The Most Potent Natural Alternative To Viagra (and One Of The Most Shocking Biohacks I’ve Ever Done).

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I lay as still as I possibly could, trying to resist the urge to peel back the sheet covering my crotch and get a closer look at exactly what she was doing down there.

Then she popped her head up. “You OK with that level? Want more?”

I pulled off an embarrassed grin and nodded. “Sure, turn it up all the way.”

The nurse reached for the dial on tiny gray machine next to my exam table seat and jacked it up all the way. Then, holding the sound wave wand attached to the machine, she turned her attention back to my groin, which was slathered in numbing cream, and continued to vibrate my nether regions with the pulsating action of her fancy medical tool.

So what the heck was she up to? 

Why was I laying in a pristine, white medical examination room in Aventura, Florida getting my penis pulsated?

And, perhaps most importantly, what was the consequence of me taking yet another one for the team (you!) and offering myself up as a sacrificial guinea pig to a state-of-the-art sexual procedure?

You're about to get the answer. And you're about discover the most potent natural alternative to Viagra that exists, one of the most shocking biohacks I've ever tried, and why I think I've stumbled upon a quite formidable drive and sexual enhancing tactic for both men and women.

The GainsWave Adventure Begins

As you may already know, in my daily routine I practice many of the strange biohacks in the article “The Ultimate Guide To Biohacking Your Testosterone: 17 Ways To Maximize Muscle-Building, Drive & Anti-Aging“, including bathing my gonads in infrared light, daily use of creatine (5 grams) every single day of the year, and even the use of a tiny little PEMF the use of a small tiny PEMF device called a “DeltaSleeper” for sleep, which combats the havoc that frequencies from things like cell phones can wreak on your testosterone and sperm levels.

When it comes to sex, drive and testosterone, I also cover the basics…

…I eat zinc and magnesium rich foods…

…I avoid excessive chronic cardio in favor of sprinting and heavy lifting…

…I get plenty of sleep…

…I eat lots of saturated fats…

…I don't drink out of plastic water bottles…

…you get the idea.

But when a company called “HealthGAINS“, based out of Aventura, Florida (with clinics all over the USA) reached out to me about some fancy sound-wave therapy protocol called “extracorporeal shock wave therapy,” also known as “audio frequency shockwave therapy”, I was intrigued.

They claimed that within a quick 20 minute procedure, this treatment could enhance one's sex life, build entirely new blood vessels to the genitals, fix drive and sexual issues, completely eliminate erectile dysfunction while increasing size and vascularity, and much more.

I was admittedly skeptical, but on a trip home from a yoga retreat in Costa Rica, I took HealthGAINS up on their offer for me to trial the procedure and stopped off in the Ft. Lauderdale airport to hop on an Uber over to their clinic headquarters to see what this supposedly natural alternative to Viagra was all about.

How GainsWave Works

If you listened to last week's podcast with Dr. Richard Gaines entitled “The Non-Pill, Natural Alternative To Viagra That Instantly Fixes Erectile Dysfunction, Boosts Drive In Men & Women, Enhances Orgasm & Much More.“, then you probably already know a little bit about the science behind this procedure.

The science behind the technology involves something called low intensity shockwave therapy. Shockwave therapy has been around for decades and was primarily used as a treatment for lipoatrophy (localized loss of fat tissue) and to break up kidney stones using high frequency acoustic waves. About 15 years ago, researchers in Europe (links to studies below) realized that by using lower intensity acoustic pulse waves, they could also apply these same waves to the penis without damaging the skin or organs. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall as a bunch of kidney doctors started blasting their crotches with sound waves to see what happened, but, anyways, based on this breakthrough, physicians were eventually able to treat erectile dysfunction at its root source: poor blood flow.

When the acoustic pulse waves are applied to the penis (or the vagina), they not only break up the micro plaque but also create a micro-inflammatory process that release nitric oxide, a powerful vasodilator and the same chemical induced via the consumption of Viagra, Cialis or any other male and female drive or sexual performance pill. Over the course of eight to twelve weeks after the procedure, new blood vessels in the genitals grow, a process known as “neovascularization”.

Over 40 scientific studies show that this therapy is more effective than other treatments including medications. However, partially thanks to the overcrowding of the sexual performance industry by pharmaceutical and supplement companies, there were no standardized protocols, machines, or training programs until the folks at HealthGAINS designed a safe and effective way to bring this technology to the masses, with the results of the technology and their patent pending protocols yielding an astounding 90%+ success rate.

As a bonus, these same shockwaves also have the ability to “wake-up” dormant stem cells in the penis, which can lead to improved erectile function and enhanced tissue growth. In other words GAINSWave therapy may also increase the size of the penis, in a much, much more potent way than, say, a penis pump. I'll talk more about my experience with that later in this article.

In researching this protocol (just to objectively determine whether sound waves blasted onto one's genitals is, in fact, safe and healthy), I came across several clinical studies that verify the effectiveness of GAINSWave therapy for the treatment of vascular related erectile dysfunction, specifically:

1. Shockwave treatment of erectile dysfunction

Summary: LI-ESWT is a revolutionary treatment of ED, and probably possesses unprecedented qualities that can rehabilitate erectile tissue. The clinical improvement in subjective erectile function together with the significant improvement in penile hemodynamics following LI-ESWT confirm that LI-ESWT has unique properties that may create a new standard of care for men with ED.

2. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease

Summary: After 12 wk, mean VAS score, mean IIEF-5 score, and mean Quality of Life score ameliorated significantly in patients receiving ESWT. In patients with Peyronie’s Disease, ESWT leads to pain resolution and ameliorates both Erection Function and Quality of Life.

3. Can low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy improve erectile dysfunction?

Summary: This placebo-controlled study over 5 weeks shows that 57% of the men who suffered from erectile dysfunction had an effect from LI-ESWT. After 24 weeks, seven (19%, active group) and nine (23%, active placebo group) men were still able to have intercourse without medication. This study shows a possible cure in some patients, but more research, longer follow-up in the placebo group and an international multicentre randomized study are needed.

4. Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction

Summary: LI-ESWT demonstrated a positive long term clinical effect with improvement in erectile function of Indian men with vasculogenic ED who were prior responders to PDE5i therapy. The efficacy and tolerability of this treatment, coupled with its long term benefits and rehabilitative characteristics, make it an attractive new therapeutic option for men with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction.

5. A 6-month follow-up pilot study in patients with organic erectile dysfunction

Summary: Significant increases in the duration of erection and penile rigidity, and significant improvement in penile endothelial function were demonstrated. Ten men did not require any PDE5-I therapy after 6-mo follow-up. No pain was reported from the treatment and no adverse events were noted during follow-up.

6. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction

The present trial shows the tolerability and clinical efficacy of low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy in a subgroup of patients with erectile dysfunction.

So in summary (just in case you decided not to don your white lab cloak and read the full text of every study cited above)…

…as men age, the vessels in the penis weaken, filling with micro-plaque, resulting in men having a harder time getting and maintaining an erection. Oral medications such as Viagra and Cialis do not address the root physiological cause of poor erection function but instead act as a band-aid by merely forcing blood into the weakened vessels. In addition, the need to constantly take pills and manage side effects, while a boon for the big pharma and drug companies, is not the best choice for patients seeking better erections naturally. Painless high frequency acoustic waves can open up old blood vessels, stimulate the formation of new vessels, and eliminate micro-plaque.

And hence the efficacy of GAINSWave.

Why Not Just Take Viagra Or Cialis?

So why not just take Viagra, Cialis, or any of the other boner pills one finds in their local physician's office, in online pharmacies, or “abroad”? Above, I touched briefly above on the fact that drugs like Viagra and Cialis don't address the root cause of the issue, and instead just blast blood into your genitals like a firehose.

But despite having personally experimented with these drugs for everything from sex to exercise performance (yep, they're Performance Enhancing Drugs and I was curious) I now have some other concerns about these pills too.

For example, researchers have found that men who don't need these pills but take them anyway because they like how hard it makes their penises are dooming themselves to a future of self-doubt and the sexual floundering that comes with underconfidence.

In other words, even if there was zero evidence linking long term use of something like Viagra to cause a physical, chemical or hormonal decline in a man's ability to get an erection, that doesn't mean that using Viagra or other erectile dysfunction drugs doesn't produce potentially bad effects for people who dabble without dick issues.

So one major problem with Viagra is not medical, but mental. Men who use these drugs risk getting themselves used to the sort of raging hard erections generated by chemicals and not the good, old fashioned organic ones they can make themselves, from scratch, using their own body and their own endogenous releases of nitric oxide.

As a result, guys can become less confident in their ability to achieve erection themselves, without the aid of fancy chemicals. And this can translate to less confident sex and more dissatisfied partners.

These drugs can also mask a natural decline in sexual functionality that could be highly related to, for example, cardiovascular disease. One well known fact in heart medicine is that erectile disfunction often precedes a heart attack, because you tend to lose blood flow to your nether regions before you lose blood flow to your heart. This means that men who quit Viagra or Cialis after a prolonged reliance on these drugs may not only be surprised by their complete lack of sexual prowess (which leads to underconfidence, which leads to awkward, nervous foreplay sessions, which leads to soft crying and rolling up in a confused and utterly dissatisfied fetal position on one's bed), but may also be masking a big warning sign their body is giving them.

And should you need yet another reason not to use sexual prescription drugs, you should check out the article “Long-term safety and effectiveness of sildenafil citrate in men with erectile dysfunction“. In this study, over a 4-year study period, a significant percentage of the men had one or more adverse events that led to changes in dosing or to temporary or permanent discontinuation and were determined by the investigators to be treatment-related. Of the events, headache and dyspepsia were most common, followed by rhinitis, flushing, abnormal vision, dizziness, heart palpitations, moderate tachycardia, diarrhea, nausea, myalgia, hypertonia, respiratory disorder, conjunctivitis, and photophobia.

No thank you.

What Happened After I Got GAINSWave

OK, OK, so I know you're wondering…what exactly did I experience after my quick 20 minute procedure at the HealthGAINS clinic in Florida?

First, don't get me wrong: I didn't just waltz in and get thrown into a room for some random medical team to begin poking at my genitals. 

I first sat down with Dr. Richard Gains for over an hour. He reviewed bloodwork, labs, health history, life history, and asked me a series of targeted questions about my diet, supplementation, exercise, sleep, stress, and of course, sexual performance. After that, I went through a full physical medical examination (that culminated in me being handed a bottle of “penis numbing cream”).

Second, regarding that latter point, I don't have erectile dysfunction or “drive issues”. As I explained to Dr. Gaines, I simply wanted to go from “good to great”, and also dabble in the better-living-through-science a clinic like his can offer.

Third, let's face it: after reviewing the science you've just read about, I was pretty intrigued with this whole extracorporeal shock wave therapy thing.

Anyways, as I was preparing to leave the clinic, a funny moment occurred when a member of the medical team asked me “if I planned to be with a woman that night”. I chuckled and informed him that I and my 90 year old Grandma were having dinner at a local Cuban restaurant and then, my groin still senseless from the medical numbing cream, hopped in my Uber and headed off to see Grandma.

Later that night, once the cream wore off, I woke just a couple hours after falling asleep with what we in the highly respectable scientific community like to call “a raging boner”. Having eaten my fair share of pork, Cuban black beans and rice, and plantain chips, I can attest to the fact that this was not an occurrence I would blame on the food in Florida.

I fell back asleep, but woke again in the mid-morning to pee, once again with a might large “tent popped” under the sheets.

That morning, when I finally awoke around 6:30am, my experience replicated just about every morning I experienced as a fifteen year old boy: big, healthy, vascular, hard morning wood.

I am now writing this article a full month after having gone through the GAINSWave procedure, and things haven't changed. Not only do I experience random “mini-erections” during the day, but whether it's for a morning quickie, an afternoon romp, or an evening adventure, my sexual performance has skyrocketed, as has my stamina, my firmness, my size, and my time-to-ejaculation.

Let's just say I was pretty pleased with these results, and I'm mighty grateful to Dr. Gaines and his team for turning me into the equivalent of (pardon the expression) a sex machine with more blood flow, bigger size and toe-curlingly phenomenal orgasms and much more.

Better yet, I don't need to pop any special boner pills, nor have I needed to return to the HealthGAINS clinic for any kind of follow protocol. The way they've explained it to me is that unless I have some kind of underlying medical condition that would cause something like erectile dysfunction, the results just kinda stick with you.

And I'm quite, quite happy about that.


So let's say you (you brave soul, you) want to go try this for yourself.

First, you can mosey on over to the HealthGAINS website and simply type in your zip code to find a clinic near you. If you want to go to the Miami, Florida area and have the protocol done by Dr. Gaines's office (which is what I did), just mention this article or “Ben Greenfield” to save 5% off your entire protocol and any follow-up procedures you decide to get done – (from P-shots for guys to O-shots for women to sound wave therapy and beyond.)



Yeah. If you listened to last week's podcast with the founder of HealthGAINS, a guy named Dr. Richard Gaines, then you know this GAINSWave thing isn't all these folks do.

For example, their P-shot (AKA the “Priapus shot”) was named for the Greek god of virility. It's basically a pain-free penis injection that uses PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP is made from you own blood. As in any procedure that uses PRP, the P-Shot begins with drawing a small amount of your own blood. They usually only need about as much blood as you would give for a simple blood test to make the injection. Then, using a centrifuge, they separate stem cells and growth factors from the red and white blood cells. What is left is the super-concentrated, super-healing Platelet Rich Plasma that is the basis of this penis enlargement shot, and when you inject it back in you supposedly get:

• Longer, firmer and more sustainable erections
• Penis enlargement
• Increased sexual stamina 
• Less problems with premature ejaculation
• Better sexual sensations and increased pleasure

They've also got, for you ladies out there, the O-shot. It's the same as the P-shot, really. It uses your body’s own growth factors  to increase blood flow to the vaginal area, resulting in smoother, healthier, skin on the lips of the vagina, a tighter opening, increased natural lubrication, improved drive, and an overall more youthful appearance.

And of course, they do everything else that you'd expect from a concierge age-management practice, like hormone optimization programs, sexual wellness treatments for men and women, testosterone therapy, hormone testing, supervised human growth hormone injections and a whole lot more.

So that's it.

Let me know if you try any of this stuff out, and keep me posted on the results. Of course, I take zero responsibility for any tents you may pop, new children you may acquire, herniated abdominals you may get from wild multi-hour romps in the bedroom or anything else you may experience from a sexual enhancement protocol.

Just do me a favor and throw out the boner pills.

In the meantime, do you have questions, thoughts or feedback about HealthGAINS, the GAINSWave protocol, or other natural alternatives to Viagra? Leave your comments below and I will reply!

Ask Ben a Podcast Question

41 thoughts on “The Most Potent Natural Alternative To Viagra (and One Of The Most Shocking Biohacks I’ve Ever Done).

  1. smith white says:

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    Kamagra global is the massive pharmacy, it’s selling medicine at World-wide. It provides all health-related medicine at an affordable price. Our pharmacy main work to Sell ED related medicine.

  2. Darren says:

    I am interested have you done other articles or podcasts on the subject of ED especially maybe in regards to SARMS.I watched and read the Gainswave transcript but 3000 is simply not an option for me.No one that I have talked to has offered the one time visit package it is either 6 or 10 visits and my insurance will not cover the procedure.My ED has made me anti social at a healthy 53 but shooting a needle in my junk doesn’t seem like a viable option and Viagra is ineffective because I am a diabetic at this point any help would be appreciated.

  3. john says:

    so when can you nuy your own machine, surely now 2019, there’s a miniaturised home tool, like everything else electronic?

  4. Eliza Wilson says:

    I like your post… It is very informative post.. Thanks for sharing this informative with us….The most common problems related to sexual dysfunction in males include ejaculation disorders, erectile dysfunction and impotency in men.

  5. Johan says:

    How many treatments did you have that only lasts you for 3 months? When I contacted Gainswave provider in my area, the doctor said I need to purchase a package of six treatments (which would cost $3,000) with a week interval for each treatment.

    I think it will be too expensive to spend $3K for only three months result.

  6. I am interested in this therapy, but could not find any provide outside of Northern America. Ben, I remember you mentioned that some European countries also having the same treatment.

    Maybe under a different name?


    1. I don't have any direct resources. Perhaps try looking up Acoustic Wave Therapy opposed to Gainswave.

  7. Dick Sol says:

    Is there anything like this in Europe?

  8. John says:

    Just listened to your podcast with Kevin Rose. Is the enlargement aspect permanent? Even while using the pump?

  9. Chet says:

    Since it’s been a few months now, I’m curious if you would still have the single visit treatment done again? Any added benefits after a few months?

    1. Ben Greenfield says:

      It wore off after about 3 months for me. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Zero Viagra required.

  10. Lilianne says:

    I’ve scheduled a appointment with a practitioner that is trained to do the GainWave treatment. The appointment is next month in April, how can I get the discount, if it’s still available.


    1. Hi Lilianne, Are you able to email this to [email protected]? She will help you out directly! Thanks.

      1. Jay says:

        I think it is worth pointing out (IMHO) a considerable portion of the fee for this service is to pay the commissions to the sales reps at HealthGain or other service/call center that interview you and soft qualify you for the procedure. My girlfriend just had the O-Shot yesterday from her OBGYN. $900 for the treatment and they also double centrifuge the platelets (a good option) And her OBGYN guaranteed results or would perform again in 6 weeks for their cost of the kit (a fraction of the $900) Her results were amazing just hours later. So $1900 from HG for just the P-Shot (essentially the same procedure) on a man, I believe is exorbitant. I believe over time, the cost of this procedure is going to plummet even further so my advice is use your urologist and or OBGYN to refer you directly to an MD and negotiate, there is a lot of margin in this procedure.

  11. Art says:

    Is this a proprietary device or it is available on the market? I heard on the podcast that it is approved by the FDA and would like to get more details on it.

    1. Not really available for home use…I'd contain HealthGains….

  12. melinda says:

    How does this differ from a vibrator? seems there are cheaper easier ways.

    1. Totally different. These are shock waves at a specific wavelength…

  13. Charlotte says:

    Will your wife go through the same therapy? Would love to hear more about women’s experience of the protocol.

    1. My wife really isn't into crazy biohacks but a ton of women have done this and swear by it. Even the nurse who worked on me did it to herself.

  14. Ryan says:

    Is this totally different than the “red light nut therapy”? Or is it similar results?

    1. Yep. Night and day. Apples and oranges. But yet just another way to engage in better living through science.

  15. Bob says:

    can’t imgine laying there naked and some hot nurse walks in and grabs ahold of your manhood to zap it with some wand gizmo. No way am I having a hottie grab my tickle stick unless she’s naked too. That has to be a horrible experience. Plus, you know she’s talking about your willy to the other nurses after you leave. Things like did you see how small his johnson was? or wow it looked like he was circumcised with a weed wacker.

  16. Ryan says:

    I would love if you did a short video on a good rebounding workout routine.

    I heard you comment on watching a biohacking spoof video where they were rebounding poorly. A snapchat or instagram video would be great. I’ve been doing 5 minutes a day for a couple months now.

    1. I'll see what I can do, stay tuned!

  17. John says:

    Care to comment on what your percentage increase in size was?

    1. LOL. I didn't measure but it was definitely an increase. She noticed too. ;-)

  18. This is an awesome and hilarious article. Much love to you Ben (and Jessica) for all that you do for for us!!!!

  19. Lance Schaeffer says:

    moderation? not sure what that means in this context, but keep up the good work on taking on these bio hack adventures?

  20. Lance Schaeffer says:

    Ben Did the 24 week placebo controlled study actually show that the Placebo group had a significantly higher success rate 23% vs 19%? for the treated group ?? Isn’t that a small problem?

    my first ever comment so someone else must have noted this fact? or mistake?

  21. Lance Schaeffer says:

    Ben Did the 24 week placebo controlled study actually show that the Placebo group had a significantly higher success rate 23% vs 19%? for the treated group ?? Isn’t that a small problem?

    1. Peter Yu says:

      ^^This. Sort of needs to be addressed.

    2. Martin Flynn MD says:

      That is AFTER 24 weeks. Subjective satisfaction is increased in 57% (vs. 9%) initially. Too, this is improvement not requiring medication. And the placebo group began receiving treatments after 10 weeks; that would explain it evening out.

      (full disclosure:

      I provide GainsWave sessions in Los Angeles)

  22. What is the “Roundabout cost” of the shock therapy per session. I se you only had 1 session?

    1. Give them a call. Specifically call the Florida office as they're offering big discounts for BGF customers…

      1. Mike says:

        Flying to Florida isn’t practical to everyone. I’d like to know the cost without the discount and if insurance is accepted.

    2. Johan says:

      I asked a doctor in NYC that does Gainswave. It costs $3,000 per package (for 6 treatments). The doctor in NYC doesn’t let you buy just one treatment.

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