317: Is Your Blood Pressure Too Low?, WiFi & Kids, Natural Surgery Preparation & More!

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May 13, 2015 Podcast: Is Your Blood Pressure Too Low, What To Do Before And After Surgery To Recover Faster, Spreading Exercise Through The Day vs. Doing It All At Once, and Is Raw Sweet Potato Healthy?

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Tuesday, May 19, 6:30–7:30pm: Free Argonne Library Healthy Home Fermentation class in Spokane, WA. Fermentation is an ancient practice used to preserve fruits and vegetables and also make those foods healthier and more digestible. Fitness and nutrition experts Ben and Jessa Greenfield introduce you to the world of fermentation so you can start preserving at home.

June 3-6, 2015: Nourish Vermont: Traditional Foods and Health Gathering. Come learn the core principles of traditional diets, inspired by the teachings of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and explore how embracing this lifestyle can contribute to one’s health, wellness and longevity. Hear Ben and Jessa speak on ancestral food preparation methods, and enjoy nutrient-dense, locally and organically grown vegetables, pastured and grass–fed meat, raw dairy products, and fermented vegetables. Click here for all details and to register.

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Listener Q&A:

As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja.

Is Your Blood Pressure Too Low?

Carl says: His blood pressure is always well below 90/60 and has always been told how great that is. He just came across a comment from a nutritionist on how low blood pressure could be an indication of an electrolyte imbalance/deficiency. The nutritionist also said that this can lead to depression and insomnia. Carl is wondering what you think of this and if you have an suggestions on how he can raise his blood pressure – aside from adding salt to the diet or mineral drops to water.

In my response, I recommend:
Adrenal Stress Index test

What To Do Before And After Surgery To Recover Faster

Lucy says: Her 7-year-old daughter has to go in for an operation to remove her adenoids, tonsils and bent septum. The doctor says that is the only way she will be able to breath properly. What can she do prior to the surgery and after to prepare and repair her gut from the surgery and the antibiotics?

In my response, I recommend:
EnergyBits (use discount code “BEN” for 10% off your next order of Energy Bits)
Restore Curcumin
-American Nutraceuticals Vitamin C
This article by Jack Kruse

Spreading Exercise Through The Day vs. Doing It All At Once

Jon says: He is also a fan, like you, of doing things like 15 pull-ups every time he passes his pull-up bar or doing 40 press-ups occasionally throughout the day. This “Charles Atlas” type workout can result in some high amounts of reps through out a day but could you explain how this compares to doing a more targeted workout at one time in the day? Like 30-40 minutes of Superset training or German Biometric Training.

In my response, I recommend:
-Truth About Exercise video

Is Raw Sweet Potato Healthy?

Allie says: She is wondering what you think of eating raw sweet potato? She likes to have a few thin slices of raw organic raw sweet potato after dinner to cure the after dinner munchies. She thinks it is pretty tasty and it doesn't hurt her stomach at all. Is this an ok thing to do? Any benefits?

In my response, I recommend:
This article on raw potatoes.


Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!


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5 thoughts on “317: Is Your Blood Pressure Too Low?, WiFi & Kids, Natural Surgery Preparation & More!

  1. chbolster says:

    Hi Ben,

    what dose of licorice root extract do you recommend for dealing with adrenal fatigue? Would you recommend powder, pill, or liquid form?

  2. Hemming404 says:

    Hi Ben,

    My blood pressure is 100/60 so my systolic blood pressure is normal and my diastolic is borderline too low. Can you infer anything from that? I might add that I experience dizziness when standing, lethargy and fatigue at times, especially if I don't eat enough salt (I have a big salt craving).

  3. Hemming says:

    Hi Ben,

    My blood pressure is 100/60 so my systolic blood pressure is normal and my diastolic is borderline too low. Can you infer anything from that? I might add that I experience dizziness when standing, lethargy and fatigue at times, especially if I don’t eat enough salt (I have a big salt craving).

    1. Actually, 100 is a bit on the low side for systolic too (a normal systolic is about 120 or less). Remember:

      Systolic pressure is the first (top) number in a blood pressure reading, this is the amount of pressure your heart generates when pumping blood through your arteries to the rest of your body.

      Diastolic pressure is the second (bottom) number in a blood pressure reading, this refers to the amount of pressure in your arteries when your heart is at rest between beats.

      You need to have only one number in the low range for your blood pressure to be considered lower than normal. In other words, if your systolic pressure is a perfect 120, but your diastolic pressure is, say, 50, you're considered to have lower than normal pressure.

      In your case, with your symptoms, it's likely you have the type of issues I discussed in podcast. I'd act accordingly!

  4. Nate Q says:

    Technicolor Poo…didn’t they play the side stage at Coachella this year.

    Thanks to the Laurel and Hardy of Health and Fitness

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