July 7, 2012
Audio interview from https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2012/07/natural-anti-aging-tips/
Ben: Hey folks, its Ben Greenfield here. And Erai Beckmann is on the line with me and Mr. Beckmann is one of the individuals responsible for the Future of Health Now. Meaning, that he has brought together 20 of the greatest experts, the doctors and scientists from medicine, science and technology unto an online event. That's basically a collection of a bunch of video interviews that really had go into detail with a lot of these world experts on some of that most important cutting-edge health concepts that are going to be available to us coming going forward of the next several years here especially when it comes to health and wellness and achieving your goals. And, the reason that Erai's here with us today because he has come on to the podcast before and just can't interviews exactly what the Future of Health Now is and wont be sure and link that for you guys and assure on us this is. I just wanna ask some of the few questions about some of the details, somebody's videos, you know, some of his biggest takeaways that he got out of this stuff just so you can, kind a get a glimpse and get some good information, all you’re out there running, riding your bike or driving in your car, whatever it is that you happen to be doing right now. So, Erai thanks for coming on the call.
Erai: Oh you're really welcome Ben, thank you very much for having me.
Ben: Alright, let’s jump right then man. When it comes to, to somebody's videos, what would you say, you know, if you were to pick, lets just jump right then in the first thing that comes to mind for you as far as something that you discovered in the past few weeks of watching these videos that has just been life changing for you or something that you never really realized before or, or that has really knocks you socks off.
Erai: Awesome. Yeah, well I'm happy this is I and in fact it will really be quite easy for me, so the very first interview, if I had only one of them to ten right now, I would encourage people to, listen to or view rather Dr. Rollin McCraty.
Ben: Rollin McCraty.
Erai: Yeah, Rollin McCraty.
Ben: What does he talked about?
Erai: So, Rollin McCraty is the Chief Science Officer from the really really interesting group, and they're called HeartMath.
Erai: And so you can listen to their, eager listening to this interview, and what he goes through in the interviews he originally kind of broaches the overall subject of Neurocardiology. And Neurocardiology isn't something that a lot of people are really familiar with, but the really pre synopsis is that probably going on now, say to say over seven years ago. By accident in fact there was a discovery made then, that the heart is actually influencing, the communication that goes to the brain, as well as to the rest of the body. And in fact, that may very well be in the sciences is predominantly base on the fact, that is the origin of those communications rather than thinking that it goes from the brain down to our first body. That science is focused on the heart influencing the brain and obviously all the communication that happens from the rest of the body as result.
Ben: Well that's we usually think about is that, no I good with the, whether you think, you know whatever, if you're stressed out or something like that its going to make your heartbeat faster or increase your blood pressure, and you're saying that, that it can go the other way?
Erai: Yeah, it’s really fascinating in fact. So, you’re pretty think guide and you probably track your heart rate with the much more than the average individual. And I'm sure a lot of your audience members are really proactive, and in with your health and wellness as well in their physical activity. And so many of us, you know, especially those that, at those of your audience members and yourself, you probably are aware of that. If ever you're in the situation where you may or may not ill maybe more stressed out than normal, you're probably very conscious of how your heart rate just starts to elevate naturally.
Ben: Right.
Erai: And in fact your heart rate may very well be a little bit more sporadic. Well, what, Rollin McCraty talks about is after he broaches just initially what Neurocardiology is. He gets into the fact on how he and his organization really started to dive into, heart rate variability. And what that ultimately looks like is the heart rates give the patterns that were noticing in heart rate rhythms. During the time when an individual stressed out, when we may very well just have been rub the wrong way, when we may very well have been annoyed or upset by that person that just cut us off in traffic or a fight that we just had with our spouse or some workplace related stress. Well we notice that the stress, if we can terminate such, the negative stress if you are, cause there are good kinds. It may very well throw off our ability to think properly or clearly.
Ben: Right.
Erai: And what they've notice is that, that's actually a direct result, of the heart rate's rhythm or pattern. And that when this perceived stress overtakes us, when our senses perceive it, it can impact us emotionally. The feeling of the emotion in the sensor stress is, can then affect the heart rhythm and affect the heart's rhythm then controlling the communication that's going up to the brain, causes whether or not will then gonna be, you know and complete maybe complete control of ourselves whether or not, we’re then gonna react as clearly, or as calmly, or as concisely as whether liked it.
Ben: And then, from what I understand, you know, always I'm sure people out there are thinking it's cool information, but you know, how can you act on it? From what I understand you can actually train your heart, right, rather than going after stress on the mental level or trying to, like convince yourself that everything's okay, you know and look at things rationally as far as like, you know, settling down your brain, you can actually go after, your heart rhythm instead, right?
Erai: Yeah, that’s the most fascinating things. So, Dr. Rollin McCraty on the interview, he shares two techniques of the health, both of them take less than 30 seconds to learn and implement. They can be taught to both, you know, children as well as us adults alike just as easily. And essentially by understanding and learning them, immediately you can gain relief from something that otherwise could be very stressful to you. And overtime as you practice these exercises on these techniques more so, of course like anything with practice you get better at it. And it’s almost as if you’re flexing a muscle overtime it just gets stronger and stronger and stronger. And so, when you asked me that question kinda “what’s been the most life changing?”, when I first heard about this technique and I learned from Dr. Rollin McCraty over a year and a half ago, I immediately started using it in my life to overcome what otherwise what have been stressful situations. And since then what I've noticed is, if you wield my overall baseline for have something would have affected me, if you, if you will something maybe, you know, a fight with my spouse or maybe getting cut off in traffic or disagreement with a business associate, if that would stress me, I would on a scale of 1 to 10, let's say a 6 or 7 or an 8. Well, right now because of how strong this now, if you will muscle on practicing these techniques, after year and a half I practiced them daily. I practiced them in that multiple times a day. That it used to be a 6, a 7 or an 8, is now probably a 3, a 4 or 5.
Ben: Nice. Oh, I get. So, that's a heart-brain connection, obviously there's a bunch of techniques and stuff. And you can go over to the show now as where I’ve got a link over to the Future of Health Now videos and check that one out. But that's what with Rolin McCraty you said his name is, right?
Erai: Yeah, this starts with Rollin McCraty with HeartMath.
Ben: Okay. Cool. And these videos are, when are they starting, July…?
Erai: July the 10th, so the videos will start airing as of 9pm eastern daylight time at 9, on July the 10th.
Ben: Okay, cool. So, there's a bunch that going to age reversal or anti-aging. There's like a few videos that, that cover that stuff.
Erai: Yes.
Ben: When you look at those videos, if you could tell me, maybe the tough thing that you found out about anti-aging or age reversal or something, kind a cool when it comes to age reversal that people might not know, is there anything in particular leaves to mind?
Erai: Yeah, you know it's really interesting a lot of it comes down to nutrition. And one of the most interesting things that a lot of people are talking about is Vitamin D, you know having good Vitamin D supplements in your life, either D2 or D3.
Ben: Right.
Erai: And you know ultimately if we can be getting direct sun exposure that would be ideal.
Ben: Gotcha!
Erai: You know most of us living here in North America don't have that luxury. And most of the times of the year about right now, being the summer time that's really an invariable thing. And in fact David Kekich, his interview in the Max Life he's a part of Max Life Foundation, he in fact really will talk an awful lot about what he claims will help you, just a number of simple things that you can immediately implement into your life for the way, that will help you live to a hundred and twenty and beyond, but living a strong, vital really sexy lifestyle at that age. Because a lot of times when people hear, you know life extension, they think, “well I don't wanna just live longer and be really miserable and be really old and incapacitated,” right?
Ben: Exactly.
Erai: So, that's really interesting and the one point I'll add to that as well as with just with Vitamin D alone, it’s really fascinating. Dr. William Grant's interview, he's fascinating, he was one of the heads of the Atmospheric Sciences Division for NASA. He dedicated the last ten years of his life exclusively to just Vitamin D3 Research. And you know, the solutions that he shares with our audience and with everyone that'll have the opportunity to attend are absolutely amazing. You know, that the studies in the science that he will share, you know, it’s still dumbfounding to me, the result that he'll, that you know for ultimately $15 a year this one simple Vitamin D310 can impact our lives which is ultimately, you know, according to him is the solution to end, you know hopefully the prevention of a number of diseases that currently are probably some of the tough most death tolling diseases here in North America.
Ben: Yeah. How much Vitamin D do you take?
Erai: Personally, I take anywhere between 5 and 10,000 IUs a day.
Ben: Yeah. And like a typical multivitamin has like, like what, 200, 400?
Erai: Yeah, 200 to 400 IUs. And what really imprint actually points to, is there's an awful at the research out there right now, that states, you know, in his interview he mentions that they have some cancer patients on as much as a 100 to a 150,000 IUs a day and in that interview what he mentions is that the worst side effects that they’re noticing or things like diarrhea. And yet, at that point in time, he himself, he's a very mild mannered individual, but knowing him now for almost two years, you know, I know for him, he's almost outrage if he will, that the recommended daily dose by, you know, the government here is only, I think, between now a 1000 IUs a day. And 500 IUs a day.
Ben: So, at this point already like the two things that just finer the radar this point when it comes to health, one is basically dosing with Vitamin D that goes pretty far above and beyond, what you typically gonna see in, you know the average magazine or correct recommendation or even from your doctor and of course from this podcast when making in prescriptions and you wanna talk to your doctor about anything before you actually proceed with you know pop and pills. However, this is something that the people usually don't think about as well as the ability to control your heart, to control stress is something that people don't think about a lot. Now, another thing that I noticed a lot of these interviews kind a get into is like genetics, and genes and gene regulation and the future of gene therapy and gene testing. Did you watch any of the videos on genetic testing or on genetics? Or did you come away with anything interesting on these?
Erai: Yeah, I really did, most certainly. So, the two kinds of fields that are gotten into here in a really big way by the Medical Board of Advisor, to hold foot is market Dr. Scott Stoll. Interesting may not for you Ben being the athlete that you are, Dr. Scott Stoll actually is the Chief Doctor on the United States Olympic Bobsled Team.
Ben: Oh, nice.
Erai: Neat little side tangent there. But one of the things that he broached or did he top if he got into rather were Nutrigenomics and the over change generalized category of Epigenetics. So, ultimately those are, you know, what different elements coming into our lives, so the study of Epigenetics can actually influence the genetic expression that we have. So, that in another topic is totally fascinating, because now what we're faced with as a human society is not only the understanding which we were told most of us growing up, which was, you got the genes that you've got from your parents and your ancestors. There's nothing you can do to change them. You’re stuck with them. So it is.
Ben: Right.
Erai: Alright. Now, what the study of Epigenetics is telling us is in fact that's not the case. There are actually different things that come into our life, whether or not it is the food that we eat, the social company we keep. You know, the alcohol, or the, whatever it is, the different activities to our life that were gonna, that we partake in. And actually, what's really fascinating is the stress that we have in our lives. And what Epigenetics is teaching us is that everyone in fact has all genetic potential. And rather what's happening is there are certain expressions which are either turned on or off. And as a result of that, that's in turn will manifest, you know physically in our lives.
Ben: So, what's an example that you could turn the gene on or off?
Erai: Exactly. So, some of the examples that these doctors and scientists share with us. Dr. Stoll shared the fact that you can really influence your genetic expression through your diet, which is ultimately the science of Nutrigenomics kind of the sub-category under Epigenetics. And when he talked about what's actually some of the most interesting discoveries and I just give away a few of them, which were those things which were known to potentially help solve some really r debilitating major diseases like cancer, which were also the very same nutrients that were in turn proven the most scientifically to also prevent this very same disease, expressions. And some of the major things that he talked about which I was completely blown away with were, well believe it or not – organic, Indian spices and herbs…
Ben: Like curry and stuff like that?
Erai: Exactly! Like curry, so what we otherwise would think of curry is specifically one of the most turmeric. So, if you can kind of an audience, if you're listening to this right now, you can go out and get yourself a really good source of organic turmeric, you'll notice that. I've noticed now Ben that some of the more expensive ones that I really get better, from probably more pristine sources are actually a bright stunning orange color.
Ben: Right.
Erai: Rather than kind of a lesser sorted colored yellowish-orange color. And if you start taking maybe a teaspoon of that and adding it to your shakes if you want now each morning, or making soups of it, try not to cook it as my understanding in order to maintain as much of the nutrient potential that the root has, you know, you'll typically get it in a powdered form.
Ben: Yeah.
Erai: And if you adjust that you know, daily, not only are you stopping and helping to prevent things like inflammation, which is a runner or an athlete I'm sure you yourself will find it tremendous value.
Ben: Exactly.
Erai: But not only you're doing that but you're also helping to remove the potential and prevent these things that are otherwise playing our societies nowadays. But in fact there's proof now, through Nutrigenomics that you're actually preventing the turning on of these genetic expressions which otherwise may very well manifest in the form of these diseases like cancer.
Ben: Interesting. So, you can have a genetic pre-disposition to something, but if you're able to influence it through your nutrition or through supplementation which, you know, something like in this case, like a good turmeric supplement you can actually keep some of those genetic triggers from being called.
Erai: Isn't that interesting?
Ben: Yeah. It’s cool. It's cool, I like it.
Erai: Amazing.
Ben: So, let's go ahead, we’ve got time for one more. Let's go ahead and go with something else that really knocked your socks off from these videos in terms of a real take away point. That you think is pretty cutting-edge.
Erai: Yeah. This is pretty cutting edge. And I think it’s pretty cutting edge too, because of the facts probably some of the more, the larger numbers of people at least here in the United States. And so that's the point that was shared to us by Dr. Mark Hyman. This is a really personal story to me, because it impacted actually myself and my wife's life instantly. And it was something that we have been dealing actually for over a year and a half. And in the first, I think pretty much eight minutes of this interview, Dr. Mark Hyman covers this, and just in case you know, those of your listening audience that aren't very familiar with Dr. Mark Hyman. His book right now, I believed is the Blood Sugar Solution.
Ben: Right.
Erai: Was No. 1 in the New York Times Bestseller and Amazon, in all categories overall for quite sometime which is really quite phenomenal.
Ben: Yeah.
Erai: And it’s continued to remain No. 1 in certain categories in the New York Times Bestseller and Amazon. And for weeks, months in fact, so he probably got right now one of the most popular books here in the United States for overall, which is just amazing. And so, on the first eight minutes of his interview he shares in fact that one of the No.1 most overly incorrectly prescribed medications in the whole nation, are Anti-acid medications.
Ben: Like Prilosec, stuff like that.
Erai: Something like that. I, in fact actually don't know a lot of names of the drugs.
Ben: I know Prilosec is one, for sure.
Erai: Ok. So that's a good one. So, now I can't comment on that one particularly. But just so, he just commented over a thing, he said “Anti-acid medications, they're over prescribed, they're not necessary and in fact they have really really debilitating side effects that no one's typically told about from their doctor.” Now, that being said we're not here to by any means stash doctors or take away from their credibility. You know, over 85% of the contributors to the Future of Health Now 2012 are in fact doctors. They are PhDs, they're people that we really found a bunch of great information. But, what he had shared was that, if in fact you're experiencing symptoms, depression or mood swings or potentially even anxiety, it may very well be directly caused by the antacid, you know, medication or prescription that you're taking. And in fact he suggested that you to get off of it, and in fact that you start to go away from different elements in your diet that may very well be causing this acid, this over abundance of acidity in the intestinal tract to begin with.
Ben: Like?
Erai: Like, in terms of foods, and things like he is a really big proponent of eliminating refined sugars from your diet. So, things like pop, things like candy, things like you know, donuts, junk food, these kinds of things, that most people probably are aware of it nowadays. But most people aren't aware of how very much that's affecting them. He recommends people go back to whole foods, so if you're gonna be eating dinner, have things like brown rice versus maybe more bread, you know, have things like cooked salmon, wild salmon and have a fresh serving of vegetables to give your body the fiber it needs to push everything through at the end of the night.
Ben: Right. Yeah, I've heard that before too. But all it says is that the sugar have an acetic effect through all, so it is what a lot of the bacteria in, you got are fermenting quite have a way, and then you got that build up from pressure coming back up the esophagus and producing the heartburn. So, yeah, I think that's true, a lot of people don't realize, how ineffective or perhaps dangerous that these heartburn medications actually are.
Erai: Exactly. And just to elaborate that very briefly, you know, one of the things that people, what really happens here is these medications Ben that may or have been now over or inaccurately prescribed. They create now these potential other situations happening in the body, so now this person not only are they on medication, that maybe best is near they don't need to be on. But now they are also experiencing things like, depression. This other side effects that are happening into their life, now they're going back to their physician, explain these symptoms and the physician just wanted to do the best job that may possibly could to, may or may not now prescribe something additionally and you can see here how it can now start to create a cascading or domino effect that no one really wants going on into their bodies or their minds.
Ben: Right. Right.
Erai: And that's ultimately the synopsis of the Future of Health Now is, if you can have the real science-based solutions that you can implement into your life immediately that you can really trust, then you yourself can empower yourself with your own health and ultimately go on to, you know, with our goal Ben, which is ultimately its very audacious. But to rewrite Global Health Care on the whole, and just with people that yourself Ben, educating your audience for creating we believe a global community, through the empowerment that really can achieve that goal.
Ben: Yeah. And folks, if you want to be a part of this, you know, check it out if you wanna get access to all these videos. I mean, we literally, like in 20 minutes I'm hoping you picked up some stuff. But, I mean, we're talking about a good 20 hours worth of video content that you can go and grab and watch and like here I mention, all the videos kind a sort to get released on July 10th, the reason I'm telling you about them now and the reason I've been talking about them for the past few weeks is because I want you to be able to get over there, get access to the actual website, know where it’s at and start grabbing these videos as they come out because they're released for a certain period of time and you gotta grab when they're actually released to be able to watch them. So, all of the video and the video topics, you can check out right now and then the very first video is released July 10th and then on from there. And I put a link in the show notes to this episode so that you can go over and check out the Future of Health Now and learn about even more than just turmeric and Vitamin D, and heart-brain connection and the dangers of Anti-acids which you just learn about. So Erai, thank you for coming on the call today and sharing some of the stuff with us.
Erai: Oh, you're very welcome Ben. Thank you very much for having me.