Can Plant-Rich Keto Cure Cancer, Clearing Up Collagen Confusion, Peanut Butter Flavored Bone Broth & Much More!

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Body, Diet & Nutrition, Health & Wellness, Low Carb & Ketogenic Diet, Podcast, Podcast-new

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Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, is a doctor of natural medicine, chiropractic physician and clinical nutritionist with a passion to help people get healthy by empowering them to use nutrition to fuel their health. He operates one of the world’s largest health websites at, which has over 17 million visitors a month looking for healthy recipes, herbal remedies, nutrition and fitness advice, and information on essential oils and natural supplements.

He is also the co-founder of Ancient Nutrition, which provides protein powders, holistic supplements, vitamins, essential oils and more to the modern world. Dr. Axe is an expert in functional medicine, digestive health and herbal remedies and founded one of the largest functional medicine clinics in the world, in Nashville, TN and served as a physician for many professional athletes.

Dr. Axe just published his brand new book Keto Diet: Your 30-Day Plan to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, Boost Brain Health, and Reverse Disease.

During this episode, we dive into the book, and more, including…

-The heartwarming story behind how Dr. Axe got into natural healing…7:50

-How Dr. Axe's business partner treated his own cancer naturally…20:20

  • Book: The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin
  • Book: Patient, Heal Thyself by Jordan Rubin
  • Garden of Life, founded by Jordan Rubin
  • Salmon Ceviche
  • Vegetable juice, salads, avocados, turmeric
  • Beat it naturally; no drugs, chemo, radiation
  • Dr. Axe calls Jordan the best supplement formulator in the world
  • Ancient Nutrition 
  • Permaculture courses at Jordan's farm in Missouri
  • “Food Foresting”

-What Dr. Axe set out to accomplish in writing his book…32:05

-How do you tackle the paradox of a ketogenic, thyroid-friendly diet…42:00

  • Do a keto diet for 30-90 days, then move into keto cycling;
  • Watch carb-intake
  • Utilize fasting
  • Rice is thyroid-friendly
  • “Keto Forever Cycling”
    • Intended for more than 90 day Keto dieting
    • Carb days, Keto days, alternating

-What does a ketogenic diet look like for a plant-based eater…51:30

-Rapid fire questions…55:10

-And much more!

Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.

Resources from this episode:

-Ancient Nutrition (use 15% discount code: BEN on any order)

-Book: Keto Diet: Your 30-Day Plan to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, Boost Brain Health, and Reverse Disease

How My Mother Survived Stage-4 Breast Cancer

The strange connection between your emotions and your organs

-Book: The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin

-Midwest Permaculture

Episode Sponsors:

Kion: My personal playground. It scratches my own itch. It's designed to help you live a joyous, fulfilling and adventurous life! Try the incredible new Berry Aminos. You'll love it. Use discount code: BGF10, and get 10% off your order.

Organifi Chocolate Gold: Sleep Better, Live Better With A Relaxing Cup Of Superfood Cocoa. Use the discount code here to save 20% off your order sitewide!

-Pura Thrive Keto Balance: Combines pure ingredients in targeted dosages through a superior delivery mechanism that is unrivaled by any other supplement on the market today. Save 15% off your order when you use my link.

Policy Genius: Handles all the red tape, negotiates your rate. No agents, just friendly, helpful advice. Find the right policy in just minutes.

Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Josh Axe or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!

Ask Ben a Podcast Question

17 thoughts on “Can Plant-Rich Keto Cure Cancer, Clearing Up Collagen Confusion, Peanut Butter Flavored Bone Broth & Much More!

  1. Luke Vitale says:

    Joshua mentioned the bone broth has collagen in it. What is the difference between the collagen in the bone broth as opposed to the collagen in the Multi-Collagen product he sells? Could I get all the benefits of collagen then from bone broth without the Multi-Collagen?

  2. Charlotte says:

    epic podcast!

  3. Robert says:

    Excellent conversation.

  4. Young Kim says:

    Discount code BEN does not work on Dr. Axe’s website.

    Can you please check

    1. I just tested it and there was not a problem…

      1. Dorota says:

        The code doesn’t seem to work.

  5. huguette martel says:

    Keto It’s not good to follow it for a long time.

  6. Bharat MV says:

    Dr. Axe mentioned at 17:00 that his Mom eat fried chicken which is very unhealthy. Did he mean about the chicken fried with low smoke point, unhealthy oils? Is it fine if we fry chicken with coconut oil/ghee? Are there are recommendations in general for frying chicken/fish? Like in terms of temperature, time, color until which we can fry?

    What is Dr. Axe’s view on airfryers?

  7. Siddharth says:

    Mind blown! Thank you!

  8. Laina says:

    I don’t have a thyroid, and can look at a piece of cake and gain a pound. I take levothroxine to replace the hormone my body doesn’t produce naturally now. Do you have customers/clients that have that issue, and how do they perform on a Keto diet?

  9. Al Brandon says:

    Great podcast as always. If you are going to do Keto don’t just eat butter cooked bacon in cheese! Get in those veggies!

  10. Rose Nicholson says:

    Great podcast! Thanks for the vegan/vegetarian question! Can’t wait to get the book!

  11. Eb says:

    Generally speaking, Is Dr. Axe’s keto protocol(s) safe for those without a gallbladder? I’m looking at buying his book, but worried this (keto in general) is not something advised for those without a gallbladder.

    I understand legally you can not make recommendations about my specific health, but I just want to know about this generally speaking.

    1. I'd highly recommend checking out the book… But you'd want to be sure to do plenty of things to help support the digestion of fats (eat slowly, enzymes, digestifs, etc) Also it would be smart to focus on fats that are more easily digestible (MCT oils, olive oils)

  12. Bryan Hardy says:

    Great podcast, I’m a little bit surprised that Ben openly mentioned Jordan growing psilocybin on his farm twice lol, perhaps it’s more legal in that state, besides that, the audio seemed to really break up on Ben’s end at around the 58-minute mark and throughout the rest of the show.

    Either way, great stuff as usual and now I’m super excited to dive in and check out more of his book and the various collagen/bone broth products on the market.

    I’m also starting to work with some cancer diagnoses in my practice and doing this kind of smart, holistic keto is definitely a big part of the program.

    Cheers and keep on rocking!

  13. Patty says:


    My comment is unrelated to this podcast and very relevant for your audience. It is a suggestion related to a little known condition that is directly tied to exercise and food: EIA or FDEIA (Exericse Induced Anaphylaxis, and Food Dependant Exercise Induced Anaphylaxis). It is an allergy triggered by the interaction of histamines released in the bloodstream as a result of increased body temperature from exercise reacting with any (or in some cases with a specific type) of food protein resulting in anaphalactic shock. It is just wrong how few trainers have even heard of this, yet have clients affected by it.

    Your content reaches so many trainers, by doing a podcast on this topic you have the opportunity to take advantage of a teaching moment and bring light to a very worthy little known topic. Managing this allergy is very challenging, your followers afflicted with it will be extremely grateful for any new research, insight, tips or suggestions and empowering those who work in the field with this knowledge is so necessary.

    1. This would be a great question to call into the podcast:…

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