The 2 Most Potent Hair Growth & Hair Loss Reversal Molecules Known To Humankind: C60 & GHK-Cu – A Big Hair Podcast With Entera’s Jay Campbell & Nick Andrews.

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As I was recently reading in a fashion magazine, hair has always been the primary indication of confidence for most men. When you consider that two-thirds of men see hair thinning by the age of thirty-five, and men’s hair restoration is a $1.5 billion industry, you began to understand how much confidence is attributed to a man’s hair. But why? In a Canadian survey conducted by researcher Rosemary Ricciardelli, men identified hair as being the primary link between their youth and attractiveness. Ricciardelli observed how men with a full head of hair—even the ones who weren’t otherwise particularly attractive—go out of their way to bring attention to their hair when meeting someone new. These full-haired men tended to be more relaxed and confident in demeanor when dealing with other individuals because they feel like they represent the standard for the ideal man.

Ricciardelli helped prove this theory by asking the participants to physically describe their ideal male figure. All of the participants described men who were clean-cut with a full head of hair. We’re unconsciously groomed (pun totally intended) and conditioned (ha!) to think that a healthy man has a full head of hair. But how does this psychologically affect the way men actually feel in their hair? Perhaps a full head of hair reassures them of their healthy biological standing. Maybe the loss of hair reminds men of their mortal vulnerability. Even men with gray hair prefer the color change over balding.

Beards also matter, as facial hair is also a key part of men’s self-identification. In one study, men with facial hair were considered more aggressive than clean-shaven men. Both men and women found men with facial hair to be more masculine, with a higher social status, than men who were clean-shaven. More interestingly, men who are bald tend to accentuate their facial hair as compensation for balding. With the double whammy of baldness and facial hair, a man’s masculine appeal could be through the roof.

So, to continue on the topic of hair and beard health in men (and the former in women too) that I visited on my recent podcast with Dr. Cameron Chesnut, I decided to continue to explore the topic of hair optimization.

My first guest, Jay Campbell, who first joined me on the podcast “Is Metformin Really Dangerous, Little-Known Peptides For Muscle Gain & Fat Loss, Testosterone Replacement Therapy & Much More!” is a 4x international best selling author, men’s physique champion, co-founder of Entera, and founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast. He is a Champion Men’s Physique Competitor and the best-selling author of the Testosterone Optimization Therapy Bible and of The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manual: How to Optimize Your Testosterone for Lifelong Health and Happiness.

Jay also wrote a very popular article on my website entitled Testosterone Decoded, Shattering Testosterone Myths (& Everything You Need To Know About Testosterone Optimization Therapy). As a global influencer on health optimization and raising human consciousness, Jay is no-nonsense, authentic, and fearless in his servant mission of leading humanity towards the Golden Age. Since returning from 12 days in The Sacred Valley of Peru, he's recently experienced a profound awareness of the importance of #RaisingTheVibration of humanity to reach planetary consciousness aka unconditional love.

Jay also introduced me to the company “Entera,” which he co-founded along with Nick Andrews (see below). Entera makes a copper peptide GHK-Cu and Carbon 60 (C60) (first explored in my epic podcast with Ian Mitchell) hair growth, beauty, and anti-aging formula that seems to be taking the world by storm of late. It is called “Entera” and I've been using it successfully to amplify my own hair growth, and also smooth out wrinkles and firm up the skin on my face. I've been quite happy with the results (you can get Entera's Auxano for yourself with 10% discount code BEN).

Also on this podcast is Jay's partner in crime Nick Andrews. As one of the world's top peptide product formulators, Nick draws from his 20+ years of expertise in the pharma world to develop industry-leading peptide cosmeceuticals.

During this discussion, you'll discover:

-The history of how the company got started…07:10

  • Auxano Grow in June 2020 (now called Entera)
  • Cosmeceuticals: products that have both cosmetic and therapeutic effects
  • Ben started using and promoting Auxano Grow
  • Jay and Nick have known each other since 2016
  • Nick was an MMA fighter and started experiencing thinning of the skin on his face (bleeding through his pores)
  • Dermatologists would just prescribe cortical steroids, which would thin your skin further over time
  • Nick is a biochemical engineer by education, worked in biotech and pharma for more than 20 years
  • He started making his own face creams to thicken his skin
  • Nick sent Jay a sample for Monica, Jay's wife, to use
  • Launched company in November 2019, but didn't do much marketing
  • Ben started using it and then promoting it and now the company is growing

-How GHK-Cu works…13:35

-How Carbon 60 aids in hair growth…20:40

-What roles testosterone and DHT play in hair loss…29:20

  • Almost all existing therapies in the market are in some way, shape, or form, attempting to inhibit DHT production
  • Products like Finasteride can cause significant side effects, particularly in men: ED, mood and well-being imbalance, sexual dysfunction, reduced libido, brain fog, and more
    • Blocking DHT creates these issues
  • PFS: Post-finasteride syndrome
  • Article: DHT inhibition is not a root cause of hair loss
    • The hair loss industry is founded on inexact science
    • DHT inhibition ultimately makes people addicted to the medication
  • If you stop taking Finasteride or Minoxidil, hair loss is exacerbated
  • Reducing inflammation is the #1 thing you have to do to improve hair re-growth and even reverse genetic predisposition to hair loss
  • Conair hairbrush
  • Massage the product into the scalp to get the desired results
  • Living a low inflammation lifestyle + red light therapy + massage Entera products into scalp = your hair WILL regrow
  • Vantis Institute
  • Women get just as good results, if not better than men

-The best way to use Auxano products for optimal results…46:20

-Other peptides or bio-regulators that might be useful…54:15

  • PTD targets one specific area, forcing the follicle to grow hair; PTD is available topically
  • Fundamentally, DHT is not the cause of hair loss, it's a contributory factor; the primary cause is a lack of blood flow
  • New formulations that include other peptides are going to be released in the coming months
  • The key is using the proper combination that will deal with the underlying issue of blood flow, not just forcing hair growth
  • PTD is legitimate and works but it has not been around long enough to see long term data sense on it
  • Snake oil product: Minoxidil has a rebound effect where hair loss is exacerbated if you stop using
  • People start losing their hair one week after they stop using Minoxidil

-The psychological link between having hair and perceived masculinity…57:15

-Additional products Jay and Nick recommend…59:40

  • Drink deuterium depleted water (DDW) to enhance mitochondrial health and neogenesis in the scalp
  • Derma rolling is an invasive procedure so you have to be careful (use code GREENFIELD to save 20%)
  • Products coming soon:
    • Auxano Evening—an overnight scalp treatment (coming out early 4th quarter of the year)
    • Auxano Lip—moisturizing and plumping product for the lips
    • Brow Serum
    • Auxano Beard
    • Auxano Ageless—will be as strong as Botox without the neurotoxicity
  • Discount on Entera products using the discount code BEN15
  • Ben also uses Kion Serum with the Auxano Grow

-And much more…

Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.

Resources from this episode:

– Jay Campbell And Nick Andrews:

– Podcasts And Articles:

– Gear And Supplements:

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Episode sponsors:

-Ra Optics: Purchase a pair of Ra Optics Day and Night Lenses to optimize sleep quality, energy, levels, and health in the modern, electrically-lit world. Receive 10% off your order when you order through my link.

The Boundless Cookbook: Optimize your physical and mental performance with nutritious and delicious Greenfield family recipes. This is your roadmap to a culinary journey that includes ancient food and wild game preparation tactics, bio-hacked smoothies, meat rubs, cocktails, desserts, and beyond—without any restrictive diet, limited ingredients, or tasteless “health foods!”

-Kion Refer A Friend: The Kion Refer A Friend program allows you to receive a gift—in this case $20 Kion bucks—for every $20 you send to a friend, family member, co-worker, or anyone really because there’s no limit to the number of friends you can refer.

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ChiliSleep: ChiliSleep makes both the chiliPAD and OOLER, innovative options that fit over the top of your mattress and use water to control the temperature of your bed and help lower your core body temperature to trigger deep, relaxing sleep.

Do you have questions, thoughts, or feedback for Nick, Jay, or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!

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50 thoughts on “The 2 Most Potent Hair Growth & Hair Loss Reversal Molecules Known To Humankind: C60 & GHK-Cu – A Big Hair Podcast With Entera’s Jay Campbell & Nick Andrews.

  1. Kevin says:

    !!! BEWARE of AESIR CUSTOM !!!

    I am long-time listener to Ben’s podcast and reader of his articles. I also spend a lot of money each month on Kion subscriptions and many products Ben recommends.

    However, Nick Andrews’ company, Aesir Custom, is continuing to process transactions on the website but not fulfill orders. The company’s email support address is no longer active, the support phone number is no longer in service, and multiple attempts to contact them via the website email form have resulted in no response.

    The sole reason I looked at Aesir Custom was because of Ben Greenfield’s interview and recommendation of Nick Andrews. I know it’s challenging and not the responsibility of the interviewer to continue monitoring the business practices and ethics of partnerships, however, there seems to be a theme appearing in Nick Andrews and his companies.

    I, and quite a few others online, have paid Aesir Custom hundreds of dollars only to receive no product and no response. I have initiated complaints on Nick Andrews with the Nevada, Florida, and New Jersey State Attorney General Offices, the Federal Trade Commission, and Local Law Enforcement in those states for fraud.

    I recommend you perform significant research and investigation prior to doing any business with Nick Andrews or his recent business partner(s) and co-founders.

    1. Kevin says:


      Today, I was contacted by Nick Andrews. He explained since April 2022 he has not been a legal owner or stakeholder of Aesir Custom.

      Unfortunately, Aesir Custom continues to use Nick’s name and imply his continued involvement on their “About Us” page, which led to the assumption I made along with many other frustrated Aesir Custom customers.

      I greatly appreciate the rapid response and the concern by both the team at Ben Greenfield and Nick Andrews.

  2. De Russel says:

    The hair growth become an issue lost all hairs with in 2 years time period and i am looking for some magic that help me to get natural hairs rather than transplant.

  3. Daniel Dorigiola says:

    Can someone explain what Vantis does and the technology?

  4. Daniel Dorigiola says:

    What about it just being Genetics?

  5. Ethan says:

    Nice article.Thanks for the info information,

  6. This is really a helpful topic. Hair loss is an important problem now a days.

  7. Shinay says:

    OPC grape is a great way to get the results. Thanks.

  8. Sean says:

    When is it best to use red light therapy (eg. iRestore cap) in combination with Auxano Grow? Immediately after or does it not matter?

    Aslo, Ben – when will you share your results using Auxano Grow with your audience?

    1. At minute 51 we discuss the best time to use red light . I frequently post pictures of my progress on my socials:

  9. Bryan says:

    Dear Jay, Nick, and Ben,

    The last couple years I’ve been in a pickle, because I felt like my libido was low, and I started trying vitamins/supplements. The supplements helped but then my hair started thinning, and since then I’ve been back and forth between what to prioritize; hair quality vs. libido/testosterone. Which products would you recommend to optimize both? I want to have great energy and also good hair. It sounds like you are saying that DHT is tangentially related but not the direct cause of male hair loss? (Yes I’ve listened to the podcast and am looking at the product ideas, but I’m curious if you’ve spoken to men in my situation before and what worked best for them)

  10. Andrew Miller says:

    What about the hair transplant that is frequently done in Turkey? Anyone take an aggressive stance against this procedure?

    1. Daniel Dorigiola says:

      I am currently looking into this right now

  11. Hi! This is my first visit to your blog!

  12. Great podcast! I was wondering if the benefits of Auxano carry past hair growth to gray hair reversal as well.

    1. Jay Campbell says:

      Hi Erik. Many of our customers (including myself) do experience darkening of the follicles to their original color. My hair has significantly darkened since introduction of Auxano V2. We don’t make this claim but Nick has mentioned there is science to support this effect.

      1. Thank you for the reply, Jay and for the info!

  13. John says:

    If the product works as well as you say, why such a limited money-back return policy? If anyone reads it it is totally up to your discretion.
    I tried it for three months with no results, There are many people that do not get any results. It may work for some but not for the majority.

  14. Karen says:

    The promo code: BEN15 only gives $0.80 off the recurring subscription, is this a mistake?

  15. John says:

    I don’t mind effective products being talked about, but this feels like an infomercial.

  16. Landon says:

    Wow, its insane how I use to view this website as a legitimate source for health information. This podcast was full of so much disinformation. I know that Ben Greenfield understands enough about human physiology to know this is snake oil. Its really quite sad to see him slowly transform into a dishonest peddler of ineffective products.

    1. Jay Campbell says:

      Hi Landon!

      I would recommend immersing yourSELF into the study of Quantum Physics to understand the meaning of projection.

      The Cosmic mirror is always in effect my brother.

      1. Chad Hartman says:

        Okay Deepak Chopra.

      2. C says:

        I don’t think someone needs to “immerse themselves in quantum physics” to understand the concept you’re accusing them of using. Also, it didn’t appear to me that Landon was trying to sell anything at all so I’m not sure you understand what you’re accusing Landon of. Finally, I have been interested in trying a few of your products but the comments in this thread that were ignored by you vs. the comments in this thread that were addressed by you do give me pause. While I understand that your business is something you have probably invested your hard work and heart in, I think that people should be able to express themselves in the comments section following a podcast without getting snarky replies by someone who is there to represent a business. You’re supposed to represent your business, not poke at people who feel skepticism. Maybe ask yourself why so many people feel cynical and try to address it in a constructive manner instead of trying to stick it to them. Your response seems immature considering that Landon is responding as a customer of this podcast and potential customer of your product, albeit cynically, while you’re here as the salesman. If I were you, I’d just be grateful that people like Landon were willing to give my pitch a listen in the first place. After all, for Landon, their time is also their currency.

  17. Daniel says:

    During the interview, Nick mentioned that you might start losing hair after a week when you stop using Minoxidil. What is the effect when I stop using Auxano Grow V2 Hair Growth Formula?

    1. Jay Campbell says:

      Hi Daniel. Nothing other than likely maintenance of whatever regrowth you attained *Provided* you continue to maintain a low inflammation lifestyle.

      Auxano does not disrupt hormonal pathways or attach to receptors in the scalp. It only improves scalp health via angiogenesis and reducing micro-inflammations.

      For those who have achieved significant regrowth or are happy with their current length, we recommend a maintenance dosage of Auxano at about once a week to continue to maintain scalp health.

      We will be releasing a future product that can be used in the evening to maintain your regrowth while also improving the health of your hair follicles.

  18. jessi says:

    I know you spoke a little about facial hair but it wasn’t 100% clear, can you still use these methods on your face? I did see they are coming out with Auxano Beard formula, so im sure that can be used, but meanwhile we wait, would it be bad to use these methods on the face?

    1. Jay Campbell says:

      Hi Jessi! We have many customers who are using Auxano for their beard.

      And there are women using micro amounts of Serum A on their eye lashes/brow.

      Nick and I would recommend waiting for Auxano Brow & Lash (coming by middle August) as a treatment specifically designed for Brow/Eye Lashes.

  19. Molly says:

    Can you use it for you eyebrows. I am a 41 year old female and I probably over plucked my eyebrows during my youth:)


    1. Jay Campbell says:

      Hi Molly! See the comment above.

      Brow and Eyelash Serum is coming by middle August but you can use Serum A (in micro dosages)now.

  20. Christopher says:

    Can Jay/Nick debunk the following hypotheses regarding the difference between Jay’s “before & after” pictures on their company’s website ( 1) The appearance of new/more hair in his “after” picture was 100% caused by the treatment Jay said he received at the Vantis Institute, like all the before/after pics on their website (; 2) There was no actual change (i.e. if Jay shaved his head now, we’d see no difference b/t unadulterated “before” & “after” pictures).

    As one of you alluded, we’ve all seen countless snake oil ads (weight loss, hair regrowth, etc.) w/ before/after photos w/ ostensibly “miraculous” results. If this is really as game-changing as you claim, I’d recommend going above & beyond, to credibly prove this to an audience who has seen dozens of similar claims.

    1. Jay Campbell says:

      Hi Christopher. Thanks for your comment.

      Debunk the following hypothesis?

      My brother, the before image is ‘AFTER’ I already had the Vantis Procedure (December of 2019). The photo was taken in March of 2020 at Vantis when I was making videos for Aseir’s Royal Blue Serum and Sky Blue Cream.

      All my new hair growth is the result of continuous usage (morning application or 1x per day only)since March 21st upon receiving my first bottle of Auxano V2 due to our first batch of V2 (December 2020) almost doing us in.

      I was able to use Auxano V1 for about 45 days back in August 2020 before we sold out and before V2 came.

      I”m happy to get the owner of Vantis to come in here and support my claim if you’d like?

      There is no snake oil with Auxano as we have conclusively proven and thousands of our customers have found out.

      Once you read the articles coming, you’ll understand the why and how.

      Let me make this very clear however.

      IF YOU ARE FAT, METABOLICALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL or HEAVILY INFLAMED, your results will be poor at best.

      Auxano only works if you live clean and have good blood flow to your scalp. Auxano Grow V2 is a scalp health product.

      If you use it, while focusing on lowering systemic and topical inflammation (living a clean #FullyOptimized life style), there is no reason you too won’t see regrowth. Your level of regrowth depends on genetics, your rate of loss, whether you still have active follicles etc.

      If you would like to discuss this in greater depth, feel free to email me: [email protected]

  21. Erik says:

    Disappointed to hear Jay & Nick taking credit for topical C60 for Hair Regrowth. Ian Mitchell has been selling that exact product ( for several years. Auxano uses a different carrier oil, which is an inactive ingredient, and they also left out the “activator” (dilution of DMSO) that Ian uses to help carry the C60 oil into the dermis. I suspect these changes had to be made to avoid completely infringing upon someone else’s intellectual property.

    It should also be noted that Ian, who knows a lot more about C60 than these guys, warns against UV exposure after topical application of C60. I believe it has to do with oxidation.

    I think Ben genuinely forgot that Ian has had this exact product (not oral) for years, but Jay & Nick had every opportunity to correct this mistake. Instead, they (Jay’s voice, I think) confirmed that they originated this mode of application by repurposing Ian’s products. That was the first “not cool.”

    1. Erik says:

      Another disappointment is the lack of any helpful information outside of their own product. I understand they’re here to sell their goods, but give people some benefit in exchange for listening to you for over an hour. Otherwise it isn’t a podcast, it’s an infomercial I hear that Red Light helps make their product even more effective, but no mention of Red Light’s stand alone benefits. An Anti-inflammatory diet makes their product even more effective, but no mention of diets benefit on it’s own.
      And lastly, MASSAGING THE SCALP. We hear that it potentiates their product, but no mention of it’s remarkable benefits as a stand alone therapy. I think it was Nick who pointed out several times that the primary driver of thinning/balding hair is LACK OF BLOOD FLOW (result of inflammation and/or chronically tensed cranial muscles). Simply massaging the scalp has produced hair regrowth results equal to (superior, in many instances) the major pharmaceutical interventions. WHY DON’T YOU TELL PEOPLE THIS?
      For those who have an extra $125/month, I think this sounds like a great product. By no means novel, but a good combination of two effective modalities. For those who don’t have the budget, and want some practical information and things they can start doing right away, check out Paul Saladino’s podcast with Robert English:
      He also has a service you can pay for, but the interview is “chock full” of valuable information and strategies. I was most surprised by the efficacy of Scalp Massaging as a free and effective way to revitalise hair regrowth.

      1. Jay Campbell says:

        Hi Erik!

        Great advice and commentary. Nick and I appreciate your knowledge and insights.

        I would encourage you to wait for our two part article launching Tuesday June 22nd (here) for much more clarity, science and depth about Auxano Grow and the mechanisms of action with regard to hair loss in general.

        There is a lot of exciting, novel and breakthrough information coming.

        Like the idea that DHT Inhibition and Testosterone mean almost ‘nothing’ in relation to causing or contributing to Hair Loss in men or women.

        1. Erik says:

          Looking forward to reading your article.
          I’m happy to see accurate information, as to the real cause of hair loss, coming forward. Of all people, I expect you to justly articulate a defense of DHT and Testosterone. :)

      2. Jay Campbell says:

        Hi Erik! Your insights and commentary are appreciated.

        But IT IS important I clarify some things.

        Massaging your scalp while somewhat effective to stimulate blood flow to the follicles in the dermis IS NOT as effective as massaging the scalp after applying an angiogenic product like Aseir Custom’s Serum A with Copper Peptide GHK-Cu.

        You clearly didn’t listen to the podcast closely enough as I go out of my way on our website, in my videos and in this specific podcast to mention the importance of gently massaging Auxano Grow (both Serum A and Serum B)into the scalp to maximize the absorption of the products and to improve blood flow to the follicles.

      3. manissha says:

        Hey Erik!
        Absolutely agree with all the points so articulately explained!

        I am a Hair Educator here in Dubai and the only reason I became one was despite launching a scalp oil for hair growth, I realised that most people just lead poor lifestyles exposed to chronic stress that alone contributes to majority of them facing balding issues which if reversed, could solve most of their issues including hair thinning issues!

    2. Jay Campbell says:

      Hi Erik! We have no intention of stealing Ian’s product and would never. Obviously our product is a two phase product and very different from Ian’s. We have a provisional patent in the delivery system we are using (as both dual and a one phase solution once the final formulation is tested and approved.

      Neither Nick nor I were familiar with Ian’s product. Sorry you feel this way about us. I would urge you to listen to the PC again as I said that our friend used Ian’s C-60 product in combination with Tailor Made’s GHK-Cu product.

      1. Erik says:

        I didn’t mean to imply that you guys “stole” Ian’s idea. C60 solutions have been sold as topical products in many Asian countries for well over 10 years, and I’m sure they’ve been using (and advertising) it for hair health/regrowth long before Ian. I’ve also been making my own ingestible and topical (primarily for hair) C60 products for several years (personal use), so I would be a “thief” as well. I was just surprised that Ben forgot that Ian was selling a C60 Hair Regrowth product, and I didn’t think it was possible for you and Nick not to know this. I am confident that you are not a liar, so I accept that I was wrong on this one. I apologize to you and Nick for the accusation.
        Yes, I understand that your 2 phase product is very different from C60 alone. I suspect the results from Auxano would not only be more complete, but much faster than either alone. I knew this combo product (2 of my favorite hair regrowth modalities) would come to market eventually, and I’m glad to see it was brought forward by guys who don’t compromise on quality. I don’t know your source for the raw C60, or who is producing the lipofullerenes, but I believe Tailor Made Compounding is the best resource for peptides.
        Congrats on the product, and thank you for solving a problem without creating new ones. If anything, it has “side-benefits.”

  22. Karen Knight says:

    What about women that experience hair loss as a result of menopause or thyroid disease? Is the root cause of this hair loss also lack of blood flow? Jay and Nick spoke mostly about hair loss in men and just made general statements that their product will also help women without addressing reasons why women experience hair loss.

    1. Erik says:

      I think you’ll benefit more from Paul Saladino’s interview with Robert English, found here:
      It’s a deeper dive into the underlying causes, for both men and women, and gives practical takeaways outside of “you need my product/service.”

      1. C says:

        Erik, thank you for contributing so much to this thread. These were incredibly helpful. Paul Saladino is great so I’m excited to listed to his pod. Unfortunately, I agree with the many criticisms of this podcast. I think you said it best when you said “Another disappointment is the lack of any helpful information outside of their own product. I understand they’re here to sell their goods, but give people some benefit in exchange for listening to you for over an hour. Otherwise it isn’t a podcast, it’s an infomercial” The truth is, this is likely the reason everyone’s spidey sense went to cynical when listening and frankly, I think I learned more from your comments than from the actual pod. Wish Ben would have taken the opportunity to push back a little more in this one.

    2. Jay Campbell says:

      Absolutely Karen. Thank you for your question as it is an important one. Once everybody is able to read the two part article that will be released next week on Ben’s site (It is a massive and deeply researched article about the causation of hair loss), you will understand that ALL HAIR LOSS is caused by a restriction of blood flow to the scalp.

      The causes of this are numerous and discussed in the article.

      We have thousands of women using Auxano as a scalp treatment in their hair with great results and success. It is critically important that upon application both Serum A and Serum B are gently massaged into the scalp to stimulate angiogenesis and maximal absorption into the dermis of the scalp.

  23. Greg says:

    Hi Ben, read that GHK should only be used for 5 to 10 days once year. I am an active and in my 50’s. What are your thoughts on frequency of injection cycles?

  24. Florian says:

    Using OPC grape seed extract powder daily is cheaper, and has plethora of benefits, next to hair (re-)growth

    1. Erik says:

      The grape seed oil isn’t the effective ingredient. It is simply used to create a lipofullerene when combined (stirred for days) with the the C60. Listen to some of Ian Mitchel’s interviews for more details.
      Simplified: C60 lipofullerenes are super antioxidants (100X’s more than Vit C), and can obliterate inflammation causing mitochondria to perform at a greatly enhanced capacity.

      1. Jay Campbell says:

        That is correct Erik.

        But remember the real benefit of our product and where we differ from Ian’s is in the concentration of the GHK-Cu.

        The C60 helps to function as a molecular sponge greatly enhancing the angiogenesis and collagen synthesis(brought on by the GHK-Cu) in the scalp helping to stimulate hair follicle health and ultimately regrowth.

        1. Jessi says:

          Absolutely correct Eric. I tried this with grape seed oil but no result.

  25. Chris says:

    I used to hang upside down and massage my scalp every day. That didn’t work either.

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