381: The Post-Workout Nutrition Myth, Your Personal Circadian Rhythm, Hot Vs. Cold For Recovery & More!

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Mar 1, 2018 Podcast: 381 – Why You Don't Need To Eat After A Workout, How To Find Your Personal Circadian Rhythm, How To Absorb Iron Better, and Healthy Breakfast Travel Ideas.

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Clearlight Sauna giveaway Sanctuary-2 Full Spectrum Sauna winner announcement! [00:00:00]

News Flashes [00:04:59]:

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Special Announcements [00:18:34]

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-Organifi – Go to Organifi.com for your GREEN JUICE and use the discount code there for 20% off your order!

-DailyBurn – Visit DailyBurn.com/BEN TODAY to start your FREE sixty-day trial.

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Ben's Adventures

-NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar.

-March 2-3, 2018: 2018 Academy of Regenerative Practices Conference & Scientific Seminar, Weston, FL. Top stem cell innovators, researchers, and medical practitioners will be joining to further the field of regenerative medicine. Attend the two-day seminar to discover the latest in the field and learn how regenerative therapies can help your practice grow. Featured speaker: Ben Greenfield. Get your ticket here.

–March 24-25, 2018: San Jose Super and Sprint Weekend, Diablo, CA. There’s nothing mediocre about this middle distance race. The Spartan Super offers the ideal blend of distance and speed. If you consider yourself a more seasoned athlete determined to push beyond excuses, you just might have the mettle for a Spartan Super. Serving up 24-29 Spartan Obstacles and 8-10 miles of rugged terrain, the Spartan Super spares no one. Developed as the second race in the Spartan Trifecta, the Super is where you prove to yourself you’ve got everything it takes to face the Beast. Bring out all the support you’ve got for this one, spectators welcome! Aroo! Get your tickets here.

-April 27-29, 2018: Paleof(x) in Austin, TX. Paleo f(x)™ is the world’s premier wellness event, covering health, nutrition, fitness, sustainability, & everything in between. Our tribe gathers to learn and grow together! Bringing the latest, most cutting-edge science and strategy together to help you create your very best life, Paleof(x) is like the Woodstock of the ancestral movement, and I will be there! Sign up now to be the first to get tickets to this very exciting event! Sign up here and see you in Austin!

Giveaways & Goodies [01:06:06]

-Click here to get your own GreenfieldFitnessSystems.com gift pack, handpicked by Ben and chock full of $300 worth of biohacks, supplements, books and more. All at 50% discount!

-Grab your Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle.

-And of course, this week's top iTunes review – gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben – click here to leave your review for a chance to win some!


Listener Q&A:

As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick.

Why You Don't Need To Eat After A Workout [00:26:37]

Luke says: I training for a Spartan Super and I was at a talk by a sports physiologist and he kept stressing the need for post-workout carbs. He was saying “1 gram, per kilogram ofThe Post-Workout Nutrition Myth, Your Personal Circadian Rhythm, Hot Vs. Cold For Recovery weight, per hour of training, in the two hours following your workout.” He showed some graphs showing how this was the most important time (blah blah blah). I've heard you talk about not eating immediately after. Something to do with HGH or Testosterone. Could you go into a little more detail about if carbs are actually needed?

In my response, I recommend:
Kion Aminos

How To Find Your Personal Circadian Rhythm [00:39:31]

Sheridan says: Circadian Rhythm seems to be a hot theme in most health podcasts these days. What do you suggest is the most efficient way to find your personal circadian rhythm? Is it the Oura ring? Is there more to it than that? How would you find your personal circadian rhythm?

How To Absorb Iron Better [00:48:37]

Mia says: I heard Dr Mercola say that turmeric blocks the absorption of iron (and I have low iron and ferritin). I take a fair amount of turmeric. If I take my liver pills at a different time than my turmeric, will that allow the iron to be absorbed better?

 In my response, I recommend:
-Superhuman Coach Article on how to use turmeric

Healthy Breakfast Travel Ideas [00:54:59]

Daniel says: I personally consume your signature smoothie every morning and I am wondering what you eat in the morning when making your smoothie is just not an option? Like when you are traveling and whatnot.

Prior to asking your question, do a search in the upper right-hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!


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13 thoughts on “381: The Post-Workout Nutrition Myth, Your Personal Circadian Rhythm, Hot Vs. Cold For Recovery & More!

  1. Hi Ben! Do you have a link to the vibrating shoes you mentioned in the podcast? (a discount is always helpful, too!)

    Thank you!

    (I’m also holding out on the venom belt, hoping you’ll get listeners a discount code!)

  2. nick says:

    You mention constantly that you inject Meyers cocktails but ignore every single question as to where and how to get them. Why is this, and how and where the hell do we get them?

    1. I've mentioned that I get mine from a local naturopathic practitioner. It's not really something you can just order online. I would check out these directories to find one in your area:
      • FunctionalMedicine.org – Find a Practitioner, including MDs, DC, ND, etc.
      • aihm.org/find – to find an integrative health practitioner
      • acatoday.org – for a good chiropractor – Use their "Find a Doctor" tool to use their directory
      • Naturopathic.org – Use their "Find a Doctor" tool to use their directory
      • Undoctoredhealth.com – A good, relatively new directory of trusted practitioners
      • HealthProfs.com – Another decent directory
      • PrimalDocs.com – Good docs who treat based on an ancestral medicine approach
      • PaleoPhysiciansNetwork.com – Paleo "friendly" physicians

  3. Francis Bach says:

    You had mentioned that when you stay in a hotel, you use one of the drinking glasses in your room. I have an observation from years of business travel that you might appreciate. How are the drinking glasses in the hotel rooms (not the plastic cups wrapped in plastic), look cleaned?

    Who washes these glasses and where? Do not assume the maid service takes out the used glasses and replaces them. Have a look at the maid’s cart when it’s parked outside of a hotel room. Have you seen stacks of clean drinking glasses anywhere on the cart? Of course not, there’s towels, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, coffee, sealed coffee cups, towels, sheets and cleaning supplies. Not a replacement glass to be found on the cart. I’m not saying that they take a towel or their cleaning rag and wipe down the existing glasses in my room. I have yet to see a separate cart just for drinking glasses.

    That’s why I don’t use the drinking glasses in any of my hotel rooms during my travels.

    If there’s a wrapped paper coffee cup by the coffee maker, I’ll use that instead.

  4. Bailey Platt says:

    Ben, can you please answer for me this question? Is it bad to take a cold shower after a workout. Mercola seemed to think so in a previous podcast. If so when is the most optimal time to practice cold therapy?

    1. It's not advised. Best time would be in the morning.

  5. henk says:

    What are the benefits of NOT eating after a workout?


    And where are you getting your information that the majority of protein from whole food sources pales in comparison to an AA product?

  6. amity r messerli says:

    were you able to get a discount for the venom belt?

    1. Not right now, but stay tuned!

      1. Tomy Lulgjuraj says:

        What does the venom belt do?

        1. It uses heat and vibration to warm up, loosen, and relax sore/stiff muscles.

  7. Troy Marshall says:

    I’ll be so happy when this Keto fad ends.. it’s been coming around for decades in different forms, lasts for a year or two, and then disappears again… SOOO not healthy long term. The bad breath these people have is horrible..and the walk around looking like they haven’t slept is 3 days… mmm, great LOL

    1. Tedd says:

      I could not agree more, I can not find one health centered podcast that does not have a keto slant,

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