May 4, 2011
Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.
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In this May 4, 2011 free audio episode: Everything you need to know about colostrum, is birth control healthy, why can pro athletes eat bad food, what is a parasite zapper, how to train for a 5K without losing muscle, what happens when you hit the wall in a marathon, why it's hard to sleep after a hard workout, how much vitamin A is too much, and should teenagers be eating flax.
Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected]. And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
Scroll down to donate anything over $15 to the show, and Ben will send you a t-shirt…you can also conveniently donate any amount with your phone by simply clicking here.
Featured Topic: “Everything You Need to Know About The Link Between Performance, Fat Loss and Colostrum”
If you've been wondering: is colostrum healthy? what is colostrum? can colostrum help fat loss? can colostrum help performance?, then this interview is for you. In this featured topic, I interview Joe Stout, a food scientist from Mt. Capra nutrition who was interviewed in Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast #16 (digestive enzymes & probiotics) and Podcast #32 (goat’s milk vs. cow’s milk). Joe also traveled to Kona and interviewed me after Ironman World Championships in this video.
During our discussion, Joe answers the following questions:
-what is colostrum?
-how is it harvested and collected?
-traditionally, what are the benefits of colostrum?
-are there dangers in taking it?
-what is the link between colostrum and sports performance?
-what type of people would be finding a benefit of using colostrum?
If you're interested in incorporating colostrum into your diet for fat loss or performance, then click here to view my recommended brand: CapraColostrum.
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-Do you have trouble sticking to fad diets and want something that’s finally not a fad diet?
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Listener Q&A:
====================================== [contact-form 3 “AskBen”] ======================================
Kalley asks: My question is in regards to birth control. I am 24 years old and have been on birth control pills since I was 18. In the last year or so I have taken a real interest in my health: changing my diet to be mostly real foods, working out with a personal trainer, and begun training for a half marathon. That said, I have become increasingly aware of the lack of (credible) information available surrounding birth control and the effects it may have on women's hormone levels, weight loss, and overall health. Estrogen seems to be linked to many health problems, so the increased amount being introduced into my system through daily birth control doses makes me nervous. (Especially considering we are also exposed in other forms in the environment). What are your thoughts on this topic? What kind of effects may taking birth control have? Should I be worried about this? Are there some forms of birth control that are better for overall health than others?
Amy asks: I was watching a video interview of Jenn Shelton recently and have been impressed by her ultramarathoning, as I am hoping to run an ultra in the next year or so. She briefly talks about her diet and basically says it isn't a good one, she loves Taco Bell & Mountain Dew. How can she run ultras as well as she does while fueling in a not-so-healthy manner?
Stephen asks: A guy at work is telling me about Dr. Hulda Clark and her parasite zapper. He swears by it's effectiveness. Hocus Pocus or real medicine?? This might be an interesting topic for an upcoming podcast. I'd like to hear what you think.
glen asks: Hi Ben. First, thanks for your earlier advice on maintaining optimal T levels while I was prepping for my first BB show at the young age of 53. It was instrumental in winning the NPC Natural Ohio Over 50 Master's Championship on April 16th. Fast forward to today, after a 2 week major flu illness, I am back to training, but would like to add minimumal 5k mileage training to compete competitively in my age group this summer. Any suggestions on how to incorporate my mileage and pace training as not to burn up my lean mass. I am lifting 2days on, 1 day off, 2 days on per week. Presently, I am doing treadmill work for 2 miles at a moderate pace 3 days a week. Have competed in 5k's in years past and know I have to bump up my mileage and intensity, therefore need your expertise in accomplishing this in a intelligent manner.
Kyle asks: If I person has full glycogen stores at the start of a marathon, which is enough to run approximately 16-18 miles, why does so many online articles about the marathon say that running out of glycogen is the cause of “hitting the wall” when a runner is only getting about 70% of their fuel from glycogen, and other 30% or so from fat? Also take into account that they are likely fueling with some sort of CHO supplementation during the event. What I'm asking is, is there any physiological basis for fatigue occurring at mile 20?
James asks: Any suggestions on how to resolve why I consistently can't sleep on higher training volume days (any day I ride 50 or more miles or do a brick workout)?
Kathy asks: I had a question about how much Vitamin A and beta carotene to take in. My husband, who is 31, and I are both into cycling, and he's gearing up for his second season of triathlons. He smoked heavily from roughly 16 – 28. From what I have read, it seems that smokers or ex-smokers should avoid supplements with either Vitamin A or beta carotene. We eat a fairly healthy diet, and he eats a ton of fruit and probably two servings of vegetables a day. I considered trying the enerprime superfood you recommend, as we travel once a month or so, but was hesitant due to the extra beta carotene put in. What are your thoughts?
Craig asks: In the Q&A section of episode 139 you mentioned flax reducing the effect of estrogen. We secretly give our daugher, who just started puberty, ground flax for fiber. Anyway, should we be concerned with the effects of flax on her physical development? She doesn't get more than 2-3 tablespoons in the course of 24 hours.
Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail [email protected] And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes – it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback.
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Hey Ben,
I appreciate you stressing that Mt Capra is good to their goats in the production of colostrum, but I am still concerned. Taking the "left overs" from the mother could be stealing something very important to her health. Joe said it could be "reabsorbed by the mother"…maybe that is her way of healing and getting her strength back after the whole process of giving birth.
I am also concerned that if you recommend colostrum to everyone (not just athletes doing intense training) that the demand for this supplement could increase, leading to other (less ethical) companies intervening in the birthing process and eventually leading to weak, sick goats.
We value goat milk and it sounds risky to mess with that. To me, it just sounds like colostrum isn't meant for us as adults.
I know I've gotten a bit extreme, but this is the first time a topic on your show has left me feeling unsettled. I would really love to know what you think.
As far as "stealing" colostrum from the mother, the goats are very healthy and what you say would make sense if there were some problems occurring in the female goats, but that simply isn't the case (more on colostrum here:… )
Regarding your 2nd point, I suppose the risk for escalation is present but I wouldn't think the possibility of a theoretical company doing something unethical should prevent us from supplementing with this valuable serum.
Hi Ben. You had mentioned that levels of endorphins can rise and make it difficult to fall asleep after an evening exercise session. When I run doubles (in the am and pm) I have experienced this but I also wake up early in the morning (only had slept for 6 hours when normally I sleep soundly for 8) completely energized and ready to go. This has also occurred after each of my 4 marathons. I would have thought my body would have welcomed rest. Any thoughts as to what is going on?
I've experienced this before, and it is likely due to increased cortisol levels enhancing awareness and initiating earlier onset of wake cycle. Good in the short term, but long term can lead to adrenal fatigue.
Ben, Great podcast! I got lot's out of it. You mentioned you're using Colostrum only for training, not racing. (1) why not racing? (2) how does that work? You pop some Colostrum just before heading out for a run or a work-out? Or you're regularly taking it every morning as part of your regular daily supplement regime?
I am taking it every morning now and used… before Wildflower triathlon. My stomach usually feels great, but I must say that my gut felt STELLAR.
Hi Ben, I did enjoy the podcast as well, however, I was on a training ride in windy conditions and could not hear some of the content. I wondered if you went over how much colostrum is effective. I currently take 1.5 g mid morning and afternoon on empty stomach. Should I be taking more / less?? I am 163 lbs. Thanks!
Hey DKM. This Joe Stout with Mt. Capra and I thought I would give you our dose levels. Loading dose: Take 2-4 capsules (1450- 2900 mg.) twice daily, on empty stomach for 90 days.
Maintenance: Take 2 capsules twice daily, on empty stomach.
Athletes: To improve performance and endurance, take 30 – 45 minutes before workout.