Ben Greenfield & Everyman Tri Present An Incredibly Inspirational Movie About Triathlon…

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Articles, Lifestyle


This one is for you triathletes out there.

As many of you may know, Ben Greenfield raced Ironman Hawaii. But he also had a video camera, and was working for EverymanTri during Ironman week.

The result is a new movie called “17 Hours”.

Consider this exclusive movie your up close and personal front row seat to the 2010 World Championships.

Our cameras followed all of the action before, during, and after the race. Not only did we capture the best triathletes in the world racing for the most prestigious title in the world, but just as importantly we were filming during the parade of nations, the annual underwear run, the awards ceremony after the race, and of course those magic minutes as 17 hours clicked down to those magic minutes before midnight.

The movie costs $1.99 to watch.

BTW: You can watch the trailer for 17 Hours HERE. 

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8 thoughts on “Ben Greenfield & Everyman Tri Present An Incredibly Inspirational Movie About Triathlon…

  1. Anch says:

    Still not available outside the US then, not the best marketing choice..

  2. Denisse says:

    I am in Australia , I can not buy it or rent it in amazon or Youtube. How can I watch the movie?

    1. Candy says:

      Beth Grant Posted on Hey, I think this is really cool. I love the posts you make on dinfereft things you blame Lupus for. It is a funny side of blaming stray things on Lupus. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Andrew says:

    How do u rent it? How do rent videos off YouTube? I’m lost!

    1. click on the video, then, in the lower right hand corner, click "rent for 1.99'

  4. Deb says:

    Same problem here in Ottawa…Canada. Bummer.

    1. Youtube only allows rentals in the U.S.

      Don't know why?

      I should have the movie on Amazon for purchase and download by the end of next week.

  5. Becky H says:

    Looks good, but can't watch it in Canada?? Something about copyright grounds…

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