Sabbath Ramblings: Adversity

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I recently had a bit of a health scare.

See, my knee has been bugging me in a strange way lately. I mean, it's not uncommon for me—and possibly you too—to occasionally wake up with a sore, beat-up joint that needs a bit of TLC from a foam roller or lacrosse ball; or to get a bit of nagging tennis elbow from destroying my wife on the courts (don't tell her you heard that); or to step wrong while weightlifting and slightly tweak an ankle…

…but this knee injury was strange. It would just float around in the knee and never really go away, no matter all the tricks and biohacks I'd throw at it, such as deep tissue therapy, stem cells, PRP, PEMF, infrared light, transdermal magnesium, different anti-inflammatory herbs, and spices, training all the supportive musculature, etc.—basically, all those things I've done in the past that have helped me heal up over the years. As a matter of fact, considering I have competed since I was 14 years old at a pretty intense level in everything from bodybuilding to collegiate tennis, volleyball, and water polo, to years and years of marathoning and Ironman triathlon, to Spartan racing, to some relatively difficult kettlebell training, I feel like I've actually kept myself pretty well put together from an injury standpoint—with zero major surgeries and no injuries that I haven't resolved within a matter of weeks.

But it seemed to me, over the past few months, that I'd finally “met my match” with this knee.

So after months of problematic knee aching that culminated over this past summer in several weeks of severe knee swelling to the point that I actually had to go to the physician to have my knee drained of over 210 cc of nasty, yellow fluid…

…I finally decided to go to the hospital for an MRI.

The MRI findings were a bit of a disappointment, to say the least. The results revealed a large grade 4, full-thickness chondral defect of the entire lateral side of my patella (kneecap), along with a full-thickness chondral defect along the adjoining surface of the femur, along with a large, swollen Baker’s cyst with internal loose bodies on the back of the knee. But even more concerning was something the physician labeled as “markedly abnormal marrow signal,” which they described as a “highly suspicious for systematic/metabolic marrow infiltrative disorder resulting in gelatinous marrow conversion with differential considerations considering anorexia, malignancy, malabsorption, and HIV/AIDS.”

When I received the report results back, it was that last part that really concerned me. After all, the fact that I seem to have lost a ton of cartilage in my knee was something I knew could eventually be repairable, although that in and of itself was annoying and a bit disappointing…

…but that last part? Anorexia and malabsorption? Probably not. I eat like a horse. HIV/AIDs? Doubtful.

But malignancy, aka some kind of cancerous growth, aka a bony knee tumor?

Now that, I'll admit, that last one freaked me out just a touch. As a matter of fact, even as you read this very article, I'm currently deep in the throes of investigative bloodwork, laboratory analysis of my knee fluid, discussions with surgeons about cartilage repair options, and all the other research and learning I tend to embark upon when I have some kind of problem to solve. Admittedly, that's one way that I personally cope with stuff like this: I experience a problem, then I set about to find a solution, then, after I've found the solution, try to create some kind of gratitude, love, and joy out of the situation by sharing that solution with others.

Heck, half the things I talk about on my blog and podcast, like scar healing, MRSA, gut issues, hair growth, testosterone optimization, sleep hacks, balancing parenting and exercise, biohacking, etc., etc., etc. were all inspired initially by me simply living a curious life and seeking out then subsequently sharing answers to issues or problems I happen to have been dealing with at one time or another.

The Upside Of Adversity

I realize that to label my nagging left knee issue and minor cancer scare as an “adversity” might be a stretch.

After all, compared to, say, living under the daily threat of poverty or persecution, having a family member or loved one suddenly die, or losing all one's belongings and heirlooms in a house fire, a buggy knee should certainly be classified as a first world problem.

Yet—and I'm certain that if you're an exercise enthusiast, a sporting fanatic, or anyone else who relies upon or enjoys using all of their body pain-free on a daily basis, you may agree—the “loss” of a crucial joint can threaten your happiness, and yeah, struggling through an injury, especially an injury that carries along with it a slight risk of a deadly chronic disease, is something I'm going to classify in my writing dictionary as a type of “adversity.” It can remind you of your mortality and make you question what it is that you rely upon to feel like a complete human. It can cause you to reminisce about the good ol' days of youthfulness when you could hammer a couple of six-packs of beer and run a marathon the next morning. It can leave a nagging, throbbing ache in your body but also in your mind—an ache that creaks along with each hour grumbling at you in an annoying voice that a part of you is officially broken.

You are mortal.

You are hurtable, woundable, killable.

Your ultimate source of happiness—if that is what your body or your fitness or your health is—is suddenly dangling from a razor-thin string of spiderweb and you're left scrambling and thinking ahead with ruminations about what you'll do with your life if you can't do a deep squat for the rest of your existence, or hammer away on your bicycle on the weekend, or jump into a game of tennis with your friends. Poetry? Stand-up comedy? Writing fiction? Learning a new musical instrument? Volunteering more in your local community?

Indeed, these types of thoughts are quite natural. 

As a matter of fact, while navigating through the mental barrage of inner questioning I myself have been experiencing the past several days, I stumbled across a quote from the classic book Man’s Search for Meaning, written by Victor Frankl and chronicling his experience as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. You've likely heard the saying that “a man is free to choose his attitude no matter the circumstances,” and that quote is derived directly from Frankl's writing. But here's what else Frankl notes in his book, and this is important for anyone experiencing adversity: those who see a greater meaning in their lives are able to “transform a personal tragedy into a triumph, to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement.

I'll repeat that statement (you know, for dramatic emphasis):

Those who see a greater meaning in their lives are able to transform a personal tragedy into a triumph, to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement.

This idea is also described and commented upon quite nicely in another book I've been enjoying lately entitled Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization. In Transcend, author Scott Barry Kaufman points out that it is precisely when the foundational structure of the self is shaken that we are in the best position to pursue new opportunities in our lives.

Kaufman goes on to describe how the following seven areas of growth have been reported to spring from adversity:

1) Greater appreciation of life;

2) Greater appreciation and strengthening of close relationships;

3) Increased compassion and altruism;

4) The identification of new possibilities or a purpose in life;

5) Greater awareness and utilization of personal strengths;

6) Enhanced spiritual development;

7) Creative growth;

He also makes the astute observation that becoming fully human is about living a full existence, which is not necessarily an existence that is continually happy. In other words, being well is not always about feeling good or never experiencing trials or tribulations, but instead about continually incorporating more meaning, engagement, and growth in your life as you navigate the messiness of being a broken human. It is only through shedding our natural defense mechanisms and approaching any injury, adversity, or discomfort head-on, and viewing everything as fodder for growth, that you can start to embrace the inevitable paradoxes of life and come to a more nuanced view of reality.

Furthermore, the book of 2 Corinthians in the Bible contains two meaningful observations on suffering and adversity. First, 2 Corinthians 4:16–18 provides the assurance that all suffering is temporary and is simply preparing for us an eternal weight of glory, “We do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” So take heart. Though your body may eventually grow weaker as you age, as you beat it up, as you wear it down, and as you slowly degrade all the cartilage, your spirit can grow stronger and stronger to the very end, and eventually you will experience the eternal forever glory I talk about here.

In 2 Corinthians 12:8–10, Paul also says regarding his own adversity—the so-called “thorn in his side” that appears to be some kind of illness or injury (though what the thorn is isn't specifically named)—”Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” Paul viewed his own bodily failures as not only a lesson in contentedness, but also a sign that God's grace and His mighty power are infinitely greater than any of the power contained within our own weak bodies, and the ultimate source of our strength. In other words, experiencing the imperfect nature of the flesh can make you realize that you're but a mortal, fragile human and as a result, serve as a constant reminder to stay humble, to empathize with others, and to not consider yourself more highly than you ought as some kind of a bulletproof, unbreakable, mighty man or woman. Sure, you may have big muscles, or decent fitness chops, or clean and healthy bloodwork, but that doesn't make you any better than anybody else, and may often hold you back from growing spiritually because it's so easy for you to rely upon your body instead. Problem is, that body—that shaky source of your happiness and power—will eventually break.

Finally, in addition to providing an opportunity to grow in character and appreciation of life, an opportunity to realize the superiority of the spirit over the body, an opportunity to be content and happy no matter our circumstances, an opportunity to rely upon God as the source of power, and an opportunity to be humble, injuries also place you in a position to be able to learn about your body and turn around to teach others what you have learned. This is, as I alluded to earlier, is something I find myself doing quite a bit. What I mean by that is that the SIBO, parasite, bacterial, and other gut inflammatory issues I've experienced in the past have allowed me to learn a great deal about the human digestive system that I have been blessed to teach to others on my website and podcast; the MRSA, giardia, and staph infections that ravaged me for a year left me with a wonderful working knowledge of natural herbal compounds and plant medicines that can heal the body; the cuts, breaks, scrapes, and wounds I've sustained over years of triathlon and obstacle course racing has taught me tons about both allopathic and naturopathic first aid protocols; the low libido, endocrine imbalances, and thyroid issues I experienced during hardcore endurance training taught me plenty about testosterone, hormone, and adrenal optimization; and so on and so forth.

In other words, I'd probably be a bit of a dummy about the human body and brain if I hadn't been forced to navigate my own issues, find solutions, then turn around and share those solutions with others.

And that's the upside of adversity.


So the next time you're going through adversity, choose to grow and not to despair.

Focus on a greater appreciation of life, greater appreciation, and strengthening of close relationships, increased compassion and altruism, the identification of new possibilities or a purpose in life, greater awareness and utilization of personal strengths, enhanced spiritual development, creative growth, contentedness, and opportunities to teach others what you learn as you find solutions to deal with your adversity. 

Then, while you're growing in all these other areas, address your adversity.

Hunt down solutions.

Talk to smart and experienced people about your problem.

Throw noodles at the adversity wall and see what sticks.

Be vulnerable.


Maybe, by the grace of God, you'll fix it.

Maybe, by the grace of God, you won't.

But either way, you'll be a better person—the same way you'll be a better person every time you get out of bed in the morning, smile, and savor yet another ray of magical sunlight beaming through the window and massaging your skin.

What about you? What have you learned from your own injuries or illnesses? How have you grown, or how have you resisted growth and instead grit your teeth to stay attached to a fading or failing part of you? Leave your questions, comments, and feedback below. I read them all. 

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60 thoughts on “Sabbath Ramblings: Adversity

  1. cherifa says:

    I know you will handle whatever comes your way. My heart goes out to you, and to your family, Thank you for the gift you give all of us who follow you. What you give will come back to you ten folds. Wishing you the best – Cherifa

    1. Really appreciate your kind words and many blessings to you and your family as well!

  2. Maysah says:

    So wonderful reading your post, Ben. I am in the process of navigating a bilateral knee issue CMP right now and it was beginning to threaten my sense of identity. I am very active and work as s personal trainer and so an injury like that feels so crippling. I am currently throwing a lot of noodles at like you said hoping that something sticks. I recently read Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty and the wisdom i got from it is to not attach to anything that is not permanent. In that case its our health. Its a hard pill to swallow but its true.

  3. Vange Johnson says:

    Hi Ben,
    Xrays, MRI’s can give us information on what HAS happened but also ignite in us a streak of sheer righteous rebellion to all naysaying prognosis! What others may call impossible healing bring into reality! It’s going to happen Ben!
    Five months ago I tore a shoulder out, snapping the upper humerus and ball in a spiral fracture sticking into the main arm nerve, tearing ligaments and cracking the forearm in the process and blah blah. BUT… get this, two months ago the xrays said it healed all wrong and I’ll never get my arm above my waist. Ever.
    I walked out holding my arm and ROARED into the air molecules a defiant ‘NO!’
    I can now swing my arm above my head, swim breaststroke, backstroke and freestyle!!! In just 2 months!
    Ben… I want to hear every new thing you do to heal it and all the defiance that goes with it!
    ROAR Ben ROAR!!!

  4. David says:

    When I was a kid, I used to be really into sports and fitness. Running around the block or playing tennis were my favorite pastimes for years until one day both knees just got worse without any warning whatsoever — torn meniscus on each leg, no surgery needed but can still walk and lift weights with some difficulty as Professor Daniel Riddle is researching this kind of injury by Virginia Commonwealth University

  5. Burt Henry says:

    Hello Ben, I’ve been following you for years. I’m a DC, CSCS, cycling coach, and can certainly empathize with your plight. I am 57 now and outwardly look like a lean muscular freak for my age, but I have had 15 orthopedic surgeries. Since I turned 50, I have had both hips replaced, 2 quad tendon ruptures (one complete and surgical, the other 75% and stem cell repair), bilateral hernia repair, cervical spine fusion, bilateral open carpel tunnel surgery, and more stem cells for other injuries. Like you I was a competitive bodybuilder in my 20’s and an elite level cyclist from 30-45. Backpacking, nordic skiing, etc. was what I lived for. Each surgery and setback has taken more of my physicality away, but not my soul. I still train every day for my health and mind, but I am just grateful for the bike rides, nordic skiing and hikes with my wife and adult son. My interpersonal relationships are much richer now. Your podcasts have filled hundreds of hours of rehab for me, and God knows I have tried almost all of your healing biohacks! Thanks for all you do to help others optimize their lives thru sharing your personal experiences.

  6. Consider adding Frequency Specific Microcurrent to your treatment plan? Especially immediately after surgery option if chosen. You are very brave and honest fir sharing this story. God bless you and your family.

  7. Joe says:

    Hi Ben,

    I echo others in their expression of gratitude to you for the health guidance you provide your listeners. Four years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare bone marrow disease. Conventional treatment (pretty much a chemo-style protocol) made me sicker when I hadn’t really been sick at all. I bowed out and pursued the ancestral path of curiosity, breath, light, nature, sleep, bare feet on bare earth, whole food, movement, joy, and story. And I’m still here! Information provided by you and your guests have been instrumental in my healing process. And it’s a process indeed, continues every day. The internet and our reliance on big tech certainly has its downsides, but neither should we forget how lucky we are to live in an era when the likes of you, Aaron Alexander, Wim Hof, Patrick Mckweon, Matt Maruca, Erwan LeCorre, Joe DiSpenza, Bruce Lipton, and countless others provide a FREE alternative to mainstream pharma. Thank you. And I know the gifts you have given others will come back to you in some form: whether that’s healing or transformation or acceptance. Also remember that you are not your diagnosis. Whatever the docs may tell you, it is their construction made to help them feel ok about their ability or inability to help you. Disease and diagnosis, from a quantum/spiritual perspective, does not really exist. Whatever is happening in your body is happening for a reason. But you already know that. Time to create and embrace your story around it. Also, the language you cite, “marrow infiltrative disorder” reminds me of the diagnosis given to an acupuncturist/physician that I worked with. It was this condition that prompted him into medicine. He does a fairly unique protocol around diet that helped me. Depending on how this shakes out for you, might be worth getting in touch. Blessings and best of luck!

    1. Michael says:

      Hi Ben, a piece of cake for you Ben, you will sort this out and use all your knowledge and surely to overcome this.
      I also had and still have a serious health issue which has made me a stronger and even fitter man than before, I have used your knowledge and ideas, (a BIG thank you) found some good doctors and looked inside just like what you are doing now.
      I stumbled upon a beautiful book about 5 years ago (meditations ) and that book was the beginning of a whole new journey
      ” Transforming a personal tragedy into a triumph “, the quote from Frank in reality is a Stoic quote.
      I like to emphasize this, since stoicism is unfortunately frowned upon by many people nowadays which is a real pity.
      I consider myself a wiser man now and without this “issue” I would have not evolved into this direction, so yes…..maybe it had to be like this
      Take care,

    2. Thank you for this awesome feedback and many blessings to you too Joe!

  8. pei says:

    We all have these thoughts firsthand when there are uncertainty of outcomes from a health issue that have various causes especially the cancer word. Since my adolescence, I had been on a rollercoaster so many times with diagnosis of rare conditions to common ones but had survived through all of them till this day (am currently in my middle age and am nearly reaching the menopause!) So these adversities can make us stronger spiritually so we are able to cope better next time it happens.

  9. Martin Glynn says:

    God speed your recover Ben 💚

    1. Thank you for your well wishes Martin!

  10. Xavier Glynn says:

    Good speed Ben💚

  11. kyle chapman says:

    “There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in it’s hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts.”

    Illusions : The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

  12. Isabel Price says:

    I needed this beautiful reminder today. And like the apostle Paul, I may never lose the thorn in my side and I need to continually ask myself, “Can you still show up every day for the Lord and work to expand His kingdom, even when you’re body is not cooperating?” I pray I can say yes. God bless you Ben. I pray for your healing

  13. Dustin says:

    Hey Ben – long time follower, thank you for your content. I am certain you can beat this.

    Please keep us updated on specific things you’re doing to help against this issue – for instance are you still doing cycles of the growth hormone peptides CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin? What about the injury ones BPC-157? Do you still do anything with Stem Cells and are you cutting back on those?

    What is your reasoning for choosing surgery over a regenerative medicine approach? The medical decision making process you are going through I think would be extremely beneficial to those of us suffering from similar issues and a key advantage to you is that you have the bird’s eye view of every treatment out there and understand the experimental landscape of each.

  14. Brad says:

    Thank you for sharing. I believe that by doing this that you are helping people.

    People see you as strong and fit, but everyone breaks down once in awhile no matter how much they try to prevent this. . Not everyone has the courage to show a vulnerability like the one you disclosed, This is particularly the case in the health and fitness field.

    I wish you a speedy recovery with your knee and any associated problems.

  15. Jeff kauffman says:

    A simple solution for a very difficult problem.
    I use when there are “kissing lesions” of the lateral facet and trochlea.
    I’ve been very gratified with results even in super active people.
    (Obviously resolve the bone marrow issue first

  16. Clare says:

    Hi Ben
    Sorry to hear about your knee, I also experienced pain in my left knee last week for the first time in my whole life and have bursitis through wear and tear, attending physio. Never been injured so it’s all new!
    Have you considered ozone therapy? It healed my husband’s plantar fasciitis after only 3 sessions!
    Search/ Google Dr Robert Rowen MD, also on YouTube
    Hope this helps and I agree with another comment about getting a 2nd opinion.
    Good luck!

  17. Chris Otto says:

    I used to run and play tennis for fitness till my knees said quit — torn meniscus. Never had surgery. Can still walk and lift weights. Look up Prof. Daniel Riddle (Physical Therapy) at Virginia Commonwealth University and his work on knee pain.

  18. Summer says:

    Hi Ben. I listen to you constantly but never have I been so drawn to leave a comment.

    Firstly, thank you for your open-hearted honestly and vulnerability in this article.

    Secondly, this piece has spoken to me on many levels, you see I have just turned 40 and I can honestly say I have been battling an eating disorder for close to 20 years. It’s been quite a journey, one which I won’t bother you with however let me just say on September 3rd of last year my journey nearly came to an end. My body took things into its own hands and forced me to stop and make the choice…. life or ‘death of this body. Due to years of overtraining (abuse of the body), undereating, purging, abuse of laxatives/enemas, and many years of emotional/spiritual hatred of self my bowel twisted and I had to have an emergency bowel reconstruction. In a matter of hours, my world had turned on its head. To add to this I was all alone in the hospital for months due to COVID restrictions, only one family member could visit and for only 1 hour per day. It was the hardest and scariest time of my life.

    It’s now coming to a year since and I will be honest, it hasn’t been an easy road, and I’m still battling through.

    But to read your words honestly gave me hope and the encouragement to keep going on this journey of mine

    Thank you Ben, truly thank you x

    1. Hi Shannon! It sounds like things are looking brighter these days. I'm so glad to hear you've recovered the hope and encouragement needed to keep going! Thank you for sharing this!

  19. Pamela says:

    Look forward to hearing more about your knee and the outcome or deep knowledge on what the issue is… when reading, felt like you were describing my current left knee situation minus getting an MRI (they are thinking osteoarthritis) – always appreciate your insights and observations.

  20. Sara says:

    Great article. I’m just starting to come out of a very long journey since childhood of trying to get rid of Migraines. All the women in my family have issues and just instead speak of medications and live with it. Doctors told me that getting them down to 2 a month (lasting several days) was manageable to them. I refuse and instead looked at diet and lifestyle. I researched and found I had TMJ. I found an LVI dentist to fix my jaw and I’m in the process of realigning my teeth now. I’ve been migraine free for a year but I’m still finishing up the whole process. I’m just starting to appreciate all the things I can do now without migraines. It’s an amazing . . . rebirth almost. Finally being able to try the things I couldn’t ever do and also letting go of what I have missed in the past.

    1. Sara says:

      I should say that how I found out the migraines were from my jaw was from your podcast on mercury and Dr. Pompa removing it from his teeth. I found a holistic dentist and removed 15 amalgams. Then we started on the path of fixing my jaw. So thank you for that life saving podcast.

  21. Betsy says:

    Hi Ben, chronic illness has been an issue for me all my life with mold and lyme as the main triggers. All of which led me to your podcast. One of your good acquaintances who lives in LA had a mold inspection from us recently and she mentioned knowing you and possibly doing a dinner some evening when you visit. What I’ve learned from mold/lyme is that it is always a good idea to have a thorough mold/microbial inspection of ones home when dealing with any chronic illness because a home that is impacted at a microbial level can make or break any therapy you are considering when working through health issues. We service California only but Mark the owner would be happy to answer your questions so you are able to select a good inspector. We are disrupters in the indoor air industry. Functional doctors send their patients to us when other inspectors tell their patients their home has no issues and we always find the issue 100% of the time. Joel Greene’s work, who I learned about from you, seems like an amazing idea to optimize the immune system. As you already know he has a long list of hacks that others aren’t aware of that focuses on macrophages and the gut microbiome and kicking LPS’s butt. Biofilms emit a huge amount of LPS and that knee issue likely has a big pathogenic biofilm component. Pathogenic biofilms are very very hard to eradicate. This is why I like Joel’s work. Also a nutraceutical called Biocidin is one of the best compounds out there to take orally for biofilm issues. I used to work there as a clinical consultant. If you ever want to speak to the owner I am sure she would love to help. Quicksilver helps to turn one of there formulations into a liposomal form. Biociden is one of the best products out there when biofilms are of concern.

    1. Betsy says:

      I forgot to mention the way I know Biocidin is the best product out there for biofilms is because toxic mold exposure and lyme both create a great deal of pathogenic biofilm issues. Biocidin is the only product that has helped me keep my head above water. It hasn’t been a cure but I was finally able to live a decent life again after basically being bedridden for about 4 years and trying all kinds of holistic protocols and IV’s that did very little to help. I still use Biocidin almost daily today to keep things in check. When I first started to work at Biocidin I met a chiro who almost lost a finger to a MARSA infection. He told me he tried everything conventional and holistic he knew of and as a last ditch effort he found Biocidin liposomal formula and used it both orally and topically and he told me he was able to save his finger. I heard many more testimonials direct from practitioners using it on themselves and their patients, too many to recount. Practitioners have also nebulized it.

  22. Dave Beswick says:

    Hey Ben, thanks for sharing your gain from the pain. I recently got rear-ended by an uninsured motorist which totaled my car and his. Knees and back are in rehab. I see this as a wake-up call to quit my previous job, follow my heart and work towards doing the work I most need to do and the world most needs to have done. Prayers for our continued growth and healing.

  23. Karen says:

    Second opinion!

  24. Mike Matovina says:

    Listen to The Kneesovertoesguy on Youtube. His program is helping me. I also suffer from a knee injury from running.

    1. Yes, Ben Patrick's program is great, but not really designed to repair cartilage, although I've been using his principles to keep the surrounding musculature trained!

    2. Thanks for the suggestion Mike! I've actually exchanged some emails with his team because I was looking at some of his videos. And I'm exploring maybe getting him on the podcast :)

  25. Ahmed says:

    You are my light and the end of tunnel, you always give me hope with your work and research.

    Am 💯 % sure you will overcome this obstacle as you always managed and inspired us to do.

    Wish you a speedy recovery and can’t wait for the inspiring news as usual.

    1. Appreciate the well wishes Ahmed!

  26. Barrett says:

    Ben, your work has been instrumental in my own healing journey for the last 5 years. How many other people have you helped without realizing it? God bless you and thank you.

    1. Happy to be of service Barret! Many blessings to you too!

  27. Ron borrow says:

    I have troubled by illness and suffering since I was born including but not limited of ocd lyme. Learning disabilities surgery s. Due to sporting accident s and more. Ian now 63. I starte bio hacking at around 30 yes I have had some lousy god and great results but life or whatever has dealt mealousy blow which would take snook to explain I hate this life I know some of the jargon books etc all can say in closing for every victor franker millions died in my opinion the success are great but the but there is not much support the suffering. RON

  28. Hi Ben. Sorry to hear of your knee problem and working diagnosis. Thank you for sharing the inspirational words of Victor Frankl and Paul from the Bible! I’ve been blessed with a relatively healthy existence for 68 years and have recently had to deal with incidental findings from a “routine” exam!
    I’ve learned a couple of things:
    1: if something seems troublesome with a treatment plan get more opinions.
    2: all the self care (eating healthy, moderate exercise, cold showers, red light therapy, meditation, etc.) really does help with recovery in a very significant way. So thanks for sharing so many of your practices that have perhaps saved MY life.
    3: finding gratitude and love in our lives is important to the healing processes and is all around us if we just open our eyes and hearts to it.
    And 4: the body and mind are naturally trying to fix any dysfunction if we just give it a chance; homeostasis is built in to us if we live by the principles you outlined in today’s message.
    Thank you and best of luck to you with your health! I’m sure you will have a great outcome!

  29. Richard says:

    “This too shall pass.” The aging process can be appreciated by going further within, identifying less with the body, and more with the soul, such that we can eventually give up the body in peace, as it should be. Good luck.

  30. BJ says:

    Ben, there are many of us who know what you’re going through and agree. I was an elite marathoner, weightlifter, athlete and police instructor. After a 911 related cancer and aggressive chemo and radiation program, my fitness went off a cliff. Like you, I try a lot of bio hacks but physical training seems to just keep going the opposite way of what previously worked.
    My faith has always come first and it certainly helps with that, concepts like the Corinthians passage, Eckhart Tolle wisdom and Rumi’s Guest house. I have a feeling that like my experience, yours may have been sent to tame the ego and help develop sincere humility. Love and prayers in this process

  31. Tony says:

    Be well my friend, sending you love, light, prayers and blessings. All is well and all will be well.

  32. Andrew Allembert says:

    Homeopathy could be a good next step for you. Since it is spiritual in nature, it can heal dis-ease on the spiritual level. Make sure to find a good practitioner. It will make all the difference!

  33. Spyrelx says:

    Ah Ben Greenfield, it seems to me that you’re starting to learn something that you and a lot of the podcasting biohackers out there have yet to realize: you’re getting old, your body is deteriorating, and you will die within an average lifespan for an adult American male of a certain socioeconomic level. Nothing in heaven or earth will change that.

    I know you’ve always “known” this – intellectually. Any rational high schooler would admit to it. But knowing it in your gut — feeling it in your bones (or your knee as it were), feeling the PERMANENCE and INEXORABLE INEVITABILITY of it — that is something that is perhaps new to you.

    This enlightening and melancholy “body knowledge” eventually visits us all, whether we be olympic athletes or couch potatoes, and hangs out with us like an annoying friend for the remainder of our days. I wish you luck with it.

    1. Tony says:

      you are such a POS!!!

      thanks for kicking a man when he is down. How can you consume Bens content and then rejoice at this!

      you are an ungrateful piece of whale ****.

      Ben have a fast recovery!!!!!

      1. Thank you Tony! BTW, P.O.S. means point-of-sale, right ;)

        1. spyrelx says:

          I really didn’t mean to “kick a man when he’s down” and hope it didn’t come across that way to Ben. (BTW, his post didn’t really indicate that he was were particularly “down”). It was really meant as a teaching moment, to speak the truth (or what I think is the truth) to someone I respect who I thought might be in a place to hear it. If I missed the mark, sorry. “Point of Sale” – I like it.

  34. baynative says:

    the Sabbath is Saturday jussayin

  35. Jackie says:

    Thank you Ben for putting this out their. I’ve been dealing with Sciatica for 2 months now and have been depressed, missing my workouts especially swimming this summer.
    Hope your knee issue gets better. Looking forward for the future!

  36. Suzanne says:

    Ben – this could not have been more timely for me. I have also been suffering from a nagging knee issue that has forced me to cancel the rest of my ultra-running season and evaluate my life outside the realm of being a runner. I was actually lying in bed last night thinking “what am I supposed to do now that I can’t run??” Finding this article in my inbox this morning was an answer to a prayer – thank you for sharing your struggles and perspective and I will keep you in my prayers to find quick healing for your knee as well.

    1. Glad to hear this was helpful to you. Thank you so much for keeping me in your prayers and I will do the same for you. God bless.

  37. Paulina Peniche-Kirschke says:

    This is the exact article I needed to read today. Thank you Ben wish you a smooth recovery, and if not, than I hope you are able to help many people with a similar problem once you find the solution.

    1. Greatly appreciate the well wishes Paulina! God bless!

  38. jackie says:

    Next email in line after yours was also relevant to me: “Does adversity strengthen or weaken the ego?”

    Eckhart Tolle…

    💚to you, Ben

    1. thanks, I will check this out!

  39. Justin Strachan says:

    Fantastic Sunday morning article Ben! Beautifully written and framed. We wish you blessings in dealing with your knee, you’ve inspired me to deal with mine now – 25 plus years of living with a poor left knee. God bless you Ben! J

    1. Glad to be an inspiration Justin! Wishing you healing and blessings too!

  40. Bob DuDonis says:

    Thanks for that Ben. As a 57 yr old marginally fit man, 2 Cor 4:16-18 is very reassuring to me. Jesus states in Revelation 21 that He is making all things new (not all new things!). I appreciate your ability to reframe your struggles through the lens of gratitude. Loved the Victor Frankl quote!

    God bless!

    1. You're welcome and God bless you too Bob!

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