it’s like a float tank that…
Brock: Smells terrible.
Ben: Yeah. No, I’m just kidding. I don’t do – don’t try that if you’re listening in.
Brock: You just throw a bunch of lettuce and spinach and stuff in there with you and just have a delightful salad bath.
Ben: Oh, and there’s the classic – you cover the wart with duct tape. Heard that one?
Brock: That’s – no.
Ben: Also warts has an alternative to shaving. So, here’s the deal: it’s very, very easy to get rid of the plantar wart. It’s just a skin lesion, it’s caused by human papillomavirus. Yes, that means your child has a HPV and it’s pretty simple to get rid of. And we get rid of it literally within about 24 to 48 hours with our kids. Here’s how you do it: you put a couple of drops of lemon essential oil right on the wart in the morning and in the evening. You clean it three times a day. And that’s it.
Brock: Hmm. You have to cover it, you have to do a little bands, you know.
Ben: You can also just rub it in and cover with a band aid. So super-duper simple, just lemon essential oil. I’ll put a link to the stuff that we used in the show notes ‘cause we just got like a few bottles – the really good stuff I wrote about this at How that also works added in the morning glass of water for constipation. If you didn’t checked the constipation article that I wrote this Monday at, what are you waiting for? Head over there and get your poo on. But also, the lemon essential oil works amazingly for warts.
Brock: Don’t ever say that again.
Ben: Yes. So, when it comes to liquid nitrogen, duct tape or crushed up aspirin, I would say leave all those natural remedies behind and just use lemon.
Brock: Well, that was easy.
There'sa: Hi Ben, this is There'sa. I am curious about your take on subliminal music. Since I work from home, I really enjoy a little bit of background noise, and I stumbled across some musical pieces that are supposed to help you subliminally. Some of them increase your willpower, some of them help you lose weight, some of them tell you that you’re a strong person and you can accomplish just about anything you set your mind to. I guess I’m wondering what your take is on it and ah, do these recordings really help you in the long run? Thanks so much, I really enjoy your podcast. Keep it up!
Brock: Have you ever used the subliminal tapes for anything? Any of the music?
Ben: You’re getting very, very aroused.
Brock: Yes, I am.
Ben: Do not drive off the road. But you are very aroused, right now. Now, I mean subliminal messaging, you know, this is the deal: we’re like some records – well, what are the records that you can like play backwards and there’s supposedly full of this like subliminal like ‘worship the devil’ type of advice. Have you heard about this?
Brock: Oh yeah. Yeah, I remember back in the eighties that was one of the reasons why I wasn’t allowed to buy heavy metal albums.
Ben: Yeah, exactly. Cause if you play them backwards, they tell you they go like dress up as a clown or walk around with the steak knife or…
Brock: Something like that.
Ben: Anyways, yeah, it’s just the idea that subliminal messaging can stimulate mild emotional activity even though the sensory stimuli presented during subliminal stimuli is, as the name implies – subliminal: below threshold. So it’s below your threshold for conscious perception, but you can actually subconsciously hear or see in some cases, right? Cause there’s like visual-subliminal messaging then there’s auditory-subliminal messaging. And both of those are kinda below what you’re consciously perceiving and you know, an example of that would be like the episode of the Simpsons, when they did this study where participants’ rating of third’s for higher after they watched an episode of the Simpsons that contains single frames. And in a cartoon a single frame is just ‘boom!’ gone. A single frame of the word…
Brock: It’s like a 30 and a second.
Ben: Yeah. The word ‘thirsty’ or a picture of Coca-Cola can. So they actually try this out on a Simpsons episode. That’s a really interesting study. Another study that they did was a subliminally priming a brand name of a drink. In this case a Lipton iced tea made people who were thirsty want Lipton iced tea. And so they…
Brock: This was visual?
Ben: Yeah. So these were television commercials where they’ve tried these things out and there’s a variety of other examples in television.
And of course there are self-help audio recordings which was we’ll find – you know, I’ll put a link on Amazon to all the different audio recordings that are out there ‘cause it’s kinda interesting to go through them because they’re there for everything, from like sleep to weight loss to sports performance, and of course, the question is as There'sa asks “does it actually help?”. So I went in and tried to find some research on subliminal mp3s and subliminal audios specifically because that’s what – that’s most of what’s selling on a website like Amazon and I found some really interesting research. For example, it’s been shown to improve Math skills and in a few different psychological studies for example, the students who are exposed to the subliminal statement ‘Mommy and I are one’, and I have no clue why that particular subliminal message was used. This was a study in Israel so maybe for some reason that mean something in Israel that are not aware of here. But they received that message four times per week for six weeks via an audio subliminal delivery, and they scored higher in their Math exams than the people who did not get that subliminal message. And I guess what they supposed was that – that message would somehow boost the student’s self-esteem in having effect to help them learn. There’s been another study where they showed that it helps you to quit smoking and this was again an audio subliminal messaging. They’ve shown it to work for losing weight, and for healthy eating. There’s some really interesting studies in the journal of clinical psychology. For example, two experiments on subliminal perception with groups of women who are at least 15% percent overweight. They had a subliminal group and the control the group and both groups were given education on weight loss and healthy eating and how to reward themselves for eating healthy and how to record calories accurately. But they had one group exposed to subliminal message for four milliseconds – that was at the start and at the end of all the sessions. And the weight loss group or the weight loss was significantly higher in the group that just had that subliminal message for four seconds. And then they’ve also – there’s a lot of studies out there and I was surprised when I start to look into this that that this subliminal weight loss albums may actually have a little bit of an effect. It’s been shown to improve studies skills, they’ve shown that it can actually assist with – with only things like claustrophobia, and insomnia, and even the accuracy of playing darts which I suppose is probably the closest thing that we could come to an increase in sports performance that I could find in the literature. And in this, subjects were tested for their darts accuracy and then they were exposed to subliminal messages like ‘beating him is okay’, ‘beating him is wrong’ and then the neutral control message – and the control message they use was ‘people are walking’ which has absolutely nothing to do with playing darts, obviously. But the result show that the people were exposed to the message ‘beating him is okay’ showed greater dart throwing accuracy in competition in which they were having to beat people than people listening to other messages. So, yeah. So there you have it. So there’s something to it, right? There’s something to it and you’re getting very aroused. There’s something to this subliminal music for weight loss and um… so yeah! Yeah, I think it’s interesting and I’ll put a link to it, to some of the elements on the Amazon again on the show notes. But they’ve got like weight loss and martial arts and pain release. I’m thinking about getting an album just to try that out, right? ‘Cause I think it’s really interesting be listening to something and knowing that you’ve got some subliminal messaging going on that’s below your conscious perception but that’s still there. I just think it’s crazy.
Brock: You found a bunch of sort of positive stuff ‘cause I actually – I listened to a podcast the other day by a – what’s it’s called? ‘Reasonably Sound’ is the podcast on the infonet guest network and he’s a like basically a sound engineer, sound creator, musician who goes through all these different sound topics and he was talking about the subliminal ideas of having a sort of subliminal messaging basically came to the point to the end where it had absolutely no effect. And, the study that I’m looking at right now was actually from the Oxford index – the biggest – sort of take away for me was I actually like took a bunch of the tapes like used analysis programs and stuff to actually get to the subliminal statements that were on there, and only 24% of the tapes actually contained any sort of subliminal stuff and even if they did, it was 68% of them did have inconsistencies in their messages. So it was like supposed to be for weight loss but it had stuff for stopping smoking or something like that.
Ben: Exactly. So the studies that you would want to pay attention to would be studies that do not let the person know that subliminal messaging is going on so there’s no risk of a placebo effect, right? Because in any case where this subliminal messaging was not actually present and an effect was shown, obviously there’s a placebo effect there, but if you’re looking at using a subliminal messaging for a specific effect, you’d wanna look for something like this Starch study, right? Where you’ve got a positive message and negative message and that it control group message so you kinda covering all basis of something like that, so.
Brock: Good plan.
Cy: Hi Ben, this is Cy. I was wondering what’s the longest duration race or possibly the most austere race you ever heard of an athlete conducting while being fat adapted or on a ketogenic diet? I ask because I’m interested in doing a number of 8 to 24 hour long adventure races this summer and is wondering if it is possible to maintain a fat burning metabolic process during the race or would that have to bump it up to the standard carbohydrate-based energy system? Thanks!
Brock: I liked that our listener’s used words like ‘austere’.
Ben: Mmm-hmm.
Brock: That was my take away from this question. It was nice!
Ben: Smart cookies. How long can fat last you in a race? I mean, really if we’re talking about ketogenic diet, the idea here is that it – it’s gonna vary a pretty significantly in terms of how that manifest itself during an event. So ketosis for some people means you’re gonna do like – I guess we’d have on the show before Barry Murray has done and do the entire event fasted. Sometimes even after having fasted leading up to an event. And you know that would generally be events that – that you’re allowed to go relatively aerobic during with almost no anaerobic surges, so you primarily relying upon fat oxidation to an extremely great extent. And then you’ll also got some people you know, like myself for example, who have gone out and done an Ironman, which has several surges intend like an anaerobic glycolytic intensity, and for something like that I’m in ketosis but I’m using like MCT oil or I’m using some super starch; or I’m using some amino acids and using things during the event that allow me to maintain high levels of fat oxidation and ketosis with a slow bleed of carbs and a slow bleed of amino acids, right? So ultimately, it kinda depends on how you’re going to fuel. Now, I know that the main thrust of the question is what’s the longest event that I’ve ever heard of someone actually doing and staying in a state of ketosis? And I would say that that would be Sami Inkinen who is the one who I’m aware of would probably the longest. Now Sami is – he’s been on the Ben Greenfield Fitness show before, he’s been a top ranked age grouper at Ironman Hawaii usually beats the majority of the pros in most the Ironman events that he races in. He’s known as being like a minimalist kind of like 8 to 12 hour a week type of guy. Go back and listen to the podcast I did with him, I’ll link to it in the show notes at but it’s really fascinating and he recently, with his wife, rode across the Pacific Ocean. They rode 2,400 miles from the San Francisco to Hawaii completely unsupported and they did so following a high fat low carb diet and from what I understand, they actually did do a series of Wellness Fx blood panels and were also in a state of ketosis. As a matter of fact that this recent conference that I was at, physician from Wellness Fx spoke – Dr. Justin Major and Justin used them as a case study of extreme athletes who can do extreme things but still maintain blood parameters that show things like low inflammation and a low blood glucose and you know, low CRP and not a significant drop in hormones, etc. And these folks were in a state of ketosis during this row, so I mean that’s an example of something that goes way beyond 24 hours, right? I don’t know exactly how long it took them but they’re out there I believe for significantly longer than a week rowing. So that is a perfect example of people who are doing it right and again, it’s not like they’re not eating anything, right? You can eat MCT oil and you know this new like ketone bodies from companies like Keto Force, keto coconut oil and coconut milk and depending on the intensity in which you’re competing real foods, right? Like seeds and nuts and things along those lines and then…
Brock: Banana chips and coconut oil?
Ben: Yeah, you can still be in a state of ketosis also by including carbohydrates sources, you know…
A perfect example like you said Brock, ‘cause I recently for the podcast where we mostly talked about trail running and obstacle racing, I interviewed Zach Bitter. And we talked a lot about his little nutrition tips and tricks and one of the things he does is he’s got like a little baggy of banana chips and coconut oil. Obviously there’s some fructose in banana chips but he’s staying in the state of ketosis regardless because it’s not like he’s eating 400 calories of banana chips per hour -its small doses just enough to get you that slow bleed for the surges of glycolysis that you do go into, right? Those surges of more intense carbohydrate oxidation and then you’re out of the surges and back into fat burning mode and kinda back and forth throughout the event. So ultimately I think that you could go for a very long time and I personally would be quite comfortable if someone said to me, if someone would knock on my door or send me a subliminal message and said, you know, ‘Hey go, I want you to break into a slow jog/walk and we’ll give you a bicycle halfway through, maybe put you in the water and have you swim a little bit, and I want you to go from Spokane, Washington where you live over to Sacramento, California. I would be fine doing that whole thing in a state of ketosis as long as there were – there’s a slow bleed of calories coming in. I mean really, you can – your body has a extremely large amount of fat stores, so I really would say that the sky is the limit.
Brock: I did the half marathon in Washington DC last weekend, and I was astounded at the amount of people in the 10k and also in the half marathon. They were stopping at every single of the water stations, chugging a bunch of Gatorade, wearing those like hip – those waist things with a whole bunch of gels hanging off it. You know what I took in during the half marathon? Nothing!
Ben: It’s one level in endurance sports that cared these days are one level above that scene in Wall-E where people are just like twining around on the spaceship deck in wheelchairs with giant soft drinks like mainlined into them via straws into their mouths, like it’s just one level below that when you go to a marathon or an Ironman these days so, yeah. I’m a much bigger fan of you know, as you did Brock treating things as though you’re an athlete and not someone attending a buffet.
Brock: I passed a lot of people in those aid stations, it was awesome!
Randy: Hey guys, it’s Randy from L.A. In a recent podcast, Ben you talked about a study with regard to mouthwash and that mouthwash is actually been found to be able to kill bacteria in the gut – good bacteria. And it got me thinking about Xylitol which is as you know highly touted in the biohacking community as probably the best sugar substitute. But Xylitol is known for killing bacteria as well. That’s why they put it in a gum, because it kills a – the bacteria that causes halitosis. So, I’m wondering what your thoughts are on Xylitol and whether there been any studies to see if that would kill gut bacteria because I’ve been using it in my morning coffee for quite a while now, so I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Ben: Randy, Randy. I love that name, Randy.
Brock: It’s a good name and a good adjective.
Ben: Austin Powers loves it.
Brock: Sorry, Randy.
Ben: Yeah. Anyways…
Brock: Anyways…
Ben: So, Xylitol is something that’s – if included in high quantities in your food because it is a fermentable sugar alcohol, in most cases is going to kinda make you toot and that’s probably the main complaint that a lot of people have about Xylitol brownies or Xylitol substituted into like a non-sugar baked goodie is within an hour you’ve got some of that bloating and gas going on. Because sugar alcohol’s like Xylitol are not broken down in the stomach like other sweeteners. They arrive intact in your intestines and when that happens, at that process you get this process called passive diffusion that takes place. Xylitol draws water into your bowels and in addition to that, the unmetabolized portion of Xylitol ferments. So you got a bunch of water going into your bowels, you have fermentation and that is a state that can create gas and bloating, it’s also a state that in people who are prone to like yeast and candida issues can cause bacterial overgrowth. So that’s one reason to be kinda careful with Xylitol. And another issue with Xylitol is a recent study that showed that Xylitol actually affects the intestinal microbiota.
Brock: Hey!
Ben: And what they found with – is really researchers found and I’ll put a link to this data in the show notes…
was that in both laboratory animals and humans, the effect of artificial sweeteners unchanging the gut’s bacteria can actually change metabolism. And that changing gut bacteria that can actually affect your propensity for like obesity and overweight. So it’s quite clear that artificial sweeteners have an effect on the gut microbiome and that Xylitol specifically can be one of the things that causes not just gas and bloating in potential for bacterial overgrowth but also that issue. And you know, again, micro doses of Xylitol probably not much of an issue but once you’re getting to the amount of Xylitol that you’ll find in most sweet goodies that have used Xylitol as a substitute for beats or sugar cane or maple syrup or anything else, it’s gonna be an issue. And then the other thing to know that is Xylitol is found in corn cobs. So you can get it from birch trees, you can also get it from corn cobs, and because corn is much cheaper to use than birch bark to get Xylitol, most manufacturers prefer to use corn and most of that corn is non-GMO corn. So you’re getting genetically modified corn.
Brock: Wait a non-GMO or it is GMO?
Ben: Oh, I’m sorry, GMO.
Brock: Yeah.
Ben: Not non-GMO. I’m saying you get GMO every time you’re – you know, sipping a Xylitol-infused beverage. So, I would be careful with Xylitol you know, I can tell you right now I have a little bottle of chocolate stevia in my fridge, I have a little glass jar full of stevia packets next to my coffee maker and if I need to make something sweet, an example of that would be like my evening snack or I’ll like stir up some coconut milk with some unsweetened coconut flakes, I’ll just add a few drops of chocolate stevia in that and stir that up. And stevia doesn’t have the same fermentation issues and also doesn’t have the same impact on gut microbiome as sugar alcohols do. So I would say if you’re gonna rank things in terms of their potential for being bad for you, like first up would be your normal artificial sweeteners like aspartame, acesulfame potassium, etc. like those are kinda of the devil and you need to avoid them. And then you’ve got like Xylitol and some of this other sugar alcohols and even though there are generally recognized as safe and in small amounts pulling out an issue, I would not make them staples in your diet. And the finally you’ve got like the safer stuff like stevia and then you’ve got like the full end of the spectrum which just to be a totally dialed in zen-styled monk and not rely upon your foods being excessively sweet, and that would probably the very best way to go but life doesn’t get very fun when nothing at all can be sweet so, I’d rather have my coconut milk in the evening and have a little bit of sweetness to it and get that potential for the little shocker of insulin that might get released from the taste of something sweet – ultimately not too concerned about that drop in the bucket.
Adam: Hey Ben, I love your podcast and your website, just decided reading recently. I had a question for you about your morning routine about how you’re taking this Aggressive Strength Testosterone and now also you take estrogen control. Why do you take both and do they offset each other in a good way so that your testosterone isn’t too much? Or what is the balance there?
Brock: Why do you take both, Ben?
Ben: Hmm, because I wanna be a sex machine, Brock.
Brock: Of course.
Ben: I want to be a sex machine.
Brock: Don’t do we all?
Ben: We are just full of subliminal messages today.
Brock: You are very aroused.
Ben: That’s right. Okay so, yes, I do stack an herbal based testosterone booster – not everyday, I cycle it. So…
Brock: You pretty much cycle everything? Isn’t it? That’s the name of the game.
Ben: I use the testosterone booster primarily during like the race season and during the time I’m when I’m getting training hard and then like during the winter, I’ll kinda taper off, and I combine with an estrogen booster or an estrogen control. Here’s the reason: in most cases if you wanted to use an herbal testosterone support, something like this Aggressive Strength that I use would work just fine. And in fact, the Aggressive Strength does has some things in it that can control estrogen a little bit if you just got normal estrogen levels and you wanna keep some of the testosterone that you’re producing from getting converted into estrogen, you could just take something like this Aggressive Strength. And I’ll go through the active ingredients in it and why it works here in a second. But I personally done blood testing and I’ve noted in my last three blood test, because I do blood test on a quarterly basis than my estradiol. And my estrogen levels have been slowly surging and in my last test they’re up around 37 which is high enough to make me potentially weepy during chick flicks and puts me at risk for man boobs.
So I wanted to make sure that in addition to increasing my testosterone, I’m more actively went after a really good aroma taste inhibitor to control the estrogen. So in people who like women for example who are concerned about estrogen dominance and weight gain as they age, or men who as I did test and have elevated estradiol levels, using something to control the estrogen can be prudent. Now this estrogen control stuff that I’ve been using has a few different components, it’s got turmeric, it’s got what’s called brassaiopsis glomerulata…
Brock: Woah.
Ben: Prunella and black pepper which increases the bioactive mist of the turmeric and yes, I just made that word up. So turmeric, it is really cool and just like cucurmin, it supports testosterone production, so it actually causes an increase activity of enzymes and testis that are involved in the biosynthesis of testosterone. It can block the growth of fat tissues specifically by blocking some of – some of the activity of estrogen and it can control a little bit of the surge in estrogen hormones that can happen if you for example are living in an industrial place and getting exposed to lots of synthetic estrogens or if you got some kind of other natural surge of estrogen, it can help with something like that. The brassaiopsis that I mentioned, that’s a Chinese herb and the extracts of that specific leaf have been shown to have really powerful aroma taste inhibiting effects. And what that means is they keep testosterone from getting converted into estrogens rather than being active as free testosterone. The prunella in that estrogen control that I use is something that also has some anti-estrogenic properties, it acts in a different way so that’s why I use a blend like this ‘cause these are all acting via different pathways. This one’s specifically acts on a receptors called the hydrocarbon receptor and that particular receptor is involved in protein expression in the body and its activation has been shown to interfere with what’s called estrogen receptor alpha and so it can have anti-estrogenic properties that way. So those are the main ingredients and of course the black pepper just increases the absorption of the turmeric. That’s what’s in the estrogen control that I use, I’ll use that until I notice that my estrogen has kinda dropped back down. I suspect the reason that my estrogen was staring to rise is just because I’ve seen a really big surge in testosterone since I’ve kinda put a little bit of a break on the ultra-endurance activities and since I’ve started using this testosterone booster, I’ve been going out of my way to have more sex which is like this positive cycle that increases testosterone, so despite the…
Brock: Oh yeah.
Ben: The no masturbation, no booze trend that I believe Tim Ferriss started, I’ve actually been having sex 4 to 5 times a week and I’ve noticed that that that has had a really significant impact on the testosterone levels you know, like this positive feedback.
Brock: But I think even Tim Ferriss himself said that it was a – it’s like surely the difference between masturbation meant and consensual intercourse.
Ben: Right, right. Yeah, exactly.
Brock: One is meant to – one will extend your longevity, one will cut it short.
Ben: Yeah, there’s a really good website about that too that goes into the science behind that that’s called ‘Your Brain on Porn’ or – I forgot the name of the website. Have you seen the one I’m talking about? It’s, really interesting one. That shows that evolution hasn’t prepared our brains for things like exposure to lots of sensory stimulus or subliminal messages… ‘you’re getting aroused’ and that jokes can get old really fast.
Brock: No way.
Ben: But basically that is really interesting one. It shows that you know, masturbation isn’t definitely not doing folks many favors but the…
Brock: It was really hard on your shoulder.
Ben: Yes, this is true and that shaving of the hairy hand. So, or duct tape if you wanna go that route.
Brock: Exactly.
Ben: So the other thing is the testosterone booster that I’m using now, that has bulbine in it. And bulbine is kinda like the cornerstone ingredient of that particular supplement unlike some of the more hype supplements like Tribulus that don’t actually do much to increase testosterone. Bulbine has been shown in studies to increase testosterone by over 300% and also to control estrogen. So it can directly act upon the production of luteinizing hormones which stimulates your testis to produce more testosterone. The other things in there are one would be stinging nettle – and stinging nettle actually supports the production of the much stronger form of testosterone called DHT. If you are concerned about baldness or hair loss, I’m – a lot of times people will have this really, really high bioactive form of testosterone called DHT that is often accompanied by hair loss, it’s kinda like a trade-off.
So I would say that if you’re extremely concerned about hair loss, I personally, I’m just fine with my head of hair. You may wanna be careful with things like stinging nettle that really increase DHT, but you know I think that being a bald testosterone charged horny dude, is really not a bad problem to have that’s why God made baseball caps. So the stinging nettle is the other component of that and then macuna is basically this ayurvedic herb that’s in there and that increases the neurotransmitter dopamine which can help with hormone production but also help with sex drive and drive and sexual function also increase pleasure during things like sexual activity. So those are the components of the testosterone booster that I use – that’s why I use that particular one and I combine that with the estrogen control and that simply a one-two combo that a) I found to work very well and b) the actual company that I get that one from is – it’s a company that I trust. It’s a Mike Mahler’s company, he’s very devoted to high, high qualities supplements on – even though he is a plant-based vegan guy.
Brock: What?!
Ben: I forgive him for that and I’ve been asked before why Thorne, you know the company close to my house that has this excellent lab with strict quality control and makes like the extra supplements in the Thorne stuff, why I don’t get a testosterone booster from them? The reason is that they – because of the all the political and legal ramifications I can sometimes go hand in hand with testosterone boosting supplements. They stay pretty far away from that can of worms and so they actually don’t make one. And so I used this stuff for my…. I get this testosterone boosters all the time and unless I know the source of the ingredients and I trust the manufacturer, I simply don’t use them. So I’m a fan of Mike Mahler’s stuff. A full disclosure to folks, I am an affiliate of his testosterone boosters, means that if you purchase it from or the show notes, that’s basically put some nickels in my hat but I am just fine with that because it’s something that I personally use, I endorse, I find a great deal to success with so I just wanna make sure that folks know what I’m talking about so to link this that if you buy it, I will actually profit to you and I don’t want that to – I don’t want you to think that I’m hiding that fact, but I also want you to know that that is something you know – that that’s exactly what I use is that Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster along with the Estrogen Control – that’s why I use it. So, there you have it!
Brock: There you have it. And if we really hurry we can probably get this podcast to come in under an hour.
Ben: That’s right baby, so we do have a review – a review from T. Fletch.
Brock: T. Fletch!
Ben: Titled “How Ben Greenfield Unpoop Saved my Family”. I’m interested to hear what T. Fletch has to say. But before we jump in to T. Fletch’s review, for those of you who are ready to hit ‘stop’ on the podcast and move on to bigger and better things, we’ve got links to everything over at, check that out and also as you listen to this highly entertaining review, it may be good incentive for you to go leave your positive review in iTunes and that will help to combat all the negative reviews that we’re still getting from our Vaccination episode which upset a lot of people and that I still don’t feel bad about. So Brock, you wanna read this one?
Brock: I do! It goes like this: “The Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast is an amazing resource to help you maximize your fitness, health and overall well-being. After listening to this show over a year, I still love all of Ben’s tips for living a healthy life. Even though the knowledge I bring home drives my wife a little crazy, she loves the show too. Since it helped save the life of our golden retriever, Mavrick.
Ben: Hmm. That’s a beautiful story.
Brock: Yeah! Saved their dog.
Ben: Yeah.
Brock: “At a young age, he was having major health issues and consistently dropping weight to the point where we thought he wasn’t going to make it, using the information I learned from Ben on a gut health and nutrition, we slowly started to reverse Mavrick’s problems. We started by reducing his diet down to homemade bone broth and then started using probiotics, betaine HCL and colostrum.”
Ben: Wow. Expensive dog.
Brock: Yeah. “What tip the scales though was Ben’s affectionately referred to as a ‘poop milkshake’. You referred to something as a poop milkshake?
Ben: Yeah. Did she give her dog a fickle transplant?
Brock: Oh, I must continue on. “I had never heard of a fickle transplant, but if Ben didn’t consistently talk about poop, I may not have Mavrick today. Thanks for all you do and keep up the awesome show.”
Ben: She actually did a fickle transplant with her dog. Wow. That’s crazy. I wonder what like, what donor she used for the… T. Fletch, if you’re listening into this, first of all, thanks for the review. Email [email protected]. No, I’m sorry, [email protected] and we’ll get you a gear pack out to you or to Mavrick if you can fit it a t-shirt.
Brock: Ah, you can wear him a beanie.
Ben: Send us your address and your t-shirt size and all that jazz but also, if you could T. Fletch leave a comment in the show notes. I wanna know about this whole fickle transplant for dog’s thing, this may be a podcast episode in event itself – “How to get your Dog a Poop Transplant”. A lot of people out there – there got to be a huge market for that. A lot of people out there might be wondering about fickle transplants for dogs. That’s nuts. That’s a new one, so alright, we’ll cool. I guess on that note, Mavrick, congratulations or my apologies, whichever is in order here for that poop milkshake that you experienced. Thank you if you’re still listening, again visit Don’t forget to visit our sponsor for this episode where you can use 10% discount code BEN10 to get that recovery nectar, the raw tea for a pre-workout or the iskiate endurance to give you feel that you keep going all day long and until next time. We’re signing out here from, thanks for listening in dogs…
Brock: You are very aroused.
Ben: … and everyone.
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[1:07:27.8] END
Mar 11, 2015 Podcast: How To Make A Wart Disappear Fast, Does Subliminal Music For Weight Loss Work, How Long Can Fat Last You In A Race, Is Xylitol Healthy, Is Xylitol Healthy?
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News Flashes:
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- Which do u think is best for injuries? Eccentric exercise, nitroglycerin patches, dry needling, cortisone, or platelet-rich plasma.
- This “people have non celiac related gluten sensitivity” study was flawed. (and here’s the Chris Kresser side!)
- Has anybody out there studied meditation as a replacement for some sleep and found success? (I mention Pzizz app for sleep)
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This podcast is brought to you by Natural Force, at NaturalForce is far different from traditional sports nutrition companies. They only use herbs and whole foods, with no vitamin powders and no artificial flavorings, and only certified Paleo, non-GMO, organic ingredients. Their pre-workout Raw Tea has 15 different herbs and superfoods, and gives no jitters or crash. Their Iskiate Endurance is based upon chia fresca (also called iskiate) a beverage used by the Tarahumara super athlete tribe – made from chia seeds, a little sweetener, and lime juice, but Natural Force has upped the ante with their own recipe, adding bee pollen and royal jelly for added nutrients and a slow build of endurance. Their Recovery Nectar is a complete plant based recovery supplement, and contains organic freeze-dried coconut water and organic hemp. It reduces soreness, boost immune system, replenish glycogen stores. Use code BEN10 to 10% off all supplements at (or in Australia, you can visit:
Wednesday, March 18th – 9 pm EST / 6 pm PST / 1 am GMT. Duration: 60 min. “9 Biggest Productivity Killers & How To Avoid Them.”. It is safe to say that the combined work of Joe Polish, Dave Asprey, Dean Jackson, Ben Greenfield, and Ari Meisel has completely reshaped the meaning of “productivity” and “peak performance”. These guys have spent decades pushing the boundaries of the human body. Their heads are buzzing with hacks, secrets, and tools to help you become superhuman without burning out. They’ve got it all covered – automation, nutrition, exercise, scheduling, outsourcing, email. Everything has been tried and tested between them with one aim – to do less and live more. They’re coming together for a really special event aimed at all budding productivity junkies but first, they want to do a free preview so you get a real taste of what’s on the horizon. Spaces are limited. Reserve your spot now by clicking here.
April 13-16, 2015: Ben is speaking at New Media Expo, where the world’s top bloggers, podcasters and content creators teach you how to make money by creating content online, and how to enhance your blog, your podcast, your videos and any other media you create online. Better yet, you can come and attend the conference, then join Ben at Spartan Vegas on April 17! Click here to register for New Media Expo and use code “bgreenfield20” to get 20% off the current pricing.
April 24-26th, 2015: Come hear Ben and Jessa speak at PaleoFX 2015. The can’t-miss conference that is the Who’s Who gathering of the Paleo movement, with world-class speakers including best-selling authors, physicians, nutritionists, research scientists, professional athletes, trainers, sustainability and food activists, biohackers, and more (including Jessa’s “Whipped Up Homemade Heavy Body and Face Lotion.” and Ben’s potentially offensive Pecha Kucha presentation).
May 1-3, 2015: Ben is speaking at Ari Meisel’s Less Doing Conference, the year’s top conference for learning about things like how to manage your email inbox, hack productivity, enhance your cognitive performance, learn how to use the latest and greatest phone apps and productivity software, free up as much time as possible, and much more! Click here to get more details and to book a free productivity call with Ari.
Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle.
And of course, this week’s top iTunes review – gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben – leave your review for a chance to win some!
Listener Q&A:
As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja.
How To Make A Wart Disappear Fast
Chris says: What can he do about this wart on the end of his toe? He has tried salicylic acid, freezing and cutting it off but none of these methods are ineffective and painful. Is there any way he can rid himself of them forever?
In my response, I recommend:
–Lemon Essential Oil
Does Subliminal Music For Weight Loss Work?
There'sa says: She wants to know your take on Subliminal Music. She works from home she really enjoys some background noise. She has found some music that is supposed to help you willpower, weight loss, make you strong and powerful. Do you think these can actually help in the long run?
In my response, I recommend:
–Subliminal music on Amazon (for weight loss, martial arts, pain relief, etc.)
How Long Can Fat Last You In A Race?
Cy says: What is the longest duration race or most austere race you have heard someone race on a ketogenic diet. He is thinking about a number of 8 to 24 hour adventure races this summer and is wondering if it is possible to maintain a fat burning base during that long of a race or if he would have to bump it up to a more standard carbohydrate base.
In my response, I recommend:
–This podcast with Sami Inkinnen
–FatChanceRow website
Is Xylitol Healthy?
Randy says: You recently talked about how mouthwash can kill gut bacteria. It got him thinking about Xylitol and how it is used to kill bacteria in your mouth (which is why it is effective in gum). Could this highly touted sweetener of the biohacking community be killing our gut flora? What are your thoughts on Xylitol? He has been using it in his morning coffee for quite a while now.
How To Increase Testosterone And Decrease Estrogen
Adam says: In your morning routine post you said that you take both the Aggressive Strength testosterone and an estrogen control. Why do you take both? Do they offset each other in a good way? What is the balance there?
In my response, I recommend:
–Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster
–Aggressive Strength Estrogen Control
Very helpful podcast especially to those who wants to loose weight.