January 18, 2015
Welcome to Part 3 of this special podcast series, in which you get to sit in and listen to Tai Lopez coach me (and you!) using the strategies from Tai's online video series “67 Steps to Getting Anything You Want Out of Life Health, Wealth, Love, & Happiness“.
In this premium subscriber episode, Tai and I discuss personal finances – particularly in the huge wake Tony Robbins is leaving with his new book “Money”, and how Tai feels we should protect and grow our wealth, and exactly what Tai's personal investment philosophy is.
Want more of Tai?
You can listen to Part 1 of this series here, in which Tai and I talk about multi-tasking, reprogramming your genetics and checking your e-mail less.
You can listen to Part 2 here, in which Tai and I talk about how to know when you're actually making enough money, and when you can stop focusing on income, start focusing more on life, love and happiness, and how to strike the ideal balance between being overambitious and underambitious.
Books and resources Tai and Ben discuss in this podcast:
–Tai's retreats and public seminars in Hollywood, London and New York
-Tai's Millionaire Mentor program
-Tai's online video series: 67 Steps to Getting Anything You Want Out of Life Health, Wealth, Love, & Happiness
Do you have question, comments or feedback about what to do with your money? Leave your thoughts below.