February 15, 2016
You've probably been living under a rock if you haven't noticed the myriad of “sleep-hacking” machines, sleep quantification apps and sleep supplements now hitting the market.
For example, in the podcast episode “The Man Behind The Advanced Sleep Hacking Tactics Used By The World’s Most Elite Athletes”, we discuss black polyethylene sheeting for windows, new-fangled wraparound sleep masks, portable travel humidifiers, dawn simulator alarm clock, lightweight portable HEPA air filters, nasal strips and a host of other new methods for enhancing sleep quality.
Then, in the podcast episode “A Navy SEAL Physician Reveals How Hard-Charging, High-Achievers Can Fall Asleep Fast“, you learn about shocking and scary things that happen to your body while you are sleeping if you take Ambien or Valium, and then we delve into potent sleep-enhancing nutrients such as Vitamin D, magnesium, fatty acids, GABA precursors, CBD.
And then there are actual machines, such as light and sound sleep machines, white noise machines and other forms of electrical stimulation. Most of these machine-based biohacks may produce signals that help you to sleep slightly better, but they have no actual cellular effects – meaning they are incapable of actually healing your cellular membranes, or mitigating free radicals or restoring your biology from jet lag, sleep deprivation, exposure to excessive electrical pollution, or other daily stressors.
However, there is one form of electrical stimulation that is actually capable of shifting your brain and body into deeper sleep, while simultaneously tuning your body’s cells for vastly improved ATP production and metabolic health. This form of electricity is far different than a Bluetooth or WiFi signal, and more like the natural electricity you would get exposed to if you were walking barefoot in the dirt outside (a practice known as “earthing” or “grounding”). The form of electricity I'm talking about is called pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF), and PEMF exposure during your sleep actually shifts your brain waves into deep sleep mode.
In this article, you're going to learn how PEMF works, the ways that I personally use it, and the type of devices out there that I recommend for PEMF use for everything from full nights of sleep, to napping to musculoskeletal injuries.
How I Quantify My Sleep Quality
Before jumping into an explanation of PEMF and the PEMF devices I personally use, I'm going to explain to you how I actually quantify sleep.
First, I avoid attaching a Bluetooth radiation emitting signal to my body or bed all night long while I sleep (for reasons I discuss here), and I also don't use the notoriously innacurate motion sensing devices in an iPhone or Android app to quantify sleep. Sure, these methods can be useful for very short periods of time to “check in” on your number of sleep hours, how long it's taking you to fall asleep, respiration rate during sleep, etc., but I've found that regular use of these sleep-tracking devices often isn't worth the trade-off, due to either:
1) exposure to dirty electricity during each night of sleep or (and this happens to me) and/or;
2) mild insomnia and an unhealthy obsession with the numbers that are showing on your phone when you wake. In other words, just like counting every calorie seems to make you excessively hyper-aware of food and potentially sucks the enjoyment right out of eating, shoving a phone under your pillow to track every night of sleep can sometimes leave you staring awake at the ceiling at night pondering your sleep latency, sleep hours, sleep phases, etc.
So what do I use instead?
As I've discussed in a plethora of previous podcasts and blog posts, I simply roll over each morning when I wake up, put on a heart rate chest strap, and conduct a very simple five minute measurement of my heart rate variability (HRV), which allows me to measure how well I've recovered, and the actual strength of my nervous system when I awake. This directly correlates to the quality of my sleep, and my physical and mental readiness for the day. To learn more about the NatureBeat app I use for that and how HRV works, click here.
For example, I recently posted the following to Facebook:
I used PEMF (article coming soon!) last night over my brachial plexus. If that's Greek to you don't worry…I'll explain…
Posted by Ben Greenfield on Wednesday
and also this:
Interesting sleep last night. Wore pulsed electromagnet over collarbone AFTER waking one hour early and it sent me into…
Posted by Ben Greenfield on Monday
The images and discussions above are perfect examples of why I use HRV when I wake: HRV is a good measurement of all the biological functions that should be getting optimized if your sleep cycles are optimized, including sympathetic nervous system strength, parasympathetic nervous system strength, nervous system recovery, and heart rate.
Why Delta Sleep Is Important (And How Sleep Stages Work)
You'll notice that in those Facebook posts, and in a couple recent podcasts, I mention a PEMF device I've been using for sleep. Before getting to that device, and how I'm using it to get into fast and deep delta brain waves states, it's important that you understand how delta sleep actually occurs.
As you learn in the podcast with Dr. Kirk Parsley that I referenced earlier, sleep is a heightened anabolic state – a period when your body is producing new bone, muscular and nervous tissue – a period when heightened growth and repair occur. For many years, sleep was considered a passive activity, but in the mid 20th century, it was discovered that during sleep, your brains is highly active. In 1953, Nathaniel Kleitman and Eugene Aserinksy demonstrated by means of electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings from normal subjects that sleep is actually comprised of different stages that occur in a specifically programmed sequence.
A normal sleep pattern entails cycling through five stages. The first four stages are referred to as Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep. The fifth stage is known as Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During a normal sleep cycle, people pass through all five stages. A complete sleep cycle typically lasts between 80 to 120 minutes then starts over.
Stage 1:
In this stage you drift in and out of very light sleep and are easily awakened. Muscle activity declines and your eyes move very slowly. It’s during this stage that many people experience the sensation of falling and a sudden involuntary jerk.
Stage 2:
As you move into Stage 2, your eyes stop moving and your brain waves slow down.
Stages 3 & 4 (your Delta Sleep stages):
During Stage 3, your brain produces extremely slow waves with occasional bursts of faster brain wave activity. As you enter Stage 4, your brain produces extremely slow waves almost exclusively. These stages are known as “Deep Sleep” or “Delta Sleep”. When you are in Delta Sleep, there is no eye movement and reduced muscle activity. It can actually be difficult to awake from Delta Sleep (which is why I don't like normal alarm clocks, since they can rip you out of this stage). It is during these stages that your bodies emit growth hormones and works on repairing physical damage done during the day.
Stage 5 (REM Sleep):
In Stage 5 of sleep, your brain wave patterns rise to levels similar to those when you are awake. Your heart rate increases and your blood pressure rises. Your breathing is irregular and shallow and becomes more rapid. Your limb muscles are temporarily paralyzed and your eyes jerk rapidly (hence the name REM, or rapid eye movement). It is during REM sleep that most dreams occur. During this period your brain is busy organizing the information gathered during the day. Information accrued is moved into areas of long term memory and areas of the brain used for learning and recall.
As you learn in my podcast episode with Nick Littlehales, if you're serious about your health, physical performance and mental performance, then during any 24 hour period, you should ideally attempt to achieve five ninety-minute cycles of each of these sleep stages. If this doesn't happen, sleep deprivation occurs, and can become a chronic sleep-restricted state that causes fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight gain, and can adversely affect the brain and cognitive function long term.
Historically, pharmaceutical products are the most common modalities used for the treatment of sleep deprivation, with approximately $2.4 billion annually spent on hypnotics and sedatives. A major concern for those prescribing and using insomnia medications should be the high risk of dependency, withdrawal problems and rebound insomnia, along with memory loss, sleepwalking, gut issues and altered mood states like depression during the day. In other words, these products are like getting yourself addicted to hitting yourself on the head with a hammer to get yourself to go to sleep, and waking up with very subpar nervous system recovery.
Products containing antihistamines, like benadryl, don't work any better, and can cause daytime sleepiness, cognitive impairment, dizziness etc. The times I have personally used anti-histamines to help with sleep, my HRV has dropped down into the sixties, which is extremely low and indicate of completely beat-up nervous system.
And of course, to make the problem even worse, gone are the days when all a bedroom contained was a bed, clothes and a few personal items. Modern bedrooms are now filled with a range of technology and gadgets, which mean we have unfettered access to our TV’s, phones, tablets, games and more. But how does all this technology affect our sleeping patterns? By interrupting the natural process of the brain achieving a heightened anabolic state, they are all completely incompatible with allowing you to get deep, Delta sleep.
But let's say you know all this already.
Let's say you've sorted your sleep hygiene, you're using pre-bed sleep nutrients like magnesium or melatonin or cannabidiol or lemon balm or anything else I've discussed in the past, you're keeping light-emitting devices away from your body while sleeping, etc.
And let's say this stuff either doesn't seem to be working for you, or perhaps you're sleeping just fine but now your goal is to simply get into your deep sleep phases as quickly and effectively as possible, to 100% optimize your sleep and to achieve the kind of HRV scores I've personally been waking with.
Enter PEMF.
How PEMF Affects Sleep
As described above, your brain naturally generates specific electromagnetic frequency patterns that reflect which stage of sleep you are in. The process of falling asleep, staying asleep, dreaming and awakening each generate their own specific pattern. If you expose your body to specific PEMF frequencies that simulate the frequencies your brain would normally be producing, you can get your body into whichever sleep stage you're targeting.
How does that phenomenon happen, exactly?
When presented with a rhythmic stimulus, your brain has the potential of responding to that stimulus by synchronizing the central nervous system’s electrical activity to the rhythm stimulus. If the rhythmic stimulus is a pulsed magnetic field, your brain can synchronize to the pulsed magnetic field. This synchronization is called “entrainment”. Entrainment has the greatest probability of occurring if the pulsed magnetic field is similar to the pulsed magnetic fields found in nature.
This is why, for the past three years, I've been using a PEMF device called the “EarthPulse PEMF Sleep Machine“. The way that that the Earthpulse works is that you place it under your mattress, and then, when you turn it on before you go to sleep at night, it begins to produce PEMF waves at a frequency of 10Hz. This frequency lulls you from wakefulness into your natural sleep stage progressions. You can also set the Earthpulse to generate a signal that, for example, helps produce wakeful, focused Alpha brain waves while you're working or prior to workouts.
You can learn more about the Earthpulse in this podcast I recorded with Paul Becker, the inventor of the device. As a matter of fact, next week, Paul is coming back to the podcast to discuss how to use the EarthPulse for more than just sleep, and how to use it post-workout to accelerate ATP production and how to place it over injuries such as stress fractures and swelling to accelerate healing.
Here's what the EarthPulse looks like:
Because the EarthPulse is so friggin' powerful, I've personally found it to be extremely efficacious for quickly healing cellular repair and eliminating jet lag after heavy travel, and also for using on injures such as stress fractures and soft tissue inflammation.
The Latest PEMF Device I've Been Using
But, lately, in my quest to achieve completely optimized sleep and to see how different PEMF devices compare, I've been experimenting with a new PEMF device.
This newer device is called the SomniResonance® SR1 DeltaSleeper, AKA the SR1. The SR1 is much smaller and lighter than the EarthPulse, it easily fits in your pocket, and it looks like this (the round thing is the disposable adhesive sticker that you use to stick it to your collarbone, a technique I'll clarify in just a moment):
The SomniResonance® is a small, non-invasive, ½ oz. lightweight, battery-powered device that delivers a weak (much weaker than the EarthPulse frequency, for reasons I'll describe below) pulsing electromagnetic signal to induce sleep.
When your head hits the pillow, or you're in an airplane or car trying to sleep, you push the little On button on the front of it, it turns on for 22 minutes and then automatically turn off. These 22 minutes are the length of time it takes for you to get into Delta sleep. If you wake up during the night, or something wakes you up, you can turn the SR1 on again by pressing the On button again. After 22 minutes it will automatically turn itself off again.
You place the SR1 over your mid-collarbone area, which is near your brachial plexus, as shown below (and no, as a side and stomach sleeper, I haven't found this to interfere with any of my positions).
Why the specific placement over the brachial plexus?
The brachial plexus is a somatic nerve plexus formed by the intercommunications between the ventral rami (roots) of your lower 4 cervical nerves (C5-C8) and the first thoracic nerve (T1). By placing the SR1 over either the left or right side brachial plexus, the network of nerves acts as a carrier, transmitting the signal from the device to the brain. The Delta wave frequencies then lull your brain into a deep natural sleep.
When you have difficulty falling or staying asleep, usually that means the normal frequency patterns of the brain are altered. By mimicking the normal frequency patterns of the brain in the process of falling asleep, the SR1 gently encourages your brain to fall asleep. The beauty of this technology is that there is no limit to the use of the device per sleep period. If your sleep is interrupted, you can simply reactivate the device and the process of falling asleep starts over again.
Our current definitions of sleep rely heavily on EEG recordings to reveal the patterns of electrical activity of the brain. The brain consists of many billions of neurons. Neurons process and transmit information as tiny electrical signals called nerve impulses or action potentials. Sleep scientists can use an EEG to record the patterns of electromagnetic activity that are created by signals generated from large populations of neurons. To create the SR1, the sleep scientists at SomniResonance® studied the brain's natural electromagnetic frequency patterns, voltages, currents, magnetic and electrical field strengths of sleep, then figured out how to simulate those same patterns by feeding information from the brachial plexus into the brain.
Science. Sleep. Two things I personally love.
There are no known side effects from the use of this device other than lucid dreams (which I've personally experience, and find to be a pretty cool side-effect), and while I don't personally have a sleep disorder, the device's website reports that users have experienced immediate relief of sleep disorders and other sleep deprivation symptoms. The website also has documented cases of nightly users of sleep aids for up to twelve years who experienced a med free full eight hours sleep with the device on the first use, with no negative side effects. And that's the other thing: there is no work up or acclimation required with the device – it simply starts working the first night or nap for which you use it.
In addition, the SR1, designed to deliver frequency specific pulsed magnetic fields that mimic the naturally occurring pulsed magnetic fields of the central nervous system during the sleep process, has cleared the stringent requirements of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
So basically, the SR1 generates frequency specific pulsed magnetic fields that copy your sleeping brain’s naturally occurring pulsed magnetic fields. The SR1’s frequency specific pulsed magnetic fields entrains your brain to gently and effectively move through your normal sleep patterns.
How The SR1 Is Different
Other PEMF sleep devices on the market, including the EarthPulse, generate a pulsed magnetic field of 650 gauss. This magnetic field is about 10,000 times stronger than the 0.05 gauss field produced by the SR1. While these fields can often be extremely efficacious for enhancing sleep and, like I mentioned earlier, can also be used at specific settings to heal injuries faster or produce Alpha brain waves, some folks have found them to actually disrupt sleep when used regularly. They're just very, very big guns when it comes to PEMF.
To put this into context, the best quality headphones you can find generate what is called a “time varying magnetic field” of 1 to 2 gauss. To generate a magnetic field of the magnitude of 650 gauss requires a continuous power source. This is why most PEMF devices must be plugged into a 120V source (a wall outlet in your house or hotel room for example) during operation. Some argue that magnetic field strengths in the realms of other devices are not natural, and that the pulsed magnetic field of very strong devices may be out of the range of a low risk device. While I'm convinced that the EarthPulse is safe, it is something that must be placed under your mattress, and unless you're using it according to specific instructions on an injured body part, shouldn't be placed near your head, on your brachial plexus, etc.
Rather than using that 650 gauss PEMF power, the SR1 uses a magnetic field about 10,000 times less: 0.05 gauss. So it's small, you don't plug it in, and you can place it directly on your body for longer periods of time.
So besides being United Labs safety tested and approved, as well as reviewed, legally cleared and classified low risk by the FDA, there are several significant differences between the SR1 sleep device vs. other PEMF devices on the market, including:
- The SR1 is a stand alone technology that does not require charging ports, since it is powered by a tiny 3 volt watch type battery.
- It does not require external wires connecting it to another device, or any other external device applications to direct, operate or function. No WiFi. No Bluetooth. No plugging in.
- The SR1 is precisely designed to target sleep disorders, insomnia, and waking up in the middle of the night.
- Since you're wearing it on your body, it does not affect others in the bed.
- At 1/2 ounce and 1/8 the size of a smartphone, it is highly portable. You can literally slip it into your pocket, laptop case, bag or purse.
Like I mentioned in those Facebook posts above, I've been using the SR1 nearly every night for sleep and nearly every day for naps. Sure, when I'm jet-lagged or have an injury to address or have just finished a big race or I'm in any other situation for which I need to drag out the PEMF “big guns” for sleep, I still turn to my mighty EarthPulse. But this small, elegant, portable SR1 is my favorite new sleep biohack, it's game-changing sleep technology, and I'd highly recommend you give it a try. In an ideal scenario, to get the best of both worlds of PEMF, have a big, strong device like the EarthPulse, then a smaller, gentler device like the SR1. That's the way I'm rolling now.
So if you struggle with waking up in the night, having a hard time falling asleep, insomnia, difficult taking naps…
…or you just want pursue 100% optimized sleep, this new device is well worth it. It comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee, so it's definitely worth a try!
Do you have questions, comments or feedback about using PEMF for better sleep, the new DeltaSleeper PEMF device, or anything else from this article? Simply leave your thoughts below and I'll reply. If you want to try the SR1 for yourself, simply click here and use 5% discount code “Greenfit10”, and stay tuned for a podcast about the EarthPulse coming next week!
Update #1: Device Efficacy
For this, I would direct you to the PEMF Research and Sleep page of the DeltaSleeper website. It is extremely informative and covers several independent research publishings and peer reviews from the US National Library of Medicine. Here's an excerpt from one of several abstracts: “Slow oscillations underlie characteristic features of the sleep EEG, such as slow waves and spindles. Here we show that, in sleeping subjects, slow waves and spindles can be triggered non-invasively and reliably by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).”
While doing your due diligence on the SR1, keep in mind that the device has passed the stringent guidelines of Underwriters Laboratories, receiving a UL certification E464228. All claims made by the company have been reviewed and cleared by the Food and Drug Administration, which has classified the SR1 as low risk. The company has gone through the appropriate channels and measures to ensure the safety, validity and performance of the technology.
By utilizing the brachial plexus on your upper chest, the weak pulsing electromagnetic signal is communicated from the SR1 device via the peripheral nervous system to your central nervous system. As far back as 1992, the National Institute of Health (NIH) in a pivotal report stated:
“Electrical currents in the body can produce magnetic fields that extend outside the body. Those that extend outside the body can be influenced by external magnetic and electromagnetic (EM) fields and changes in the body’s natural fields may produce physical and behavioral changes.” NIH, Expanding Medical Horizons: A Report to the National Institutes of Health on Alternative Medical Systems and Practices in the United States. 1992, National Institutes of Health: Bethesda, MD.
I have received plenty of questions lately about the exact placement of the device.
Here's a creepy video from me that shows you exactly where to put it. More instructions below (this is important, because you only get the full benefit of it sending you straight into deep sleep if it really, truly is placed over your brachial plexus!).
Locate the brachial plexus by depicting a line between the lower throat, just above your sternum, directly across to the side of your arm. The landing point for the centerline of the device is slightly towards the outside arm, off center, 1-2 inches below the collar bone. If you are a side sleeper and feel the device is uncomfortable against the body, the device can also be applied vertically.
…if you are currently using a prescription sleep aid, you should not stop cold turkey. There is a vast difference in OTC meds that function off antihistamines (you CAN stop those stop cold turkey) vs. molecular manipulation from prescription medications. Even a product such as Ambien, which is considered a non-benzodiazepine, still binds to the Benzo1 receptor whereas the likes of Valium binds to all benzo receptors. So even though it is marketed and as a non-benzodiazepine, the system still becomes dependent on Ambien just like it becomes dependent on Valium.
In conjunction with the SR1, for folks who are dependent on prescription sleep medications, some physicians are also using acupuncture to rehabilitate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, as the prescription meds get these systems way out of balance. It's recommended to step off sleep meds over a period of a few weeks. For example, if you are taking long-acting 12.5mg benzodiazepine, then get to 10 mg, and try that for 2 weeks. After that step down to the 5 mg for two weeks, then off altogether, all while using the SR1 device every night.
Some physicians are also treating patients with fibromyalgia and chronic pain using the SR1 device, including Dr. Elizabeth Solomon, who has found that the deep beneficial sleep prompted by the device allows the using patients to get a much more rejuvenating sleep that aids in the healing and recovery of her modalities.
Two important updates:
1. Due to extremely high demand for the DeltaSleeper, the adhesives used to place it on collarbone (or other areas of your body) are on backorder until early June. But fret not, we have found an alternative adhesive that is very budget-friendly and works just as well. You can cut these in 3 or 4 pieces and really stretch your adhesive budget.
I have the Earthpulse and don’t sleep better with it. Tried 1,2Hz many times, now 4,8Hz once. 100%, beneath the top layer of my mattress, below my head/neck. I tried it for hours during the day at 9,6Hz, but my Muse S combined with the sleep monitor app is not showing an increase of this frequency.
If such a powerful device doesn’t work for me, I wonder if there’s a point in trying the Deltasleeper? I have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, extremely little or no deep sleep and REM very mixed. It’s related to anxiety and symptoms related to it, nervous system dysregulation (too much sympathetic, too little paradympathetic)and now tolerance to benzodiazepines, which I wish I never started, but now it’s too late to quit cold turkey.
I purchased a SR1 Delta Sleeper device based on your podcast and advice. Are you still using it? Have you come across anything that is now more effective? I am struggling to see a difference with it…..calling Michael numerous times. Thanks for the help.
Hey Ben, was just reading the new deep sleep article (Dr. Olli Sovijärvi) and noticed the SR1 is not listed in there. I see only the quite expensive full body systems and mats in that new article. Is this SR1 still recommended for someone on a budget that struggles to get more than 8% deep per night per oura? I’m also quite curious about the lucid dreams reference as I’ve been trying to learn that skill so perhaps I can improve both my deep sleep and lucidity with 1 product. Thanks so much for your contribution to our planet!
I second this. I’d like clarification on what you use currently.
Hi Ben, how are you? Now that you have the Kion Sleep I was wondering if you are still using the Delta Sleeper? Also, do you still use the Earth Pulse? Thanks for your help. Jota.
Maybe you have written in somewhere else blogpost, but i can’t find it anywhere nomore… Do you know any alternatives for adhesives like Nikstix which i can buy from Europe?
Thanks mate!
Hi Ben, always love your information….thanks. Question is I am looking into using the EarthPulse when sleeping. I currently have been using a ground mat during sleep and have had good results…do you know if I could use the two together? Any addd benefit or would it not work properly? New to PEMF. Let me know your thoughts. Greatly appreciate your time. Thanks and keep the good information coming! 👍
Hi Ben,
I was just wondering whether those two devices above would assist someone with sleep apnea????
Your feedback is much appreciated.
Possibly if used in conjunction with something like a sleep apnea mouthpiece. I have an entire podcast on sleep apnea I recommend checking out: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/sleep-po…
Just one thing I don’t get…I’m new to sleep science….How does going straight to the Delta wave frequency via entrainment facilitate the movement through natural sleep cycles? Do you just move more quickly through stages 1&2 and then move into stages 3&4 brought on by the device? Does the entrainment principle and the use of the Delta wave frequency somehow facilitate progression through the sleep stages so that you have a natural, refreshing sleep? How does using the device and the immediate Delta wave frequency from wakefulness result in spending longer in deep Delta wave sleep – stages 3&4?
Just one thing I don’t get…I’m new to sleep science…The SR1, via entrainment, facilitates you moving into the Delta wave sleep stage easily. So you’re not beginning with stage 1&2 of the sleep cycle, you’re going straight to those Delta waves? How does the fact that you go straight to Delta wave frequency from wakefulness ensure that you then move through all the sleep stages nicely, and that you increase the amount of time that you spend in stages 2-4 (deep sleep)?
Is there a better adhesive for sensitive skin for the delta sleeper? I have tried multiple different adhesives and got rashes from all of them.
Jayne, I believe this is the only one, but read this from their page… "The SomniResonance® SR1 sleep device is adhered to the body with a medical grade double sided mild adhesive, from Nikstix. Irritation can be caused by the way users remove the device. One should grasp the device on the lower part and remove slowly, in a peeling fashion, to minimize any possible skin damage. If possible, it is best to move the device to a different side every night – say left side then right side, until the skin becomes acclimated/conditioned to the adhesive." Hope this helps!
It may be way too late for this reply but worth trying. If you react to even so called sensitive skin adhesive there is a good chance you are allergic to colophony (pine resin). If you want to test this get the pink sticky Elastoplast tape and stich a small piece to you arm just below the elbow un the upper surface. If you react within about 48h you have a colophony allergy. Research it- it is everywhere. The only adhesive I can use is Tegaderm which is not cheap.
Hey Ben,
Great info, appreciate it all! My search to optimize my sleep keeps leading me back to SR1. My last concern is that I won’t be able to get some of the other benefits of PEMF for recovery like you could with the EarthPulse. What would you say to this? Many thanks.
The earthpulse does have some extra features but it is also more expensive. To get the full benefits, you could get it. If it is just for sleep though, the Delta sleeper is fine.
can u tell me more about lucid dreaming and the pemf
Back of the head (occipital area) worn at 3Hz during the night!
curious to say the least…
can you tell me more about your experience with the machine and lucid dreaming..
I bought an EarthPulse last year but found it made my insomnia worse. So I recently bough an SR1. I notice that it does induce sleep which is very encouraging(!!), however, it feels like its putting me in a lighter sleep than normal – not a deeper sleep. It is as though the device puts me into a semi-awake-semi-dream-like state when I use the SR1 which does not feels restorative. I dont have any data to prove this, its just a sense. I wake up more frequently when I use the device and I feel more exhausted than usual, which is paradoxical given that it does indeed seem to put me to sleep. Strange…..
Its only been one week so I presumably just have to keep persisting. Would love to hear from anyone else who has had similar experience or any advice.
I’m curious to know how the device works for you now after a couple of weeks?
I’ve been using it nightly for about a month now. I would say its only having a very marginal positive effect on my sleep. Sometimes I push the button and fall asleep quickly which is great, but sometimes I have to push it 3 times (3 x 20 minutes = over an hour) before I fall asleep. And then I might wake up 2 hours after that and do it all again. Its hard to know if that’s how I would have slept without the device anyway. Sometimes I feel like it still puts me into a light dream state which is kinda cool, but again not sure if its giving me more overall sleep than before. Some nights I sleep well but as mentioned, that might have been that way irrespective of the device.
I have tried it on my chest and on my forehead, but I didn’t like the forehand because I could hear a faint buzzing noise which was distracting because you’re aware of the fact its still on and wondering how long its got before it turns off. Sometimes I find myself looking down at the device to see if the light is still on, wondering if its time for me to press it again. They say not to look at the clock in the night, but this device is a bit like having a clock stuck to you. When a cycle goes by and you’re still awake, you think “oh damn, there goes another 20… 40… 60 minutes”.
Its been hot here in Australia where I live, so its a bit harder than usual to sleep. That might be giving it an unfair disadvantage. I’m still hopeful this will improve more over time so will continue to use it. (which I couldn’t do with the EarthPulse because it made things so much worse)
Thanks for the update! It is interesting that it seems to work for some and not for others. I have ordered one that should arrive in the next day or two. Hopefully it will work. :-) Have you been in contact with Deltasleeper for advice on how to improve its effect?
Yes I have been in contact with the company who basically told me it can take some time to re-train the brain and didn’t really offer me any real suggestions. I’m not sure i’m making much progress yet, and not sure if it takes longer than a month for some people.
They also told me they have success with 82% of customers.
I seem to have better success when I only use it after 4am ish. If I use it before that, it disrupts my sleep too much. But my sleep is disruptive anyway after 4am so I dont have much to lose at this point in the night.
I would love to hear your experience. Please make a post for us!!
Hi Ben,
Courtesy of your advice, I have bought both the SR1 and the Earthpulse. I have trouble falling asleep, and usually if I don’t fall asleep quickly then my anxiety builds and it ends up being a rough night. Do you think it is ok to use both the Earthpulse and the SR1 together?
Hi Ben
I have just gotten the sr1 device for 2 nights now and its not been working. However i believe that logically it should work as long as nothing is preventing it from doing so. Right now i don’t even feel any relaxation effects from wearing it.. I am concerned that perhaps it could be disrupted by my emf protecting products I have at home? I have this negater shell thing from Life Energy Solutions NZ not sure whether you have heard of it (maybe you could check it out) do you think this could be the case? Since you have emf zone protecting objects at home as well i thought it might be appropriate to ask you.
Make sure u have new battery on it and that placement is 100% accurate. Also, it can take up to a week of regular use to entrain yourself to it. None of your emf blocking gizmos should cause any issues with it…
Hi Ben. How effective is the SR1 compared with binaural beats for sleep? Is it stronger? I’ve tried binaural beats (delta sleep system and serenity sleep system) without much success.
SR1 is much stronger and more effective than binaural beats for sleep.
If I buy one device for my husband and I to share, would that work? We often go to bed at different times. I mean, when one of us is asleep, can the other person pluck the SR1 off (provided it’s been 22 minutes), and use it?
Hey Josephine,
You can absolutely share the SR1 sleep device. However, I would stay away from using the adhesive, and simply lay the device on the brachial plexus or forehead for the first user. When they fall asleep, simply remove it, place an adhesive on it this time around, and use as directed.
My wife Nicole and I shared our first sleep device 2 1/2 years ago, and that is how we did it. The only issue was, when the person that didn’t have the device woke up and required help getting back to sleep… well, you could imagine the quandary.
Good luck with it!
What is the ICEs device?
If I could only buy SR1 or the ICES device which should I buy?
Nb I have Lyme, Fibromyalgia and mold issues!
I haven't tried the ICES device yet, but stay tuned!
I live in the UK and bought the Earthpulse a year ago. It was super powerful during the test run (30-45mn) but too too powerful for me, hyping me up. This is because I am electro sensitive, allergic to adrenalin in homeopathic amounts(!) and have a metal hip implant. The only programme I can use is the short term Recover mode. I cannot over emphasise the effectiveness of the device and hope that someone in the UK needs one. I would let it go for three hundred sterling. It is barely used. I long to use it but after lots of experimentation it does hyper stimulate me. I am a fit 60y/o: yoga etc…
I have the oura ring for 1 month now and my deep sleep is too low. Gonna purchase the SR1 right now and see if I can improve my delta sleep. Ben, what is the best way to learn how to measure HRV with your ap? Is using a jel vs water on the chest strap better. I have a 60 beat chest strap already and want to start measuring HRV ASAP. What chest strap do you use?
Lastly, are there links to all the various adhesives that work with the SR1 if you want a cheaper adhesive than the ones it comes with?
Thank you Ben!
You should be able to start here with learning how to use Naturebeat to track HRV: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2014/12/1-health…
I use the Polar H7, but 60 Beat will work as will everything here: https://greenfieldfitnesssystems.com/heart-rate-m…
There isn't any extra links than the adhesives that come with it from Nikstix that comes with them, but stay tuned as we'll try and figure something else out.
Perfect! Thank you Ben :)
Just placed an order. I have a lot of trouble with insomnia related to hypoglycemia and high histamines (or so I believe). After lots and lots of sleep supplements, I decided to drop a major coin on this one and give it a go. My functional medicine doc suggest that I run monthlong DUTCH because it seems to relate somewhat with the hormones, but I will get PEMF now and run DUTCH later… I can’t say I enjoy collecting samples throughout the month, but since I’m your student it’s part of the deal. I’m hoping that the COD and taxes aren’t gonna break the bank even further. I will report back.
Hi Ben,
I know you recommend the biomat over the Magnetico but I already have the Magnetico. I’m wondering if this type of mattress would cause problems when using it with the Delta sleeper? Should I be concerned about mixing it with PEMF’s?
Short answer is yes, probably. I would use them separately.
The app you are using for HRV looks very similar to sweetbeat. Is it the same? You also say that you use it for 5 mins in the morning. Sweetbeats test, hrv for training is 3 minutes. Is this the same test that you are using??
Similar but it is my own private designed app with some added features…check out https://greenfieldfitnesssystems.com/naturebea… I use 5 min "HRV for Stress" setting.
I’m looking at the $499 model. I’m single and don’t need 2 magnets: https://earthpulse.net/earthpulse-pemf-devices-fo…
Worth it.
Ben, part of your answer to question 24 is that the SR1 is less expensive. On their site, it’s $499, the same as the EP. Am I missing something?
Yep – EarthPulse is $899…
Hi Ben,
Is it possible the Oura ring may not measure deep sleep correctly? For example: 51BPM (9.30pm), 8 hrs 22min total, sleep from 9.20pm-6.15am, 1min deep sleep, REM 3hrs 4min (34%), Light 5hrs 32min (61%), Awake 15min (4%). This sort of reading has happened twice before but generally I have deep sleep cycles of between 2-7% (occasionally 9-10%) which is quite low and does not seem to be effected by a multitude of biohacks. What sort of factors could the ring miss interpret as REM sleep and not deep? I tend to have large amount of REM sleep 30-54%.
I have good sleep latency and onset.
I have trialled small amounts (0.3-0.6mg) of melatonin, binauaral beats, 100mg PS, 200mg Theanine and 500mg phGABA (from PrimaForce) with no effect or if anything may be a slight change decrease in deep sleep.
I have also trialled this device:
MagnaField from MagnacareUK | PEMF Therapy
It has an induction of 0.4mV @ 0.2uT, so quite low strength field but magnetic field range of 2-3metres in all directions due to its generating pad.
It was invented by Bob Grace (Australian) an more recently sold/ incorporated into the UK company due to issues we were having here in Australia with the TGA.
You can set it from anywhere from 0.5 – 18 Hz frequency with a 20 min single cycle or 20min on 20 min off repeating cycles.
I have trialled 0.5 Hz for a 4x on-off cycle at the start of sleep with no change in deep sleep. I see you have suggested EarthPulse uses 10Hz (not sure if this changes through the cycle), is this a better frequency?
It’s unclear to me if the SR1 uses 4Hz or < 1Hz pulses at 0.05 or 5 gauss. Your 'A Tiny 1/2 Ounce Piece……' suggests 0.05 gauss but the 'Dr Pawluk article link within: How Sleep cycles Work' article suggests 0.5mT/ 5 Gauss @ 4 Hz generator but then also TMS pulse @ < 1 Hz, so not sure if trialling 0.5 -1Hz or may be 3-4Hz would be beneficial.
Thank you for any suggestions you can give.
I’m really interested in an answer to this as well. My deep sleep is perpetually in the 5 – 12% range yet my REM sleep and light sleep always seem high. Is it just inaccurate? Should I be stressing about my deep sleep or should I just assume the Oura ring is wrong?
That's a little low for deep sleep. I would try a hack like the Delta sleeper (bengreenfieldfitness.com/deltasleeper). That and binaural beats set in deep sleep mode with sleep stream app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sleepstream-2-sle…
Hi Ben,
Have you tried using the Oura to monitor deep sleep when using the SR1, and if so did it show a significant increase in deep sleep?
I got the Oura after you podcast on it, and it shows that I’m getting next to no deep sleep though I feel fine (I’m in my 40s and very active).
I have no problems going to sleep or staying asleep. I typically sleep 5-6.5 hours then take at least one nap during day, unfortunately the Oura can’t analyze naps ;/
Anyway just figuring out if this thing would help me with deep sleep, thanks
Yes, it doubled my deep sleep. Start with reading this: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2016/04/how-slee…
Hi Ben,
thanks for this in-depth article on the SR-1.
Do you think it’s possible to get “addicted” to the device, as in “you can’t sleep without it after using it for several nights”?
Would be great to hear your thoughts on that as it somehow the only “fear” about using such a device.
Nope. Hasn't happened to me. I accidentally left it home during my last 2 weeks of travel with no issues aside from less deep sleep.
Hi Ben,
I know you have mentioned many times you use binurial beats from the sleepstream app with sleepphones, are you using this in conjunction with the deltasleeper?
or now you have the deltasleeper you are no longer using binural beats via sleepstream?
I use both and swear by it!
For the past few months, I had listened to Delta binaural beats through headphones to help fall asleep, and it was working pretty good. So I purchased an Earthpulse last week, but I appear to be very sensitive to it. It keeps me wide awake, and my heart races. I have tried lowering the amplitude and moving it farther away from me. Do you think this Delta Sleeper would work better? Thanks, love your website and all the great info. (As a side note, Earthpulse is working very well for my husband).
The deltasleeper might work better yes! If you read through the article you'll learn why ;)
Do you have a financial interest in this product?
Only a percentage of sales generated, which I think is a win-win!
for a few dollars you can make your own device. it works!
Message for Michael Lares / DeltaSleeper:
My best friend & I are both desperate to try the SR1 but we live in England! Have you received customs approval to import to the UK yet? My uncle lives in the USA & is happy to send the SR1 to me but I’m concerned that UK customs could seize it?!
Is the Delta Sleeper comparable to Philip Stein Sleep Bracelet (http://philipstein.com/products/sleep-bracelet)?
Paul, the answer is no, they aren't comparable.
hmm one more thing, if you got the earth pulse but where concerned it was to strong could you just leave it a further distance away from your body to get similar effects to the delta sleeper?
doesn't work like that. It's not going to stimulate the brachial plexus in the same way as the Delta sleeper
Hi Ben,
If you knew that you where going to bed in 20 minutes, could you push the delta sleeper button, then push it again when your actually in bed? ie to try and get in the mood for sleep faster?
yes, you absolutely could do that. I've experimented with that and it works.
Hi Ben!
I have the EarthPulse v5Pro. I have been using it for about a month now and really like the great sleep I am getting! What do you think about using the Basic unit of this product on the kids’ beds? Currently, they are sleeping on Earthing Sheets. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Thanks for all that you do to help us help ourselves!!
PEMF appears to be totally safe for kids. Just make sure they don't put it on their heads as there may be issues with extreme proximity to heads!
Hi Ben: I tried it last night for the 1st time, and had 0 results, but I do take valium every night and did not take it last night. I will of course try again and keep you posted.
Hey Jeff,
Prescription meds get your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems way out of balance. We suggest you consult with the physician that prescribed you the medication. Typically it’s recommended to step off sleep meds over a period of a few weeks. For example, if you are taking a long-acting 12.5mg benzodiazepine, then get 10 mg, and try that for 2 weeks. After that step down to the 5 mg for two weeks, then off altogether, all while using the SR1 device every night. I know it’s not an immediate fix, but it’s truly the best way to safely and effectively get off the prescription meds and get the best results from the SR1 sleep device. I wish you the best with it.
Hi Ben,
Also wondering about the “entrain” effect. Is this “entrainment” just while the device is actively in use? Or is there some residual effect that makes falling asleep easier over time *without* the device as well?
Hey Sharvo,
I have accidentally dropped my device a number of times and it had no adverse effects on it. It has even made a trip through the washing machine, in which I opened it up, put it in a bag of rice for a few hours, then blow dried it, and it worked fine afterwards. Thus, this is one tuff little device. But I do recommend handling it like it is a fragile device.
The SR1 device has proven effective with resetting the circadian rhythm in which users find it easier to regain a typical sleep schedule. Thus, the severity of the original sleep issue diminishes over time. Some users find that they don’t require nightly use, and some use the device as part of a sleep maintenance plan. However, we recommend nightly use, as the benefits and deep sleep achieved by the use of the device can’t be matched without it.
Device sounds great and I’m wondering:
(1) How durable is it? Small smooth things get dropped, sticky discs may loose their stick, may be using it when drowsy, etc. I don’t want to pay USD$550 for something that shatters when it hits the floor.
(2) What is the longevity of the gadget? I’d be expecting a *minimum* of 10 years at that price. Is there a warranty? for how long?
1) We specify drop durability to 1 meter (about 40 inches). Higher than that and you start to increase the chance of cracking the ceramic part. In such a case the inner molding does keep it in one piece still. We haven't seen a ring crack when dropping on any other floor material than tile – obviously, within limits of typical daily life.
2) In continuous 24/7 usage the battery is expected to have 80% of its capacity left after three years. We estimate that after five years you can easily still use it if you charge it daily. Limited warranty is two years (details at ouraring.com/terms-of-use/).
Are the 2 paragraphs above referring to the SR1? I don’t see any ceramic ring and it’s battery is replaced, not recharged … URL looks like you’ve mixed something up.
My bad, sorry, no they're referring to something else. I have forwarded your question onto Michael. Stay tuned!
From Michael: The SR1 sleep device is very durable and in a shatterproof medical grade case. Although we wouldn’t suggest mishandling it. The adhesive discs are very efficient in keeping the device in place. I myself have accidentally dropped mine on the floor countless times and it has never failed me. The operating life on the device is unlimited under normal use. I have even passed mine through the laundry by accident, dried it in a bag of rice for a few hours, then blow dried it on cool and the device still functioned properly. Thus, the sleep device is very robust. There is a 1 year warranty on parts, as well as a 30 day money back guarantee from the date of receipt of the device.
I think $500 is worth what the device claims to do.
I noticed the price for the disposable adhesive discs is $5.95 for a 30 pack. How many usages does one disc last? If it has to be disposed after every single usage, there is an additional cost of $5.95 for the adhesive discs per month (assuming you use it only once per night).
Hey Denys,
Typically it’s one adhesive disc per use. For customers with sensitive skin, or for those who do not require an entire disc to keep the device in place, the disc can be cut in half, leaving part of the pull tab on each side. That should be plenty of adhesive to keep the SR1 sleep device in position, while extending the life of the pack.
Do you see any difference in efficacy between the two in getting you to sleep. If your issue is waking up at say around 3 or 4 am, would you recommend the SR1 or the earth pulse? Seems like the SR1 is easy to use in the sense that you just push one button and fall asleep and then if you wake up, then you press the button again. However, earth pulse does have some fantastical performance enhancement claims that are tempting. Did you experience performance enhancement with the EP? Thanks.
Both are fantastic. EarthPulse more powerful, especially for inflammation. SR! better for day to day use…
Ben, can you use/would you see any benefits in using both the SR1 & earthpulse simultaneously at night?
Yep, you can do both. I do if jet lagged or very inflamed.
My apologies looks like you already answered this question.
Hi Ben,
If you were to purchase one PEMF device strictly for sleep, between SR1 and Earth Pulse, which would you choose?
Ben, If you could only buy one, would you get the Earth Pulse or the SR1?
I’m interested in the answer to this question also. Thanks.
If I did a lot of airline travel and also had a lot of inflammation from excessive exercise, I'd probably do the EarthPulse. However for day to day common use I think the SR1 is a little bit easier to use, less expensive, and more portable. Of course it's a tough question because I use both.
I wonder if there is any data for helping with sleep for Lyme patients? I’ve had Lyme for 30 years and NOTHING helps me sleep. I have the Earthpulse and it does not help- any EMF’s just aggravate the bugs. I wonder if this would help…
Not that I'm aware of. You might find this useful https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2015/01/how-d…
Only delivery to EEUU ?
What about Europe ?
Hey Mario,
We are currently in discussion with Customs and hope to have the go ahead to begin shipping there soon. Please keep an eye on the deltasleeper.com home page for updates on shipping to foreign markets.
What would be the best way to buy this thing if I live outside the U.S.? (Hong Kong in my case)
Hey Phil – Here is the response from DeltaSleeper: "The best way right now is to purchase it and have it shipped to someone they know with a US address, who then forwards it on. I have 1/2 a dozen like requests right now in the cue that I can't ship to because customs may seize it. I don't want that to happen to customers so this is the best recommendation I can make."
Have you ever used the magnetico?
(I’ve posted this several times, but for some reason it’s not posting)
I favor the BioMat due to its ability to produce infrared and negative ions without excessive magnetic production
What HRV app do you recommend now. Have you ever used heart math?
I recommend NatureBeat and yes I have used Heart Math
Reviews on NatureBeat, at least Android, not favorable: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bengreenfieldfitness.naturebeat
Hi Ben, i am putting this on my list to save for, thank you for the information. In the meantime I like the idea of using HRV to quantify sleep versus beddit or other tracking devices. Do you reccomend any HRV apps for android, or will yours be compatible with android soon?
It is currently being created for android, stay tuned!
Have you tried the magnetico sleep pad? Dr Kruse highly recommends it.
I’d be very curious with your quantifying experience your thoughts.
This product looks very unique as well.
We cover it here: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2014/02/reset… but in short, I'm a bigger fan of the biomat
Also, I have the ICES, solid for helping with injuries.
One thing I was curious about was the iMRS 2000, a mat you lay on 16 min a day (8 in morning & evening) supposed to be good for regeneration & wellness. Be curious to your thoughts on that as well.
PEMF is such an interesting topic, because it’s such an unknown , yet there are many studies and research on the problems associated with non native electromagnetic frequencies etc etc. It is often an underlying cause of many health issues that goes totally undiagnosed/under the radar, yet is so prevalent. Body electric by Robert O Becker, great read fyi
Ben, good article. I will most likely try the product.
Off topic, but somewhat related, have you ever experimented with the magnetico sleep pad? (Not the biomat, I know they are different)
Dr Kruse swears by and recommends the magnetico, was curious to if you have tried & if not why or are you planning too?
I bought the earthpulse & have enjoyed that for sleep, but this sounds a little bit better for regular use.
For the ICES, it is on my radar to experiment with but I haven't yet gotten to it. So stay tuned! And yes, that book by Robert Becker is fantastic. We talked about the Magnetico sleep pad here: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2014/02/reset…
Hi Ben, have you tried the ICES device that Alex Tarriss mentioned on your podcast for best detox therapies and health scams? Would love to know why you chose to test SR1 over the ICES!
Haven't experimented with ICES yet, but stay tuned!
Second it would be great to hear Ben”s takes on using ICES. Just from reading though ICES is not approved for human use but seems like people do. And it is not a device for sleep specifically. More as a direct healing aid. SR1 is also healing aid but indirectly because if you sleep better you heal/recover better.
I haven't yet tried the ICES. Stay tuned!
What happened with your recommendation for Magnetico Mattress? Is it still good?
You mean the Biomat? Still use that every day for my naps too! https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/biomat
No, you were taling about Magnetico Matress together with Jack Kruse.
Greetings! Do you know the efficacy of the device for obstructive sleep apnea?
Some of the customers are reportedly using the SR1 sleep device in conjunction with the mouthpiece, which they were already treating their sleep apnea with. The mouthpiece is a device that some users find success with in lieu of the CPAP machine. They do not claim to directly treat sleep apnea but data shows that the SR1 sleep device does aid in deeper longer periods of sleep while using the mouthpiece for said treatment of sleep apnea.
I thought that you recommend Magnetico mattress.
Biomat. https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/biomat
Has this device shown any usefulness in people with central sleep apnea?
I just started using an earthing pad when I sleep. Would I want to use this kind of device in addition to the earthing?
You could, but the Biomat is WAY better…(that's what I use): https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/biomat
I tried to purchase it but greenfield10 did not work as a discount code
it's “Greenfit10”
While I can’t afford the devices, your morning HRV routine makes a lot of sense to me. Any update yet on getting a version of your NatureBeat app for Android? (And any recommendations on apps Android users can try until there is a NatureBeat for Android?)
I honestly cant vouch for any androids apps because I don't use them. We are going as fast as possible with NatureBeat and hope to have it released soon!
As a rule, I fall asleep easily, then wake-up around 3 to 4 am, & eventually fall back asleep. Over the last two years, I’ve tried everything on your list & more, except PEMF, with no change of this pattern.
Maybe, a 22 minute cycle of this device could be used when I wake in the middle of the night to get back to sleep. My question is, if used when I first go to sleep, would it likely do anything to prevent me from waking during the night at all?
Yes, you'd get into deep sleep faster and be far less likely to wake…but you can use it to fall back asleep fast if you do wake!
Hey Ben,
Just curious if you have A/B tested using this, and not using this, and if it has had a great improvement when compared to not using it.
I don’t have a sleep problem (that I know of), but I do feel tired during the day. It’s kinda like when you think you are running near 100%, but you have been so used to it for years when in reality you are running at 70% and getting a better sleep would bring you much closer to 100%. I have been experimenting with some Indica tinctures, but this device looks promising.
I can tell you right now that it is a night and day difference when I use the Delta sleeper versus when I don't. I can't recommend this product highly enough.
Tough device for stomach sleepers.
As I mentioned in the article, I am a big-time stomach sleeper and have zero issues with it.
Hi Ben, Do you know if this is available in the UK?
Yes, I believe you can order it and they will ship to the UK
Sounds awesome. It’s just too bad this stuff is so freakin’ expensive.
When you consider you my pay five to $20 for really good, solid night of sleep, it adds up quickly in terms of value.
Yeah, thinking about the long-term value and with the 30-day money back guarantee, I decided to buy one. Can’t wait to test it out.