How To Get All The Health Benefits Of Weed Without Actually Using Weed.

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Body, Health & Wellness, Podcast, Podcast-new, Supplements

Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.

A few months ago, I had a party at my house, and one of the guys in attendance – my friend James Sol Radina – handed me two capsules of something called “CBD”, also known as cannabidiol. This was actually right before we left to go play a giant game of laser tag in America's largest laser tag arena, in which he and I came in first and second place. 

But this podcast, in which I interview James, along with his Indian scientists sidekick Dr. Mewa about what CBD really is, isn't really about how to get drugs at parties that help you win at laser tag.

Instead, it's all about the science and the practical ways to use CBD, which is the completely legal extract of the cannabis plant that many, many people are now turning to for everything from enhanced focus, to decreased stress, to lower inflammation.

So what is CBD exactly?

CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, a prominent naturally-occurring cannabinoid component found in cannabis that comprises up to 40% of the plant. After THC (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol) – which is the psychoactive component of cannabis most often associated with marijuana – CBD is by far the most studied natural cannabinoid, especially when it comes to medical benefits and addressing issues such as insomnia and anxiety. According to many researchers, CBD may be the single most important cannabinoid ever discovered.

Despite popular perceptions of marijuana, cannabidiol is a cannabinoid devoid of any type of strange psychoactive effect (although it can help with cognitive performance, memory, focus, etc.). In other words, unlike THC, CBD won’t get you “high”, CBD can actually help to counteract some of the psychoactive effects of THC (taking any paranoia edge off of marijuana) and it’s 100% legal everywhere in the world, which means you can order it online, you can carry it on airplanes, and you can use it anywhere you’d like.

In today's episode, James, Dr. Mewa and I discuss:

-The difference between THC and CBD…

-Why you would want to use CBD by itself, without any THC…

-How you can use CBD to “take the edge” off THC…

-Whether CBD is addictive, unsafe or illegal…

-The role that CBD plays in both acute and chronic inflammation…

-How you can use CBD to decrease anxiety and stress and to improve sleep…

-Why most CBD oil and CBD capsules are not actually absorbed…

-How Dr. Mewa uses “hybrid nanotechnology” to make molecules more absorbable…


Resources from this episode:

The Effects Of Weed On Exercise article

The Science Of Weed documentary





About the guests:

James Sol Radina, CEO & Chief Visionary Officer

As Chief Visionary Officer, James is the driving force behind Bio Hemp CBD's socially responsible model of donating CBD products to those who cannot afford them, and he is the inspirational force behind the company’s beliefs and marketing strategy. After partnering with Dr. Mewa Singh, co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Bio Hemp CBD, James has built the best team in the industry. James is passionate about improving the human experience and has been a long time contributor to a number of charitable organizations. James co-founded S.P.I.N. (Spreading Philanthropy Into Networking), and then went on to co-found another endeavor, SEVEN, which focused on bringing together leaders in the Greater San Diego Area focused on personal development and philanthropy. James acted as Marketing Director and an Advisor on the Strategic Partnerships Committee for the Jeans 4 Justice Charity, a nonprofit that provides education to raise awareness for the prevention of sexual assault.

Dr. Mewa Singh, Co-Founder & Chief Scientific Officer

As Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Singh is responsible for leading all research, product development, and product testing. Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Singh is the inventor of Hybrid-Nanoengineering™, the technology and process behind nano-ized CBD* and Ayurvedic herbs. The discovery of Hybrid-Nanoengineering™ is possibly the single biggest advancement in nutraceuticals. An expert in the biotechnology and product development, Dr. Singh has spent almost 30 years successfully developing and launching products for diagnostics, vaccines, nutraceuticals and nanomedicines. He has previously served as Director of Research & Development, Chief Scientific Officer, Chief of Operations and Chief Executive Officer for companies such as Chembio Diagnostics, Medical Services International, J N International and Meda Biotech, LLC. Dr. Singh holds a Master’s of Science in Biochemistry, a Master’s of Philosophy in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, and a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology. Dr. Singh has worked to develop over 145 different nanomedicines for use as pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and agrochemicals.

Do you have questions, comments or feedback about CBD or cannabidiol? Leave your thoughts below and either James, Dr. Mewa or myself will reply. You can click here to get NatureCBD.


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85 thoughts on “How To Get All The Health Benefits Of Weed Without Actually Using Weed.

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  12. Oklahoma CBD says:

    Sharing this with dad.

  13. Tennessee CBD says:

    Appreciate you for sharing.

  14. New Jersey CBD says:

    I am following.

  15. EJ says:

    I’m reading that CBD oil can harm the liver. I’ve been taking about 40 mg each night for sleep. Is there any validity to these studies?

  16. Jason Sessler says:

    Love the article! What about CBD for Women who are breast feeding? My wife wants to use CBD but is worried about the effects it may have on the baby. What do you recommend? OR, do you have any recommendations for experts on this topic? Thanks! Love what you do and looking forward to your response

    1. For CBD questions use… There's a ton of great info there – It is relatively safe in low doses but not if combined with herbs

  17. Bill Montgomery says:

    When I take CBD oil before bed and measure my HRV in the morning my parasympathetic number is through the roof. Makes sense. It relaxes me.

  18. michelle says:

    How much and which product would you take for severe constipation oan bloating?

    1. You definitely want to check out this podcast for that:…

  19. Jazmin Mooney says:

    Hi Ben: I’ve ordered NatureCBD and I am looking forward to using it for sleep and general good health. I have chronic shoulder pain related to calcific tendonitis and a bit of arthritis too, (I am a very healthy 62 yr. old.) I am concerned about the Ashwagandha contained in the NatureCBD as someone on your site here said they believe it affected them negatively, i.e. 4 am insomnia and heart palpitations. Are there negative side effects to the inclusion of Ashwagandha in NatureCBD? Can Ashwagandha cause these side effects or was that person possibly reacting to another element? I want to take NatureCBD with confidence but that comment made me nervous. Thanks so much!!

    1. Because it is an herb it will affect everyone differently but it is actually an herb that tends to be extremely beneficial and well tolerated by just about everyone. Some people who have adrenal issues or a hormonal imbalance go through some balancing issues when first beginning to use it. In many cases, this goes away after a few days of regular use. One thing you could do is you could just take Ashwaganda all by itself from a different herbs source and see whether it causes the same issues and then you would have your answer… Keep me posted…

      1. Judy says:

        How do i get cannabis oil?


    2. Because it is an herb it will affect everyone differently but it is actually an herb that tends to be extremely beneficial and well tolerated by just about everyone. Some people who have adrenal issues or a hormonal imbalance go through some balancing issues when first beginning to use it. In many cases, this goes away after a few days of regular use. One thing you could do is you could just take Ashwaganda all by itself from a different herbs source and see whether it causes the same issues and then you would have your answer… Keep me posted…

  20. shane holt says:

    I would like to find a cbd oil product to use in a vape pen. any ideas?back pain issues

  21. Barry says:

    Hi Ben, I just ordered your product and am looking forward to trying it. I was wondering if your lab in San Diego which tests and breaks down the cannabinoid quantities and percentages, also tests for pesticides, potential toxic elements, etc.

  22. Brian says:

    Hi guys,

    a friend of mine recommended i use hempdox CBD edible oil as a supplement diet, and for better sleeping

    what do you think? this is their website:



    1. CBD oil varies dramatically in quality and absorption and that's why I created my own – to ensure it was the highest quality. So I can't speak for another company without knowing their sourcing and manufacturing and behind the scenes unfortunately!

  23. Ryan says:

    Awesome Thanks Ben

  24. Ryan says:

    Hey Ben

    I have had a few siezures and i was managing it with ketosis and just smoking weed, but i fell of the ketosis band wagon for a bit and had another seizure which ended with me in the hospital pumped full of Dilantin. Now i want off of this evil stuff and i need to convince my doctors that CBD is not evil and not an just another way for me to get high. I also need to be THC clean as i plan on going to South Korea to teach english for a year or so using the stuff around here in BC is not a workable option as they take their extracts from marijuana plants not hemp. So i was wondering if you or James, Dr. Mewa, have articles or looked into the effects of CBD and seizures. Most of the stuff i find on the all might google is very small trials and abstracts. Anyway Thanks for your time and love the blog and podcast

    1. Hey Ryan the best place to find research on CBD and medical conditions is here:

  25. Gerard says:


    I know you’ve addressed drug tests but am curious to know if Cbd would show on a saliva test? This stuff is pretty pricey but I’m willing to try

    1. No. The THC molecule is not in this.

  26. Michael says:


    I have always wondered what exactly ARE the cons smoking Marijuana. Living in a state where Marijuana is still pseudo legal- pseudo illegal, THC choices are essentially limited to traditional smoking. I was a cigarette smoker for a few years and was able to put it down through the process of becoming an athlete. But now, I always wonder if SMOKING Marijuana is risking my cardio/lung capacity and oxygen efficiency for the benefit of body awareness and relaxation. Does Marijuana smoke have negative effects on the lungs? I would always prefer ingesting THC via edibles or pills, but until legality, is it best to put down the pipe or keep on chuggin along?

    1. Smoking no good. Go for edibles or vaping or tinctures. If you're an athlete and care about your lungs, anytime you burn and inhale ANYTHING the cons outweight the pros…

  27. karlremmen says:

    Wonderful info your putting out Ben. Wonderful family also, reminds me of mine which lasted well for many years. And one of my relatives wound up diagnosed with schizophrenia eventually. Oddly enough this followed heavy, high THC pakalolo use here on Hawaii isle. Frankenplant pakalolo- selectively bred for many generations for high THC and consequently low CBD. Lots of evidence CBD is palliative or even curative of psychotic illnesses, but no standardization of application or targeted CBD products in use yet. Primitive times! Current products could potentially be effective, but which, how much? Anything anyone can tell me here without feeling you're sticking your neck out, or in an email to me will be very appreciated!

    1. Gitta says:

      Hello, I know this is an old thread, but I was wondering if you were able to further your knowledge and/or use of CBD for your relative with schizophrenia? I am about to try it with my son. I tried the oil with him before, but only when he was willing to take a little, so it wasn’t consistent. But, from personal use, I know the water-soluble BioCBD is much more effective than the oil-based CBD (which I can barely notice any effects from personally). Limited money has kept me from buying either for quite some time, but I am about to try the BioCBD with my son, and if you are interested, I will be more than happy to share with you what comes of it. He will not take pharma meds, even though Respirdol seems to work well with him (at least from an audience’s perspective – I know the people themselves think the meds make their minds fuzzy and ill – contrary to what the rest of us might think from interacting with them on and off meds).

  28. canamopanama says:

    There is an incorrect statement about charlotte's web being "marijuana based" in the podcast, it is a hemp product.

  29. complete22 says:

    I should ask in all your years of working with athletes what you have seen work for tendinitis, muscles sprains and stains?

  30. complete22 says:

    Are your followers using this more for the mental peace and clarity? And not so much on the inflammation issues?

    1. Both. Curcumin is a very potent antinflammatory and so, of course, is CBD. So the cool thing is both. I wanted a custom formulation that would work for both recovery and sleep in athletes, but at lower doses could be used for pure focus, like a smart drug.

  31. complete22 says:

    Since the cbd is an anti-inflammatory, have you heard success stories of people with wrist/forearm tendinitis completely knocking it out and returning to pain free use of their hands, wrists, etc.? If so, what was the dosage and for what length of time. (I am a 50 year old female, taking 800 mg 2 times a day and doing a lot of massage and limiting use…it has not helped. Also using a lot of transdermal magnesium and oral B6, B12, Vitamin D, which are all supposed to help relax muscles.) Thanks so much for your time.

    1. CBD is indeed anti inflammatory but I can't say that I have talked to folks specifically using it for what you've talked about here. However, it is definitely worth a try, and if it were me, I would spread it out by taking 1 capsule at multiple points throughout the day, with no more than 5 over the course of 24 hours. Hope that helps! Also make sure you workplace ergonomics, keyboard, etc. are set up properly!

      1. complete22 says:

        Thank you so much for your reply. I also realized that in my first post I said I was taking 800 mg twice of day…and forgot to post that is Ibuprofen. Anyway, I see what you posted for consideration of taking up to five capsules a day of CBD spread out over the day. And as for the ergonomics, I am trying a new mouse. The trouble did not start with repetitive use of keyboard or anything like that. Back in February I thought I would do some bicep work by lifting a very light 2 lb weight to the point of exhaustion on one side and then the other arm…all while I did my regular treadmill walking. So with my arm at my side I would twist the the wrist and forearm and bring the weight up towards the bicep. TERRIBLE IDEA.

          1. complete22 says:

            I couldn't agree more! I would never think of taking the Ibuprofen for athletic soreness purposes. Never crossed my mind. Taking the Ibuprofen started a few years ago for back pain at L5S1. Along with that I have to take 50 to 100 mg of Tramadol a day, but without the Ibuprofen, I would have to take more Tramadol. :( Not a good scenario, I know. Only when these tendons got damaged did I up the 800 mg Ibuprofen from once to twice a day…but maybe I will just back off to the one. I don't want a leaky gut!

  32. FrasierLinde says:

    Have you tried taking any of the oils sublingually? I suspect that would improve absorption with or without hybrid nanotechnology.

  33. Jimmyjames23 says:

    Can your stuff be shipped to canada? Or can i Ship it to a mailbox and bring it back across?

    Thanks ben! I find it extremely hard to lay down for a nap and shut my brain off after being up all night. I've tried passion fruit oil (are you only supposed to smell it?) and meditation and just about everything you have suggested. Thanks!!!

  34. dennis says:

    I’m disappointed you’re going the easy way of pot popularity. Easy to justify. It shows more than you might realize. Keep a close eye on your true results. You were better without it, just my opinion, encouragement and warning.

    1. This is SO not pot, Dennis. I'd re-read the article my friend. ;)

    2. Kate says:

      CBD is from hemp, not marijuana! You need to do some research!!!

      1. We go over all the finer details in this article Kate!…

  35. HormoneHell says:

    Would like to better understand if this product is safe (previously tested) on children. I have a 12 year old son who suffers from anxiety and we have already been down the psychiatric med path (i.e. Prozac) without success.

    What is the size of the capsule…I need something easy for a child to swallow. Alternatively, I would need to understand if the capsule is just as effective if removed from the encapsulating shell.

    1. I can indeed tell you that many, many parents are successfully using CBD with children. These NatureCBD capsules can be opened and added to smoothies, applesauce, yogurts, etc. if necessary. See the information on anxiety here:

  36. colezy99 says:

    I tried CBD10 coupon code but it won't work, did I miss out on the discount?

    1. The discount is automatically calculated for pre-orders. You'll see the price is $119 down to $99. You don't need the coupon code at this point to get the 10% off!

  37. ALISHA.keytones says:

    Hey Ben, random question I remember you had a stomach bug on one of your episodes with brock. What did you eat while you were ill?

    1. Oddly enough, I was limited to what I had in the house as my wife wasn't around and I was too ill to go to the grocery store. So I ate: rice cakes, honey, Skratch labs rehydration formula, bone broth, and ginger tea. Those were the staples!

  38. heather says:

    Any other brand of CBD you’d recommend? This one is so expensive…

    1. You really, really get what you pay for with CBD. I do not recommend messing up your body with inferior, skunky stuff. You also won't feel a thing with the cheaper brands.

  39. renee2009 says:

    Hi Ben,

    I was wondering if THC would show up in a drug test if you took CBD medicinally? I am still being drug tested for work which will catch THC up to a month after use. I think CBD oil has THC present, doesn't it? Any insights?

    1. Stay tuned for Monday's post. I get into legality, etc. in that post, but the short answer is NO, it's a completely different molecule and you have no worries on a blood test.

  40. notjustpaleo says:

    I hope to listen tomorrow! Is this Mr. Magic? :)

    1. Could possibly be…that's why I was asking you. ;)

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